Course Packet: 95-710 A1/C1 - ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (Remote Course)
Course Packet: 95-710 A1/C1 - ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (Remote Course)
Course Packet: 95-710 A1/C1 - ECONOMIC ANALYSIS (Remote Course)
Course packet
- Readings (Canvas)
- Facilitating Practices: The Ethyl Case
- Rapid Price Communication and Coordination: The Airline Tariff
Publishing Case
- Strategic Capacity Preemption: DuPont (Titanium Dioxide)
- Computers
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Alessandro Acquisti
Office Hours: On zoom (see information on Canvas). Monday 5:00PM-6:00PM
and by appointment
Nikhil George
Office and office hours: See information on Canvas
Aashi Gupta
Office and office hours: See information on Canvas
The course will begin with an examination of the underlying structure and models
of competitive markets, and the efficiency and welfare implications of those
models. We will then examine economic models that describe firm output,
pricing and entry/exit decisions. These models will then be applied to a variety of
market contexts, including monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition.
As we go through this analysis, we will seek to understand the implications of the
theory for information technology firms and for consumers. We will also examine
interesting dynamics between information, agents, and economic outcomes in
the context of game theory. Most of our discussions of the economic models will
be accompanied by explorations of the ideas and examples presented in the
Shapiro and Varian text and in the readings.
There are three components of your grade. There will be three homework
assignments, three quizzes, and short quizzes at the end of each lecture. The
weighting of these components is:
3 Homeworks 35%
3 Quizzes 55%
Short Quizzes 10%
Monday and Wednesday classes are used for actual lectures, and they end with
short quizzes. Friday review sessions are used for Homework submission and
discussion, as well as for quizzes.
Quizzes will be administered via Canvas during the Friday review sessions, and
will last 1 hour and 20 minutes. Thus, review sessions are mandatory on the
days when quizzes are given. Quizzes will consist of true/false questions,
numerical problems, and open-ended questions. Quizzes are closed-book.
Short Quizzes will be administered via Canvas during each lecture, typically
close to the end of a Lecture (excluding Lecture 1, of course). They will be very
short, and mainly aimed at making sure that you have been able to follow the
material covered during the Lecture. Your worst-performing Short Quiz across all
lectures will be eliminated (that is, it will not count towards your grade).
Every year, students are interested in knowing what score is needed “to get an
A.” This curiosity is entirely understandable (even though the emphasis on final
grades is sometimes excessive: to a good extent, grades are more useful to
asses how and what you are learning, than in influencing your future career
options and choices). While, historically, a score of 90.00% or above has often
been a threshold for an “A” grade, there is no pre-fixed grading scale for this
course, because every class and every year are different from other
classes/other years of the same course.
The best advice regarding grading I can give (in addition to those under Section
10 of this Syllabus) is to please check carefully the schedule of Homeworks and
Quizzes in the latter part of this document, and avoid scheduling meetings (e.g.,
job interviews) that conflict with your Homework and Quiz sessions, because
anticipating or postponing Homeworks or Quizzes will unfortunately not be
allowed, nor taking extra Homeworks or extra Quizzes to make up for lost ones.
While I understand that many of you may have job interviews to do during this
Mini, allowing students to take Quizzes at a different time than the rest of their
classmates creates unfair advantages. So, please plan ahead.
This entire course will be taught remotely, via Zoom. You will find links to the live
Zoom-streamed classes on Canvas. We will also use Canvas for the Friday
review sessions, for online discussions (via Discussions), for HWs submission,
for quizzes and short quizzes, and for grading. We will strive to make the remote-
teaching experience as engaging and interactive as possible. Thus, if you can,
please keep your camera ON (so that we can see each other during lectures),
and be ready to participate in the class discussion by asking, or answering,
Some important notes about classes, lectures slides, homework, and quizzes.
First, the relation between: a) the models and exercises discussed in class,
and b) the homework and the quizzes is the following:
Second, the relation between: a) the lecture slides and b) the textbooks and
readings is the following:
The lecture slides I will provide cover all the topics that will be part of
homework and quizzes, but not all the details. They can be used as a
summary of the relevant topics, but they are not meant to substitute the
books and the more detailed explanations that the textbooks and the
readings contain. Please also see Section 9, below, for more information
about the textbooks.
