Report of AICS Development, 2000-2010

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I am very happy to give the development report of AICS on its 10 th year. I have been writing
many reports right from the beginning of its inception till today. I thank the almighty God for
upholding me and preserving my life to reach the stage of the 10th anniversary of AICS and
enable me to give report of the ten years life of AICS on this auspicious occasion. I would
begin my report with our testimony:
This is the Lord’s Doing, it is marvelous in our eyes (Pss 118: 23)
The Lord has done wondrous things, therefore we rejoice (Pss 126:3)

It is not possible to bring out the so many events and activities that had happened within ten
years, I will highlight some important events and anecdotes which may interest us. Since
each Dean is writing report of their respective responsibilities, I will mention only general
points starting with - (1) History of the Genesis of AICS, (2) Ethos, (3) Events and
conditions prior to its inception, (4) Faculty, Staff and in general students (Dean will mention
details) and other activities and Infrastructure development with different activities
connected with it.


Wherever the church exists there is a sort of training school /Bible school for learning the
word of God. This was also true in the case of Baptist Church of Mizoram (BCM),
es used to conduct Bible lessons in a house level. As a mark of the celebration of the
Golden Jubilee of Christianity in Mizoram the BCM started the Jubilee Bible School in 1946
and there were 811 graduates till 1991. The BCM had a long-felt need to have their own
full-fledged theological college as they had been sending B.Th and BD candidates to
Eastern Theological College, Jorhat, Aizawl Theological College, Serampore College and
Union Biblical Seminary, Pune. As candidates increased in every college it was difficult to
find seats in these colleges for many candidates. The Church leaders started discussing the
need to start a theological college in 1986 and a land was bought Aizawl in 1987.
Meanwhile, as more people committed their life to become missionaries in response to the
missionary awakening in the middle of 1980, the need was felt to have Missionary training
program to train the young men and women. The Jubilee Bible School was converted into a
Missionary Training Institute (MTI) in 1991, 200 persons graduated.

When the world entered into a new millennium- the 21st century, the idea of starting a
theological college was revived again as a new millennium project, because the need was felt
for quality improvement in the ministry of the church as there is increasingly complexity in
the society that MTI alone could no longer meet. Having debated over 15 years on whether
or not a theological college should be established, a long-felt need of having a new
theological college was revived in 1996 Assembly, and Board of Governors was formed to
search the possibility and make a plan. But due to some technical problems it could not be
materialized and “the decision was defeated in the 1997 Assembly” (ref. Dr. Hrangkhuma’s
report on 18 October 2000). finally in the year 1998 the Annual Assembly resolved to start
a theological college as a mark of a new millennium, and it was called Mizoram
Theological College. But the name was changed to Academy of Integrated Christian
Studies in 1999 Assembly to integrate various programs and the name is appropriate to
reflect the vision and mission of the church.

Thus, the need of the situations from different angles compelled the Church to start a full-
fledged theological college to meet the contextual need and meet the challenges of the day.
To initiate and start the pioneering work of establishing the college, Prof. Dr. R.L.Hnuni who
was teaching at the Eastern Theological College, Jorhat was invited by the Assembly 1999
and she accepted and joined the BCM in May 1999, that was a year of concretization and
awareness campaign to the church members for financial, moral, and prayer support.

On 18 October 2000, AICS was inaugurated with 17 B.D.students and three teachers, four
staff (mentioned below). A number of church members and church leaders attended the
inaugural function. October 18 is observed every year as AICS Day.

2. DIFFERENT PROGRAMS: As indicated by the name “Integrated” – we are trying to

integrate Mission Training to provide leadership in mission work to the normal theological
training program of B.D level, and other programs such as School of Music, Leadership
Training Program and Development Studies. As mentioned we have been able to integrate
B.D and Mission Studies. We are also looking forward to integrate other programs.
“Integrated” also means Integration of Academic, Spiritual and Practical emphasis to provide
competent and committed leadership. We are now trying our best to integrate spirituality and
academic excellence. Thus AICS is so named because of the vision and mission that is
intended to carry out and its Motto is Holistic Ministry. The programs that have been
integrated are:
• Bachelor of Divinity (B.D) program as the main theological education program,
• Missionary training under M.A and M.Div (Missiology) a 3-year degree course,
• Ministerial Training Program,
• Research and Development,
• School of Music,
• Practical ministry (Field Education).

Each Dean gives a separate and detailed report of all the programs.

On the day of inauguration, Rev. Dr. Hrangkhuma, the then General Secretary of the BCM,
apprised in his report the ethos that AICS is the new millennium project of the BCM, (1) it
is intentionally ecumenical, to that end other churches had been invited to send
representatives to the Board. (2) Spiritual formation and academic excellence are to be given
equal importance, “AICS aims to produce scholar-saints”, (3) the nature of leadership AICS
aims to produce is of servant-leaders, “serving others is the hallmark of AICS,” (4) the truth
and integrity of the Bible will be firmly upheld and be used contextually, (5) AICS is a place
where Theory and Practice are combined and integrated, (6) the integrated programs
mentioned above will bring out the holistic nature of Christian ministry and (7) the core
values of Holy Spirit filled life, prayer and worship, integrity and discipline is promoted so
that God’s reign may be extended, established and live out.


4. 1. First Steps taken for the establishment of AICS:

The first Office of the Director of AICS was located at the Missionary Training Institute,
Serkawn by the side of the Office of Rev. B.Thangchina, the then Principal of MTI. When I
joined the work in May 1999, there was one wooden rack, table and a chair in the Office.
There was no money and it had to be borrowed from the Office to start the work. As Rev.
Lawmsanga the then BCM President and I traveled together the question that he asked me
was: “How will you start the college, what will you do first?” This was the questions of
many asked. The Assembly had decided that each baptized members should contribute Rs
100/- in 1999 and many envelopes had been printed out for this. My first tasks as I began to
sit in the Office were:

• Dedicating AICS project to God with prayer: “Unless the Lord builds the House
those who build it labour in vain..” (Pss 127:1-2),
• Buying necessary stationeries for sending out letters and envelopes
• writing and sending out letters and printed envelopes for contribution to all secretaries
of the churches and Pastors of the BCM with a quotation “Unless the Lord builds the
House those who build it labour in vain..” (Pss 127:1-2), urging the Church leaders and
Pastors to pray that AICS should be the project of God and not BCM and God alone should
be the one who would establish it.
• Rev. Lawmsanga, took initiative in making programs to visit the churches, with some
BCM leaders and and MTI Principal and teachers.
• Library needed to be developed – books were ordered from Asian Trading
Corporation, Bangalore, making library cards, catalogue system, was started –B.Lalchami,
Zirsangliana, Ramdina were Serkawn.
• Miss C.Lalrempuii, missionary was tranferred from Arunachal to work at AICS to
teach English, she joined me from July 2000 in Serkawn where she helped in library works
and continued the same work after moving to Baptist House in Aizawl in January 2000.
• Library equipments such as steel racks, catalogue cabins, card, library counter, etc.
were ordered from Delhi, and technician Gujral was sent from Delhi to arrange racks.

4.2. BOARD OF AICS (BAICS-as it was first called)

First Board Meetings in 1999:
• 2, July 1999: The first meeting of the Board of
AICS as it was called then was held on 7 July 1999 in the ES Office Aizawl and considered
- fund raise programs, fundraise committee members appointed for Aizawl and Lunglei
- when to start construction works, and construction committee members appointed
- when to start class – decided to start in October 2000 (1999 Assembly Min. Part II:3:4)
- Selection of BD candidates to be done by the Board
- Rules and Regulations will be framed by the General Secretary, Associate General Secretary
i/c Theological Edn and Director of AICS.

