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MLP45E (My Little Pony: For 5th Edition [D&D]) is a rules supplement intended to be used in conjunction with the upcoming 5th edition of the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game to create a
roleplaying campaign set in the world of My Little Pony and its nation of Equestria. It is not a standalone set of roleplaying rules. The author is not affiliated with Hasbro or its subsidiary Wizards
of the Coast, and claims no ownership of any names or screen-captures owned by Hasbro, Hasbro Studios, Studio B Productions, DHX, or Top Draw Animation. All MLP fan art is used with
permission of the artists.
If you wish to role-play using these rules, you can get started with the official “D&D Next” playtest (beta) rules, on which MLP45E was built. Although you can find the D&D Next
playtest files on the internet, it’s not legal to distribute them to anyone unless you were a D&D Next beta playtester and even then you were only allowed to distribute them to your roleplaying
group. I encourage you to go to and purchase one of their 5th edition adventure PDFs, which includes the playtest rules you can share with your group. I recommend starting
with the “Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle” adventure. I intend to adapt these adventures to the Equestria setting eventually and release these conversion notes as a follow-up on my DeviantArt
Because MLP45E is built on the D&D 5 Edition playtest rules, MLP45E itself is also in playtest mode. The D&D rules will change slightly by the time Wizards of the Coast releases the
official products, starting with the D&D 5 Edition starter set in July of 2014. The Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide will follow beginning in August. Once the
official books are released, MLP45E’s playtest phase will be concluded and a final release version will be posted that takes any changes into account. Any feedback you provide would be most

Current Status: Playtesting

As you can see below, a number of the sections are incomplete or missing artwork. I’m still in the process of adding more content to this document, so over time those holes will be filled in.
For the time being, between the D&D playtest rules and this document, you’ll have plenty of material to use. If you’d like to discuss any potential problems or ask questions, you can do so via my
DeviantArt page or email (links at the end of this file).
As I went through the show episode by episode to mine for material, this document is currently drawing only from seasons 1 and 2 (and has some of the more memorable ideas from
seasons 3 and 4). As I go through seasons 3 and 4 with a fine-tooth comb, undoubtedly this document will grow in size. If you find something in the early seasons you think I missed, let me know!

MLP45E – Introduction
Roleplaying Q&A
interesting, and challenging campaign, while players can usually be younger. Many adult
GMs run regular D&D games for their kids, often as young as 7 or 8 years old.
That said, it’s easy for the GM to turn it into a kid-friendly game by downplaying the
combat aspects, or encouraging the players to think their way through problems rather
Q: I’m new to Dungeons and Dragons. How does this work?
than resorting to violence, or only using it as a last resort (just like in the cartoon). You
A: Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy roleplaying game. In it, one person takes on the
can also assume that rather than killing their opponents, players beat them up, and the
role of the Dungeon Master, abbreviated as DM. In this rule set I use the term GM (Game
villains learn their lesson or are brought to justice. Like Discord’s redemption, it can be a
Master), as it’s more generic. The DM/GM creates the setting, tells the story, and uses the
lot of fun to have a former villain come back later to help out the players.
rules and their own decision-making to decide what results from the actions of the players.
The players typically number from 1 to 6, although most people would probably
Q: So what are the GM’s responsibilities?
consider 4 or 5 players to be the best number. Each player creates their own unique
A: Before the game, the GM prepares an adventure in which the player characters
character by choosing a race and class, customizing it to their liking, and writing a
will participate. Adventures can range from simple problem-solving (find out who’s
background for him or her. Ideally, each character in the party should be good at different
stealing pies from Granny Smith’s window) to political intrigue, to exploring a complete,
things, so that together with teamwork, they become greater than the sum of their parts.
detailed castle ruin filled with dangerous monsters and valuable treasures. You can find
The GM works together with the players in creating a fun, exciting, personalized narrative
pre-written adventures all over the internet, some free and some for sale. There are
for the characters to participate in.
entire websites dedicated to adventure ideas, even random tables that generate
adventure ideas. All are easy to find on the internet if you’re feeling creatively stumped
Q: So what does MLP45E bring to the table?
or in a rush for time. and are excellent sources
A: MLP45E is intended provide the races, feats, magic, backgrounds, skills, and
of PDF adventures. One of the best sources of adventures is Dungeon Magazine. If you
equipment that are unique to Equestria as a setting. The intention is to use all 5e rules,
subscribe to Wizards of the Coast’s D&D Insider service (about $10/month, less for
classes, and abilities as-is with as few changes as possible to make it easier to learn for
recurring subscriptions) you can download every PDF issue of Dungeon Magazine for
everyone. MLP45E does add two major, all-new optional modules: Cartoon Physics and
free, and have dozens of professional-quality adventures ready to use on your computer

MLP45E – Chapter 1 Questions & Answers

(although you will have to convert them from 4th edition to 5th edition, which isn’t too
The Cartoon Physics module (see Chapter 8: Cartoon Physics) adds a system of non-
magical cartoon trope abilities which have absolutely no place in a super-serious game. If
During the game, you describe the scene, the situation, and any other information
you’ve ever wanted to have your character forget to fall after running off a cliff, break
the players need to determine what to do. You also role-play the NPCs (non-player
through a wall, or pull a giant hammer out from behind their back, these are for you.
characters) who may be friends or enemies of the PCs (player characters). If the
The Zingers module (see Chapter 9: Zingers) presents some of the smart-alecky one-
adventure breaks out into combat, you may want to lay out miniatures or tokens
liners our sassy ponies like to use, along with other memorable quotes, scenes, and
representing the player characters and NPCs on a map of some kind so everyone can get
gimmicks from the show that just can’t be implemented with standard class powers, spells,
an idea of where things are positioned (though this is optional). Some groups use
or feats. It adds a CCG-like element of random fun to the game, since Zingers come in card
expensive, elaborate gaming terrain and miniatures (MLP blind bag figures work well),
form and are drawn after resting and discarded when used.
while others have just as much fun with simple 1” graph paper and coins, buttons,
Because both systems are complete optional add-ons which bring their own new
beads, or poker chips for tokens. Do a Google image search for “D&D game play” and
rules, rather than modifying existing portions of the game, the GM can choose whether or
you’ll see plenty of examples.
not to use each of these two modules in their own campaigns.
Above all, it’s your job to make sure everyone is having fun. Watch that each player
is getting to share in the adventure and nobody is dominating the others or being left
Q: Is D&D appropriate for kids?
out. As you get to know the players and their characters better you can easily add
A: Dungeons and Dragons is usually aimed at teenagers and adults, because it includes
portions of the adventure that shine a spotlight on their unique abilities.
real violence as the default assumption, and many character powers and abilities are
centered on combat capabilities. If it had a MPAA rating, it would be PG or PG-13. At the
Q: What about player responsibilities?
very least, the GM has a lot of responsibilities, and should be mature enough to run a fair,
A: The players are each responsible for creating a unique character and customizing
it to their liking. You should write an interesting background for your PC (player
Game World Q&A
character) and try to fit them into the world. You might even choose an existing canon
character from the show as your character, but be sure to ask the GM’s permission first
because that may intrude on their plans for the campaign. Since D&D and FiM are both
primarily about cooperation and teamwork, you should create a character that can get
Q: Wait, isn’t this all fanon/headcanon from this point forward?
along with others and at least attempt to make friends. Some groups play evil characters,
A: Indeed! In order to flesh out Equestria as a complete setting, many assumptions
but unless all the players and the GM are in agreement with their expectations, such a
have to be made. In all cases I tried to cleave as close to the show’s canon as possible. In
campaign can quickly become un-fun.
many cases, however, we only have brief glimpses of some of the show’s species, spells,
With that in mind, you should cooperate with the other players when making your
and equipment, so many gaps have to be filled in. Especially for the character races, I
characters. The most effective parties usually have a good blend of character races and
have provided some suggestions but left the majority of it open to the GM’s
classes, each with abilities that complement their allies. The classic D&D group consists of a
interpretation. Like any roleplaying game, the GM is always free to change things as he
fighter, cleric, wizard, and rogue. If the group is small, the GM can also choose to create an
or she sees fit.
NPC helper or two to join your group and fill out any missing roles.
Finally, make sure that everyone is having fun. Make sure you’re not hogging the
Q: How can there be clerics or paladins when Equestria doesn’t have gods! And how
spotlight from the other players, but also make sure that you’re contributing to the game
can non-unicorns use magic?
and everyone’s enjoyment. The GM has a difficult task, so try to be understanding if you
A: In show-canon Equestria, only unicorns are depicted as having the ability to use
think they are in the wrong, or forgetting something, and talk to them in private rather
magic. If you were to limit magic to only unicorns, then that would lock non-unicorns out
than calling them out.
of more than half of D&D’s classes. In order to support the most classes while still
making a nod to unicorn-unique magic, MLP45E makes these assumptions:
Q: I’m already familiar with D&D, but not with 5th edition. What is it like?
Arcane magic: Used by bards, mages, and sorcerers, arcane magic is available only
A: “DND Next” or 5th edition is a “unification” edition which takes some of the best
to unicorns and certain other races. This magic comes from within the user, is powered
elements of 3rd and 4th edition while trying to avoid the pitfalls of those versions and
by their own life force, and is channeled through their horn(s). Warlocks are a unique
getting back to a simpler D&D. The primary feature is “bounded accuracy” which puts tight
case. While they do use arcane magic, warlocks are granted the ability to use this magic
controls on the die roll bonuses so common (and difficult to track) in past editions. There is
through a pact made with a powerful eldritch being. Warlocks are not yet available to
also a hard cap of 20 on ability scores for player characters. Fortitude, Reflex, and Will are
play in the D&D 5th edition playtest, but the assumption is that any race can become a
gone, and saving throws are keyed off each ability score. Feats are harder to get but much
warlock and use this “borrowed” pact magic even if they can’t create it themselves. They
more powerful in scope, being more like expanded class features than 3e or 4e feats. 5e
will appear in the upcoming D&D Player’s Handbook, to be released in August 2014.
also features character backgrounds (similar to 4e themes), ritual magic, and hit dice
Divine magic: Used by clerics and paladins, divine magic is available to all races.
(somewhat similar to 4e’s healing surges). Finally, there are robust multiclassing rules
Whether it is provided directly by gods or simply powered by the positive energy

MLP45E – Chapter 1 Questions & Answers

which allow you to create interesting character concepts which aren’t covered by the core
produced by all sentient creatures is up to the GM to determine for their version of
Equestria. MLP45E makes the assumption that gods exist, but they are hidden,
unknowable beings. Instead, they make their intentions known through their proxies:
Q: What classes are covered in the 5e playtest rules?
powerful, immortal beings that live in Equestria and serve their will. Some known
A: The playtest includes the barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, mage, monk,
proxies (or avatars) are the sisters Celestia and Luna, Discord the Prince of Chaos, Queen
paladin, ranger, and rogue. The official Player’s Handbook (releasing in August) will add the
Chrysalis, King Sombra, and Lord Tirek. Creative Brony fan fiction authors have produced
sorcerer and warlock. Each class includes multiple “build” options that you can choose to
a number of other similar powerful beings that could serve as additional avatars. Even
customize your character’s style and tactics. Because 5e is built with multiclassing in mind
though it’s complete fanon, I find the idea of a sun cleric blasting away undead in the
rather than including it as an afterthought, it’s easy to use multiclassing to recreate
name of Celestia, or a vengeful night paladin cleansing the world of evil in Luna’s name
character classes from previous editions that aren’t yet implemented. For example, an
quite engaging.
avenger could be created as a paladin/rogue or cleric/rogue. A swordmage or bladesinger
Druidic magic: Used by druids and rangers, druidic magic is also available to all
could be created as a fighter/mage, rogue/mage, fighter/bard, or rogue/bard.
races. Druidic magic draws on the energy of the world itself, and the life force of all living
creatures. One revelation made in the recently-released Journal of the Two Sisters is that
Q: I have a suggestion, a question, or want to talk about the game!
the zebras Luna befriended were able to cast their own spells, though it doesn’t go into
A: For the time being, comments, questions, and suggestions can be left on my
detail what kind, other than that they are defensive in nature. To me, this makes a
DeviantArt page under the gallery entry for each MLP45E document. If it gets to be too
plausible case for druidic magic existing in canon Equestria.
crowded I will look into a host forum. Follow me on DA and you’ll be notified of any

Q: What are the rules for quadrupeds gripping weapons?
A: It’s been demonstrated in the show that quadruped characters can get along just
fine without opposable thumbs. Whether that’s through using their incredibly dexterous
mouths or fetlock “wrist” grip, they seem to have no trouble changing diapers, chopping
down trees, writing, and performing surgery without hands or magic. Therefore, no special
rules are needed. Like most things in Equestria, it’s best if you don’t think too hard about it.
If you want to be a stickler, use these assumptions:
Two-handed weapons: These are gripped either by the mouth (preferred) or with two
hooves. The problem with the two-hoof grip is it prevents quadruped characters from
moving around effectively unless the weapon is stowed, since (except for the occasional
dance routine) they walk on all fours.
One-handed weapons: A single one-handed weapon can be gripped by the mouth.
Dual-wielding of light weapons is typically done by strapping them to the forelegs.
Shields: Bucklers and shields can be strapped to a foreleg. A leg with a shield cannot
be used to wield a weapon.
Spellcaster implements: Holy symbols and the like can all be worn on clothing and
don’t need to be gripped. Rods, staves, wands, are gripped in the mouth or fetlock when
needed, and are tucked in a pocket, sheath, or under a belt when not.
Levitating Weapons: Unicorns (and other magic-using races) have an option available
to use their magic to control weapons. See the race descriptions in Chapter 2 and 3 for

Q: How does Equestrian currency translate to D&D?

A: We’ve only been shown a single type of coin for currency - the Equestrian Bit, a
gold coin. To make things easy, MLP45e rules opt instead to just adopt the D&D coinage
system for simplicity’s sake, and uses copper bits (cb), silver bits (sb), gold bits (gb), and
platinum bits (pb) in place of D&D’s copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins. Throughout
these documents, most items will be priced in gb or sb. There’s 10 copper bits to one silver

MLP45E – Chapter 1 Questions & Answers

bit, ten silver to one gold, and ten gold to one platinum.
Gemstones are also frequently used in currency, usually for values much greater
than bits. Each gemstone will have its value listed in bits, so it can be traded directly for
goods and services. Arcanium, a magical crystal (and its powdered form, magic dust are
also frequently used as currency. See Chapter 6: Equipment for information on Arcanium.

Q: Where does leather come from? :P

A: This doesn’t get discussed in the show because why are you over-analyzing a kids’
show!? Just like in the real world, leather comes from non-sentient animals. After all,
there’s got to be a reason Sweet Apple Acres keeps livestock...

For the pony races I have attempted to stay as close to canon as possible, however there are a few abilities appearing in fanon and
headcanon that have been added to round them out. Few of the other races really have much in the way of official material. For those races,
usually all we have to go by are individual examples (Spike, Gilda, Zecora), so a great deal of abilities have to be made up whole-cloth. In most A Note on “Race”
cases I have taken existing D&D racial abilities and added them where I felt the flavor would be appropriate. Although I haven’t read much in I use the term race throughout these
the way of fan fiction, but some of the abilities have been adapted from those sources. documents because, though technically
If you’re already familiar with the 5 -edition D&D races, you’ll probably notice that these races are a bit more powerful than normal. The incorrect, that has always been the
reason is that pegasus flight abilities have to be baked-in to their racial abilities. Normally at-will flight is not available to standard D&D races. standard term used in D&D to denote the
Therefore, the power level of all races needed to be boosted to match that of pegasi to provide a level playing field. I would caution against differing character species available.
using standard D&D races together in the same campaign with those of MLP45E, since the Equestrian races will certainly be more powerful. If
you do want to have some sort of portal/crossover game where humans and other humanoid species are present in Equestria, you’ll want to
give characters who are members of standard D&D races a bonus feat to keep them balanced with Equestrian races.

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

The Shady Trough by Equestria-Prevails
Earth Pony Appaloosa (Subrace)
Design Notes: Earth Pony
The Appaloosan ponies
account for the majority of Earth In order to make sure earth ponies don’t fall
Earth ponies are the most numerous of the equine races. They reside in groups ranging behind pegasi and unicorns, their legendary
ponies throughout Equestria.
in size from small, nomadic herds to massive cities. Their natural magic is subtle and often toughness and strength needed to be
Most live in small farming and
manifests as superior strength, stamina, personal magnetism, or close ties with the plants represented favorably in the mechanics.
fishing communities. Appaloosas
and creatures of the earth. Earth ponies are responsible for nearly all food production in They are one of the most flexible races, with
are distinct in that they often
Equestria. Although they are incapable of flight like pegasi, or direct control of their magic the five subraces covering a wide range of
have spotted coats. They are the
like unicorns, they can still excel in any profession. Perhaps it’s that perceived need which character concepts. Don’t take the horse
founders of both Appleloosa and
drives many earth ponies to become the nation’s foremost experts in their fields of interest. breeds too literally though—they’re still all
Ponyville, among many other
towns. ponies and even within the same family,
Earth Pony Traits Ability Score Adjustment: siblings might represent different subraces.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Constitution Your Wisdom or Charisma score
score increases by 1. increases by 1.
Size: Medium Country Wisdom: Choose
Speed: 30 feet. one skill from this list: Animal Handling, Insight, Nature, or Survival. You have advantage
Vision: Normal on checks of that skill.
Languages: Equestrian and one additional Crafty: You gain proficiency in a Tool of your choice.
Natural Weapons: You are proficient with your Pilgrim Trader: Choose Bovine, Canine, Cervine, French, or Griff. You speak enough of
hoof and bite attacks, which deal 1d6 bludgeoning the chosen language to hold a conversation.
Cutie Mark: All ponies receive a cutie mark by Arabian (Subrace)
adulthood. You determine what your cutie mark The ponies of distant Saddle Arabia are taller and slimmer than the average earth
looks like and the ideal it represents (see “Ideals, pony. One could assume that their culture is significantly different from that of Equestrian
Flaws, and Bonds” on page 14 of the How to Play ponies. That is left for the GM to flesh out.
document). Once per day, you can reroll a die roll Ability Score Adjustment: Your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

associated with an action that is directly relevant to 1.
your cutie mark’s ideal. Alternately, you can select Commission 1 Languages: Add Arabic as a bonus language.
something from the Alternate Cutie Mark Talents By Atonewiththepants Fleet of Hoof: Your speed increases by 5 feet.
list in Chapter 4: Character Options. Social Caste: Choose one of the following:
Close to the Earth: Choose one skill from this  Artificer: You have advantage on Intelligence checks related to alchemy, magic
list: Animal Handling, Athletics, Medicine, or Nature). You have advantage on checks of that items, and items of artifice.
skill.  Desert Dweller: When you take fire damage, reduce the damage taken by 2. In
Resilient: Whenever you roll Hit Dice to heal, re-roll dice that come up as 1 or 2. addition, you have advantage on Constitution saves to avoid exhaustion from
Stand Firm: Whenever an effect would force you to move or knock you prone, you can hot weather.
roll a DC 15 Strength saving throw to ignore the movement or prone.  Regal Bearing: Re-roll any Charisma ability or skill check die that is 4 or less
Subrace: Choose a subrace. Five are described here: Andalusian, Appaloosa, Arabian, before your bonuses are added.
Clydesdale, and Mustang.
Clydesdale (Subrace)
Andalusian (Subrace) Clydesdales are larger than other ponies, and stronger. They tend to have longer,
While not as large as Clydesdales or swift as Mustangs, Andalusians are often more shaggier hair, especially around their fetlocks.
social and outgoing than their kin. Ability Score Adjustment: Your Strength or Charisma score increases by 1.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Intelligence or Charisma score increases by 1. Strong Back: Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor with which you have
People-Pony: Choose one skill from this list: Deception, Gossip, Intimidation, proficiency or for being encumbered.
Performance, or Persuasion. You gain proficiency in that skill. Toughness: Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time
Personable: Choose one skill from this list: Deception, Gossip, Intimidation, you gain a level. Additionally, whenever you roll Hit Dice during a rest, you regain 1 extra
Performance, or Persuasion. You gain advantage on checks of that skill. hit point for each Hit Die you roll.
Mustang (Subrace) Sky Hauler: You gain Sky Hauler as
a bonus Cartoon Physics ability. Design Notes: Pegasi
Mustangs roam Equestria’s open plains and are known for their agility and swiftness.
Slow Fall: When you fall 30 feet or
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Dexterity or Charisma score increases by 1. The base pegasus flight capabilities
more, you can use your reaction to
Fleet of Hoof: Your speed increases by 5 feet. represent the average pegasus. Super
spread your wings and slow your fall,
Born to Run: You have advantage on any saving throws against effects that restrain you speed abilities like those Rainbow Dash
preventing you from taking any falling
or slow your movement. In addition, you can treat the first 5 feet of difficult terrain each turn demonstrates regularly are available as
damage. For every 10 feet you slow
as normal terrain. cartoon physics abilities.
fall, you can move 5 feet horizontally.
The subrace names are simply
Keen Senses: You have advantage
headcanon and of course you’re free to
Pegasus Pony on Wisdom (Perception) skill checks.
Subrace: Choose a subrace. Two
change them. “Pennate” is a Latin term
which means “feathered” and Nocturnus
are described here: Pennate and
The pegasi are the second most numerous of the equine races. Most live in floating cloud implies the nocturnal nature of bat-
cities such as Cloudsdale, but they are still common elsewhere, making up roughly 25% of the ponies (which isn’t a very practical official
populations of other pony cities. Pegasi are responsible for managing the weather throughout Pennate (Subrace) name for a subrace)!
all of Equestria’s populated lands, dissipating dangerous storms while still providing sufficient Pennate pegasi have light, lithe
rainfall for abundant agricultural production. Pegasi are also natural warriors, and make up bodies built for speed. Their powerful, feathered wings lift them into the air with ease.
the majority of the Canterlot Royal Guard corps, including the elite Wonderbolts team. Most hail from the aerial cities of Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus. They are the pegasi most
people think of when they hear the name.
Pegasus Pony Traits Athletic Poise: Choose Acrobatics, Athletics, or Stealth. You have advantage on
Ability Score Adjustment: Your checks of that skill.
Dexterity score and either Constitution or
Charisma increases by 1. Nocturnus (Subrace)
Size: Medium Nocturnus pegasi have large, bat-like wings,
Speed: 30 feet. eyes with slitted pupils, pointed canine teeth,
Vision: Normal and dark coats. Parents tell their children scary
Languages: Equestrian and one stories about Princess Luna’s Nocturni guards

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

additional who come to take away naughty foals who don’t
Natural Weapons: You are proficient go to bed when told. Despite their fearsome
with your hoof and bite attacks, which deal looks and reputation, most are friendly, but
1d6 bludgeoning damage. proud of their appearance and like to take
Cutie Mark: All ponies receive a cutie advantage of it when they can.
mark by adulthood. You determine what Darkvision: You can see in darkness within
your cutie mark looks like and the ideal it Thunderlane, Celestial Avenger 120 feet of you as if it were dim light. When you
represents (see “Ideals, Flaws, and Bonds” by Cheezedoodle96 do so, your vision is in black and white.
on page 14 of the How to Play document). Sunlight Sensitivity: While you or your
Once per day, you can reroll a die roll associated with an action that is directly relevant to target are in direct sunlight, you are dazzled (see
your cutie mark’s ideal. Alternately, you can select something from the Alternative Cutie new conditions list in Chapter 7: New Rules).
The Shadow
Mark Talents list at the end of this document. Wearing a hood or hat does not help.
Flight: You have a fly speed of 50 feet. If you are at half your maximum HP or less, your Flight: Your fly speed is 40 feet (10 feet By Equestria-Prevails
fly speed is halved and you must make a DC 15 Constitution check to gain altitude. If you are slower than Pennate pegasi).
at one-quarter your maximum HP or less, you cannot fly. You can only slow fall to the ground Skulker: Choose Acrobatics, Intimidation, or Stealth. You have advantage on checks of
(see below). that skill.
Cloud Walking: You can touch and interact with clouds as if they were solid (albeit soft)
ground. This means you can sit or lie on clouds, move them around, gather them together, or
buck them apart with your hooves. You can also stomp on thick clouds and force them to
rain, or possibly even coax out a small lightning bolt if it’s a thick enough cloud.

