Essential Daily Du$27as

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Islamic Phrases

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Al-Zahid Allah Publication

Do I Know What I Read Daily!?
This Booklet contains meanings of commonly recited everyday
Du'as and Azkar. We recite them almost daily and Insha-Allah will
keep reciting them as long as we live. It is sad that many of us don't
spare even a few moments to understand their meanings.

(Please note that from towards the end of this booklet, meanings
of almost all the words of each Du'as and Azkar are given for ease
of memorization).

There are numerous benefits of working on these basics. Some of

them (Insha-Allah)

• You will feel a difference in your attention and concentration.

You will have less disturbance and whispering from Shaitaan.

• As a result, your attachment with Allah  will increase and as a

whole in your life.

Parents need to play the very important role of constantly

encouraging and reminding their children to recite the Du'as at the
appropriate time. Thus when the child is woken up in the morning,
before he enters the toilet and after he leaves, before and after
eating and at all other occasions, the parents should remind the
child to recite the Du'a.

In this way it will become a part of their lives and the purpose of
teaching these Du'as will be achieved, Insha Allah.

It will serve as an excellent starting step towards understanding

Hadith and Qur'an. It will make you familiar with Arabic sentence
structure and some Grammar indirectly.

Du'a is an act of worship
for Allah 

ُّ ‫تُ الت بَنت ِ ب ِ َصت بََ ا‬

ُ ُّ ‫ْي قَا َل َس ِم ْع‬ ٍ ْ ‫ان ْب ِن َب ِش‬ ِ ‫﴿ َع ِن ال بُّن ْع َم‬
‫َتأ َ َو قَتا َل‬
َ ‫تم ق‬ ُّ‫عَل َْي ِه َو َسل بَ َم َيق ُّْو ُّل ب‬
َ‫الدعَاۤ ُّء ُّه َو الْ ِع َبا َد ةُّ ُّث ب‬
‫تو ْو َن‬ ْ ‫ك ْمط اِ بَن البَ ِذ ْي َن َي ْست َتت‬
ُّ ِ ‫ك‬ ُّ َ‫ب ل‬ ْ ‫ك ُّم ا ْد ُّع ْو ِنْۤ ا َ ْس َت ِج‬
ُّ ُّ‫َر بب‬
﴾۰ ۶ ‫َع ْن ِع َبا َد ِِت ْ َس َي ْد ُّخل ُّْو َن َج َه بَن َم ٰد ِخ ِأ ْي َن ۝‬
An-Nu'man Ibn Basheer  narrates Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said; "Supplication is
worship." Then the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬recited the verse, "Your Lord says:
Call upon Me and I will respond to you. Verily, those who disdain My
worship will enter Hell in humiliation." (Tirmidhi) (Surah Ghafir, Ayah 60)

﴾‫الأ ِج ْي ِم۝‬ َ‫ُ ِم َن ا ب‬
َ‫لش ْي ٰط ِن ب‬ ِ ‫﴿ ا َ ُّع ْوذُّ ِبا‬
"I seek protection with Allah  from the cursed Shaitaan."

﴾ ‫﴿ ﷽۝‬
"In the Name of Allah , the Most Beneficent,
the Most Merciful."

Daily Du'as
For increase in knowledge and improving the
For strengthening the memory and progressing in knowledge
recite the below verses every day.

﴾‫ْي‬ َ ‫﴿ر ب َيسر َو ََل ُت َعسر َو َتمم با ل َخيط َو ب‬

ُ ‫ك َنس َتع‬ َ -1
﴾ ُ‫﴿ َيا فَ َتاحُ ‚ َيا فَ َتاحُ ‚ َيا فَ َتاح‬
"O My Lord, make things easier for me and do not make it hardship
and let my affairs end with Goodness (khair!) from You do we seek
help. O opener, O opener, O opener."

ْ ‫ى ت َو َي ىِّس ْر ىِلْْۤ ا َ ْم ىر‬

‫ىت‬ ْ ‫اش َر حْ ىِلْ َص ْد ىر‬
ْ ‫﴿ َر ىِّب‬ -2

‫َوا ْحل ُ ْل ُعق َْدةً ِّىم ْن لىِّ َس ى‬

﴾‫اِنْ َي ْفق َُه ْوا ق َْو ىِلْ ط‬
"O My Lord! expand me my breast; Ease my task for me; And remove
the impediment from my speech. So they may understand what I say."
(Surah Taha, Ayah 25, 26, 27)

﴾‫﴿ َر ِّىب ىز ْد ىِنْ عىل ًْما ط‬ -3

"O My Lord, Increase me in knowledge." (Surah Taha, Ayah 114)

َ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم إى ى ِّّنْ ا َ ْس َئل‬

﴾‫ُك عىل ًْما نَِّا ىف ًعا ط‬ -4
"O My Lord! I ask you for knowledge which is of benefit to me."
(Hisne-Haseen, Mustadrik Haakim)

ْ ‫ َوعَلى ِّ ْم ى‬، ‫ِن‬
‫ِن‬ ْ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا ْنف َْع ى‬
ْ ‫ِن ىب َما عَل ِّ ْم َت ى‬ -5

﴾‫ َو ىز ْد ىّنْ عىل ًْماط‬، ‫ِن‬ ْ ‫َما َي ْنف َُع ى‬

"O My Lord! benefit me with what You have taught me and teach me
that which benefit me, and increase me in knowledge." (Tirmidhi)

ْ ‫﴿ َيا عَلى ْـي ُم عَلى ِّ ْم ى‬

﴾‫نط‬ -6
"O All-Knowing, grant me knowledge."

Etiquette of Eating
Before eat you should always say;

‫هلل َو ع َّٰٰل َب َر كَـ ىة ا ى‬

﴾‫هللط‬ ‫﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬ -7
"In the name of Allah  and upon the blessings of Allah ."

Virtue: who reads this du'a will receive blessing in one's meal.
• You should wash both hands up to the wrists.
• Always eat with your right hand.
• Should eat only Halal and Clean food. Should never ever eat Haram
• Eat from the side that is in front of you, should not eat very hot
• Should sit and eat.
• Do not make noises with your mouth when eating.
• Do not eat very quickly and chew the food well.
• Do not find fault with the food.
• Do not allow the gravy and other liquids to drip onto the clothes.
• There are many blessings in eating together.
When forgetting to recite the du'a before eating

﴾‫هلل ا َ َِّو لَ ُه َو ّٰا ىخ َر ُه ط‬

‫﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬ -8
"In the name of Allah  in the beginning and the end." (Abu-Dawud)

Etiquette after Eating

• Clean the plate and other utensils thoroughly after eating…
• Always lick your fingers. If there is any gravy left over on the plate,
clean it as well.
• Wash your hands after eating. Gargle your mouth as well.
• After eat recite the following du'a;

ْ ‫لِل الَِّ ىذ‬

‫ى ا َ ْط َع َم َنا َو َسقَا َنا َو َج َعل َ َنا‬ ‫﴿ ا َ لْ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬- -9

َ ْ ‫ىم َن ال ُْم ْسلى ىم‬

"All praise be to Allah  who gave us food and drink and made us
Muslims." (Tirmidhi)

Etiquette when eating elsewhere

• When you have completed your meal, express your gratitude to
Allah , recite the following du'a;

ْ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا َ ْط ىع ْم َم ْن ا َ ْط َع َم ى‬
﴾‫ن َوا ْس ىق َم ْن َسقَا ىِنْط‬ -10
"O My Lord! feed him who fed me and provide with drink him who
provides me with drink." (Muslim)

• Always take the needs of your guests into consideration. If you go

somewhere as a guest, do no remain there for so long that you
become a burden on your hosts.
Etiquette of drinking water
There are Six Sunnah when drinking water:
1. Recite Bismillah before drinking.
2. Look at the water before drinking.
3. Muslim should drink with the right hand. (Shaitaan Drinks with
the left hand)
4. Sit and drink.
5. Do not drink water in one gulp. Instead, take it in three sips, when
breathing in or out do not do so in the tumbler. Instead, move your
mouth away from the tumbler.
6. And recite the following du'a; upon completing.

‫﴿ ا َ ل َحم ُد هلِل الَذ ْۤى َسقَا َنا عَذ ًبا فُ َرا ًتا ۢب َر ح َمته‬ -11

ً ‫َو لَم َيج َعل ُه مل ًحا ا ُ َج‬

﴾‫اجا ۢبذُ ُنو ب َناط‬
"All praise is due to Allah  who gave us fresh sweet water to drink
out of His Mercy and not make it bitter due to our wrongdoings."
(Tafseer Ibn Kather)

Du'a drinking Zam-Zam

• Stand facing the Qiblah (direction of Makkah), recite Bismillah,
drink with the right hand and drink in three sips. After drinking
Zam-Zam recite Alhamdu lillah and following du'a:

‫اس ًعا َِّو‬

‫ًاو ى‬
َِّ ‫ـعا َِّو ىر ْز ق‬ َ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم اى ى ِّّنْ ا َ ْس َئل‬
ً ‫ُك عىل ًْما نَِّا ىف‬ -12

﴾‫ىشفَـآ ًء ِّىم ْن ك ُ ى ِّل َدآءط‬

"O My Lord! I ask you for knowledge which is of benefit to me,
Affluent provision and a cure from every Disease."
(Hisne-Haseen, Mustadrik Haakim)

After drinking milk

‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم َب ى‬
﴾‫ار ْك لَ َنا ىف ْي ىه َو ىز ْد َنا ىم ْن ُهط‬ -13
"O My Lord! grant us blessings and abundance in it (the milk)."

• Do not drink from the side of a utensil, which is cracked.

When looking into the mirror

ْ ‫ِق ف ََح ىِّس ْن ُخل ْ ى‬

﴾‫ِقط‬ ْ ‫ت َخل ْ ى‬ َ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا َ ْن‬
َ ‫ت َح َِّس ْن‬ -14
"O Lord! You have beautified my body, so do beautify my character."

When sneezing

‫﴿ ا َ لْ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬
﴾‫لِلط‬ -15
"All praise be to Allah ." (Bukhari)
• If you have to yawn or sneeze, cover your mouth with your hands
and try to muffle the sound.

Sneezing listener’s reply

(For Boy) (For Girl)

ُ ‫كا‬‫﴿ َي ْر َح ُم ى‬ ﴾‫هللط‬
ُ ‫كا‬َ ‫﴿ َي ْر َح ُم‬ -16
"May Allah  have mercy on you." (Bukhari)

Sneezers response

ُ َ‫هلل َو ُي ْصـلىـحُ َبا ل‬

﴾‫ك ْمط‬ ُ ‫﴿ َي ْه ىد ْي‬
ُ ‫ك ُم ا‬ -17
"May Allah  guide you and rectify your condition." (Bukhari)

Etiquette when wearing clothes
• Commence wearing your clothes from the right side. For example,
when wearing clothes right sleeve first then left, and the right leg
first then left.
• When removing them first remove the left and then the right.
• Do not wear clothes, which reveal the aurah (The shape of body,
which is illegal to expose to others).
• Always keep your body, clothes and home clean.
• Upon wearing your clothes, recite the du'a below. In doing so your
sins will be forgiven.

‫﴿ ا َ ل َحم ُد هلِل الَذى ك ََساِن َماْۤ ا ُ َوارى به َعو َر ِت‬ -18

﴾‫َو ا َ َت َج َم ُل به ِف َح َياِتط‬
"Praise be to Allah  who clothed me with that which I cover my
shame and adorn myself during my life." (Tirmidhi, Hisne-Haseen)

Etiquette before sleeping

• To sleep in the state of Wudhu.
• Before sleeping, dust the bed thrice.
• It is Sunnah to sleep immediately after Isha Salah.
• To sleep on the right hand side.
• To recite Surah Mulk, before sleeping.
• To recite Ayatul Kursi.
• And before sleeping recite the following du'a;

َ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ىبا ْس ىم‬

﴾‫ك ا َ ُم ْـو ُت َو ا َ ْح ّٰيط‬ -19
"O Lord! with Your name do I die and live." (Muslim, Bukhari)
When awakening

ْ ‫لِل الَِّ ىذ‬

‫ى ا َ ْح َيا َنا َب ْع َد َما ا َ َما َت َنا‬ ‫﴿ ا َ لْ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬ -20

﴾‫َو اىل َْي ىه ال ُِّن ُش ْو ُرط‬

"All praise be to Allah  who has given us life after death and to Him
is the return after death." (Muslim, Bukhari)

Upon seeing a good or bad dream (nightmare)

1- The righteous dream is from Allah  and the bad dream is from
the devil, so if anyone sees good dream, recite: "Alhamdulillah"
2- If a person has a bad dream, spit three times over the left shoulder.
(Spit a form of spitting comprising mainly of air with little spittle)
3- Turn and sleep on the opposite side to which you were sleeping on
4- Seek refuge in Allah  from Shaitaan. reciting the following du'a;

َ ‫ـآمـة من غ‬
‫َضـِـه َوعـقَـابـه‬ َ ‫﴿ا َ ُعوذُ بكَل َمات اهلل‬
َ ‫الت‬ -21

َ ‫َو َشر ع َِا د ه َو من َه َم َزات‬

ُ ‫الش هيطْي َو ا َ ن يَح‬
﴾‫ض ُرونط‬
"I seek refuge by invoking the perfect words of Allah  for protection
against His wrath and from the evil of His servants and the evil
promoting of devils and against their coming near me." (Tirmidhi,)

‫الر ىج ْـي ىم َو ىم ْن َش ِّىر‬ َِّ ‫هلل ىم َن ا‬

َِّ ‫لش ْي ّٰط ىن‬ ‫﴿ ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىبا ى‬ -22

﴾‫الر ْؤ َيا ط‬
ُِّ ‫ّٰه ىذهى‬
"I seek refuge in Allah  from the accursed Shaitaan and from the evil
of this dream."
Before entering toilet
• When enter the toilet put in the left foot first.
• One should not face or show his back towards the Qiblah.
• Do not speak in the toilet.
• Never perform urination or excretion in front of anyone else.
• Always urinate in the sitting position. Should never urinate in a
standing position is wrong and forbidden.
• After relieving to cleanse oneself with your left hand using water.
• Before enter the toilet recite following du'a;

‫ث َو لْ َخ َبآ ئى ى‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم اى ى ِِّنْْۤ ا َ ُع ْو ُذ ىب‬-23
‫ك ىم َن الْ ُخ ُب ى‬
"O My Lord! I seek Your protection from the male and female Devil."
(Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajaah,)

