VMDR - Lab Tutorial Supplement

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Lab Tutorial Supplement

Table of Contents
ASSET MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 3
COMPREHENSIVE SENSORS ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Scanner Appliance ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Cloud Agent ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Passive Sensor ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Cloud & SaaS Connectors .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Container Sensor ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Container Runtime Security ............................................................................................................................................. 12
CYBERSECURITY ASSET MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................. 14
Example Queries ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Dynamic Rule-Based Tags ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Unidentified vs. Unknown ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Inventory vs. Passive Sensor Assets ............................................................................................................................... 17
CMDB Sync ............................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Software Authorization Rules ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Software Authorization Tokens ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Interactive Report ................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Asset Details Report ............................................................................................................................................................. 25
VULNERABILITY MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 27
CSAM .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
VMDR ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
DASHBOARDS & WIDGETS ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Widget Types .......................................................................................................................................................................... 30
THREAT DETECTION & PRIORITIZATION ................................................................................................... 34
VMDR THREAT FEED ............................................................................................................................................................... 34
PRIORITIZATION REPORT ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Age .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Real-Time Threat Indicators (RTI) ............................................................................................................................... 36
Attack Surface ........................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Zero-Touch Patch Jobs ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
Export to Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................................... 40
PRIORITIZATION REPORT USE CASES ..................................................................................................................................... 41
Databases ................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Internet Facing Assets ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
PATCH MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 42
DEPLOYMENT JOB ...................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Select Assets ............................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Pre-Actions & Post-Actions ............................................................................................................................................... 43
Select Patches ......................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Schedule .................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Options ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
PATCH CATALOG ........................................................................................................................................................................ 49
PRIORITIZED PRODUCTS LIST .................................................................................................................................................. 52
APPENDIX A: ADDITIONAL VMDR APPLICATIONS ................................................................................... 53

Asset Management
Comprehensive Sensors
Qualys Sensors provide the most comprehensive approach to collecting all your asset
and software inventory data. This lab provides an overview of the various Qualys
Sensors, with some special attention given to the Qualys Cloud Agent.

Scanner Appliance
Qualys scanner appliances are available in three different varieties: 1) Internet-based appliances
located within the Qualys Cloud Platform, 2) Physical appliances, and 3) Virtual Appliances.
Any Qualys user with scanning privileges has access to Qualys’ pool of Internet-based Scanner
Appliances. These appliances are ideal for targeting and scanning other Internet-facing assets.
Qualys physical and virtual scanner appliances can be deployed throughout your business or
enterprise architecture.
Virtual scanner appliances are available for multiple virtualization platforms:

For a detailed discussion of Scanner Appliance deployment and usage, please see the “Scanning
Strategies and Best Practices” training course (qualys.com/learning).

Cloud Agent
Qualys Cloud Agents install locally on the host assets they protect, sending all collected
data to the Qualys Cloud Platform, for analysis.
Qualys agents presently support various Windows, Mac, Linux, and Unix-based
operating systems.

For a complete list of supported operating systems, see the “Platform Availability
Matrix” within the Cloud Agent Getting Started Guide:

Configure Agents for VMDR

Multiple VMDR applications are supported by Qualys Cloud Agent:
§ CyberSecurity Asset Management (CSAM)
§ Vulnerability Management (VM)
§ Security Configuration Assessment (SCA) / Policy Compliance (PC)
§ Patch Management (PM)
These supported application modules must be activated for your VMDR host assets.

Click the following URL to view the “Configure Agents for VMDR” tutorial:

LAB 1 - https://ior.ad/7Uuc

Activation Keys can be configured from the Cloud Agent application or the VMDR
“Welcome” page.

Upgrade Activation Keys to include the CSAM, VM, SCA, and PM application modules.

While VMDR includes the “Security Configuration Assessment” module (by default),
agent Activation Keys can be updated to include Policy Compliance (PC) instead of SCA.

Activation Key Tagging Strategy
Asset Tags provide an effective way to assign your agent host assets to their appropriate
configuration settings, assessment profiles, and patch jobs.
Unlike dynamic tags, static tags “stick” to their host systems. Once a “static” tag is
assigned to a target host, it will remain assigned to that host, until it is manually
removed or replaced.
The non-dynamic or predictable nature of a static tag makes it especially useful for
tracking host assets that are installed from the same Activation Key.

The same Asset Tags that are assigned to agent Activation Keys can then be used to
assign patching licenses to specific hosts and ensure agent hosts are correctly assigned
to their appropriate Configuration Profile, Patch Assessment Profile, and Patch Jobs.
For a detailed discussion of agent installation and configuration steps, see the “Cloud Agent”
training course (qualys.com/learning).