• 21 September 1999: The second Board meeting

held on 21 September 1999, I will highlight only few points: Director gives Reports that amount
expected from contribution from Baptized members from Envelopes was Rs 3,50,000/-and 62000
envelopes were sent out to churches, but the actual amount received was Rs 272,025/-.
- From agenda: Emblem prepared by John Lalrambuatsaiha was accepted with some changes
- Motto: Holistic Ministry which was proposed by the Director was accepted
- To divide the VIP room of Guest house into two rooms for Director’s residence.
- AICS budget Rs 10,00,000/- (ten lakhs) for 2000 was re-appropriated to Rs 9,16,000/-.
- Board membership should include- Presbyterian Church of Mizoram, The Salvation
Army, Evangelical Church of Maraland, Lairam Baptist Church, Isua Krista Kohhran (Bualpui
Ng), Rabha Baptist Union, Tripura Baptist Christian Union, Manipur Baptist Convention
- ATC Principal’s letter concerning starting AICS in Aizawl was read and discussed.
• 15 December 1999: Third meeting of the Board :
- One of the Director’s report was that the Board members and Senate leaders – Bishop
Gladstone (President), Dr. Sadananda (Secretary) and Rev. Satyaranjan (Registrar) had meeting
together in State Quest House and discussed the new project of AICS. It was well received by them.
- Director distributed Application Forms for Admission which she prepared and was accepted etc.
• 19 January 2000: 4th meeting of the Board: Highlight only two among many.
- The first Brochure of AICS was made and distributed to the members.
- Date of Entrance test and interview was fixed on 27 & 28 January, 2000
14 April 2000: 5th Board meeting: Highlight only few among many
- Reported & decided: Property Committee gave MZ-01-5799 (ES used Gypsy) for AICS use;
- EMI prepared Master Plan of AICS was ready for members to see;
- Received Rs 50,000/- from Rural Development for making approached road;
- Fete or Fehchhuah organized in different churches in Lunglei for fundraise
- Pastoral Committee posted Rev. HC Vankairinga to AICS to assist the Director in whatever
works necessary after he completed M.Th from April 2000,
- C.Lalrempuii transferred by ZBM will also join AICS from April to do necessary work ,
- Upa T.Ropianga, Evangelist Teacher from Putlungasih will work as peon as he applied for
transfer for health reason.

There are so many other things to highlight, but space does not permit to mention all, only
above are mentioned to show how things developed from the scratch. From the Board meeting
No. 10, the name is changed from BAICS to Board of Theological Education (BTE).

3. 3. Shifting Office to Aizawl: As both the campus and academic preparation had to be
done in Aizawl, another Office was arranged in the Guest rooms of the Baptist House,
Aizawl, the room was re-arranged as decided by the Board mentioned above. While
Serkawn Office continued the second Office had to run in Aizawl from January 2000 and
started processing the works. Things done initially are:
Preparation for academic program started from January, 2000
Sent out information to apply for B.D in January 2000 and 24 candidates applied.
• The first BD entrance test was conducted on
June 27 2000, in the Relief and Development Office, Baptist House, 24 candidates
appeared for entrance test and interview before the Board and 15 of them were
selected and 2 later on.
• Beds, Tables, and chairs and other essential furniture were ordered from
different workshops for Hostels and quarters, and they were kept in R & D Office.
• Pu C.Thangkima’s house in Zonuam was rented
from September 2000 and all the furniture were shifted there in September itself in
• Occupied the rented building before the students
arrived and when the 17 students arrived the Hostel, Rev. Dr. K.Thanzauva and I
welcomed them. C.Lalrempuii and B.Lalchami joined us after two days in the same
• To start classes we had Retreat Program from 21-23,
October 2000, Rev. Dr. P.C.Gine, Lecturer, ETC, Jorhat was first Retreat speaker. Right from
the beginning even though the community was few in number, worship life and singing was
very lively.
• Classes started from 24 October 2000.
• Aizawl West ABC Conference was held in BCM
Luangmual from 27-30, October, 2001 a week after we started AICS, I was asked to
present paper on AICS This was the first time AICS group presented a song on
Saturday and Sunday morning worship service – Guide me O Thou great Jehova &
Jesus what a beautiful name.
• The Board meeting in 17 March 2001 decided to
request the ZBM to depute Upa R. Zochhawna to teach M.A (Missiology) and he
joined AICS from April 2001.

3. 3. Development of Faculty & staff : AICS started with only three faculty members,
one Library Assistant, one peon and a driver. It is not possible to make the list of Faculty
and staff for ten years, I will bring out only new faculty and staff each year. Initially only
three full time faculty members were there at the time of starting:

Faculty from October 2000- March 2001, BD Orientation program

1 Prof. Dr. R.L.Hnuni Director & Old Testament & Hebrew and i/c Accounts
2 Rev. R.Lalthanmawia New Testament & Greek, he looked after Lengpui Bial till March 01
3 Miss C.Lalrempuii Started with Library work & then English teacher
Rev. C.Ngurhnema, (Etiquette) Rev.Dr. Hrangkhuma & Rev. Dr. K.Thanzauva ( Method of
Study) helped us in teaching.

New Faculty from 2001 May/June besides the first three mentioned above:
1 Rev. C.Ngurhnema Christian Ministry, Academic Dean
2 Rev. HC Vankairinga Old Testament
3 Mr. Kamalakar New Testament , interv. on 19 May, joined in June 2001
4 Ms Bharati History of Christianity, as above
5 Rev. LH Lalpekhlua Theology deputed by LIKBK, taught 3 months left for study
6 Rev. F.Sangvela Missiology, joined AICS froim Tripura from 20 October, 2001
Altogether 9 full time faculty members.
Rev. Dr. Raltawnga (Executive Secretary) and Rev. C.Lalmuankima (IKKL) helped in part time
teaching in Introduction to Communication from 1, November 2001, History of Christianity in
India and Major Religions respectively.

New Faculty members who join from March 2002 May/June:

1 Rev. R.Zolawma Theology, joined from May 2002
2 Rev. V.L.Chhawna New Testament joined from may 2002
3 Mr. Thongsei Haokip History of Christianity, joined from June 2002
4 Miss Eyingbeni Theology, joined from June 2002
5 Dr. George Thomas Hist. of Christianity & Communication, June 2002, he
taught 2 years and left in March 2004

New Faculty from 2003

1 Mr. Senti Aier M.Th in Religion join in June 2003
2 Rev. C.Vanlaldika M.Th in OT join from May 2003
Visiting Professor: Rev. Dr. David Minton, (Religion & English) UK

New Faculty from 2004 May/June

1 Rev. Dr. K.Thanzauva Principal, Theology, Dr. R.L.Hnuni made Vice Principal
2. Ms Watimongla, Married to Mr. Senti, joined AICS fom 2004, Missioloy
Miss Eyingbeni left for D.Th studies in TTC, Singapore in September 2004. C.Lalrempuii was sent
to Birpara for Headmistress of Birpara Mission School by the Mission Department.
New Faculty from 2005 May/June
1 Rev. Dr. LH Lalpekhlua Completed his Ph D from Auckland deputed by LIKBK
2 Rev. H. Lalthlamuana Christian Ministry
3. Rev. V.L.Hruaia History of Christianity,
4 Rev. Rodinmawia Religion and Society
5 Mr. Lalruatkima Theology, teaching one year 2005, left in 2006 for doctoral study
6. Mr.Andrew Lalhmangaiha Missiology, joijned from June 2005
Rev. R.Zolawma, and Rev. V.L.Chhawna, left for Doctoral studies in FFRRC Kotayam Kerala
Altogether there were 13 Faculty members in 2005

New Faculty from 2006, June:

1 Mr. Keciziuying Siang New Testament, from Nagaland
Visiting Professor: Rev Dr. David Minton, Ph.D (U.K) English and Religion
Mr Lalruatkima left for Doctoral Studies in U.S.A 2006.