After leaving toilet

• After use toilet, wash both hands up to the wrists three times.
• When exiting a toilet put out the right foot first then left and recite
the following du'a;

‫ب َع ِّىن ْاْل َ ّٰذى‬ ْْۤ ‫لِل الَِّ ىذ‬

َ ‫ى ا َ ْذ َه‬ ‫ك • ا َ لْ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬
َ ‫ ﴿ ُغف َْرا َن‬-24

‫َو عَا فَ ى‬
"I seek Your pardon. Praise be to Allah  who removed from me
discomfort and gave me relief."
(Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajaah, Zad-dul-ma'ad)

When leaving the home
• When exiting the house put out the left foot first then right and
recite the following du'a;

﴾‫هلل ط‬ ‫هلل َت َو كَِّل ُْت ع ََٰل ا ى‬

‫هلل َْل َح ْو َل َو َْل ق َُِّو ةَ إى َِّْل ىبا ى‬ ‫﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬-25
(Ileave) with the name of Allah ; "I rely on Allah ; there is no
power to do any good nor any power to abstain from evil except with
the help of Allah ." (Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud)

Virtue: Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said; "Whosoever recites the above du'a when

leaving his home, then it is said to him (by the Angels) You shall be
guided, your needs shall be taken care of, you will be protected and
may Shaitaan go far away from you." (Tirmidhi)

When leaving and entering the home

• When exiting the house put out the left foot first then right. Also
when wearing shoe right foot first then left.
• To greet those are in the house with "Assalamu 'Alaykum."
• When entering the house put in the right foot first then left and
when removing shoe left foot first then right. And recite the
following du'a;

َ ْ ‫ـْي ال َْم ْـو لَ ىج َو َخ‬

‫ـْي ال َْم ْخ َر ىج‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم اى ى ِِّنْْۤ ا َ ْس َئل‬-26
َ ْ ‫ُك َخ‬
‫ـر ْج َنا َوع ََٰل ا ى‬
‫هلل‬ َ ‫هلل َخ‬‫هلل َو لَ ْجـ َنا َو ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬ ‫ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬
﴾‫َر ىِّب َنا َت َو كَِّل ْ َناط‬
"O Lord! I ask of You the blessings of entering the home and the
blessing of leaving. In the name of Allah , we leave and enter the
home and upon Allah , our Sustainer, do we rely and depend."
(Abu-Dawud, Hisne-Haseen)

When getting in to a vehicle

َ َ ‫ا‬،‫لِل ط اَهلل أ َ كَْب‬

،‫َْب‬ ُ ُ َ ُ ‫هلل ا َ لْ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬
َُ ‫هلل أ ك‬ ‫﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬ -27

﴾‫َْبط‬ َ َ‫ا‬
َُ ‫هلل أ ك‬
"In the name of Allah , All praise be to Allah " "Allah  is the
Most Great, Allah  is the Most Great, Allah  is the Most Great.

‫ى َس َِّخ َر لَ َنا ّٰهذَ ا َو َما ُك َِّنا لَ ُه‬ ْ ‫﴿ ُس ْب َحا َن الَِّ ىذ‬ -28

﴾‫ي َو اى ِّنَا اى ِّٰل َر ىِّب َنا ل َُم ْن َقلى ُب ْو َن ط‬

َ ْ ‫ُمق ىْر نى‬
"Glory is to Him who has put this (vehicle) under our control though
we were unable to control it. Surely, unto our Lord we are returning."
(Muslim, Tirmidhi)

،‫َْب َوالـ َِّتـق ّْٰـوى‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم إىنَِّا َن ْس َئل‬-29

َِّ ‫ُك ىِفْ َسف ىَر َنا ّٰهذَ ا ال ى‬
‫ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم َه ِّىـو ْن عَل َْي َنا َسف ََر َنـا ّٰهـذَ ا‬،‫َو ىم َن ال َْع َم ىل َما َت ْر ّٰٰض‬
‫السف ىَر َوالْ َخلى ْي َف ُة‬
َِّ ‫ب ىِف‬
ُ ‫الصا ىح‬ َ ‫اط ىو َع َِّنا ُب ْع َده ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا َ ْن‬
َِّ ‫ت‬ ْ ‫َو‬
َِّ ‫ك ىم ْن َِّو ْعــََـــآ ىء‬
‫السـف ى‬
‫َـر‬ َ ‫ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم اى ى ِّّنْ ا َ ُع ْـوذُ ىب‬، ‫ىِف ْاْل َ ْه ىل‬
﴾ ‫ال َو ْاْل َ ْه ىل ط‬
‫َو ك َا َب ىة ال َْمـ ْن َظ ىر َو ُس ْـو ىء ال ُْم ْن َقل ىَب ىِف ال َْم ى‬
"O Lord! we seek goodness from You and piety from this journey
and (the ability to do) good actions by which You are pleased. "O
Lord! ease this journey for us and let us cover it’s distance quickly.

"O Lord! You are our companion in this journey and The Successor over
the family, "O Lord! I seek refuge with You from the difficulties
of travel, and from having a change of hearts and being in a bad
predicament, and I seek refuge with You from an ill fated outcome
with wealth and family." (Muslim, Tirmidhi)

Note: It is Mustahab to perform two Rakaats Nafl Salah before com-

mencing a journey.
When the vehicle moves

۴ ‫هلل َمجر َها َو ُم ْر ّٰس َهاطاى َِّن َر ى ِّّب ْ لَ َغف ُْو ٌر َِّر ىح ْي ٌم ۝‬
﴾۰ ‫ ﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬30

In the name of Allah  is its moving and its stopping. Most certainly,
my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah Hud, Ayah 41)

At the time of arrival in new place

۲‫ي ۝‬
﴾۰ ِ ْ ‫ْي ال ُّْم‬
َ ْ ِ‫ْن ل‬ َ ‫ااو ا َ ْن‬
ُّ ْ ‫ُ َخ‬ َ ٰ ‫ْن اًل بُّم‬
َ‫و ك ب‬ ْ ِ ْ‫﴿ر بِب ا َ ْن ِزل‬
َ ْ ‫ِن ُّم‬ َ‫ ب‬-31
"O my Lord! Cause me to land at a blessed landing place, for You are
the best to make my landing safe." (Surah Al-Mu’minun, Ayah 29)

When returning from a journey

﴾‫اب ُد ْو َن ل َىر ىِّب َنا َحا ىم ُد ْو َنط‬ ٰٓ

‫﴿ ّٰا ئى ُب ْو َن َتآ ئى ُب ْو َن عَ ى‬ -32
"We are returning, we are repenting, we Pray (to Allah ), we praise
our Sustainer." (Muslim, Bukhari, Tirmidhi)

When a loss occurs

﴾‫لِل َو اى ِّنَاْۤ اىل َْي ىه َرا ىج ُع ْو ىنط‬

‫﴿ اى ِّنَا ى ِّّٰ ى‬ -33-
"Surely we belong to Allah  and to Him is our return." (Tirmidhi)
When entering a shopping centre
• Whosoever recites the (below) du'a will receive millions rewards,
millions of his sins will be wiped out and his ranks will be raised a
million times. Furthermore, a palace will be built for him in Jannah
(Paradise). (Tirmidhi)

ُ ‫ لَ ُه ال ُْمـل‬، ‫ك لَه‬
‫ْـك َو لَـ ُه‬ ُ ‫﴿ َْل ْۤ إىل ّٰ َه إى َِّْل ا‬-34
َ ‫هلل َو ْح َده َْل َش ىر ْي‬
ُ ْ ‫ت َو ُه َو َح ٌِّي ِّْل َي ُم ْو ُت ىب َيـ ىد هى الْـ َخ‬
‫ـْيط‬ ُ ‫ ُيحي َو ُيمي‬،‫ال َحم ُد‬
﴾‫َو ُه َو ع َّٰٰل ك ُ ى ِّل َش ْي ء قَ ىد ْي ٌرط‬
"There is none worthy of worship besides Allah , Who is alone. He
has no partner. For Him is the Kingdom and for Him is all praise. He
gives life and causes death and He is ever living and never dies. In His
hand is all good and He has power over everything."
• Hazrat Abu Hurayrah  narrates Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said; "The best of
places unto Allah  are the Masajid and the worst of places in the
sight of Allah  are the shopping centres." (Muslim)

When visiting the sick

ْ ‫هلل ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم‬

‫اش ىف ىه‬ ُ ‫﴿ َْل َباْ َس َط ُه ْو ٌر اى ْن َشـآ َءا‬ -35

﴾‫ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم َعـا ىف ىهط‬

"Do not despair, it is a cleansing from sins if Allah  wills; "O My
Lord! grant him cure and peace."
"There is no Muslim who visits a sick Muslim early in the morning but
70 thousand Angels send blessings upon him until evening comes; and
if he visits him (i.e. the sick person) in the evening, 70 thousand
Angels send blessings upon him until morning comes; and he will have
a Garden in Paradise." (Tirmidhi)
When feeling some pain in the body
Place your hand at the site of the pain and say Three times:

‫﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬ -36
"In the name of Allah ."
…then supplicate Seven times:

﴾‫﴿ ا َ ُعوذُ باهلل َوقُد َر ته من َشر َما ا َج ُد َو ا ُ َحاذ ُرط‬ -37

"I take refuge in Allah  and within His omnipotence from the evil
that I feel and am wary of." (Muslim)

Du'a at the time of anger/when a donkey brays/dog barks

﴾ ‫الر ىج ْي ىم۝‬ َِّ ‫هلل ىم َن ا‬

َِّ ‫لش ْي ّٰط ىن‬ ‫﴿ ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىبا ى‬ -38
"I seek protection with Allah  from the cursed Shaitaan (devil)."
(Muslim, Bukhari, Tirmidhi)

When an evil thought comes to mind

،‫الر ىج ْي ىم‬ َِّ ‫هلل ىم َن ا‬

َِّ ‫لش ْي ّٰط ىن‬ ‫﴿ ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىبا ى‬ -39

﴾‫هلل َو ُر ُس ىل ىه ط‬
‫ت ىبا ى‬
ُ ‫ّٰا َم ْن‬
"I seek protection with Allah  from the cursed Shaitaan (devil).
"I believe in Allah  and His Messengers." (Bukhari)

When slaughtering
﴾‫َْب ط‬ َ َ ‫هلل ا‬
َُ ‫هلل أ ك‬
ُ ‫﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬ -40
"In the name of Allah , Allah  is the Greatest." (Mishkaat)
When the wind blows or during a wind storm

َ ْ ‫ـْي َما ىف ْي َها َو َخ‬ َ ْ ‫ْي َها َو َخ‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم اى ى ِّّنْ ا َ ْسا َ ل‬-41
َ ْ ‫ُك َخ‬
‫ك ىم ْن َش ِّىر َها َو َش ِّىر َما ىف ْي َها َو َش ِّىر‬َ ‫َما ا َ ْر ىسل َْت به َو ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىب‬
﴾‫َما ا َ ْر سل َت بهط‬
"O My Lord! I ask You for it’s goodness, the good within it, and the
good it was sent with, and I take refuge with You from it’s evil, the
evil within it, and from the evil it was sent with." (Muslim, Bukhari)

Supplication upon hearing thunder

Abdullah Ibn Umar  narrates that when the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ heard the
sound of thunder he said:

‫ك‬ ‫ك َو َْل ُت ْهلى ْك َنا ىب َعذَ ى‬

َ ‫اب‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم َْل َت ْق ُتلْ َنا ىب َغ‬-42
َ ‫ض ىب‬
َ ‫َوعَا ىف َنا ق َْب َل ّٰذ لى‬
﴾. ‫ك‬
"O My Lord! do not kill us with Your anger and do not destroy us
with Your punishment, but preserve us before that happens."
(Musnad Ahmad, Tirmidhi)

And follow this Du'a;

َ ُ‫ان الَذي ُي َسِـح‬

‫الرع ُد ب َحمده َوال َملهٰٓـئ َك ُة‬ َ ‫﴿ ُسِ َح‬ -43

﴾‫من خيفَته ط‬
"Glory is to Him Whom thunder and angels glorify due to fear of
Him." (Muslim)
When it rains

﴾‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم َص ى ِّي ًبا نَِّا ىف ًعا ط‬ -44

"Our Lord! do send upon us beneficial rain." (Bukhari)

Du'a when sighting the new moon

‫الس ََل َم ِة‬

َ‫ان َو ب‬ ِ ‫ ﴿ ا َللٰب ُّه بَم ا َ ِهل بَ ٗه عَل َْي َنا ِبا ل ُّْي ْم ِن َو ْاًل ِ ْي َم‬-45
﴾‫ُط‬ ُّ ‫ك ا‬ ُّ‫َو ْاًل ِ ْس ََل ِم َوال بَت ْو ِف ْي ِق لِ َما ُّت ِح ب‬
َ ُّ‫ب َو َت ْأ ٰٰض َر ِ بّب ْ َو َر بب‬
"O My Lord! let the crescent loom above us in peace and faith, safety
and in the belief of Islam. Grant us the ability to act on the actions
that You love and Pleases You. [Addressing the new moon] My Lord
and your Lord is Allah ." (Tirmidhi)

Du'a to be Recited at the Approach of Ramadan

Every Muslim should endeavor to memorize this Du'a and recite it in
abundance in these few days before Ramadan.

ْ ‫ان ى‬
َ ‫ض‬َ ‫ان َو َس ىل ِّ ْم َر َم‬
َ ‫ض‬ َ ‫ِن ل َىر َم‬ ْ ‫﴿ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم َس ىل ِّ ْم ى‬ -46

﴾‫َـب ًًل ط‬ ْ ‫َو َسلى ِّ ْم ُه ى‬

َِّ ‫ِل ُم َتق‬
"O Lord! Safeguard me for the Month of Ramadan (by making me see
the Month of Ramadan healthy and fit so that I can take maximum
benefit from it), and safeguard the Month of Ramadan for me (by
making the conditions in it such that I can take maximum benefit from
it) and accept it from me." (Kanzul'Amaal)

Du'a intention for fasting

﴾‫ان ط‬
َ ‫ض‬ ُ ‫﴿ َو ىب َص ْو ىم غَد نَِّ َو ْي‬
َ ‫ت ىم ْن َش ْه ىر َر َم‬ -47
"I intend to fast tomorrow for the month of Ramadan."