Unicorn Pony
Arcane Apprentice: You learn
an additional mage cantrip.
Design Notes: Unicorns
 Arcane Weaponmaster
Unicorns are the least numerous of the three pony races, although they are still more It’s apparent in the show that unicorns
(Requires Apprentice
common than most non-equines. Like pegasi they have founded their own cities, which are (Especially Twilight) are only as powerful
Telekinesis cantrip): You can
typically in hilly or mountainous regions where their magic is needed to sculpt the terrain to as the story requires them to be at the
expertly wield a two-handed
be suitable for construction. Unicorns are still common in earth pony cities, making up moment. That doesn’t really work in a
weapon, weapon and shield, or
roughly 20% of the population. Unicorns have the most direct control over their natural roleplaying game. Spells need to act
dual-wield light weapons
magic, which they achieve through focusing on the horn in their foreheads. In ancient times consistently or suspension of disbelief
telekinetically with your magic.
unicorns controlled the movements of the sun and moon, although that responsibility has suffers.
When you make an attack with
fallen to the royal sisters since their ascendance. Of all the equine races, unicorns seem most I’ve tried hard to capture the exact
that weapon, you can use your
drawn to intellectual pursuits such as art, music, and craft, although there are still plenty of capabilities of spells used in the show,
magical ability modifier for the
unicorn soldiers, farmers, and merchants. but in some cases they needed to be
attack and damage rolls instead
limited for game balance purposes. That
of your Strength or Dexterity.
Unicorn Pony Traits
said, unicorn characters get to choose to
 Higher Education: You gain
be either a magical prodigy like Twilight,
Ability Score Adjustment: Choose any two: training in a bonus skill of your
or more like your typical background
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The chosen choice, and the remaining ability
scores increase by 1. score you did not choose to
Size: Medium increase for your initial ability
Speed: 30 feet. score racial adjustment
Vision: Normal (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) increases by 1.
Languages: Equestrian and one additional
Natural Weapons: You are proficient with
your hoof and bite attacks, which deal 1d6
bludgeoning damage, and your horn attack
Crystal Pony
which deals 1d6 piercing damage. Crystal ponies are an offshoot of the standard pony races that originally hail from the
Crystal Empire. Their kind spent centuries enslaved by the wicked King Sombra. The vast

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

Cutie Mark: All ponies receive a cutie mark
by adulthood. You determine what your cutie majority of crystal ponies are earth ponies, but a few crystal pegasi are known to exist.
mark looks like and the ideal it represents (see
“Ideals, Flaws, and Bonds” on page 14 of the To create a crystal pony, select one of
Lyra Heartstrings, the three normal pony races (and subraces if
How to Play document). Once per day, you can
reroll a die roll associated with an action that is Bard of Ponyville applicable). Then make the following
directly relevant to your cutie mark’s ideal. By Cheezedoodle96 additions:
Alternately, you can select something from the Crystalline Shine: Once per day you can
Alternate Cutie Mark Talents list in Chapter 4: Character Options. re-roll a Charisma-based ability check, skill
Arcane Magic: Your horn grants you the capability to wield arcane magic. This means check, or saving throw.
that you are eligible for the bard, mage, and sorcerer classes. While you cast or concentrate Pure of Heart: Every time you take
on a spell, both your horn and the target of the spell glow with a magical aura. The color of necrotic damage, you take 2 fewer points of
your magic aura is determined at birth and never changes (unless you use dark magic). damage.
Arcane Initiate: You gain the Arcane Initiate feat. Most unicorns select Apprentice’s Repressed Memories: Every time you
Telekinesis and Light as their cantrips. Instead of a first-level spell, you can select two take psychic damage, you become frightened.
additional cantrips. You can use your action to roll a DC 15
Knowledgeable: Choose Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion. You have advantage on Wisdom or Charisma check. A success ends
checks of that skill. the condition.
Advanced Studies: Not every unicorn becomes a master of arcane spells. In fact, the
majority spend their lives in happiness without the need to learn additional magic beyond Crystal Empire Royal Guard
the basics. Select one ability from this list:
By TheShadowStone
Buffalo Diamond Dog
The buffalo tribes roam the open plains of southern Equestria, from the San Palomino Diamond dogs are an apelike canine race with oversized forelegs and undersized hind
Desert to Dodge Junction, and their annual migrations take them through the center of that legs. They normally walk and run on all fours, but have no trouble standing upright and
range, Appleloosa. Buffalo culture resembles that of Native Americans. Recently the buffalo using their forelegs (complete with opposable thumbs) as arms. Their tails are stubby and
have made peace with the ponies of Appleloosa, and some young buffalo are beginning to mace-like, with bony spikes or knob. Like all canines, they possess a keen sense of smell.
explore pony culture. Their mammoth size sometimes gets them into awkward situations, but A colony of diamond dogs lives near Ponyville, underneath Rarity’s favorite gem-
it has its advantages. hunting grounds. This particular group is cruel, but not all diamond dogs exhibit this
behavior. In fact, according to the official comic series, an entire kingdom of diamond dogs
Buffalo Traits exists on the border of Equestria, and their queen requested Rainbow Dash to come and
perform an aerial stunt show for them.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your
Strength score increases by 2 and your
Constitution score increases by 1. Diamond Dog Traits
Size: Large Ability Score Adjustment:
Speed: 30 feet Your Constitution score
Vision: Normal increases by 1.
Languages: Bovine, Equestrian, Smoke Size: Medium
Signs Speed: 25 feet.
Natural Weapons: You are proficient Darkvision: You can see
with your head-butt attack, which deals 1d8 in darkness within 60 feet of
bludgeoning damage. you as if it were dim light.
Large and In Charge: As a large-sized When you do so, your vision is
creature, you occupy a 10-foot diameter in black and white.
circle in combat. You can carry, lift, pull, Languages: Canine and
and push twice as much weight as a Laughing Water, Buffalo Spirit- Equestrian

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

medium-sized creature. If you are forced to Talker Shaman Natural Weapons: You
squeeze into a 5-foot wide passage, you By Cheezedoodle96 are proficient with your claw
move at half speed, your opponents have and bite attacks, which deal
advantage against you and you have disadvantage on all rolls. Small-sized creatures can 1d6 slashing damage and 1d6
freely move through your space, and likewise you can move through their spaces. You also piercing damage, respectively.
need to eat and drink four times as much as a medium-sized creature. Burrow: You can dig
Bison Brute: Your weapon attacks with through sand, dirt, and loose
manufactured weapons sized appropriately stone at the rate of 5 feet per Horse Thieves
Design Notes: Buffalo
to you deal 2 extra damage. round, up to a number of By Cheezedoodle96
Stampede: If you hit an opponent with a There’s not much information on minutes per day equal to your
charge attack using your head-butt, contest buffalo in the show aside from their Constitution score.
the target’s Strength or Dexterity against appearance in “Over A Barrel.” As Keen Nose: You have advantage on Intelligence (Search) and Wisdom (Perception)
your Strength. If you win, you knock the they are based on Native American checks to detect or locate objects with a noticeable smell or other creatures.
target prone. culture, a number of their abilities and Your sense of smell is such that you can recognize the species of creatures that have
Toughness: Your hit point maximum feats are drawn from Native American been in an area recently. Roll a Wisdom (Perception) check according to the following
increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every tropes. st
table. You also have the Tracking ability of a 1 -level ranger. If you become a ranger, you
time you gain a level. Additionally, whenever gain free training in the Perception skill.
you roll Hit Dice during a rest, you regain 1
extra hit point for each Hit Die you roll.
War Cry: On the first round of combat (as long as you are free to yell), you and your
allies have a +1 bonus to attack rolls and armor class.
Scent Situation DC
Recognize a familiar species 10
Recognize an individual you know well 15
Recognize an individual you have met at least once 20 Donkeys, and their half-horse hybrids--hinnies and mules--are all unique breeds with
Every four hours that have passed +1 to the DC slightly different characteristics, but I’ve decided to place them all under the same
Rain or snow in the area +5 to the DC category. A hinny is the offspring of a male horse and female donkey, while a mule is the
Particularly overpowering smell nearby Disadvantage offspring of a female horse and male donkey. Despite being equines, these three species all
lack cutie marks. Similar in size to ponies, in general they are known to be strong,
Magic Resistant: You have a +2 bonus to all surefooted, patient, and tough, sharing many of the traits of earth ponies.
saving throws against magic spells Design Notes: In Equestria, donkeys hinnies, and mules appear to live normal, modest lives among
Shifty: When an opponent misses you with an Diamond Dog the pony majority. Cranky the donkey lives up to his namesake, but other examples of this
attack, you can use your reaction to disengage. Other than their single group seem well-adjusted and easy to get along with.
Subrace: Choose a subrace. Three are described appearance in season 1 and
here: Doberman, Mastiff, and Pug. coming up in the IDW Friends Donkey Traits
Doberman (Subrace) Forever #6 comic, there is Ability Score Adjustment:
little to go on for these guys. Your Constitution score and either
Diamond Dog Dobermans lie halfway between They are currently based on Strength or Dexterity increase by
their larger and smaller kin. Their keen wits often lead D&D dwarves, with a few 1.
to them becoming the brains of any diamond dog additional abilities borrowed Size: Medium
outfit. from halflings. Speed: 25 feet
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Intelligence,
Vision: Normal
Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by 1.
Languages: Equestrian and
Crafty: You gain proficiency in one tool of your
one additional
Natural Weapons: You are
Mastiff (Subrace) proficient with your hoof and bite
attacks, which deal 1d6
Diamond Dog Mastiffs are the big muscular brutes of their race. They are most

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

bludgeoning damage.
comfortable in a suit of heavy armor, swinging a big weapon. Brave: You have advantage Cranky Doodle Cleric
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Strength score increases by 1. on saving throws against being By Cheezedoodle96
Armor Mastery: You have proficiency with light and medium armor. While wearing frightened.
medium or heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class. Nimble: You can move through the space of any creature that is size large or larger.
Stand Firm: Whenever an effect would force you to move or knock you prone, you
Pug (Subrace)
can roll a DC 15 Strength saving throw to ignore the movement or prone.
Diamond Dog Pugs make up in sneakiness and agility what the lack in brute strength. Strong Back: Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor with which you have
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Dexterity score increases by 1. proficiency or for being encumbered.
Size: Small Stubborn: When an effect blinds,
Devious: Choose Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. You have advantage on checks dazes, deafens, frightens, stresses, terrifies, Design Notes: Donkey
of that skill. or stuns you, you can choose to ignore that Since they are already very
Nimble: You can move through the space of any creature that is at least one size larger condition. After using this ability, you similar to earth ponies, I wanted to
than you. cannot use it again until you complete a include a few earth pony abilities
Sneaky: You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is short rest.
Eddie Murphy
but also wanted to make sure they
at least one size larger than you. Resilient: Whenever you roll Hit Dice to had something unique to
heal, re-roll dice that come up as 1 or 2. themselves. Otherwise, for all
practical purposes, they are earth
ponies without cutie marks.

Focus Breath: You can choose to concentrate your breath weapon attack down to
affect a single adjacent object over multiple rounds. One round of such use will destroy
flimsy objects; 3 or 4 rounds will melt, burn, or weaken more durable objects such as a
In exceedingly rare situations, a young dragon finds itself orphaned, abandoned, or even padlock, weapon, or chain. Exact details are left to the GM to decide. This use expends
voluntarily leaving the company of other dragons to associate with ponies. One of the most your breath weapon like any other use.
well-known is Spike, assistant and confidant of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Like the equine Damage Resistance: You have resistance to the damage type associated with your
races, dragons also possess innate magic, but theirs usually empowers their physical might dragon color.
and the power of their dragon breath. Occasionally, a dragon learns to control its innate Immature Wings: Your
magic, allowing it to cast spells like a unicorn. Most Equestrian dragons normally breathe fire, wings have emerged recently,
but it’s rumored there are other dragon types who breathe acid, cold, lightning, and poison. although it will be some time
before they are strong enough
Dragon Traits to enable regular flight. In the
meantime, you can use them
Ability Score Adjustment: Your
for short bursts of flight and
Strength score and either Charisma or
Constitution increase by 1. Design Notes: Dragon some controlled gliding. You
This write-up assumes a slightly older, can use your movement to fly
Size: Medium
winged dragon, like the teenagers the same distance as your
Speed: 25 feet
appearing in the episode “Dragon Quest.” ground speed, but if you do so
Vision: Normal
and that Spike will eventually grow wings more than once before you
Languages: Equestrian, Draconic
once he’s older. There’s no canon complete a short rest, each
Natural Weapons: You are
evidence of dragons using overt magic additional use after the first
proficient with your claw and bite
spells like unicorns, so you can always costs one of your Hit Dice.
attacks, which deal 1d6 slashing damage
disallow that option if you like. I included Glide: When you fall 30 Zuri and Argent By Cheezedoodle96
and piercing damage, respectively.
it to help break the unicorn monopoly on feet or more, you can use your
Dragon Type: Choose a dragon type
arcane magic, and because D&D dragons reaction to spread your wings and slow your fall, giving you resistance against falling
from the table below, which determines
often have spellcasting ability. damage. For every 10 feet you fall, you can move 5 feet horizontally.
your scale color and appearance, as well
Dragon Bloodline: Choose two dragon bloodline abilities from the list below.

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

as your breath weapon and damage
 Arcane Apprentice: You can wield arcane magic like a unicorn. You learn two
mage cantrips and can select arcane classes such as bard, mage, and sorcerer.
 Deadly Weapons: Your claw and bite damage increase to 1d10.
Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapon
Black or Copper Acid 5 x 30 ft. line (Dex. Save)  Enhanced Senses: You gain Darkvision 120’
Blue or Bronze Lightning 5 x 30 ft. line (Dex. Save)  Frightening: You gain proficiency in Intimidation and have advantage on
Brass Fire 5 x 30 ft. line (Dex Save) Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
Red or Gold Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex Save)  Immunity: You have immunity to the damage type associated with your
Green Poison 15 ft. cone (Con Save) draconic ancestry.
White or Silver Cold 15 ft. cone (Con Save)  Intense Breath: Your breath deals 1d6 additional damage and creatures have
Purple Fire 15 ft. cone (Dex Save) disadvantage on saves against it.
 Lanky Legs: Your ground speed increases by 10 feet.
Breath Weapon: You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your dragon type  Robust Wings: Your wings are strong enough to let you fly up to four times
determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation. When you use your breath before needing to spend Hit Dice or rest.
weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw as indicated.  Tough scales: When you take piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, or force damage,
A creature takes 1d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful save. The reduce the damage by 1.
save DC is 8 + your Constitution bonus + your proficiency bonus.
th th th
The damage increases to 2d6 at 6 level, 3d6 at 11 level, and 4d6 at 16 level. After
you use your breath weapon, you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest or a
long rest.

Ferocious Roar: You can use your action to belt out an impressive roar in a 15-foot
cone. Each creature in the area is deafened until the end of your next turn, and the first
creature to attack them while they are deafened has advantage. A successful Con save
Griffons are a predatory race of half-lion, half-bird creatures who hail from beyond negates the effects. The save DC is 8 + your Constitution or Charisma bonus + your
Equestria. They have the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion, and the forelegs, talons, wings, proficiency bonus.
and head of an eagle, hawk, or owl. Although fairly rare, griffons have at least one Creatures who fail the save by 10 or more are frightened. After you use your roar,
community within Equestria itself, and even sent a team to the Equestria Games. Some you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest or a long rest.
griffons have integrated into pony culture and can be found living in the cities and towns of Pounce: If you hit an opponent with a charge attack, contest the target’s Strength or
Equestria, especially pegasus cities such as Cloudsdale. Griffon flight abilities are comparable Dexterity (their choice) against your Strength. If you win, you knock the target prone.
to those of pegasi, and their sharp beak, talons, and lion-like roar make them strong physical


Griffon Traits
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Strength Minotaurs have the dubious honor of being Equestria’s only known humanoid race.
score and either Dexterity or Charisma increase Despite their frightening appearance, they seem to get along well enough with equines,
by 1. but nothing is known of their culture. Are they lone wanderers eking out a living among the
Size: Medium ponies? Or do they have their own communities elsewhere in Equestria? Perhaps they are
Speed: 30 feet normally subterranean, and live in underground cities? These are things for the GM to
Low-Light Vision: You see as well in dim light decide for their campaigns.
as you do in bright light.
Languages: Griff, Equestrian Minotaur Traits
Natural Weapons: You are proficient with
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Strength score
your claw and bite attacks, which deal 1d6
increases by 2 and your Constitution and Charisma
slashing damage and piercing damage,
Alex (Alexander Ironclaw) scores increase by 1.
Size: Large
Flight: You have a fly speed of 50 feet. If you By Equestria-Prevails Speed: 30 feet

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

are at half your maximum HP or less, your fly
Vision: Normal
speed is halved and you must make a DC 15 Constitution check to gain altitude. If you are at
Languages: Equestrian, Undercommon
one-quarter your maximum HP or less, you
Natural Weapons: You are proficient with your
cannot fly. You can only slow fall to the
fists, which are large enough to deal 1d6
ground (see below). Design Notes: Griffon
bludgeoning damage.
Cloud Walking: You can touch and Like the other flying races, flight is Assertive: You have advantage on Charisma
interact with clouds as if they were solid such a powerful ability that it doesn’t (Intimidation) checks.
(albeit soft) ground. This means you can sit leave much room for other griffon racial Tall, Dark, and Handsome: As a large-sized
or lie on clouds, move them around, gather traits. Gilda uses a roar to intimidate creature, you occupy a 10-foot diameter space in
them together, or tear them apart with your Fluttershy in Griffon the Brush Off, and combat. You can carry, lift, pull, and push twice as
claws. You can also stomp on thick clouds many birdlike creatures in D&D have much weight as a medium-sized creature. If you are
and force them to rain, or possibly even coax shriek abilities, so that felt like a good forced to squeeze into a 5-foot wide passage, you
out a small lightning bolt if it’s a thick enough fit. Finally, the pounce reflects their half- move at half speed, your opponents have advantage
cloud. lion aspect. against you and you have disadvantage on all rolls.
Slow Fall: When you fall 30 feet or
Small-sized creatures can freely move through your
more, you can use your reaction to spread
space, and likewise you can move through their
your wings and slow your fall, preventing you Iron Will, Barbarian Hero
spaces. You also need to eat and drink four times as
from taking any falling damage. For every 10 feet you slow fall, you can move 5 feet By Cheezedoodle96
much as a medium-sized creature.
The Big Guns: Your weapon attacks with
Keen Senses: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) skill checks.
manufactured weapons sized appropriately to you deal 2 extra damage and have a reach 5
feet longer than normal.
Show Them That You Rock: You Mark Talents list in Chapter 4: Character Options.
Design Notes: Minotaur
use your action to lower your head and Ancestral Guidance: After taking a long rest you can roll 3d20 and write down the
charge an opponent with your horns. I tried to avoid basing the entire minotaur results. At any point in the coming day you can use one of those die results for your own
This attack is reckless, so opponents race on Iron Will’s eccentric behavior, but d20 roll or that of a friend instead of rolling. Once a die is used in this fashion it is
have advantage on attacks against you his catch phrases were just too fun to not discarded. Any unspent die results are discarded when you begin a long rest.
until the start of your next turn. make them into racial abilities. Consult the Spirits: You can use the Augury spell as a ritual once per day, even if you
If the attack hits it deals 2d6 Minotaurs are one of the species I hope cannot normally cast spells. You begin play with the material component for free.
damage and you contest your Strength the show revisits someday. It would be Astute Observer: You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and on all checks
against the opponent’s Strength or interesting to learn about their culture in and saves against illusions.
Dexterity. If you win, the target is also Equestria. Meditative Healing: You heal one additional hit point for each hit die you spend.
knocked prone.

The zebras are another race from beyond the borders of Equestria. Zebras share a
common ancestor with ponies and donkeys, though thousands of generations of evolution
have given them a number of differences, most notably their striped hair. In Equestria,
especially the smaller, insular communities, zebras are unfortunately often subject to a great
deal of suspicion and distrust, so it can be difficult for them to fit in at first.
Zebra culture is deeply spiritual, and the majority of them possess a reverence for nature
and their ancestors that borders on religious. Zebras are especially drawn to classes that form
pacts with nature or other beings or powers, such as the shaman, warlock, druid, and cleric.

Zebra Traits

MLP45E – Chapter 2: Canon Character Races

Ability Score Adjustment: Your Wisdom score increases by 1 and your Strength or
Constitution score increases by 1.
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet Design Notes: Zebra
Languages: Zebraharan, Like the minotaur and griffon, all we really
Equestrian have to go on is a single individual on which Zecora, Everfree Druid
Natural Weapons: You are to base an entire species. Luckily, in the By Cheezedoodle96
proficient with your hoof and bite episode Bridle Gossip we do have some
attacks, which deal 1d6 bludgeoning information on Zebra culture, which appears
damage. to draw from some real-world African
Cutie Mark: All zebras receive a cultures.
cutie mark by adulthood. You Their racial abilities reflect a spiritual,
determine what your cutie mark looks reverent people, unique among all the
like and the ideal it represents (see Equestrian races shown to date in canon.
“Ideals, Flaws, and Bonds” on page 14 One recent revelation in the Journal of the
of the How to Play document). Once Two Sisters is that the zebras befriended by
per day, you can reroll a die roll Princess Luna were able to cast spells, which
associated with an action that is they used to defend themselves from their
directly relevant to your cutie mark’s enemies, the manticores.
ideal. Alternately, you can select
something from the Alternate Cutie
The races appearing in this
chapter are mostly implied
possibilities expanded on from
canon by MLP fans. We are
certainly a creative lot, and epic
fanfictions and art masterpieces
have been created around such
characters. In all cases I have
supplied my own interpretations
on such creatures, and of course
you’re always free to change
them in your own games to more
closely match your fanfiction of
The changeling orphan is
included here as well because,
while changelings themselves are
canon, the idea of a changeling
as a playable race requires some

MLP45E – Chapter 3: Fanon Character Races

explanation as to why a they
would leave their hive. Thus,
their justification as orphaned
rebels who fled for their lives
after their siblings turned against

High Village by Sirzi 14

Changeling Orphan
creatures who have been in an area recently, much like a dog. Roll a Wisdom
(Perception) check according to the following table. You also have the Tracking ability of
a 1 -level ranger. If you become a ranger, you gain free training in the Perception skill.
Changeling society is ruled by a hive-mind, centered on each hive’s queen. The
members of each individual changeling colony are telepathically connected to all the other Scent Situation DC
members of the same group. They hear each other’s thoughts in their minds, so orders from Recognize a familiar species 10
the queen are passed down instantly and any non-harmonious thoughts are quickly rooted Recognize an individual you know well 15
out. Rival colonies are constantly at war with each other in their subterranean realms, so Recognize an individual you have met 20
there is usually little opportunity for changelings to venture to the surface. Every four hours that have passed +1 to the DC
Occasionally a changeling hatches that finds itself out-of-tune with the hive. Such Rain or snow in the area +5 to the DC
“defective” hatchlings are usually discovered and eaten, but sometimes a changeling’s link Particularly overpowering smell nearby Disadvantage
with the hive breaks much later in life. Such individuals find themselves confused and
frightened, paralyzed with inaction because they suddenly have to decide for themselves Flight: You have a fly speed of 30 feet. If you are at half your maximum HP or less,
how to behave and what to do to ensure their survival. Since their siblings no longer hear your fly speed is halved and you must make a DC 15 Constitution check to gain altitude.
their telepathic “voice” they are treated as enemies and killed. If you are at one-quarter your maximum HP or less, you cannot fly. You can only slow fall
Those few who manage to escape usually venture to the surface, and use their shape- to the ground (see below).
changing abilities to try to blend in with the locals. Fitting in is difficult, for a number of Cloud Walking: You can touch and interact with clouds as if they were solid (albeit
reasons. They are not used to interacting with others verbally, providing for their own soft) ground. This means you can sit or lie on clouds, move them around, gather them
nourishment or lodging, or making friends. In fact, one of the strangest experiences together, or buck them apart with your hooves. You can also stomp on thick clouds and
orphaned changelings invariably have is the need to give themselves a name. In the hive, force them to rain, or possibly even coax out a small lightning bolt if it’s a thick enough
they simply were called by their rank--worker, drone, soldier, etc. To the average cloud.
changeling, the concept of personal names is something normally reserved for their queen. Slow Fall: When you fall 30 feet or
more, you can use your reaction to
Changeling Orphan Traits spread your wings and slow your fall, Design Notes:
Ability Score Adjustment: Your
preventing you from taking any falling Changeling Orphan
damage. For every 10 feet you slow fall,
Dexterity score increases by 2. As we saw in A Canterlot Wedding,
you can move 5 feet horizontally.
changelings make great villains, but

MLP45E – Chapter 3: Fanon Character Races

Size: Medium
Shapechange: You use your action
Speed: 30 feet could one ever become a hero? We
to take on the appearance of any other
Languages: Equestrian, saw very little of them other than
medium-sized living, natural creature.
Undercommon, and Changeling Queen Chrysalis, so from here on out
The first time you assume a new shape,
Pheromones we must venture into headcanon
the creature you duplicate must be
Darkvision: You can see in darkness territory: This write-up is partially
within 50 feet of you. You can remember
within 60 feet of you as if it were dim light. inspired by Star Trek’s borg race,
a number of different forms equal to
When you do so, your vision is in black and especially from the Star Trek: The Next
your Intelligence score. You can “forget”
white. Generation episode “I, Borg.”
any of your memorized forms in order to
Natural Weapons: You are proficient
learn a new one. Once you’ve learned a
with your hoof and bite attacks, which deal
form, you can change details of its
1d6 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 piercing Why Does Love Do This To Me appearance. This means, for example, if you learn “earth pony” as a form, from that
damage, respectively.
By Equestria-Prevails point on when you change shape into an earth pony, you can pick any subrace, gender,
Telepathy: Changelings who are still
build, hairstyle and color, coat color, and eye color. Such variations don’t count against
members of the hive-mind have powerful telepathy that allows them to spy on the
the limit of forms you know.
thoughts of others and convincingly duplicate most of their speech patterns, mannerisms,
The shape’s details are based on what you can discern through your normal senses,
and recent memories. When your link to the queen broke, you lost the majority of that
so if the creature you’re copying has a hidden scar, a bag with unknown contents, or
ability, but you can still speak telepathically with other creatures within 10 squares with
some other quality you can’t detect, you’re forced to guess. Your equipment blends into
whom you share a language.
the new form, or takes on the appearance of some other equipment your target is
Keen Nose: A large part of the communication within a changeling hive is via scents
wearing (your choice). Any magic items you wear continue to function.
and pheromones. Your sense of smell is such that you can recognize the species of
If you change into a form without wings, you lose your flight, cloud walking, and slow
fall abilities. If you change into an aquatic form, you gain its ability to breathe water (or Design Notes: Deerfolk
hold its breath for extended periods). If you change into a form with superior senses such Although the show has depicted deer as normal forest creatures, treating deer as
as an eagle’s vision, you gain that sense. Any other form you take that has some sort of equivalent to Tolkien-style elves is quite popular in fan fiction. Since the horn is so
special characteristic should be adjudicated by the GM, but generally the ability you gain strongly tied with arcane magic and most female deer species lacked horns, this sexual
from the form should be equivalent to a feat in terms of power. Note that changing into a dimorphism provided an interesting conundrum that I thought was worth exploring.
unicorn does not grant you access to arcane magic. Please note that I’m not being sexist here. There’s nothing wrong with the sexes being
If the form can speak, you can speak in its voice, but unless you’re familiar with the different as long as they are still equal in ability.
target, you don’t know its mannerisms. Close friends of the target can tell you’re an That said, of course if you would rather have males and females of both species use
imposter if they beat you at a contest of your Charisma (Deception) against their Wisdom the same stats, simply state that they all have antlers, and make the appropriate
(Insight). If you win the contest by 4 or less, they are suspicious but see no reason to adjustments.
disbelieve you. If you win the check by 5 or more, they are convinced that you are the One thing that this write-up has not considered is the fact that deer shed their
genuine article. If, later on, something comes up where they have reason to be suspicious antlers in the winter. Do they then lose their arcane spellcasting ability for a few
again, they can retry the contest. months? Or have they petitioned the gods to let them keep their antlers year-round?
Brittle: You have an exoskeleton which is less resilient to damage than creatures with You decide!
skeletons. Whenever you take piercing, slashing, bludgeoning, or force damage, you take 1 Finally, although Sirzi’s art depicts these deer with cutie marks, I didn’t originally
extra point of damage. intend for deer to have them. If you wish to give deer cutie marks, I’d recommend not
giving the mark a mechanical benefit like those the equines have, for simplicity’s sake.