Passive Sensor
Qualys Passive Sensor operates in “promiscuous” mode, capturing network traffic and
packets from either a network TAP, or the SPAN port of a network switch.

Sensors deployed at lower layers of your network architecture (i.e., at distribution

switches closest to LAN traffic) may require greater bandwidth capacity.
Both physical (hardware-based) and virtual sensor appliances are available:

The Management Interface of the sensor appliance is assigned an IP address and must
successfully connect to the Qualys Cloud Platform.
The Sniffing Interface is not assigned an IP address and receives traffic from a network
TAP or the SPAN port of a network switch.

An important advantage to capturing network traffic, comes from the bonus
information collected from network conversations (conversations between
communicating hosts).

A passive sensor not only collects the traffic from “managed” company assets, but it also
sees traffic from other host assets and services that are attempting to communicate
with your “managed” host assets (including communications coming from unknown or
“unmanaged” assets).
New assets typically appear in Qualys CSAM within 5-10 minutes. As more information is
discovered it is aggregated across all assets and sent every 15 minutes.
When your subscription is enabled for traffic analysis, summarized traffic information is
sent to the Qualys Cloud Platform every 30 minutes for traffic analysis.

Look for “Network Passive Sensor” User Guides (under Sensors) in the Qualys
Documentation Community (qualys.com/documentation).

Cloud & SaaS Connectors
Create Cloud Connectors for your AWS, Google, and Azure accounts to enumerate cloud
instances and collect useful account and asset metadata.

Search Tip: Within the CyberSecurity Asset Management application, use the
“inventory.source” query token, to quickly find AWS, Azure, and Google instances:
• AWS - inventory.source:INSTANCE_ID
• Azure – inventory.source:VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ID
• Google – inventory.source:GCP_INSTANCE_ID

Software as a Service (SaaS) Connectors are presently available for Microsoft Office 365,
Google Workspace, Zoom, Slack, and Salesforce (SFDC).

Container Sensor
Qualys Container Sensor is installed on a Docker host as a container application, right
alongside other containers.

Once installed, CS will assess all new and existing Docker images and containers for

Types of Container Sensors:

• General – Scan Docker hosts.
• Registry – Scan images in public or private registries.
• CI/CD Pipeline – Scan images within CI/CD pipeline (e.g., Jenkins and Bamboo).
For more information and details on deploying and using Qualys Container Sensors, see
the “Container Security” training course (qualys.com/learning).

Container Runtime Security
Qualys Container Runtime Security provides container runtime visibility and protection
and allows you to create rules or policies to actively block or prevent unwanted actions
or events within your container applications.

This is achieved by instrumenting images with Container Security components that

gather functional-level, behavioural data about the processes running within a
We use an application-native instrumentation process that provides complete visibility of
the application inside the container. The instrumentation is very lightweight and
provides configurable data collection options with low\no impact on application
Behavioural data is used by Container Security to monitor process activity, allowing you
to apply security policies and custom security controls, to block specific events or
attempted activities.
Container Runtime Security (CRS) can be deployed for both on-prem and cloud
container environments and is particularly useful for securing containers in a CaaS
environment where the underlying host infrastructure is managed by a cloud service
Presently, the Container Runtime Security instrumenter supports the following registries
for instrumentation:
• Public registries: Docker Hub
• Private registries: v2-private registry: JFrog Artifactory (secure: auth + https)

Look for Container Sensor User Guides on the Qualys Documentation Community

CyberSecurity Asset Management
The Qualys CyberSecurity Asset Management application collects raw data from Qualys
Sensors and then adds its own categorization, normalization and enrichment
Qualys provides Level 1 and 2 categories for Hardware, Operating Systems, and
Software Application assets.

The table (above) provides some useful examples of “hardware” tokens.

To view all of the hardware categories in your account, group assets by hardware
category (i.e., INVENTORY > Assets > Group Assets by… > Hardware > Category).

The table (above) provides some useful examples of “OS” tokens.

To view all of the OS categories in your account, group assets by operating system
category (i.e., INVENTORY > Assets > Group Assets by… > Operating System > Category).

The table above provides some useful examples of “software” tokens.

To view all of the software categories in your account, group software by software
category (i.e., INVENTORY > Software > Group Software by… > Category).