When breaking the fast

[‫ك َت َو كَِّل ُْت‬

َ ‫ت ] َوعَل َْي‬
ُ ‫ك ّٰا َم ْن‬
َ ‫ت َو ىب‬ َ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ل‬
ُ ‫َك ُص ْم‬ -48

َ ‫َو ع َّٰٰل ىر ْز ىق‬

﴾‫ك اَف َْط ْر ُتط‬
"O My Lord! I observe fast for You, believe in You, [and depend up-
on You] and I break the fast with Your blessed subsistence and daily
bread (Food)." (Abu-Dawud)

Takbeer-e-Tashreeq for Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adhaa

It is Waajib (compulsory) for every Muslim to recite the "Takbeer-e-
Tashreeq" after every Fardh Salah, after the Fajr Salah on the 9th
Dhul-al-hajj and up to the Asr Salah on the 13th of Dhul-al-hajj (the
days of Ayyam-e-Tashreeq).

Eid Takbeer

َ َ ‫ ا‬،‫﴿ اَُ َ كْو‬

،ُ ُّ ‫ ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل‬،‫ْو‬
َُّ ‫ُ ك‬ُّ ُّ َ ُّ -49

﴾‫لِل الْ َح ْم ُّدط‬ِ ‫ َو ِ ٰب‬، ‫ْو‬ َ َ ‫ ا‬، ‫و اُ َ كْو‬

َُّ ‫ُ ك‬ ُّ ُّ َ ُّ َ
"Allah  is the Greatest, Allah  is the Greatest, there is no God but
Allah , and Allah  is the Greatest and all praise is for Allah 
alone." (Muslim)
Masjid entering Sunnah
1- To reciting Tasmiyah (Bismillah).
2- To reciting Durood.
3- To reciting du'a show on below.
4- When entering the Masjid put right foot in the door before the left.
5- When entering the Masjid take out shoes left foot first and then

‫الس ًَل ُم ع َّٰٰل َر ُس ْو ىل ا ى‬

﴾‫هللط‬ َِّ ‫الصلّٰوةُ َو‬ ‫﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬
َِّ ‫هلل‬ -50

﴾‫كط‬ َ ‫﴿ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا ْغ ىف ْر ىِلْ ذُ ُن ْو ىّب ْ َوافْ َتحْ ىِلْ ا َ ْب َو‬

َ ‫اب َر ْح َم ىت‬
"In the name of Allah  and Prayers and peace be upon the
Messenger of Allah ." "O Lord! Pardon all my sins and open the
doors of Your Mercy for me." (Abu-Dawud, Ibn Maajaah, Muslim, mixed)

Masjid leaving Sunnah

1- To reciting Tasmiyah (Bismillah).
2- To reciting Durood.
3- To reciting du'a show on below.
4- When exiting the Masjid put left foot out of the door before the
5- When exiting the Masjid take on shoes left foot first and then right.

‫الس ًَل ُم ع َّٰٰل َر ُس ْو ىل ا ى‬

﴾‫هللط‬ َِّ ‫الصلّٰوةُ َو‬
َِّ ‫هلل‬
‫ ﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬-51
َ ‫ضلى‬ َ ‫﴿ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا ْغ ىف ْر ىِلْ ذُ ُن ْو ىّب ْ َوافْ َتحْ ىِلْ ا َ ْب َو‬
ْ َ‫اب ف‬
"In the name of Allah  and Prayers and peace be upon the
Messenger of Allah ." "O Lord! Pardon all my sins and open the
doors of Your Grace for me." (Abu-Dawud, Ibn Maajaah, Muslim,)
Du'a after Adhan

َ ‫الـتـــآ َمـة َو‬
‫الةـلهـو‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َ لله ُه َم َر َب ههذ ﻩ‬-52
‫الـد ع َـو‬
َ ‫القَآ ئ َمة ط ها ت ُم َحم ََد ن ا ل َوسيل َ َة َوالفَضيل َ َة َو‬
َ ‫الد َر َج َة‬
‫في َع َة َواب َعث ُه َمقَا ًما مَح ُمو َد ن ا لَذي َوعَد تَهٗ ت َوار ُز قـ َنـا‬
‫ط‬ ‫ـعـا َد‬
َ ‫ـل الـمـي‬ َ َ‫َشفَا َع َت ُه َيو َم الق هي َمة ط ا ن‬
ُ ‫ـك ََل ُتـخـل‬
﴾‫ْيط‬ َ ‫ك َيآ اَر َح َم‬
َ ‫الرا حم‬ َ ‫ب َر ح َمت‬ mm
"O Allah ! Lord of this perfect call and of this standing Prayer, grant
our leader Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬his Waseelah (intermediary) and Fadheelah
(excellence) and the highest rank, and make him stand at the Maqaam-
e-Mahmood (the praiseworthy place) which You have promised him.
[1] and make him our intercessor on the Day of Judgement. Surely
You do not go back on Your promise. Have Mercy on us, for You are
the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful!"[2]
[1] Up to this point reported by (Bukhari)
[2] Up to this point (not found)

Supplication after Ablution

‫ـك لَـه‬َ ‫ـر ْي‬ ‫ـده ﻩ َْل َش ى‬ َ ‫هلل َو ْح‬ ُ ‫ ﴿ا َ ْش َه ُد ا َ ْن َِّْل ْۤ اىل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ا‬-53
‫ن ىمـ َن‬ْ ‫ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا ْج َعل ْـ ى‬-‫ت‬- ‫َو ا َ ْش َه ُد ا َ َِّن ُم َح ِّم ًَدا َع ْب ُدهِ َو َر ُس ْولُه‬
﴾ ‫ن ىم َن ال ُْم َت َـط ىِّه ىر ْي َن ـ‬ ْ ‫ي َوا ْج َعل ْ ى‬ َ ْ ‫ال َِّت َوا ىب‬
"I bear witness that there is no God but Allah , He is alone, He has

no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is His servant and
Messenger. "O My Lord! Make me from those people who repent (ask
for forgivenes) and from those who are pure (clean)."
• Hazrat 'Umar bin Khatab  narrates Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said; "The eight
doors of Jannah (Paradise) will be opened for him (who recites
above du'a) and he will have the choice to enter from whichever
door he wishes." (Muslim, Tirmidhi)

Talqin (remind) when dying

Advise the dying person to say;

ُّ ‫ك لَ ٗه َوا َ ْش َه‬
‫تد‬ ُّ ‫ ﴿ ا َ ْش َه ُّدا َ ْن بًَل ۤ إِل ٰ َه إِ بًَلا‬-54
َ ‫ُ َو ْح َد ٗه ًَل َش ِأ ْي‬
﴾‫ت‬- ‫ا َ بَن ُّم َح بم اَدا َع ْب ُّدهٗ َو َر ُّس ْو لُّ ٗه‬
"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah , He is alone, He has no
partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is His servant and

Du'a during the funeral Prayer for adult male/female

‫﴿ ا َلله ُه َم اغفر ل َحي َنا َو َميت َنا َو َشا هد َنا َو غَـآ ئـبـ َنـا‬ -55

‫ـم َمـن‬ َ ‫ـه‬ُ ‫َو َصغي َنا َو كَِي َنا َو ذَ َكر َنا َو ا ُ نثَـا َنـا ط ا َلـله‬
‫اَح َيي َتهٗ م َنا فَـاَحيه ع َََل اَل س ََلم َو َمـن َت َـوفَـيـ َتـهٗ م َـنـا‬
‫فَ َت َو فَهٗ ع َََل اَل ي َمان ط ا َلله ُه َم ََل َتحرم َنا ا َ ج َرهٗ َو ََل َتفت َنـا‬
﴾‫َبع َدهٗ ط‬
"O Lord! Forgive our living and our dead, our present and our absent,
our young and our old, and our males and our females. "O Lord! Give
to those of us who are living the ability to live in the practice of Islam,
and bless those from us who meet with death in a condition of Iman
(faith). "O Lord! Do not deprive us of his reward and do not make us
fall into trial after him." (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ahmad, Ibn Maajaah)

Du'a during the funeral Prayer for a boy

‫او‬ َ ‫﴿ا َلله ُه َم اج َعل ُه لَ َنا فَ َر ًط‬

َ ‫او اج َعل ُه لَـ َناْۤ ا َج ًر‬ -56

﴾‫او ُم َش َف ًعا ت‬ َ ‫اواج َعل ُه لَ َنا َشاف ًع‬ َ ‫ُذ خ ًر‬

"O Lord! Make him our forerunner, and make him for us a reward and
a treasure, and make him for us a pleader and an intercessor, and
accept his pleading." (Hidayah)

Du'a during the funeral Prayer for a girl

‫او‬ َ ‫﴿ا َلله ُه َم اج َعل َها لَ َنا فَ َر ًط‬

َ ‫او اج َعل َها لَ َناْۤ ا َج ًر‬ -57

﴾‫اواج َعل َها لَ َنا َشا ف َع ًة َو ُم َش َف َع ًة ت‬ َ ‫ذُخ ًر‬

"O Lord! Make her our forerunner, and make her for us a reward and a
treasure, and make her for us a pleader and an intercessor, and accept
her pleading."
When visit graveyard (Qabrastaan)
Hazrat Buraidah  narrates Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said; "When who visit
graveyard then greeting, Salam to the people of the graves and Pray
(du'a) for their (forgiveness)."

َ ‫كم ا َ ه َل الد َيار م َن ال ُمؤ من‬

‫ْي‬ َ َ ‫ ﴿ ا‬-58
ُ ‫لس ََل ُم عَل َي‬
‫ط‬ ُ ‫ْي َو ا نَــاْۤ ان َشـَ َ ا‬
‫هلل بـكُـم ََل حـقُـو َن‬ َ ‫َوال ُمسلم‬
﴾‫ك ُم ال َعا ف َي َةط‬ َ ‫َنسأ َ ُل ا‬
ُ َ‫هلل لَـ َنا َو ل‬
"May the Peace (of Allah ) be upon you, O people of this land (the
graveyard), who are among the Believers! Insha Allah, we too shall
(soon) be joining you. We ask Allah  protection for you and for
ourselves." (Muslim)

Salam or Greeting
Hazrat Imran bin Huseen  narrates a person came in the presence of
the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and he said, "Assalaamu 'Alaykum." The Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
replied, "Ten" Then a second person came and said, "Assalaamu
'Alaykum wa rahmatullaah." The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬replied, "Twenty" Then a
third person arrived and said, "Assalaamu 'Alaykum wa rahmatullaahi
wa barakatuhu." Upon this the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, "Thirty" That is to say
upon three words thirty rewards will be written down." (Tirmidhi)

Commence Salam
Hazrat Abu Umamah  narrates Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said; "...Whoever
commences Salam is very close to Allah ." (Tirmidhi)

﴾ ٗ‫كم َو َرح َم ُة اهلل َو َب َر ك َا ُته‬ َ َ‫﴿ ا‬

ُ ‫لس ََل ُم َعل َي‬ -59
"May the peace, mercy and the blessings of Allah  be upon you."

Hazrat Anas bin Malik  narrates The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to him; Son,
when you enter your home Greet your people with the salutation of
peace. It will be a source of blessing for you and for the members of
your family. (Tirmidhi)

Reply by saying

﴾ ٗ‫الس ََل ُم َو َرح َم ُة اهلل َو َب َرك َا ُته‬ ُ ‫﴿ َوعَل َي‬

َ ‫ك ُم‬ -60

"And peace, mercy and the blessings of Allah  be upon you."


Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ said; "To commence Salam is Sunnah and to reply is

Waajib (Compulsory)." (Muslim)

When someone conveys Salam to you on

another's behalf, You reply by saying

﴾ ٗ‫الس ََل ُم َو َرح َم ُة اهلل َو َب َرك َا ُته‬

َ ‫ك َوعَل َيه‬
َ ‫﴿ عَل َي‬ -61

"Peace, mercy and the blessings of Allah  be upon you and him."

When getting up from a group company

‫ك اللٰب ُّه بَم َو ِب َح ْم ِد َك ا َ ْش َه ُّد ا َ ْن بًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل‬

َ ‫﴿ ُّس ْب َحا َن‬ -62

َ ‫ُ ا َْس َت ْغ ِف ُّأ َك َو ا َ ُّت ْو ُّب اِل َْي‬

﴾‫ت‬-‫ك‬ َ ‫ا َ ْن‬
"All Glory be to You O Lord! and Praise be to You; I bear witness
that there is no deity but You. I seek Your forgiveness and I turn in
repentance to you." (Ibn As-Sunni)

﴾Islamic Phrases﴿
When you see calamitous

ُ َ ‫﴿ َيا ا‬
﴾‫هللط‬ -63
"Oh Allah ."
When amazed (surprise or shock)

ُ ‫ان ا‬
َ ‫﴿ ُس ْب َح‬ -64
"Glory be to Allah ."

For showing gratitude to Allah after success

‫﴿ ا َ لْـ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬
﴾‫لِلط‬ -65
"All praise be to Allah ."
When delighted

﴾‫َْبط‬ َ َ‫﴿ ا‬
ُ َ ‫هلل أ ك‬
ُ -66
"Allah  is the Greatest."

When abstains from doing wrong, even when talking to


َ ‫﴿ ا َ ْس َت ْغ ىف ُر ا‬
﴾‫هللط‬ -67
"I seek forgiveness of Allah ."

When startled

ُ ‫﴿ َْل ْۤ اىل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ا‬

﴾‫هللط‬ -68
"There is none worthy of worship besides Allah ."
For expressing appreciation of something good

ُ ‫﴿ َما َشآ َء ا‬ -69
"Just as Allah willed."

Du'a when intending to do something

ُ ‫﴿ اى ْن َشآ َء ا‬ -70
"If Allah  wills."

On hearing good news

﴾‫هللط‬ ‫﴿ ا َ لْ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬
ُ ‫لِل َما َشآ َء ا‬ -71
"All praise be to Allah , Just as Allah  willed."

Beginning of anything

‫﴿ ىب ْس ىم ا ى‬ -72
"In the Name of Allah ."

Rely on Allah solving a problem

‫﴿ َت َو كَِّل ُْت ع ََٰل ا ى‬

﴾‫هللط‬ -73
"I have put my trust in Allah ."