New Faculty from 2007, June:

1 Ms.L.H Nimreila Theology Joined 2007 from Manipur
Visiting Profs : Rev. Dr A.Behera and Dr. Wati Longchar in January 2008.
Rev. Dr. David Minton (Pu Zomawia) U.K.
Rev Dr. L.H Lalpekhlua was elected AGS by the LIKBK in 2007, he left in 2008

New Faculty from 2008 June:

1 Rev R. Lalnunzira Christian Ethics Joined AICS in May 2008
2 Rev. Lalhmingchhuanga Christian Ministry joined AICS in May 2008
Mr Senti Aier went to Calcutta for Doctoral studies from June, Rev H. Lalthlamuana was deputed
to teach at SAIACS in Bangalore. Rev. R.Lalthanmawia was posted as Pastor of Luangmual
Pastorate from May 2008 and is now doing Doctoral study in New Testament at UTC Bangalore.
Amongla joined Mr Senti Aier, husband in Calcuttta in June 2008.

New Faculty from 2009 :

12 Mr C Lalhmachhuana Communication joined AICS from June 2009
13 Mr .Moses Lalrohlua Sailo Church Music joined AICS from June 2009
14 Rev .K Rohmingliani Homiletics joined AICS from Dec 2009
Rev R. Zolawma and Rev V.L Chhawna submitted their Doctoral Thesis and joined AICS from
March and July 2009 respectively.

Present Faculty members June, 2010

1 Prof. Dr. (Ms) R.L.Hnuni BA (Hons),B.D. M.Th, D.Th (OT) Principal
2 Rev.HC Vankairinga B.A, B.D., M.Th, (OT) Dean, Minis. Train. Prog.
3 Rev R. Zolawma B.A, B.D., M.Th (Theology) Academic Dean
4 Mr. Andrew Lalhmangaiha B.Sc, M.Div., M.Th, (Missiology) Dean, Mission Training
5 Rev. Rodinmawia B.Sc (Hons), B.D., M.Th (Religion) Dean, Practical Ministry
6 Rev. V.L Hruaia Khiangte B.A, B.D., M.Th Hist of Christianity
7 Rev V.L Chhawna Khiangte B.A, B.D., M.Th, (NT) Dean, Research & Dev.
8 Mr. Keciziuing Siang B.A, B.D., M.Th (NT) i/c Book Service and Tithe
9 Ms.L.H Nimreila B.A, B.D., M.Th, (Theology) Warden, Women Hostel
10 Rev. Lalhmingchhuanga M.A., B.D., M.Th, Christian Min. Chaplain
11 Mr C Lalhmachhuana B.A, B.D., M.Th, (Communication) i/c Social Work & Computer

12 Mr .Moses Lalrohlua B.E., MCM, (Church Music) i/c Music,

13 Rev .K Rohmingliani B.A, B.D., M.Th (Homiletics)
Rev Lalnunzira was posted in ZBMPK Pastorate Shillong from May 2010 and is elected NEICC
Secretary, will join from Jan. 2011.

Office & Library Staff from September 2000

1 Ms B. Lalchami Lib. Assistant, helped in Library from Sept 2000, earlier in MTI
2 Ms Lalhriatpuii Assistant Librarian ( from 18 November 2000), MTI Librarian
3 Upa T.Ropianga Peon, Evan. Teacher transfered from Putlungasih, joined April 2000
4 Mr. Daniela Driver joined from February 2000
Mr. K.Rotlinga UDC sent for Office work, he stayed only 2 months from Oct-Nov. 2000
Mr. Rodingliana, Work Supervisor, from No. 2000, ref. Board meeting 11, Nov. 2000

New staff who joined from 2001:

1 Upa J. Kaphleia Peon from 2001, transf. Evan.teacher from Putlungasih
T.Ropianga retired in December 2000
2 Mr. Darhunthanga Transfered from Diphu, for Accountant joined from Feb. 2001
3 Lalbiakzami (Mazami) LDC, MTI, joined AICS, March 2001, back to Hqtrs 2002
4 F.Laltlanzauva Driver, 407, stayed up to 2003

New staff Staff From 2002

1 B. Singpari Library Assistant
2 Mr. Lalhundika Driver, from 2003
3 Ngurduhthangi Cook
4 Lalmuanawma Helper in the library, cook, PCO, Office attendant

New Staff in 2003 :

1 K.Lalsangzela. Office Attendant and any necessary works.

New Staff Staff From 2004

1 C. Lalbiakzuala Library Assistant.
2 Lalhmingsangi Office Assistant and UDC from 2006

No new Staff in 2005

New Staff From 2006:
1 Mr. C.Lalngilneia, Lib. Assistant & Computer, joined AICS from June, 2006
2 Ms R.Lalrinzuali Cook, joined AICS from November 2006

New Staff From 2007 May/June:

1 Rev Samuel Lalremsanga OS, posted as Pastor in Hnahthial ‘N’ from 2008
2 Laltlansangi Library Assistant, left for SAIACS in 2008
3 Rodingliana Library Assistant, left in December 2008

New Staff From 2008 – 2009

5 H. Ramthianghlima Selected Pro Pastor and from joined 2009, HM in Vathuampui
6 Laldinpuia Selected Pro Pastor and from joined 2009, in Saiha pastorate
7 Mr.Letkholun Haokip Library Assistant, and later on Administrative Assistant

New Staff From 2009

1 Mr. Vanlalpeka i/c Accounts
2 Ms. Lalremruati Administrative Assistant, left for M.Th study
3 Mr. Aibula Fanai Library Assistant, appointed Pro Pastor from Jan. 2010
4 Mr. R. Lalnghakliana Library Assistant cum Driver, Pro Pastor, from Jan, 2010
5 Mr. J. Lalpiantluanga Work Supervisor, Pro Pastor, from Jan 2010
6 Mr. Lalrammawia Driver 407, joined AICS from July 2009

Present Staff 2010 April – till date October 2010:

1. Mr. Letkholun Haokip Join AICS from 2008, Registrar from Decem 2009
2 Mr. Vanlalpeka i/c Accounts, joined AICS from June, 2009
3. Miss Lalmuanpuii PS, & English Teacher, joined AICS from September 2010
4 Ms Lalhriatpuii Assistant Librarian, joined AICS from November 2000
5 Ms Lalhmingsangi UDC, helping in the Library at present, joined AICS from 2005
6 Mr. F.Gospelmawia Library Assistant, joined AICS from January 2010
4 Mr. Habert Rorelliana Library Assistant, joined AICS from June 2010
5 Mr. Vanlalfaka Driver, Bolero & Bus joined AICS from January 2004
6 Mr. Lalrammawia Driver, 407 & Bus, joined AICS from July 2009
7 Mr. Lalbiaknunga Cleaner, etc. joined AICS from April, 2010
8 Mr. Lalmuanawma Office Attendant, i/c Xerox, joined AICS again from June 2010

3. 3. Visitors from Overseas:

Even before starting and immediately after starting AICS we have been having visitors much
sooner than we expected. They came for different purposes, the man thing is to visit us and have
time together with us. Right from the beginning, our plan is to internationalize AICS in terms of
speaking/using English, having visitors and even students from abroad, we are happy that our
dream is coming true gradually. I will just list down only early visitors:

1). Engineering Ministry International (EMI) from USA June 16-25, 1999: Five
members came their leader was Clint Pickett. They came help the planning of AICS campus.
They surveyed the land on 17th June, 1999. They left in June 25, 1999. .