Click the following URL to view the “Search Using Categories” tutorial:

LAB 2 - https://ior.ad/7Uue

Example Queries
To build a dynamic tag for Windows-based systems, use the “Asset Inventory” rule
engine with the following query:

To build a dynamic tag for “Server” host assets, use the “Asset Inventory” rule engine
with the following query:

To build a dynamic tag for Windows Servers, use the “Asset Inventory” rule engine with
the following query:
operatingSystem.category:Windows / Server

The first value (Windows) is separated from the second value (Server) by the slash (“/”)

Dynamic Rule-Based Tags

Qualys CSAM provides multiple rule engines for creating dynamic Asset Tags.

The “Asset Inventory” rule engine allows you to build tags using the Qualys Query
Language and various query tokens, including the hardware, OS, and software category

Click the following URL to view the “Dynamic Rule-Based Tags” tutorial:

Lab 3 - https://ior.ad/7Uui

Unidentified vs. Unknown
The OS and Hardware values for some assets may be displayed as Unidentified or
Unknown. This is especially common within the list of “Unmanaged” assets.
§ Not enough data has been discovered/collected for Qualys to determine the
hardware or operating system.
§ To reduce the number of unidentified assets in your account, attempt to
perform scans in “authenticated” mode and ensure network filtering devices
allow your scan traffic to pass.
§ Adequate data exists for Qualys to categorize the asset, but it has yet to be
§ Assets are processed by Qualys labs for analysis and categorization. Qualys
researchers review data and update the catalog daily.

Inventory vs. Passive Sensor Assets

With Qualys Passive Sensor, the CSAM application distinguish between the assets in
your managed inventory and assets discovered by Qualys Passive Sensor.

Managed assets in your inventory, will have known values for hostname, IP address, and
MAC address. Newly discovered hostnames, IPs, and MAC Addresses will be initially
labeled as new or “Unmanaged.”
New data collected can potentially be merged with existing data only when:
• Both IP address and MAC address have been successfully matched, or
• Both IP address and hostname have been successfully matched.
**NOTE: A single asset can potentially have multiple interfaces.

With the Qualys CMDB Sync App, your ServiceNow CMDB can serve as another source
of data. Also, ServiceNow CMDB can benefit from Qualys categorization, normalization,
and data enrichment.
To work successfully, the app needs to be installed in Qualys and ServiceNow. Once
installed, metadata can move in both directions. Asset metadata synchronization is
performed for assets already in Qualys and ServiceNow, concurrently (i.e., not for new
asset discovery).
Business Context Attributes
Automatically import business context attributes from ServiceNow CMDB.

Click the following URL to view the “Business Context through CMDB Sync” tutorial:

Lab 4 - https://ior.ad/7Uuw

To implement ServiceNow CMDB Integration, a Qualys subscription with API access is
required, along with the following application modules:
• Vulnerability Management
Qualys provides two apps for integrating Qualys with ServiceNow CMDB:
1. Qualys CMDB Sync App
• Install the Qualys CMDB Sync App (available in ServiceNow Online Store)
2. Qualys CMDB Sync Service Graph Connector App
• Install the Qualys Service Graph Connector App (available in ServiceNow
Online Store)
• ITOM Visibility license in ServiceNow
The Qualys CMDB Sync Service Graph Connector App, requires ServiceNow “Orlando”
version or later.

Look for both CMDB Sync User Guides within the Qualys Documentation Community

Software Authorization Rules
In CSAM, you can create different types of rules to define software authorization:

1. Authorized – software is authorized for use.

2. Unauthorized – software is NOT authorized for use.
3. Needs review – review is required to determine software authorization.

Click the following URL to view the “Software Authorization” tutorial:

Lab 5 - https://ior.ad/7Uux

Rules are designed for specific groups of assets. For example, while browsers are
commonly authorized for use on desktop and laptop systems, they add greater risk to a
host and should NOT be authorized for production servers.
Authorization rules can be configured for specific application versions.

The example above does not authorize the use of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
below version 13.0.

Software Authorization Tokens
Once you have created one or more software authorization rules, search for
authorized/unauthorized software using the “software authorization” tokens:
• Authorized

• Unauthorized

• Needs Review

Query results can be viewed by software name or impacted assets. Alternatively, create
a “software authorization” report (i.e., REPORTS section), using the “software
authorization” tokens.

Interactive Report
This report provides an interactive workflow and focuses on asset health issues instead
of just inventory data. By correlating security gaps with asset context and business
context, the Interactive Report will help you to “zero in” on the most critical asset health
issues so that you can address them quickly.

Click the following URL to view the “Interactive Report” tutorial:

Lab 6 - https://ior.ad/7V6W

After selecting one or more asset tags as your targeted assets, you are provided a
summary of all assets that are in scope and the area of concern.

