Module 2 Lesson 2
Module 2 Lesson 2
Module 2 Lesson 2
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Module 2.2 23
The new dialog items related to task calendars are described below:
Calendar – Contains a dropdown list where the user can select any base
calendar currently defined in the project. The default is "None".
Scheduling ignores resource calendars – A checkbox that controls whether
resource calendars will be taken into consideration when scheduling the
task. This option is unavailable if no task calendar is selected. When a task
calendar is first specified, the option is unchecked by default.
Scenario Option Response
(A) Both calendars Off or On Normal schedule
(B) Nonworking time Off or On Schedule based on task calendar
in task calendar, but
available in resource
calendar at the same
(C) Working time in Off Schedule based on resource
task calendar, but calendar
nonworking time in
resource calendar at
the same time
(D) Same as above On Schedule based on task calendar
(E) Task calendar and Off Schedule based on task calendar;
resource calendars do alert message generated and error
not intersect; there is indicator set
no period where both
the task and resource
calendars have
working time
(F) Same as above On Schedule based on task calendar
Table 2
Scenario E represents the only situation that cannot be resolved by the general
rules for task calendar scheduling. When this occurs, an error indicator is set
and the following error message is displayed:
When multiple resources are assigned at once and more than one resource has a
calendar that conflicts with the task calendar, the error message is displayed
only once.
For Examples 1, 2 and 3, let's use a 3-day task with a task calendar assigned.
The task starts on a Monday, and Saturday and Sunday are nonworking periods
in all calendars.
In the above example, because Tuesdays are nonworking time in the task
calendar, they will also be treated as nonworking time for the resource. This is
how the task would look in the Gantt Chart:
Figure 3 Example 1
Figure 4 Example 2
Module 2.2 29
Figure 5 Example 3
In this example, let's again assume a 3-day task with a task calendar is assigned.
With the intersection described in the following table, the 3-day task will not
finish until two weeks after it starts!
Here is the task, as it would appear in the Gantt Chart:
Figure 6 Example 4
Example 5 (Illustrates Scenario E in the table shown under
Effect of Ignore Resource Calendar Option)
The example below illustrates Scenario E, the irresolvable schedule, in the table
shown in the section "Effect of Ignore Resource Calendar Option." In the
calendars shown below, the intersection of the task and resource calendars
results in nonworking time for all periods. If Ignore Resource Calendar is set to
Off, then there is no period in which the resource can be scheduled.
S M T W Th F S
Task Nonworking Nonworking Working Nonworking Nonworking Nonworking Nonworking
Resource Nonworking Working Nonworking Working Working Working Nonworking
Intersection Nonworking Nonworking Nonworking Nonworking Nonworking Nonworking Nonworking
Although the task may be rescheduled and have a different finish date, the
duration of the task does not change. This behavior is the same as if a task
being scheduled by the Project Calendar had a non-working day in the middle
of the task.
For example, we have a 5-day Fixed Duration task that starts on Monday and
ends on Friday. When a task calendar is applied which has Wednesday as
nonworking time, the task would finish on the following Monday.
Effect on Constraints
A task calendar takes precedence over constraints for scheduling purposes.
When there is nonworking time in the task calendar, the task is not scheduled to
work during that nonworking time. This has the potential of rescheduling a task
despite a hard constraint.
For example, a 1 day task has a constraint of Must Start On with a Constraint
Date of Tuesday 12/7/99 and a scheduled Finish of 12/7/99. When a task
calendar is applied which has Tuesdays as nonworking day, the constrained
Start date will remain 12/7/99, but the Finish will move to Wednesday 12/8/99.
Module 2.2 31
Note that the subtasks each have a duration of 2 days, but the Summary Task
duration calculates as 10.13 days.
In Microsoft Project 2000, you could assign the Standard Calendar to the
summary task, so that the summary task would calculate its duration in a
manner consistent with its subtasks. The previous example would then look like
For all tasks that used the deleted calendar, the Task Calendar will be changed
to the Standard Calendar. "Undo" is not available for this action.