During the time of troubles

‫﴿ َْل َح ْو َل َو َْل ق َُِّـو ةَ إى َِّْل ىبا ى‬

﴾‫هللط‬ -74
"There is no power and might except for Allah ."
Upon receiving pleasing news

﴾‫اتط‬ َِّ ‫لِل الَذي بـنع َمته َتـت ُم‬

‫الصا لى َح ى‬ ‫﴿ ا َ لْ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬ -75
"All Praise is for Allah  by whose favor good works are
Upon Receiving Displeasing news

﴾‫لِل ع َّٰٰل ك ُ ى ِّل َحالط‬

‫﴿ ا َ لْ َح ْم ُد ى ِّّٰ ى‬ -76
"All praise be to Allah  in all condition." (Ibn As-Sunni)

For expression of thanks someone

ً ْ ‫هلل َخ‬ َ ‫﴿ َج َز‬
ُ ‫اك ا‬ -77
"May Allah  reward you with goodness." (Tirmidhi)

Responding to someone thanks, a way of expressing


ُ ‫هلل ىف ْـي‬
﴾‫ك ْمط‬ ُ ‫﴿ َبا َر َك ا‬ -78
"May Allah  bless you all." (Ibn As-Sunni)

When showing your dislike

‫﴿ َن ُع ْوذُ ىبا ى‬ -79
"We seek refuge with Allah ."

When welcoming someone

﴾‫﴿ ا َ ْه ًًل َو َس ْه ًًلط‬ -80

When leave to someone

﴾‫هللط‬ ‫﴿ ىِف ْ ا َ َم ى‬
‫ان ا ى‬ -81
"May Allah  Protect you."
When you see someone in distress

‫﴿ َر ىح َم ُه ا ى‬ -82
"Allah have Mercy on him."
When you give charity/help people

‫﴿ ىِفْ َس ىب ْي ىل ا ى‬
﴾‫هللط‬ -83
"For the Sake of Allah ."
Expressions when the name of Allah  is written or

﴾‫﴿ َع َِّز َو َج َِّلط‬ -84

"He is the Mighty and the Majestic."

﴾ ‫﴿ َج ى ِّل َو َج ًَللُه‬ -85

"He is the exalted Majestic."

﴾ ‫﴿ ُس ْب َحا َنه َو َت َعا ِّٰل‬ -86

"The Exalted and the Great."
The end of a Du'a or prayer

﴾ ‫﴿ آ ِّىم ْي‬ -87

"Oh, Allah ! accept our invocations."
"Truly" or some form of acceptance."
﴾Masnoon Du'a﴿
Du'a when reached the morning

َ ‫ك ا َ ْم َس ْي َنا َو ىب‬
‫ك َن ْح َيا‬ َ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ىب‬
َ ‫ك ا َ ْص َب ْح َنا َو ىب‬ -88

ُ ْ ‫ك ال َْم ىص‬
َ ‫ك َن ُم ْو ُت َو إىل َْي‬
َ ‫َو ىب‬
"O My Lord! by You we enter the morning, and by You we enter the
evening, and be You we live, and by You we died, and to You is the
Return." (Tirmidhi)

Du'a when reaches the evening

َ ‫ك ا َ ْص َب ْح َنا َو ىب‬
‫ك َن ْح َيا‬ َ ‫﴿ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم ىب‬
َ ‫ك ا َ ْم َس ْي َنا َو ىب‬ -89

﴾‫ك ال ُِّن ُش ْو ُرط‬

َ ‫ك َن ُم ْو ُت َو إىل َْي‬
َ ‫َو ىب‬
"O My Lord! by You we enter the evening, and by You we enter the
morning, and by You we live, and by You we die, and to You is the
Resurrection." (Tirmidhi)

Du'a for protection from calamities

Recite three times morning and evening

﴾‫اِلْط‬ ْ ‫ى َو ا َ ه ى‬
‫ْٰل َو َم ى‬ ْ ‫هلل ع َّٰٰل ىد ْي ى‬
ْ ‫ن َو َن ْف ى‬
ْ ‫س َو َولَ ىد‬ ‫﴿ب ْس ىم ا ى‬
‫ ى‬-90
"In the name of Allah , (I seek protection) upon my religion, life,
children, family and wealth." (Kanzul'Amaal)

Du'a for protection on the Day of Judgement
• Hazrat Thuban  narrated that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: "If a Muslim
servant recites following du'a three times every morning, then it
becomes the responsibility of Allah  to satisfy him on the Day of

‫اْل ى ْس ًَل ىم ىد ْي ًِّنا َِّو ىب ُم َح ِّمَد‬

ْ ‫هلل َر بًِّا َِّو ىب‬
‫ت ىبا ى‬ ُ ‫﴿ َر ىض ْي‬ -91

ُ ‫( َص َِّٰل ا‬
﴾‫هلل عَل َْي ىه َو َسل َِّ ْم) َن ىب ًِّيا ط‬
"I am happy with Allah  as my lord, with Islam as my religion and
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬as my Prophet." (Tirmidhi, Hisne-Haseen)

Du'a for protection against harm and injury

• Hazrat Uthman bin Affaan  narrates that Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
said; "Whosoever recites the following du’a 3times in the morning
and evening, will not be harmed by anything."

ُ ‫﴿ بسم اهلل الَذى ََل َي‬

‫ض ُر َم َع اسمه َشي ٌئ ِف اَل َ رض‬ -92

﴾‫لسمي ُع ال َعلي ُم ط‬
َ ‫الس َمآ َو ُه َـوا‬
َ ‫َو ََل ِف‬
"In the name of Allah ; through whose name nothing in the heavens
or earth can cause any harm. And He is the All-hearing, the
All-knowing." (Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud)

﴾‫هلل ال َِّتآ َِّما ىت ىم ْن َش ِّىر َما َخل َ َق ط‬

‫ ﴿ ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىبكَلى َما ىت ا ى‬-93
"I seek protection in the excellent work of Allah  from the injuries
caused by His creation." (Muslim, Tirmidhi)

Placing children under Allah's protection
• Abdullah Ibn Abbas  narrates that Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬used to
commend Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn to Allah’s protection, saying:

، ‫الِل ال َِّتـآ َِّم ىة‬ ‫﴿ ا ُ ىع ْيذُ ك َُما ىبكَلى َم ى‬

‫ات ِّّٰ ى‬ -94

﴾‫ىم ْن ك ُ ى ِّل َش ْي ّٰطن َِّو َهآ َِّمة َِّو ىم ْن ك ُ ى ِّل َع ْي َِّّل َِّمة ط‬
"I commend you two to the protection of Allah’s perfect words from
every devil, vermin, and every evil eye." (Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud)
• (Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬also added Ibrahim  used to seek protection with
Allah  these same words.)

The most beneficial of protection from Shaitaan

• Recitation of Surah al-Baqarah. The Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said; "The
house in which Surah al-Baqarah is recited is not approached by
Shaitaan." (Muslim)
• Recitation of Ayatul-Kursi and beginning of Surah Mu'min/Ghafir,

ِ ‫ب ِم َن ا‬
‫۝‬۲‫ُ ال َْع ِز ْي ِزال َْعلِ ْي ِم‬ ِ ‫ْن ْي ُّل الْ ِك ٰت‬
ِ ْ ‫ ﴿ ٰحم۝۝ َت‬-95
‫ط‬ ‫الط ْو ِل‬ ِ ‫ب َو قَا ِب ِل ال بَت ْو ِب َش ِد ْي ِد الْ ِعق‬
َ‫َاب ِذى ب‬ َ‫غَا ِف ِأ ب‬
ِ ‫الذ ۢ ْن‬
﴾‫ْي ۝۝‬ َ
ُّ ْ ‫ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًل ُّه َوط اِل َْي ِه ال َْم ِص‬
"Ha Meem, The revelation of the Scripture is from Allah , the
Mighty, the Knower, the forgiver of sins, the Acceptor of repentance,
the Stern in punishment and the Lord of bounty; there is no god except
Him, to Whom all shall return." (Surah Ghafir, Ayah 1, 2, 3)
Supplication for one in distress

ُ ِّّٰ ‫الِل ال َْع ىظ ْي ُم الْ َحلى ْـي ُم َْل ْۤ اى ل ّٰ َه إى َِّْل‬

‫الِل‬ ُ ِّّٰ ‫ ﴿ َْل ْۤ اى ل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل‬-96
‫الس ّٰم ّٰو ىت‬ ُ ِّّٰ ‫َر ُِّب ال َْع ْر ىش ال َْع ىظ ْي ىم َْل ْۤ اىل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل‬
َِّ ‫الِل َر ُِّب‬
َ ْ‫َو َر ُِّب ْاْل َ ْر ىض َو َر ُِّب ال َْع ْر ىش ال‬
﴾‫ك ىر ْيمط‬
There is none worthy of worship besides Allah  the Most Great, the
Ever Clement. There is none worthy of worship besides Allah  the
Lord of the magnificent Throne. There is none worthy of worship
besides Allah  the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the earth, and the
Lord of the Honourable Throne." (Muslim, Bukhari)

۸‫ي ۝‬
﴾۰ َ ْ ‫الظلى ىم‬ ُ ‫ك اى ى ِّّنْ ُك ْن‬
ِّّٰ ‫ت ىم َن‬ َ ‫ ﴿ َْل ْۤ اىل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ْۤ ا َ ْن‬97
َ ‫ت ُس ْب َحا َن‬
"There is no god but You, glory be to You! Indeed I was the one who
committed wrong." (Surah Al-Anbiya, Ayah 87) (Tirmidhi)

Du'a for parents

﴾‫ْياط‬ ْ ‫ار ِّبَ ّٰي ى‬

ً ْ ‫ن َص ىغ‬ َ ‫ار َح ْم ُه َما ك ََم‬
ْ ‫﴿ َِّر ِّىب‬ -98
"O Lord! Bestow on them Your Blessings just as they cherished me
when I was a little child." (Surah Al-Israa, Ayah 24)

Du'a when Anxiety and sadness

﴾‫ثط‬ َ ‫﴿ َيا َح ُِّي َيا ق َِّـي ُْو ُم ىب َر ْح َم ىت‬

ُ ‫ك ا َ ْس َت ىغ ْي‬ -99
"O You, Ever-living, the Sustainer and Protector of all that exists, By
Your Mercy, I seek relief!" (Tirmidhi)
Du'a for relief from worries and debts

‫ـز ىن‬ْ ‫ـم َوالْـ ُح‬ِّ‫ـك ىمـ َن ال َْـه ى‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم اى ى ِِّنْ ا َ ُع ْـوذُ ىب‬-100
ِ‫ـ‬‫ك ىم َن الْـ ُج ْ ى‬ َ ْ‫ك ىم َن ال َْع ْج ىز َوال‬
َ ‫ك ْس ىل َو ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىب‬ َ ‫َو ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىب‬
‫الد ْي ىن َوق َْه ىر ِّى‬
﴾‫الر َجا ىلط‬ َِّ ‫ك ىم ْن غَل ََـب ىة‬ ‫َوال ُْبخ ى‬
َ ‫ْل َو ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىب‬
"O Lord! I seek Your protection from worry and grief, and I seek
Your protection from weakness, laziness, I seek Your protection from
miserliness, cowardice and I seek Your protection from the burden of
debt and the anger of men." (Abu-Dawud, Hisne-Haseen)

Du'a to get rid of difficulties in this World & Hereafter

Allah  will Grant whoever recites this seven time in the morning and

‫هلل َْل ْۤ اى ل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ُه َوطعَل َْي ىه َت َو كَِّل ُْت‬ َ ‫﴿ َح ْس ى‬

ُ ‫ِب ا‬ -101

۲ ۱ ‫َو ُه َو َر ُِّب ال َْع ْر ىش ال َْع ىظ ْـي ىم ۝‬

"Allah  is sufficient for me, There is none worthy of worship but
Him, I have placed my trust in Him and He is Lord of the Throne (Of
Glory) the Most Great." (Ibn As-Sunni, Abu-Dawud)
When tires Seventy angel writers for a thousand days
• Hazrat Ibn Abbas  narrates that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said; "whoever
recites the following, tires seventy angel writers for a thousand
days." (At-Tabrani)

﴾‫هلل َعـ َِّنا ُم َح ِّم ًَد ۢ ٗا ىب َما ُه َـو ا َ ْهل ُه ط‬

ُ ‫﴿ َج َزى ا‬ -102
"Allah  reward Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬on our behalf as he deserves."


The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to supplicate

،‫ي‬ ْ ‫ي ُه َو ىع ْص َم ُة ا َ ْم ىر‬ ْ ‫ِن الَِّ ىذ‬

َ ‫ ﴿ ا َللِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا َ ْصلىـحْ لىـ ْى ىد ْي ى‬-103
َ ‫و ا َ ْصلىـحْ ىِل ُد ْني‬
َ ‫ َو ا َ ْصلىـحْ ىِلْ ّٰا ىخ َر ىِت‬، ‫اِش‬ ْ ‫ِت ىف ْي َها َم َع ى‬ ْ ‫اى الِّ ى‬
َ َ ْ َ
‫ َو ا ْج َع ىل الْ َح ّٰيو ةَ ىز َيا َد ةً ى ِِّلْ ىِف ْ ك ُ ى ِّل‬، ‫ى‬ َ
ْ ‫ِت ىف ْي َها َم َعا ىد‬ ْ ‫الِّ ى‬
﴾‫اح ًة ى ِِّلْ ىم ْن ك ُ ى ِّل َش ِّىرط‬
َ ‫َخ ْْي َِّو ا ْج َع ىل ال َْم ْو َت َر‬
"O Lord! Correct for me my faith, which is the basis of my affairs,
And Correct my worldly affairs in which is my livelihood, Set right
my hereafter where I have to return ultimately and make life for me an
increase in every good, and make my death a comfort against all evils.
Salawaat reading on Friday
• Narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurayrah  that Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said:
"Whoever on a Friday (after Asr Salah), before rising from his
place, recites Salawaat 80 times will have 80 years (worth) of his
sins forgiven, and 80 years (worth) of good deeds are recorded for

‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم َص ى ِّل ع َّٰٰل ُم َح َِّم ىد نِال َِّن ىبـ ىِّي ْاْل ُ ِّىم ىِّي‬ -104

﴾‫َو ع َّٰٰل ّٰا لى ِه َو َسلى ِّ ْم َت ْسلى ْـي ًما ط‬

"O Lord! Send salutations upon Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, the untaught Prophet,
upon his family and send (continuous) peace." (Jame Sageer)
When in difficulty

﴾‫هلل َو نى ْع َم ال َْو ىك ْي ُلط‬

ُ ‫﴿ َح ْس ُب َنا ا‬ -105
"Allah  is sufficient for us and He is the Best Helper." (Bukhari)

The Ismul-A'zam is contained in these verses.
(Tirmidhi, Abu-Dawud, Ibn Maajaah, Hisne-Haseen)

