CM6D28 Manual Book
CM6D28 Manual Book
CM6D28 Manual Book
第 1 页/共 17
CM6D28 国 IV 系列发动机装配技术条 编号:6D28JT-100-2013
1 range...............................................................................................................3
2 General technical requirements.........................................................................3
3 Technical requirements for assembly of major parts, components and components
4 Use of sealant....................................................................................................11
5 Bolt and nut tightening requirements..............................................................12
6 Main fit clearance..........................................................................14
7 Oil sump oil volume......................................................................17
8 Sealing test..................................................................................17
第 2 页/共 17
CM6D28 国 IV 系列发动机装配技术条 编号:6D28JT-100-2013
CM6D28 Engine assembly technical conditions
1 range
1.1 This standard for CM6D28 d i e s e l a s s e m b l y
2 general technical requirements
2.1 Parts used for diesel engine assembly shall comply with the produ
ct drawings and relevant technical documents and shall pass the i
2.2 Before assembly, the parts of the diesel engine should be clean
ed and painted as required.
2.3General rules for bolt tightening: Align the two sides symmetric
ally and crosswise from the center. The tightening torque of the ma
in threaded connection is carried out in accordance with 5.3, tight
ening sequence and tightening according to the torque diagram. If t
he tightening torque is not specified, it shall be performed accord
ing to the tightening torque table of 5.4 ordinary bolts and nuts.
2.4In addition to special requirements, the seals and anti-loose
parts of the diesel engine shall be glued according to the regul
ations. For parts that use sealing and anti-slipping materials,
anti-rust oil should be removed before assembly to meet the requ
irements of gluing. After coating, the extruded rubber must be r
2.5When pressing the bowl plugs, it should be coated with Loctite 680 o
r similar compound. The end of the bowl plug should not be higher than
the mounting plane. The screw plug should be coated with Loctite 567 or
similar compound and tightened to the specified torque. After the assem
bly is completed, the sealing test shall be carried out in accordance w
CM6D28 国 IV 系列发动机装配技术条 编号:6D28JT-100-2013
ith the drawings.
2.6All surfaces of the moving friction pair parts should be coated wi
th a certain amount of lubricating oil (in which the surface of the b
earing parts should have more lubricating oil), the lubricating oil m
odel should be consistent with the lubricating oil type of the engine.
2.7When the engine is assembled, when the piston of the first cylinde
r is at top dead center, the 0 scale line on the flywheel should be a
ligned with the top dead center pointer “▽” on the flywheel housin
After the completion of the assembly of the diesel engine, the valve c
learance should be adjusted while ensuring the phase of the diesel eng
ine.the correctness of the match.
2.8When installing the silicone oil damper, crankshaft gear and fly
wheel, the silicone oil damper and the crankshaft front surface, th
e crankshaft gear and the rear end of the crankshaft, and the flywh
eel and crankshaft gears are not allowed to be organic.
3.1.2 The oil passages and waterways on the cylinder block shoul
d be clean and unblocked, and there must be no metal shavings, o
il stains or other sundries, and meet the relevant cleanliness r
3.1.3 The surface of the outer surface of the cylinder liner that
is in contact with water shall not be coated with anti-rust paint.
CM6D28 国 IV 系列发动机装配技术条 编号:6D28JT-100-2013
The amount of protrusion on the upper surface of each cylinder s
leeve facing the upper surface of the cylinder block is 0.03-0.08
mm, and the difference between the protrusion amounts of the adja
cent two cylinder sleeves is not more than 0.03 mm.
3.1.4 When assembling the main bearing cap, pay attention to the
pairing mark, and do not reverse the front and rear. When installing
the main bearing bolt, the bearing surface and the thread should be
lubricated. Tighten the main bearing caps in the order shown below.
Cycling the main bearing bolts from the center gear to both ends,
allowing all bolts to be tightened at the same time, allowing repeated
use three times.
3.1.5 When the front end cover, the gear chamber and the cylinder b
lock are assembled, the difference between the lower plane of the f
CM6D28 国 IV 系列发动机装配技术条 编号:6D28JT-100-2013
ront end cover and the lower plane of the cylinder block shall not
exceed 0.18 mm; the lower plane of the gear chamber shall be lower
than the lower plane of the cylinder block, and the drop shall not
be greater than 0.24 mm.
3.1.6 When the gear chamber is assembled with the cylinder block, t
he upper plane of the gear chamber is lower than the upper plane of
the cylinder block, and the drop difference shall not be greater th
an 0.34 mm.