When the calendar is deleted, the user is first asked to confirm whether they really
want to delete the calendar. They are not notified that the calendar is in use by the
project until it is too late to undo the result.
Try This: Non-working Time and Task Calendars
Experiment to see how changing non-working time affects a task’s schedule when it
has a task calendar.
1. In the Task Name field, type a task name.
2. Press TAB to move to the Duration field.
3. In the Duration field, type 3d and press ENTER.
4. On the Insert menu, click Column.
5. In the Column Definition dialog box, select Task Calendar as the Field
name from the drop-down list.
6. To set the column width to the longest item in the column, click Best Fit.
7. In the Task Calendar field, assign a task calendar from the drop-down list
(e.g., Standard).
8. In the Resource Names field, type R1 to assign a resource named “R1” to
the new task.
9. Note the finish date for the task.
10. On the Tools menu, click Change Working Time. Select the second day of
the task on the calendar and click Nonworking time.
11. On the Project menu, click Task Information, and then click the
Advanced tab. Select the Scheduling ignores resource calendars check
In Microsoft Project 2000, tasks may now include a Deadline date that allows
an indicator to be displayed if a task’s Finish date is later than the Deadline. No
indicator displays if a task finishes before the Deadline. This provides the user
with a visible yet unobtrusive notification that the current scheduled Finish is
later than the planned Deadline. The indicator tip reads as follows:
A column for the new Deadline field can also be added to any task table. Like
other date fields, if no Deadline date has been entered, the field contains “NA.”
Module 2.2 37
Note that the bar is defined at the lowest position in the Bar Styles list, so that it
will always draw on top of other bars for the same task. Because the Show For
… Tasks column is left empty, the definition will be applied to tasks, summary
tasks, and milestones.
The Deadline field is available in the From and To columns of the Bar Styles
dialog, as well as in the Text tab.
The first Task in the Gantt Chart below shows a 5-day task as originally
scheduled. The task’s Deadline marker appears as a downward pointing green
arrow, and appears at the rightmost end of the task’s Gantt bar. In the second
Task in the Gantt Chart, the task’s Finish date has moved past the Deadline
date, so the Deadline now appears at a midway point on the task’s Gantt bar.
A new filter definition, “Tasks With Deadlines,” has been added to make it easy
for users to see which tasks have Deadlines. The Filter Definition for the filter
is shown below:
For more information, see the Microsoft Project 2000 Online Help Topics Start
Slack and Finish Slack.
Module 2.2 41
Why does it make sense for Late Finish not to equal the earlier of the
Deadline or the Late Finish Date?
Outline Codes
Custom Outline Codes give users the following new features:
Users can define a custom outline structure that is unrelated to the task
A mask can be created for the fields so the user can only enter codes that
adhere to the code mask.
Users can create a lookup table, and can optionally ensure that codes entered
are one of the values listed in the lookup table.
The lookup table provides a field picklist to help users assign codes to tasks
or resources.
Users can perform hierarchical grouping with rollups based on the codes
The following are examples of scenarios in which each type of code might be
A company requires that all project tasks adhere to a WBS code format used
throughout the company, so the project manager creates a WBS code mask
based on the company’s WBS format. Whenever a new task is created,
Microsoft Project 2000 generates a unique code for the task that adheres to
the code mask. Maintaining the WBS codes is much easier now because of
intelligent behavior of the codes, plus the ability to renumber all or selected
Different groups in the company want to view the Project data in different
ways. The project managers are most interested in the critical path, and have
defined the project outline based on project phases. The accounting
department wants to see a different set of rollups based on cost centers, and
HR wants to see the information based on the company’s organizational
structure. The accounting department creates a custom task Outline Code
field called Cost Code, and populates the lookup table with a hierarchical
list of codes based on cost centers. They then use the field picklist to assign
the appropriate code to each task, thus ensuring that only valid codes are
entered. Once codes are assigned, they can use Group By to arrange the
project by Cost Code with the desired outline and rollups.
The HR department designs a custom resource Outline Code called
Departmental Workload, and creates a lookup table corresponding to the
company’s organizational chart. They assign each resource the appropriate
code so that they can view resource usage grouped by department and job