‫﴿ َو اى ل ّٰ ُهك ُْم اىل ّٰ ٌه َِّوا ىح ٌد‬

‫ج‬ -106

َِّ ‫الر ْح ّٰم ُن‬

۲ ۱ ‫الر ىح ْي ُم ۝‬
﴾۹ َِّ ‫َْل ْۤ اىل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ُه َـو‬
"Your God is One God; there is no god save Him, the Beneficent, the
Merciful." (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 163)

ُِّ َ ْ‫هلل َْل ْۤ اى ل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ُه َـو ا ل‬

﴾‫۝‬۲‫ح الْق َِّي ُْو ُم‬ َِّٰٓ ‫﴿ ال‬
ُ ‫ٰٓـم ۝۝ ا‬ -107
"Alif Laam Meem. Allah ! There is no god but Him; the Living, the
Eternal." (Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 1, 2)

‫﴿ َياذَاالْ َج ًَل ىل َو ْاْل ى ْك َر ى‬

﴾‫امط‬ -108
"The Most Powerful and the Most Great." (Hisne-Haseen)
Hazrat Abu-Darda  narrates that Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬ said;
the Prophet Dawud  Supplications was:

َ ‫ـب َمـ ْن ِّيُـ ىح ِّـب‬

‫ُـك‬ َِّ ‫ـك َو ُح‬ َ ‫ُك ُح َِّـب‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم إى ى ِّّنْ ا َ ْسا َ ل‬-109
َ ‫ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا ْج َع ْل ُح َِّب‬، ‫ك‬
َِّ ‫ك ا َ َح‬
‫ـب‬ ْ ‫ي ُي َبلى ِّغ ى‬
َ ‫ُِن ُح َِّب‬ ْ ‫َوال َْع َم َل الَِّ ىذ‬
﴾‫اى َِلَِّ ىم ْن َنف ىْس ْي َو ا َ ْهلى ْي َو م َن ال َماْۤ ال َِاردط‬
"O Lord! I ask for Your love [to grant me]; the love of those You love
You, and deeds which will cause me to earn Your Love. "O Lord!
Make Your Love dearer to me than myself, my family and the cold
water." (Tirmidhi)
Allah  delegates 70,000 angels to send mercy

• Hazrat Muagal bin Yasar  narrates that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said; "A

person who recites 3 times following du'a in the morning and the
last 2 Ayah of Suratul Hashr (recite once) then Allah  delegates
70,000 angles to send mercy onto him till the evening and if he
dies that day, he will die as a martyr and if he recites these in the
evening then Allah  delegates 70,000 angels to send mercy onto
him till the morning and if he dies that night, he dies as martyr."

3 times recite Du'a -110

﴾‫الر ىج ْي ىمط‬ َِّ ‫لس ىم ْي ُع ال َْعلىي ىم ىم َن ا‬

َِّ ‫لش ْي ّٰط ىن‬ َِّ ‫هلل ا‬
‫﴿ ا َ ُع ْوذُ ىبا ى‬
"I seek refuge in Allah  the all hearing, the all knowing, from
Shaitaan (devil) the accursed."

ُ ّٰ ‫السـل‬
َِّ ‫ُـد ْو ُس‬ ْ ‫هلل الَِّ ىذ‬
ُ ‫ى َْل ْۤ اىل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ُه َو ج ا َ ل َْملى‬
ُِّ ‫ك الْق‬ ُ ‫﴿ ُه َو ا‬
‫َب ط ُس ْب ّٰحـ َن ا ى‬
‫هلل‬ َ ‫ال ُْم ْؤ ىم ُن ال ُْم َه ْي ىم ُن ال َْع ىز ْي ُز الْ َج َِّبا ُرال ُْم َت‬
ُ ‫ك ِّى‬
‫ـص ِّىـو ُر لَـ ُه‬
َ ‫ا ال ُْـم‬ ‫هلل الْ َخا لىـ ُق ال َْـب ى‬
ُ ‫ـار‬ ۲ ‫َع ِّمَا ُي ْش ىرك ُْو َن ۝‬
ُ ‫ ُه َو ا‬۰
‫ج‬ َِّ ‫ْاْل َْس َمآ ُء الْ ُح ْس ّٰن ط ُي َس ىِّبـحُ لَه َما ىِف‬
‫الس ّٰم ّٰـو ىت َو ْاْل َْر ىض‬
۲ ۴ ‫َو ُه َـو ال َْع ىز ْي ُز الْ َح ىك ْي ُم‬
"Allah  is He than whom there is no other god the sovereign the
Holy One the Source of Peace (and Perfection). The Guardian of Faith
the Preserver of Safety the Exalted in Might the Irresistible the
Supreme: Glory to Allah! (high is He) above the partners they attribute
to Him."

"He is Allah  the Creator the Evolver the Bestower of Forms (or
colors). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: Whatever is in the
heavens and on earth doth declare His Praises and Glory: and He is the
exalted in Might the Wise." (Surah Al-Hashr, Ayah 23, 24)

Sayyidul Istighfaar

َ ‫ت َر ى ِّّب ْ َْل ْۤ اىل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ْۤ ا َ ْن‬

ْ ‫ت َخل َ ْق َت ى‬
‫ن َو ا َ َنـا‬ َ ‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا َ ْن‬ -111

َ ‫ت ا َ ُع ْـو ُذ ىب‬
‫ـك‬ ُ ‫ااس َت َط ْع‬ْ ‫َع ْب ُد َك َو ا َ َنا ع َّٰٰل َع ْه ىد َك َو َو ْع ىد َك َم‬
ْ ‫ك ع ََٰلَِّ َو ا َ ُب ْو ُء ىبذَ ْن ْۢ ى‬
‫ِب‬ ُ ‫ىم ْن َش ِّىر َما َص َن ْع‬
َ ‫ت ا َ ُب ْو ُء ل‬
َ ‫َك ىب ىن ْع َم ىت‬
ُِّ ‫فَا ْغ ىفر ىِل فَاى ِّنَ ُه َْل َي ْغ ىفر‬
َ ‫الذ ُن ْو َب اى َِّْل ا َ ْن‬
﴾‫تط‬ ُ ْ ْ
"O Lord! You are my cherisher. There is no god except You. You have
created me and I am Your servant. As far as possible, I abide by my
solemn promise and covenant (which I made to You). I seek Your
protection against the consequences of my wrongdoings. I fully
acknowledge the grace You have bestowed upon me and confess my
faults. So pardon me as none besides You can pardon sins." (Bukhari)

The person who recites this du'a sincerely in the course of the day and
night will die among the people of Jannah (Paradise). (Bukhari)

The most comprehensive of all Du'as
• Hazrat Abu Umamah  narrates that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬made lots of
Du'as, which we were unable to memorise. We said; "O Prophet of
Allah , You have made many Du'as, which we were unable to
memorise. Can you not teach us such a du'a that would encompass
all of it. Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬Said; recite…"

‫َـك ىمـ ْنـ ُه‬ َ ‫ـْي َمـا َسـ َئـل‬ ‫ُك ىم ْن َخ ْ ى‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم اى نَِّا َن ْس َئل‬-112
‫ـر‬‫ك ىمـ ْن َش ِّى‬ ُ ‫ُك ُم َح ِّم ٌَد َص َِّٰل ا‬
َ ‫هلل عَل َْي ىه َو َسل َِّ ْم َو َن ُع ْو ذُ ىب‬ َ ‫َن ىب ِّي‬
‫ـت‬ ُ ‫ُك ُم َح ِّم ٌَد َص َِّٰل ا‬
َ ‫هلل عَل َْي ىه َو َسل َِّ ْم َو ا َ ْن‬ َ ‫اس َت َعاذَ ىم ْن ُه َن ىب ِّي‬ْ ‫َما‬
‫ك ال َْب ًَل غُ َو َْل َح ْو َل َو َْل ق َُِّـو ةَ اى َِّْل ىبا ى‬
﴾‫هللط‬ َ ‫ان َوعَل َْي‬
ُ ‫ال ُْم ْس َت َع‬
"O Lord! I beg to You the good which Your Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
begged of You; and I seek refuge in You from the evil where from
Your Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬sought refuge. You are the One from
Whom help is sought and Your is the responsibility to communicate
(the truth). There is no power or strength except with Allah ."
(Tirmidhi, Hisne-Haseen)

Supplications for praising Allah 

‫ان اهلل َو ب َحمده عَ َد َد َخلقه َو ر َضـا َنـفـسـه‬

َ ‫ ﴿ ُسِ َح‬-113
﴾‫ ـ‬-‫َو ز َن َة َعر شه َو م َدا َد ك َل َماته‬
"Glory be to Allah  and praise be to Him, in the expanse of His
creation, as much as He pleases, as much as the weight of His Throne
and as much as the ink it would take to record all His Words."
(Muslim, Hisne-Haseen)

Forty million good deeds
• Hazrat Tamim-Dari  narrates that Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said; "whoever
says the following du'a ten times, shall receive forty million good

،‫ـك لَـه‬ ُ ‫﴿ ا َ ْش َه ُد ا َ ْن َِّْل ْۤ اى ل ّٰ َه اى َِّْل ا‬

َ ‫هلل َو ْح َده َْل َش ىر ْي‬ -114

ً ‫ ل َْم َي َِّت ىخذْ َصا ىح َبـ ًة َِّو َْل َو ل‬، ‫ص َم ًدا‬،‫ا‬

،‫َـدا‬ َ ‫ـها َِّوا ىح ًد ا َ َح ًد‬
ً ّٰ ‫اىل‬
﴾‫ك ْن لَِّه ُكف ًُوا ا َ َح ٌدط‬
ُ ‫َو ل َْم َي‬
"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah , He is alone, He has
no partner. The One, the Only, The Absolute. He has taken no
companion nor a son, And there is none comparable to Him." (Tirmidhi)

‫ـان ا ى‬‫ح‬‫ـ‬‫ـب‬‫س‬ ‫و‬
َ ‫ا‬‫ْي‬ َ
‫ى‬ َ
‫ك‬ ‫لِل‬
‫ى‬ ّٰ ‫ى‬ ‫د‬ ‫م‬ ‫ح‬ْ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬‫و‬َ ‫ا‬‫ْي‬ ‫َب‬
‫ك‬ ‫َْب‬‫ك‬ َ ‫﴿ا َ هلل أ‬-115
َ َ ْ ُ ِّ ً ْ ُ
ِّ ْ َ ِّ ً ْ ‫ُ ى‬ َ ُ
﴾-‫ك َرةً َِّو ا َ ىص ْي ًًلـ‬
ْ ‫ُب‬
"Surely, Allah  is the Greatest. His is the abundant praise. Glory to
Him day and night." (Hisne-Haseen, Tirmidhi)

Excellence of remembrance and glorification of Allah 

• Hazrat Abu Hurayrah  narrates that Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said; "Two
words, Are light on the tongue, heavy on the Scale and beloved to
The Most Gracious."

﴾‫ان اهلل َو ب َحمده ُسِ َحا َن اهلل ال َعظيمط‬

َ ‫ ﴿ ُسِ َح‬-116
"Glory be to Allah  and I praise Him. Glory be to Allah , The
Supreme." (Muslim, Bukhari)
‫ان اهلل ‪َ ،‬و ال َحم ُد هلِل ‪َ ،‬و ََل ْۤ ا ل ه َه ا ََل ا ُ‬
‫هلل‬ ‫﴿ ُسِ َح َ‬ ‫‪-117‬‬

‫بط﴾‬ ‫وا َ‬
‫هلل أ ك َُ‬
‫َ ُ‬
‫‪"Glory be to Allah  and All Praise be to Allah , there is none‬‬
‫"‪worthy of worship besides Allah  and Allah  is the Greatest.‬‬
‫)‪(Muslim, Bukhai‬‬
‫)‪When going to the mosque (Noor Du'a‬‬

‫اّنْ ُن ْو ًرا‪َ ،‬و ىِفْ‬ ‫‪ ﴿ -118‬ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا ْج َع ْل ىِفْ قَل ْ ى ْ‬

‫ِب ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىِفْ لى َس ى‬
‫ي ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىم ْن فَ ْو ىِق ْ ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىمـ ْن‬ ‫َس ْم ىع ْي ُن ْو ًرا‪َ ،‬و ىِفْ َب َص ىر ْ‬
‫اِل ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىمـ ْن‬
‫ِن ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و َع ْن ىش َم ى ْ‬‫ِت ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و َع ْن َي ىم ْي ى ْ‬
‫َت ْح ى ْ‬
‫ا َ َما ىم ْي ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىم ْن َخل ْ ىف ْي ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬وا ْج َع ْل ىِفْ َنف ىْس ْي ُن ْو ًرا ‪،‬‬
‫ـعـ ْل ىِلْ ُن ْـو ًرا‪،‬‬
‫ا‪،‬وا ْج َ‬
‫ـم ىِلْ ُن ْـو ًر َ‬
‫ـظ ْ‬ ‫َو ا َ ْع ىظ ْم ى ْ‬
‫ِل ُن ْـو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و َع ِّ ى‬
‫ـعـ ْل ىِفْ َع َصـ ى ْ‬
‫ِب‬ ‫ىِن ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬وا ْج َ‬‫ِن ُن ْو ًرا ‪ ،‬ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم ا َ ْعط ى ْ‬
‫َوا ْج َعل ْ ى ْ‬
‫ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىِفْ لَ ْحم ْىي ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىِفْ َد ىم ْي ُن ْو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىِفْ َش ْع ىر ْ‬
‫ي ُن ْو ًرا‪،‬‬
‫َـَب ْ‬ ‫ي ُن ْو ًرا ‪) ،‬ا َ لل ِّ ُه َِّم ا ْج َع ْل ى ْ‬
‫ِل ُن ْـو ًرا‪ ،‬ىِفْ ق ْ ى‬ ‫َو ىِفْ َب َش ىر ْ‬
‫ا‪،‬و ىز ْد ىّنْ‬ ‫َو ُن ْو ًرا ىِفْ ىع َظا ىم ْي) ‪َ ،‬‬
‫(و ىز ْد ىّنْ ُن ْـو ًرا ‪َ ،‬و ىز ْد ىّنْ ُن ْـو ًر َ‬
‫ِل ُن ْو ًرا ع ََٰل ُن ْو ًر ت﴾‬
‫بىْ‬‫ُن ْو ًرا)‪َ ،‬و َه ْ‬
"O My Lord! place light in my heart, and on my tongue light, and in
my ears light and in my eyes light, and above me light, and below me
light, and to my right light, and to my left light, and before me light
and behind me light. Place in my soul light. Magnify for me light, and
amplify for me light. Make for me light and make me a light. O My
Lord! grant me light, and place light in my nerves, and in my body
light and in my blood light and in my hair light and in my skin light.
[1] ("O My Lord! make for me a light in my grave... and a light in my
bones.) [2] (Increase me in light, increase me in light, increase me in
light.) [3] (Grant me light upon light.) [4]

