The Relationship Between Work Engagement and Work-Life Balance in Organizations: A Review of The Empirical Research
The Relationship Between Work Engagement and Work-Life Balance in Organizations: A Review of The Empirical Research
The Relationship Between Work Engagement and Work-Life Balance in Organizations: A Review of The Empirical Research
HRDXXX10.1177/1534484320917560Human Resource Development ReviewWood et al.
Organizations: A Review
of the Empirical Research
Employers increasingly attempt to create the right environments where employees
experience work–life balance. At the same time, organizations concerned with their
organizational-level outcomes encourage improving employee work engagement. The
question becomes, how do employee work–life balance and work engagement relate
to one another? A similar question concerns human resource development (HRD)
practitioners who seek to help both employees with balancing their work and life
and employers with their organizational goals. A body of literature has examined the
relationship between work–life balance and work engagement, which we review in this
article. We identify and synthesize the findings of 37 articles empirically investigating
the relationship between work–life balance and work engagement. The findings showed
the various antecedents, mediators, and moderators that depict the relationships
between work engagement and work–life balance. Furthermore, we provide insight
into HRD scholarship regarding how to clarify the direction of causality between
two concepts, which has been largely left inconclusive. Finally, our article proposes
insightful directions for future research and practice in the field of HRD.
work engagement, work–life balance, literature review
James Cook University, Singapore
Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
Korea University of Technology & Education, Cheonan, South Korea
Corresponding Author:
Jiwon Park, Korea University of Technology & Education, 1600, Chungjeol-ro, Byeongcheon-myeon,
Cheonan 31253, South Korea.
2 Human Resource Development Review 00(0)
Over the past decade, research into the areas of employee work engagement and
employee psychological well-being has gained increasing interest in the fields of
human resource development (HRD) and organizational behavior (Shuck & Wollard,
2010). Research has shown that work engagement, which is defined as “a positive,
fulfilling, work-related state of mind” (Schaufeli et al., 2006, p. 702), has a positive
effect on a variety of not only the employee but also organizational outcomes. Job
satisfaction, organizational commitment, work performance, financial returns, and
customer loyalty (Albdour & Altarawneh, 2014; Bakker et al., 2012; Salanova et al.,
2005; Yan et al., 2017) have been reported as the examples of these outcomes. Using
a meta-analytic approach, Halbesleben (2010) found that work engagement is posi-
tively related to employees’ organizational commitment, performance, and health/
well-being while being negatively associated with turnover intention.
Due to the great potential of work engagement that drives organizational prosperity,
organizations are concerned with employee work engagement. At the same time,
employers increasingly attempt to create the right environments where employees
experience work–life balance (WLB). The question becomes, how do employee WLB
and work engagement relate to one another? A similar question concerns HRD practi-
tioners who seek to help both employees with balancing their work and life and
employers with their organizational goals.
A body of literature has examined the relationship between WLB and work engage-
ment in the literature. Given that both work and family life require a great amount of
time, energy, and emotional effort, several work engagement studies have found sup-
port for the notion that an individual’s personal life (e.g., nonwork satisfaction and
work–nonwork conflict) substantially influences an employee’s engagement, and vice
versa (Halbesleben, 2010; Timms et al., 2015). In addition, the literature has shown that
work engagement and WLB factors (e.g., work–family imbalance, work–family con-
flict [WFC], family–work conflict [FWC], work–family enrichment, work–family
interference, work–family facilitation, and work–family spillover) have reciprocal rela-
tionships, influencing each other (Crutchfield et al., 2013; Ilies et al., 2017; Karatepe &
Demir, 2014; Vîrgă et al., 2015). For example, multiple empirical studies (e.g., Parkes
& Langford, 2008; Shankar & Bhatnagar, 2010) have found the linkage between work
engagement and work–life/family constructs. On the contrary, if employees suffer from
a lack of resources (i.e., depletion of role resources; Rothbard, 2001), they are less
likely to fulfill their family responsibilities, thus creating work–life conflict (Chernyak-
Hai & Tziner, 2016; Mache et al., 2016). As demonstrated in the job demands and
resources (JD-R) model (Opie & Henn, 2013), it has been shown that job demands
(e.g., WFC or FWC) are antecedents to work engagement.
