EDRMedeso Bolt Toolkit V192.12
EDRMedeso Bolt Toolkit V192.12
EDRMedeso Bolt Toolkit V192.12
Bolt Toolkit - Overview
• Bolt Toolkit
• Target application: Mechanical
• Description: Pre and Post processing tool to create groups of rivets, bolt
pretension, simplified bolts and advanced bolts with thread contact
section. Rivet and bolt results can be evaluated according to Eurocode 3
and VDI 2230.
• https://appstore.ansys.com/shop/ACTApps_act%20apps
• Great place to get started
− A library of helpful extensions available to any ANSYS customer
− New apps added regularly
− Applications made available in either binary format (.wbex file) or binary
plus scripted format (Python and XML files)
− Scripted extensions are great examples
− Documentation and training materials available on the ANSYS Customer
• The extension to be installed will be stored in the following location:
%AppData%\Ansys\[version]\ACT\extensions (Example for [version]: v190)
• The installation will create a folder in this location, in addition to the .wbex file
Binary App Installation (3)
• Once the binary extension is installed at default location, one can move the *.wbex and the folder to any
other location
– Default path: %AppData%\Ansys\v190\ACT\extensions
– New path: Any location on your machine, shared drive etc.
• All users interested in using the extension need to include that path in their Workbench Options
1. In the “Tools” menu, select the “Options…”
2. Select “Extensions” in the pop up panel
3. Add the path under “Additional Extensions Folders”
Define additional folders in which ACT
will search for extensions in order to
expose them in the Extension Manager
• During the scan of the available extensions, the folders will be analyzed according to the following order:
1. The application data folder(e.g. %AppData%\Ansys\[version]\ACT\extensions)
2. The additional folders defined in the “Additional Extension Folders” property
3. The installation folder
4. The “extensions” folder part of the current Workbench project (if the project was previously saved with
the extension)
• If an extension is available in more than one of these locations, the 1st one according to the scan order is used
ERROR starting paid apps
• Paid apps needs a license in order to be activated in a project. It is a floating license of same type as for all other ANSYS
products and is limited in number of users (seats) and supported ANSYS versions.
• If you get this error: “An error occurred during loading the App name extension.” look in the Extensions Log File
(Extensions>View Log File) to see if you managed to check out the app license. Possible errors are:
– “Request name act_app_license does not exist in the licensing pool”
App license is not installed or license server not restarted after install or no app license available.
Solution: Start the “Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility” and list the license status.
– “License server system does not support this version of this feature”
Your are running a newer version of ANSYS than what is supported in the license. When buying the app you are
entitled to run current version plus one major upgrade, i.e. buying an app in version 17.0 will allow usage up to 18.2.
Solution: If you have a valid ANSYS version and the app does not start contact your ANSYS reseller and request a new
license file. If your ANSYS version is higher, e.g. 19.0, you have to buy a new version of the app to get a new license.
Bolt Toolkit
• Background
– Bolts and rivets are an important part of many assemblies but requires a lot
of manual work to define contacts, pretension, meshing and detailed post
• Solution
– The Bolt Toolkit app simplifies and speeds up the creation and post
processing of bolts and rivets. Features includes:
• Automation for Save and Import of entire bolt configuration.
• Bolt Contact Creation and Contact match automation (CAD bolts)
• Creation of groups of rivets including Eurocode 3 post processing
• Pretension on groups of existing bolts (CAD bolts).
• Creation of groups of simplified bolts (NVH-bolts) with pretension.
• Creation of groups of advanced bolts (brick mesh) with contacts, thread
interaction and pretension.
• Post processing of bolts and rivets includes Eurocode 3 and VDI 2230.
• General post processing of FE-based objects
News in V192.12
• Full support for 2019 R2, new GUI. (Require that “Service Pack” is installed)
• Bugfix for thermal analysis of rivets and improvements of rivet geometry
• Bugfix clearing old bolt results when solving on cluster
• Preference file to control automatic creation of csv files etc.
• Create Bolt contacts: Enough with ”bolt” in the name
• Check for valid material name in case material has been renamed in
Engineering Data
• More Eurocode 3 result options for rivet and bolts (Combined, Tension and
• Save Bolt Configuration: Saves all rivet and bolt objects to a configuration file in the solution directory
• Import Bolt Configuration: Import all rivet and bolt objects from selected configuration file
• Optimize Bonded Contacts: Auto flip Contact/Target and set asymmetric option for selected contact folders or individual contacts
• Create Bolt Contacts: Create bonded contacts for parts with name containing “bolt”
• Bolt Contacts Match: Create contact match for all contact names containing “bolt”
• Rivet Group: Create rivets using group selection of edges where the app connects and creates the rivets and allow detailed post processing of section forces.
• Rivet Group Result: Detailed rivet results for each group of rivets both as contour plot and listings.
• Bolt Group Pretension: Create bolt pretension to many bolts in one object and to also allow detailed post processing.
• Simplified Bolt Group: Create bolts using group selection of edges and faces where the app creates the bolts with pretension and allow detailed post processing.
• Advanced Bolt Group: Like simplified bolt group but creates solid bolts and frictional contact at head and thread contact interaction.
• Bolt Group Result: Detailed bolt results for each group of bolts both as contour plot and listings.
• Mesh Result: Post processing of result file items (Temperature, Deformation, Strain, Stress, Contact and Material number)
• Open Preference File: Edit default settings and export options
• Bolt Toolkit Help: Detailed help is found in the on-line documentation.