2). David Groves, Australian Baptist World Aid Director: On 16, October 1999, David
Groves- visited us site of AICS, because we asked fund from ABWAid for building.

3). Engineering Ministry International (EMI) second time : On February 16, 2000, EMI
came to AICS the second time of Mr. Clint Pickett, they surveyed and made Master Plan and
This time 8 members came. They visited Serkawn as well.

4). Mr. Timothy Huff: One of EMI team members who had made the master plan and blue
print for the Guest House. He came on 7th of Nov. 2000 and took some classes as well.
5). The Canadian Heart Warmers: Mr.Ray McMillan and friends came from 21-24,
November, Ray Mc Millan who was the former Principal of the Alpha Bible College,
Shillong. Ray took two classes for three days, taught students the parables in Luke’s Gospel
6). Kristine Rebecca Bartelt: Miss Rebecca Bartelt, a music teacher and a Choir Director at
Kodaikanal International School came on 4th - 8, Decem. 2000. She taught us songs which
are AICS favorites till today: Jesus, Lamb of God, As the deer panted for the waters, etc.
7). Rev. Chris Pittendrigh, Director of Australian Baptist Missionary Society and his wife
visited AICS on January 2001.
8) The Baptist World Alliance Mission Team visited AICS on 3rd December 2002, they are
Rev. Tony Cupit, Director Mission & Education, his team members are: Zac Patnaic,
Tommy, Arthur Criscoe, Merilyn, Cassandra Jones. Tony gave pound 1000/- for Girls hostel.

9) BWA Mission Team visited AICS the second time on 12, November 2003. The members
are Daryl Husband, a Black, very good and powerful singer, and Carolyn, a singer for Bill
Clinton. Tony Cupit spoke and the two singers presented beautiful songs.

The AICS site was bought by the BCM from Evan. K.Lianthanga already in 1987 for Rs 150,000/.
It is a range of hill starting from the present gate to the present carpentry workshop. In 1999 the
land towards the western side starting from the present first quarters from the gate to beyond the
third quarters was bought again from Pu F. Vanlallawma for Rs 350,000/- . In the beginning of
2000 the adjoining land till the old Chapel was bought again for Rs 450,000/- from Pi Thanmawiii,
Tanhril. The whole area of land is roughly 46 bigha. Fortunately, after some time we found that
there was stone quarry, which we regard as God’s hidden treasure for AICS. As the EMI group
were coming in June 1999, the first social work done by the Baptist Office staff consisting of
Office, Press and Bookroom and Relied and Development Staff under the leadership of Rev.
C.Rothuama to clean and clear off the site, making road for them.

The site preparation started when we had Ground breaking ceremony on 6 April 2000.
• Director led the ceremony and gave the report, Rev. C.Rothuama did the dedication prayer.
• Rev. V.L.Zawnga and Rev. F.Lalchungnunga former Presidents of BCM and Rev.
Lawmsanga, the then President were asked to dig the ground first.
• Their wives and some Board members, Rev. HC Vankairinga and our neighbour Pu
Saizahawla and JCB drivers were present.
• We hired a brand new JCB from Pu F.Kapsanga As soon as the ceremony was over, the
digging was started by JCB.
Foundations laid:
• The main building foundation was laid by David Bennet, Director, First Fruit
Organization on 13 March 2001 after coming back from BCM Assembly.
• The Guest House foundation was laid by Rev. D.S Satyaranjan, Registrar, Senate
on 20th March 2000
• The foundation of first quarters was laid by Rev. Dr. F.Hrangkhuma on 11.Sep.
• The Hostel foundation was laid by Rev. Dr. HS Luaia on 24, August, 2001.

The construction of the first Faculty quarters started in September, 2000. Construction work started
side by side with academic program. As it is difficult for the Director to handle the two works –
academic, administration and construction,
• Mr. Rodingliana, BCM Luangmual was appointed the first work supervisor from Nov.
• Mr.Victor Lalrinawma, Er. Property Manager, BCM, helped us in the initial stage,
stayed at AICS for six months and supervised the work. He is the main architect of AICS,
particularly Hostel building.
• Mr. Jonathan, Er. also supervised and helped us in the building work.
• Mr. Lalzamliana Sailo, husband of Lalbiakzami, LDC also did supervising work.
• Rev. V.L.Chhawna joined AICS in 2002, after M.Th studies, as there was no proper
work supervisor that time, he was made supervisor for the construction from June 2002,
worked very hard with full dedication to occupy in time for second term.
All of these efforts by God’s grace helped us occupy the campus in November 4, 2002.

God aroused people’s mind whom we knew and never knew and they came forward to donate for
building projects. Much physical and prayer support was received as well. All those who
contributed cannot be mentioned now, but foreign contributions received for construction and
other things may be mentioned:
• Baptist Missionary Society (BMS) London Rs 6,85,600/- for building
• First Fruits Organization, USA Rs 25,00,000/- for building
• Tear Fund (Australia) Rs 168,225/- for building
• EMW Germany, Rs. 6,00,000/-, for mini library
• EMW Germany Rs 32,00,000/- for the main building.
• Mission Enterprise, Australia, Rs 1,00,000/- for Xerox machine
• In His Name Trust, USA, Rs 5,00,000/- for building
• Baptist World Alliance, Rs 5,00,000/- for building
• In His Name Trust, Rs 46,00,000/- for building
• Corner Stone Trust, from International Charitable Foundation, Rs 28,00,000/- for building

A number of churches and individuals also contributed, all cannot mentioned here. They will be
brought out when writing a separate report Booklet for AICS, including social work.

7. SOCIAL WORK: Church members’ physical contribution from beginning till today is wonderful.
From far flung areas and from the city Church members came as FOD – BKHP, BMP, TKP and as a whole
church and as Pastorates, because of which the construction work is blessed by God. In this report all names
cannot me brought out. Few who did social work in the beginning till 2002 may be mentioned.
• All Staff of Executive Secretary – Office, Press and Bookroom, R & D along with Rev.
C.Rothuama (ES) did the first social work of cleaning the site for EMI team.
• Secondly. members of Town Church- Church leaders, BKHP and TKP and BMP - did social work
of making the first work shed on the top, the present site of main building,
• Church members of Aizawl city came forward dug the ground, around 200 members came both
Government Officers, and prominent citizens on 20th March 2000, on the day Senate Commission
visited AICS and the site. Seeing so many were working members were very much impressed.

All cannot be mentioned here, will be too long. Those who camp for Workcamp in 2001-2002 are:
• TKP, BCM Electric, Hnahthial came for Work camp in 2001
• BMP BCM Mualthuam,members 25, on April 1-5, 2002.
• BMP BCM Darzo, 28 members, on April 16-19, 2002
• BCM Serkawn, 60 Members on April 25-26, 2002
• BMP Khawnglung, on September 22-26, 2002

Those who came for Social Work in 2001-2002 from Aizawl city were:

1. BKHP, BCM Zonuam. 2. TKP Aizawl ‘S’ 3. BKHP Tlabung Bial

(not workcamp)
4. BCM, Ramhlun ‘S’ 5. BCM, Chawlhhmun 6. BCM, Zonuam.
7. TKP Venghlui. 8. BCM, Aizawl West 9. BCM. Chanmari, Aizawl
10. TKP, Zonuam 11. BCM, Zotlang, Aizawl 12. BCM, Hunthar, 13.TKP,
Students’ contribution for the development of the campus and building is enormous, particularly
the first three batches of students really did hard work. Till today, social work is the feature of
every Saturday morning routine. They maintain and beautify the campus.