Based on the strong needs of HRD practitioners and close linkages between work
engagement and WLB revealed from previous studies, this study aims to analyze and
synthesize relevant empirical studies that examine the relationship between work
engagement and WLB. Although there are many review studies of work engagement
and those of WLB, to our knowledge, no integrative review has studied the empirical
Wood et al. 3
evidence about the relationship between the constructs of work engagement and WLB.
Through an integrative synthesis, therefore, we could contribute to the literature by not
only documenting the current level of understanding between the two constructs but
also by developing a future research agenda for scholars interested in pursuing this
area of inquiry.
The current article is organized as follows: the “Literature Review” section pro-
vides an overview of the key concepts—work engagement and WLB. After that, we
describe the methodological approach by explaining the article selection process
including the search criteria used for the literature review and include a description
and synthesis of the findings from the selected articles. This is followed by a section
on the theoretical and practical implications of the research. Finally, we note the limi-
tations of the study and areas for future research as well as some final concluding
Literature Review
In this section, we provide an overview of work engagement and WLB. In particular,
we discuss its definitions and the results from empirical studies on this topic.
Furthermore, we included a theoretical lens that helps to explain the relationship
between work engagement and WLB.
engagement and psychological burnout had similar antecedents, albeit with opposing
effects (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007; Leiter & Maslach, 2004; Timms et al., 2015).
An Overview of WLB
In recent decades, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on the health and well-
being of employees (Peeters & Demerouti, 2014), and as such, WLB is receiving great
attention from both researchers and practitioners as a means of nurturing employees’
well-being (Jones et al., 2013; Kinnunen et al., 2014; Wagner et al., 2014).
WLB refers to obtaining a sufficient degree of satisfaction at both home and work
(Campbell Clark, 2000). WLB can be achieved through attentive engagement in mul-
tiple roles (Marks, 1977; Marks & MacDermid, 1996), in which time allocation and
involvement are approximately equal (Kirchmeyer, 2000).
Employees’ work or workplace environments can profoundly influence their non-
work-related life situations, and vice versa, which is often referred to as the “work-to-
family interference” or “family-to-work interference” (Mache et al., 2016). The link
between these two areas has supported either positive or negative effects on a person’s
well-being. According to Kinnunen et al. (2014), over the last two decades, the line
between a person’s professional life and nonwork life has become increasingly blurred.
This is largely due to changes in family structures, increases in women’s participation
in the workforce, and technological changes (e.g., mobile phones and portable comput-
ers), which has seen the nature of work evolve with the introduction of remote working
practices (Peeters et al., 2005). Given such an environment, employees now place more
value on free time or social interaction with friends, family, and their community.
WLB provides oneself with energy, self-efficacy, and a positive attitude, which can
intrinsically motivate and energize employees to be engaged in their work (Niessen
et al., 2018). It also turns out that work role engagement positively influences work
role resource gains, consequently leading to work-to-family enrichment (Z. Chen &
Powell, 2012). It can be inferred that work engagement and work–life interface factors
can reciprocally strengthen each other based on the COR theory.
On the contrary, research on the negative relationship between work engagement
and work–family interface has been rooted in the role strain/loss perspective, which
means that multiple demands of work and family are detrimental, thus evoking nega-
tive responses to the roles because individuals have limited amounts of time and
energy (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985; Rothbard, 2001). From a strain/loss perspective,
people fulfilling dual responsibilities in both work and family (e.g., work–family
interferences) face difficulties when transitioning from one role to another due to com-
petition for limited resources, which can lead to disengagement from work
(Montgomery et al., 2003). Furthermore, the JD-R model has been predominantly
used to examine both the positive and the negative relationships between work engage-
ment and family-related factors. According to the JD-R model, high job resources can
increase work engagement, while high job demands can result in burnout (Bakker &
Demerouti, 2007; Hakanen & Roodt, 2010). Based on this model, family-related job
resources, such as work–family culture and family-supportive supervisor behaviors
(FSSBs), can play a pivotal role in enhancing work engagement (Peeters et al., 2009;
Qing & Zhou, 2017), whereas a lack of resources and high demands, such as role con-
flicts (WFC, FWC), role overload, and the emotional demands of family roles, may
reduce work engagement and well-being (Opie & Henn, 2013).
