H NMR Problem-Solving Strategies
H NMR Problem-Solving Strategies
H NMR Problem-Solving Strategies
1) If given an IR spectrum: what functional groups (FG) are present? These are pieces to your puzzle.
4) Do you have all your pieces? “Add up” your pieces and compare to your molecular formula
have you accounted for the calculated DU?
have you accounted for the functional groups in the IR?
5) Put the pieces together! Start with an end piece, such as a methyl (CH3).
consider chemical shift
is it next to an oxygen? (~3.8 ppm)
is it next to a C=O or a benzene ring? (~2.2 ppm)
consider splitting patterns (n+1 rule, where n = # of nonequivalent neighbors)
is it a triplet? It must be attached to a CH2 (2 neighbors = 3 peaks)
is it a singlet? There must be no protons on neighboring carbon atoms (0 neighbors = 1 peak).
6) Check your answer! Final structure must match molecular formula, and IR and NMR spectra.
Look for symmetry. How may peaks should be in the NMR? What would integration be?
Calculate chemical shifts, predict splitting patterns, and compare to NMR spectrum.