Bolt Toolkit Help
• This “Power Point” version of the documentation does only include an overview of
all the features in the app.
• Please review the included on-line documentation from the “Open doc” button the
in the app for a detailed description with many examples on how to use the app.
Save and Import Bolt Configuration
• Save Bolt Configuration writes a text file in the current solution folder.
The file can be used as a template for creating user defined bolt configurations.
• Import Bolt Configuration reads a bolt configuration file and creates all objects in
the file.
• The Save/Import option can be used to copy the bolt setup from a Structural
analysis to a Thermal analysis or from one analysis to another.
It can also be used if the bolt configuration is defined outside of Mechanical or by
another automation app/Wizard.
• Note: Drag and drop between different analysis systems does not work. The copied
object will show up in the new system in the model tree but does still belong to the
original group as a hidden copy.
Optimize Bonded Contacts
• Bonded face to face contacts can be
optimized for bolt evaluation by setting
the smaller face as “Contact” and the
larger face as “Target” and change
behavior to “Asymmetric”.
• Select the “Connections” folder,
“Contacts” folders or individual
“Contacts” and click the button
“Optimize Bonded Contacts” to update
all selected objects.
• An info message will show the number
of selected contacts to optimize and
how many that was updated.
Bolt Contacts Automation
• Name each bolt part with “bolt” (case insensitive). Tip: Multi-select parts and press “F2”.
• Click the “Create Bolt Contacts” button. This will create a “Bolt Contacts” folder in the
Connections folder and create bonded contacts.
• Delete any existing duplicate bolt contacts in other contacts folders.
Bolt Contacts Match
• For tetrahedron meshed parts the bolt contacts match can be used to create a “Bolt Contacts
Match” folder in Mesh Edit and create corresponding mesh imprint for the bolt contacts.
Rivet Group (1)
• Rivet Head
− Scoping Method: Geometry Selection or Named Selection
− Geometry/Named Selection: Edges of rivet holes
• Definition
− Material: Rivet material name (from Engineering Data).
− Head Mass: Additional mass to add at the head.
− Shaft Diameter: Rivet shaft stress area diameter.
− Head Diameter: Limiting diameter for rivet head rigid body.
− Max thickness: Search distance for creating rivets, max
part thickness.
− Behavior: Rigid/Deformable/Custom(*)
• Graphics
− The active hole edges are plotted in thick red lines. The head diameter is plotted
as a green disc (normal to the rivet shaft) and the rivet shaft as a thick green line.
(Un connected hole edges are plotted in thin red lines)
(*) Custom behavior can be defined in the MAPDL macro file “buildRivet.mac”, see
following slides.
Rivet Group (2)
• FE model
− Rivet shaft with one beam elements (BEAM188) with circular solid cross section between
each section.
− Rivet heads as rigid or deformable region (CERIG/RBE3)
• Results
− Use “Rivet Group Result” to get detailed results from the rivets.
Rivet Group (3) Custom behavior
• The rivet connection behavior is defined in the macro file “buildRivet.mac” found in the extension
installation folder. (%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Ansys\v192\ACT\extensions\BoltToolkit_V192.11)
• Edit the file in the sections “*else ! ‘Custom’” to define any type of connections using the center node on
the rivet shaft (_npilot) and the selected edge nodes.
Rivet Group Result (1)
• Geometry
− Scoping Method: Geometry Selection (default), or Named Selection.
• Definition
− Rivet Group: List of available rivet groups to post process.
To avoid duplicate names the rivet objects Id number is appended to the name.
When selecting a rivet group the corresponding geometry is automatically
− Rivet Result: List of available results to plot.
[Normal Force, Shear Force, Normal Stress, Shear Stress, Eurocode 3]
− Safety factor M2: Partial safety factor gM2. Default = 1.25 (Visible for Eurocode 3)
− Ultimate Strength fur: Rivet ultimate strength fur (Visible for Eurocode 3)
− Calculate Time History: [No/Yes] Calculate Time History Graph
− By: Time, Result Set, Maximum Over Time, Time Of Maximum
(Standard Mechanical Options)
− Display Time/Substep: Time or Substep to display.
• Graphical output
− Results are plotted on the rivet hole edges.
− Note 1: For coincident edges results are plotted (and listed) on one side only.
− Note 2: For shell models the force is displayed per shear section of the rivet and
not the total shear force in the hole edge. (For a solid model each hole edge
corresponds to one unique shear section of the rivet)
Note: There is no check for Eurocode 3 bearing resistance and the position of the
rivets on the parts.
Rivet Group Result (2)
• Text output
− All results for all result sets will also be printed in a text file in the solution folder named
− For each rivet the results are listed for each section “Index” (in the order the sections edges was selected)
At coincident sections only one section is included in the list.
Rivet Group Result (3) Automatic csv export
• All rivet results are available after analysis in the solution folder saved as a csv file for each
rivet object, e.g. “Rivets_D12_Id5298.csv” and “rivetRes_Id5298.csv”.
These csv files are used when plotting “Rivet Group Results”. If the files are accidentally
deleted, they will be re-created by adding a “Rivet Group Result” and evaluate.
Rivet node: Section node number
Index: Rivet section index
X: Section location X (Global coordinates)
Y: Section location Y (Global coordinates)
Z: Section location Z (Global coordinates)
Beam elem: Beam element number connected to section node
Head elem: Point mass element number connected to head