Engineering Chemistry Unit 3 Lubricants Notes PDF
Engineering Chemistry Unit 3 Lubricants Notes PDF
Engineering Chemistry Unit 3 Lubricants Notes PDF
Program: B.Tech
Semester: 1st
Properties or Characteristics:
Good lubricating oil should have:
High boiling point
Low freezing point
High viscosity index
Good thermal stability
Hydraulic stability
Corrosion prevention
High resistance to oxidation
Mechanism of Lubrication
The phenomenon of lubrication can be explained with the help of the
following mechanism;
Classification of Lubricants
Soda based: In this case sodium soaps are used as a thickening agent
in mineral or petroleum oil. They are slightly soluble in water. They
can be used up to 175oC.
Lithium based: In this case lithium soaps are emulsifying with
petroleum oil. They are water resistance and used up to 15oC.
Calcium based: In this case calcium soaps are emulsifying with
petroleum oil. They are also water resistant and used up to 80oC. At
higher temperature soap and petroleum oil are separate from each
Properties of Lubricants
a) Viscosity and Viscosity index
b) Flash Point and Fire Point
c) Cloud Point and Pour Point
d) Aniline Point
e) Acid number
f) Saponification Number
g) Steam Emulsion Number
a) Viscosity and Viscosity index: Viscosity is the property of a fluid
that determines its resistance to flow. It is an indicator of flow ability of
lubricating oil. The lower viscosity greater will be the flow ability. If
temperature increases viscosity of the lubricating oil decreases and
pressure increases viscosity of lubricating oil increases. In short we can
say that good lubricating oil is that whose viscosity does not change with
It is defined as rate of change of viscosity with respect to temperature. i.e.
The rate at which the viscosity of lubricating oil changes with temperature
is measured by an arbitrary scale, known as the Viscosity Index (V. I).
A relatively small change in viscosity with temperature is indicated by
high viscosity index whereas, a low viscosity index shows, a relatively
large change in viscosity with temperature.
It is the most important property which determines the performance of
lubricating oils under operating conditions.
Lubricating oil should have sufficient viscosity to enable it in position.
Viscosity helps in the selection of good Lubricating oil. For instance, Light
oils have low densities and easy flow ability
A lubricant should have a flash point which is reasonably above its
working temperature. This ensures safety against fire hazards during
the storage, transport and use.
Good lubricating oil should not volatize under working condition and
even if volatizes, the vapors formed should not catch fire under the
working temperature conditions.
The cloud point is an index of the lowest temperature of its utility for
certain applications.
It is an index of lowest temperature limit for utility as lubricating oil.
It also indicates dissolved wax concentration of lubricating oil.
It gives an idea about the presence of aromatic hydrocarbon in a
As antioxidants are consumed during use, generated acids will
not be neutralized and will start to increase in concentration. By
monitoring acid number results, a component of lubricant health
can be ascertained.
f) Saponification Number: Saponification number is defined as “The
number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required to saponify the
fatty material present in one gram of the oil".
Determination: Saponification number is determined by refluxing a
known quantity of oil with a known excess of potassium hydroxide
solution and titrating the unused alkali against an acid.
g) Steam Emulsion Number:
The time in second in which oil and water emulsion separate out in distinct
layers is called 'steam emulsion number' (SEN) or 'emulsification number'.
The time in seconds in which a given volume of oil and water separates
out in distinct layers is called steam demulsification number.
Good lubricating oil should have lower demulsification number. It means
quicker the oil separates out from the emulsion formed, better is the
lubricating oil.
Good lubricating oil has low steam emulsification number; so that
when it comes in contact with water it does not form an emulsion.
Oil having high steam emulsification number is preferred for
preparation of lubrication emulsification like cutting fluids.