Internet Facing Assets

Hosts with public interfaces are at greater risk because of their exposure to the Internet,
especially with vulnerabilities that can be exploited without authentication. The risk
becomes even more significant if the same host has unauthorized and EOL/EOS
software. So, you need to have visibility into assets with such an exposure.
From here, you can pivot further on assets of interest by applying various filters. The
filter options are provided in three categories:

Business Context
It’s important to consider the business impact of an asset when prioritizing assets for
security gap analysis. Here, you can select Asset Criticality, Department and Asset
Support Groups as filters.

With the slider set to the position illustrated above, only assets with Criticality score of 4
and 5 will be considered for the report.

Department and Asset Support Group filters are based on business information derived
from CMDB sync and provide additional means to refine your asset scope.

Asset Categories
You can also use Level 1, hardware (server, desktop, mobile device, network device,
etc.) and OS (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.) category filters which gives the user an idea
about the primary function of the product, to pivot on specific asset categories. The
categories listed in the report are based on the assets that are mapped to the selected
asset tags.

Security Gap
And lastly, you can filter assets based on the security gap area such as EOL/OBS
hardware, EOL/EOS software or OS and unauthorized software.

Once your filter options have been selected, click the “Generate Report” button.

The displayed assets and software will reflect the priority options you specify.

At the top, you can see a summary of count of assets or software instances (depending
on whether you are in the Assets or the Software section of the result) with a security
gap. Clicking on these cards/numbers filters assets/software as per the identified
security gap.

Mandates like FedRAMP and PCI require you to track all assets and software, as well as
continuously monitor their security gaps. With CSAM you can easily generate reports so
you can demonstrate compliance. Reporting includes configurable out-of-the-box
templates, for example to address FedRAMP requirements. You can also generate
reports to provide information about your environment to internal or external
stakeholders using our reporting function.

Asset Details Report

This report shows asset inventory data for selected assets based on host information
(attributes). You can select the asset scope for the report using asset name, asset tags
or using queries. Once you create report, it shows 'Accepted' status.

Once report execution is finished, it will show status as 'Completed' and you'll be able to
download the report.

The attributes selected in the report will become column headers in the CSV report.
Software Details Report
This report shows detailed report of the selected assets based on software and host
information (attributes).
Compliance Report
This report shows detailed report of the assets for FedRAMP compliance based on
software and host information (attributes).
This report that satisfies your auditors without you having to manually extract and
aggregate the data or push the data to a 3rd party and do manual scripting. This makes
your job much simpler and quicker.

Vulnerability Management
Qualys VMDR and CSAM provide numerous tools and features for working with
vulnerabilities, including dynamic Widgets and Dashboards, search and query tools, and
the “Prioritization Report.”

While vulnerability findings can be viewed from multiple Qualys applications,
CyberSecurity Asset Management also provides some response capabilities.
When viewing asset details from within the CSAM application, vulnerability findings are
initially displayed graphically.

Qualys severity levels rank the potential impact or outcome of a successful vulnerability
exploit. A “Severity 5” vulnerability is the most urgent, while a “Severity 1” vulnerability
is the least urgent.
Specific vulnerability details can be quickly displayed with a click of your mouse.

Patches for selected vulnerabilities can then be added to a new or existing patch job.

In the CSAM application, patching and response tasks are performed “host-by-host.” To
deploy patches pervasively (for a large number of assets), the tools in VMDR and PM
provide a better solution.

Once required assessment data is collected from Qualys scanners and agents, the
VULNERABILITIES section of Qualys VMDR, displays your complete list of discovered
vulnerabilities along with powerful search and query capabilities.
Patch Jobs can be quickly and conveniently created for a specific list of high-risk
vulnerabilities and assets, allowing you to deploy patches, based upon the
vulnerabilities they actually fix.

Click the following URL to view the “Vulnerability Findings” tutorial:

Lab 7 - https://ior.ad/7Uuy

After selecting one or more patchable vulnerabilities, click the “View Missing Patches”
option, to build the list of required patches that are missing.

Not all vulnerabilities are patchable. Patchable vulnerabilities must meet the following
• Detected vulnerabilities must be associated with one or more patches found in the
PM Patch Catalog (vulnerabilities.vulnerability.qualysPatchable:TRUE).
• Detection Host must be running the Qualys Cloud Agent (tags.name:’Cloud Agent’).
• Cloud Agent must have the PM module activated (activatedForModules:PM)
The Qualys Cloud Agent performs the “Patching” function for the Qualys Platform.

Dashboards & Widgets
Continuously monitor assets and vulnerabilities with any number of “out-of-box”
Dashboards or build your own custom Dashboards and Widgets.