An integrative literature review is a distinguishing form of research that creates new
knowledge about topics reviewed (Torraco, 2005, 2016). This integrative literature
review helps to succinctly summarize, analyze, and synthesize an extant body of lit-
erature from a certain genre of scholastic endeavor (Chermack & Passmore, 2005).
Furthermore, given that a literature review can provide comprehensive and refreshing
perspectives on topics that may include inconsistencies or contradictions in the extant
literature, this research adopted a literature review as the primary methodological
approach (Torraco, 2005, 2016).
Based on the guidelines of Torraco’s (2005, 2016) integrative literature review, this
research begins by searching for and selecting relevant articles in the existing litera-
ture. For a systematic and clear literature review, this inquiry is guided by Callahan’s
(2010) criteria for conducting a literature review, considering (a) where the articles
were discovered (i.e., databases), (b) when the search was implemented, (c) who
undertook the search, (d) how the articles were found, (e) how many articles were
identified and the final number of articles selected, and (f) why the articles were ulti-
mately chosen (Callahan, 2010; Kim et al., 2013, 2017).
6 Human Resource Development Review 00(0)
When implementing the initial article search in March 2018, the researchers uti-
lized ProQuest multiple databases, which encompassed 43 subsets of databases
(e.g., ABI/INFORM Collection, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and Social Science
Premium Collection) to discover relevant articles. With regard to keyword combina-
tions, the primary focus of this study is the relationship between work engagement
and WLB within organizations. Given that the term work engagement is used inter-
changeably with similar terms, such as employee engagement, job engagement, per-
sonal engagement, and role engagement (Kim et al., 2013, 2017; Lee et al., 2016),
we used the keyword engagement to elicit all available publications that focus on
work engagement. When it comes to WLB, a preliminary search via Google Scholar
showed that the concepts of work and life balance seem to be examined with sub-
stantial analogous concepts, such as work personal life balance, work life imbal-
ance, work family balance, work family imbalance, work family conflict, family
work conflict, work family enrichment, work family facilitation, work family inter-
ference, and work family spillover. Thus, we included all aforementioned 11 terms
to comprehensively discover relevant articles. Taken together, the search keywords
used for the initial search were combinations of (a) “engagement” with (b) “work
and life balance,” “work personal life balance,” “work life imbalance,” “work fam-
ily balance,” “work family imbalance,” “work family conflict,” “family work con-
flict,” “ work family enrichment,” “work family facilitation,” “work family
interference,” or “work family spillover.” Also, to ensure that articles examined the
identified relationship, only articles in which the search terms appeared either in the
titles or abstracts were included. In addition, considering the inconsistent direction-
ality between work engagement and WLB, articles that empirically examined both
work engagement and WLB were only included for further analysis. As we focus
primarily on the specific relationship between work engagement and WLB, none of
qualitative studies was identified. Although a specific time restriction was not
imposed on the results, this review focused on peer-reviewed articles and English-
language journals, which are fully accessible in databases.
The initial search results using the series of keywords generated 139 articles.
Afterwards, a staged review approach was conducted with 139 articles to further iden-
tify relevant articles aligned with the purpose of the review. Torraco (2005) stated that
the staged review is as follows: (a) perform an initial review by reading abstracts and
(b) complete an in-depth review for each article. Using the staged review approach,
any articles meeting the selection criteria are included for further review. During the
in-depth review process, articles that empirically investigated the relationship between
work engagement and WLB in organizational settings were only selected for further
consideration. However, for the quality of the review, if an article merely described the
relationship without any research model or framework and a method section, it was
excluded. Furthermore, we reviewed the references of the selected articles to expand
the pool of articles. As a result, we added five articles after duplicate articles were also
excluded (e.g., Montgomery et al., 2003; Qing & Zhou, 2017). Throughout these pro-
cesses, 37 articles were ultimately included for further review.