Elk and Moose (Subraces)
The deerfolk are an aloof, secretive lot. They don’t tend to trust equines on first
This entry covers both the elk and moose subraces. They are much larger than their
meeting, although they are not normally openly hostile except when their homelands are
other deer relatives, but they don’t have quite the same level of magical aptitude as
invaded. White-tail and reindeer are fast, agile, stealthy, and innately magical, proud
reindeer or white-tails.
masters of magic in all its forms. Their artwork, especially musical instruments, jewelry, and
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 1.
wine, are also highly coveted. Elk and moose are less secretive and more likely to make
Ancient Pact: If you are a male, you are eligible for the arcane classes bard, mage,

MLP45E – Chapter 3: Fanon Character Races

contact with equines, as they like to roam wider areas. They rely more on their brute
and sorcerer, but you are barred from the druid and ranger classes. If you are a female,
strength than magic to get them out of a pickle.
the reverse is true.
In ancient days, the gods of the deerfolk had a controversy on their hooves. Female
Natural Weapons: Your natural weapons deal 1d8 damage rather than 1d6.
deer, lacking antlers, were unable to wield arcane magic. The gods decreed that that in
Large and In Charge: As a large-sized creature, you occupy a 10-foot diameter space
exchange for their monopoly on arcane magic, male deer must sacrifice their connection to
in combat. You can carry, lift, pull, and push twice as much weight as a medium-sized
the primal, druidic magic of the earth. Therefore, only male deer could wield arcane magic,
creature. If you are forced to squeeze into a 5-foot wide passage, you move at half
and only female deer could wield primal magic. The reindeer tribe was unsatisfied with this
speed, your opponents have advantage against you and you have disadvantage on all
decision. The petitioned the gods to instead bless their females with antlers of their own,
rolls. Small-sized creatures can freely move through your space, and likewise you can
and the gods agreed. All the deerfolk tribes were content with their compromises in the
move through their spaces. You also need to eat and drink four times as much as a
medium-sized creature.

Deerfolk Traits
Big Brute: Your weapon attacks with manufactured weapons sized appropriately to
you deal 2 extra damage.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Dexterity score increases by 1. Reliable Strength: You have advantage on all Strength checks, Strength (Athletics)
Size: Medium checks, and Strength saves.
Speed: 35 feet
Low-Light Vision: You see as well in dim light as you do in bright light. Reindeer (Subrace)
Languages: Cervine, Equestrian, and Tail Signs Reindeer live in the northern reaches of Equestria. Their tribe asked the gods to bless
Natural Weapons: You are proficient with your hoof and bite attacks, which deal 1d6 their females with antlers, like those of the males, and the gods obliged.
bludgeoning damage, and your horn gore attack, which deals 1d6 piercing damage. Ability Score Adjustment: Your Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 1.
Subrace: Choose a subrace. Four are described here: Elk, Moose, Reindeer, and White-
Tail Deer.
Magical Prodigy: Choose Arcane or Druidic as your Fey Step: You can use your movement to teleport a distance up to your speed. You
specialty. If you choose Arcane, you gain the Arcane Magic must have an unblocked line of sight to the destination to use this ability. After using fey
and Arcane Initiate abilities. If you choose Druidic, you gain step, you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest.
the Druidic Magic and Druidic Initiate abilities.

Arcane Magic: Your antlers grant you the
capability to wield arcane magic. This means that
you are eligible for the bard, mage, and sorcerer
classes. While you cast or concentrate on a spell,
Like griffons, hippogriffs are a hybrid race. They are similar to griffins except that
both your antlers and the target of the spell glow
they have a pony’s hindquarters and tail instead of a lion’s. They also lack the griffon’s
with a magical aura. The color of your magic aura
lion-like roar. In your campaign, hippogriffs can be one of several things:
is determined at birth and never changes (unless
• They may be their own unique race, unrelated to either equines or griffons.
you use dark magic).
• They may be a natural crossbreed
 Arcane Initiate: You gain the Arcane Initiate feat.
of equines and griffons that has
Instead of a first-level spell, you can select two
bred true over time and formed its
additional cantrips.
own communities, culture, and
 Druidic Magic: You have a close connection with traditions.
the earth. You feel its life force flow beneath Niceprill
• They may the product of griffon
your hooves, and can tap into its primal might. By Sirzi and pony parents that may require
You are eligible for the druid and ranger classes. the assistance of magic for
 Druidic Initiate: You gain the Druidic Initiate feat. Instead of a first-level spell, conception to occur. Such offspring
you can select two additional cantrips. would typically be raised in the
Elusive: When you are missed by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to culture of their parents.
disengage. This write-up assumes that
Fey Step: You can use your movement to teleport a distance up to your speed. You hippogriffs are crossbreeds, either natural
must have an unblocked line of sight to the destination to use this ability. After using fey or magical, and that they inherit a cutie
step, you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest. mark from their equine heritage.

MLP45E – Chapter 3: Fanon Character Races

Depending on the tone of your campaign,
White-Tail Deer (Subrace) they may be outcasts, disliked because of
White-Tail Deer live in the central and their dual nature, or they might be
southern regions of Equestria. Their tribe accepted for who they are (or both,
accepted the gods' decision to strip males of depending on who you talk to).
their access to primal magic. Female white- Arcane Musings
tails are the cultural and spiritual leaders of By Equestria-Prevails
their tribes, and male white-tails are the craft
and artifice specialists. Hippogriff Traits
Ability Score Adjustment: Your
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Design Notes:
Intelligence or Wisdom score increases by 1.
wildly-mixed bloodline increases two Hippogriff
Magical Prodigy: If you are a female The GM should decide how they
ability scores of your choice by 1.
white-tail deer, you receive the Druidic Magic want hippogriffs to be depicted in
Size: Medium
and Druidic Initiate abilities the same as that Hazel Nut Speed: 30 feet their world, either from one of the
of a reindeer. If you are a male white-tail By Sirzi suggestions presented above or
Languages: Griff, Equestrian
deer, you receive the Arcane Magic and creating their own interpretation.
Low-Light Vision: You see as well in
Arcane Initiate abilities instead.
dim light as you do in bright light.
Elusive: When you are missed by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to
Natural Weapons: You are
proficient with your claw, bite, and hoof
attacks, which deal 1d6 slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage, respectively.

Cutie Mark: Hippogriffs receive a cutie mark from their half-pony heritage by known simply as “dragon-ponies” since only historians will likely be familiar with the
adulthood. You determine what your cutie mark looks like and the ideal it represents (see proper term. Most kirin will be raised by their parents, but some may find themselves
“Ideals, Flaws, and Bonds” on page 14 of the How to Play document). Once per day, you orphaned or abandoned. Their dragon-like appearance may be frightening to others, so
can reroll a die roll associated with an action that is directly relevant to your cutie mark’s often kirin have difficulty making friends. If you create a kirin character, select either
ideal. Alternately, you can select something from the Alternate Cutie Mark Talents list in earth, pegasus, or unicorn pony for your heritage.
Chapter 4: Character Options.
Flight: You have a fly speed of 50 feet. If you are at half your maximum HP or less,
your fly speed is halved and you must make a DC 15 Constitution check to gain altitude. If
you are at one-quarter your maximum HP or less, you cannot fly. You can only slow fall to
the ground (see below).
Cloud Walking: You can touch and interact with clouds as if they were solid (albeit
soft) ground. This means you can sit or lie on clouds, move them around, gather them
together, or buck them apart with your hooves. You can also stomp on thick clouds and
force them to rain, or possibly even coax out a small lightning bolt if it’s a thick enough
Slow Fall: When you fall 30 feet or more, you can use your reaction to spread your
wings and slow your fall, preventing you from taking any falling damage.
Keen Senses: You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) skill checks.

Kirin (Dragon-Pony) Necklaces

The kirin race is a mythical, magical hybrid of dragon and pony (earth, pegasus, or By Kilala97
unicorn). Their features and appearance vary from individual to individual, such that
members of the same family may not even have the same physical features. All kirin have Kirin Traits

MLP45E – Chapter 3: Fanon Character Races

quadruped, pony-like bodies with thick,
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Constitution score increases by 1.
muscular tails like a dragon’s, ending in
a tuft of hair. Rather than hooves, they Design Notes: Kirin Size: Medium
Speed: 25 feet
have clawed feet, but they are less The kirin (pronounced “key-rin”) is a
Vision: Normal
articulate than those of dragons. Their mythological creature common in Chinese,
Languages: Equestrian and one additional
heads sport a full mane of hair. That’s Japanese, and Korean culture which
Natural Weapons: You are proficient with your claw and bite attacks, which deal
where the commonalities end. Some combines the features of dragons and
1d6 slashing damage and piercing damage, respectively.
kirin are covered in fine scales, while horses (and sometimes giraffes). Its
Cutie Mark: Kirin receive a cutie mark from their half-pony heritage by adulthood.
others have hair. Some have a ridge of appearance is said to be a good omen (See
You determine what your cutie mark looks like and the ideal it represents (see “Ideals,
spines running down their backs from the Luckbringer feat).
Flaws, and Bonds” on page 14 of the How to Play document). Once per day, you can
head to tail, others do not. Some have This entire racial write-up is only based
reroll a die roll associated with an action that is directly relevant to your cutie mark’s
reptilian facial features, such as slitted on artwork I’ve seen (most commonly,
ideal. Alternately, you can select something from the Alternate Cutie Mark Talents list in
eyes and frills, others are more pony- children of Spike and Rarity). I haven’t read
Chapter 4: Character Options.
like. Pegasus/dragon kirin have dragon- any fan fiction with kirin characters, so I
Dragon Type: Choose a dragon type from the table below, which determines your
like or feathered wings, and had no source material on which to base
scale color and appearance, as well as your breath weapon and damage resistance.
unicorn/dragon kirin have either a them. Like everything in this document, the
single unicorn-like horn or dragon-like GM is free to change whatever they want,
horns similar to those of their dragon but I feel the stats below are a good blend
parent. of abilities from their dual parentage.
Though exceedingly rare, in
Equestria kirin are most commonly
Dragon Damage Type Breath Weapon together, or tear them apart with your claws. You can also stomp on thick clouds and
Black or Copper Acid 5 x 20 ft. line (Dex. Save) force them to rain, or possibly even coax out a small lightning bolt if it’s a thick enough
Blue or Bronze Lightning 5 x 20 ft. line (Dex. Save) cloud.
Brass Fire 5 x 20 ft. line (Dex Save) Sky Hauler: You gain Sky Hauler as a bonus Cartoon Physics ability.
Red or Gold Fire 10 ft. cone (Dex Save) Slow Fall: When you fall 30 feet or more, you can use your reaction to spread your
Green Poison 10 ft. cone (Con Save) wings and slow your fall, preventing you from taking any falling damage. For every 10
White or Silver Cold 10 ft. cone (Con Save) feet you slow fall, you can move 5 feet horizontally.
Purple Fire 10 ft. cone (Dex Save)
Unicorn Kirin (Subrace)
Breath Weapon: You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. Your dragon Ability Score Adjustment: Your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases
type determines the size, shape, and damage type of the exhalation. When you use your by 1.
breath weapon, each creature in the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw as Unicorn Kin: You can select unicorn pony feats as long as you meet any other
indicated. A creature takes 1d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful requirements.
save. The save DC is 8 + your Constitution bonus + your proficiency bonus. Horn Attack: You are proficient with a horn or head-butt attack, depending on
th th th
The damage increases to 2d6 at 6 level, 3d6 at 11 level, and 4d6 at 16 level. After whether you have one horn or two. A horn attack deals 1d6 piercing damage, and a
you use your breath weapon, you cannot use it again until you complete a short rest or a head-butt attack deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
long rest. Arcane Magic: Your horn (or horns) grants you the capability to wield arcane magic.
Focus Breath: You can choose to concentrate your breath weapon attack down to This means that you are eligible for the bard, mage, and sorcerer classes. While you cast
affect a single adjacent object over multiple rounds. One round of such use will destroy or concentrate on a spell, both your horn and the target of the spell glow with a magical
flimsy objects; 3 or 4 rounds will melt, burn, or weaken more durable objects such as a aura. The color of your magic aura is determined at birth and never changes (unless you
padlock, weapon, or chain. Exact details are left to the GM to decide. This use expends your use dark magic).
breath weapon like any other use. Arcane Initiate: You gain the Arcane Initiate feat. Most unicorn kirin select
Damage Resistance: You have resistance to the damage type associated with your Apprentice’s Telekinesis and Light as their cantrips. Instead of a first-level spell, you can
draconic parent. select two additional cantrips.
Subrace: Choose a subrace: earth, pegasus, or unicorn for your hybrid pony type. You
gain the traits associated with that type (see below).

MLP45E – Chapter 3: Fanon Character Races

Earth Kirin (Subrace)
Ability Score Adjustment: Your Strength, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by 1.
Earth Kin: You can select earth pony feats as long as you meet any other
Close to the Earth: Choose one skill from this list: Animal Handling, Athletics,
Medicine, or Nature). You have advantage on checks of that skill.
Resilient: Whenever you roll Hit Dice to heal, re-roll dice that come up as 1 or 2.
Stand Firm: Whenever an effect would force you to move or knock you prone, you can
roll a DC 15 Strength saving throw to ignore the movement or prone.

Pegasus Kirin (Subrace)

Ability Score Adjustment: Your Dexterity, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by 1.
Pegasus Kin: You can select pegasus pony feats as long as you meet any other
Flight: You have a fly speed of 40 feet. If you are at half your maximum HP or less,
your fly speed is halved and you must make a DC 15 Constitution check to gain altitude. If
you are at one-quarter your maximum HP or less, you cannot fly. You can only slow fall to
the ground (see below).
Cloud Walking: You can touch and interact with clouds as if they were solid (albeit
soft) ground. This means you can sit or lie on clouds, move them around, gather them
Dare By Vest

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

New Cleric Domains
ability. In addition, you grow an antler-like horn and a dragonlike horn on your head.
These replace any existing horns you may have on your head.
Add these new cleric domains to the list of those available to in the regular D&D rules.
Love Domain
Chaos Domain
You revere the spirit of chaos, mischief, and trickery and its proxy, Discord. You disdain Magic Domain
the status quo, and strive to make sure things stay interesting. Although you don’t
necessarily act with actual malice, sometimes your actions have unfortunate, unforeseen Moon Domain
consequences. Clerics of chaos tend to be wanderers, moving from town to town, always
You revere the moon and its proxy, Princess Luna. You strive for mastery over the
looking for the opportunity for entertainment.
night, dreams, emotions, secrets, change, and illusions. Clerics of the moon are often
Domain Spells astronomers who study the night sky, or wardens who stalk the borders of the Everfree
Cleric Level / Spells forest and other dangerous wilderness areas.
1 Apprentice’s Teleport, Charm Person, Disguise Self
3 Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, Suggestion
Domain Spells
5 Aura of Invisibility, Dispel Magic
Cleric Level / Domain Spells
7 Confusion, Polymorph
1 Cause Fear, Protection from Evil
9 Dominate Person, Seeming Design Notes:
11 Mass Suggestion Chaos Domain 3 Cordon of Arrows, Darkvision, Hunter’s Design Notes:
Discord’s antics in the
Veil, Moonbeam, Phantasmal Force Moon Domain
Bonus Spells 5 Crusader’s Mantle, Dispel Magic
show are fun for us to The design of the moon
You gain the Apprentice’s Telekinesis and 7 Air Walk, Confusion domain lets clerics take on a
watch, but if a character 9 Seeming, Scrying
Prestidigitation cantrips if you don’t already have with this domain is stealthier archery role that
them. You also gain extra domain spells at level 1, 3, meshes well with rangers
constantly making trouble Night Stalker
and 11 and as shown in your Domain Spells table. for the party, it can make for and rogues. Although you’ll
You gain proficiency in the longbow, and you
a short, unhappy campaign. can use your magical ability modifier for attack still want Wisdom as your
Let Chaos Reign! highest stat, a 14 Dexterity
If you take the Chaos and damage rolls with the longbow instead of
You can use your reaction to snap your fingers (if

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

domain make sure your Dexterity. You gain training in the Stealth and will help maximize your AC
you have them), forcing yourself, a friend, or an while wearing studded
antics aren’t putting undue Perception skills. You gain darkvision with a range
opponent to re-roll any d20 roll or damage roll they leather armor (and
stress on the rest of the of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range
just made. They must take the second result. eventually studded dragon
party. increases by 60 feet. You also gain extra domain
Opponents who can see you are aware you are the leather or mithral scale).The
source of this meddling. You can use this ability three spells at level 3 as shown in your Domain Spells
table. Arcane Archer feat meshes
times. After completing a long rest, the uses are well with this domain.
replenished. At level 6, 12, and 18 you gain one additional use.
Channel Divinity: Confront Fear
Channel Divinity: Wild Surge As your action, you present your symbol and
Expend a use of your Channel Divinity when you cast a cleric spell. The spell does not reignite the bravery and hope of your friends.
expend the use of one of your spell slots, but its effect is accompanied by a wild magic Remove the Frightened and Terrified conditions from yourself and any friends within 60
surge and you take 1d4 damage per spell slot level (see the wild magic surge table under feet. In addition, each you and each friend gain 1d4+4 temporary hit points. At level 6,
the sorcerer class). If you roll a 99 or 100, Discord himself manifests nearby to see what’s 12, and 18 you add an additional 1d4, for a total of 4d4+4 at level 18.
going on.
Dream Banishment
Chaos Incarnate Starting at 20th level, you can use the Maze spell once per day at no cost in spell
Starting at 20th level, Discord always responds when you call on him via your divine slots. The target becomes trapped in a dream rather than an extradimensional labyrinth,
intervention ability, and you take half damage from your Channel Divinity: Wild Surge though the spell’s other effects remain the same.

Order Domain Your spirit companion cannot be healed.
Design Notes:
Shamanism Domain
When it drops to 0 hit points it disappears,
leaving behind no physical form. During a The shamanism domain is
Shamanism Domain short rest you can perform a brief ritual that intended to reproduce some of
restores all the spirit’s hit points or causes it the feel of the 4th edition
Rather than worship a specific god, you revere the spirits of your ancestors or the life
to manifest again at full hit points. shaman class, which isn’t yet
force of the world itself. They are your close, trusted friends and you can see them
Your companion acts independently of implemented in 5th edition. Its
wherever you go, even if others cannot. Shaman are usually prominent members of a tribe,
you, but it always obeys your commands. In spirit companions act as the
but sometimes they take to the road and become loaners, or are adopted into another
combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on shaman’s eyes and ears, and can
group of friends.
its own turn. It cannot make attacks. While even deliver touch spells on the
Domain Spells you are within 100 feet of your companion, shaman’s behalf.
Cleric Level / Domain Spells you can communicate with it telepathically.
1 Cure Wounds, Protection from Evil Additionally, as an action, you can see
3 Augury, Locate Animals or Plants through your companion’s eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn,
5 Prayer, Remove Curse gaining the benefits of any special senses it has. During this time you are deaf and blind
7 Death Ward, Divination with regard to your own senses.
9 Mass Cure Wounds, True Seeing Finally, while within 100 feet of your companion, you can have it deliver a spell on
your turn that requires touching a creature. The companion touches the creature on
Spirit Companion your behalf, provided nothing is preventing it from taking actions. If the spell requires an
You have an animal spirit companion chosen from this list: Bear, Boar, Cougar, Coyote, attack roll, you use your attack modifier for it.
Eagle, Lion, Owl, Panther, Snake, Tiger, Vulture, Wolf, or Wolverine. It has the following You can dismiss your current companion and choose a different one during a long
statistics: rest

Spirit Companion Spirit Boon:

Medium Fey Choose one of the following spirit boons. You can select a different spirit boon any
Armor class: 13 time you are allowed to choose a different spirit companion.
Hit Points: 14 + 3 hp for each of your levels beyond 3rd Guardian Spirit: Your spirit companion can use its reaction to take half the damage
Speed: 30 feet of an attack that hits a creature adjacent to it.

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

Str 10 (+0), Dex 10 (+0), Con 10 (+0), Int 3 (-4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0) Harrier Spirit: Your spirit companion can use the Hinder action.
Stalker Spirit: Your spirit companion can use the Help action.
Traits (General): Watcher Spirit: Your spirit companion has a +5 bonus to Wisdom (Perception)
Incorporeal checks and always has advantage on such checks. You and your friends do not suffer
disadvantage on attacks against a concealed or invisible creature adjacent to your spirit
Traits By Type:
Bear: Gains a +5 bonus to all Strength checks to climb and swim, and +5 hit points
Boar/Wolverine: Resists all damage Channel Divinity: Calm Undead
Cougar/Lion/Panther/Tiger: Has a speed of 40 feet, low-light vision, gains a +5 bonus You lose the Turn Undead ability and gain Calm Undead. As an action, you present
to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, subtracts 20 feet from any fall when determining falling your symbol and invite the undead spirits to return to the spirit world where their
damage against it. ancestors await them. Each undead creature within 25 feet of you must make a Wisdom
Coyote/Wolf: Can track like a 1st-level ranger and has a +2 bonus to AC. saving throw (DC 10 + your Wisdom modifier + your spellcasting bonus), unless the
Eagle/Hawk: Has a speed of 5 feet and a fly speed of 50 feet. creature has total cover against you. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is stunned
Owl: Has a speed of 5 feet and a fly speed of 30 feet, and has darkvision with a range for 1 minute or until it takes damage. While stunned, the creature ponders its past life
of 50 feet. and its current actions. If such a creature has a hit point maximum equal to or lower
Snake: Gains a +5 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, a +5 bonus when rolling its than your cleric level mutliplied by 5, the creature immediately collapses and its spirit
initiative, and has darkvision with a range of 20 feet. departs peacefully for the afterlife.
Vulture: Has a speed of 5 feet and a fly speed of 30 feet and can track by scent like a
1st-level ranger. Channel Divinity: Summon Spirit
As your action, you dismiss your current spirit companion (if present) and summon a organization, you have an advantage on swaying the opinions of the common folk to
new spirit companion next to you. Because this summoning is hurried, the companion has help you oppose them.
only half its normal hit points. During a rest you can perform the usual ritual to restore its
hit points. Proficiencies
Skills: Deception, Gossip, Persuasion
Spirit Traveler Tools: Clipboard
Starting at 20th level, you resist necrotic damage. In addition, once per day you can Languages: Any two common languages
use the Etherealness spell on yourself and your spirit companion at no cost in spell slots.
Equipment: Business cards (50), clipboard, fine clothes, hourglass, ink, ink pen,
megaphone, notebook, sealing wax, signet ring, 14 gb, 5 sb

New Skills Educator

Whether through extensive personal experience or formal schooling, you possess
In order to support the slightly steampunk, more modern, urban feel of Equestria vs. broad general knowledge on many subjects, allowing you to serve as a primary school
the typical heroic fantasy D&D setting, two new skills have been added: teacher. You have the insight to tell what your students are struggling with, when they
need additional help, and how best to challenge students to match their abilities. You
Intelligence Skill: Engineering know how to foster a trusting relationship with your students, young and old, to better
Make an Intelligence (Engineering) check to find out how a mechanical device works, get to know them and their unique situation in life. You maintain contacts with other
repair broken devices, or design a new device or building. Can also be used in place of educators with whom you can share experiences and techniques.
Intelligence (Arcana) when dealing with items of artifice (see Chapter 6: Equipment).
Trait: Student-Teacher Trust
Whether you are employed in a town schoolhouse, hired privately to tutor children,
Charisma Skill: Gossip or travel from town to town to teach, people have come to know and value your
Make a Charisma (Gossip) check to find out who the movers and shakers are in town, judgment, competency, and opinion. Parents take your advice on how to deal with their
find the best price for goods or services, hear any rumors going around town, or investigate children, and improve their parenting in the process. Children will often come to you
an NPC’s background. with secrets and troubles that they would not dare tell their family or friends. Many
families from all walks of life would be happy to house you for days, weeks, or even
months at a time in return for the opportunity to have you tutor their children. If you
intend to set up in a town or village, the locals can probably be persuaded to donate
New Backgrounds

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

their time and materials to construct a dual-purpose schoolhouse and residence for you,
as long as you can spend at least half of your time teaching (usually broken up to
account for planting and harvesting seasons).
Add these new backgrounds to the list of those available in the official rules.
Bureaucrat Skills: Insight, Persuasion, and one from the following list: Animal Handling, Arcana,
You either served in public office or worked as a part of a large public or private Engineering, History, Medicine, Nature, Performance, or Religion
institution. You know how to get people motivated, and know the ins and outs of such Tools: Any two tools of your choice.
organizations and can quickly cut through the red tape to get access to the people or Languages: One common or exotic language of your choice.
information you need. You carry a sense of authority that is often all the grease necessary
to ensure the cooperation of others you meet. Equipment: Artisan’s tools, chalk (10 pieces), ink (black and red), ink pen, notebook,
scroll case, traveler’s clothes, tome (choose the subject), 10 gb.
Trait: Get It Done
As a current or former member of a large organizational body, you have an Investigator
impressive, authoritative presence that motivates others to help. Using your knowledge of
You are good at finding the clues that others miss. You may have been a police
the inner workings of such groups you can quickly determine who in the organization is
investigator, a private investigator, a newspaper, or maybe you’re just naturally details-
your best point of contact to accomplish what you need to do. You’re also good at getting
oriented. You know who to talk to to find the most information about a subject, and can
dirt on them to help pressure them if necessary. If you come into conflict with an
weed out the lies.
Trait: Truth-Seeker Trait: Criminal Justice System
As you practice your trade, you earn a reputation for being a neutral party. While they You’ve dealt with the criminal underworld for a long time, and you know a number
don’t necessarily like you, people go out of their way to be on their best behavior around of tricks of the trade to help get things done when you need it. Other police officers
you, to avoid drawing your attention. When you interview people, they will often offer you usually respect you as a fellow cop and are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt
help, suggestions, and other clues to follow up on, to curry your favor. You also know your and may even go above and beyond to assist you. Normal folks try to be on their best
way around a crime scene, and the local police might allow you access if they know and behavior around you, and often volunteer information even when it’s not in their best
trust you. As your fame spreads, they may even come to you for assistance. interest. You know all the laws in your home area, and can quickly check up on local
codes by speaking with the town constables. You know the proper procedures for
Proficiencies capturing criminals and bringing them in for booking.
Skills: Gossip, Insight, Search
Tools: Photo Development Kit, Investigation Kit, Thieves’ Tools Proficiencies
Skills: Gossip, Persuasion, Search
Equipment: Business cards (50), chalk (10 pieces), crowbar, investigation kit, Tools: Investigation Kit, Thieves’ Tools
magnifying glass, notepad, pencil, traveler’s clothes, 7 gb, and 6 sb. Languages: One common language of your choice

Physician Equipment:
You have considerable knowledge of the equine body and its illnesses and afflictions.
You’re probably a generalist, although you might also specialize in a particular field. People Scientist
of all walks of life put their lives in your hooves without a second thought. While it’s true While others often accept what they are told, you go above and beyond to observe,
that magic can work miracles when it comes to healing the body, such service is usually question, hypothesize, test, analyze, and draw conclusions. This can sometimes be
hard to find, expensive, or simply unavailable, so your trade is always in heavy demand. difficult in a world of magic that is often confusing, but you believe even even magic
itself is ultimately beholden to the laws of nature.
Trait: Diagnosis & Treatment
No matter where you go, people will come from miles around to see you if you make Trait: Scientific Method
your services available, so you don’t often go wanting for food or shelter. This who can pay Although you focus on a specific scientific discipline, you also have broad general
for your attentions will gladly do so, while others will barter or outright beg. Speaking and knowledge on a number of topics. Your inquisitive nature sometimes leads you to take
working with such a wide cross-section of society is an enormous source of information and risks in the name of science, but you keep reminding yourself that your work will
rumor about a community, so within a week or two you’ll probably know or have heard of eventually lead to the betterment of civilization. Choose one of the specialties below.
just about everyone in a smaller community. The proficiencies and equipment received are unique to each specialty.