Some of our lectures will be about formal models of economic behavior and will
apply (simple) mathematics to represent those models and describe that
behavior. Some others of our lectures will be about applications, and may be
more discursive. Different lectures may be challenging and luckily interesting in
different ways.
More precisely, the first three weeks of this course will focus on formal models a
little more than the remaining weeks of the course. Formal models will give us
the theoretical foundations to understand the rest of the topics. So, don’t get
discouraged if you have never taken economic courses before, or if the first two
weeks will appear a bit “theoretical:” the level of mathematics necessary to do
well in this class is actually quite basic, and the theoretical tools that we will
learn in the first weeks will turn useful as we will discuss more practical
applications and study concrete market examples in the second part of this
Plagiarism from online sources (e.g., using answers found online) and/or
copying of another group's homework or another student’s quiz, or from
previous years’ homework and quizzes are university offenses. Just don’t do
it. Please. It’s not worth it. These rules and the academic integrity standards
outlined in your student handbook will be strictly enforced. Violations of these
rules or standards are considered a fundamental breach of trust and may result
in failure of the course.
I will use examples from Varian’s Intermediate Microeconomics for the modeling
portions of our classes. Any recent edition (from 5th on) is good (the chapter
numbering listed in the Schedule of classes – below, Section 11 – is based on
the 7th edition). While I will often adopt the approach and the arguments that you
can find in that book, in reality you may (at your own judgment) replace Varian’s
book with any other decent Microeconomic book – such as Frank and Bernanke;
Perloff; or Pindyck and Rubinfeld – as long as you will make sure to cover
equivalent material to that which we will cover in Varian’s book.
Why do we use Varian’s book instead of those others? Because – among other
reasons - it offers a sound yet simple mathematical approach that will turn useful
for other courses you will take at the Heinz College, and hopefully for your future
career as well.
We will use Shapiro and Varian’s Information Rules for applications of economic
theory to information technology and information systems. Although it was first
published in 1998 (that is, in the very early days of the ecommerce revolution), it
remains one of the best guides to understanding the economics of information
Here are some tips that I (as the instructor) and previous students of this class
have learnt about how to perform well in this class:
- Even if you collaborate on the homework with other students, try first to
solve the exercises by yourself, alone. You will learn much more this way.
Absolutely do not “split” the questions among the members of your
team – during the quiz you will be alone in answering similar questions,
and you will not have anybody to split questions with.
- Study the readings before the lecture – this way the topic of the lecture will
not be completely novel to you, and you will find it easier to follow the
- Study the readings and the book chapters once again after the lecture –
the lecture slides I will provide cover all the topics that will be part of
homework and quizzes, but not in complete detail. As I mention
above, the lecture slides can be used as a summary of the relevant topics,
but they are not meant to substitute the books and the more detailed
explanations that the books contain.
- Check back on Canvas the version of your homework graded and
corrected by the TAs. The TAs will note errors and solutions in the graded
homework. And since quizzes are similar (although not identical) to the
homework, you should try and learn as much as you can from the graded,
corrected homework in order to do well in the quizzes.
- In addition: do attend the Friday recitation sessions when homeworks are
discussed and solved in front of the class.
- Be ready to not just plug in formulas, but think about the economic
problems we discussed in class in order to complete the homework.
- From time to time, get some sleep (but not in class). No, seriously:
sleeping enough, eating well, taking care of yourself are very important
things. See Section 11, below.
- Use the Force.
Readings listed below must be completed prior to the class for which they are
listed, since we will discuss them together. Readings other than “Shapiro and
Varian” or “Varian” available on Canvas. The material for each class should be
read by the date indicated below, even if we have not yet finished going through
the previous class’ Lectures.
Note: for Varian’s book, the chapter numbers reported below refer to the 7th
edition. If you are using different editions, chapter numbers may have
changed slightly. Please use the title of the lecture to find the appropriate
I hope that you will enjoy and learn from this course. (Did I mention that readings
should be completed prior to the class for which they are listed?)
Monday, September 7
No classes – Labor Day!
Lecture 4 (Monday, September 14)
Topic: Perfect Competition
Today’s Readings: Varian, Chapters 22 and 23
Lecture 10 (Monday, October 5)
Topic: Strategic Behavior
Today’s Reading: Dupont and Computers (on Canvas)
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