Wood et al. 7
The process of analysis and synthesis was implemented based on the 37 articles that
were ultimately selected. Of these studies, 16 studies have a WLB to work engagement
directional focus, 12 studies have a work engagement to WLB directional focus, while
a further nine studies were non-directional in nature (see Table 1). In an effort to pro-
vide a more detailed synopsis of the selected literature, the total number of articles has
been sorted by the direction and empirical method type. Also, a brief summary, includ-
ing authors, year, the purpose, theoretical frameworks, the data collection and analysis
methods, and key findings, is presented in Supplemental Appendix 1. The included
and reviewed studies are listed in chronological order, beginning in 2003.
An overviewed assessment of the studies recorded (see Supplemental Appendix
1) shows that the key theoretical lenses found in our analysis include the COR the-
ory (seven studies), personal engagement theory, broaden-and-build theory, role
theory, job characteristics theory, segmentation theory, self-determination theory,
spillover theory (two studies), global social support theory, affective events theory,
perceived organizational support theory, the role enhancement theory (two studies),
role expansionist theory (two studies), attribution theory, and compensation theory,
while the following models were also used, including the JD-R model (eight stud-
ies), the job demand–control and job demand–control support models, the spillover–
crossover model (SCM), work–home resources model, and the effort–reward
imbalance model. In terms of design, of the 37 studies, 31 were correlational and
seven were longitudinal. In terms of measuring work engagement, 30 of the 37 stud-
ies utilized the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), while the key measures/
variables of WLB included WFC (22 studies), work–family enrichment (nine stud-
ies), work–family culture (four studies), WLB (six studies), work–family facilitation
(six studies), work–family benefits, work–life imbalance, family satisfaction, work–
home interference, and FSSBs.
As the focus of this research is to closely take a look at the relationship between
work engagement and WLB in organizations, this section details three key sections:
(a) the influence of WLB on work engagement, (b) the influence of work engagement
on WLB, and (c) the non-directional influence (e.g., not directly related or reciprocal)
relationship between work engagement and WLB.
8 Human Resource Development Review 00(0)
culture not only enhances work engagement through work–family enrichment but also
reduces burnout through the mediation of WFC. Mauno (2010) shed new light on the
linkage between work–family culture and well-being (WFC, work engagement, and job
exhaustion) by approaching this association through a 2-year longitudinal design. The
results showed a strong prospective association between managerial work–family sup-
port and work engagement; however, there was only a lagged association between the
dimensions of work–family culture (support and barriers) and work engagement. Siu
et al. (2010) also demonstrated the influence that FSSBs have on predicting work
engagement. Set in a Chinese context, the study showed that FSSBs have a direct, posi-
tive, and significant influence on work engagement.
An important contribution was made to the WFC literature by Opie and Henn
(2013). Their study helped to reveal that personality (e.g., neuroticism and conscien-
tiousness specifically) plays a vital role in moderating the relationship between WFC
and work engagement. Their analysis showed that for those with a high level of con-
scientiousness, the decrease in work engagement that is associated with increased
WFC is more prominent than the corresponding decrease for those with medium or
low levels of conscientiousness (Opie & Henn, 2013).
More recently, Li et al. (2014) further extended our understanding about the rela-
tionship between work engagement and WFC through moderating the effects of proac-
tive personality. The results from their analysis showed that social support had a
positive effect on work engagement, and that WFC had a negative effect on work
engagement. In a similar study by Fiksenbaum (2014), an examination of the effects
of WFC on an individual’s well-being (i.e., life satisfaction and work engagement)
was conducted. The study showed that the availability of work–family benefits pro-
moted a supportive work–family culture, which was inversely related to WFC.
Moreover, WFC as a mediator contributed negatively to relationships of work–family
culture with both life satisfaction and work engagement (Fiksenbaum, 2014). In addi-
tion to this, Chambel et al. (2017) examined the relationship between job characteris-
tics and workplace well-being and the role work-to-life conflict plays in mediating this
relationship. Their study further substantiated that in both the part-time and the full-
time subsamples, employees’ perceptions of job characteristics are related to their
well-being, and the work-to-life conflict partially mediates this relationship.
Specifically, they suggested that part-time work is a good solution to prevent the work-
to-life conflict and the promotion of well-being at work.