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

Proficiencies Arcana: Skills: Arcana, History, Insight; Tools: chemistry kit; Languages: any two;
Skills: Insight, Medicine, Search Equipment: candle (10), chemistry kit, ink, ink pen, notebook, robes, tome (any arcane
Tools: Healer’s Kit, Herbalism Kit subject such as a specific school of magic), 5 gb.
Languages: One common language of your choice Astronomy: Skills: History, Perception, Search; Tools: navigator’s tools; Languages:
Old Equestrian and any one other; Equipment: common clothes, navigator’s tools,
Equipment: Bone saw, bottle of rubbing alcohol, bottle of whiskey, healer’s kit, notebook, pencil, star chart, 13 gb, 4 sb.
herbalism kit, tome (Perplexing Pony Plagues), steel mirror (head reflector), soap, 6 gb. Botany: Skills: Nature, Search, Survival; Tools: climber’s Kit, herbalism kit;
Languages: any one; Equipment: climber’s kit, herbalism kit, notebook, pencil, tent,
Police Officer traveler’s clothes, 9 gb, 9 sb.
Chemistry: Skills: Arcana, Nature, Search; Tools: chemistry kit, herbalism kit,
You spent a number of years as a beat cop or local constable in a smaller town. You’ve
merchant’s scale; Languages: none; Equipment: chemistry kit, common clothes,
experienced a lot in a short amount of time, and experienced some things you wish you
herbalism kit, merchant’s scale, notebook, pencil, 18 gb, 4 sb.
hadn’t. The job has its own rewards though, and you wouldn’t trade it for the world since
Economics: Skills: History, Insight, Search; Tools: abacus, gaming set; Languages:
you know that ultimately you want to be there to help others when they need it most.
any one; Equipment: abacus, fine clothes, gaming set, notebook, pencil, 26 gb, 9 sb.
You’re likely a former cop, unless you are in active duty on a long-term or undercover
Engineering: Skills: Engineering, History, Search; Tools: abacus, any two artisan
mission to track down a criminal, investigate unusual events, or even probe reports of a
tools; Languages: none; Equipment: abacus, artisan tools (any two), fine clothes,
corrupt member of the force. Work with the GM to determine your status, and what your
notebook, pencil, 21 gb, 9 sb.
current mission is, if any.
New Feats
Geology: Skills: Nature, Search, Survival; Tools: chemistry kit, climber’s kit; Languages:
any one; Equipment: chemistry kit, climber’s kit, miner’s pick, notebook, pencil, piton (10),
shovel, tent, 5 gb, 4 sb.
History: Skills: History, Nature, Religion; Tools: Artisan tools (bookbinding); Languages:
Add these new feats to the list of those available in the D&D game. If you choose a
any two; Equipment: artisan tools (bookbinding), notebook, pencil, robes, tome
feat which grants proficiency in a skill, tool, or language in which you are already trained,
(Understanding Medieval Equestria); 17 gb, 9 sb.
you can instead choose a different proficiency of the same type.
Philosophy: Skills: History, Insight, Performance; Tools: gaming set (chess), musical th
A few of these feats appear in the 5 Edition D&D rules. The version that appears
instrument; Languages: any one; Equipment: chess set, fine clothes, musical instrument,
here is an update that clarifies how it should work for MLP45E.
notebook, pencil, 23 gb, 9 sb.

Accomplished Shaman
Psychology: Skills: Deception, Insight, Persuasion; Tools: Clipboard; Languages: Any
two; Equipment: clipboard, fine clothes, notebook, pencil, tome (general psychology), 8 gb,
4 sb. Everywhere you look, you see the spirits guiding you onward. You converse with them as
Sociology: Skills: History, Insight, Persuasion; Tools: none; Languages: Any three; easily as you would with the living.
Equipment: fine clothes, notebook, pencil, time (general sociology), 8 gb, 9 sb. Prerequisite: Zebra
Zoology: Skills: Animal Handling, Nature, Medicine; Tools: folding chair, healer’s kit;  Spirit World Ambassador: Your number of Ancestral Spirits dice increases from
Languages: any one; Equipment: folding chair, healer’s kit, hunting trap, notebook, pencil, 3 per day to 5.
tent, traveler’s clothes, 19 gb, 9 sb.  Channel the Spirits: Once per day you can spend one of your Ancestral Spirits
dice to cast one of the following spells as a first-level spell: Animal Friendship,
Weather Manager Create Water, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Faerie
Fire, Fog Cloud, Goodberry, Gust of Wind, Healing Word, Purify Food and Drink,
You are (or were) one of the local weather management specialists for a town or
or Speak with Animals.
village. Your job is to ensure that the appropriate weather is delivered on schedule, and
 Not-So-Evil Brew: During a rest you can spend one of your Ancestral Spirits
any irregularities are dealt with. If you are in active duty, you know the local weather
dice to create a magic brew at no material cost as long as you have access to a
schedule, and if not your predictions are quite accurate. Of course this position is only
spell component pouch or an outdoor location or natural subterranean cave
available to pegasi, griffons, and other creatures capable of flight, as it requires the
where you can gather ingredients. You can create acid, alchemist’s fire,
cloudwalking ability.
antitoxin, holy water, or a potion of healing. The item loses its power if it is not
Trait: Weather Eye used within 12 hours.
You probably know the official local weather managers (or are one yourself) or can at  I Suppose You Could Call it a Curse: In addition to their other uses, you can
least find them easily enough. You know or can learn the local weather schedule for the use your reaction to assign one of your Ancestral Spirits dice to an opponent’s

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

next two weeks. If you can’t acquire the schedule for whatever reason (or you’re in an area d20 roll if they’re no more than 2 levels higher than you.
where there is no weather management), you can accurately predict the weather 24 hours
out. With a DC 10 Wisdom (Nature) check you can predict the weather for the next 3 days. Agile Flyer
With a DC 15 Wisdom (Nature) check you can predict the weather for the next week. The Your friends (and opponents) have a hard time keeping up with you.
GM should roll these checks for you in secret. If you come to an area where weather is Prerequisite: Flight ability
being mismanaged or is unmanaged, you can always take up the responsibility and set up a  Your fly speed increases by 10 feet.
delivery schedule with Cloudsdale.  When you provoke an opportunity attack for using flying movement,
opponents have disadvantage on the roll.
 When you are flying and an opponent misses you with an attack or you
Skills: Nature, Perception, Survival
successfully save against an area attack, you can use your reaction to use the
Tools: Navigator’s tools
disengage action.
Languages: Two common languages of your choice

Equipment: Local map, local weather schedule, map case, navigator’s tools, notebook, All-Team Organizer
traveler’s clothes, and 10gb. You’ve got the organizational skill to help make others more than the sum of their parts.
Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20. In
addition, you have three tactics points. You can spend tactics points to perform the
following actions. You recover spent tactics points after completing a long rest.
 When a friend misses with an attack or fails at a contest against an opponent  You have advantage on saving throws against fire effects and Constitution
adjacent to yourself or a third friend, use your reaction to let the friend re-roll saves to avoid exhaustion from hot weather.
the attack or check.
 When an opponent adjacent to you or a third friend hits your friend or beats Cartoon Physique
them in a contest, use your reaction to force the opponent to re-roll the attack
You have a well-developed sense of comedic timing.
or check.
 You gain two additional cartoon physics power slots
In addition, you can do the following without needing to spend tactics points:
 You gain two additional cartoon physics points.
 Use your action to allow a friend to use the Charge, Disengage, Dodge, Help,
 Designate one of your cartoon physics powers as your signature move. When
Hinder, or Hustle action immediately, for free.
you activate your signature move, its power cost is reduced to half normal. If
 Use your action to allow an adjacent friend a free attempt to remove a
this reduces its cost to less than one point, it doesn’t cost you any points to
condition or other effect he or she is suffering from. This can only be done if
activate. You can designate a new signature move after a long rest.
the effect normally allows its victim to use an action to attempt to remove it.
 You can swap out your cartoon physics power slots during a short rest rather
than having to wait for a long rest.
Bison Brave Special: You can take this feat more than once. The second and each additional
You are well-trained in your tribe’s ways, and are proud to continue their traditions time, you just gain the additional slots and points. You do not gain another signature
wherever you go and share them with whoever you meet. move.
Prerequisite: Buffalo
 Fearless: You have advantage on saving throws against fear and checks to Cast-Iron Belly
remove fear effects.
You can eat just about anything without getting sick.
 Counting Coup: During battle you can use your action to touch an adjacent
Prerequisite: Buffalo, Diamond Dog (any), Donkey, Dragon, Minotaur, or Pony
opponent. You can then spend one of your Hit Dice to heal yourself. Once used,
you cannot use this ability again until you complete a short rest (assuming you
You have resistance to poison damage, and you have advantage on saving throws
have Hit Dice remaining).
against poison and disease.
 Pass the Calumet: During a long rest you can smoke your ceremonial calumet
Changeling Soldier
pipe, entreating the gods for good fortune in the coming day. Once that day
you can use your action to cast the Bless spell, which affects yourself and
anyone who spent the rest with you. Before you were orphaned, you underwent conditioning and a special diet which
improved your physical abilities.
Burly Beast

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

Prerequisite: Changeling Orphan
Your Charisma bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. You gain the ability to
Nobody doubts your strength ever since they saw you lift that piano by yourself. learn arcane magic, and are now eligible to select arcane classes and feats. Finally, you
 Your Strength score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. gain two abilities: Changeling Resin and Fueled By Love
 The damage die of your natural attacks improves by one step (1d6 to 1d8, 1d8 Changeling Resin: You can use your action to spit a sticky resin at a 5-foot space
to 1d10). within 20 feet of you. For the next 15 minutes that spot functions like the Entangle spell
 You move at your normal speed even when it would be reduced by armor or by (though it’s limited to the 5-foot space in size). The save DC is 8 + your Constitution
being encumbered. Other effects that limit speed affect you normally. bonus + your proficiency bonus, and creatures have disadvantage on saves against it.
 You add your proficiency bonus to Strength checks made to break, open, knock You can use this ability a total of three times, and then cannot use it again until you
over, or move objects or creatures. complete a short rest.
 Your weight limit is doubled, meaning you can carry weight equal to 20 times Fueled By Love: At the end of a rest your friends can each choose to willingly give
your Strength score without becoming encumbered (normally 10 times your you one of their Hit Dice. You can either add these Hit Dice to your own pool of Hit Dice,
Strength score). or convert them into power tokens. You can spend a power token to re-roll any of your
d20 rolls or damage rolls. The maximum number of power tokens you can hold at any
Calloused Hide given time is equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum of 1).
Your time in the hot sun of the plains has given you resistance to heat.
Prerequisite: Donkey, Pony (Earth) or Zebra Connected Destiny
 You have resistance to fire damage. You and your friends have had a connection since before you knew each other.
When you take this feat, you designate up to 5 friends whose destinies are  You ignore difficult terrain that is due to loose rocks, boulders, or other
intertwined with yours. During a short rest you can forfeit one of your hit dice to grant one stony ground. You are immune to the Spike Growth spell and always
of these friends an extra hit die. When one of your destiny friends is unconscious and not recognize it for what it is.
stable, you have advantage on all d20 rolls.  You have advantage on checks to determine the characteristics or features
of natural and worked stone and masonry.
Critter Friend  You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures or objects made of
You’ve never met an animal you couldn’t befriend. stone, and deal 1d4 extra damage against them. At 5th level the bonus
Prerequisite: Deerfolk (any), Pony (Any), or Zebra increases to 2d4. At 10th, 3d4. At 15th, 4d4, and at 20th, 5d4.
 You permanently gain the effects of the Speak With Animals spell.
 Whenever you roll a Charisma ability or skill check to interact with an animal Exceptional Skill
non-violently, you have advantage. Seeing you ply your trade is wonder to behold.
 You can use the Animal Friendship and Animal Messenger spells each once per Choose any one skill in which you are proficient. You always have advantage on
day. When you use Animal Messenger, the animal either uses pantomime to checks using that skill and never have disadvantage. Increase the ability score keyed to
convey the message or delivers a letter or token you supply it with as the that skill by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Expert Helper
Daylight Adaptation “Anything I can do to help?” — Derpy Hooves
Your eyes have adapted to see in daylight with no difficulty. Once per turn you can use the help or hinder actions as a part of your normal
Prerequisite: Pegasus Pony (Nocturnus) action.
You suffer no penalties due to normal sunlight. In addition, increase any one of your
ability scores by 1 (to a maximum of 20). Fade Away
Your innate magic allows you to disappear from view when the need arises.
Diamond Dastard Prerequisite: Deerfolk (any)
You know a number of tricks unique to your race When you take damage from an attack, you can choose to become invisible as your
Prerequisite: Diamond Dog (any) reaction. You remain invisible as long as you continue to concentrate, up to 1 minute.
 Add your spiked, club-like tail to your list of proficient natural weapons. It deals The invisibility ends early if you attack or cast a spell on anything other than yourself.
1d6 bludgeoning damage. When you use your action to attack with it, you can When you use this ability, you cannot use it again until after completing a short rest.

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

also use the Knock Down action as part of the same action.
 When you have advantage against an opponent, your successful attacks deal Friendly Face
1d4 extra bonus damage. Your ever-present smile leads most folks to thinking positively about you.
 You gain proficiency in a Strength or Dexterity skill of your choice, or a tool of Prerequisite: Charisma 13+
your choice.  Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
 You gain proficiency in the Persuasion or Gossip skill.
Draconic Might  Whenever you roll a Charisma ability or skill check to improve an NPC’s
Your draconic bloodline runs particularly strong. attitude, you have advantage.
Prerequisite: Dragon
You gain two additional Dragon Bloodline racial abilities that you do not already have. Gale Force
In addition, your tail is long, strong, and prehensile enough to pick up and carry an object
You can move so fast that your wake knocks others on their rumps.
as a part of your movement (though not enough to use it as a weapon).
Prerequisite: Griffon, Hippogriff, or Pony (Earth or Pegasus)
 Your speed (walking and flying if applicable) increases by 5 feet.
Earth Mastery  When you use the Disengage action you move at full speed rather than half
Earth and stone are no match for your hooves. speed, and any creature who you move adjacent to during your turn has a
Prerequisite: Buffalo, Diamond Dog, Donkey or Pony (Earth) chance of falling down. Contest your Strength or Dexterity against the other
creature’s Strength or Dexterity. If you win, the creature falls prone. You can
suppress this ability.
Griffon Mojo  Whenever you would be knocked prone, you can roll a DC 15 Strength or
Dexterity saving throw to avoid it.
You have discovered how to tap into your innate magic, and can use it to boost your  Whenever you stand up from prone, you can also move 10 feet afterward.
physical abilities.  When an opponent misses you with a melee attack and you’re not flying,
Prerequisite: Griffon or Hippogriff you can use your reaction to disengage, even if you are prone.
You have three griffon mojo points, which are replenished after a short or long rest.
 You have advantage on Dexterity checks and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.
You can use them in the following ways:

Little Helper
Catlike Reflexes: Spend one point to gain advantage on a Strength or Dexterity check
or save.
Extra Roar: Spend one point as a part of your action to regain the use of Ferocious Your critter friend has always got your back.
Roar if you have already used it. You have an animal pet that has stats equivalent to a familiar (per the Find Familiar
Savage Pounce: Spend one point when you use your Pounce ability. You have spell). Your pet understands your orders and you can generally understand how it’s
advantage on your Strength check for the contest, and the attack deals 1d6 extra slashing feeling or what it’s trying to communicate to you. The pet never provokes opportunity
damage. The damage increases to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 16th level. attacks, opponents have disadvantage on attacks against it, and it has advantage on all
Thunderous Roar: Spend one point when you use your Ferocious Roar. The roar now saving throws. If your pet drops to zero HP or fewer it is knocked unconscious. After a
also deals 1d4 thunder damage on a failed save. The damage increases to 2d4 at 6th level, short rest it recovers 1 HP, and you can spend your own Hit Dice to heal it.
3d4 at 11th level, and 4d4 at 16th level. Your pet acts on its own initiative and follows your orders. While it is conscious, you
have advantage on attacks against any opponent adjacent to it. In addition, you have
Highly Quotable three pet points. You can spend a pet point to perform the following actions:
 If your pet is adjacent to you, re-roll an ability check, skill check, or saving
You’ve got a snappy comeback for every situation.
 Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
 If your pet is adjacent to an opponent, re-roll an attack roll against that
 You draw two extra zinger cards after taking a long rest. You must give one of
them to a friend.
 If your pet is adjacent to an opponent, use your reaction to prevent that
 Once per day you can discard one of your (or a friend’s) unused zinger cards
opponent from taking a reaction.
and allow the holder to draw a replacement.
 If your pet is adjacent to medium-sized or smaller opponent, you can use
your action to knock that opponent prone.
Kirin Heritage You recover spent pet points after completing a long rest.
You’ve embraced your heritage and learned to develop your natural talents.
Lovable Goof

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

Prerequisite: Kirin
Select one of the following benefits: either Dragon or your kirin subrace.. You can take
You have big ears, a lazy eye, buck teeth, bad acne, poufy hair, a chubby build, a comb-
this feat twice. The second time, you gain the ability you did not select.
over, or some other feature that causes the dice gods to spare you from the worst luck.
 Embrace the Fire (Dragon): You can select two of the dragon race’s Draconic th
Other than the flavor text, this feat is identical to the “Lucky” feat from the 5 -
Bloodline abilities, excluding Arcane Apprentice and Robust Wings.
Edition D&D playtest documents.
 Embrace the Arcane (Unicorn Kirin only): You gain the Advanced Studies
Loving Devotion
unicorn pony benefit, and select two of its special abilities.
 Embrace the Earth (Earth Kirin only): Choose one earth pony subrace:
Andalusian, Arabian, Clydesdale, or Mustang. You gain the subrace’s racial You and another individual share a special connection.
abilities. You must have the agreement of another player whose character is the subject of
 Embrace the Wind (Pegasus Kirin only): Your walking and flying speeds your loving devotion. Your character and that player’s character share a special
improve by 5 feet. In addition, choose Acrobatics, Athletics, or Stealth. You relationship, either parent-child, sibling, best friend, romantic, etc. While the subject of
have advantage on checks of that skill. your devotion is below half their maximum HP or is stressed, you get a +1 bonus to all
d20 rolls. If the character is dropped to 0 HP or fewer, you can use your reaction to take
Light On Your Hooves an action. Finally, during rests, you and that character can spend your Hit Dice on each
other to heal each other.
You can pronk with grace and agility that few can match.
Prerequisite: Four legs, Dexterity 13+

Luckbringer You must use your action each round to concentrate on maintaining it or the
tornado dissipates. Each time you do so, you can move up to half your speed and the
Good things just seem to happen when you’re around. tornado moves with you. The maximum number of rounds you can sustain the tornado
Prerequisite: Kirin (any) is equal to half your Constitution score. When the effect ends (either by you failing to
Each time you complete a long rest, give each friend present for the rest a luck token. use your action to concentrate on the tornado or by hitting the maximum duration), you
They can spend a luck token to add 1d4 to a d20 roll their character just made. They can cannot create another tornado until you complete a short rest.
also spend their luck token on behalf of another player character or non-player If you are level 10 or higher, you can instead use the 5th-level spell slot version of
character. Any tokens not spent by the next long rest are discarded. Dust Devil.

Massage Therapist Plant Mastery

“You really should have come to me sooner. You were carrying so much tension in that The forest and plains bend to your will.
shoulder.” — Fluttershy Prerequisite: Deerfolk (any), Pony (Earth), or Zebra
During a short rest, your friends heal 1 additional HP for each Hit Die they spend,  You ignore difficult terrain that is due to trees, underbrush, or other
and you automatically remove the stressed condition from them. vegetation. You are immune to the Spike Growth spell and always recognize
After you take a long rest, give each friend present for the rest a massage token. They it for what it is.
can spend a massage token to re-roll a Strength or Dexterity skill check, ability check, or  You have advantage on checks to determine the characteristics or features
saving throw. Any tokens not spent by the next long rest are discarded. of plants and fungi, and on checks to raise plants.
 You have advantage on attack rolls against plant-like creatures and objects
Mighty Flyer made of plant fiber or wood, and deal 1d4 extra damage against them. At
Your strong wings keep you airborne even under the worst duress. 5th level the bonus increases to 2d4. At 10th, 3d4. At 15th, 4d4, and at 20th,
Prerequisite: Flight ability 5d4.
You never lose your flight ability due to being low in HP (unless unconscious), and your
weight limit is doubled while flying (Pounds equal to 20 times your Strength score rather Rodeo Champ
than 10). You know just the trick to get things to move the way you want them to. Having a red
cape or lasso doesn’t hurt.
Mobile Prerequisite: Donkey or Pony (Earth)
You can tumble and dash with skill. You gain the following benefits:  When an opponent misses you with a melee attack, you have advantage on
 Your ground speed increases by 10 feet. your next attack against it. You can also use your reaction to trade places

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

 When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don’t provoke with it and then move 10 feet, if desired.
opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether or  When you hit an opponent up to one size larger than you with a melee
not you hit. attack, you can move it anywhere else adjacent to you.

Packrat Salt of the Earth

You can keep a bewildering array of junk ready to use at any time. Your family tree includes a number of earth ponies, and you take after them
Prerequisite: Hammerspace cartoon physics power Prerequisite: Pony (any) or Hippogriff
The weight limit of items you can stow is doubled. You can use your action to stow an Choose one Earth pony subrace. You gain all the racial traits of that subrace in
item rather than needing to do it during a rest. While you have this feat you cannot drop addition to your own. If the ability score increase would raise your score above 20, you
hammerspace for a different cartoon physics power. instead assign the bonus to a different ability score of your choice. In addition, you are
eligible to select Earth pony feats.
By flying in a tight circle, you can create a powerful vortex of air. Shaggy Hide
Prerequisite: Weather Mastery feat The frigid winter doesn’t bother you much at all.
You can use your action to create a tornado effect equivalent to the Dust Devil spell, Prerequisite: Buffalo, Deerfolk (any), Diamond Dog, Donkey, or Pony (Earth)
centered on you. You are immune to its effects. The DC for creatures to resist it is equal to  You have resistance to cold damage.
8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Constitution bonus.
 You have advantage on saving throws against cold effects and Constitution
saves to avoid exhaustion from cold weather.
Telekinesis Mastery
Shake It Off You have studied the magic of levitation extensively.
A strong will lets you shrug off harmful effects when you really need it. Prerequisite: Able to cast the MLP45E version of the Telekinesis spell
Prerequisite: Diamond Dog, Dragon, Hippogriff, Minotaur, Pony (Earth), Zebra You can use the 1st-level MLP45E version of the Telekinesis spell as a cantrip. If you
 Your Constitution or Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. use a spell slot to cast it, you gain the effects of a spell slot one level higher than normal.
For example, if you use a 4th-level or higher slot, you gain the effects that a character
 When you are suffering from an effect, circumstance, or condition that you can
without this feat would receive for using a 5th-level or higher slot.
attempt to remove by using your action, you can make a free attempt at the
start of your turn without needing to use your action.
Throw Your Weight Around
Socialite Your towering height and chiseled physique lets you perform some impressive feats of
You’re the type of pony everypony should know.
Prerequisite: Minotaur
 Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
 You can use your action to move any medium or smaller creature within 10
 You gain proficiency in any 3 Charisma skills or languages of your choice.
feet of you to any other place within 10 feet of you. If the creature resists,
You can take this feat multiple times.
contest your Strength (with advantage) against their Strength or Dexterity
(their choice). If they win, they stay put.
Sweet-Talker  When you hit with a charge attack, you can also push the target 10 feet away
You’ve got a keen sense of when someone might be attracted to you, either romantically or from you.
as a potential BFF.  Your attacks against inanimate objects deal extra damage equal to your
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+ weapon’s damage dice.
Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. You have advantage on
Charisma ability checks, and Deception, Insight, and Persuasion checks made against Tree Whisperer
someone who might be susceptible to your wiles. It’s up to the GM to determine for each
NPC whether they are affected. Alternately, the GM can allow you to roll on the table “Ya know she’s not a tree, right?” “She’s not a tree, Dashie!” “I’d like to be a tree.” —
below. Note that if the subject later feels they’ve been used, you might make an enemy. Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy
Prerequisite: Pony (Earth) or Deer (any), Proficient in Nature skill
 Your Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

d10 Result
 You have advantage on Nature skill checks.
1 Rejection: You now have disadvantage on all these rolls rather than advantage.
 Once per day, you can use an effect similar to the Speak with Animals spell
2-5 Neutral: Your charms don’t get you anywhere.
to speak with trees.
6-9 Receptive: The subject wants to be your friend; you gain the benefits of the feat.
10 Smitten: As above, plus the subject is infatuated with you and wants to be your
special somepony. Trickster Nonpareil
You’ve got opportunity in this very community.
Tame the Storm Prerequisite: Your race is capable of using arcane magic.
 You learn the Apprentice’s Telekinesis cantrip, or a different mage cantrip if
You’ve learned to harness your innate magic to reflect lightning and infuse your touch with
you already know it.
static electricity.
 You gain proficiency in the Deception skill or in thieves’ tools.
Prerequisite: Weather Mastery feat
 You can make Dexterity checks to disarm traps and open locks and Sleight of
 You learn the Shocking Grasp cantrip. The save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus
Hand checks on targets up to 10 feet away from you.
+ your ability modifier of choice.
 You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that
 When you take lightning damage from a ranged or area attack, you can use
is one size larger than you.
your reaction to buck the lightning, redirecting it against a target of your choice
within 25 feet, and you take no damage. The spell affects its other targets

True of Heart die’s result to healing you, and the amount left over becomes temporary hit
points. Temporary hit points are lost first when you take damage, and those
Your noble spirit protects you from the ravages of dark magic and aligns you with the purity gained from this feat last for 1 hour or until lost.
of the light. Your friends can also gain the war paint die benefit of this feat if they allow you to
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+ paint them up.
 When you take necrotic or radiant damage, reduce the amount by your
Constitution bonus.
Weather Mastery
 You can choose to add 1d4 to a saving throw. When you do so, you can’t use
this ability again until you complete a short rest. You’ve learned a number of tricks to help you in your duties as a weather manager.
Prerequisite: Pony (Pegasus), Griffon, or Hippogriff.

