HSP 201
HSP 201
HSP 201
1.1. Westlake, Plaquemine Operations, has developed this Hot Tap Permit
Program to eliminate potential accidents, injuries, and to enhance employee
1.2. To provide for the maximum personnel safety and to prevent the loss of
productivity all hot tap operations must have prior approval of Department
Manager or his designee in charge of the area involved and be conducted in
strict accordance with this Procedure. This procedure begins with any hot
work associated with the hot tap to the line.
2.2. This procedure also includes fillet welds (e.g., overlays, saddle welds,
reinforcing pads, etc.)
3.2. Hot Work--For the purpose of this program, "Hot Work" means welding,
grinding, flame cutting, and flame producing and spark producing operations.
4.1.2. Notify contractors of Westlake's Hot Work Permit Program during initial
Safety Orientation.
4.1.3. Ensure that safe work permit procedures are reviewed at least every
three years.
4.2.2. Issue appropriate safe work permits (e.g., hot work, hot tap,
excavation, confined space).
4.2.3. Provide specific safe work details, unique to the job or area, to
production employees or the Maintenance Crew Leader involved with
the covered work.
4.2.4. Gives authorization for hot tap operations within the department.
4.2.5. List required personal protective equipment necessary for the work on
all permits.
4.3.6. Review the hot work permit with Maintenance Crew Leaders and verify
that all permit specifications have been met.
4.4.3. Review and provide a copy of all permits to maintenance crew before
work commences.
4.5.2. Provide all pertinent information to Operations regarding the hot tap
work to be performed.
5.1. It should be emphasized that a hot tap is always a calculated risk; and, this
risk must be weighed against the problems and hazards involved in making
the connection in some other manner.
5.2. Any hot top outside of the scope of this procedure will require site manager
5.3. It is better to isolate, purge, and clean the equipment before making
connections. Where this is impractical, the following Hot Tap Permit
Procedure will be used to enhance job safety.
5.4.1. The Hot Tap table (see Appendix B - Hot Tap Table) lists three classes
of product lines: Those that can be hot tapped with routine safety precautions; Those that can be hot tapped with special permission from
the Department Manager; and
5.4.3. The line operating pressure and temperature must not exceed that of the
hot tap machine.
5.4.4. The line thickness must be sufficient to permit a safe weld without
danger of burning through the line. (See Appendix C - Calculation for a
Hot Tap Connection.)
5.5.1. Investigation prior to a hot tapping operation will include, but not be
limited to the following: The exact plant site location of the hot tap must be positively
identified (such as marking with felt marker, paint, tag, etc.,
with initials and date) by the operating department; Before any hot work begins, a safe work, hot work, and hot
tap permit will be issued to the Maintenance Supervisor who
will oversee the hot tap job. (See Appendix A - Hot Tap
5.6.2. The equipment used must be designed for the pressure and
Printed controlled copy expires 24 hours after 12:52 PM on 3/14/2019.
Document Number: HSP - 201 Current Rev: 1/2019
Revised By: T. McLaurin Review Cycle: 3 years
Manager Approval: H. Garner Revision No. 8
Page 6 of 16
5.6.5. Shut-off valve locations, both upstream and downstream from the
welding location, will be determined so that the valves may be closed
quickly in an emergency.
5.6.7. Operating personnel will have adequate communications with the job
site, and have authority to close off the line in the event of a burn
5.6.11. Where the connection is to be made below ground level, the ditch or
trench must be large enough to permit the welder to move out of a
direct line with the welding arc or leak in the event of a burn through.
5.6.12. Ample space should be available for the employee and hot tap
5.7.1. Only qualified and experienced craftsmen will be used for the welding
and tapping operation.
5.7.3. When welding the nozzle or connection to the main line, the initial pass
will be made with a 3/32" welding rod using the lowest possible
5.7.4. Time will be allowed between each pass for the line to cool to prevent
line or product overheating.
5.7.5. Material flow through the equipment or line must be maintained during
the welding operation.
5.7.6. Before line tapping, the valve will be opened, the cutter run down to
the main trunk line then backed up into the machine, and the valve
closed. This is to check machine operation before cutting into the line.
5.7.7. Proper PPE must be worn by the person drilling and welding into lines.
5.7.9. All hot taps on lines under pressure should have some form of nozzle
reinforcement. This may be weld-o-let, repad, or full encirclement hot
tapping tee. (Refer to Westlake Engineering Standard 3004 -
Appendix 6, Westlake Engineering Standard 3006 - Page 4, and
Standard Details 3005-256, 257, 258, and 259.)
5.7.10. The hot tap permit must be completed and signed by the Maintenance
Supervisor or designee before the welding or hot tapping operations
have begun.
6.1. All employees who are involved in hot tap procedures will receive appropriate
hot tap permit training prior to performance of any hot tap-related tasks.
6.2. Employees will be re-trained in the hot tap permit program for any updated
procedures or whenever changes in job assignment or process equipment
and machinery occur.
7.1. Hot Tap Permits will be kept for one year along with the accompanying Safe
Work Permit following work completion by each department.
8.1. This Hot Tap Permit program will be reviewed in conjunction with the Safe
Work Permit Program at least every three years. Health and Safety will
ensure this review is performed.
9.2. American Petroleum Institute (August, 1988). "Safe Welding and Cutting
Practices in Refineries, Gasoline Plants, and Petrochemical Plants," API
Publication No. 2009, Washington, D.C.
Description of Work
1. Weld procedure to be used:
2. Line thickness as indicated by thickness check:
3. Pressure limit established for this job:
4. Temperature limit established for this job:
5. Minimum flow requirement established for this
6. Do mechanical requirements meet Engineering Specs?
7. Are operating personnel stationed at shut-off valves?
8. Has adequate communications been established between the job and
department supervision?
9. Is the exact point of the Hot Tap identified and visibly marked?
10. Has a Management of Change been completed?
Specify any special personnel protection, fire equipment, protective devices, precautions, and/or any other
Signature Date
Person who Engineered the Hot Tap
Department Superintendent (Line Owner)
Maintenance Supervisor
Department Manager
Site Manager (or designee)
Safety Professional
Material: _______________________________________
Allowable pressure for hot tap with a minimum safety factor of 1.5:
Actual Case:
Engineer Date