More recently, Vîrgă et al. (2015) examined the interplay that exists between (a) job
resources, (b) personal resources (organizational-based self-esteem and self-efficacy)
and personality traits (conscientiousness, extraversion, and emotional stability), (c) a
specific job demand (work–life imbalance), and (d) work engagement, in a manner
that is in line with the alternative JD-R model proposed by Bakker (2011). The results
showed that work–life imbalance undermines the positive relationship between self-
efficacy and work engagement. Moreover, in a three-way analysis of job resources,
personal resources, and job demands interaction, self-efficacy and job resources were
found to have had a positive relationship with work engagement when work–life
imbalance was low. Chan et al. (2017) found, in their analysis of public and private
10 Human Resource Development Review 00(0)
sector employees in Australia, that self-efficacy was both significantly and negatively
related to work and family demands, which in turn were negatively associated with
WLB, while a better WLB, in turn, enabled employees to be more engaged in their
Finally, Niessen et al. (2018) investigated the issue of preventive coping. From
their analysis, they revealed significant indirect effects for emotional exhaustion, work
engagement, and relationship satisfaction through WLB. Moreover, for those employ-
ees who engaged less in preventive coping, a higher number of business trips were
related to a decrease in WLB, which, in turn, was related to more emotional exhaus-
tion, less work engagement, and lower relationship satisfaction. However, for those
employees who reported higher preventive coping, opposing indirect effects were
found. In this instance, frequent travel was related to an increase in WLB and, in turn,
to less emotional exhaustion, more work engagement, and higher relationship satisfac-
tion (Niessen et al., 2018).
can build resource gains and, therefore, suggested it was an antecedent of work–family
enrichment. A subsequent study by Marais et al. (2014), in which the relationship
between work resources, home resources, work engagement, family engagement, and
work–family enrichment was assessed, provided some interesting results. Their analy-
sis showed a positive relationship between work–family enrichment and its anteced-
ents and outcomes. More specifically, it highlighted the mediating relationship
between work resources and work engagement, while family–work enrichment helped
to mediate the relationship between home resources and family engagement. Similar
conclusions were also drawn by Qing and Zhou (2017), in which work engagement
was the most proximal predictor of work–family enrichment in a mainland China
Another area identified as having a significant bearing on the issue of balancing
between work and life is WFC. Within this area of analysis is the issue of spillovers. A
key contribution in this area is the SCM, which proposes that work-related strain first
spills over to the home domain and then crosses over to the partner through social
interaction (Bakker et al., 2012). In this regard, Bakker et al. (2014) found that work
engagement was positively related to work–family facilitation, which, in turn, leads to
predicted employee’s/partner’s family satisfaction. Chernyak-Hai and Tziner (2016)
found that work engagement is statistically and positively associated with burnout and
was shown to predict higher experiences of WFC—a finding that was supported by
Rantanen et al. (2013), in which over-engagement through high weekly working hours
and insufficient personal time were related to harmful levels of WFC. In addition, Y.
S. Chen and Huang (2016) examined how a personal engagement may be related with
WFC and innovative behavior. Their study showed that charismatic leadership style,
colleague support, and self-esteem are key indicators of predicting personal engage-
ment, which, in turn, had a positive relationship with innovative behavior and WFC.
More recently, Ilies et al. (2017) found, in their analysis of Chinese banking employ-
ees, that daily work engagement experiences related positively, within individuals, to
work–family interpersonal capitalization, which, in turn, related positively to daily
family satisfaction and to daily work–family balance. They indicated that both the
relationship between daily work engagement and work–family interpersonal capital-
ization and the indirect effects of daily work engagement on the family outcomes were
stronger for employees with higher intrinsic motivation than for those with lower
intrinsic motivation.
association between work engagement and WLB factors, as revealed by Babic et al.
(2017), Siu et al. (2010), Timms et al. (2015), more longitudinal investigations should
be attempted in order to more clearly identify their associations.
We suggest a number of practical and theoretical HRD implications based on the key
findings of the empirical literature review.
Theoretical Implications
The most evident implication of our review is that the direction of causality between
work engagement and WLB remains inconclusive. As evidenced in our review, a
growing body of literature has examined the relationships between two constructs;
however, the direction between them has been not clearly articulated. Our findings
showed that work engagement is the antecedents of WLB, vice versa. It can be attrib-
uted to the lack of theories that explicitly link the two constructs. While the COR
theory and JD-R model guided our inquiry, neither of theories paid close attention to
the direction or causality between two concepts. Therefore, we urge researchers to
further examine the direction between work engagement and WLB and empirically
substantiate this link.