Un-Common Sense When you take cold, lightning, or thunder damage, reduce the amount by
your Constitution bonus.
Sometimes you wonder how others make it through life not realizing the things that are  You have advantage on saving throws against cold effects and Constitution
obvious to you. saves to avoid exhaustion from cold weather.
 Your Wisdom score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.  You can use your action to create an effect equivalent to the Gust of Wind
 You gain proficiency in any 3 Wisdom skills of your choice. spell. Its save DC is equal to 8 + your Strength or Constitution bonus + your
You can take this feat multiple times. proficiency bonus.
 You can use your action to extend your cloudwalking ability to include
Virtuoso friends within 30 feet of you. Doing so requires you to maintain
“Actually I can play the lyre, harp, psaltery, harpsichord, piano, guitar, violin, banjo, concentration on it as if it were a spell.
mandolin, hammer dulcimer, and hurdy-gurdy, but my favorite instrument is the lute.” –
Lyra Heartstrings Well-Read
 Your Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. “I’m not an egghead, I’m well-read!” — Twilight Sparkle
 You gain proficiency in the Perform skill and a number of musical instruments equal to  Your Intelligence score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
your Intelligence score.  You gain proficiency in the History skill or in any two tools or languages.
 You can use your Performance to create an effect equivalent to the Cause Fear or  Three times per day you can add your proficiency bonus when you use a skill
Charm Person spell. The DC is equal to 8 + your Charisma bonus + your proficiency or tool in which you are not proficient, or when attempting an ability check
bonus. When you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you complete a rest. to which no skill or tool applies.

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

Volunteer Militia
The royal guard and Wonderbolts can’t be everywhere at once. Many towns and villages
have their own volunteer militia ready to assemble when a threat appears.
 Your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score increases by 1 (to a maximum of
 You gain proficiency with all martial weapons.
 You gain proficiency with light armor.
 You gain proficiency with shields.

War Paint
Your tribe’s traditions include application of war paint prior to battle, boosting your resolve
and will to fight.
Prerequisite: Buffalo, Deerfolk (any), Pony (Earth or Pegasus), or Zebra
 You gain proficiency in the Intimidate skill.
 During a rest, you can designate one of your Hit Dice as a “war paint” die when
you spend it. You can choose to apply a portion (or even none) of the war paint

Alternate Cutie Mark Talents
Smart: Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Speedy: Increase your walk and fly (if applicable) speed by 5, and you receive a +2
bonus to Initiative.
If your character is a member of a race which has a cutie mark, you can select any one  Strong: Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20.
of these talents instead of the default cutie mark ability. Many of them are magical in  Thick Hide: Your hide is thick enough that you have a base armor class of 12
nature, similar to the abilities some of the mane 6 have (Fluttershy’s ability to speak with instead of 10. You gain no benefit from wearing armor unless it provides a base
animals, Rainbow Dash’s super speed, Twilight’s magical aptitude). Abilities that are only armor class of 13 or higher.
usable once per day recharge when you take a long rest.  Tough as Nails: When you spend your Hit Dice to heal, re-roll any dice that come
up as a 1 or 2.
 Agile: Increase your Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.  Workhorse: Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor with which you
 Charming: Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20. have proficiency or for being encumbered.
 Distance Runner: When you use the Hustle action, you move 50% faster than
normal. When you use the Disengage action, you move at full speed rather than half
 Good Eats: Once per day you can use the Goodberry spell. It can take the form of
the standard healing berries, or you could make muffins, cupcakes or cookies (or
similar food) instead.
 Guide: Once per day you can use the Bless spell. It can take the form of the standard
religious blessing, or it can be due to you directing the activities of your friends.
 Hale: Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
 Healing Touch: You can use the Cure Wounds spell as a 1 -level spell once per day.
 Lullaby (requires training in Perform skill): You can use the Sleep spell as a 1 -level
spell once per day by singing a lullaby. The range is reduced from 100 feet to 25 feet.
 Mighty Stomp: You can use the Thunderwave spell once per day by rearing up and
stomping your hooves into the ground. The DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
magical ability bonus (or Strength or Constitution bonus if you don’t already have a
magical ability).
 Mischievous: You can use your action to taunt an opponent. Contest your Charisma

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

(Performance) against the target’s Wisdom (Insight). If you win, the target must use
its next action to attack only you. If you are out of range, it must charge at you or
hustle toward you. The target attacks you with disadvantage during this action.
 Morale Officer: You can use the Healing Word spell once per day.
 Mystical: When you use a class feature that lets you recover spell slots during a
short rest, you recover one additional spell level.
 Naturalist: Once per day, you can use the Animal Friendship spell. The DC is 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your magical ability bonus (or Wisdom or Charisma bonus if you
don’t already have a magical ability).
 Pacifist: Once per day, you can use the Sanctuary spell on yourself. The DC is 8 +
your proficiency bonus + your magical ability bonus (or Wisdom or Charisma bonus if
you don’t already have a magical ability).
 Selfless Healing: Each time you take a long rest, you regain one extra Hit Die, up to
your normal maximum number. During any rest, you can use any number of your
own Hit Dice to heal your friends. If you roll a 1 or a 2 on any of your Hit Dice that
are used to heal your friends, re-roll that die.
 Sensible: Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
 Skillful: Gain proficiency in two skills, tools, or languages of your choice.
Languages of Equestria
Old Equestrian (verbal, written, Equestrian script): An archaic form of Equestrian,
spoken by some older dragons and frequently used in religious and historical texts and
some academic publications. There are no large populations still speaking this language
exclusively, as it predates even the Crystal Empire’s heyday. Like Cervine and Griff, it is a
In the show, everyone speaks the same language. To make things more interesting,
child language of Sylvan. Someone who speaks Griff, Sylvan or Equestrian can
MLP45E’s language list looks more like the traditional D&D language list.
understand about 50% of something written or spoken in Old Equestrian.
At minimum, your character knows the languages provided by your race, class, and
Sylvan (verbal, written, Sylvan script): The language of fey folk such as breezies,
background. You also know a number of additional bonus languages equal to your starting
dryads, and other creatures of the faerie world, Sylvan is the parent language of both
Intelligence bonus. These bonus languages are normally chosen from the Standard
Cervine and Old Equestrian. Like Draconic, Sylvan dates back thousands of years.
Languages list, but the GM may allow you to select certain exotic languages if they fit your
Undercommon (verbal, written, Jotun script): This language is the common trade
character’s backstory.
tongue of those races who live underground, similar to Equestrian’s use above ground.
Common Languages
Most minotaurs, diamond dogs, and changelings who deal with other races learn it
Bovine (verbal, written, Bison script): The buffalo and cows speak this language,
which is intentionally slow-paced. Most younger members of these races also speak Exotic Languages
Arabic (verbal, written, Arabic script): Spoken by the Arabians of Saddle Arabia,
Canine (verbal only): The language of the diamond dogs is harsh and guttural, with
completely different from Equestrian Common.
lots of barks, growls, and whimpers. It does not have a written form. It is theorized to be a
Changeling Pheromones (olfactory): Changelings can alter their scent to convey
radical evolution of Jotun.
different emotions or concepts. Only other changelings and diamond dogs have noses
Cervine: (verbal, written, Sylvan script): The ancient language of the deerfolk has
sensitive enough to learn this language.
changed little in the last 2,000 years. Like Old Equestrian, it is descended from Sylvan.
Deep Speech (verbal, written, Deep Speech script): This bizarre, alien language is
Draconic (verbal, written, Draconic script): The elder language of dragons was the
spoken by otherworldly monsters that live underground, and is extremely difficult to find
source of many of the words for the concepts of arcane magic borrowed by the original
even an opportunity to learn it.
speakers of Sylvan, and its child languages Cervine and Old Equestrian. Like Sylvan,
Druidic (verbal, written): The secret language of druids is known by all druids,
Draconic dates back thousands of years into pre-history.
regardless of species. They refuse to teach it to non-druids.
Equestrian (verbal, written, Equestrian script): The native language of ponies has
Smoke Signs (visual): By building a campfire, buffalo can communicate simple ideas
become the common tongue of Equestria, and is spoken by most intelligent creatures.
to others who recognize the signs from miles away. They vary the color of the smoke by
There are many different regional variations with their own accents, but they are not
tossing different powders into the fire, each color signaling a different emotion. All
severe enough to hinder communication between speakers.
buffalo are taught this language from a young age.

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

Equestrian Sign Language (visual): This language was created to assist the deaf. It
Tail Signs (visual): Deerfolk rangers and druids developed their own simple sign
consists of numerous body, hoof, tail, and facial gestures used to convey entire words and
language that involves tilting their tails and ears. They can silently communicate basic
letters and is based on Equestrian Common. Due to the limits of hoof dexterity, generally
ideas to anyone within sight range who knows the language. Anyone can learn to read it,
only simple ideas can be conveyed, but individual letters of complex words can be tapped
but races without external ears such as griffons, hippogriffs, and dragons can’t
out on the ground with hooves, though it is a bit more time-consuming.
effectively send messages using it.
French (verbal, written, Equestrian script): Sacré bleu! Spoken by some of the pony
Thieves’ Cant (verbal, written): This secret code language allows those of less
natives of Vanhoover and the distant kingdom of France. Also known as “Fancy.” It
savory reputations to hide messages in what seems like innocent conversation. In
developed from Old Equestrian in parallel with modern Equestrian and Griff.
addition, it includes a set of secret symbols used to convey short messages. It’s only
Griff (verbal, written, Equestrian script): The native language of griffons sprung from
taught to those deemed trustworthy enough to learn it.
Old Equestrian in the distant past. Speakers of Griff can communicate simple ideas with
Zebraharan (verbal, written, Zebraharan script): The zebras have their own
speakers of Equestrian, but anything more complicated would require an interpreter. Many
musical, rhyming language which is difficult for non-natives to learn. Would-be speakers
griffons and hippogriffs living in Equestria learn Equestrian in school and pick up Griff from
need to spend a few months with a native speaker to do so.
their family members. Most younger ponies know a few words of Griff, as well.
Horse Code: Used by telegraph operators convey messages over wire using telegraph
keys. A proficient operator can send about 20 words per minute. It can also be transmitted
using a variety of other media, such as by tapping on an object to make noise, or using a
lantern or flashlight.
Jotun (verbal, written, Jotun runes): The language of ogres, giants, trolls, and other
similar creatures.
Character Quirks
Cocky: When others ask you to be careful, you roll your eyes, having total faith in
your competence. You may be reckless, at times even to the point of putting your
friends in harm’s way. If you do get bested or shown to be wrong, you might become
sullen or even angry.
The rules dedicate a lot of space to determine what your character is good at, but
Competitive: You turn everything into a game or contest. Sometimes this can be
what about those neutral or negative traits? Consider giving your character one or more of
fun for your friends, other times it’s exasperating to them, even if you don’t see the
these quirks. Some are just interesting flavor, others are personality flaws. They have no
problem yourself.
mechanical benefit or hindrance, but they do make your character more interesting and
Control Freak: You have a strong need to be aware of every possible variable in the
memorable. They also give you a default behavior or talking point to fall back on, and
situation at hand, so you can take them into account when you formulate your plan of
possibly one or more goals to achieve.
action. If something unexpected comes up, everything falls apart and you’re at a loss for
More serious disabilities like blindness, deafness, partial paralysis, missing limbs, and
how to handle it. You might brush off the advice of others, putting full faith in your own
the like, while certainly possible, make it harder to be an adventurer. Unlike the hooks
vision of reality.
below, they would need to impart some sort of mechanical effect to have any meaning. If
Corruptible: You have a thing for bad behavior. Maybe you’re a petty thief, a
you wish to play a character with such a disability, work with the GM to determine its game
pickpocket, or you might look the other way when someone needs help (unless they can
effects, and how your character is stronger in other areas to compensate for it. It’s also
pay for it). If you’re in a position of power, you might take bribes or kickbacks to ensure
certainly possible, in a world of magic and technology, to have working artificial limbs like
your cooperation or compliance.
Edward Elric, Lan Fan, Luke Skywalker, or Jet Black. See the Artificial Limb quirk.
Cowardly: You try to keep to the shadows, wanting no part of the limelight. In
One thing to remember when you start using your character quirks is not to be
combat, you might let others do the fighting if you can get away with it. Being put on the
obnoxious about them. It’s great to occasionally bring one up, especially when the scene
spot is terrifying and you might start to panic. You might even lack confidence in your
calls for it, but continually mentioning your quirks in every situation or conversation will get
own abilities. You tend to let others think for you, and just go along with what everyone
old fast for the other players.
else is doing.
Adventurous: You’ll try anything once. You live by the motto “That which does not kill
Excitable: You tend to get a bit dramatic over the smallest things sometimes. If
me makes me stronger.” You want to go out and experience everything you can, even if it
Equestrian isn’t your native language, you might drift into that language when riled up,
does eventually kill you. And when it does, hopefully at least the bards will write a good
confusing or amusing people around you.
song about it.
Famous Relative: So maybe your sibling, cousin, parent, or grandparent is a famous
Albino: Albinism has rendered all your hair white, and your skin a bright pink that
music star, politician, soldier, business person, or explorer. You’d just like to make a
burns easily, forcing you to dress in dark clothing. Most folks won’t give it a second thought
name for yourself, and get out from under their shadow.
after they meet you, but some primitives might treat you like a god or a demon.
Funny Voice: Maybe your voice is extra high, or extra low, or grates on the ear.
Artificial Limb: Due to some unfortunate circumstances, you lost a limb. You have
Maybe your voice is normal but you can’t carry a tune in a bucket. Good or bad, it sure
managed to acquire a replacement made from metal and wood, powered by magic. See the

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

makes people remember you.
GM for approval before taking this quirk.
Glutton: You consume in excess. This may not be about food, either. Maybe you
Bad Breath: You need to see a dentist more often. You probably don’t even own a
splurge on exotic spa treatments, the latest fashions, or expensive jewelry. Perhaps you
toothbrush, do you?
like to get blind drunk a few nights a week. While others might gasp at your
Bad Hygiene: You need to take a bath more often.
extravagance, many of them are secretly jealous or disgusted by your behavior.
Bad Eyesight: So you’ve got glasses. Maybe you’re completely blind without them, or
Ignorant: You may lack knowledge, but you don’t let that stop you when it comes to
maybe things look a little fuzzy. Protip: always keep a backup pair stashed in your
making a decision or making your opinion known. On the other hand, you might keep
such thoughts to yourself, as you know some of your ideas would likely be pretty
Bald: Maybe you lost it in an accident, maybe it’s genetic, maybe you’ve got
unpopular. This manifests as a low Intelligence score.
Clydesdale fur blight, or maybe you had the Equestrian equivalent of chemotherapy. It’s
Illiterate: For whatever reason, you never had the chance to learn to read and
nothing to be ashamed of, but you may not see it that way.
write. Or you did have the chance and squandered it. You try to hide it as best you can
Bigoted: You and your kin are all that matters to you, and everyone else is
but eventually people find out.
unimportant, as far as you’re concerned. Maybe you are disgusted by lowly farm folk.
Impatient: Time is precious, especially your time. You have little desire to wait
Maybe you can’t stand those prissy city folks. Maybe you think mules are ugly, or that all
around for someone who’s taking their time, and may become annoyed or even upset if
dragons are dangerous, greedy monsters, or that griffons ought to move back to their own
someone isn’t moving as quickly as you think they should be. This may lead you to take
kingdom. It makes for a great story when someone you’re bigoted against turns around and
action on your own when you think you’re not getting anywhere with negotiation.
helps you out, so this is a good flaw to work on improving through adventuring.
Indecisive: You have a hard time making a decision on your own, so you’re
Catch Phrase: You’ve got that old expression you like to use, and everyone’s heard it.
constantly asking others their opinion.
Maybe you’ll get bored of it eventually, maybe not.
Irreverent: You don’t really know when to turn off the fun and put on your serious Procrastinator: Why do now what you can put off for another day when there’s
face. This could be a real problem when the police notice you milling around suspiciously at important napping to be done? Sure, you were going to buy more healing potions, but
night, or when the princess introduces you to the ambassador to Griffonia. eventually forgot about it.
Kitchen Nightmare: Somehow you could manage to ruin a plain lettuce salad. Your Quiet: Why use a dozen words when one will suffice? Some might think you lack
friends know better than to trust you with KP duty. intelligence, but you just don’t see the point of wasting time gabbing.
Klutz: You tend to run into walls, fences, other people. You trip over your own hooves, Rude: This is the definition of having a low Charisma score. Although you may treat
or tail. This is usually more entertaining when you’re carrying a cake or a stack of dinner your friends well enough, you tend to be disrespectful to strangers. You probably don’t
plates around. even realize it, however, and blame any poor treatment you receive on others.
Limp: An old wound or other physical problem gives you noticeable limp. You could Sarcastic: Maybe you’re a decent person, but you tend to be jaded and pessimistic,
simulate this by reducing your speed by 5 feet or never using the hustle action. Most which can manifest as frequent use of sarcasm. You might not think anything of it, but
people will be respectful or even offer to help you along. Perhaps you accept their help others might be turned off by it.
graciously, or perhaps you angrily brush them off? Scars: You have numerous scars from past fights, or perhaps ritual scarring from
Lazy Eye: You can’t really help it but sometimes one of your eyes just likes to wander your primitive tribe. Regardless of how it happened, some folks will find they make you
in the wrong direction. A few blinks usually gets it back in line, but it’s enough to catch more interesting, while others might be turned off.
people off-guard. Scatterbrained: You have a hard time concentrating on the task at hand, and get
Loose Cannon: You are blunt. You tend to act or speak before thinking. Maybe you distracted easily (especially by butterflies and balloons). This can be frustrating for your
impulsively push the big red button. Maybe you blurt out your disgust at your meal right in friends when they leave you in charge of guard duty and return to find you playing tic-
front of the friend who just did their best to prepare it. Once you’re committed, you’re all- tac-toe with your imaginary friend.
in, so it might take your friends a lot of effort to get you to back down. Speaks in Third Person: You always refer to yourself by your name, and never use
Moody: Your mood might change from day to day or even hour by hour. There may the personal pronouns “I” or “me.” In extreme cases, you might even use grandiose
not even be a good reason for it. adjectives to describe yourself.
Naive: Maybe you grew up living a sheltered life, or you’re just too trusting of people. Stubborn: You hate change. You wish that things could always stay the same. New
You have a hard time determining when someone’s trying to take advantage of you. This things frighten and confuse you, though you’d never admit it. This may manifest as a
would manifest as a low Wisdom score. dislike of strangers, a refusal to change plans, or ignoring the advice of others.
Neat Freak: You can’t stand the thought of getting dirty, or being disorganized. Suspicious: You’ve been burned before, and you have a hard time trusting others
Celestia forbid that it actually happens. since it hurt so much the last time you did. You probably have a hard time making
Oblivious: Sometimes you just don’t get it. You have a hard time telling when friends, and you’re always on guard in case one of those so-called friends eventually
someone needs a heart-to-heart and when they just want to be left alone. Maybe you’re a betrays you.
prankster who takes things too far and, even though you may not intend to hurt someone’s Unjust Reputation: Perhaps you’re a member of a family known to be cruel or

MLP45E – Chapter 4: Character Options

feelings, it happens regardless. miserly. Maybe your sibling or parent is in jail for awful crimes. Or you were acquitted
Obsessive: Perhaps you collect small human figurines. Maybe you try to convert for a crime (whether guilty or innocent). Whatever the situation, folks treat you poorly
everyone you meet to the Church of Universal Discordianism. Maybe you really, really, and you’ve got to prove that you’re not who everyone thinks you are.
really love grape jelly. Regardless, normal people might find you a little odd, though they’re Vain: You like to make sure you’re the center of attention. The things you’re doing
probably not actively hostile to you. are obviously more interesting than what anyone else has to say, so you would rather
One Eye: Maybe you wear an eye patch or glass eye, or maybe you just walk around spend time talking about your interests, how your day went, and what you would like to
with a scarred-over eye socket. Regardless of how it happened, it might make some people do than listen to someone else. If somebody steals your thunder, you may become
nervous or uncomfortable. You could simulate this in-game with a low Dexterity (lack of jealous or even angry.
depth perception) or Charisma (turns others off). Of course in some circles, such a disability Windbag: When you get started talking on a subject, it can be hard to get you to
might be seen as a sign of bravery and strength. stop. Others might think you just like hearing the sound of your own voice, but you just
Overweight: You have an eating problem (or maybe it’s glandular?). Although you have a hard time telling when others are starting to get bored.
don’t have any in-game effects, this could be represented by low Dexterity and Vulgar: You’re rude, crude, and make no apologies. In some places this may be seen
Constitution scores. You get tired faster, don’t have as many hit points, and are clumsy. You as a virtue, but most normal folks, while they may treat you with courtesy and respect,
could simulate this by never taking the hustle action, as well. think poorly of your behavior.
Phobia: Whether it’s heights, enclosed spaces, crowds, open spaces, spiders, bunnies,
or something else, you have an irrational fear of it. When confronted by it you start to
sweat at best, or run screaming in terror at worst.

Twilight Sparkle by Yakovlev-Vad

MLP45E – Chapter 5: Magic

New Spells By Class New Spell Descriptions
Add the following spells to the D&D Next playtest spell list.
Apprentice’s Conjuration
You conjure a simple object out of thin air.
1st-level conjuration
Bard Spells Casting Time: 1 action
Cantrips: Apprentice’s Telekinesis, Eldritch Blast Range: 50 feet
Level 1 Spells: Apprentice’s Teleport, Dowsing, Telekinesis, Water Walk Duration: 1 hour
Level 2 Spells: Cloud Walk, Come to Life, Storm Cloud You conjure a non-magical item worth up to 1 gb. The item is generic (a torch or a
Level 3 Spells: Share Memories hat, for instance), not a specific item (the key to a particular chest). The item disappears
after 1 hour. Because the item looks “too perfect” in appearance, those viewing the
Cleric Spells object can notice it’s conjured by contesting their Intelligence (Arcana or Search) or
Level 1 Spells: Dowsing, Water Walk Wisdom (Insight or Perception) against your Intelligence (Arcana). You have
Level 2 Spells: Cloud Walk disadvantage on this contest.
Level 3 Spells: Share Memories At Higher Levels: When you use a spell slot of 2nd-level or higher to cast this spell,
Level 6 Spells: Globe Trotter the item’s value can be up to 10 gb and the duration increases to 4 hours. 4th-level: 50
gb, 12 hours. 5th-level: 100 gb, 24 hours.
Druid Spells
Apprentice’s Telekinesis
Level 1 Spells: Chameleon Cloak, Dowsing, Water Walk
Level 2 Spells: Cloud Walk, Dust Devil, Storm Cloud You can lift objects and even other creatures into the air and move them around.
Level 3 Spells: Gaseous Form, Growth Spurt, Lesser Passwall This simple version of Telekinesis is one of the first spells most unicorns learn, although
Level 4 Spells: Gossamer Wings advanced versions are more difficult to master. Sweeping with brooms, pulling aside
curtains, gathering up scattered books, and opening or closing doors and windows are
Mage Spells
typical uses of this spell.
Transmutation cantrip
Cantrips: Apprentice’s Telekinesis, Eldritch Blast, Mending Note: This spell supersedes the Mage Hand cantrip in the D&D Next Playtest
Level 1 Spells: Apprentice’s Conjuration, Apprentice’s Teleport, Chameleon Cloak, documents, to attempt to mimic MLP’s unicorn levitation magic as closely as possible.
Dowsing, Instant Makeover, Telekinesis, Water Walk Any creature with Mage Hand should instead use this cantrip.
Level 2 Spells: Cloud Walk, Come to Life, Dust Devil, Storm Cloud Casting Time: 1 action
Level 3 Spells: Fabricate, Gaseous Form, Growth Spurt, Lesser Passwall, Share Range: 25 feet
Memories, Reverse Gravity Duration: Concentration
Level 4 Spells: Gossamer Wings, Reverse Gravity, Wondrous Transformation You can telekinetically lift and manipulate unattended objects within a 10-foot

MLP45E – Chapter 5: Magic

Level 5 Spells: sphere with a combined weight of 10 pounds or less, or push/pull an object with the
Level 6 Spells: Globe Trotter equivalent of 10 pounds of force. Each round on your turn you can choose to either
continue manipulating the same object(s) or switch to different object(s) within range as
Paladin Spells a part of your action. Objects you are lifting automatically move along with you relative
Level 3 Spells: Share Memories to your position unless you use your action to reposition them (move closer or further
away). You do not have fine motor control over the objects.
Ranger Spells You can use your action to lift tiny-sized creatures if you succeed on a contest
of your magic ability against the target’s Strength. You can attempt to snatch away worn
Level 1 Spells: Chameleon Cloak, Dowsing, Water Walk or held items if you succeed on a contest of your magic ability (with disadvantage)
Level 2 Spells: Cloud Walk, Dust Devil, Storm Cloud against the target’s Strength. You can use your action to throw objects up to 20 feet
Level 3 Spells: Gaseous Form, Growth Spurt beyond the spell’s range, but you lack sufficient force to deal damage with them directly.