As the rented building could not accommodate the third batch, we shifted to the campus on 4 th
Nov. 2002, within two years time of campus preparation. It was a great day, we did not have many
things when we shifted things from Baptist House, but when we shifted down to the campus we
were blessed with so many stuff that we needed to be helped as mentioned below. We thank God
for all the blessings and prosperity bestowed upon us. The following people helped us in our
shifting and we are very much indebted to them:
• Pu Tumsanga, DGP, Aizawl has provided two police trucks for two full days.
• Upa. C. Ramhluna has provided us two trucks which worked for two full days
• Aizawl ‘W’ pastorates arranged local churches to help us in our shifting everyday in turn as
shifting took place in bits one week ahead.
• Zonuam TKP and BKHP helped us in cleaning the houses, clearing the campus and in
packing and loading the properties of all the families and college.

On 5th November, 2002 we conducted the first morning devotion in one of the hostel rooms with
full inspiration and that was one of the best morning devotions at AICS.

Before we started classes we had dedication Service on 6th Nov. 2002 by the community alone
giving thanks to God for the wonderful works. Chapel, hostels, quarters were not fully completed,
we continued the building and completed gradually as we occupied, students of the first three
batches did a lot of physical work and they are really instrumental for AICS development.

9. AICS DEDICATION SERVICE: The Official Dedication was held on March 11, 2003
immediately following the BMS-BCM Centenary celebration. That is why we could have many
Church leaders from overseas, Church leaders from other states, government officials and
prominent citizens in the Dedication Service.

Since AICS is located in Tanhril area, it was always confusing for people with Tanhril village up
in the hill. The name Shekina Hill was proposed by the Principal for the location, the Hebrew
name for the glorious presence of God to indicate that God has been gloriously and marvelously
present with us from very beginning, Gos has been at work and it is God the Shekina who builds
AICS. The Faculty unanimously accepted and was approved by the Board on 22 November 2002
with the present postal address: AICS, Shekina Hill, Post Box No. 80, Aizawl- 796001, Mizoram..

10. HELP FROM GOVERNMENT: The Government helped us in many ways:

• Power and Electric Department, set up separate transformer in the campus in 2002.
• PHE Dept. made 39 water container drums for AICS
• PHE Dept. made bore well in two places.
• Black topping of the campus carried out from March-April 2005, PWD provided Road
Roller, santali laborers and tray for cooking bitumen on two occasions.
• In connection with black topping the campus, we cannot forget the generous donation of
BCM, Town Church, for they gave us Rs 60,000/- for this. We sincerely thank them.


• We had dedication for the work of the main building with prayer with laborers in 2004.
• TKP, Hnahthial South Bial first did the digging first for the post of the main building in
November 12, 2003.
• BCM, Cherhlun BMP, came and did digging of the post, and they worked very hard.
• Building process started in 2004.
• It is sad to record that the senior most masonry worker Pu Rokunga suddenly died with
heart problem while having noon tea in the courtyard of the main building.
• The main building was occupied bit by bit. Library was shifted in 2005 from the Chapel
• Two quarters below the Library floor were finished and occupied in June 2006 and the
basement floor was occupied by laborers.
• Classrooms were occupied from 2007.
• The Administrative Offices and faculty Offices were occupied on 10 September 2010.
• The new Chapel in the main building used for Valedictory Service of 2009 graduates
before completion and it was Dedicated by the community before using it on 18 April
2009, during Holy Communion Service of Graduation Day.
• It was completed in May and with the name Pastor Thanzinga Chapel, it was dedicated in
May 2009, we started using it from June 2009.

• We have been using the old Gypsy from 2000 til the BCM bought Bolero, GLX,
silver colour delivered on 24 Nov. 2003. It was dedicated by Rev. Dr. David
Minton (Pu Zomawia) on 28 November 2003. We Thanked the Almighty God for
the new vehicle.
• We had PCO from September 2003, students were very happy, used till 2005
• The BCM Headquarters gave 11 year old BCM Bus to AICS in April 2004, Rev.
Dr. P.C. Gine (Valedictory Speaker) dedicated it on 3 April 2004. It has done very
good service for 6 years.
• The old 407 bought for Bookroom had been used by AICS for carrying water
from 2000 onwards, and it was sold out in 2004.
• The BCM bought new LPK 407 tipper in 2004 itself, we dedicated it on 11 April

9. SPIRITUAL FORMATION: To meet the need of the 21st century church and society,
theological colleges play very important roles in shaping and moulding the life of students
and graduates of theology who will become Pastors, missionaries and leaders. While
emphasizing academic excellence, emphasis is given to the spiritual formation towards the
spiritual maturity of students, without which academic achievement alone will not meet the
contextual need of the people. It is normal for theological colleges to have morning, evening
devotions and community worship as we do. Different programs are carried out for spiritual
formation, personal and ministerial development. To this end we offer and carry out:

9. 1. We have Spiritual Formation Class for First Year students

9. 2. Retreat programs two times in a year for two full days and half. Speakers from
from outside are invited. Many a times Faculty members are used for Speakers. We
normally have themes. Different programs are organized during the Retreat:
• Bible Studies every morning at 7-8 a.m.
• Worship Service at 10:00 a.m & 3:30 p.m.
• Prayer walking /Bethel Day time and Group discussion
• Singspiration / Praise and Worship at 7:p.m.
9. 3. Morning Devotions are conducted in creative ways by teachers, staff, final year
students in turns and sometimes in teams under the leadership of faculty member.
9. 4. Students Vesper at 6:00 p.m. students of different classes lead in turns
9. 5. Friday evening is fasting prayer – it is optional, many do this.
9. 6. Sunday morning (6:30 a.m) Fellowship Groups prayers, sometimes all pray
together, most of the times fellowship groups pray at the appointed places,
9. 7. Sunday morning worship at 10:00 a.m. Students take major share in leading and
preaching but Office staff and Faculty also are given chance to preach once a month.
9. 8. Community Worship on Sunday Afternoon 3:30 p.m. is compulsory for every one.
Faculty members lead and preach, and Guest preachers are invited at least once a month,
Gospel singers are invited at times. The whole worship is done creatively and many
students take part in different items.
9.7. Singspiration every Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. till 8:00. This really enhanced
the spiritual development of the students.

These worship exercises really enhance and develop the spiritual life of the students and
staff, particularly, every student comment is that Singspiration is one of the main sources of
their spiritual growth, they always long for such time after leaving the college. Worship
program is made for members to enjoy worship, even Fruits (children) take part and enjoy all
worship programs. The whole aim of the spiritual formation programs is to increase faith,
maintain personal discipline, to grow in relationship with God and so that they will be usable
for God and become God’s useful instruments wherever they serve.

1. Hostel kitchen – Dining Hall, it is under construction. The two floors below are finished
and two faculty families occupied. Two rooms in the basement are also occupied.
2. Mission Building, it is under construction.
3. Waiting shed at the top, built with MP fund, is also under Construction
4. The top roofs of the main building have to be constructed.

The Senate Convocation 2013 is to be hosted at AICS, this is the big national program and the
BCM is the main host. It will require at least Rs 17,00,000/-. We need prayer support and
generous contribution from the churches.

