Quantitative Methods Syllabus
Quantitative Methods Syllabus
Quantitative Methods Syllabus
Module Module A
Email chase.kusterer@faculty.hult.edu
Course Description
This course focuses on solving business problems with the use of data.
The objective of this course is for participants to gain an understanding of how the
utilization of modern computational techniques can lead to better decisions by managers
and entrepreneurs. The course introduces various statistical methods with a lecture and
case-based instruction.
This course aims to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative analysis, to develop
the ability to structure decision-making, and to explore the use of statistical and quantitative
methods to better balance risks.
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Learning Objectives
Key Assessed Learning Outcomes
1. Collect, sort and analyze data and build basic models in Excel to analyze data under
complex business scenarios.
2. Practically apply quantitative concepts in key business areas, including but not limited
to: Strategy, Logistics, Operations, Quality Control and Sales.
3. Read, understand and interpret statistical reports and market research analysis in
order to make better business decisions.
We will rely heavily on hands-on learning and discussion in the classroom. Heavy numerical
activities and Excel assignments outside the classroom will make-up the remainder of the
coursework. Each part of the case and assignment will be discussed in the classroom or in a
review session to learn collaboratively from peers through case discussion and debates.
Managers are expected to develop and grow capabilities in others; almost every managerial
level job description and above calls for interpersonal and team building skills as well as
excellent written and verbal communication skills. Despite this being a numeric course, by
teaching and learning amongst each other, you will also develop valuable soft skills, which
are important in business to supplement strong quantitative skills.
Excel Boot Camp and Data Analysis Prep 30% Oct 25 (Sun)
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All assignments are due by 15:00 on the date of the assignment.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, examinations, class presentations,
simulations, exercises, field research visits, discussion groups, plant visits, lectures, and
special programs. An absence for any reason except those qualifying for an excused
absence as described in the Student Handbook will be considered an unexcused absence.
Students who miss more than 20% of scheduled classroom/activity hours because of
unexcused absences (e.g. more than two meetings of a 10-meeting course) will fail the
course. Classes begin promptly according to the published schedule. It is the responsibility
of each student to be in class on time.
Attending group meetings and participating in the assigned study teams are required
components of the program and are considered an important part of the experiential learning
process. Students are expected to participate orally in class and in online forums and team
activities. Hult accommodates students with disabilities, Please see the Student Handbook
for details.
Academic Integrity
Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit must be the student's
own work. The Hult policy on plagiarism applies to all work done at the School. In addition,
any failure to abide by examination rules will result in failure of the exam, and may lead to
failure of the course and School disciplinary action. Please consult the Student Handbook for
further details.1
Required Software
Microsoft Excel 2013 with Solver and Business Analysis Toolpack add-ons. PC versions are
preferred. If using a Mac it is highly-recommended that a student installs a software that
allows for the use of the PC version of Excel. When conducting advanced statistical tests or
creating macros, the Mac version of Excel tends to work improperly.
Office for Mac is accepted, with StatPlus installed. See videos on how to install this.
These web sites provide helpful guidance regarding plagiarism and how to cite sources:
http://library.acadiau.ca/tutorials/plagiarism/, http://www.plagiarism.org/learning_center/citation.html
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Required Readings
Industry Background: Decision Trees
Introduction to Optimization Models, Ivey Publishing
Industry Background: Optimization
Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
Regression Videos [Movie Actors Data Set]
Industry and Background Note: Multiple Regression and Marketing-Mix Models
Time Series Techniques write-up, HBP
Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century, HBP
Building an Analytical Culture, HBP
Censuses: Costing the Count by The Economist
U.S. Elections Videos
The project written specifically for this course will be revealed in the first session.
Recommended Videos
Recommended Reading
Topics Covered
1. Spreadsheet Modeling
2. Probability
3. Statistics ̶ Census vs. Sampling, Sampling Bias and Sampling Techniques, Surveys
9. Data Collection
Class Preparation
Description We will learn about focus groups and surveys as means to gather
market information. The basic concepts of statistics will be ex-
plored in this session, including the mean and standard deviation
and its applications in normally distributed populations.
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Class Unit 1 Class 3 Time 3 hours
Description In this session, we will dive into the fundamentals of the science of
uncertainty, also known as statistics. We will cover the distribution
of different outcomes and use this information to improve upon our
foundation of making decisions based on information.
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Class Unit 2 Class 2 Time 3 hours
Description In this session we will start plotting time sequenced data points to
understand the application of previous topics learnt in the course in
forecasting continuing trends.
