Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal For Mental Health Professionals
Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal For Mental Health Professionals
Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal For Mental Health Professionals
Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A
Topical Journal for Mental
Health Professionals
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Autobiographical Reflections on
the Intersubjective History of
an Intersubjective Perspective
in Psychoanalysis
a b
Robert D. Stolorow Ph.D.
Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis , Los
Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of
Subjectivity , New York City
Published online: 01 Jul 2008.
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Autobiographical Reflections
on the Intersubjective History of an
Intersubjective Perspective in
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R O B E R T D . S T O L O R O W , PH .D.
The clinical psychology program at Harvard was the first and last
stronghold of a tradition in academic personality psychology known
as personology. This tradition, founded by Henry Murray at the Har-
vard Psychological Clinic in the 1930s, held as its basic premise the
claim that knowledge of human personality can be advanced only by
the systematic, in-depth study of the individual person. This empha-
sis on “idiographic,” rather than “nomothetic,” research was a radical
departure from the philosophy of science that then dominated, and
has continued to dominate, academic psychology in the United
States. Murray’s personology attracted a group of exceptionally cre-
ative students, many of whom contributed to his magnum opus, Ex-
plorations in Personality (Murray, 1938), a classic in the field of
personality psychology. Two of Murray’s most influential followers
were Robert White and Silvan Tomkins.1
My two principal mentors during my doctoral studies were White
and Irving Alexander, a visiting professor and protégé of Tomkins.
From White I took seminars on Freudian and neo-Freudian theory
and the study of lives and acquired an abiding interest in understand-
ing the uniqueness of each individual’s world of experience. Alexan-
der taught us psychological assessment the way he had learned it
from Tomkins. Instead of preparing us to do psychological testing in
hospitals, his course consisted in studying one person for the entire
To psychoanalysts, White is best known for his theory of effectance motivation
and Tomkins for his influential contributions to affect theory (an emphasis that be-
came central in intersubjective systems theory). Less well known is that they were
both major contributors to the personological movement in academic personality
psychology. The history of the personological movement at Harvard is chronicled
in White’s (1987) privately published A Memoir. It was my studies with White that
led to my first published article on psychoanalytic theory (Stolorow, 1969).
logical phenomena that other theories address but also for the theo-
ries themselves.
In the last chapter of Faces, we outlined a set of proposals for the
creation of such a framework, which we called psychoanalytic phe-
nomenology, a term that never caught on. Influenced by the writings
of G. Klein (1976) and Schafer (1976), we envisioned this framework
as a depth psychology of personal experience, purified of the mecha-
nistic reifications of Freudian metapsychology. Our framework took
the subjective “representational world”3 (Sandler and Rosenblatt,
1962) of the individual as its central theoretical construct. We as-
sumed no impersonal psychical agencies or motivational prime mov-
ers in order to explain the representational world. Instead, we
assumed that this world evolves organically from the person’s en-
counter with the critical formative experiences that constitute his or
her unique life history. Once established, it becomes discernible in
the distinctive, recurrent patterns, themes, and invariant meanings
that prereflectively organize the person’s experiences. Psychoana-
lytic phenomenology entailed a set of interpretive principles for in-
vestigating the nature, origins, purposes, and transformations of the
This title derived from a passage written by Murray (1938). In the passage,
which became our book’s epigraph, he compared psychologists of differing theoret-
ical persuasions with people seeing different faces in the same cloud formation, de-
pending on their initial biases of perception.
Later, we (Atwood and Stolorow, 1984) dropped the term representational
world because incisive questioning by our students helped us become aware that it
was being used to refer both to imagistic contents of experience and to the thematic
structuring of experience. Hence, we decided to use subjective world when describ-
ing experiential contents and structures of subjectivity to designate the invariant
principles prereflectively organizing those contents along particular thematic lines.
Our use of the term intersubjective has never presupposed the attainment of
symbolic thought, of a concept of oneself as a subject, of intersubjective relatedness
in Stern’s (1985) sense, or of mutual recognition as described by Benjamin (1995).
Nor have we confined our usage to the realm of unconscious nonverbal affective
communication, as Ogden (1994) seemed to do. We use intersubjective very
broadly, to refer to any psychological field formed by interacting worlds of experi-
ence, at whatever developmental level those worlds may be organized. For us,
intersubjective denotes neither a mode of experiencing nor a sharing of experience,
but the contextual precondition for having any experience at all. In our vision,
intersubjective fields and experiential worlds are equiprimordial, mutually consti-
tuting one another in circular fashion.
vation in the last chapter of The Restoration of the Self led me to his
original article (Kohut, 1959) on that subject, which I had not read
before. The article, in which he contended that the empirical and
theoretical domains of psychoanalysis are defined and delimited by
its empathic-introspective mode of investigation, became my favor-
ite of Kohut’s works. What was intensely verifying for me was that
Kohut, by studying the relationship between mode of observation
and theory in psychoanalysis, had come to exactly the same conclu-
sion that Atwood and I had arrived at by studying the subjective ori-
gins of psychological theories—namely, that psychoanalysis, at all
levels of abstraction and generality, should be a depth psychology
of personal experience.
My first personal contact with Kohut came about as a result of my
reading The Restoration of the Self. Citing two articles (Stolorow,
1976; Stolorow and Atwood, 1976) in which I had shown how his
conceptualizations of narcissism and narcissistic transferences shed
light on the works of Rogers and Rank, Kohut, in the book’s preface,
erroneously included me among a group of critics who had faulted
him for failing to acknowledge sufficiently the prior contributions
of others. I wrote him a note expressing my surprise at this and af-
firming that I was a friendly admirer, not an opponent. With little
delay he sent me a gracious reply, apologizing for his mistake. Soon
thereafter, I sent him a draft of my review of his book, and he, in
turn, sent me a letter expressing his gratitude. I suspect that it was
my review and Kohut’s appreciation of it that led to my being in-
vited to speak at the first national self psychology conference in
Chicago in 1978.