Cloud Walk
Apprentice’s Teleport This spell lets unicorns, earth ponies, and other ground-dwellers to walk on clouds
You disappear and reappear a short distance away. Twilight Sparkle is a master of this like pegasi and other flying creatures.. Twilight Sparkle used this spell to enable herself
difficult spell. and her friends to attend the Best Young Flyers competition in Cloudsdale to cheer for
1st-level conjuration Rainbow Dash.
Note: This spell supersedes the Dimension Door spell in the D&D Next Playtest 2nd-level transmutation
documents, to attempt to mimic MLP’s unicorn teleportation magic as closely as possible. Casting Time: 1 action
Any creature with Dimension Door should instead use this spell. Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration (up to 1 hour)
Range: 30 feet Until the spell ends, you gain the cloudwalking ability of pegasi: you can move
Duration: Instantaneous across clouds as if they were solid ground. If you are inside a cloud when you cast this
You teleport yourself or an object from your current location to any other spot within spell it carries you to the top at a rate of 10 feet per second (60 feet per round).
range that you can see. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, it
your carry limit. If you are prone when you use this spell, you can choose to appear at your lasts the full duration of 1 hour without concentration and you can affect up to 10 willing
destination standing. creatures within 25 feet of you.
At Higher Levels: Optional Material Component: If you spend magic dust worth 25 bits for each
2nd-level or higher slot: Range increases to 50 feet, and you can bring along one creature affected, the duration increases to 24 hours.
adjacent willing creature of your size or smaller. You can also attempt to teleport an
unwilling creature within range up to 50 feet. The target gets a Wisdom saving throw with Come To Life
advantage to avoid being teleported.
Trixie and Twilight Sparkle are both familiar with this spell, which causes an object
3rd-level or higher slot: Range increases to 200 feet, and you can bring along a
to animate, jumping around on command. Use this spell with care or you can lose control
creature up to one size larger than you. Unwilling creatures still can only be teleported 50
of it. Trixie lassoed Applejack with her spell, and Twilight bit off a bit more than she could
feet. You can bring along a second willing creature, but you take 3d6 psychic damage which
chew animating one of Ponyville’s snow plows.
cannot be reduced in any way.
2nd-level transmutation
4th-level or higher slot: Treat as the D&D Next Dimension Door spell, with these
Casting Time: 1 action
additions: You can teleport unwilling creatures as above, or you can bring along additional
Range: 10 feet
willing creatures. Each additional creature beyond the first causes you to take 3d6 psychic
Duration: 1 hour
damage which cannot be reduced in any way.
A small-sized object within range becomes animated under your control. It gains
the stats of a common skeleton. If it doesn’t have legs, wheels, or another means of
Chameleon Cloak movement, it gains a fly speed of 30 feet. Its melee attack is typically slamming into its
Your body and equipment change color to blend in with your surroundings. target. As part of your action, you can mentally command your animated objects within
1st-level illusion 50 feet of you. Roll a DC 10 Charisma check. On a failure, the object goes berserk and

MLP45E – Chapter 5: Magic

Casting Time: 1 action acts randomly according to the table below. You can attempt to re-assert control after
Range: Touch one minute. On a success, you decide what action the object will take and where it will
Duration: 1 Hour move, or you can issue a general command such as to guard a particular chamber or
Touch a willing creature. The creature’s body and clothing take on the coloration of corridor. You can also order it to act on its own for appropriate tasks (such as a broom
their surroundings, aiding in their attempts to hide. The creature receives a +5 bonus to sweeping a house’s floors, a shovel clearing the snow from a street, a washboard
Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and does not need cover or concealment to hide. cleaning clothes, etc.) If the object completes its task it returns to you if you’re within
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you 100 feet.
can affect up to 5 targets and the Dexterity (Stealth) bonus increases to +7. If you use a 5th Depending on the object’s nature, the GM may allow you to assign a special ability
level or higher spell slot, you can affect up to 10 targets and the Dexterity (Stealth) bonus to the object’s attack when it hits. For example a boiling kettle of water might blind the
increases to +10. target once, for a round. An animated rope might grapple its target. A rock might push
its target, and a chair might trip its target. If an object does have such an ability, reduce
its base attack damage from 1d8 to 1d4.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you devil up to 20 feet. You can direct it over barriers up to 5 feet tall and jump it across pits
can affect a medium-sized object such as a food cart, mailbox, bicycle, dinner table, or up to 10 feet wide. Any creatures trapped inside move along with it. If it ever moves out
couch. The object retains the skeleton’s stats with these changes: Hit Points 30, Attack +5 of range it dissipates immediately.
for 1d8+3. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher,
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can affect a large- the damage increases to 5d4, its size increases to a 10-foot diameter, and it can draw in
sized object such as a wagon, outhouse, or carriage. The object retains the skeleton’s stats one large-sized creature or twice the normal number of smaller creatures.
with these changes: Hit Points 60, Attack +7 for 1d8+6.
Eldritch Blast
Berserk Objects: Roll 1d6 Some unicorns are able to use their magic to fire a blast of arcane force at their
1: Attack nearest creature opponents, although most prefer to dedicate their studies to more peaceful magic.
2: Charge random creature Evocation cantrip
3: Stand idle in place Note: Use this cantrip exactly as it appears in the D&D Next playtest documents to
4-6: Move and Hustle in random directions replicate the magic “laser bolts” that the alicorns and some unicorns create. The only
difference is that the bolt is the same color as the unicorn’s magic aura.
You think about something, and your horn points you in the right direction to find it. Fabricate
Rarity uses this spell in her gem-hunting expeditions with Spike. Using your magic, you reshape objects into whatever form you desire.
1st-level divination (Ritual) 3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time:
Range: 50 feet Range: 20 Feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Concentration (up to 1 hour)
You visualize something you wish to find, such as water, food, gems, minerals, or a You concentrate on a supply of raw materials and construct finished goods
particular object you are familiar with. If the substance or object exists within range, your equivalent to your normal skill at creating them manually, although much more quickly.
horn points you in the direction of the nearest match. In addition, the substance or item This spell will reshape, split, mix, bend, harden, temper, stretch, carve, and join the
begins to glow if it’s covered by less than 1 foot of loose or soft material. materials exactly as you visualize. Each minute that passes is equivalent to 30 minutes of
At Higher Levels: If you use a 3rd-level or higher spell slot to cast this spell, the range crafting, so a full hour of concentration produces roughly 30 hours worth of labor. Any
increases to 500 feet, and you can detect items through 5 feet of material. friends present for the duration can lend their own knowledge and expertise, although
the work rate is halved to allow time for them to direct you.
Dust Devil One casting of this spell is sufficient to create an item up to large size, such as a
You conjure a small tornado under your control. small wagon, a sofa, a billiards table, or a concession stand. Alternately, up to two
2nd-level conjuration medium items (wheelbarrows, small carts, bicycles, or a suits of armor) four small items
Casting Time: 1 action (weapons, mailboxes, guitars, or shields) or sixteen tiny items (articles of clothing,
Range: 50 feet daggers, arrows, serving trays, or bear calls) can be created if there is sufficient time to

MLP45E – Chapter 5: Magic

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute do so. For example, even though a camera or an exotic gown are both tiny-sized, they
Choose an unoccupied space within range. A 5-foot-diameter tornado appears there are so complex that it might take the entire hour to make just one (assuming you even
and lasts for the duration. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the tornado know how to do it).
must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage from blown
objects (half damage on a successful save). Failsafe
Medium-sized or smaller creatures that fail the save have a 50% chance to be drawn Twilight Sparkle’s Failsafe spell, which failed to cancel Discord’s magical effects, is
into the dust devil. Such a creature is restrained and must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution equivalent to the D&D spell Antimagic Field.
check to cast a spell. On a failure the spellcasting action is wasted but the spell is not. It can
use its action to roll an Athletics or Acrobatics check against your spell DC. On a success, it
can move its full speed away from the dust devil. One medium-sized, two small-sized, or
Gaseous Form
eight tiny-sized creatures can occupy the dust devil at a time. Nightmare Moon was known to use this spell, which transforms you into a cloud of
Missile weapons other than heavy boulders or ballista bolts which pass within 10 feet fog or smoke.
of the dust devil are thrown off-course and destroyed. As an action, you can move the dust 3rd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 10 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Permanent
You transform into a cloud 15 feet across. While in this form, you are incorporeal. You Living plants, seeds, or willing creature (or a portion thereof) begins to grow and
gain a fly speed of 20 feet, although prevailing winds may blow you much faster, or even mature as if weeks or months were passing by every second. Plants are much easier to
blow you away (ask the GM). You can squeeze through tiny gaps (floorboards, leaky roofs, affect than creatures, so the effect depends on the target:
etc) with no movement penalty. While in gaseous form you can make no attacks and cast Plants: If the seeds are planted appropriately, one casting is sufficient to grow an
no spells, nor can you speak, although you retain your senses. entire 5-foot square patch of small plants such as grass, grain, or vegetables. Such
vegetation grows to maturity and produces any fruit or flowers it normally would.
Globe Trotter Alternately, a tree can be grown to approximately 15 feet in height with a trunk 4 inches
in diameter.
You transform into a mote of energy which flies through the air at a rapid pace. The
Creatures: In most cases it is considered reckless and highly immoral to use this
royal sisters have been known to use this spell to quickly survey their lands when a chariot is
spell to increase the physical growth of a sapient creature. It can, however, be used to
too slow or conspicuous.
only grow a small portion of a creature, such as stimulating hair growth, knitting a
6th-level transmutation
broken bone, or scarring over a wound, without controversy. This spell even stimulates
Casting Time: 1 action
dormant cells such as dormant hair follicles to multiply, allowing, for example, a child or
Range: Self
female to grow a fine moustache and beard.
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
If used on a portion of a creature, it generally has the desired outcome. Game
You take the shape of a small-sized globe of energy that sheds light equivalent to a
effects are left to the GM. Although this spell will not actually heal HP damage, it might
torch in the same color as your magic aura. You gain a fly speed of 300 feet. You can
assist in healing a crippling wound or speed recovery from a broken bone (as long as the
squeeze through tiny gaps (floorboards, leaky roofs, etc) with no movement penalty. While
bone is set correctly so it can heal properly).
in globe form you can only use your movement, your action can only be used to hustle or
If used on an entire creature, only creatures that are small-sized or smaller as an
disengage, and you cannot cast any spells or make any attacks. You retain your normal
adult can be affected, and it ages the creature to maturity or approximately one year
senses and the ability to speak. You can end the effect at any time. Your speed is
(whichever is less). Creatures that are already adult are unaffected unless they keep
approximately 35 miles per hour, or 70 miles per hour if you hustle.
growing larger as they age.
At Higher Levels: When you use an 8th-level or higher slot to cast this spell, your
Material Component: Magic dust worth 10 gb
speed increases to 600 feet (about 70 miles per hour or 140 miles per hour while hustling).
Note: This spell does not tax the soil or a creature’s metabolism - all growth is
Material Component: Magic dust worth 250 gb.
fueled directly by the material component. A plant or creature will also not grow beyond
its normal maximum size.
Gossamer Wings At Higher Levels: If you are of sufficient level, you can increase the amount of magic
With this difficult, costly spell you grant another creature usable (albeit fragile) wings dust used to increase the effect:
in the form of your choice.
4th-level transmutation Minimum Plant
Casting Time: 1 minute Magic Tree Tree Creature Maturity
Caster Square
Range: Touch Dust Height Diameter Size Age
Level Size

MLP45E – Chapter 5: Magic

Duration: 12 hours 3 75 gb 25 feet 30 feet 1 foot Medium 2 years
You zap a willing creature up to one size larger than you with your magic. Over the 6 250 gb 50 feet 60 feet 2 feet Large 5 years
next minute, it grows wings in the form of your choice (typically feathered, butterfly, 9 500 gb 75 feet 120 feet 4 feet Huge 10 years
dragonfly, or batlike). The creature gains a fly speed of 40 feet and the cloudwalking ability. 12 1,000 gb 100 feet 250 feet 8 feet Gargantuan 20 years
If the creature is reduced below half their maximum HP or flies above 10,000 feet in
altitude, the wings are destroyed and the target falls at the start of its next turn. The
cloudwalking portion of the spell lasts the full duration regardless.
Lesser Passwall
Growth Spurt Pumpkin Cake spontaneously cast this spell to let herself and her brother escape
after Pinkie trapped them in their playpen.
You cause living cells to develop and multiply, rapidly accelerating their natural growth 3rd-level transmutation
rate. This is the twenty-fifth spell Twilight Sparkle learned, according to Spike. Casting Time: 1 action
2nd-level transmutation (Ritual) Range: 10 feet
Casting Time: 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute, plus 1 additional minute.
Choose a point on a stone, brick, wooden, plaster, cloth, or similar surface within branches to trees (to Applejack’s annoyance), and mended a broken taxi wheel in
range. You create an oval hole through space of your size which bypasses 6 inches of the Manehattan.
surface’s thickness. This lets creatures up to one size larger than you to use the hole to Transmutation cantrip
bypass the wall. The spell fails if the surface is thicker than 6 inches. Once you cease Note: This spell functions as it appears in the D&D Next playtest documents except
concentration, the hole lasts one additional minute. for the following addition:
You can use this spell to fuse together similar nonliving materials. For example you
Share Memories could turn two pieces of rope into one long length, graft dead branches back onto a tree
(though they remain dead), fuse planks of wood into a door, or even repair a sea
You communicate specific memories to the recipient, to give them additional
serpent’s damaged moustache with your own tail hair.
knowledge or attempt to jog their own memory, although the experience is taxing for both
of you.
3rd-level enchantment Reverse Gravity
Casting Time: 1 action Twilight used this handy spell to let herself and Spike quickly ascend to the top of
Range: Touch the Crystal Empire’s palace spire.
Duration: Instantaneous 3th-level transmutation
Choose an adjacent willing or restrained creature. You share roughly one hour of your Casting Time: 1 action
own memories with the target in the course of a few seconds. The target receives any or all Range: Self
of these benefits (your choice): Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
 End the Charmed, Dazed, Dejected, Frightened, Marked, Stressed, and Terrified You reverse the pull of gravity on yourself and everything you’re carrying. This
conditions. Other enchantment effects such as confusion or domination might causes you to immediately fall upward. You can use your reaction to suppress the effect
also be removed or receive an opportunity to save against it (GM’s choice). for as long as you like, and you can use your action to restart the effect. The spell effect
 You give the target proficiency in a skill, tool, or weapon that you are proficient starts with your legs and ends with your head, so you always rotate the correct direction
in, which lasts until the target’s next long rest. for your hooves to be pointing “down.”
 You can give the target an opportunity to analyze a particular scene, This essentially allows you to treat ceilings as floors, or make vertical jumps of up to
conversation, or other situation you witnessed as if they had been there to 100 feet, using your reaction to cancel at the correct height. At the end of such a leap,
experience it themselves. roll a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone at the destination and take 2d6 damage.
This experience is overwhelming to the target. It must make a saving throw against Leaps of greater distances could be attempted, but this is extremely risky since you fall
your spell DC or be paralyzed until the start of your next turn. about 3 seconds (250 feet) before you can reactivate the spell. Having a Feather Fall
spell or Pancake Landing cartoon physics ability available is highly recommended.
Instant Makeover At Higher Levels: When you use a spell slot of 4th-level or higher, you can affect an
additional willing target or unattended medium-sized object within 20 feet for each
Your magic scrubs away all uncleanliness. additional level.
1st-level transmutation (Ritual)
Storm Cloud
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 10 feet

MLP45E – Chapter 5: Magic

Duration: Instantaneous Trixie used this spell to best the rambunctious Rainbow Dash.
You zap a large-sized or smaller creature within range with your magic. Over the next 2nd-level conjuration
minute, the target has all dirt, sweat, grime, water, vermin, and filth whisked away. Their Casting Time: 1 action
hair and coat are washed, trimmed, and styled, clothes are cleaned and treated, teeth are Range: 50 feet
cleaned, breath freshened, hooves or nails filed and polished, and perfume and makeup Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
applied (if desired). The quality of the work is equivalent to your own skill at performing Choose an unoccupied space within range. A 5-foot-diameter storm cloud appears
these tasks manually. The materials needed (files, scissors, shampoo, makeup, etc) are there and lasts for the duration. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the
conjured by magic and disappear at its conclusion. sphere must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 lightning damage (half
Material Component: 10 gb worth of magic dust damage on a successful save).
As an action, you can move the cloud up to 30 feet in any direction. Any creature
Mending with the cloud walking ability can destroy or move the storm cloud by using their action
to contest their Strength (Athletics) check against your Intelligence (Arcana). If they
You mend a broken object, or graft together similar material. Rarity uses this spell succeed, they can use their movement to drag the cloud anywhere or destroy it. If they
often. She spliced her own tail hair into Steven Magnet’s moustache, reattached dead fail, they take damage from the spell.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the Until the spell ends, you can move across any liquid surface - such as water, acid,
damage increases by 1d6 for each level above 2nd. mud, snow, quicksand, ice, or lava - as if it were solid ground. If you are submerged
when you cast this spell it carries you to the surface at a rate of 10 feet per second (60
Telekinesis feet per round).
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, it
Using their magic to lift items into the air is usually the first spell a unicorn learns.
lasts the full duration of 1 hour without concentration and you can affect up to 10 willing
1st-level transmutation spell
creatures within 25 feet of you.
Note: This version of the spell supersedes the official version of Telekinesis in the D&D
Next Playtest documents, to attempt to mimic MLP’s unicorn levitation magic as closely as
possible. Wondrous Transformation
Casting Time: 1 action You can use this spell to alter the size and shape of an object such that it becomes
Range: 35 feet something much larger and more complex. The drawback is it’s only temporary.
Duration: Concentration 4th-level transmutation
You can telekinetically manipulate objects within a 10-foot sphere with a combined Casting Time: 1 Minute
weight of 50 pounds or less. Each round on your turn you can choose to either continue Range: 20 Feet
manipulating the same object(s) or switch to different object(s) within range as a part of Duration: 24 Hours
your action. Objects you are manipulating automatically maintain their position relative to You target a miniscule object within range and transform it into any relatively
you unless you use your action to reposition them (move closer or further away). This simple non-magical object of huge size or smaller. For example, Twilight Sparkle used
means that items you are manipulating move along with you relative to your position. You this spell to transform an apple into a carriage complete with harnesses. You could also
also have fine motor control over the objects, allowing you to play an instrument, write transform a spoon into a plow, a toothpick into an extension ladder, a tin can into a suit
with a pen, or open a lock, for example. of armor, a thimble into a typewriter, and so on.
You can use your action to lift small-sized creatures if you succeed on a contest of your You can dictate the item’s color, style, and general appearance. You can also make
magic ability against the target’s Strength. You can attempt to snatch away worn or held a nearly perfect duplicate of an existing item. When the spell ends, the item turns back
items if you succeed on a contest of your magic ability (with disadvantage) against the into its previous form. The item glows faintly the same color as your magical aura, so it’s
target’s Strength. You can use your action to hurl objects or weapons you are proficient in, obvious that it is magically created. If the item is subject to a magic dispelling or
using your magic ability score for the attack and damage roll instead of Strength or cancelling effect, it reverts back to its original form automatically.
Dexterity. You can use your action to hurl a creature you are manipulating (treat as At Higher Levels: When you use a spell slot of 2nd-level or higher to cast this spell,
proficient), which deals 1d4 damage to both it and the target, on a successful hit. Finally, the item’s value can be up to 10 gb and the duration increases to 4 hours. 4th-level: 50
multiple casters can pool their efforts with this spell to lift heavier objects. gb, 12 hours. 5th-level: 100 gb, 24 hours.
At Higher Levels:
3rd level or higher slot: Range increases to 50 feet, weight limit for objects increases
to 200 pounds, medium-sized creatures can be affected, and you no longer have
disadvantage on checks to restrain creatures.
5th level or higher slot: Weight limit for objects increases to 1,000 pounds, and large-
sized creatures can be affected.

MLP45E – Chapter 5: Magic

7th level or higher slot: Weight limit for objects increases to 5,000 pounds, and huge-
sized creatures can be affected.
9th level slot: Weight limit for objects increases to 25,000 pounds, and gargantuan-
sized creatures can be affected.

Water Walk
1st-level transmutation
Note: This version of the spell supersedes the official version of Water Walk in the
D&D Next Playtest documents.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 hour)

Trixie - I Won't Lie Anymore... by Ziom05

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

Combined Equipment List
Clothes, common 5 sb 3 lb.
Clothes, formal 5 gb 4 lb.
Clothes, fine 15 gb 6 lb.
th Clothes, traveler’s 2 gb 4 lb.
This list combines the stock equipment list from the 5 -Edition D&D playtest rules
Cloud seeds, normal 15 gb —
along with a number of new items. Items from the playtest have had their descriptions
Cloud seeds, storm 35 gb —
omitted unless they have been updated for MLP45E. In most cases those items have been
Component pouch 25 gb 2 lb.
lowered in price because Equestria is more technologically advanced than the default D&D
Consecration kit 15 gb 3 lb.
campaign setting, so they are less expensive to manufacture. In some cases items have also
Crowbar 2 sb 5 lb.
had new or expanded uses added. See the item descriptions for details.
Disguise kit 25 gb 8 lb.
Duct tape 1 gb 1 lb.
Mundane Adventuring Gear Fireproof boots (4) 15 gb 8 lb.
Fishing tackle 1 gb 4 lb.
Flask 2 cb 1/10 lb.
Item Price Weight
Folding chair 15 gb 3 lb.
Abacus 2 gb 2 lb.
Gaming set 1 gb ½ lb.
Acid (vial) 25 gb 1 lb.
Goggles 20 gb 1 lb.
Adventurer’s kit 9 gb 39 lb.
Grappling hook 2 gb 4 lb.
Alchemist’s fire (flask) 50 gb 1 lb.
Hammer 2 sb 2 lb.
Hammer, sledge 5 sb 10 lb.
Arrows (20) 1 gb 3 lb.
Healer’s kit 5 gb 1 lb.
Bolts (20) 1 gb 3 lb.
Herbalism kit 10 gb 2 lb.
Bullets (20) 4 cb 2 lb.
Holy symbol 5 gb —
Needles (50) 1 gb —
Holy water (flask) 25 gb 1 lb.
Artisan’s tools 5 gb 5 lb.
Horseshoe magnet 50 gb 2 lb.
Backpack 2 gb 2 lb.
Hourglass 5 gb 1 lb.
Ball bearings (100) 1 gb 1 lb.
Hunting trap 5 gb 15 lb.
Balloon, small 1 cb —
Ink (1 ounce bottle) 2 gb —
Balloon, medium 1 sb —
Ink pen 2 cb —
Balloon, large 1 gb —
Instant disguise 25 gb —
Banana 1 cb —
Investigation kit 10 gb 3 lb.
Banner 5 sb 1 lb.
Jeweled accoutrements 100 gb —
Bedroll 1 gb 5 lb.

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

Jug 2 cb 9 lb.
Bell 1 gb —
Ladder (10-foot) 1 sb 20 lb.
Blanket 5 sb 3 lb.
Lantern 5 sb 1 lb.
Block and tackle 1 gb 5 lb.
Lantern, bullseye 10 gb 3 lb.
Bucket 5 cb 2 lb.
Lantern, firefly 2 gb 2 lb.
Business cards (50) 5 gb —
Lantern, hooded 5 gb 2 lb.
Caltrops 1 gb 2 lb.
Lighter 10 gb —
Camera 75 gb 2 lb.
Lock (basic, DC 15) 1 gb 1 lb.
Camera film 15 gb —
Lock (good, DC 20) 10 gb 1 lb.
Candle 1 cb 1/10 lb.
Lock (strong, DC 25) 100 gb 2 lb.
Case (for map or scroll) 1 gb 1 lb.
Magnifying glass 25 gb 1 lb.
Chain (10 feet) 5 gb 5 lb.
Manacles 2 gb 2 lb.
Chalk (1 piece) 1 cb —
Matchbook (12 matches) 2 gb —
Chemistry kit 15 gb 2 lb.
Megaphone 5 gb 2 lb.
Climber’s kit 25 gb 5 lb.
Mess kit 1 sb 1 lb.
Clipboard 5 sb 1 lb.
Microscope 250 gb 2 lb.
Mirror, steel 5 gb ½ lb. Tripod, metal 5 gb 2 lb.
Musical instrument 5 gb 3 lb. Tripod, wood 5 sb 4 lb.
Navigator’s tools 25 gb 2 lb. Umbrella hat 5 gb 2 lb.
Notebook 1 gb ¼ lb. Vial 1 gb —
Notepad 5 sb — Wand 10 gb ½ lb.
Oil (1 pint flask) 1 sb 1 lb. Waterskin 2 sb 4 lb. (full)
Orb 10 gb 2 lb. Whetstone 1 cb 1 lb.
Paper (10 sheets) 2 sb — Zoom lens 250 gb 1 lb.
Parchment (10 sheets) 1 sb —
Pencil 1 sb — Balloon: Rubber balloons come in a variety of sizes and shapes. When inflated, they
Photo development kit 20 gb 3 lb. float into the air because shut up. Small balloons take 3 rounds to inflate to 1 foot in
Pick, miner’s 5 sb 10 lb. diameter, and can lift 5 pounds. Medium balloons take 1 minute to inflate to 2 feet in
Piton (10) 5 sb 5 lb. diameter and can lift 40 pounds. Large balloons take 3 minutes to inflate to 3 feet in
Poison, basic (vial) 100 gb — diameter and can lift 135 pounds.
Poisoner’s kit 50 gb 2 lb. Banana: A large-sized or smaller creature that moves over a banana peel must roll a
Pole (10-foot) 5 cb 8 lb. DC 12 Dexterity save. On a success, the banana peel remains for the next victim. On a
Pot, iron 1 sb 10 lb. failure, they move the remainder of their movement in a straight line in the same
Potion of healing 50 gb 1 lb. direction they were traveling. They then must roll a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
Pouch 1 gb 1 lb. or fall prone. A creature moving at half speed has advantage on the save.
Ram, portable 1 gb 20 lb. Camera: A standard film camera. Needs rolls of film to operate, and a film
Rations (1 day) 1 sb 1 lb. development kit and darkroom to develop photos. Usually comes with a neck harness to
Robes 1 gb 4 lb. allow quadrupeds to use it by biting down on the shutter button.
Rod 10 gb 2 lb. Camera Film: A roll of camera film can take 24 photos. You need a film
Roller skates (4) 10 gb 4 lb. development kit and darkroom to develop photos.
Rope, hemp (50 feet) 1 gb 10 lb. Chemistry Kit: This kit contains raw chemicals and a variety of instruments, like
Rope, silk (50 feet) 10 gb 5 lb. eyedroppers, mortar and pestle, pouches and vials used by chemists to create
Sack , burlap 1 cb ½ lb. alchemical concoctions. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to
Scale, merchant’s 5 gb 3 lb. any ability checks you make to create chemicals. If you have proficiency with a chemistry
Sealing wax 5 sb 1 lb. kit, you can also use it to craft acid, alchemist’s fire, smoke bombs, and other such items.
Shovel 5 sb 8 lb. You must have raw materials worth half the item’s market price and spend one hour
Signal whistle 5 cb — crafting the item.
Signet ring 5 gb — Consecration Kit: This kit contains a variety of religious implements and a holy book