Another evident implication of our review is our ability to clearly identify the defi-
nitions and validate the concepts through research examining work engagement and
WLB. First, work engagement has been conceptualized and viewed from two different
perspectives. On one hand, work engagement and burnout are reciprocating compo-
nents on a single continuum, rather than clearly distinct concepts. However, on the
other hand, some scholars (e.g., Schaufeli et al., 2002) argue that work engagement,
albeit relevant to burnout, exists as independent. In our review, we established a con-
sensus that work engagement as a distinct concept is associated with WLB. For exam-
ple, 29 of the 37 studies have used the term “work engagement” as their research
construct, instead of employee engagement, job engagement, and (work) role engage-
ment. Furthermore, as was evident in previous arguments (Bakker et al., 2008), the
different versions (i.e., short 9-item and original 17-item) of UWES have been utilized
in 29 studies to validate the concept of work engagement, in doing so, establishing
itself as the predominant scale of measurement.
In addition, some scholars interestingly distinguish the concept of work engage-
ment from burnout, depicting work engagement and its primary relationship with
workaholism as a counterconcept of work engagement. Previous studies have shown
that burnout is solely related to work engagement; however, we observed that
researchers have moved away from simply creating a consensus on the definitions
and constructs of work engagement, to seeking the influences and concepts of work
engagement in relation to other similar work-related constructs. For instance, Bakker
et al. (2014) revealed that although workaholism and work engagement may seem to
16 Human Resource Development Review 00(0)
show similar behaviors, the underlying basis between these two concepts is funda-
mentally different.
When it comes to WLB, our study unearthed the variability of the concept of WLB,
with the literature portraying the term from both positive and negative perspectives,
(e.g., work–family culture, enrichment, facilitation, benefits, interpersonal capitaliza-
tion, and WFC). Among these concepts of WLB, we found that the majority of studies
specifically focused on several negative aspects, such as including WFC, FWC, work–
family imbalance, and the work engagement of employees. Such a focus may be due
to the fact that these negative issues have a greater effect on employees.
For example, disengaged employees influenced by work–life imbalance are more
likely to suffer from poor performance and health status when compared with engaged
employees, who feel the positive effects on their work and health. Such findings may
also be attributable to the fact that since reliable and frequently used measures (such
as WFC and FWC) focus on negative perspectives, it may therefore simply mean that
more studies are done which examine the failures in WLB in relation to work
However, several recent studies (Bakker et al., 2014; Chan et al., 2017; Z. Chen &
Powell, 2012; Niessen et al., 2018) have sought to examine constructs which empha-
size the positive aspects of WLB, including constructs of work–family facilitation and
positive work–family spillover. These studies provided evidence-based insight that
work engagement is positively associated with above WLB constructs. Although these
have expanded the extant literature on WLB and work engagement, the majority of
these studies have still paid great attention to the negative correlations that exist
between these two factors. Therefore, it is imperative that more is done to explore the
positive causality between engaged employees and WLB aspects and how these under-
lying mechanisms are linked to these two constructs.
Furthermore, it is argued that the concept of work–life/family balance remains
ambiguous, therefore lacking an appropriate measure to assess its concept and influ-
ences (Kalliath & Brough, 2008). From our analysis, it seems that an agreed-upon
definition remains elusive. Although various concepts have been employed to assess
the aspects of WLB (e.g., work–family balance, work–family facilitation, work–fam-
ily enrichment, and work–family benefits) and work–life imbalance (e.g., work–fam-
ily imbalance, WFC, FWC, and work–family interface), distinctions among WLB and
imbalance constructs regarding their conceptualizations have not been identified and
the measures of assessing the concepts have varied greatly. Thus, we encourage schol-
ars to clarify the definition of WLB and work–life imbalance, considering whether
both constructs lie on opposite sides of a single continuum or are distinctive from each
other in terms of their concepts, components, and measures.
