Short Film Activity: English Worksheet
Short Film Activity: English Worksheet
Short Film Activity: English Worksheet
PAPERMAN SHORT FILM -6.18 14. The man and woman come from a large family
15. The man succeeded in his intention of catching the woman’s
16. There is a friendly atmosphere in the place the man work at….
17. The man leaves the office trying to catch the girl…
Answer the questions below a. The woman and man met at last
6. What is the man wearing? b. The woman and man got married
11. The man never saw the woman again…… c. How did the film make you feel?
12. The man makes a “paper” plane to catch the woman’s d. What would you do if you were in the man’s position?
e. What adjectives would you use to describe the film?
13. The man has a friendly boss ….
f. Does the film have a message?
Short film Activity English worksheet
Fill in the blanks with a word that fits each space. Meanwhile, Meg is found by the lipstick 12) __________ and recognizing
it, she follows it to a different station. The two are finally brought 13)
A man named George is standing on an elevated 1) _______ platform ___________ as the airplanes force them out onto the same platform at a
in mid-20th century New York City when he is hit by a flying piece of third stations where both their trains stop. The two finally meet, as the
paper. The paper belongs to a beautiful 2) ________, Meg, who credits roll.
accidentally dropped it as a gust of wind blew it away. The same thing
happens to George when an incoming train dislodges one of his papers Look at the pictures below and write the order in which these scenes
and blows it onto Meg's face, leaving a 3) _______ lipstick mark on happened in the short film.
never see Meg again. That is, until, he looks out his window and sees
her at the building across the street. After failing to get her 6)
throwing them into her open window despite repeated warnings from
his 8) __________.
Unfortunately, his efforts are met with only varying levels of failure.
fails as well when he drops it. Meg then leaves her office, and George
and heads home in disgust. However, the paper airplanes are not done
Many of the planes landed in a nearby alley, and when the lipstick
paper lands amongst them, they take action and set off in 11)