Immediate Suspension Order
Immediate Suspension Order
Immediate Suspension Order
IN RE: )
CR21-191, CR21-210, AD21-217, ) SUSPENSION
AD21-220, and AD22-1 )
Specifically, the Board preliminarily finds for purposes of this Order and
pursuant to the materials reviewed as follows:
5. On December 11, 2021, Dr. Nass emailed Board staff and stated “one of
my complex, high risk patients for Covid just got Covid. The patient [Patient 2]
and I wanted him treated with hydroxychloroquine. I reviewed his dozen or so
medications and discussed all potential drug interactions and how to
ameliorate them, and we decided to proceed. But the problem was finding a
pharmacist willing to dispense the drug. I was eventually forced, when the
pharmacist called a few minutes ago and asked me for the diagnosis, to provide
misinformation: that I was prescribing the drug for Lyme disease, as this was
the only way to get a potentially life-saving drug for my patient.” Dr. Nass
posted her communication to Board staff on her website/blog. In addition, Dr.
Nass referred to her interaction with a pharmacist during a ZOOM meeting
with members of the Maine State Legislature. She stated, “I lied and said the
patient had Lyme disease and so the pharmacist dispensed the medication only
because I lied … .”
7. Hospital records for Patient 2 indicate that he was admitted through the
hospital emergency department on December 16, 2021. Patient 2 presented
with 9 days of symptoms and had completed the “ivermectin protocol” with his
“Covid specialist physician’s office”. Patient 2 was unvaccinated and presented
with multiple diagnoses including diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep
apnea, obesity, and a known heart murmur. The patient refused antiviral
treatment initially and requested that the ED physician speak with his COVID
doctor, Dr. Nass. The ED physician noted that he tried to contact Dr. Nass but
she did not answer her phone. The records noted that Patient 2 had tested
positive for COVID by home test on December 7, 2021. The patient was
admitted on December 16, intubated on December 18, self-extubated on
December 30, 2021, and discharged on January 4, 2022.
11. The FDA has not authorized or approved the use of Ivermectin for use in
preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans.
14. On October 26, 2021, the Board received a complaint alleging that Dr.
Nass was engaging in the public dissemination of “misinformation regarding
the SARS CoV2 pandemic and the official public health response calling for
vaccinations” via a video interview and on her website, and that the
information that Dr. Nass was disseminating was a “danger to the public.” Dr.
Nass’s comments in the interview and on her website include, but are not
limited to:
a) she “did not intend to comply with masking and vaccine orders”;
b) that the federal government “won’t let us find out” how many people are
immune from less severe or asymptomatic COVID cases and the federal
government has “basically prohibited the use of normal tests of immunity,
normal antibody, T-cell tests, etc., or some pattern of those”, and “instead we
all have to be vaccinated” and that “doesn’t make scientific or medical sense”;
c) “the more doses of vaccine, the more shots you get the greater the risk of
adverse reactions”;
d) “if you’re going to get myocarditis over 80% get it after the second dose, not
after the first dose” and “people who got it after the first dose, many of them
had already been infected with COVID”;
e) “if we are doing this for people’s health it would be very important to identify
how many people are immune and they don’t have to worry about masks …
they don’t have to worry about distancing, they don’t have to worry about
vaccination. They are immune. We know so far that those people have broad
and very durable long-term immunity. As best we know … they’re very
immune a year after they had the infection”;
f) “so the FDA was forced to issue a license for the Pfizer vaccine for certain
people and yet there is no comirnaty vaccine in the United States, so there are
no vials of licensed Pfizer vaccines in the United States. The FDA did a bait
and switch”;
g) “why is the federal government so interested in getting everyone vaccinated?
It seems that one probable reason is unless you get people vaccinated and you
have to give them boosters every so often there is no logical justification for
vaccine passports … which is probably going to be your electronic ID, and
probably will mediate your financial transactions, will identify where you are
any time, etc., you know will have broad uses for increased control and
surveillance. There may be other reasons. I mean there may be things in these
vaccines that the government wants to inject in us”;
h) “but obviously vaccinating people who are already immune and have much
better immunity than you would get from these vaccines that are extremely
weak an short lived in what they give you, and dangerous with many potential
serious side effects, and 14,000 deaths reported to the federal VAERS system
in the 8 to 10 months we have been vaccinating people, not quite 10 months,
the vaccines are a problem”;
i) “we’re vaccinating for a virus that is gone. We have no benefit from the
mRNA, we have only problems from it”;
j) “the vaccines don’t work very well, so there are loads of people who are
getting infected who’ve been vaccinated almost at the same rate as the
k) “the governments seem to think they own our children because they are
vaccinating children age 12 and up without parental permission in many parts
of the United States”;
l) “children have the worst side effect profile, and they get the least benefit from
the vaccines. So you are either vaccinating them to try and, you know, stop it
spreading in children so adults don’t get it, because if children are getting a
cold, you don’t vaccinate kids against colds, we never have before, or you are
vaccinating them for some other nefarious reason”;
m) “the DNA from the adenovirus could potentially become a part of our DNA …
the human beings we’re the guinea pigs for these vaccines”;
n) “there are drugs like Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine,
mefloquine, and others that are quite effective against this virus, that will kill
off the virus the first week you have it when virus is still growing”;
o) Operation Warp Speed is the result of an agenda that “seems to be the same
one that has been in play since 2001, you know, the 9/11. Which is increased
surveillance, right, increased central control, and some blurring of national
borders and national sovereignty, which we haven’t seen much of yet but the
close collusion of many countries with the same program indicates that there is
international collusion going on at high levels”;
p) “the people who are not getting vaccinated are tending to be the most
educated, the wealthiest”; and
q) “if you did not know that the CDC was a criminal agency by now, this ought
to get you going. Remember COVID vaccines are associated with high rates of
15. On November 7, 2021, the Board received a complaint that Dr. Nass was
spreading COVID and COVID vaccination misinformation on Twitter, which
included a link to an interview with Dr. Mercola, and include, but are not
limited to:
In response to the complaint, Dr. Nass stated that “[e]verything that I say in
public is accurate.”
16. AMA Code of Medical Ethics Opinion 2.3.2 Professionalism in the Use of
Social Media includes that physicians should ensure that the personal and
professional information on their own sites is “accurate and appropriate” and
must recognize that their actions online and content posted “may negatively
affect their reputations among patients and colleagues, may have
consequences for their medical careers, and can undermine public trust in the
medical profession.”
For the purposes of this Order of Immediate Suspension and subject to holding
the aforementioned full adjudicatory hearing on this matter to determine if any
violations have actually occurred, the Board finds that the actions of Dr. Nass
constitute immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of patients
who might receive her medical services and that delaying imposition of a
suspension until holding a hearing would not adequately respond to this
known risk. It is of great concern that Dr. Nass admittedly lied to a pharmacist
in order to have the pharmacist dispense a medication that was not FDA
approved for use in the treatment of COVID-19, she blamed the Board and the
Maine Board of Pharmacy for her decision to deceive another medical
professional, that she involved the patient in the deception, and that the
medical records for that patient do not reflect that she followed Board rules
regarding telemedicine standards of practice; that all three patient medical
records produced by Dr. Nass reflect that she failed to comply with Board rules
regarding telemedicine standards of practice which were designed to protect
public health and safety; and that two of the patient medical records produced
by Dr. Nass included phone text messages that occurred with persons who
were not the patient, without written authorization to do so from the patient,
and included her admission in one that she did not know who she was texting
Dr. Nass may not practice medicine in the State of Maine during this