Mini Project Review 2
Mini Project Review 2
Mini Project Review 2
Name of the Guide: Dr.V.V.N.Prabhakar Rao
Section: CE –III Batch No: 15
188W1A01C7 D.Samba siva rao
188W1A01C5 Ch.Rambabu
188W1A01C2 B.Bhavani venkata sai
188W1A01D4 K.Prudhvi
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Endowed with a rich variety of soils, the
STUDYAREA Krishna district occupies an important
SOFTWARE USED place in agriculture which is the most
DATA USED important occupation. The predominant
METHODOLOGY crops of Kharif season in Krishna district
RESULTS are paddy, cotton, groundnut and turmeric
ABSTRACT: and in Rabi season crops like paddy,
maize, black gram are predominant.
According to agricultural census 2012-13
The study of land use/land cover (LU/LC) the gross cropped area of the district was
changes is very important to have proper 7.01 Lakh Hectares of which gross
planning and utilization of natural irrigated area was 3.63 lakh Hectares.
resources and their management. While 2011-12 the gross cropped area of
Traditional methods for gathering the district was 7.26 Lakh Hectares of
demographic data, censuses, and analysis which gross irrigated area was 3.75 lakh
of environmental samples are not adequate Hectares. Three types of soils in the
for multi complex environmental studies, district:
since many problems often presented in
environmental issues and great complexity 1. Black soil which constitute 57.6% of the
of handling the multidisciplinary data set; villages
we require new technologies like satellite 2. Sandy Clay-loams with 22.3% and
remote sensing and Geographical
Information Systems (GISs). GIS is an 3. Red loamy with 19.4% of the villages
integrated system of computer hardware are prevalent in this District, while a small
and software capable of capturing, storing, sandy soils constitute 0.7% along the
retrieving, manipulating, analyzing, and fringes of the seacoast.
displaying geographically referenced In the current scenario,
(spatial) information for the purpose of
rapid replacement of land cover (LC) by
aiding development-oriented management
various land use (LU) patterns is observed
and decision-making processes. We
globally. The pace of change in LC to LU
perform the analysis in Google Earth
Engine (GEE), based on imagery from depends on the needs and the rate of
sentinel 2 data as input. The methodology population growth of an area along with
produces maps of Land use Land covers the natural and economic drivers.
across the Krishna District. Although the However, in the last few decades, the
dataset can facilitate supervised image changes are more pronounced due to
classification in any platform, we highlight urbanization, deforestation, and changing
its potential use in GEE for temporal large- agricultural practices .Conversion of
scale analysis of the Land Use and Land agricultural land into non-agricultural use
Cover. In this study we are going to detect is the major problem of urbanization.
the change in the agriculture area in The development policies
Krishna district from past years to the proposed by the government as a part of
current years using the Google Earth infrastructure expansion or economic
Engine and ArcGIS. stability also plays a major role in the
modification of Land use and land cover of 1901. This percentage has gradually
an area. Geographic information system increased to 31.16% according to the
have capability of detecting and/ or Census of 2011. Conversion of agricultural
monitoring the features of earth’s surface land into non-agricultural uses is the major
using satellite images have different side effect of urbanization.
radiometric, spectral, spatial, and temporal
resolution. These technologies resolutions Praveen Kumar Mallupattu and
have several advantages in order to Jayarama Reddy Sreenivasula
minimize time and cost to extract Land Reddy. (2013)
cover and Land use. In an urban environment natural and
In change detection human-induced environmental changes are
applications, it is necessary to use multi- of concern today because of deterioration
temporal datasets to analyze the temporal of environment and human health. The
effects of the object or phenomenon. study of land use/land cover (LU/LC)
Currently, with increased computer changes is very important to have proper
capability and data availability, Remote planning and utilization of natural
Sensing and Geographic Information resources and their management. . GIS is
Systems (GIS) have become effective tools an integrated system of computer hardware
for detecting objects and phenomena and software capable of capturing, storing,
change. In parallel, cloud-based retrieving, manipulating, analyzing, and
displaying geographically referenced
computational platforms have become
(spatial) information for the purpose of
increasingly accessible and allow one to
aiding development-oriented management
scale analysis across space and time. One
and decision-making processes
such platform is Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine Zahraa Abbas, Dr. Hussein Sabah
leverages cloud-computational services for Jaber. (2020)
planetary-scale analysis and consists of Remotely sensed imagery identifying as
petabytes of geospatial and tabular data, the best type of data has information
including a full archive of Landsat, throughout the world. The imagery has a
importance information, since it can show
Sentinel and MODIS scenes, together with
up-date-today information, and provide a
a JavaScript, Python based API (GEE
truly information.. Geographic information
API), and algorithms for supervised image
system have capability of detecting and/ or
classification. Therefore in this study we monitoring the features of earth’s surface
are going to concentrate on land use and using satellite images have different
land cover of agricultural lands. radiometric, spectral, spatial, and temporal
resolution. These technologies resolutions
LITERATURE REVIEW: have several advantages in order to
minimize time and cost to extract Land
cover and Land use (LULC)
V. Kumar, S. Agrawal (2019)
N.N. Salghuna, P. Rama Chandra
Urbanization is occurring at a fast rate in
India. Population residing in urban areas Prasad, J. Asha Kumari. (2018)
was 11.4% according to the Census of In the current scenario, rapid replacement
of land cover (LC) by various land use
(LU) patterns is observed globally. The gives data which can be used as input for
pace of change in LC to LU depends on modeling, especially the one dealing with
the needs and the rate of population environment, for instance models deals
growth of an area along with the natural with climate change and policies
and economic drivers. The choice of developments
economic growth over ecological
sustainability, led to the depletion of Dipak R. Samal, Shirish Gedam.