Click the following URL to begin the “Dashboards & Widgets” tutorial:

Lab 8 - https://ior.ad/7Uuz

Widget Types
Widgets are designed to display query results graphically. There are four different
graphic options:

Widgets are automatically updated to reflect changes in your asset data and findings.

The “count” widget can be configured to change color, as changes to assets and
vulnerability findings reach specific thresholds or special conditions.

A “reference” query in the count widget, is useful for comparing the “initial” query’s
result set to some type of control or benchmark. The difference between the result sets
of both queries is represented as a percentage.
In the example above, HIGH severity vulnerabilities (Sev. 3, 4, 5) are presently about
94% of ALL vulnerabilities (Sev. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The “count” widget is configured to change
from its base color to red, when this percentage is greater than 50 percent.

Count widget types have the option to Enable Trending. When enabled, widgets can
store trend data for up to 90 days.

A trend line plotted on a graph will be added to the other information normally
displayed in the widget.

The graphic perspective provided by the trend line will make it easier to visualize swings
in momentum and to anticipate critical thresholds and milestones.

You can add one or more Asset Tags to a Dashboard through the Dashboard Editor.

The “Default Dashboard Access Tag” is created by Qualys.

Share dashboards with other Qualys users by assigning “dashboard” tag(s) to their
For more information and details on Dashboard and Widget capabilities, check-out the
Qualys “Reporting Strategies & Best Practices” training course (qualys.com/learning).

Threat Detection & Prioritization
Use the VMDR Prioritization report to automatically prioritize the riskiest vulnerabilities
for your most critical assets – reducing potentially thousands of discovered
vulnerabilities, to the few that matter.

VMDR Threat Feed

The Threat Intelligence Feed provides a key element to the Prioritization Report. Focus
remediation efforts on high-severity vulnerabilities with known or existing threats.

This Threat Intelligence Feed is provided by Qualys Threat & Malware Labs, along with
several other exploit and malware sources.

Prioritization Report
By correlating vulnerability information with threat intelligence and asset context, The
Prioritization Report will help you to “zero in” on your highest risk vulnerabilities and
quickly patch them.
The VMDR Prioritization report :
• Guides you to target and quickly patch your highest risk vulnerabilities.
• Helps you find the specific patch to fix a particular vulnerability.
• Allows you to quickly identify and remediate the vulnerabilities that are most
likely to get exploited.
• Empowers security analysts to pick and choose the relevant threat indicators for
your specific and unique organization.
• Provides an integrated workflow that reduces the time between vulnerability
detection and patch deployment.

Click the following URL to begin the “VMDR Prioritization Report” tutorial:

Lab 9 - https://ior.ad/7UuA

After selecting one or more Asset tags to specify report context, prioritization options
are provided in three categories:

Prioritize vulnerabilities by their age. Detection age is the number of days since the
vulnerability was first discovered (e.g., by a scanner or cloud agent). The “Vulnerability”
option will distribute vulnerabilities by actual or KnowledgeBase age.

Real-Time Threat Indicators (RTI)
Prioritize vulnerabilities by their known and existing threats.

Combine multiple threat indicators, using the “Match Any” or “Match All” operators.
Current Real-time Threat Indicators are:

High Data Loss - Successful exploitation will result in massive data loss on the host.

High Lateral Movement - After a successful compromise, attacker has high

potential to compromise other machines in the network.

Denial of Service - Successful exploitation will result in denial of service.

Patch Not Available - Vendor has not provided an official fix.

Privilege Escalation - Successful exploitation allows an attacker to gain elevated


Unauthenticated Exploitation - Exploitation of this vulnerability does not require


Remote Code Execution - Successful exploitation allows an attacker to execute

arbitrary commands or code on a targeted system or in a target process.

Actively Attacked - Active attacks have been observed in the wild. This information
is derived from Malware, Exploit Kits, acknowledgment from vendors, US-CERT and
similar trusted sources.

Malware - Malware has been associated with this vulnerability.

Zero Day - Active attacks have been observed in the wild and there is no patch from
the vendor. If a vulnerability is not actively attacked this RTI will not be set (even if
there is no patch from the vendor). If a patch becomes available Qualys will remove
the Zero Day RTI attribute.

Public Exploit - Exploit knowledge is well known and working exploitation code is
publicly available. This attribute is set for example when PoC exploit code is
available from Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Core, Immunity or other exploit vendors.
While potentially increasing the probability of attack, this RTI does not necessarily
indicate that active attacks have been observed in the wild.

Predicted High Risk - Leverages machine learning to determine if a presently non-

exploited vulnerability should be prioritized.

