Recount Text Rubric: Category Need Improvement ( 46) Satisfactory (46-69) Good (70-85) Outstanding (86-100) Score Title
Recount Text Rubric: Category Need Improvement ( 46) Satisfactory (46-69) Good (70-85) Outstanding (86-100) Score Title
Recount Text Rubric: Category Need Improvement ( 46) Satisfactory (46-69) Good (70-85) Outstanding (86-100) Score Title
1. Events are in order 1. My events were 1. Some of my events 1. Most of my events 1. All of my events were
not in order were in order were in order in order
2. Use a variety of 2. I didn’t use linking 2. I sometimes used 2. I usually used linking 2. I always used linking
linking time words time words linking words words words
3. Have detail and 3. I wrote about a 3. I wrote about some 3. I wrote about most 3. I wrote about all the
description few events, using events, using some events, using most detail events, using lots of
little detail detail detail
Describe how the I didn’t describe I included some I included most I included all important
events ended how my events important details of important details of how details of how the events
ended how the events ended the events ended ended
When I write I check
1. Punctuation: 1. With lots of help 1. With some of help 1. With little of help from 1. With no help from my
periods, commas, from my teacher from my teacher my teacher teacher
talking marks and
capitals, spacing and
double words
2. Spelling 2. I have few words 2. I have some words 2. I have most words 2. I have all words
spelled correctly spelled correctly spelled correctly spelled correctly.
Cognitive Rubric (Recount Text)
Psychomotoric Rubric (Presentation)
Aspects Criteria
<46 46-69 70-85 86-100
Body Language No movement or Very little movement or Made movement or Movement seemed fluid
descriptive gestures descriptive gestures gestures that enhanced and helped the audience
articulation visualize
Eye Contact No eye contact with Displayed minimal eye Consistent use of direct Holds attention of entire
audience contact with audience eye contact with audience with the use of
audience direct eye contact
Introduction and Student does not Student clearly uses Student display clear Student delivers open
Closure display clear either an introductory or introductory or closing and closing remarks that
introductory or closing closing remark, but not remarks capture and set the mood
remarks both
Projection Audience could not Audience could hear Audience could hear Audience could hear each
hear at all some words spoken most word spoken word spoken
Banded Score
Affective Rubric
Aspects 4 3 2 1 Score
Readiness Class attendance Always present and Present and ready Usually present in Didn’t present in
(5%) ready to learn in to learn in time time time and not ready
time to learn
Equipment (20%) Always bring all Bring some stuffs Didn’t bring the Missed to bring the
stuffs needed and needed and stuffs needed 2-3 stuffs and the
prepare the rubric prepare the rubric times and prepare rubric that needed
in time in time the rubric in time
Responsibilit Production/Effor Uses class time to Uses class time for Has difficulty Hardly evidences
y t (30%) the max. Always on work but is focusing on the caring about
task. Time and sometimes project much of the quality of the work.
effort are evident distracted by time. Easily No additional effort
the execution of others. Work falls distracted by is noted than to
the piece. short excellence. others. complete it.
Clean & Tidy Cleans and tidy up Cleans and tidy up Has difficulty being Leaves working
(5%) working area working area most on task to cleaning area in a mess and
thoroughly. of the time. up and tidy up. leaves the task to
cleaning up to
Submission Submitted on time Late 1 day time Late 2-3 days’ time Late 4 days – a
(20%) week
Respect Attentiveness Always be attentive Be attentive and Lacks of Not attentive and
(20%) and never ask ask rhetoric attentiveness and ask rhetoric
rhetoric question question for 1-2 ask rhetoric question more than
times question for 3-4 5 times