[1] Up to this point reported by (Bukhari, Muslim)

[2] this point reported by (Tirmidhi)
[3] this point reported by (Bukhari)
[4] this point reported by (Bukhari)

‫ِِن ِف ْتي َتمت ْن‬

ْ ِ ‫ َوعَا ف‬، َُ ‫ ﴿ ا َللٰب ُّه بَم ا ْه ِد ِِنْ ِف ْي َم ْن َه َد ْي‬-119
َ ‫ِن ِف ْي َمت ْن َت َتو لبَ ْتي‬ َ
‫تار ْك ِفْ ِف ْتي َتمتا‬
ِ ‫ َو َب‬،ُ‫ت‬ ْ ِ ‫ َو َت َو لب‬،َُ ‫عَا فَ ْي‬
‫ك َتق ِْض ْي َو ًَل ُّي ْق ٰض‬َ َ‫ فَاِ نب‬، َُ ‫َض ْي‬َ ‫ِن َش بَأ َما ق‬ ْ ِ ‫ َو ِقت‬،َُ ‫ا َ ْع َط ْي‬
َ ‫(و ًَل َي ِع بُّز َم ْن عَا َد ْي‬،
، )ُ َ ُ َ ‫ اِ نبَ ٗه ًَل َي ِذ بُّل َم ْن بَوال َْي‬،‫ك‬
َ ‫عَل َْي‬
َ ‫ُْ َر ببَ َنا َو َت َعا ل َْي‬
﴾ ‫ت‬- ُ َ ‫َت َب‬
َ ‫ار ك‬
"O Lord! guide me among those whom You have guided, pardon me
among those whom You have pardoned, turn to me in friendship
among those on whom You have turned in friendship, and bless me
in what You have bestowed, and protect me from the evil of what
You have decreed. For verily You decree and none can decide
against You; Surely he (is) not humiliated whom You have befriend-
ed, nor is he honoured who is Your enemy. Blessed are You, O Lord,
and You are Exalted." (Abu-Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajaah, Nasa'i)
1- This Durood is the best cure of all ills/plagues/diseases and all
calamities/difficulties/hardships of this world.
2- The reciter will be protected by Allah  from all the evils (evil
men/jin, blackmagic, nazar, sickness...etc) of this world and the
3- NO enemies or evil creatures will overpower the reciter and the
reciter will be always a winner against them.

‫﴿ ا َ للِّّٰ ُه َِّم َص ى ِّل ع َّٰٰل َس ىِّي ىد َنا ُم َح ِّمَد َِّو ع َّْٰٰۤل ّٰا ىل َس ىِّـيـ ىد َنـا‬ -120

‫ال َو ْاْلّٰفَ ى‬
‫ـات‬ ‫ُم َح ِّمَد َصلّٰوةً ُت َن ِّ ىج ْي َنا ىب َها ىم ْن َج ىم ْـيـ ىع ْاْل َ ْه َـو ى‬
‫ت َو ُت َط ىِّه ُر َنا ىب َها ىم ْن َج ىم ْـيـ ىع‬ ّٰ ‫ِض لَ َنا ىب َها َج ىم ْي َع الْ َح‬
‫اج ى‬ ْ ‫َو َت ْق ى‬
‫ت َو ُت َبـلى ِّـ ُغـ َنـا‬ َِّ ‫ات َو َت ْرفَ ُع َنا ىب َها ىع ْن َد َك اَع َْٰل‬
‫الد َر ّٰج ى‬ ‫الس ى ِّي َئ ى‬
ّٰ ْ ‫ات ىمـ ْن َجـ ىم ْـيـ ىع الْـ َخ‬
‫ـْي ىت ىِف الْـ َح ّٰـيـو ىة‬ ‫ىب َهاْۤ ا َقْ ََص الْ َغا َي ى‬
ْ َ ‫ك ع َّٰٰل ك ُ ى ِّل‬
﴾‫ِش ء قَ ىد ْي ٌر ت‬ َ َِّ‫ات اى ن‬
‫َو َب ْع َدال َْم َم ى‬
"O My Lord! Send salutations upon Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, and the family of
Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. That salutation through (the blessings of)
which, we too are saved in every situation and from all calamities.
And through which, You guide/assist us through every wrong. And
through which, You elevate us towards You, to the highest levels.
And through which, You guide us to our ultimate destination, In the
acquiring of good, in this life and after death. Indeed, You have power
over everything."

(The great Scholar, Saint, Jurist and author, Imam ibn-Faikihani 
says that there was once a pious man called Sheikh Moosa Zareer 
who was blind and had narrated his own story: “I was in a ship which
was sinking, Due to a heavy storm. I lapsed into semi consciousness.
Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬appeared to me in this state and taught me the
following Durood which he said should be recited a thousand times by
the passengers of the ship. The passengers had barely recited the
Durood 300 times and the ship was saved (miraculously). The other
ship on the high seas sank, but this ship reached its destination safely
and soundly. This miracle was a sufficient eye-opener for the
members of the ship. It was by the Grace of Allah  and Durood-e-
Tunajjina that all were saved.)

The month of Ramadan first 10 days: The days of mercy

from Allah,

ْ ِ ‫ار َح ْم‬ ٰ
ْ‫ َوا ْه ِد ِِن‬- ْ‫و ِِن‬
ْ ُّ ‫اج‬
ْ ‫ َو‬- ‫ِن‬ ْ ‫ َو‬- ‫ف‬ْ ِ ‫﴿ ا َ لل ب ُّه بَم ا ْغ ِف ْأ‬ -121

﴾‫ِن ت‬ ْ ِ ْ‫ار ُّزق‬

ْ ‫ َو‬-
"O Lord! Forgive me, have mercy on me, help me, guide me and
sustain me." (Tirmidhi)

ُّ ‫تم ا َْست َتت ْغت ِف‬

‫تأ َك‬ ُّ ‫ك ا َ لتلٰب‬
َ‫ته ب‬ َ ‫﴿ ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل ا َ ْن‬
َ ‫ُ ُّس ْب َحا َن‬ -122

ِ ‫ك ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم ِز ْد ِِنْ عِل اْتمتا َو ًَل ُّت‬

ْْ ‫تز‬ ْ ِ ‫لِذَ ۢ ن‬
َ ‫ِْب َو ا َ ْس َئل‬
َ ‫ُّك َر ْح َم َت‬
َ ‫ب ِفْ ِم ْن لبَ ُّد ْن‬
َ َ‫ك َر ْح َم اة اِ بن‬
‫تك‬ ْ ‫ِن َو َه‬
ْ ِ ‫ِب َب ْع َد اِ ْذ َه َد ْي َت‬
ْ ِ ْ ‫قَل‬

ُّ ‫ا َ ْن َُ ال َْو بَه‬
﴾‫اب ت‬
"There is no God except you. You are glorified. "O Lord! I seek Your
forgiveness for my sins, I ask You for Your mercy. "O Lord! increase
me in knowledge and do not misguide my heart after having guided
me. And grant me mercy from Your treasure. Verily you are the
giver." (Al-Hakim, Ibn Hibban, Abu-Dawud)

The second 10 days: The days of forgiveness of Allah ,

َ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم اِ ِ بِنْ ا َ ْس َئل‬-123
ْ ِ ‫الستا ِبت َغت ِة البت‬َ‫تك ب‬ َ ‫ُّك ِب ِن ْتع َتمت ِت‬
َ ِ‫َتضتل‬ ْ ‫ِن َو ِبتف‬ ْ ِ ‫ك البَ ِذي ا ْب َتل َْي َتت‬ َ ِ‫ُ ِب َها عَل َ بَي َو َب ََل ئ‬ َ ‫ا َ ْن َع ْم‬
‫تم ا َ ْد ِختل ْت ِِن‬ ُّ ‫ِن الْ َج بَن َة ا َ للٰب‬
َ‫ته ب‬ َ ِ َ ‫ْضل َُْ عَل َ بَي ا َ ْن ُّت ْد ِخل‬ َ ‫ي اَف‬ ْ ‫البَ ِذ‬
﴾-‫ك ت‬
َ ‫ك َو َر ْح َم ِت‬
َ ‫ك َو َم ِبن‬ ْ ‫الْ َج بَن َة ِبف‬
َ ِ‫َضل‬
"O Lord! I ask You by medium of Your abundant blessings that You
have blessed me with and by medium of Your trials that You have
tested me with and by medium of Your trials that You have favoured
me with that You enter me in Paradise. "O Lord! Enter me into para-
dise with Your favour, boon and mercy." (Tabrani)

‫تي‬َ ْ ِ ‫تك َر ا‬ ُّ ‫ِتأ ْيت َن ًِل َ ْن‬

َ ‫تعت ِم‬ ِ ‫اج َعل ْ َنا َشتا ك‬ْ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم‬-124
‫تأ َك‬ُّ ‫ك َو َن ْس َت ْغت ِف‬
َ ‫ك َن ْس َت ِع ْي ُّن‬َ ِ‫ي ِب َح ْبل‬
َ ْ ‫ِبق َْد ِر َك ُّم ْس َت ْم ِس ِك‬
‫تك ُّك‬ُّ ْ ‫كف ُُّّأ َك َو َن ْختل َت ُّ َو َن‬
ْ ‫ك َو ًَل َن‬ َ ‫ِْن عَل َْي‬ ْ ِ ‫ك َو ُّنث‬ َ ‫َو ُّن ْؤ ِم ُّن ِب‬
‫تد‬ ْ ‫َتك ُّن َصت ِب‬
ُّ ‫َ َو َن ْست ُّج‬ َ َ‫َم ْن بيَ ْف ُّج ُّأ َك ط ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم اِ بي‬
َ ‫اك َن ْع ُّب ُّد َو ل‬
َ ‫ك َو َنخ ْٰٰش عَتذَ ا َب‬
‫تك‬ َ ‫ك َن ْس ٰٰع َو َن ْح ِف ُّد َن ْأ ُّج ْوا َر ْح َم َت‬
َ ‫َو اِل َْي‬
﴾‫ك بَفا ِر ُّمل ْ ِح ٌق ۝‬ َ ‫الْ ِج بَد اِ بَن عَذَ ا َب‬
ُّ ْ‫ك ِبا ل‬
"O Lord! make us those that thank You for Your blessings, who are
content with Your Will, and who hold firmly to Your Rope (i.e. Islam,
by faith and practice). We seek Your help and we seek Your
forgiveness. We believe in You, we praise You, we do not refute You.
We forgo and leave he who disobeys You. "O Lord! we worship You
and to You we pray and prostrate. To You we strive and hasten. We
hope for Your mercy, and we fear Your severe punishment. Indeed
Your punishment will meet the unbelievers." (Tabrani)

The last 10 days: Salvation from Hellfire,

‫تهتا ِمت ْن‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم اِ ِ بِنْ ا َ ْس َئل‬-125

َ‫ُّك الْ َج بَن َة َو َما ق ب‬
َ ‫َتأ َب اِل َْتي‬
‫تهتا ِمت ْن‬ ِ ‫ك ِم َن ال بَن‬
َ ‫ار َو َما ق بََأ َب اِل َْتي‬ َ ‫ق َْو ٍل ا َ ْو َع َم ٍل َو ا َ ُّع ْو ُّذ ِب‬
ْ‫َض ْتيت َتت ٗه ِف‬ َ ‫ُّك ا َ ْن َت ْج َع َل ك ُّ بَل ق‬
َ ‫َضتا ٍء ق‬ َ ‫ق َْو ٍل ا َ ْو َع َم ٍل َو ا َ ْس َئل‬
﴾‫ْيات‬ ‫َخ ْ ا‬
"O Lord! I ask You for paradise and whatever words and actions may
take me near it. I seek your protection from the fire and whatever
words or actions that may take me near it. I beseech You to make
Your decisions for me good." (Ahmad, Ibn Maajaah)

َ ‫﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم اِ ِ بِنْ ا َ ْس َئل‬

‫ُّك الْ َج بَن َة َو َن ِع ْي َم َها َو َب ْه َج َت َها‬ -126

ِ ‫ك ِم َن ال بَن‬
﴾-‫ار َو َس ََل ِسلِ َها َو اَغ ََْل لِ َهات‬ َ ‫َوا َ ُّع ْو ُّذ ِب‬
"O Lord! I ask for heaven and its bounties and its joy and I seek Your
protection from the Fire, its chains and its Shackles."
(Abu-Dawud, Ahmad)

Lailat-ul-Qadr (night of power):

• Hazrat Ibn-Umar  narrates Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said; "Some

people were shown the Night of Qadr as being in the last seven
days (of the month of Ramadan). The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, "Seek it in
the last seven days (of Ramadan)."
• Hazrat Abu Bakrah  narrates Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬say, "Seek it
(meaning Lailat-ul-Qadr), on the twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-
fifth, twenty-seventh, or on the last night." (Tirmidhi)

Du'a when in search of Lailat-ul-Qadr: Recite Surah

Qadr (Power)

‫ ﴿ اِ نبَاۤ ا َ ْن َز لْ ٰن ُّه ِِف ْ ل َْيل َ ِة الْق َْد ِر۝۝ َو َماۤ ا َ ْد ٰر َك َمتا ل َْتيتل َت ُّة‬-127
َ‫تأ۝۝ َت َ ب‬
‫تْن ُّل‬ ٍ ‫ته‬ ْ ‫ْتِ َش‬ ِ ‫ْي بِم ْن ا َ ل‬ٌ ْ ‫ َخ‬۵ ۙ‫۝ ل َْيل َ ُّة الْق َْد ِر‬۲ ‫الْق َْد ِر‬
‫۝‬۴‫تأ ۝‬
ٍ ‫الأ ْو حُّ ِف ْي َها ِباِ ْذ ِن َر بِب ِه ْم بِم ْن كُّت ِ بل ا َ ْم‬
ُّ‫ال َْمل ٰت ِئ َك ُّة َو ب‬
﴾‫َسل ٰ ٌم ۛقِ ِِهَ َح ٰبّت َم ْطل َ ِ الْ َف ْج ِأ۝۝‬
"We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the night of Power:
And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is? The Night
of Power is better than a thousand Months. Therein come down the
angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission on every errand: Peace!....
This until the rise of Morn!" (Surah Al-Qadr)
And follow this Du'a;