Due to a recent shift in workforce interests and the increasing importance of health
and well-being concerns, WLB has received more attention than ever before (Kalliath
& Brough, 2008). Given that nurturing a safe and healthy work environment is one of
the most critical roles for HRD professionals, from both individual and organizational
well-being perspectives, HRD scholarship needs to pay close attention to the areas of
WLB and work engagement. In order for HRD researchers to exert their influence on
Wood et al. 17
not only research but also in practice, it is imperative that more is done to develop
clear and well-established definitions of WLB as well as to create a validated measure
that captures the exact meaning of WLB.
Practical Implications
As the synthesized relationships between work engagement and WLB suggested
reciprocal relations, it is recommended that HRD practitioners better understand the
relationship between work engagement and WLB to implement practices that view
things from a holistic perspective rather than as two separate entities.
This research helps to establish a clearer understanding of how organizations can sup-
port employees’ WLB and work engagement. As supported by our research, by strategi-
cally and proactively using WLB supportive policies and systems, employees can bring
not only their authentic self to the workplace but also feel valued/engaged while at work,
which in turn helps to achieve more desirable individual and organizational outcomes
(e.g., a high level of work engagement and productivity). In this sense, HRD profession-
als and organizations can effectively address retention and engagement issues through
the WLB lens. For example, HRD practitioners may find our figures (i.e., the effect of
work engagement on WLB, vice versa) useful as a job aid or reference tool to guide the
development of supportive work systems and policies. More specifically, when promot-
ing supportive WLB culture and designing WLB policy at the organizational level, HRD
professionals may use the figures as a guideline for setting both goals and the qualities
required to accomplish a high level of WLB and work engagement.
Furthermore, HRD professionals are able to incorporate various interventions and
policies, as evidenced by our findings. For example, organizations can create or desig-
nate a family day, in which all employees should finish their work and leave the office
by 6 p.m. on that day, to spend quality time with their family on a more regular basis.
On the contrary, HRD practitioners can provide family counseling services that help to
address any impending issues that employees may face confidentially, such as prob-
lems regarding marriage, children, and other relevant family issues (e.g., Peeters et al.,
2009). Finally, organizations can offer online courses as well as offline seminars or
workshops that can help to develop and maintain self-esteem, provide preventive cop-
ing mechanisms for WFC, as well as help to provide the skills required to effectively
communicate with their spouse and children (Chan et al., 2017).
Furthermore, both HRD professionals and organizations should be mindful of the
need to change and develop their culture, systems, and policies to successfully facili-
tate higher levels of work engagement and WLB, as they are all inter-related (Rothwell
et al., 2010). For example, a family-supportive workplace culture is better nurtured, if
the organization changes the performance evaluation system and induces flexible
work-hour environments. In other words, through the introduction of flexible working
hours and the removal of unnecessary meetings, and minimizing administrative pro-
cesses, a more conducive level of WLB culture and work engagement can be achieved.
Finally, any efforts made to develop policy initiatives should be done with a long-
term perspective in mind. HRD professionals should consider linking these HRD
18 Human Resource Development Review 00(0)
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/
or publication of this article: This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic
of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2017S1A3A2066878).
Jiwon Park
Woocheol Kim
Supplemental Material
Supplemental material for this article is available online.
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Author Biographies
Jacob Wood, Associate Professor, is the Associate Dean of Research for the College of
Business, Law and Governance in JCU Australia and the Associate Dean of Research Business,
IT, and Science at JCU Singapore. Dr. Wood’s research specializes in the fields of international
trade negotiation and the effect of non-tariff barriers on international trade flows. In addition to
this, he has also published a series of international business studies on employee engagement.
Jihye Oh is a PhD candidate of Human Resource Development at Texas A&M University. Her
research interests include social capital/network, ethical leadership approaches, Millennials,
workplace spirituality, and career development. She has published in a number of peer-reviewed
journals, including Leadership and Organizational Development Journal and Journal of
Management, Spirituality, & Religion.
Jiwon Park (PhD) is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Resource Development
and the Graduate School of HRD, Korea University of Technology and Education
(KOREATECH). Her research interests include employee engagement, organization develop-
ment, and career and leadership development of managers and women.
Woocheol Kim (PhD) is an assistant professor in the Department of Human Resource
Development and the Graduate School of HRD, Korea University of Technology and Education
(KOREATECH). His research interests include positive change, work/employee engagement,
sustainability, performance improvement, leadership, and career development in organizations.