CONCLUSION: God has been leading and guiding AICS in a marvelous way, we experience
the faithfulness of God at different periods of our history. I thank God for the opportunities to
participate in various meetings, for the health ands strength bestowed upon me to shoulder
various responsibilities of the college and other tasks laid upon me. I thank members of the
Church and all well wishers within and outside the country for their support in developing the
College and attaining and achieving what we are today. Changes and developments have been
taking place in matters of infrastructure, Faculty, students and in implementing different
programs. We are thankful to God almighty who alone does wondrous things.

Prof. Dr. R.L.Hnuni,

Principal, AICS
14.3. Library Equipments:
Mehra & Company Delhi atangin Library equipments kan order a, library counter leh
Journal Display leh racks 20 Truck lian-in Delhi atangin an rawn phur a, Company-a
hnathawk Gujar-a a remkhawm leh a chhe siam tha thiam an rawn tir nghal bawk a, ani
hian engemaw zat min rem sak a, a chhiate a repair a. A zavaia remkhawm theih a nih rih
loh avangin zirlaite hnenah a remkhawm dan an zirtir a, Delhi lamah a haw thla leh ta a

Retreast 21-22 oct- pc gine

27-28, new life ministry, sk miller, three members came

13-14, oct. 2001 k.thanzauva

Lungphum; main blg, david benneete march 13, 2001 hostel, oct. 25, 2001
15. Sum Lam:

15.1. BCM lam atangin:

15.1.2. Khawpui hrang hrang panga- Aizawl, Serchhip, Hnahthial, Lunglei leh Lawngtlai
ahte AICS Board-in Fund Raise Committee a din a, hei hi kumin Assembly khan a pawm
tawh a. Fund Raise Committee-ten an awmna khua theuhvah sum tuak dan kawng hrang
hrang an rel a. Fundraise Committee-in a ngen angina kohhrante, BKHP, BMP leh TKP-
ten furniture hrang hrang kan mamawh tan a pawisa a theih an gang an rawn thawh a, a
thenin fete-te neiin fehchhuahte an nei bawk a, a then an inkhawn chawp a. Tin, a thenin
khum leh dawhkante siamin a takin an rawn thawh bawk a. Kohhran member-te tan lakna
hi a hluin a lawmawm tak meuh a ni.

Visiting Professor: Rev. Dr. K. Thanzauva, B.D., M.Th, D.Th (Theology)

3.2. Staff:
1. Mr. Darhunthanga, Accountant
2. Ms. Lalbiakzami, LDC
3. Ms. Lalhriatpuii, Librarian incharge
4. Mr. J. Kaphleia, Chowkidar cum peon
5. Mr. Daniel Vanlalpeka, Driver
6. Mr. F. Laltlanzauva, Driver

RD-a Oct. 2000 work supervisor

College community mamawhna avangin PCO neih kan dil a, september 2003 atangin kan
nei ve tan a, mamawh a phuhruk hle.

29. Senate Meeting leh Convocation: 4-7 February, 2004 khan Senate of Serampore
College leh Board meeting leh Convocation chu UBS, Pune ah neih a ni. He hun
pawimawh takah hian Rev. Dr. K. Thanzauva chu Commemoration Service ah thusawi
tura sawm anih avangin amah nen kan pahnihin kan kal a. He meeting hi AICS tan a
pawimawh em em na chu Senate in full affiliation an pekna hun a ni. December 2-5,
2003-a Commission member AICS enfiaha lo kalte report pek leh recommendation
chhiarchhuah a ni a, tichuan he meeting hian AICS chu June, 2004-ah full affiliation a pe
ta a ni. Zirlai ten college paper an exam ve thei tawh dawn ani. Kum thumnaa affiliation
kan han hmu mai hi a lawmawm a, Pathian hna min thawhpuina a lan chhuahna zel a ni.


1) Entrance Test & Interview: On June 27th 2000, 24 candidates appear for
Entrance test and interview before the board and 16 of them were selected.

2) Inauguration/Retreat/Class: On the 17th of October 2000, the first batch of

students arrive at the Institution.had a very good time t

3) The Inauguration of A.I.C.S was held on the 18th of October and representatives
fron many churches were present.

4) Retreat Programme was organized on the 21st and 22nd of October, 2000. Rev. Dr.
P.C Gine, Lecturer at Eastern Theological, Jorhat, Assam was invited to be the
speaker. We are grateful to him form his positive response and we had a very
good time together.

5) Classes commenced from 23rd October onwards. We started BD orientation with

16 students. As everthing is to be done English, students are encouraged to use
English as much as possible in the College Campus, even outside and among
themselves. They will start BD I from June 2001.


As AICS is under the locality of Zonuam area, the AICS community attends Sunday
church services at Zonuam, if there are no other programmes in the churches. But as
the local churches in Aizawl have been inviting us to have programmes in their
churches on Sundays, we do not have chance to attend our church at Zonuam. We
regard this as God’s given chance. The churches are encouraged when they see the
students and hear the works of AICS. Since we started classes in October 2000, we
visited 8 churches in Aizawl and 5 churches in Lunglei. We were also invited to
attend the 2001 Assembly at Serkawn. Besides these programmes, we have also taken
part as a choir in the Millenium Missionary Conference and in the Assembly held at
Serkawn during March 7th – 11th .

Apart from the money that we received, Feed the Mind, London paid for books worth Rs.
50,000/- and sent certain books every year. Apart from this ISPCK, Delhi again
contributed books for the Institution.

• MTKP 2000 Inkhawmpui Committee Aizawl chuan Library tan steel Book Shelves 5
lei nan Rs. 53,750/- min pe a, an chungah kan lawm hle a ni, a chunga kan sawi tak
lehkhabu dahna (racks) 5 chu MTKP donation atanga lei a ni.


The Baptist Church of Mizoram had long felt the need of having its own Theological
College. The discussion on whether or not a Theological College would be started
continued for more than a decade. It was first discussed and resolved in the year 1986 in
the General Assembly of the Baptist Church of Mizoram to start a Theological College
and the land was bougtht for the purpose in the year 1987 in Aizawl, but that was not
materialized. Instead of establishing a new Theological College, the existing Jubilee
Bible School started in 1946 was upgraded to Missionary Training Institute in 1991.
having debated for a few years on how to establish a theological college, the 1998
General Assembly again resolved to start a theological college. The matter was pursued
and the necessary write up was made in that year. The 1999 Assembly named the
proposed theological college as the Academy of Integrated Christian Studies and
appointed Dr. R.L Hnuni, to take up the full time responsibility for a new theological
college. Leaving the Eastern Theological College where she taught, she joined the new
responsibility in May 1999 and prepare necessary ground work which included
awareness campaign to the church members, site digging and academic programme.

The academic program was started with the formal Inaugural Programme of the Academy
of Integrated Christian Studies on 18th October 2000 with 15 B.D Orientation students
who are now in their second year with only three Faculty members.

This is a Landmark in the history of Baptist Church of Mizoram as the Church has for the
first time her own Theological College. The Church which hitherto has been sending
theological students since 1935 to other colleges is now having its own theological
college to train not only its own people but also students from other places and
denominations for ministry. The missionary Training Institute was also integrated into
AICS from June 2000 with a degree level – Master of Arts (Missiology). The Senate of
Serampore College granted AICS, the provisional affiliation right from the first year of
its inception from June 2001.

