1454924410CHE P8 M24 E-Text
1454924410CHE P8 M24 E-Text
1454924410CHE P8 M24 E-Text
Module No and Title 24/ Rayleigh and Raman scattering. Stokes and anti-Stokes
lines. Rotational Raman spectroscopy. Polarizability
ellipsoid. Selection rules.
Module Tag CHE_P8_M24
1. Learning Outcomes
2. Introduction
6. Summary
(a) Explain the classical theory of the Raman effect and polarizability
(b) Explain the quantum theory of the Raman effect
(c) Understand the rotational Raman spectra
2. Introduction
Raman spectroscopy is another form of spectroscopy, which is used for structure determination.
Unlike the other techniques, it is based on the scattering of light. When a beam of monochromatic
radiation passes through a liquid or gas, it might be transmitted, absorbed or scattered. In the case
of light scattering, nearly all of the scattered light is observed at the same frequency as the
incident light (a phenomenon known as elastic or Rayleigh scattering). However, the great Indian
physicist Sir C.V. Raman observed in 1928 that some of the scattered light also has discrete
frequencies above and below the incident frequency. This phenomenon is known as inelastic or
Raman Scattering. The Raman Effect comprises a very small fraction, about 1 in 107, of the
incident photons. A powerful laser source in the visible or UV region is used as the light source.
Figure 1 shows Rayleigh and Raman scattering. The lines at lower frequency than the incident
radiation are known as Stokes lines, and those at higher frequency are called anti-Stokes lines.
Unlike the other techniques, the molecular property that must change for a rotation or vibration to
be Raman active is the molecular polarizability, which is a measure of the ease with which the
electron cloud in a molecule can be distorted. This rule should be contrasted with that for IR and
microwave activity, which states that the molecular motion must produce a change in the electric
dipole of the molecule. Thus, Raman spectroscopy can be used on species with no dipole
moment, e.g. H2, Cl2, etc., thus complementing microwave spectroscopy.
The polarizability is anisotropic, which means that the induced dipole moment is not the same in
all directions. The polarizability is greater along the bond axis than across it since it is difficult to
polarize in a direction perpendicular to the internuclear axis.
Since the polarizability of a diatomic molecule is the same in all directions at right angles to the
bond axis, the ellipsoid has a circular cross section in these directions (Fig. 2).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
E = E0sin2πνt, (2)
According to electromagnetic theory, an oscillating dipole emits radiation whose frequency is the
same as its oscillation frequency. Equation (3) is, therefore, the classical explanation of Rayleigh
If, in addition, the molecule undergoes some internal motion, such as a vibration or a rotation,
which changes the polarizability periodically, then the oscillating dipole will have superimposed
upon the vibrational or rotational oscillation. The oscillating dipole has frequency ν ± νvib as well
as the exciting frequency v. It should be noted that if the vibration or rotation does not change the
polarizability of the molecule, the dipole oscillates only at the frequency of the incident radiation.
Thus, we have the selection rule:
“In order to be Raman active, a molecular rotation or vibration must cause some change in a
component of the molecular polarizability”. A change in polarizability is reflected by a change in
either the magnitude or direction of the polarizability ellipsoid.
Radiation scattered with a frequency lower than that of the incident radiation is known as Stokes
radiation, while that of a higher frequency is anti-Stokes radiation. Rayleigh scattering is the
situation where the scattered radiation has the same frequency as the incident radiation (see Fig.
It is also clear from Figure 2 that the polarizability ellipsoid of a linear molecule presents the
same appearance twice during a complete rotation.
The selection rule for rotational transitions for Raman spectroscopy is:
DJ = 0, ± 2 (4)
F ( J ) = B J ( J + 1) J = 0, 1, 2, … (5)
Here, we have not considered centrifugal distortion since the accuracy of Raman spectroscopy is
not too high to warrant its inclusion.
The energy difference between the excited and ground state is given by
De = F ( J + 2) - F ( J )
~ ~
= B ( J + 2)( J + 2 + 1) - B J ( J + 1) (6)
= B ( 4 J + 6)
where J is the rotational quantum number of the lower state (= 0, 1, 2, …). The lines resulting
from these energy changes are referred to as the S branch line since we have considered only ΔJ
= +2.
Thus, if the molecule gains rotational energy from the photon during collision, we have a series of
S branch lines on the low wavenumber side of the exciting line (Stokes lines), while if the
molecule loses energy to the photon, the S branch lines appear on the high wavenumber side
(anti-Stokes lines). The wave numbers of the corresponding spectral lines are thus given by:
n~s = n~ex ± B (4 J + 6) (7)
The allowed transitions and the Raman spectrum arising is shown in Figure 3. The spacing
~ ~
between adjacent lines is 4 B and the first line to each side of the exciting line is at 6 B . Thus,
the Raman spectra yield values of B and hence the moments of inertia and bond lengths for
small molecules. Raman spectroscopy is supplementary to microwave and infrared methods. It is
a method for obtaining molecular parameters of homonuclear diatomic molecules which are IR
and microwave inactive due to the absence of permanent dipole moments in the molecules.
Example 1
The wavenumber of the incident radiation is 20000 cm . What is the wavenumber of the
scattered Stokes radiation for the J = 0 → 2 transition of 14N2 . The equilibrium bond length is 110
-3 23
For a homonuclear diatomic molecule, the reduced mass µ = 14.0067×10 /2/6.02214×10 =
1.16293×10 kg.
B = h / 8p 2 Ic = 6.626 ´ 10 -34 / 8 / 3.1416 2 / 1.41 ´ 10 -46 / 2.998 ´ 1010 = 1.985 cm-1
The Stokes lines occur towards the low wavenumber side and the first transition is at 6 B .
Therefore, the line will appear at 20000-6×1.985 = 19988 cm .
6. Summary
· Raman spectroscopy is based on the scattering of light.
· Most of the scattered radiation has the same frequency as the incident radiation and this is
called Rayleigh scattering.
· A small part has discrete frequencies at the lower (Stokes lines) and higher (anti-Stokes)
· For a species to be Raman active, the vibration or rotation must cause some change in the
polarizability of the molecule.
· A change in polarizability is reflected by a change in either the magnitude or the
direction of the polarizability ellipsoid.
· Raman spectroscopy can give information about species with no dipole moments, hence
complementing microwave and IR spectroscopy.