enormous natural resources like forest, (2021)
water bodies, minerals, soil, etc., leading Rapid economic development in India has
to drastic and rapid changes in LULC intensified the changes in natural land
patterns. cover .LULC is never static; rather it has
consistently been modified by natural and
Abdullah F. Alqurashi, Lalit anthropogenic drivers. However, in the last
Kumar (2013) few decades, the changes are more
The accuracy of change detection on the pronounced due to urbanization,
earth’s surface is important for deforestation, and changing agricultural
understanding the relationships and practices. The effect of LULC change in a
interactions between human and natural catchment depends on the degree of
phenomena. Remote Sensing and modification to natural land cover by
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) human influence, intensity, location and
have the potential to provide accurate type of change within a catchment.
information regarding land use and land
cover changes. . Recently, artificial neural GN Vivekananda, R Swathi
networks, chi-square, decision tree and &AVLN Sujith. (2020)
image fusion have been frequently used in
Land use/land cover (LULC) changes play
change detection. Research on integrating
an essential role in the studies of regional,
remote sensing data and GIS into change
local and global environmental change.
detection has also increased.
Land cover refers to how the Earth’s
surface is covered by forests, wetlands,
Sophia S. Rwanga, J. M. impervious surfaces, agricultural, and
Ndambuki (2017) other types of land and water. Land use
Remote sensing is one of the tool which is refers to how humans use the landscape,
very important for the production of Land whether for development, conservation, or
use and land cover maps through a process mixed uses. Land use includes recreation
called image classification. For the image areas, wildlife habitats, agricultural land,
classification process to be successfully, and built-up land.
several factors should be considered
including availability of quality Landsat
imagery and secondary data, a precise Kaushal K. Garg , K.H. Anantha ,
classification process and user’s Rajesh Nune , Venkata Radha
experiences and expertise of the
procedures. Land use and land cover
Akuraju , Pushpraj Singh ,
information is required for policy making, Murali Krishna Gumma ,
business and administrative purposes. Sreenath Dixit, Ragab
Land use classification is vital because it Ragab(2020)
Globally, freshwater availability is census of India. It is located between
declining, coupled with increasing latitude 16.6100° N, and longitude
population pressure, land use change, 80.7214° E.
industrial growth and urbanization. There
Endowed with a rich variety
is increasing concern among different
of soils, the district occupies an important
sectors/stakeholders for their water share
place in agriculture which is the most
at local, regional and national scal. .
important occupation and paddy is the
Globally, agriculture consumes about 80 %
main food crop produced.
of fresh water resources and more than 570
million farm families are dependent on the
agriculture sector and are vulnerable to SOFTWARES USED:
increasing water scarcity. Climate change
has worsened the situation further with
uncertainty in freshwater availability and Google earth engine (GEE), In Google
its sustainability. earth engine we have inbuilt codes and
algorithms required to do
OBJECTIVES OF STUDY: classifications. A platform called code
editor is also available to edit and run
the code we developed for the purpose
To identify different land use and land
of the study.
cover categories present in study area.
Arc geographical information system
To classify the satellite image into
(ArcGIS) 10.6.12 version is used for
required classes using geospatial
reclassification of the classified data.
Microsoft excel for calculation of
To calculate the percentage of area
under each classified feature class.
To determine the percentage change
occurred in agricultural area in the past
five years. DATA USED:
Calculation of areas and percentage
areas of obtained LULC classes. Area_sqkm_2011
Grass land
Wet lands / Water bodies
Grass land
Crop land
Final change in crop land: [2]Analysis of Land Use/Land Cover
Change s Using Remote Sensing Data and
GIS at an Urban Area, Tirupati, India
Crop land ,Praveen Kumar Mallupattu and Jayarama
Reddy Sreenivasula Reddy.(2013)
4950 [3]Accuracy assessment of supervised
4900 classification methods for extraction land
4850 use maps using remote sensing and GIS
Crop land techniques Zahraa Abbas, Dr. Hussein
4750 Sabah Jaber. (2020)
[4]Assessing the impact of land use and
Area in 2011
Area in 2015
Area in 2020
Area in 2015
Area in 2020