The total strength of students is 52 as indicated below:

B.D (Bachelor of Divinity) Second Year = 15

B.D (Bachelor of Divinity) First Year = 10
M.A in Missiology Second year = 3
Orientation Students 22(B.D, M.A, Special Students)
Missionaries 2
Total = 52

Members of Faculty:

1. Prof. Dr. R.L Hnuni, B.D, M.Th, D.Th (OT) Principal.

2. Rev F. Sangvela, M.A, B.D, M.Th (Missiology), Academic Dean
3. Rev. Jesse HC. Vankairinga, B.D, M.Th (OT)
4. Rev. R. Lalthanmawia, Bsc. B.D, M.Th (New Testament)
5. Ms. C. Lalrempuii, M.A (Linguistic)
6. Rev. R. Zolawma, B.D, M.Th (Systematic Theology)
7. Rev. Vanlalchhawna Khiangte, B.A, B.D, M.Th (New Testament)
8. Prof. Dr. George Thomas, B.A, B.D, M.Th(Hist of Xnity) D.Th (Missiology)
9. Miss Eyingbeni Humtsoe B.D, M.Th) (Systematic Theology)
10. Mr. Thongsei Haokip B.Com, B.D, M.Th (Hist.of Xnity
11. Rev. C Ngurhnema B.A, M.Th, D.Th (Christian Ministry) Part time Lecturer
12. Prof. Dr. K. Thanzauva, B.D, M.Th, D.Th (Systematic Theology) Visiting

Occupation of the Site:

The AICS was started in a rented building in Zonuam. The academic programme goes
side by side with infrastructure development of the land which was brought long time ago
in 1987 with additions of land in 2000. Just within two years of its program, the
community could occupy the buildings for which all community members are thankful to
God. The two years experience has given us the testimony and the theme of AICS: “This
is the Lord’s doing, it is marvelous in our sight” (Ps 118:22) and, “The Lord has done
great things for us, so we rejoiced”

OUR PROGRAMS: As indicated by the name “Integrated” – we are trying to integrate

Mission Training to provide leadership in mission work to the normal theological training
program of B.D level, and other programs such as School of Music, Leadership Training
Program and Development Studies. As mentioned we have been able to integrate B.D
and Mission Studies. We are also looking forward to integrate other programs.
“Integrated” means Integration of Academic, Spiritual and Practical emphasis to provide
competent and committed leadership. We are now trying our best to integrate spirituality
and academic excellence.

OUR STRUGGLES AND CONCERNS: The Baptist Church of Mizoram will not have
much problem just for meeting the running cost. We have to move forward and we have
many things to develop. Of many things right now, our main concern is the development
of infrastructure. This will have to continue for the first five years or so. We are having
classes in the Hostel and the Community Hall which we are now using as Chapel.

1. Hostel and Guest House: We are now struggling to continue amd complete the on
going construction work of the Hostel and Guest House.

2. Quarters: Faculty and Staff Quarters needs to be built, and now some of the
Faculty and Staff members need Quarters. Of our many needs our main focus are
Main Building and Women’s Hostel.
3. Main Building: We have not started the main building. The Main Building on the
top is to used for Chapel, Library, Classrooms, Administrative Offices. The Blue
print and the estimate are ready for the Main Building.

4. Women’s Hostel: We have five female students and we have no proper Women’s
Hostel. They are accommodated in one of the quarters. This is also our urgent

Of all these needs our focus is the main building. We do not know from where we are
going to get help. We trust in God and pray that He will provide our needs. Please join us
in our prayer.


Our experience of God’s leading is expressed by the name of the place “Shekinah”.
Within these two years we have experiences the mighty works of God in various ways
and therefore, we cannot but repeat, “ This is the Lord’s doing, it is wonderful in our
eyes”, “The Lord has done wonderful things therefore we are very glad”. This is what we
called AICS texts.

We experience God’s miracle in different ways we cannot mention.

- AICS started without any fund, but God is faithful that he provided us our needs
in times through different sources, some of which we do not know them – to
mention some organizations and overseas partners – BMS, BWA/BWAid, ABW
– AID, First Fruits, In His Name Trust, EMW, Charitable Foundations. Tear
Australia, Mission Enterprise, because of God’s help through these organizations
we could come this far within two years.
- The way we obtained recognition from the Senate of Serampore College
University) just within its first year, the way we received funds for construction.
- The way we got electricity and the stone quarry which provided us all needs for
stone works and the way we get help from the church members, lot of work are
done by voluntary work from the city as well as from the village Church
- The way we could occupy the site just within two years of its inception.

There are many more details in which we experience God’s presence in presence offal
these we experienced the revelation of the glorious presence of God, that is why we
named the place Shekinah Hill, the glorious presence of God.

We are greatly inspired by the motto of William Carey, founder of Serampore College,
“Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God”. With this conviction, we
are working towards the realization of the mission and objectives of AICS for God’s
glory. We covet the continued support of all church members, well – wishers and other
organizations in every possible way. We trust that God who has begun the work will
complete it for his glory.

1. Senate Exams: The first Senate Examination was held from 1st April 2-13, 2002.
Fifteen Iyr B.D students appeared the Exams. The result was better than expected.
Seven of them passed in all nine subjects six of them have one referred paper,
two had two referred papers, all had their promotion.

2. Vacation: The semester and summer holidays started from 16th April 2002 and
College re opened on June 5th 2002.

3. Retreat Program: We started the new academic year with Retreat Program and
Rev. K.C Mark was our Retreat Speaker.

4. Warning and Dismissal: One B.D student was given a strong warning on account
of his practice of smoking. Two church members and his parents apologized and
begged for forgiveness as required and the student concerned gave a letter of
apology with a promise not to repeat and if he repeated he would be immediately
dismissed. The case was considered with final warning. Out of ei ghteen BD
Orientation admitted from October 2001 – March 2002, eight were dropped
during Orientation on various grounds.

5. Training Other: At present, there are theological students sponsored by BCM in

other Colleges as follows:

6 BD students at Union Biblical Seminary Pune, five will graduate by April 2003.

5 BD students at Serampore College, all will graduate by April 2003.

2 BD students at Leonard Theological College Jabalpur, both will graduate by April


3 BD students at Eastern Theological College Jorhat, 2 will graduate by April 2003

5 M.Th Students at United Theological College Bangalore, 2 will complete by Aril


1 M.Th qualifying student at United Theological College Bangalore

2 Doctoral students at SAIACS, Bangalore.

The total number of students are 24.


Darhunthanga - UDC (Acting Accountant)

R. Lalbiakzami - LDC
B. Singpari - Librarian
Lalhriatpuii - Assistant Librarian
J. Kaphleia - Peon
Daniel - Driver
Lalhundika - 407 Driver
Ngurduhthangi - Cook
Muana - Cook


The Board of Theological education Meeting was held five times during the year:

1. On May 31st 2002, the first Board Meeting was held at AICS, Zonuam in which
we interviewed two new Faculty members Miss Eyinbeni for Theology and Mr.
Thongsei Haokip for History of Christianity. Both of them were appointed to be
Junior lecturers with effect from June 2002.
2. On June 4th 2002, the second Board meeting was held at AICS Zonuam. We
interviewed Dr. George Thomas for History of Christianity and Missiology. He
was appointed for the Professor status with effect from June 2002.
3. On July 20th 2002, the Board of Theological Education met the fourth time at the
General Secretary’s Office Serkawn for the purpose of selecting the candidate to
go for music Training. Five persons appeared the interview and among them Mr
Moses Lalrohlua was selected. He was required to attend the Orientation Course
along with the new batch of students who is now at AICS for his Orientation
4. On 22nd October 2002, the fifth Board Meeting was convened at AICS Zonuam
for the purpose of interviewing and selecting new students for B.D and M.A
courses. We selected students as follows: 19 B.S students, 2 M.A students and
two special students – one is Moses Lalrohlua and the other is Miss Sangiang who
will write her B.D Qualifying exams in April next year. The two M.A students are
Mr. Lalrindika Zadeng from Dhubri and Mr. Lalkhingliana. Among B.D students
we have three from other places – one from Myanmar, one from Kuki Baptist
Convention and one from Bodo Mission fiekd. Miss Sangiang left AICS for
Myanmar in January 2003 due to her health problem.