Easy Exploit - The attack can be carried out easily and requires little skills or does
not require additional information.

Exploit Kit - Exploit Kit has been associated with this vulnerability. Exploit Kits are
usually cloud based toolkits that help bad actors to identify vulnerable
browsers/plugins and install malware. Search for Exploit Kits by name like Angler,
Nuclear, Rig and others.

Wormable - The vulnerability can be used by “worms” – to spread without user


Solorigate Sunburst - Solorigate Sunburst has been associated with all the CVEs
used by FireEye's Red Team tools to test the security of their client environments
and compromised versions of SolarWinds Orion.

Ransomware - This vulnerability has been exploited in attack vectors where

ransomware has been deployed. In other words, this vulnerability is associated with
known ransomware.

Attack Surface
Attack Surface options provide additional context for the assets in the Prioritization

Use Attack Surface options to further refine the context already provided by the
included Asset Tags.

Once your priority options have been selected, click the “Prioritize Now” button.

The displayed assets, vulnerabilities and patches will reflect the priority options you

As you continue to make adjustments to the priority options, the displayed
vulnerabilities and patches are automatically adjusted. Patches can be deployed
individually or all at once.

Zero-Touch Patch Jobs

Select the “Zero-Touch Patch Job” option from the VMDR Prioritization Report.

• Automates the selection of patches for recuring deployment jobs

• Patches are selected using QQL
• Patches meeting the query condition are included in scheduled deployment jobs
(daily, weekly, monthly)

Patches will be expressed as query conditions.

The query is generated from the options (Age, RTIs, and Attack Surface) selected in the
Prioritization Report.

Export to Dashboard
Export the results of any VMDR Prioritization Report as a Dashboard Widget.

Results will be continuously updated within the Widget.

Prioritization Report Use Cases
The VMDR Prioritization Report provides countless ways to combine Asset Context,
Vulnerability Age, Real-Time Threat Indicators, and Attack Surface options. Here are a
couple use cases to demonstrate different approaches to building Prioritization Reports.

Hosts with large data stores are especially impacted by “High Data Loss” vulnerabilities.

Click the following URL to view the “Prioritization Report Use-Case: Databases”

Lab 10 - https://ior.ad/7UuB

Internet Facing Assets

Hosts with public interfaces are at greater risk because of their exposure to the Internet,
especially with vulnerabilities that can be exploited without authentication. The risk
becomes even more significant if the same host has vulnerabilities that can lead to
privilege escalation.

Click the following URL to view the “Prioritization Report Use-Case: Internet Facing
Assets” tutorial:

Lab 11 - https://ior.ad/7UuK

Patch Management
Along with the help of Qualys Cloud Agent, the Patch Management application provides
the patch response functionality in VMDR. required

Deployment Job
While a patch assessment is useful for providing a list of “installed” and “missing”
patches, “Deployment Jobs” perform the tasks of actually installing patches to host
assets. You can create deployment jobs for agent host assets that are missing patches.

Click the following URL to view the “Patch Deployment Job” tutorial:

Lab 12 - https://ior.ad/7UuL

Before creating a job, add one or more Asset Tags to the Patch Management License
Consumption Configuration, to identify the “patchable” host assets within your account.

You can explicitly exclude sensitive assets from being included in any patch jobs. The
“Total Consumption” indicator is updated with the number of agent hosts labelled with
the tag(s) included.
While it is common to build a job from the JOBS section (of the PM application) jobs can
also be created within the PATCHES and ASSETS sections.

Select Assets

You can add assets to a job by Host Name or by Asset Tag. If you include more than one
Asset Tag, be sure to select an appropriate Boolean operator (i.e., Any or All).

Pre-Actions & Post-Actions

Pre-Actions are performed prior to patching and post-actions are performed after
patching has completed.

Both action types provide options to install software and/or run custom PowerShell
scripts on agent host assets.

To install software, provide the URL specifying the location of the installation file, along
with its appropriate hash value (SHA256).

Use the Detection Script to validate the installation path and perform other pre-
software installation tasks. The Install Script should provide the appropriate lines of
code to deploy the installation file (specified in the URL field).
While Deployment Jobs typically include patches, you can create one that installs
software or runs a PowerShell script, without actually having to deploy patches.

Select Patches
Patches can be added to a deployment job manually or patches can be selected by
specifying “Patch” or “Vulnerability” conditions, using the Qualys Query Language

The “Manual Patch Selection” option allows you to select patches individually (from the
Patch Catalog).
By default, the “Patch Selector” displays patches that are “Within Scope” of the host
asset(s) your job is targeting.