ْ ‫ب ال َْعف َْو فَا ْع ُِّ َع ِ ب‬

﴾-‫ِن‬ َ َ‫﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم اِ نب‬128
ُّ‫ك َعف بٌُّو َك ِأ ْي ٌم ُّت ِح ب‬
"O Lord! You are the best forgiver, beneficent and merciful. You love
forgiveness so forgive me." (Tirmidhi)

Du'a Haajat (Prayer of need)

• Hazrat Abdullah bin Abi Awfa  narrates Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said;
"Whoever has a need with Allah  or with any human being, then
let them perform ritual ablutions well and then Pray 2 Raka'ats.
After that let them praise Allah  and send blessings on the
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬." and after this du'a is as follows;

ِ ‫تان ا‬ َ ْ‫ ﴿ ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل اﷲُ الْ َحلِ ْي ُّم ال‬-129
َ ‫ ُّس ْتبت َح‬، ‫ك ِأ ْي ُّم‬
َ ‫ي ج ا َ ْس َئل‬
‫ُّك‬ ِ ‫ َوالْ َح ْم ُّد ِ ٰب‬، ‫َر بِب ال َْع ْأ ِش ال َْع ِظ ْي ِم‬
َ ْ ‫لِل َر بِب الْ ٰعل َ ِم‬
‫ك َوالْ َغ ِن ْي َم َة ِم ْن كُّت ِ بل‬
َ ِ‫ك َو َع َزا ۤ ئِ َم َم ْغ ِف َأ ت‬ َ ‫ات َر ْح َم ِت‬ِ ‫ُّم ْو ِج َب‬
َ َ
‫َتأ َتت ٗه‬ ْ ‫الس ََل َم َة ِم ْن ك ُّ ِ بل اِ ْث ٍم بًل َت َد عْ ِِلْ ذَ ۢ ْن ابا اِ بًل غَتف‬
َ‫ِب بٍأ بَو ب‬
‫تهتا‬ َ ‫َك ِر با ا اِ بًَل ق‬
َ ‫َض ْتيت َت‬ َ ‫اج اة ِِهَ ل‬ َ ‫َو ًَل َه باما اِ بًَل فَ بَأ ْج َت ٗه َو ًَل َح‬
﴾‫يط‬ َ‫َياۤ ا َ ْر َح َم ب‬
َ ْ ‫الأا ِح ِم‬
"There no god but Allah , the Ever-Clement, the Most Generous.
There is no god but Allah  the High and Mighty. Glory be to Allah
, the Lord of the Magnificent Throne. All praise is to Allah , Lord
of the worlds. I ask you (O Allah ) everything that leads to your

mercy, that which will make certain for me Your Forgiveness,
enrichment in all good and freedom from all sin. Do not leave a sin of
mine (O Allah ), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except
that you create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your
good pleasure except that you fulfil it, O Most Merciful!"
(Tirmidhi, Ibn Maajaah)

Du'a for the benefit of the deceased

‫ـل َعـنـ ُه‬ ُ ‫ ﴿ ا َ لله ُه َم اغفر لَه َوار َحـمـ ُه َوعَـافـه َواع‬-130
‫َوا كرم ُن ُز لَه َو َو سـع ُمد َخل َه َواغسل ُه با ل َمآ َوالـثَـلـ‬

َ ‫َوال َبد َو َنقه م َن ال َخ َطا َيا ك ََما َن َقي‬

َ ‫ت الـثَـو َب اَل َ ب َـيـ‬
‫ي ا مـ ن‬
ً ‫ي امن َدار َواَه ًَل َخ‬ ً ‫الد َنس َو ا َبدل ُه َد‬
ً ‫ار ا َخ‬ َ ‫م َن‬

‫يا من َزوجه َواَد خل ُه ال َج َن َة َو ا َ عذ ُه مـن‬

ً ‫اَهله َو َزو ًجا َخ‬
َ ‫عَذَ اب القَب َو من عَذَ اب‬
"O Lord! Forgive him, have mercy upon him, give him peace and
absolve him. Receive him with honour and make his grave spacious;
wash him with water, snow and hail. Cleanse him from faults as Thou
wouldst cleanse a white garment from impurity. Requite him with an
abode more excellent than his, with a family better than his family,
and with a mate better than his mate. Admit him to the Garden
(Paradise), and protect him from the torment of the grave and the
torment of the Fire." (Awf ibn Malik ) Said: I earnestly desired that
I were this dead body. Narrated by Awf ibn Malik  (Sahih Muslim)
Ayatul Kursi

َ‫الأ ْح ٰم ِن ب‬
﴾‫الأ ِح ْي ِم۝‬ َ‫ُ ب‬ِ ‫﴿ ِب ْس ِم ا‬ -131
"In the Name of Allah , the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful."

‫ ًَل َتاْ ُّخذُّ هٗ ﻩ ِس َن ٌة بَو ًَل‬۵‫م‬ ُّ‫ُ ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل ُّه َو ج ا َ لْ َ ب‬
ۙ ُّ ‫ح الْق بَي ُّْو‬ ُّ َ ‫﴿ ا‬
‫الس ٰم ٰو ِت َو َما ِِف اَل َرض ط َمـن ذَ الَـذي‬ َ‫َن ْو ٌم ط لَ ٗه َما ِِف ب‬
َ ْ ‫َيش َف ُع عن َد ه ﻩ ا ََل بـا ذ نه ط َيعل َُم َما َب‬
‫ي ا َ ْي ِد ْي ِه ْم َو َمتا‬
‫ج‬ َ ‫َخلْف َُّه ْم ج َو ََل ُيحي ُطو َن ب ََش ٍ من علم ْۤه ا ََل ب َما َشـآ‬
‫تتتو ُّد هٗ ﻩ‬ َ ‫الس ٰم ٰو ِت َو ْاًل َ ْر‬
ْ ُّ‫ض ج َو ًَل َي ﹹتتت ٴ‬ َ‫َو ِست َ ُّك ْأ ِس بُّي ُّه ب‬
﴾۹ ۱ ‫ِحف ُّْتظ ُّه َما ج َو ُّه َو ال َْع َِبُّ ال َْع ِظ ْي ُّم ۝ ۝‬
"Allah! There is no Allah but He the living the Self-subsisting eternal.
No slumber can seize him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens
and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He
permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to his creatures as) before or
after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of his knowledge
except as He willeth. His throne doth extend over the heavens and the
earth and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. For
He is the Most High the Supreme (in glory)."
(Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255)

The benefits and virtues of Ayatul Kursi are summarised:

• This is the loftiest Ayah of the Qur'an.
• It is the chief Ayah of the Qur'an.
• The reader, his children, home, wealth, property and the homes of
his neighbours are safe.
• Whosoever reads it together with the last Ayah of Surah Baqarah,
Shaitaan does not enter his home for at least three days this is how
powerful the effects are of this Ayah.
• The thief does not come near its reciter.
• It protects one’s self, property and home from the Shaitaan (devils)
and brings one relief from difficulties.
Zikr after Salah (Prayer)
You can read any du'as from the Qur'an and the Ahaadith. It is also
the Sunnah of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
Istighfaar - asking Allah’s forgiveness 3 times after each Salah

ٍ ۢ ‫ُ َر ِ بّب ْ ِم ْن ك ُّ ِ بل َذ ْن‬
﴾‫ب بَو ا َ ُّت ْو ُّب اِل َْي ِهط‬ َ ‫ ﴿ ا َْس َت ْغ ِف ُّأ ا‬-132
"I seek forgiveness of Allah , my Lord of all sins and mistakes."

ُّ ‫﴿ ًَل ۤ إِل ٰ َه إِ بًَل ا‬

﴾‫ُ ط‬ Kalimah 3 times -133
"There is none worthy of worship but Allah"
Tasbeehat-e-Fatimah -134

ِ ‫ْوط﴾ ﴿ ا َ لْ َح ْم ُّد ِ ٰب‬

﴾‫الِلط‬ ُّ َ ‫ُ ا َ ك‬
ُّ َ ‫ُ ط﴾ ﴿ ا‬
ِ ‫ان ا‬
َ ‫﴿ ُّس ْب َح‬
"Glory be to Allah ." "Praise be to Allah ." "Allah is the
greatest of all."

Du'a after Salah (Prayer)

َ ‫تار ك‬
َ ‫الس ََل ُّم َت َب‬
َ‫ك ب‬َ ‫الس ََل ُّم َو ِم ْن‬
َ‫ُ ب‬َ ‫﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم ا َ ْن‬ -135

ِ ‫َيا َذاالْ َج ََل ِل َو ْاًل ِ ْك َأ‬

"O Lord! You are the Giver of Peace, and peace is from You, You are
the Most Blessed and the Most Powerful and the Most Great."
(Muslim, Hisne-Haseen)

ُ ‫ لَ ُه ال ُمل‬، ‫ك لَه‬
‫ك‬ ُ ‫ ﴿ ََل ْۤ ال ه َه ا ََل ا‬-136
َ ‫هلل َوح َده ََل َشر ي‬
﴾‫ت َو ُه َو ع هََل كُل َشي ٍ قَدي ٌر ط‬ ُ ‫ ُيحي َو ُيمي‬،‫َو لَ ُه ال َحم ُد‬
"There is none worthy of worship besides Allah  Who is alone. He
has no partner. For Him is the Kingdom and for Him is all praise. He
gives life and causes death and He has power over everything."

‫ط‬ ‫ك‬ ْ ‫ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم ا َ ع ِب‬-137

َ ِ‫ِِن ع ََٰ ِذ ْك ِأ َك َو ُّش ْك ِأ َك َو ُّح ْس ِن ِع َبا َد ت‬
"O Lord! help me to remember You, to thank You, and to worship you
in the best of manners." (Abu-Dawud, Nasa'i, Hisne-Haseen)

﴾‫ْيا ط‬ ْ ِ ‫﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم َحا ِس ْب‬

‫ِن ِح َسا ابا بَي ِس ْ ا‬ -138
"O Lord! Account me taken by an easy reckoning!" (Hisne-Haseen)

‫ُ ا َ نبَ ٗه ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل ُّه َو ًل َو ال َْمتل ٰتتت ِئتكَت ُّة َو ا ُّ و لُّتوا‬
ُّ ‫َش ِه َد ا‬ -139

‫ ۝‬۸ ‫الْ ِعل ِْم قَآ ئِ اما ۢ ِبا لْ ِق ْس ِطط ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل ُّه َوال َْع ِز ْي ُّز الْ َح ِك ْي ُّم‬
"Allah  Himself has testified to the fact that there is no god but Him
and so do the angels and hose who are well grounded in knowledge
standing firm on justice. There is no Ilah (God) except Him, the
Mighty, the Wise." (Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 18)

۸ ‫ْي ۝‬
۰ ‫ت م َن ه‬
َ ‫الظلم‬ ُ ‫ك ا ّن كُن‬ َ ‫ ََل ْۤ ال ه َه ا ََل ْۤ ا َ ن‬-140
َ ‫ت ُسِ َحا َن‬
"There is no god but You, glory be to You! Indeed I was the one who
committed wrong." (Surah Al-Anbiya, Ayah 87)
Recitations after Fajr and Maghrib Prayers 7 times

ِ ‫﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم ا َ ِج ْأ ِنْ ِم َن ال بَن‬

﴾‫ارط‬ -141
"O Lord! Save me from the fire of Hell." (Ibn Maajaah)
Virtue: reciting seven times after Fajr and Maghrib Prayers, It
confers great blessings if one dies, either during the same day or night;
he will be saved from Hell.

َ ‫﴿ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم اّن ا َ ُعـوذُ ب‬

‫ َومــن‬،‫ك مـن عَذَ اب الـقَـــب‬ -142

‫ َو مــن‬، ‫ َو مـن فتـ َنة ال َمح َـيا َوال َم َمـــات‬،‫عَذَ اب َج َه َـن َم‬
َ ‫َشـر فتـ َنة ال َمسيح‬
﴾‫الدجَال ـ‬
"O My Lord! I take refuge in You from the punishment of the grave,
from the torment of the Fire, from the trials and tribulations of life
and death and from the mischief of Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjal (the
Antichrist) ." (Muslim, Bukhari)

ۤ ‫ ﴿ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم ا‬-143

َ ‫ّنٗ ا َ سـ َئل‬
، ‫ َورزقًا َطـي ًـِا‬، ‫ُك عل ًما َناف ًعا‬
﴾‫َو َع َم ًَل ُم َتقَِ ًَلط‬
"O My Lord! I ask You for knowledge which is beneficial and
sustenance which is good, and deeds which are acceptable."
(Ibn Maajaah)

﴾‫ِس فَا ْغ ِف ْأ ِِلْ فَ َغف ََألَ ٗه ط‬ ُّ ‫﴿ َر بِب اِ ِ بنْ َظل َْم‬

ْ ِ ‫ُ َن ْف‬ -144
"O My Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul, please forgive me." So
Allah forgave him, surely He is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
(Surah Al-Qasas, Ayah 16)
‫ّت‬ َ ‫ي َو لِ َم ْن َدخ‬
َ ِ ‫َل َب ْي‬ َ‫ف َو لِ َوا لِ َد ب‬
ْ ِ ‫﴿ َر بِب ا ْغ ِف ْأ‬ -145

﴾‫ُ ط‬
ِ ‫ي َو ال ُّْم ْؤ ِم ٰن‬
َ ْ ‫ُّم ْؤ ِم انا بَو لِل ُّْم ْؤ ِم ِن‬
"O My Lord! Forgive me my parents all who enter my house in Faith
and (all) believing men and believing women:" (Surah Nuh, Ayah 28)

َ ‫﴿ ا َلله ُه‬
،‫ َواج ُبّن‬، ‫ َواهدّن‬، ‫ َوار َحمـِن‬،‫ـم اغفـر ِل‬ -146

﴾ ‫ َوارفَعِن‬،‫ َوار ُزقِن‬،‫َوعا فِن‬

"O My Lord! forgive me, have mercy upon me, guide me, enrich me,
give me health, grant me sustenance and raise my rank." (Muslim)
(Also this supplication recite between the two prostrations in Nafil