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Class Unit 3 Class 1 Time 3 hours
Preparation Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century, HBP
Description In this session, we will dive into one of the most essential areas of
research: collecting data in an appropriate manner. This discussion
will include concepts such as sampling bias and survey design.
Description This session will continue on what we have learned in data collec-
tion and begin our discussion on sampling. We will address such
topics as sample size, margin of error, false positives, and false
Description In the final class of the course, we will leverage on the enhanced
skills developed to address information-based situations to develop
proper data visualizations. We will also wrap up our discussion on
sampling. We will also briefly discuss the world’s ever-increasing
focus on analytics and what it means for management.
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Appendix: Assignments and Rubrics
In this course, students are evaluated by the following means of assessment:
Description Follow the videos recorded by the instructor to analyze and learn
about the salaries of Baseball players. Activate Data Analysis
Toolpak (PC users) or install StatPus (Mac users) as we will heavi-
ly use it during the long-weekend course. Prepare pivot tables to
learn how to analyze data faster
Run basic Descriptive Statistics, and build histograms and pivot
tables to analyze the CEOs dataset. Answer the corresponding
Learning Build basic models in Excel in order to analyze data under complex
Outcome business scenarios
Analysis had more Analysis had only one Analysis had no circu-
Data Analysis of CEO than one more circular circular reference of lar references of #N/A,
Salaries Excel File #1 references: #N/A, #N/A, #DIV/0, or #REF. #DIV/O or #REF.
#DIV/O or #REF.
Missing descriptive There is either a de- There is a descriptive
Data Analysis of CEO statistics table, missing scriptive statistics table statistics table, a histo-
Salaries Excel File #2 histogram, or missing or a histogram, and gram, and all quiz an-
clearly labeled names more than 75% of all swers are clearly la-
in the pivot table or the quiz answers are beled as a name in the
worksheet. clearly labeled on the pivot table or work-
pivot table or work- sheet.
Less than 50% of all More than 50% of all All questions in the
questions in the CEO questions in the CEO CEO Salaries quiz are
Salaries quiz are an- Salaries quiz are an- answered correctly,
swered correctly, there swered correctly, there there is a descriptive
Overall is no descriptive statis- is a descriptive statis- statistics table, and
tics table, and less than tics table, and at least each quiz answer is
75% of all quiz ques- 75% of the quiz an- clearly labeled as a
tions are answered cor- swers are clearly la- name on the pivot ta-
rectly. beled as a name on ble. At least one histo-
the pivot table or quiz. gram is present.
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Assignment Sales Forecast
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Assignment Course Project
Organization and Writing needs outside support. Paper is organized and clear. Paper demonstrates concise and
Clarity The main ideas are getting lost Errors do not detract from consistent writing. Transitions be-
as a result of the grammar and overall ideas. Could have used tween ideas are handled well.
spelling errors. better transitions between ide- Formatting is appropriate and
as. Some grammar or spelling writing is free of grammar and
errors. spelling errors.
Quantitative One or two quantitative con- All calculations are accurate, All calculations are accurate and
Calculations cepts were calculated and/or but interpretations could be interpretations show that the
interpreted incorrectly. improved. team has a strong understanding
of the quantitative concepts.
Issue Analysis The level of analysis could use Presents an adequate analysis Presents an insightful and thor-
better framing and more depth. of most of the issues identified, ough analysis of all identified is-
Factual and/or computational but lacks depth in some areas. sues. Includes all necessary
support for the analysis is omit- Is missing some necessary cal- calculations.
ted. culations.
Action Recommen- The recommended course of Recommended course of action Recommended course of action
dations action could use more connec- is appropriate to address major has strong arguments based in the
tions to the identified issues, issues, and is linked to the anal- analysis and issues and includes
and the addition of one or ysis. Some anticipated conse- anticipated consequences and al-
more anticipated consequences quences and alternatives are ternatives.
or alternatives would strength- included.
en the plan.
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Use of Course Con- Makes only a few, if any, con- Demonstrates sufficient com- Demonstrates complete command
cepts nections between identified mand of tools and concepts of tools and concepts from the
issues and concepts from from the course. Makes some course. Makes appropriate and
course readings and class lec- connections between identified powerful connections between
tures. issues and the strategic con- identified issues and the strategic
cepts studied in the course concepts studied in the course
readings and class lectures. readings and class lectures.
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