9. Attending the assigned churches: This year from July to September 2002, BD II
students were sent out to five churches according to the five group division for their
practical ministry. We are thankful to the the churches concerned for accepting them
and giving them opportunity for them to practice teaching, preaching and leading the
worship service.

10. Visit of Central Jail: Apart from this, they also visited Central Jail and Civil Hospital
where they met prisoners and patients respectively and gave them fellowship and
counseling as necessary.

11. Practical Work – cum Exposure to CMS & Hospital, Vellore: The BD II students left
on 11th November 2002 for CMC & Hospital fro their practical work with Rev.
Vankairinga as their Team Leader. They attended Counselling class, visited patients
everyday under the guidance of the Chaplains. They are greatly benefited. They also
visited Bangalore and arrived safely back home on 30th November.


1. Work Supervision: Construction of the Campus was heavily taken during the
year in order to occupy the campus from the second semester as new students
were to join ud from October. Laborers of both cement, timber and masonry were
employed in large number ranging from 80-120 foe about five months. Different
persons were used as supervisors with Mr. Lalrinawma as the main Engineer who
took care of the construction fro about six months. He was assisted by Mr.
Jonathan for one month. When Rev. Vanlalchhawna came back after M.Th
studies in June 2002, he was posted at AICS to be a Lecturer rather he took
charge of the work supervision and the work progressed greatly.

2. Community and Social Work: From 15th October onwards students were engaged
to help the work in the site everyday along with Faculty members. Because of the
hard work labor of the work supervisor, students and other faculty members who
helped in the work, it was possible to move to the site in early Nivember.


On 4th November 2002, the shifting of the whole Community – faculty and students
took place and the campus was occupied. It was God’s marvelous work that just
within two years of the inception of AICS, the community could occupy the campus.
We are indeed thankful to God who worked wonderful works among us. The two
years experiences at AICS have given the testimony, “This is the Lord’s doing, it is
marvelous in our eyes” (Ps 118:22) and “God has done wonderful things, therefore
we are very glad” (PS126:2)

A number of persons and Church members helped us in our shifting. The following
persons made our shifting possible and we record our sincere thanks to those who
have rendered their invaluable help in the course of our shifting:


1. Reopening: Immediately after shifting to the campus, the college reopened for
second semester on November 5th 2002, and new batch of students arrived on 5th
November. The reopening was delayed this year due to occupation of the site.

2. Dedication: We had dedication service of the community, campus, etc on 6th

November and Principal led the dedication and gave report of the progress of the
work and God’s marvelous guidance through the years for which the members
and the BCM as a whole owe sincere thanks to God. Special items were given and
all had a time of self dedication and dedication of the community members, other
workers and the campus and the future course of the AICS to God.
3. Freshers’ Meet: Students conducted Freahers’ Welcome at 6:00 p.m on 7th

4. Retreat: Retreat Program was arranged from 8-10, and Rev. Chung Thang Thiek,
General Secretary of the EFI for NEI was our speaker. It was a delightful and
meaning program.

5. Faculty and Staff Orientation: We had Faculty and Staff Orientation on 11th
November 2001 under the leadership of Rev. Dr. K Thanzauva, the General
Secretary, BCM. The Principal first introduced the purpose of the orientation – to
give direction to lecturers as most of them are Junior Lecturers, Methodology of
teaching with inspiration, emphasis and need for good preparation. The main
thrust was building a Balanced and Academic and Spiritual (Reason and Faith)
institution combined with practice. It was a beneficial program.

6. Name of location/ Address of AICS: After the Faculty Orientation was over, the
Faculty continued to discuss certain urgent matters which included the new
address of AICS. The Principal disclosed the name of the location which has been
dwelling in her heart out of the experience of God’s glorious presence and
dwelling upon AICS through the two years. The name of location of AICS was
thus fixed at this Faculty meeting as Shekinah Hill, which means God’s dwelling,
expressing the experience of the glorious presence of God at AICS. The new
address of AICS is,

Academy of Integrated Christian Studies

Shekinah Hill, Tanhril
Post Box No. 80, Aizawl – 796001

7. Board Meeting: The Sixth Board Meeting was held at AICS Shekinah Hill, on
22nd November 2002 at Principal’s Quarter to discuss matters to be submitted to
the Service Dept. Committee. This was the first Board meeting at the Campus. It
was closed with dinner with Faculty members.


On December 3rd 2002, the BWA Mission Team visited AICS from morning till
afternoon. The members were: Rev. Tony Cupit, Director, Mission and Educcation,
(Team Leader), Mr. Zac Patnaic President, BMW, Mr. Tommy, member, Mr. Arthur
Criscoe, member, Dr. Cassandra Jones, member and Merilyn, member

We conducted the meeting with all the faculties and the students at the Chapel, General
Secretary chaired the meeting and the Principal gave the report on AICS, and two other
groups of students presented special songs. Each of the members shared their concerns.
We had a good time. Zac Patnaic promised to send 1000 pounds for AICS, and Tony
gave 1000$ for Women’s Hostel for which we are thankful. The foundation stone for
Women’s Hostel was laid by Rev.D. Tony Cupit. We are so thankful to the BWA team
for their visit and help.

Christmas holiday started from 16th December and reopened on 7th January 2003.
PRINCIPAL’S TOUR: Dr. R.L. Hnuni was invited to attend and present a paper at the
Asian Baptist Theological Symposium held at Hong Kong Baptist Theological Seminary
Hong Kong from 8 – 10 January 2003. The theme of the Symposium was
Contextualizing Asian Theologies. She presented a paper on Contextualizing Asian
Theologies: Womens’s Perspective. She and her husband Rev, Dr. K. Thanzauva, General
Secretary BCM, were the only members that attended the Symposium from Mizoram. It
was attended by 55 persons coming from all over Asia, Australia and USA. It was a very
good and meaningful meeting.


1. VEHICLE: Even though we have budget for vehicle, money could not be
sanctioned to buy vehicle till now. Since the Institution is located far away from
the city, there is a great need for Bus as for the children going to school and also
for the students and families. Small children just stopped going to school and the
nearest bus stop is Ramrikawn, which requires at least 25 minutes walk from the
Campus. Students go out from time to time for Practical Ministry and in fact there
is a great need fro Bus for this purpose as well.

2. FUND: We continue the construction work with a much less number of laborers.
Today we employ around 27 laborers, the number decreases and increases. As the
Foreign contributions for construction has been used up, it is rather difficult to
continue the work only with the budget. There is a great demand for fund from
BCM from every corner, it is hardly possible to continue the work. However, the
work goes on with credit.

Apart from the need for the on- going construction work, training both at AICS
and outside demands quite a lot of fund. The travel fees, DA/TA, pocket money,
Mess fees, and book grants for so many students require a huge sum of money.
All these have to be met from AICS. It is very hard to get the required fund for all
these expenditures from the budget.

3. PEOPLE’S SUPPORT: Now the BCM has its own Theological College, it is very
important that members gave full support at least in the initial stage and decide
which one is to be given top priorities. Once a theological is started it must be
considered that it should go on without stopping. If the trend, that all other things
are equally important continues, it will be difficult to continue AICS. We
acknowledge many people give full support and cooperation, yet we can do better
than this, more people’s support is solicited.

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