،‫ ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم عَا فـِن ِف َسمـعي‬، ‫ ﴿ا َ للٰب ُّه بَم عَا فـِن ِف َب َدّن‬-147
َ ‫ ََل ْۤ ا ل ه َه ا ََل ْۤ ا َ ن‬، ‫ا َ لله ُه َم عَا فـِن ِف َب َةـري‬
﴾‫ـت ـ‬
"O My Lord! grant health in my body, "O My Lord! grant health in my
hearing, "O My Lord! grant health in my sight. There is no god but
You." (Abu-Dawud, Hisne-Haseen)

َ َ ۢ ‫ه‬
َ ‫﴿ ا َلل ُه َم اغفر ِل َذ نِب ك ُل ُه َو جلـ ُه َو ا َ َو لَـ ُه َو هاخ‬-148
‫ـر ُه‬
﴾‫عَ ََل ن َي َت ُه َو س َرهُ ط‬
"O Lord! Forgive me all my sins, great and small, the first and the last,
those that are apparent and those that are hidden." (Muslim)
۲۴ ‫ي‬
﴾۰ ٌ ‫ي فَق‬ َ ‫﴿ َر ب ا ِن ل َماْۤ ا َ ن َزل‬
ٍ ‫ت ا َِلَ من َخ‬ -149
"O my Lord! Surely I am in desperate need of whatever good that
You may send down to me." )Surah Al-Qasas, Ayah 24)

۲ ۱ ‫لسمي ُع ال َعلي ُم ۝‬
﴾۹ َ ‫تا‬ َ َ‫﴿ َر بَ َنا َتق ََِل م َنا ط ا ن‬-150
َ ‫ك اَن‬
"O Lord, Accept this from us (service); You are the one who hears all
and knows all." (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 127)

َ‫ُ ال بَت بَوا ُّب ب‬

۲ ۱ ‫الأ ِح ْي ُّم ۝‬
﴾۹ َ َ‫ َو ُّت ْب عَل َْي َناۤ ج اِ نب‬..﴿-151
َ ‫ك ا َ ْن‬
"Surely, You are the Acceptor of repentance, the Merciful."
(Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 128)

۹ َ ‫﴿ ُّس ْب ٰح َن َر ِبب‬
۲ ‫ك َر بِب الْ ِع بَز ِة َع بمَا َي ِصف ُّْو َن ۝ ۝‬ -152

۲‫۝‬۱ ‫ي‬
﴾۹ ِ ‫ َو الْ َح ْم ُّد ِ ٰب‬۹
َ ْ ‫لِل َر ِبب الْ ٰعل َ ِم‬ َ ْ ِ‫َو َسل ٰ ٌم ع َََ ال ُّْم ْأ َسل‬
۲‫۝‬۲ ‫ي‬
"Glory to thy Lord the Lord of Honor and Power! (He is free) from
what they ascribe (to Him)! And Peace on the Apostles! And praise to
Allah  the Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds."
)Surah As-Saffat, Ayah 180, 181, 182)

﴾‫ي ۝‬ َ‫ك َيا ا َ ْر َح َم ب‬

َ ْ ‫الأا ِح ِم‬ َ ‫﴿ ِب َأ ْح َم ِت‬ -153
"O Most Merciful of (all) those who show mercy." (Hisne-Haseen)

ُ ‫هلل م َنا َو من‬

﴾‫ك م‬ ُ ‫﴿ َتق ََِ َل ا‬ -154
"And May Allah  accept (the good deeds) from me and you."

َ ْ ‫ َيا َر بَب الْ ٰعل َ ِم‬, ‫ ُّث بَم آ ِم ْي‬, ‫﴿ ا َللٰب ُّه بَم آ ِم ْي‬
﴾‫ي ۝‬
Ninety Nine Beautiful Names of Allah 

ْ ‫ُ البَ ِذ‬
﴾ ‫ى ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل ُّه َوج‬ ُّ ‫﴿ ُّه َو ا‬
"He is Allah , than whom there is no other god."
(Surah Al-Hashr, Ayah 22)

َ‫ا َ ب‬
‫لس ََل ُّم‬ ‫ا َلْق بُُّّد ْو ُّس‬ ُّ ِ‫ا َ ل َْمل‬
‫ك‬ َ‫ا َ ب‬
‫لأ ِح ْي ُّم‬ ‫لأ ْح ٰم ُّن‬
َ‫ا َ ب‬
The Source of Peace The Holy The Sovereign The Merciful The Beneficent

‫و‬ َ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم َت‬

ُّ ِ‫ك ب‬ ُّ ‫ا َ لْ َج بب‬
‫َار‬ ‫ا َ ل َْع ِز ْي ُّز‬ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم َه ْي ِم ُّن‬ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ْؤ ِم ُّن‬
The Majestic The Compeller The Mighty The Protector The Guardian of Faith

َ ‫ا َ لْ َخا لِ ُّق‬
ُّ ‫ا َ لْق بَه‬
The Subduer
ُّ ‫ا َ لْ َغ بف‬
The Forgiver
‫ا َ ل ُّْم َص بِو ُّر‬
The Fashioner
‫ئ‬ ِ ‫ا َ ل َْب‬
ُّ ‫ار‬
The Evolver The Creator

ُّ ‫ا َ لْقَا ِب‬
‫ض‬ ‫ا َ ل َْعلِ ْي ُّم‬ ُّ‫ا َلْ َف بَتاح‬ ُّ ‫لأ بَز‬
‫اق‬ َ َ‫ا‬ ُّ ‫ا َل َْو بَه‬
The Constrictor The All knowing The Opener The Provider The Bestower

‫ا َ ل ُّْم ِذ بُّل‬ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ِع بُّز‬ ُّ ‫لأا ِف‬

َ‫ا َ ب‬ ُّ ِ‫ا َ لْ َخا ف‬
‫ض‬ ِ ‫ا َ ل َْب‬
‫اس ُّط‬
The Dishonorer The Honorer The Exalter The Abaser The Expander

ُِّ ‫ا َلل بَ ِط ْي‬ ‫ا َ ل َْع ْد ُّل‬ ‫ا َلْ َحك َُّم‬ ُّ ْ ‫ا َ ل َْب ِص‬
‫ْي‬ ُّ ‫لس ِم ْي‬
َ‫ا َ ب‬
The Subtle One The Just The Judge The All Seeing The All Hearing

َ‫ا َ ب‬
‫لشك ُّْو ُّر‬ ‫ا َلْ َغف ُّْو ُّر‬ ‫ا َ ل َْع ِظ ْي ُّم‬ ‫ا َ لْ َحلِ ْي ُّم‬ ُّ ْ ‫ا َ لْ َخ ِب‬
The Appreciative The All Forgiving The Great One The Forbearing One The Aware

ُّ ‫ا َ لْ َح ِس ْي‬
‫ب‬ ُّ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ِق ْي‬
ُ ‫ا َ لْ َح ِف ْي ُّظ‬ ‫ْي‬ َ ْ‫ا َ ل‬
ُّ ْ ‫ك ِب‬ ‫ا َ ل َْع ِ ب‬
The Reckoner The Maintainer The Preserver The Most Great The Most High

ُّ ‫ا َ ل َْوا ِست‬ ُّ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ِج ْي‬

‫ب‬ ‫ب‬ َ‫ا َ ب‬
ُّ ‫لأقِ ْي‬ َ ْ‫ا َ ل‬
‫ك ِأ ْي ُّم‬ ‫ا َ لْ َجلِ ْي ُّل‬
The All Embracing The Responsive The Watchful The Generous One The Sublime One

َ‫ا َ ب‬
‫لش ِه ْي ُّد‬ ُّ ‫ا َ ل َْبا ِع‬
‫ث‬ ‫ا َ ل َْم ِج ْي ُّد‬ ‫ا َ ل َْو ُّد ْو ُّد‬ ‫ا َ لْ َح ِك ْي ُّم‬
The Witness The Resurrector The Most Glorious The Loving The Wise

ُّ‫ا َ ل َْو ِِلب‬ ُّ ْ ‫ا َ ل َْم ِت‬
‫ي‬ ُّ‫ا َ لْق َِو ب‬
‫ى‬ ‫ا َ ل َْوك ِْي ُّل‬ ‫ا َ لْ َح بُّق‬
The Protecting The Firm One The Most Strong The Trustee The Truth

ْ ِ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ْح‬
‫ي‬ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ِع ْي ُّد‬ ُّ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ْب ِد‬
‫ئ‬ ُّ ِ ‫ا َل ُّْم ْح‬
‫ص‬ ‫ا َ لْ َح ِم ْي ُّد‬
The giver of Life The Restorer The Originator The Reckoner The Praiseworthy

‫ا َ ل َْما ِج ُّد‬ ‫ا َ ل َْوا ِج ُّد‬ ‫ا َ لْق بَي ُّْو ُّم‬ ُّ‫ا َ لْ َ ب‬

‫ح‬ ُّ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ِم ْي‬
The Noble The Finder The Self Subsisting The Alive The Creator of Death

‫ا َ ل ُّْم ْق َت ِد ُّر‬ ‫ا َ لْقَا ِد ُّر‬ َ‫ا َ ب‬

‫لص َم ُّد‬ ‫ا َ ًْل ََح ُّد‬ ‫ا َ ل َْوا ِح ُّد‬
The Powerful The Able The Eternal The One The Unique

َ‫ا َ ب‬
‫لظا ِه ُّأ‬ ‫ا َ ًْلٰ خ ُِّأ‬ ‫ا َ ًْل َ بَو ُّل‬ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم َؤ بخ ُِّأ‬ ‫ا َ ل ُّْمق ب َِد ُّم‬
The Manifest The Last The First The Delayer The Expediter

ُّ ‫ا َل بَت بَو‬
‫اب‬ ُّ‫ا َ ل َ ب‬
‫ْو‬ ِ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم َت َع‬
ْ‫اِل‬ ْ‫ا َ ل َْو ِاِل‬ ‫ا َ ل َْبا ِط ُّن‬
The Acceptor of The Source of The Most Exalted The Governor The Hidden
Repentance All Goodness

‫ك ال ُملك ذُّوالْ َج ََل ِل‬

ُ ‫ف َمال‬ َ‫ا َ ب‬
ُّ ‫لأ ُّء ْو‬ ‫ا َ ل َْعف بُُّّو‬ ‫ا َ ل ُّْم ْن َت ِق ُّم‬
The Lord of The Eternal Owner The Compassionate The Pardoner The Avenger
Majesty of Sovereignty

ُّ‫ا َ ل ُّْمغ ِ ب‬
‫ِْن‬ ُّ‫ا َ لْغ ِ ب‬
‫َِن‬ ُّ ‫ا َ لْ َجا ِمت‬ ‫ا َ ل ُّْمق ِْس ُّط‬ ِ ‫َو ْاًل ِ ْك َأ‬
The Enricher The Self Sufficient The Gatherer The Equitable And Bounty

ْ ‫ا َ ل َْها ِد‬
‫ى‬ ‫ا َل بُّن ْو ُّر‬ ُّ ‫ا َل بَنا ِف‬ ‫آر‬ َ‫ا َ ب‬
ُّ‫لض ب‬ ُّ ِ‫ا َ ل َْما ن‬
The Guide The Light The Propitious The Distresser The Preventer

َ‫ا َ ب‬
‫لص ُّب ْو ُّر‬ َ‫ا َ ب‬
‫لأ ِش ْي ُّد‬ ِ ‫ا َ ل َْو‬
‫ار ُّث‬ ْ ‫ا َ ل َْبا ِق‬ ُّ ‫ا َ ل َْب ِد ْي‬
The Patient The Guide to the The Supreme The Everlasting The Incomparable
Right Path Inheritor

Virtue: Hazrat Abu Hurayrah  narrates Rasulullah ‫ ﷺ‬said; "Verily Allah

 has 99 Names Whosoever memorises them will enter Jannah (Paradise)."
(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi)

Durood Awaisiya

َ ْ ‫﴿ ا َللٰب ُّه بَم َص ِ بل ع ََٰ َس ِبي ِد َنا ُّم َح بَم ٍد بَو ا ٰلِ ٖه َو ِع‬
‫ك تِ ٖه‬

ْ ‫ُ البَ ِذ‬
‫ى ًَل ۤ اِل ٰ َه اِ بًَل‬ َ َ‫ِب َع َد ِد ك ُّ ِ بل َم ْعل ُّْو ٍم لب‬
َ ‫ك ا َْس َت ْغ ِف ُّأ ا‬
ُّ‫ُّه َو الْ َ ب‬
ُّ‫ َو ا َ ُّت ْو ُّب اِل َْي ِه ط َي َ ب‬- ٗ‫ح الْق بَي ُّْو ُّم‬
﴾‫۔‬- ٗ‫اح َيا ق بَي ُّْو ُّم‬
"Our Lord! Send salutations upon our Master Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and
upon his extended family and his progeny according to the number of
all things known to You. I seek the forgiveness of the One but for
whom there is no God, The Ever-living and The Self Sustained and I
turn to Him with repentance. O You, the Ever-living, the Sustainer
and Protector of all that exists."

‫ ۝‬۸ ‫﴿ َسل ٰ ٌم ق َْو اًل بِم ْن بَر بٍب بَر ِح ْي ٍم‬
"Peace will be on them,
a word from the
Merciful Lord."
(Surah Yaseen, Ayah 58)
Prepared by: Al-ZAHID
Free download
We request you to make du'a for the Ummah as much as possible as
we all need guidance. We Pray Allah  increases our patience,
taqwa, truthfulness and pure intentions. And we also Pray that Allah
 blesses us with many opportunities to increase our knowledge in
everything that is beneficial to us.

May Allah  purify our intentions and make all we do for Him alone.
May Allah  grant that we will be "Ahlu-l-Qur'an" or the family
of the Qur'an (those that read it, study and apply it) those who are
Allah's people and special ones.

ُّ ْ ‫﴿و َما عَل َْي َناۤ اِ بًَل ال َْب ََل ُّْ ال ُّْم ِب‬
﴾‫ي ت‬ َ
ِ ‫ِق اِ بًَل ِبا‬
ِ ِ ‫ُ ال َْع‬
﴾‫َب ال َْع ِظ ْي ِمط‬ ْ ِ ‫﴿و َما َت ْو ِف ْي‬

"Wasalaamu alaykum"Wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu"

Yours brother in Islam, Mo'allim, Mohammed Mazhar Zahid


Publication Edition 2020


Daily Prayer Book

Surah Yaseen with Wazifa (benefice)

With Seven Mubeen Booklet

Forty Rabbana Supplications Booklet

Manzil-Protection Against Talisman (Sehr)

Sorcery, evil eye, Booklet

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