For greater patching efficiency, consider selecting patches that have NOT been
superseded (“isSuperseded:false”) to eliminate older, redundant patches.

Patches that display the symbol will require a reboot.

Use the “Automated Patch Selection” option to specify your patching criteria using QQL.

Build queries using “Patch” criteria and tokens or build queries around the
“Vulnerabilities” that require a patch.
If you attempt to add patches (to an existing job) that are already included, you will
receive a warning message similar to the one below:

Duplicate patches will not be added to a job and the Qualys Cloud Agent will not install a
patch that is not needed by its host.

You can run jobs on demand, or you can schedule your jobs to run at a future date and

Schedule jobs to run once, or to recur on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

You have the option to configure a “Patch Window” (i.e., “Set Duration” option), to
restrict patching to a specific time frame.

A host will display the “Timed out” status, if its installation does not start within the
specified patch window. All other hosts that started within the specified window, will
be allowed to finish.
Select the “None” option to give Cloud Agent as much time as it needs to start and
complete the job.

The Deployment and Reboot Communication Options, allow you to specify the type of
“pop-up” messages end-users will receive, before, during and after job deployment.

The “Deferment” settings provide active end-users the option to postpone the start of a
job and to postpone a system reboot (if required).

If no user is logged-in, patching will begin as scheduled and rebooting will start
immediately following patch deployment.

The option to “Enable opportunistic patch downloads” potentially allows scheduled jobs
to save time by attempting to download patches, prior to job execution.

Use the “Quick Actions” menu to view the progress of any job.

Verify the status of each host targeted.

Assets and patches can be added to a “Recurring” job, both before and after it is
“Enabled.” Jobs that run only once, cannot be updated once they are enabled.
Once patch deployment is complete, another patch assessment scan will begin
automatically and the number of missing and installed patches will be updated for the
affected host(s).

Patch Catalog
The Patch Catalog contains tens of thousands of OS and application patches. Presently
you can add up to 2000 patches to a single job.

Click the following URL to view the “Patch Catalog” tutorial:

Lab 13 - https://ior.ad/7UuM

By default, only the latest (non-superseded) and missing patches are displayed. This is
done to help you focus on the essential patches required by your host assets.

To view ALL patches in the catalog, remove (uncheck) the “Missing” and “Non-
superseded” filter options and then click somewhere outside of the “Filters” drop-down
menu (to refresh the displayed patches).

Quickly search for specific groups of patches in the Patch Catalog, using
the faceted search pane on the left.
Search for patches by:
• Application Family
• Vendor
• Category
• Type
• Vendor Severity
• Reboot Requirements
For more sophisticated queries, use Query Tokens and the Qualys
Query Language (QQL) in the “Search” field, at the top of the Catalog.
Any query entered into the “Search” field will be affected by the
current filtering options. Be sure to verify the filter options, prior to
submitting queries.

Patches identified with the “key-shaped” icon, cannot be downloaded by Qualys’ Cloud
Agent. This is often the case, when patches first require credentials prior to downloads.
Type the following query into the “Search” field and press the “Enter” key:


If attempting to add these patches to a job, they will not be included.

The “Rollback” patches in the catalog are candidates for an Uninstall Job. Not all
patches can be uninstalled.

Use the ‘isRollback’ query token to list rollback patches:

Patch jobs can also be created and updated from within the PATCHES section of the
Patch Management application.

Prioritized Products List
Click the “Prioritized Products” button (in the PATCHES section) to view a list of your
software applications and products, ranked by the number of vulnerabilities each
product added to your environment.

Products at the top of the list are associated with the greatest number of vulnerabilities.
The Qualys Platform provides the unique capability to target and deploy patches based
on the relationship between products, patches and their associated vulnerabilities. In
some cases, applications that contribute a large number of vulnerabilities, are common
client applications that are relatively resilient to the impact of frequent patching.

Select specific applications from the list and use the “Actions” button to “Create Job
using Query.”

A query designed to patch the selected application(s) is constructed automatically (using

Patch jobs of this type will keep the selected products updated when new patches
become available. Achieve “zero-touch” patching by scheduling this job to run daily,
weekly, or monthly.
For more assessment and patching details, enroll in the “Patch Management Self-Paced
Training” course (qualys.com/learning).

Appendix A: Additional VMDR Applications
While this “VMDR Overview” training course focuses on four Qualys applications (i.e.,
AI, VM, TP, and PM), there are more VMDR applications that address and mitigate
vulnerabilities as well as enforce security policies.