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

Slide rule 5 gb 1 lb. sacred to a specific religion. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus
Smoke bomb 25 gb — to any ability checks you make in the course of carrying out a religious ceremony. If you
Soap 2 cb 1 lb. have proficiency with the consecration kit, you can also use it to craft holy water. You
Spellbook 75 gb 3 lb. must have raw materials worth 12.5 gb and spend one hour crafting it.
Spike, iron (10) 2 cb 5 lb. Clipboard: A sturdy wooden board with a metal spring clip to hold a notebook or
Spyglass 75 gb 1 lb. notepad secure. If proficient with the clipboard, you have advantage on Charisma
Staff 10 gb 4 lb. (deception, intimidation, and persuasion) checks when trying to infiltrate a large
Suction cup shoes (4) 10 gb 12 lb. organization, or improve the attitude of someone within a large organization.
Sunglasses 25 gb — Cloud Seeds, Normal: Upon casting these grains of dust into the air up to 50 feet
Tape measure 5 gb 1 lb. away, a 30-foot wide, 10-foot thick cloud springs into existence. The area within the
Telescope 150 gb 5 lb. cloud is lightly obscured. A pegasus can interact with it like any normal cloud. If coaxed
Tent 2 gb 20 lb. into raining, it produces about 1/4” of rain over the area over the course of 15 minutes.
Thieves’ tools 25 gb 1 lb. If captured, that’s about 440 gallons. The cloud moves with the prevailing winds, if
Tinderbox 5 sb 1 lb. present. If left alone, it rains itself out on its own after 1d4+1 hours.
Tome 25 gb 5 lb. Cloud Seeds, Storm: Like normal cloud seeds except the cloud is 50 feet wide, 20
Torch 1 cb 1 lb. feet thick, and produces ½” of rain over the area over 30 minutes (approximately 5,000
gallons). The cloud also produces lightning and thunder. Any creature within 25 feet of the Photo Development Kit: Contains the chemicals and equipment that a proficient
cloud has a 10% chance each round of being struck by a small lightning bolt, dealing 3d6 user needs to develop camera film, as long as they have a dark room in which to work.
lightning damage (DC 12 Reflex save for half). One kit can develop about 150 photos before it needs to be replaced.
Duct Tape: Despite all evidence to the contrary, this item is, in fact, non-magical. Roller Skates: If you’re proficient in them, a set of roller skates increases your
Comes in a 100-foot roll. speed by 10 feet on smooth floors, streets, and sidewalks. On other terrain, your speed
Fireproof Boots: These heavy black boots let you ignore the first 2 points of damage is reduced by 20 feet. It takes one minute to put on a set of roller skates, and 3 rounds to
each time you take fire damage from hot ground. remove them..
Folding Chair: Pressing a button on this small rectangular package causes it to pop out Scale, Merchant’s: A merchant’s scale includes a small balance, pans, and a suitable
into a full-sized chair. If proficient you can add your proficiency bonus to any checks made assortment of weights up to 2 pounds. With it, you can measure the exact weight of
to tame wild animals. small objects, such as raw precious metals or small trade goods, to help determine their
Goggles: Despite claims to the contrary, goggles grant a +2 bonus to any saving throw worth. If you are proficient with the merchant’s scale, you can use the exact amount of
against an effect that would blind you. raw materials necessary when crafting mundane consumable items (acid, alchemist’s
Herbalism Kit: This kit contains a variety of instruments, like clippers, mortar and fire, cloud seeds, healing potions, holy water, smoke bombs, and the like), allowing you
pestle, pouches and vials used by herbalists to create remedies and potions. Proficiency to craft them using raw materials worth 40% of the item’s market price, rather than
with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to concoct 50%.
herbal mixtures and infusions. If you have proficiency with an herbalism kit, you can also Slide Rule: This deceptively simple device has one or more plastic rods that can be
use it to craft potions of healing. You must have raw materials worth 25 gb and spend one slid back and forth. Each is engraved with markings that let you perform mathematical
hour crafting the potion. calculations. If proficient, you can perform a wide range of operations.
Horseshoe Magnet: Smaller than an actual horseshoe, this 4-inch magnet sticks to Smoke Bomb: This hard black pellet, when thrown (30 foot range) creates a cloud
ferrous metallic objects with a pull equivalent to 5 pounds. Larger and/or more expensive of smoke 20 feet across. The area within the cloud is heavily obscured until the end of
magnets exert more pull. your next turn, and lightly obscured until the end of your next turn after that.
Instant Disguise: Wearing these black glasses, fake nose, and thick black moustache Spyglass: This item supersedes the version found in the D&D rules, because optical
you receive a +2 bonus to Charisma (Deception) checks made to hide your identity. lenses are relatively common in Equestria. A spyglass allows you to see five times further
Investigation Kit: Contains 200 feet of crime scene tape, several tweezers, a small than normal.
blacklight, plastic evidence bags, a notepad and pencils, a 25’ tape measure, 10 pieces of Suction Cup Shoes: Wearing a set of these shoes halves your speed, but if you’re
chalk, and hoofprint casting supplies. A proficient user has advantage on Intelligence size medium or smaller they also let you walk up walls and across ceilings. They will only
(Search) checks to search an area for a hidden creature or object. work on smooth walls like varnished wood, drywall, plaster, or dressed stone. Natural
Jeweled Accoutrements: A stunning jeweled outfit adds a +1 bonus to your Charisma stone, brick, unfinished wood and similar surfaces are too rough. Each round at the end
(Intimidate or Persuasion) checks. of your turn while stuck to a wall or ceiling with these shoes there is a 10% chance the
Lantern, Firefly: A firefly lantern contains a small reservoir of nectar which attracts shoes release, causing you to fall. Anyone attacking you while you wear these shoes has
fireflies. Leaving it outside for an hour at dusk will attract enough fireflies to create bright advantage, and you have disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
light in a 15-foot radius and dim light in a 30-foot radius. The fireflies should then be Sunglasses: These black or mirrored shades give you a +2 bonus to Charisma

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

released within 12 hours. (Deception) skill checks, but add a -2 penalty to Intelligence (Search) and Wisdom
Lighter: Essentially a Zippo lighter. Takes one hand or two hooves to light, using your (Perception) skill checks when worn indoors or outdoors at night.
action. Tape Measure: This highly useful item is a tightly-coiled metal tape that extends up
Matchbook: A bit larger than matches humans are used to, matches are about 4” long to 25 feet from its holder, and automatically coils itself up again when no longer needed.
so that an equine can grip them with their teeth. Lighting a fire with a match takes your Telescope: Astronomical telescopes vary greatly in size and quality. There are no
action. specific rules for them at this time. The stats given are for a beginner model.
Megaphone: This device amplifies your voice, allowing you to be heard up to five Tome: This heavy book contains text pertaining to a particular field of lore. The DM
times further away than normal. assigns a DC to the tome’s lore (15 for the average tome). If you spend an hour studying
Notebook: A flimsy book of parchment sheets for keeping temporary notes. Usually the tome, you automatically succeed at one Intelligence ability or skill check pertaining
bound with a thin spiral wire and ruled with narrow blue lines. Has 100 pages. to the tome’s subject if the DC is lower than the tome’s DC rating. This works even if you
Notepad: A smaller version of a notebook. Usually spiral bound on its narrow have already tried (and failed) at a similar check without consulting the tome.
dimension. Used mostly for shopping lists and for taking notes by investigators and Tripod: A camera tripod helps improve your photo quality by steadying the camera.
reporters. A wooden tripod’s three legs folds down into a package the size of a baseball bat, while a
Pencil: The typical wooden #2 pencil. Has an eraser on the end. usually used for telescoping metal tripod collapses into a package about half that size and is lighter.
informal or day-to-day writing and rough drafts. Most writers prefer ink for final copies. Umbrella Hat: Though it might look ridiculous, an umbrella hat gives you a +2
bonus to your saving throws against cloud and burst type attacks. If you take damage
from any attack, any umbrella hat you’re wearing is destroyed. While wearing an umbrella Stagecoach: The most comfortable means of travel when rail is unavailable,
hat, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. stagecoaches come in small, medium, and large sizes. Coaches have seats on the front
Zoom Lens: This camera attachment lets you magnify the photo subject up to 5 times and back, a large enclosed compartment for passengers, and storage space on the roof
its original size, although it’s harder to get a steady picture without a tripod. and in the rear for baggage. They seat 8 passengers for smaller coaches, up to 18 for the
largest. Its axles are cushioned by iron springs for a smoother ride.
Taxi: A taxi is a small, four-wheeled wagon with comfortable, covered seating for
two, or cramped seating for up to four. Like a stagecoach, its axles have iron springs to
Harnessed Vehicles make for a smoother ride. It’s usually pulled by a single driver.
Wagon: Four-wheeled wagons come in toy, small, medium, and large sizes. Wagons
have a seat on the front and a large square compartment in the rear for goods. A
Rules for harnessed vehicles waterproof cloth and wood frame cover for a wagon costs 10% of the wagon’s cost and
A vehicle’s weight load limit is twice its physical weight, so a small cart weighing 100 weighs 10% of the wagon’s weight.
lb. can carry 200 lb. of additional goods, and a full-sized stagecoach weighing 2,400 lb. can
carry 4,800 lb. of additional goods. While you are traveling on roads, paths, or level ground,
the weight of a cart and its contents is divided by 10 when determining how much it counts
against your weight limits. Therefore a fully loaded small cart (300 lb.) counts as 30 lb. Weight Limits (Encumbrance)
towards your carry weight limit, and a fully loaded large cart (1,200 lb.) counts as 120 lb. For convenience, the D&D rules for weight tracking are as follows:
On rough ground or significant inclines, the weight is divided by 5 instead of 10. Wagons Unencumbered: You can carry up to your Strength score times 10 (in pounds) with
and stagecoaches have a long tongue that can allow up to six characters to be harnessed to no penalty. This is your weight limit.
the vehicle. Encumbered: If you are carrying more than your weight limit but less than double
your weight limit, you are encumbered. Your speed drops by 10 feet and you have
Harnessed Vehicles Table disadvantage on attack rolls and Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks and
Vehicles Price Weight Overloaded: You can lift up to five times your weight limit off the ground. You can
Carriage, Small 50 gb 200 lb. also drag or push this much but if you do so you are encumbered (as above) and
Carriage, Medium 75 gb 400 lb. your speed drops to 5 feet.
Carriage, Large 115 gb 600 lb. Harnessed vehicles such as carts and wagons make hauling extra gear (and
Cart, Small 5 gb 100 lb. treasure) much easier. See the rules for harnessed vehicles.
Cart, Medium 12 gb 200 lb.
Cart, Large 25 gb 400 lb.
Stagecoach, Small 200 gb 1800 lb.
Stagecoach, Medium 275 gb 2100 lb.

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

Stagecoach, Large 350 gb 2400 lb.

Magical Technology
Taxi 100 gb 400 lb.
Wagon, Toy 1 gb 30 lb.
Wagon, Small 50 gb 700 lb.
Wagon, Medium 75 gb 1000 lb. It’s been stated that electricity as we know it doesn’t exist in the world of My Little
Wagon, Large 115 gb 1500 lb. Pony. Yet frequently, we see items which, in our world, would be electric: light bulbs,
hair dryers, turtle (tortoise)-sized helicopter blades, even record players and speakers. In
Carriage: Small, 4-wheeled passenger vehicles usually used for local travel within a city the case of Flim and Flam’s Super-Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 we are shown that they
or village, carriages are usually drawn by a single driver. They seat two, four, or six use their magic to directly power the machine. It’s been often stated and assumed that
passengers, with limited space for baggage. Their wheels are cushioned by iron springs for other devices which appear to be electric operate in a similar fashion. For a roleplaying
a smooth ride. game the existence of such should be explored. The Arcanium economy is the method
Cart: Simple, two-wheeled carts come in small, medium, and large sizes. Some carts by which MLP45E explains such devices.
have folding legs to keep them level when not harnessed. A waterproof cloth and wood
frame cover for a cart costs 10% of the cart’s cost and weighs 10% of the wagon’s weight.

A Little Background Valuation: A fully-charged crystal is worth 10 gb per charge. A character can
determine the charges remaining by attempting a DC 10 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On
4th edition Dungeons & Dragons popularized the idea of residuum, which is similar to a success, they know the number of charges remaining and the maximum number of
the enchanting materials in games like World of Warcraft. Residuum is a glowing magical charges. On a failure, the GM gives the player a number that is off by 1 or 2 (either high
dust which remains behind after magic items are disenchanted. It can also be created from or low).
other, non-magical components by ritual spellcasters with the appropriate incantations. Recharging: Once per day a unicorn or other character who can wield arcane magic
Essentially, residuum was the currency used for creating magic items. When a character can attempt to restore charges to an Arcanium crystal. As their action they roll a DC 12
created a magic item, it was assumed that their non-magical components were converted Intelligence (Arcana) check and zap a crystal within 20 feet. On a success, they can
into residuum and that was used to power the item creation process. sacrifice up to half their remaining Hit Dice and restore an equal number of charges to
the crystal. This takes one round per charge restored. On a failure, no charges are
Arcanium in MLP45E restored and they take 1d4 damage and lose one Hit Die in a magical backlash. Since this
Since we want to explore how technological devices function in Equestria without is so taxing, most unicorns don’t do it lightly. It’s rumored that evil unicorns in the past
resorting to electricity, I based Arcanium on the 4th edition D&D’s residuum. Arcanium in discovered a means of draining magic from any race of pony or other magical creature,
MLP45E is an actual element, one that is naturally magical. It grows in crystal form in areas but such dark magic is (hopefully) lost to time.
that are highly magical in nature, such as portals to the fey realms, planetary ley lines, or Transferring Charges: A unicorn or other character who can wield arcane magic can
wherever else you choose. In fact, you could say the Tree of Harmony below the Palace of attempt to transfer charges from one crystal in their possession to another. As their
the Two Sisters is infused with pure Arcanium crystals. It’s the Equestrian version of classic action they roll a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a success, they can transfer any
Star Trek’s dilithium crystals. They’re magical batteries. The larger the crystal, the larger its number of charges from one crystal to the other (up to the maximum it can hold). On a
potential “magical current” is. Devices which are powered by Arcanium crystals have a failure, one charge is lost from the source crystal and the destination crystal regains no
small chamber in which a crystal is inserted. Tiny devices such as Tank’s helicopter harness charges.
have an appropriately-sized chamber, while larger devices like the Super Speedy Cider Drained Crystals: Once a Arcanium crystal runs out of charges, it turns gray and
Squeezy 6000 have barrel-sized chambers. stops glowing. A drained crystal is only worth 10% of the value of a charged crystal
(roughly 1 gb times the maximum number of charges).
Forms of Arcanium Power Level: Each device uses magic power at its own efficiency level. Heavy
machinery and items which create a lot of heat draw power faster than smaller, less
Arcanium is found naturally in crystalline form, where it appears as a brilliant blue- energy-intensive items. Every device’s charge consumption is up to the GM to
white crystal which glows faintly and has a rainbow-hued luster. Sometimes they grow determine, but use the items below as a guideline.
inside other rocks, like a geode. Other times they grow directly from area that is The Arcanium Economy: Arcanium crystals and dust can be bought and sold easily
particularly magical. Arcanium crystals can be removed from one device and moved to in most markets in larger cities. Smaller towns like Ponyville might have a handful
another, and those skilled in Arcana can transfer magic from one Arcanium crystal to merchants who offer them for sale (or offer recharging services) so they are generally
another. When all the magic is drained from a crystal it turns gray and becomes inert, not difficult to acquire. Most ponies who aren’t trained in Arcana simply call Arcanium
although it can always be recharged later. Arcanium can be powdered into dust when the crystals “magic crystals” and Arcanium dust “magic dust.” Since they glow, it’s fairly easy
application requires, although dust can’t be recharged once it is spent. Many magical

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

for the average pony to tell whether residuum is fake or inert, although determining the
potions and oils have Arcanium dust mixed in, where it dissolves as it imbues its magical exact number of charges is a little more difficult.
power into the liquid.
Arcanium-Powered Devices
Rules & Terminology Devices powered by Arcanium crystals and dust are collectively known as artifice
Sizes: Each Arcanium crystal holds a number of “charges” of magic power. The more and the designers and builders of such devices are specialized scientists and engineers
charges a crystal can hold, the larger it is. A crystal that can hold a single charge is roughly known as artificers. Artificers don’t have to be unicorns. In fact, some consider Doctor
the size of a marble, while one that could hold a thousand charges is as tall as a pony and Hooves, an Earth pony, to be Ponyville’s most talented artificer.
quite rare. An average-sized crystal holds about 2-3 charges and is roughly 3 inches long by Most items of artifice are toys for the wealthy. The majority of citizens get along
1 inch around. It’s rumored that alchemists can artificially create smaller, more energy- fine with the mundane versions of these devices (hoof-cranked phonographs, wood-
dense crystals. burning stoves, clothes irons, firefly lanterns, sewing machines, washtubs/washboards,
Nomenclature: A crystal will be referred to with its current number of charges and and the like). Most middle-class families eventually save up enough money (over several
maximum number of charges. For example, a fully-charged 10-charge crystal is an years) to afford a refrigerator, an oven, and a water heater, as these provide the most
Arcanium crystal (10/10). When drained by half its charges, it will be an Arcanium crystal value for their day-to-day lives. Well-funded construction contractors often have a
(5/10). An inert crystal is an Arcanium crystal (0/10). Arcanium dust is simply referred to
with a gb value (Arcanium dust worth 10gb).
number of artifice tools on the job site, and many professionals invest in an artifice device Lamp, Ceiling 25 gb 4 lb.
or two that is useful for their trade. Mixer Board 50 gb 5 lb.
The list of items Equestria does not yet possess the technology for includes: Projector 50-150gb 15 lb.
telephones, radios, televisions, portable music players (Walkman/iPod), and magnetic data Pump 65 gb 20 lb.
storage of any kind. Computers do exist, but they would be room-sized monstrosities like Refrigerator, Small 40 gb 75 lb.
those Twilight used in her attempt to study Pinkie Sense. They would run off punch cards Refrigerator or Freezer 75 gb 125 lb.
and display output on paper tape rather than a video screen. Button Mash’s video games Refrigerator/Freezer 100 gb 150 lb.
and Sapphire Shores’ bodyguard’s earpiece are odd anachronisms that I’m going to choose Saw 75-150 gb 15-150 lb.
to ignore, but you can always provide your own pricing and stats for them if you wish. Sewing Machine 50 gb 50 lb.
Skillet 30 gb 4 lb.
The Mundane, The Magical, and Artifice Space Heater 50 gb 20 lb.
Speaker, Small 20 gb 5 lb.
It’s important to note the difference between mundane items, magical items, and
Speaker, Medium 50 gb 15 lb.
artifice. Mundane items are every day, non-magical items. A simple hacksaw, a manually-
Speaker, Large 75 gb 40 lb.
cranked drill, suction-cup shoes, and an icebox are all mundane items. Even items such as a
Spotlight 50 gb 5 lb.
potion of healing, holy water, or alchemist’s fire are mundane.
Stove 125 gb 200 lb.
Magical items are entirely supernatural in nature. They derive their power purely from
Teakettle 30 gb 3 lb.
their magic. The Elements of Harmony, a Ring of Feather Falling, or a Mace of Disruption
Telegraph (no crystal) 25 gb 3 lb.
are all magical. They do not rely on their mundane parts for any of their functionality.
Toaster 12 gb 5 lb.
Magical items are the most costly of all items, energy-wise.
Turntable 50-75 gb 8-12 lb.
Items of artifice are a blend of the two. They have mundane parts, but are driven by a
Vacuum 50 gb 50 lb.
magical power supply which energizes them. A light bulb’s filament, an oven’s heating coils,
Washing Machine 100 gb 200 lb.
a drill or saw’s motor coils are all artifice because they produce work via a combination of
Water Heater 100 gb 150 lb.
their magical and mundane natures. Take away one of the two and the item is useless. The
items of artifice on the list below are for average-quality items. Deluxe items with lighter
Aquarium: An artifice aquarium includes lights, pumps, and filters necessary to
weight, better efficiency or more features are up to the GM to create, and should be priced
keep fish and other aquatic creatures alive and healthy. They typically range in size from
50% to 200% higher.
5 gallons to 100 gallons. They hold two charges and last six months per charge..
Items of Artifice Blender: The typical multi-speed blender chops up ingredients for cooking and
makes a great smoothie. It holds two charges and lasts six months of normal use per
Item Price Weight
Aquarium 50-500 gb 10-100 lb.
Blow Dryer: A simple handheld hair dryer holds two charges and lasts for six
Blender 40 gb 5 lb.
months of normal use per charge.
Blow Dryer 30 gb 2 lb.

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

Boat Motor: An outboard motor can be used to propel a rowboat or small pontoon
Boat Motor 125 gb 50 lb.
boat at up to 25 miles per hour. It holds 5 charges and uses one charge per four hours.
Camera, Pocket 350 gb ½ lb.
Clock: Most clocks are wound with a key or use counterweights to power them, but
Clock 35 gb 1 lb.
artifice clocks also exists. A clock holds one charge and lasts for one year. Alarm clocks
Drill 50-100 gb 5-50 lb.
have an integrated bell and cost 10 gb extra. Larger clocks exist and are more expensive.
Fan, Desk 20 gb 5 lb.
Drill: A drill ranges in size from a hoof-held portable drill to a large stationary drill
Fan, Window/Ceiling 40 gb 10 lb.
press. It holds three charges and lasts two months of normal use per charge.
Fan, Large 60 gb 25 lb.
Fan: The typical desk fan is about 1 foot in diameter and provides a refreshing
Flashlight 20 gb 1 lb.
breeze for 1 or 2 people. A window fan could cool a whole room. A large fan circulates
Headphones 25 gb 1 lb.
air across a large room. A small fan holds one charge, a window fan holds two charges,
Helicopter Harness 250 gb 2 lb.
and a large fan holds three. Each lasts about one year of normal use.
Helicopter, Personal 2,500 gb 500 lb.
Flashlight: A flashlight provides light in a 15-foot cone and dim light in a 30-foot
Horseless Carriage 1,500 gb 1,000 lb.
cone. Its crystal holds one charge and lasts about one year of normal use. Most have a
Iron 25 gb 1-2 lb.
soft rubber handle for easy mouth gripping.
Jackhammer 500 gb 50 lb.
Headphones: Headphones are large, over-the-ear style. They all hold one charge
Lamp, Desk 15 gb 2 lb.
and last for one year of normal use.
Helicopter: Cherry Berry is the proud owner of the only helicopter in Ponyville. Like Pump: Most larger towns have running water supplied by water towers, but farms
the automobile, it’s extremely rare and expensive. A personal helicopter can carry its pilot and larger private properties usually have a dug or drilled well. A water pump is usually
plus another 500 pounds of weight. A helicopter has a fly speed of 30 mph (48 km/h) at no used on a drilled water well’s wellhead to bring water to the surface, saving several
load, 25 mph (40 km/h) at half load, and 20 mph (32 km/h) at full load. It flies by a complex minutes of manual pumping. It holds three charges and lasts for one year of normal use.
series of magically-assisted gears which multiply the pedaling power of the pilot many Refrigerator: A small refrigerator will keep a few perishable necessities cool and
times over. It’s extremely fragile. Any object or creature contacting the blade will likely fresh, like milk, cheese, and butter. It’s what we consider a mini-fridge. It holds two
destroy it and cause the helicopter to crash. Parachutes are recommended. A helicopter charges and lasts six months per charge. A normal-sized refrigerator or freezer holds
holds ten charges and operates for about 30 minutes per charge. four charges and lasts three months per charge. Combination refrigerator/freezers cost a
Helicopter Harness: This item is a one-of-a-kind propeller-driven harness that allows bit more but use the same charges.
Rainbow Dash’s pet tortoise Tank to fly with a speed of 30 feet. A similar harness could be Saw: This category includes all manner of woodworking saws: saber saws, chop
built for another tiny-sized creature with the same stats. It holds two charges and lasts for saws, circular saws, reciprocating saws, table saws, band saws, scroll saws, and the like.
one year of normal use. Such a harness sized for a small creature would likely cost 2,500 gb A saw holds three charges and lasts two months of normal use per charge.
and require 15 charges, while one sized for a medium creature would cost 5,000 gb and Sewing Machine: Most sewing machines are pedal-driven, but artifice versions
require 25 charges. exist. They hold two charges and last for about six months of normal use per charge.
Horseless Carriage: Extremely rare, automobiles in Equestria would look something They are often built into their own cast iron and wooden desk.
like the Ford Model A or T (or like the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy). An automobile can Skillet: Most skillets are simply placed on a stove range to heat passively. An artifice
carry its driver plus another 1000 pounds of weight. On good roads with level ground it has skillet supplies its own heat. It’s especially popular with wealthy travelers and
a speed of 25 miles per hour (40 km/h) at no load, 20 mph (32 km/h) at half load, and 15 adventurers. It holds two charges and lasts for three months of normal use per charge.
mph (24 km/h) at full load. Hilly terrain reduces the speed by half, as do muddy or poor Space Heater: A space heater provides heat for one small room. It holds three
roads. It holds ten charges and uses one charge per two hours. They are exclusively toys of charges, each lasting one month of normal use.
the idle rich. Speaker: A set of various-sized speakers in a wood and fabric enclosure. Usually
Iron: A clothes iron or hair curling iron is usually just heated on a stove, but artifice used in pairs to provide music at a concert or large party or town meeting. Must be
versions exist. They hold two charges and last for six months of normal use per charge. connected to a turntable or microphone. Small speakers hold one charge each, medium
Jackhammer: Used for breaking up brick, rock, cement, and concrete (and sometimes hold two, and large hold four. Fully charged, they last about one year of normal use.
stubborn clouds). A jackhammer has five charges, and each charge lasts about one week of Spotlight: A spotlight comes on a collapsible metal stand, or can be mounted to a
normal use. wall or ceiling. It provides light equivalent to a bullseye lantern. It holds three charges
Lamp: A lamp is simply the fixture for holding a light bulb. The bulb itself is made of and lasts about four months of constant use per charge.
thick, durable blown glass and has a metal screw on the base for installing in a receptacle. Stove: A stove has 1-3 ovens for general cooking, and four heated grills on top for
Inside the base is a small residuum crystal. When turned on (often by a remote switch), the smaller pots and pans. A stove holds four charges and lasts three months of normal use
crystal supplies magic to a thin wire which glows brightly. Equestrian light bulbs don’t burn per charge.
out (until their crystal runs out of energy, that is). A desk lamp provides light equivalent to Teakettle: Most teakettles are simply placed on a stove range to heat passively. An
a torch, while a ceiling lamp provides light equivalent to a lantern. A desk lamp has one artifice teakettle supplies its own heat. It’s especially popular with wealthy travelers and

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

charge (two charges for a ceiling lamp) and lasts about one year of constant use. adventurers. It holds two charges and lasts for three months of normal use per charge.
Mixer Board: A control panel with lights, switches, sliders, ports, and dials to control Telegraph: A telegraph machine allows operators trained in horse code to
sources of audio. Connects multiple speakers, turntables, and microphones. A typical DJ communicate from miles away. A telegraph machine can power up to 20 miles of cable
setup usually has a mixer, two speakers, two turntables, and one or more microphones. A per charge (so a 5-charge telegraph could power a 100-mile distance). The other end
mixer holds one charge, which lasts for one year of normal use. must be connected to a second telegraph machine, so two machines with 5-charge
Pocket Camera: This item is built into a briefcase which includes storage for 12 rolls of crystals could cover a 200-mile span. Fully charged, a telegraph machine’s crystal lasts
film, extra flashbulbs, a tripod, remote flash trigger, and 5 pounds of other small for one year of normal use. The price of the cable is not included. Most larger towns
accessories. On command, it (and its contents) magically folds down into a small case the have a post office with at least one telegraph machine and trained operator.
size of a cigar box. A pocket camera holds two charges and lasts six months per charge. Toaster: A toaster toasts two slices of bread or bagel halves. It holds one charge
Projector: A basic projector displays individual photo slides one at a time by using light and lasts for one year of normal use.
to project them on a wall. A typical projector shows one slide at a time which is manually Turntable: A record turntable plays music or speech physically encoded on vinyl
swapped, but more expensive versions can hold a cartridge of up to 50 slides which can be discs. Most have a single small speaker, although some better models have larger built-
advanced by pressing a button. The most expensive type, film projectors, can show in speakers, and output ports for even larger speakers. A turntable holds one charge and
animated movies using large reels of film. A projector holds two charges and lasts six lasts for one year of normal use.
months of normal use per charge. Slide collections and film reels often have a vinyl record
of narration to be played in accompaniment with the presentation.
Vacuum: A typical vacuum is a small metal barrel on four wheels with a long hose
coming out of the top. Various attachments snap on to the end of the hose. A vacuum
holds two charges and lasts six months of normal use per charge.
Washing Machine: A washing machine has a keg-sized metal tub that agitates back
and forth with roughly 50 gallons of water and clothes inside. A pair of motor-driven or
crank-driven rollers are used to wring the water out of clothes, which are hung outside to
dry (or indoors, over winter). A washing machine holds four charges and lasts three months
of normal use per charge.
Water Heater: A water heater provides hot running water for a typical one-kitchen,
two-bathroom house. It holds six charges and lasts for two months of constant use per

MLP45E – Chapter 6: Equipment

Hydra vs. Shield, Equestria Style by Harwick

MLP45E – Chapter 7: Gameplay

New Actions
effects later on in other new spells and class abilities, and remember how they work
without having to look them up.
Add the following new actions to the list of 5 Edition D&D’s actions Dazed
A dazed character cannot take reactions.
Help Up A dazzled character is nearly blinded by a bright light, and takes a -2 penalty to all
d20 rolls and to AC.
A helping hoof is always appreciated.
When you are adjacent to a friend who’s prone, you can use your entire movement or
your action to help them up. They stand up from prone at the end of your turn. Using this Dejected
ability provokes opportunity attacks against you. A Dejected character is depressed and unmotivated. This condition is more
pervasive than most, but its effects are primarily felt out of combat as opposed to in
Kip Up combat, where adrenaline temporarily ameliorates most of its symptoms. This condition
is often imparted after failure in a skill challenge or when some other personal disaster
You flex your torso and hips and attempt to flip up and land on your feet.
occurs. If the character enters a dangerous situation (determined by the GM) its effects
Use this maneuver when you are prone. Roll a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On
are suppressed temporarily. Dejected applies these effects when not in combat:
a success, you stand up, spending 15 feet of your movement in the process. If you fail, your
movement ends.  Disadvantage on all d20 rolls
 Enemies have advantage on attacks and contests

Overrun 
-5 penalty to initiative
Cannot use Zingers
When someone tries to block, show them that you rock. The Dejected condition can usually be ended with a DC 15 Wisdom save at the end
Use this action in combination with the hustle action. You can attempt to move of every hour the character is affected (include disadvantage). If the character is in a
through the space of any opponent using brute force or agility. Each time you do so, you dangerous situation when this check would occur, it is delayed until after the danger
provoke opportunity attacks. Then contest your Strength or Dexterity (your choice) against subsides. During a short rest, if any friends successfully roll a DC 20 Charisma
their Strength or Dexterity (their choice). (Persuasion) check, you do not have disadvantage when you roll the Wisdom save to
If you win the contest using your Strength, the opponent is pushed out of the way and attempt to remove the condition. A reversal of whatever situation caused the Dejected
you continue with your hustle action. If you win the contest using your Dexterity you just condition also ends the effect (as determined by the GM).
move through the opponent’s space and continue with your hustle action.
If the opponent wins, your hustle action ends immediately and you’re knocked prone.
Sunder A marked character is distracted by an opponent’s threat. If you are marked, you

MLP45E – Chapter 7: Gameplay

take a -2 penalty to attack any creature other than the one that has marked you.