My participation in this and subsequent such conferences was ex-
tremely important to me because, at the time, for a nonmedical analyst
like myself, still marginalized by the psychoanalytic establishment,
there was no other major forum for discussing my ideas (the Ameri-
can Psychological Association did not yet have its Division of Psy-
choanalysis) and no other context in which I could have a dialogue
with analysts from around the United States and the world. I con-
tinue to value my good friendships with colleagues in the self psy-
chology movement (including with Kohut before he died in 1981),
despite my objections to some aspects of Kohutian theory, such as
its reifications of self-experience, its reductionistic doctrine of “de-
fects in the self” (Atwood and Stolorow, 1997), and its attempt to
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As an additional benefit of my collaboration with Bernie, my clinical sensibility
was enduringly enriched by his conceptualization of a broad class of organizing
principles that he calls structures of pathological accommodation (Brandchaft,
sions of the longing for mirroring, for example, were seen as point-
ing to the role of appreciative attunement in the integration of
expansive affect states, whereas his descriptions of the idealizing
yearning were seen as indicating the importance of attuned emo-
tional holding (Winnicott, 1965) in the integration of painful reac-
tive affect states. Emotional experience was grasped in this article
as being inseparable from the intersubjective contexts of attune-
ment and malattunement in which it was felt. That understanding
led in later works to further formulations contextualizing psycho-
logical conflict and the very boundary between consciousness and
unconsciousness (Stolorow and Atwood, 1992). The so-called re-
pression barrier became graspable as an emergent property of dy-
namic intersubjective systems.
In essence, the article with Dede proposed a shift from the motiva-
tional primacy of drive to the motivational primacy of affectivity—a
theoretical shift that moves psychoanalysis toward a phenomeno-
logical contextualism and a central focus on dynamic intersub-
jective systems. Unlike drives, which originate deep within an
isolated mental apparatus, affect—that is, subjective emotional ex-
perience—is something that from birth onward is regulated, or
misregulated, within ongoing relational systems. Therefore, locat-
ing affect at the motivational center automatically entails a radical
contextualization of all aspects of human psychological life and of
the therapeutic process.
Daphne Socarides Stolorow died on February 23, 1991, four
weeks after her cancer had been diagnosed. During the summer of
that year, in the wake of devastating loss, George Atwood and I out-
lined our book Contexts of Being: The Intersubjective Foundations of
Psychological Life (Stolorow and Atwood, 1992). As we wrote in the
preface, “we drew closer and decided to try to create something
lasting from the ashes of loss and sorrow” (p. xi). In this book, our
intersubjective perspective broadened into a sweeping methodolog-
ical and epistemological stance calling for a radical revision of all
aspects of psychoanalytic thought. Whereas our earlier work had
brought into focus the implications of this perspective for a range of
clinical issues, Contexts extended the intersubjectivity principle to
a rethinking and contextualization of the foundational pillars of
psychoanalytic theory, including the concept of the unconscious,
the relation between mind and body, the concept of trauma, and the
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understanding of fantasy.
Other collaborators also contributed importantly to this book.
The chapter on fantasy was a revised version of an article Dede had
written with me (Stolorow and Stolorow, 1989), showing how an in-
troject fantasy vividly concretizes an intersubjective process of
psychological usurpation—the substitution of an alien perceptual
reality for one’s own invalidated experience. My good friends
Bernie Brandchaft and Jeffrey Trop joined me in authoring chapters
on therapeutic alliance and therapeutic impasse, respectively. The
chapter that most directly reflects the impact of losing Dede—the
chapter on trauma—was cowritten with Sheila Namir, Dede’s clos-
est friend. Sheila asked that she not be listed as coauthor of the chap-
ter, because she wanted her contribution to be a gift to me as well as a
tribute to Dede. In that chapter, we proposed that at the core of psy-
chological trauma is the profound lack of a relational home for pain-
ful affect, which thus becomes overwhelming and unendurable. The
person whom I would have wanted to hold my overwhelming grief
was the very same person who was gone. I felt that only George,
whose own world had been shattered by loss when he was a boy, re-
ally grasped my emotional devastation.
Donna Orange joined the collaboration in 1995 and soon became
a dear friend as well. With doctorates in both psychology and phi-
losophy, Donna expanded the explicitly philosophical dimension of
our evolving framework. Our first project began with the idea of a
clinical primer but was soon transformed into a book offering a
broad philosophy of psychoanalytic practice that we called con-
textualism (Orange, Atwood, and Stolorow, 1997). Drawing on
Donna’s philosophical expertise, this book underlined the impor-
tance of practical wisdom (Aristotle’s phronesis) rather than techni-
cal rationality (techne) in psychoanalytic work, and emphasized
Concluding Remarks
As a postscript, I add here a few brief comments on the contribution of aspects of
my earlier emotional development (illuminated in my personal analysis with Alex-
ander Wolf) to my attraction to two basic tenets of intersubjective systems the-
ory—its perspectivalist epistemology and its placing of affect at the center of psy-
chological life. My father was a man who believed and insisted that he had a
God’s-eye view (Putnam, 1990) of truth and reality, and my struggles against such
arrogance have contributed importantly to my advocacy of a level epistemological
playing field in the psychoanalytic situation. Additionally, my father’s affect so
dominated my mother’s world that I often felt emotionally erased, and her emo-
tional vitality seemed largely encased behind a wall of wooden depression. Hence, a
compelling theme in my life became the search for affective aliveness—both my
own and my mother’s—a quest to which my guiding psychoanalytic framework in-
evitably became heir.
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