3.1.7 After assembling the piston rod assembly, the piston cooling
nozzle assembly is assembled. After the piston cooling nozzle asse
mbly is installed in the cylinder block, the nozzle direction must
be aligned with the corresponding oil hole of the piston.
3.1.8 The sealing ring is placed around the oil pan, and it is
required to be flat and tight, and the oil pan bolts are tightened
evenly from the middle to the ends.
3.2.2The quality of the piston rod assembly shall not exceed 45g on
the same diesel engine.
3.2.5 After the connecting rod bolts are installed, the clearance betwe
en the two sides of the connecting rod and the crankshaft opening is pe
rformed according to the 6.3 connecting rod axial clearance table.
3.2.6 In order to prevent the cooling nozzle from being damaged duri
ng engine assembly and disassembly. When assembling the engine, firs
t assemble the piston rod assembly and then install the piston cooli
ng nozzle. When disassembling the engine, first remove the cooling n
ozzle and then remove the piston rod assembly.
3.3 Crankshaft assembly
3.3.1 The axial clearance of the crankshaft is performed in accordance w
ith the 6.2 Crankshaft Axial Clearance Table.
3.4.1 The oil passages, waterways and air passages on the cylinder
head shall be clean and unobstructed, and shall not contain metal
chips, oil or other debris, and meet the relevant cleanliness requ
3.4.2 Before installing the injector spacer, apply Loctite 648 or s
imilar compound to the flange surface of the thread and mating surf
3.4.3 The cylinder head assembly is fastened to the cylinder block,
and the cylinder head bolts should be evenly tightened twice in t
he order shown in the figure below. When the cylinder head bolts a
re installed, the bearing surface and the threads should be lubric
ated. When tightening, tighten them evenly from the middle to the
sides. The main bearing bolts are allowed to be reused three times.
3.4.9 The cylinder cover seal is removed and installed no more than 3 t
3.6.1 The fuel injection pump is not allowed to hold the plastic conn
ector part during transportation and installation.
3.6.2 The fuel injection pump is pre-assembled first, and the connect
第 11 页/共 17
ing flange, O-ring and transmission gear are installed, and at O
3.6.5 After the diesel engine is assembled, before the factory test s
tarts, remove the screw plug of the oil pump oil supply port, add 200
ml of the cleaning oil that meets the requirements, and then tighten
the screw plug. The tightening torque refers to the tightening torque
table of the main threaded connecting piece.
3.7.1 When assembling the camshaft idler gear, the center of the up
per hole of the camshaft timing gear is aligned with the center of
the sight hole on the cylinder head, and the special bolt is used t
第 12 页/共 17
o lock to determine the position of the 1 cylinder at the top dead
3.7.2 The meshing clearance between the camshaft idler gear and the adjustme
nt gear is performed in accordance with the 6.8 Gear Engagement Gap Table.
3.7.3 When assembling the gears, ensure that the meshing marks “●”
“●” and “●” (large marking points) are aligned with each other, as
shown in the gear arrangement diagram below.
3.7.4 The gear train has a two-layer structure and is arranged as
shown below.
第一层轮系 第二层轮系
第 14 页/共 17
3.7.12 The tightening torque of the front wheel train related parts i
s performed according to the tightening torque table of 5.3 main threa
ded joints. The front wheel train has a two-layer structure, and the b
elt winding direction is as shown below.
第一层轮系 第二层轮系
第 15 页/共 17
3.8 Replace the air conditioner compressor and remove the air conditi
oning compressor back pipe
4.Use of sealant
4.1 All parts that need to be kept firm after assembly and are not di
sassembled under normal use and maintenance conditions
4.2.2 The flywheel shell and the gear chamber sealing surface are coa
ted with Loctite 5910 or similar rubber, requiring no breakpoints, no
Too much to block the oil passage, the sealant coating method is show
n below:
4.2.3 The front end cover of the cylinder block and the sealing su
rface of the cylinder block are coated with Loctite 5910 or similar
rubber, and no break point is required. The sealant coating method i
s shown in the following figure:
4.2.4 All sealed bowls are coated with Loctite 926 sealant. Sealed oil
bowl plugs are not allowed to apply sealant.
5.2 Cylinder head bolts, connecting rod bolts, main bearing bolts, flywhe
el bolts and damper bolts shall be marked for the number of bolts used af
ter each use.主要螺纹连接件的拧紧力矩,见下表:
Item Name grade 1st step 2nd step 3rd step remark
Fuel pump
8.Sealing test