New Conditions A Stressed character is preoccupied with other thoughts in the back of their mind
and is distracted from their current task. Stressed characters take a -1 penalty to all d20
The standard D&D 5th edition conditions are all in use and unchanged: Blinded, The Stressed condition can usually be ended with a successful DC 15 Wisdom save
Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Incorporeal, Intoxicated, Invisible, Paralyzed, Prone, at the end of every hour the character is affected (include the -1 penalty). During a short
Restrained, Stunned, and Unconscious. You can find them on page 25 of the “How to Play” rest, if any friends successfully roll a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, you have
playtest document. advantage when you roll the Wisdom save to attempt to remove the condition. A
The following new conditions codify some of the “stealth” conditions that are present reversal of whatever situation caused the Stressed condition also ends the effect (as
in some 5th-edition feats, spell effects, and class abilities which, for whatever reason, determined by the GM).
aren’t standardized in D&D 5e’s condition rules. This makes it easier to reuse use these

Terrified  High Jump: If you walk at least 10 feet and then make a high jump, you rise a
number of feet into the air up to 5 + your Strength modifier. Otherwise, you
Terrified is a step above the Frightened condition, and includes its effects. A Terrified
can jump only half that height (minimum 2 feet). In either case, you can
character is panicking and finds it impossible to focus on the task at hand. A character that
reach above you with your mouth during the jump, reaching above you a
is already frightened who receives the frightened condition again from a different effect
distance equal to the height of your jump plus your height (typically 4 feet).
becomes terrified. Creepy locations and ghastly creatures often impart this condition.
Terrified applies these effects:  Jumping Down: You take no damage when you intentionally drop 15 feet
 Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks while the source of its fear is down or less, and you land standing up.
within line of sight.
 Cannot willingly move to a position where it would end a turn closer to the Stacking
source of its fear than where it started. Everyone’s seen the scene before: the heroes are in a creepy old mansion, and they
 Cannot use reactions or Zingers unless they would allow a chance to remove or all peek around the corner at once, stacked on top of each other. Or they all hide behind
counter Terrified. the one brave friend who’s sneaking across the room. As long as the heroes aren’t in
 At the start of its turn, a Terrified creature rolls 1d4 and consults this table: combat, ignore stacking rules, allowing multiple characters to occupy the same space.
1: Use its movement and action to hustle in a random directions (roll
1d8 for each direction).
2: Use no movement, and use its action to dodge.
3-4: Act normally.
A character who rolls the “act normally” result while terrified can use their action to
Optional Rules
attempt a DC 15 Wisdom or Charisma check to end the condition. A friend within 20 feet
can also use their action to roll a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. On a success, the The rules in this section are optional. The GM chooses whether or not to use each
terrified character can make a free attempt at the Wisdom or Charisma check to end one, so ask the GM before assuming whether they are in use!

Everyone Gets A Feat

Rules Modifications With this rule in place, all characters receive a bonus feat at level 1. This increases
player character power a fair amount, although it increases the flexibility and
The rules in this section are modifications to existing 5 -edition D&D rules. Some (like customizability of characters. GMs should be aware and adjust the difficulty of of their
the humanoids rule) are necessary for the game to work, while others simply fit the adventures appropriately, and consider allowing more monsters and NPCs to have
cartoon nature of Equestria. access to feats, as well. Especially consider this rule if the party is small (4 or fewer
Everyone Gets A Skill

MLP45E – Chapter 7: Gameplay

Many spells and effects in D&D 5th edition affect only humanoids. Normally, ponies
and other quadruped or monstrous races such as dragons, deerfolk, or changelings would With this rule, all characters receive a bonus skill proficiency at level 1. This
be considered beasts and not humanoids. For the purpose of judging whether or not such increases player character power a small amount, and is mostly to increase their
spells and abilities will affect a character, treat all the Equestrian player character races as flexibility and customizability. Especially consider this rule if the party is small (4 or fewer
humanoids. Advanced versions of such creatures, like a large-sized dragon, would no longer members).
count as humanoid.
Thick Hides:
Jumping Consider allowing characters who are proficient in padded, leather, or hide armor
Cartoon characters have an easier time jumping than people in real life. Use the to gain the AC benefit of those armor types while not wearing any armor, due to their
following rules for jumping: own naturally thick hides.

 Long Jump: If you walk at least 10 feet and then make a long jump, you leap a
number of feet up to your Strength score +5. Otherwise, you can leap only half
that distance.

increase the number of uses by one or two. There’s no need to track point usage for
such opponents, but be reasonable about it.
Cartoon Physics Overview  I would avoid giving opponents regular use of the ability-enhancing powers
Adrenaline Rush, Level-Headed, Ninja Moves, Puppy-Dog Eyes, and Thinking Cap.
Players would get resentful if you used “triple-advantage” feature of those powers
This subsystem simulates some of the off-the-wall things that cartoon characters can
to frequently thwart their abilities.
do in defiance of real-world physics. If you ever wanted to forget to fall when you walk off a
cliff, or blow through a wall leaving behind a hole shaped like you, this is your chapter. As
this subsystem is optional, check with the GM to see if he or she is allowing it beforehand. Optional Cartoon Physics Rules:

Player Access Restful Recovery

Once per day after a short rest, characters can recover spent cartoon physics points
Powers Known: up to half their total maximum points. If you use this option, I’d suggest letting
opponents use one or two additional powers per encounter.
All MLP45E characters know the three “automatic” cartoon physics powers: Hold Your
Horses, Pancake Landing, and Seeing Stars. These powers cannot be changed. Characters
also gain two additional cartoon physics power slots which can be used to learn any
cartoon physics power you like. Most flying characters also receive the Sky Hauler power
for free (see the individual racial descriptions). Automatic Powers
Swapping Powers:
When you complete a long rest, you can choose to swap out the powers in one or
Hold Your Horses
both of your power slots. If you gain any additional slots through feats or other means, You bite down on her tail, but she just kept running, and took you along for the ride.
they can be used in the same manner. This power can be used in two ways:

MLP45E – Chapter 8: Cartoon Physics

Drag someone along: Activate as a part of your movement (2 points). You drag an
Activation & Recovery: adjacent creature along with your movement and release them at the end of your
Cartoon physics powers are activated by spending the appropriate action and cartoon movement. If you use the disengage or hustle action, you can include that movement as
physics points. These points are a daily resource. Any points you spend are recovered after well. If the creature is resisting or is grabbed or restrained in some way, you contest your
you complete a long rest. First-level characters receive 4 cartoon physics points per day. Strength against the opposing force.
Characters receive two additional points at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. Some feats provide Go along for the ride: Activate as your reaction to an adjacent creature moving
additional points and allow additional recovery options. away from you (2 points). You can either let yourself be dragged along, letting go at the
end of its movement (or any time beforehand), or you can attempt to stop the
Opponent Access
creature’s movement. In that case, you contest your Strength against the target. On a
success, the creature’s movement ends. On a failure, you can either let them go or go
 Boss-type opponents should have free access to the automatic powers plus 1 to 4 along for the ride, as above.
additional powers, depending on their level. You will want to track cartoon physics
point usage on these creatures in the same way a PC would. Pancake Landing
 Common enemies should have access to the three automatic powers if the scene calls
After a long fall, you’re flattened like a pancake but get up unharmed a few moments
for it and it would be funny. I’d also recommend letting the NPCs as a group use
learned powers two to four times during each encounter. For example an ogre might
Activate when you fall. When calculating damage you take for falling, reduce the
use Fastball Special to throw his diamond dog friend, while a sneaky kobold uses Ride
distance by 50 feet (2 points) or 100 feet (4 points), but you are prone and stunned until
‘Em Cowpony to jump on a PC’s back. If there’s five or more player characters,
the start of your next turn. If you spent 4 points and land on dirt, you leave a shallow
crater behind. When you use this power, you can’t use ability checks to reduce falling you move more than 10 feet per round while carrying your cover, your opponents have
damage further. advantage on checks to notice or locate you. Once activated, this power lasts until you
are spotted or you end it. You can combine this power with Hide Anywhere in order to
Seeing Stars hide behind much smaller objects.
After getting walloped, people often stagger around a few moments, with stars or birds
circling around their head. Cram Session
This power can be used in two ways: With access to a library or knowledgeable friends, you can quickly learn the basics of a
Stun someone: Activate as a part of your attack when you hit an opponent for damage new skill, tool, or weapon
(2 points). Reduce the damage by half, but the target is stunned until the start of its next Requirement: To use this power you must first engage in a cram session taking a
turn. total study time of 24 hours minus your Intelligence score. During that time you need
Stun yourself: Activate as your reaction when you are hit for damage (2 points). access to a friend proficient in the subject, or a well-stocked library.
Reduce the damage by half, but you are stunned until the start of your next turn. Activate at the end of the cram session (2 points). You gain proficiency in one skill,
tool, or weapon until you complete a long rest. You can refresh this power without
needing the lengthy cram session by spending the required points again at the end of

Learnable Powers
each long rest as long as you refresh the power every day.

Don’t Look Down

Adrenaline Rush If you keep on running, you can run right off a roof, cliff or pier and keep going until you
notice you’re not on solid ground anymore.
When the need arises, you can call on uncanny strength reserves. Activate as a part of your movement (2 points). If you move off of solid ground, you
Activate when you roll a Strength or Constitution check or save (2 points). You roll do not fall or sink until the end of your current turn. If you spend 4 points instead, you
3d20 and take the highest result, and you never have advantage or disadvantage on this do not fall or sink until the end of your next turn.
roll. Until the end of your next turn, your weight limits are five times higher than normal,
and any Strength-based attacks you make have advantage on the damage roll. You can also
break through one or two thin walls of wood, plaster, or drywall during your movement
Eldritch Blaster
each round. “Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good unicorn at your side,
kid.” — Unknown
Afterburners Activate as a part of your movement (2 points). You pick up an adjacent friendly
conscious unicorn who knows the Eldritch Blast cantrip. You can then fire off Eldritch
You move so quickly you leave a streak of light in your wake.

MLP45E – Chapter 8: Cartoon Physics

Blast as your action by pointing their horn at a target and using them like a gun. You use
Activate when you use your movement or the Hustle action (2 points) while flying. the higher of your Dexterity or your friend’s magic ability, and the higher of your or the
Your flying speed is five times normal. In addition, you leave a trail of colored light in your friend’s proficiency bonus. Use the friend’s level to determine if you get Eldritch Blast’s
wake that’s unique to you (usually the same color as your tail hair), which lasts until the multiple attacks.
start of your next turn. Once you activate this power it lasts as long as you concentrate, up While this power lasts, your friend’s weight doesn’t count against your carry weight
to a number of minutes equal to your Constitution bonus (minimum 1 minute). If you roll a limits, and he or she moves along with you whenever you move. If they move on their
successful DC 15 Constitution check when you use this power, you can spend 4 points own or take any action on their turn other than using Eldritch Blast, this power ends.
instead of 2 and multiply your flying speed by 10 instead of 5. Otherwise you can continue to use Eldritch Blast each turn with no further cost in
While you’re using this power you have a much harder time maneuvering and cartoon physics points.
stopping. For each ten feet you move forward, you can move five feet diagonally. It it takes You can also choose to pick up an unwilling unicorn who knows Eldritch Blast. In
you at least 30 feet to stop safely. This doesn’t normally hinder you but the GM may ask for that case you use your own Dexterity bonus and proficiency bonus for the attack roll,
a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check for any fancy maneuvers you attempt. and this power ends at the end of your turn.

Ambush Bush Fastball Special

Need to stay hidden but there’s no cover? Just take the cover with you. Lacking a ranged attack? Throw your buddy.
Activate as a part of your movement (1 point). You can pick up an adjacent bush, Activate as your action (2 points). You throw an adjacent friend up to 10 feet plus
crate, cardboard box, rock, or other suitable object that’s large enough to hide behind, five times your Strength bonus. If they have wings, triple this distance. The friend can
inside, or underneath and can use it as cover to make Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide. If use their reaction to treat this as a charge attack, attacking an opponent adjacent to
where they land. If you spend 4 points instead, the friend has advantage on their attack those conditions affecting you), and any Wisdom-based spells or attacks you use have
and damage roll. advantage on the damage roll.
Flank Check Mischievous Critter
A bump from the rump will send them flying. “Good boy Angel! Momma’s so proud.” — Unkind Fluttershy
Activate as a part of your action or movement (1 point). You push an adjacent creature Activate as a part of your action (2 points) and contest your familiar or pet’s
10 feet away from you if it is not more than one size larger than you. If you spend 2 points Dexterity against the Strength or Dexterity of a creature next to it. Your pet has
instead, the target is also knocked prone. advantage on this check and can use your proficiency bonus. If your pet wins, the target
suffers one of the following effects. Additional effects can be added for 2 points each.
Hammerspace  Reduce the target’s speed by half until the start of your next turn
You always seem to have just the right thing on-hoof for the situation. No idea where you  Move the target 10 feet in any direction
kept it all this time though.  Daze the target until the start of your next turn
During a rest you can stow inanimate objects of size small or smaller in a null space  Knock the target prone
that defies reality. The weight limit of stowed objects is equal to your normal carry weight
limit. Essentially, you have two separate inventories: one for your stowed objects, and one Ninja Moves
for your carried or worn objects.. If you’re unable to resist, other characters can go through When the need arises, you can call on uncanny agility reserves.
all your “pockets” and pull out all the items you have stowed in random order. Finding each Activate when you roll a Dexterity check or save (2 points). You roll 3d20 and take
one requires a contest of the searcher’s Intelligence (Search) against your Dexterity the highest result, and you never have advantage or disadvantage on this roll. Until the
(Stealth). end of your next turn, you can’t be grappled, knocked prone, forcibly moved, or have
Activate as a part of your movement (2 points). You retrieve one of the stowed your speed reduced, and any Dexterity-based attacks you make have advantage on the
objects, usually by pulling it out from behind your back, from a pocket, or out of your bushy damage roll.
mane or tail.
One Step Ahead
Hide Anywhere Somehow you can keep up with someone, no matter how fast or far they move.
Hiding behind an inch-thick sapling is tricky but you’ve had lots of practice. Activate as your reaction (2 points) when a creature within 20 feet of you ends its
Activate as part of your movement (1 point). You can use any small-sized or larger turn further away from you. You disappear and reappear behind, inside, or under an
object or creature in your square or adjacent to you as sufficient cover to make a Dexterity object of your size or larger within 20 feet of the triggering creature (including around
(Stealth) check. Example items include mailboxes, small bushes, trash cans, wheelbarrows, the corner of a wall). You can combine this power with Hide Anywhere if you like, to

MLP45E – Chapter 8: Cartoon Physics

drinking fountains, and the like. If you use a creature to hide behind, your Stealth ends appear behind smaller objects. You can’t use this power if there’s no suitable object near
immediately if it moves away from you, unless you use readied actions to move with them. the creature, or if you are jailed, shackled, tied up, or have your movement restricted in
Once activated, this power lasts until you are spotted or you end it. any way.
You can combine this power with Ambush Bush in order to take your cover with you
while moving (although a creature you’re using for cover might object to this treatment). Phantom Fingers
Horseyback Ride What do you mean, ‘hooves don’t work that way.’? Mine do. You can’t explain that!
This ability is always active, and has no activation cost. Things just seem to stick to
You have no trouble carrying a friend around. It’s almost like they weren’t even there. your hooves, almost as if you had invisible claws like a dragon or griffon. While you have
This ability is always active, and has no activation cost. You can carry a friend of your this ability your Dexterity score increases by 1 (to a maximum of 20).
size or smaller on your back, without counting their body weight against your carrying limit.
If they are a larger size category than you, their weight counts as half normal. Puppy-Dog Eyes
Level-Headed “Aren’t you going to stay for dessert?” — Apple Bloom
Activate when you roll a Charisma check or save (2 points). You roll 3d20 and take
When the need arises, you can call on that rare and elusive power of common sense. the highest result, and you never have advantage or disadvantage on this roll. Until the
Activate when you roll a Wisdom check or save (2 points). You roll 3d20 and take the end of your next turn, all opponents within 30 feet of you are Charmed by you, and any
highest result, and you never have advantage or disadvantage on this roll. Until the end of Charisma-based attacks or spells you use have advantage on the damage roll.
your next turn, you cannot be Charmed, Frightened, Marked, or Stressed (remove any of
Reverse Psychology
You engage in a battle of wits and convince your opponent to take the action they didn’t Sixth Sense
want to take in the first place.
A twitchy tail? Something’s about to go down.
Activate as your action (2 points). You engage in conversation with a NPC and use
Activate as your reaction (2 points) when you suffer a surprise attack from a
trickery and guile to convince them to take an action they normally wouldn’t. Contest your
creature, trap, or environmental hazard. Until the end of your next turn, attacks made
Charisma (Deception) against the NPC’s Wisdom (Insight). If you win, on the opponent’s
against you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on any checks or saves you
turn it takes the action you convinced them to do as long as it isn’t immediately harmful to
need to make to avoid traps, hazards, or spells.
them or their friends. The use of this power goes above and beyond what can be

Sky Hauler
accomplished simply by using Charisma (Persuasion) to persuade them.
For example, Pinkie Pie convinced a tomato vendor to give her a 50% discount, and
she also persuaded Iron Will to come back tomorrow to collect Fluttershy’s payment. You Pegasi and other flying creatures can extend their magic around objects they are
could also con a guard into letting you and your friends past, dare a troll to lift a boulder harnessed to, enabling them to pull them through the sky.
(which happens to be blocking your exit) as a show of strength, or taunt a goblin leader into Prerequisite: You must be capable of winged flight.
a one-on-one boxing match for the right to let you through their territory unharmed. Activate when you are hitched to a cart, wagon, chariot, or other conveyance (1
point). If the object and its contents do not exceed your dragging weight limit (your
Ride ‘Em Cowpony Strength score times 50), you can pull the object through the air at your full flying speed,
as easily as if it were on the ground. You can even stop in place and hover with
You leap on top of the beast and ride it around.
it. Multiple pegasi can use this power in unison to haul large carriages and wagons,
Activate as part of your movement (2 points). You can move into the space of a
combining their weight limits. The object is still subject to momentum, so if you stop
creature one or more sizes larger than you. The target creature receives no opportunity
suddenly it will want to continue moving.
attacks for this movement, though others might. While you are in the creature’s space you
The effect lasts a number of hours equal to 2 plus your Constitution bonus
gain these benefits:
(minimum 1 hour). If the effect expires you can refresh it mid-flight by activating this
Whenever the target moves, you can use your reaction to move along with it. This
power again. If you cannot refresh it or the weight of the object exceeds your drag limit
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
(if too much is loaded into the cart), you must descend immediately and cannot gain
You are Invisible to the target (although it knows exactly where you are) unless it has a
altitude until the weight is reduced.
long neck, eyes in the back of its head, or it senses without eyes (such as an ooze).

Snap Out Of It
Once per turn the target can attempt to shake you off as a part of its movement by
contesting its Strength (Athletics) against your Dexterity (Acrobatics). If it wins the contest,
you move to an adjacent space and fall prone. Sometimes all it takes to break someone out of a stupor is a firm wallop across the face.
Activate as your action (2 points), as you smack an adjacent friend. End any

MLP45E – Chapter 8: Cartoon Physics

Running Wind-Up Charmed, Dazed, Frightened, Marked, Stressed, or Terrified condition affecting that
friend. If they are suffering some other mind-affecting condition that allows saves or
The first few seconds you start running, your legs just move so fast they’re a blur, but you
checks to end it, they can immediately make such an attempt for free.
don’t go anywhere. Once you get traction though, you zoom away in a cloud of dust.

Ten Wingpower
Activate in place of your walking movement (2 points). If you use the Disengage or
Hustle action this turn, you go three times as fast as normal for that action.
Flap your wings hard enough and you can knock your opponents down and blow them
Scaredy-Cat away.
Prerequisite: You must be capable of winged flight.
Ohmygosh! Look out for that ferocious cragadile!
Activate as your action (2 points). Contest your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
Activate as part of your action (2 points). Contest your Charisma (Deception) against
vs. the Strength of creatures in a 30-foot cone. Any creatures you beat are pushed 20
the Wisdom (Insight) of a creature within 30 feet. You have advantage on this check. If you
feet. If you beat them by 5 or more, they are also knocked prone. Gaseous or swarm
win, you spook the target and move it 20 feet in any direction (even vertically). This works
creatures have disadvantage on this contest. Creatures one or more sizes larger than you
even if the target is climbing, flying, restrained, prone, or stunned. If you moved them
have advantage. Any clouds (natural or magical) in the area are destroyed.
vertically they can grab onto any objects overhead (DC 10 Strength save) and take no

The Horn Knows

damage if they fall. Creatures of animal intelligence or lower are immune to this power.
Your friends can voluntarily fail this contest.
If you spend 4 points and use your entire action to activate this power, you can “I had no idea where my horn was taking me. But unicorn magic doesn't happen without
affect all creatures within a 50-foot cone. a reason.” — Rarity
Prerequisite: You must be a member of a race that is capable of using arcane magic.
Activate as your action (2 points) and roll a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check. On a
success, you receive a subtle hint from the GM on any subject. This might take the form of
your horn(s) leading you somewhere, pointing at something or someone, or giving you a
sudden mental picture.

Thinking Cap
When the need arises, you can call on your uncanny knowledge of trivia.
Activate when you roll an Intelligence check or save (2 points). You roll 3d20 and take
the highest result, and you never have advantage or disadvantage on this roll. Until the end
of your next turn, you are proficient in all weapons, skills, and tools, and any Intelligence-
based spells or attacks you use have advantage on the damage roll.

Time Out!
You grab your trusty whistle (or a nearby bird) and blow out a long, loud tweet, getting
everyone’s attention.
Activate as your action (2 points). Any combat or argument ends immediately. If
anyone decides to take a hostile action, everyone re-rolls initiative first and then acts in
that order. If you try to use this power a second time in the same battle, it has no effect.

Wall Jump
You leap up and kick off a wall, enabling you to increase your jump height significantly.
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Acrobatics or Athletics.
Activate as a part of your movement (2 points) when you use a high jump or long jump
next to a wall. You use 10 feet of movement to high jump or long jump again the same
height or distance in the opposite direction. If there are back-to-back walls no more than
15 feet apart, you can keep on wall jumping this turn until you run out of movement at no
additional cost in cartoon physics points. You can use your action to hustle and continue

MLP45E – Chapter 8: Cartoon Physics

the jumps. If you don’t end up on level ground you must use your action to grab something
or you fall.

Coming Soon!

MLP45E – Chapter 9: Zingers

Coming soon!
New Creatures

MLP45E – Chapter 10: Bestiary

Design & Development (AKA: Where to direct complaints)

Contributing Artists
I want to especially thank all of the artists who agreed to allow their wonderful artwork to be used. Please visit them and give them some
appreciation. They retain their individual rights to their art.

Vest (David Delanty)

MLP45E – Credits

The author is not affiliated with Hasbro or its subsidiary Wizards of the Coast, and claims no ownership of any names of characters or
concepts owned by Hasbro, Hasbro Studios, Studio B Productions, DHX, or Top Draw Animation. All MLP fan art is used with permission of
the artists.

This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

You are free to:

 Share—copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
 Adapt—remix, transform, and build upon the material
 The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
 Attribution-You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in
any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
 NonCommercial—You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
 ShareAlike—If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as
the original.

Version 0.9: Initial beta release 6/29/14

MLP45E – Credits

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