Security Configuration Assessment (SCA)

Monitor and assess technical security controls and security-related misconfigurations.
Qualys Scanners and Agents collect the data points needed to perform host compliance

Qualys SCA provides over 400 CIS Benchmark Policies for hundreds of OS and
application technologies. All compliance scans are performed using the "Scan by Policy"
Qualys SCA contains a subset of the tools and features found in the Qualys Policy
Compliance application. For more information and details, please see the Qualys Policy
Compliance Self-Paced Training Course (qualys.com/learning).

CloudView & Cloud Security Assessment (CSA)
Continuously monitor and assess your PaaS/IaaS resources for misconfigurations and
non-standard deployments.

With Qualys Cloud Connectors and the Qualys CloudView application, you can
enumerate your cloud instances and collect metadata from your AWS, Google Cloud,
and Microsoft Azure accounts:

With Qualys Cloud Security Assessment (CSA) you can leverage “out-of-box” policies to
assess technical controls and identify security-related misconfigurations, for your AWS,
Azure, and Google accounts.

Container Security (CS)
The Qualys Container Security application uses the same KnowledgeBase as Qualys VM
and VMDR, to assess and detect vulnerabilities in Docker images and containers.

Qualys Container Sensor downloads as a Docker image and is installed on a Docker host
as a container application, right alongside other container applications.
Presently, there are 3 different types of Container Sensors:
1. A General Sensor will scan images and containers on a single docker host.
2. A Registry Sensor will scan images in public and private Docker registries.
3. A CI/CD Pipeline Sensor (also referred to as a "Build" sensor), scans images
within your DevOps CI/CD pipeline projects, allowing you to identify and correct
vulnerable images, during the build process. Integrations with Jenkins and
Bamboo are presently supported.

Another feature in the Qualys Container Security application is Container Runtime
Security, which provides runtime visibility and protection into container applications.
This is achieved by instrumenting images with Qualys Container Security components, to
gather functional and behavioural data about the container’s running processes;
thereby allowing you to create rules and policies that actively block or prevent
unwanted actions or events.

As one example, you could build a policy that prohibits access to sensitive system files,
such as the shadow or passwd files on a Linux host.
The instrumentation process places a few binaries into the image at the security layer.
This application-native instrumentation process provides complete visibility of the
application inside the container. The instrumentation is very lightweight and provides
configurable data collection options with low\no impact on application performance.

CertView (CERT)
Qualys CertView provides visibility into certificates and their configurations, across your
network and enterprise architecture (on-premise and cloud-based).
CertView leverages Qualys Scanner Appliances to collect all the certificate, vulnerability
and configuration data required for inventory and analysis, helping you to identify and
prevent expired and expiring certificates from interrupting business functions.

Qualys CertView also provides the ability to enroll or renew certificates to avoid potential
service interruptions.
Certificate Assessment generates certificate instance grades that allow administrators to
quickly assess server SSL/TLS configurations.

Certificate Assessment identifies out-of-policy certificates with weak signatures or key

lengths and shows you how many certificates were issued by Certificate Authorities (CAs)

that have been vetted and approved (per your policy) and how many certificates are self-
signed or were issued by CAs that have not been authorized to issue certificates in your
For more information and details, please see the Qualys Certificate View video series

Continuous Monitoring (CM)

Get alerts when new threats and unexpected changes to your hosts are detected,
§ New hosts detected within your Qualys subscription.
§ High severity vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities with known exploits detected.
§ New ports and services detected.
§ New or unexpected software applications detected
§ Expiring or vulnerable SSL certificates
§ Remediation tickets that are opened or closed

CM works in tandem with VM/VMDR:

§ Deploy Qualys Scanner Appliances and/or activate the VM module for deployed
Qualys Agents.
§ Schedule frequent or continuous vulnerability scans.
Qualys CM evaluates rules against your most recent vulnerability scans. Alerts are
generated as soon as scan results are processed. Certificate rules are evaluated daily,
and are not based on scans.
For more information and details, please see the Qualys Continuous Monitoring video
series (https://www.qualys.com/training/library/continuous-monitoring/).

VMDR for Mobile Devices
Qualys Secure Enterprise Mobility (SEM) provides visibility into your mobile devices by
collecting their inventory and configuration data.

Your company's mobile device inventory is added to the Qualys CSAM application,
providing you with greater insight into mobile devices that are managed vs. unmanaged
(especially when combined to Qualys Passive Sensor).
Qualys vulnerability and compliance assessments help to keep your mobile devices
hardened and secure. Vulnerability assessment tests are provided for both OS and
Compliance assessment examples include: passcode not present, encryption status,
unauthorized root access (rooted), etc...
With Qualys SEM, you can perform active device operations, like locking a screen or
locating a missing device.


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