Reliability of Design Storms in Modelling: Abstract
Reliability of Design Storms in Modelling: Abstract
Reliability of Design Storms in Modelling: Abstract
U n i v e r s i t y o f K e n t u c k y , L e x i n g t o n , K Y , J u l y 2 3 -26, 1979
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Stormwater runoff is generally simulated using a design storm as input. The use of design storms
significantly reduces the complexity of stormwater runoff analysis. As a result, the use of design storms is
popular among engineers. The basic premise behind their use is that a design storm of a given return
frequency will produce a simulated runoff peak and volume having the same return frequency. As an
example, using a 5-year design storm will result in a 5-year runoff peak and volume.
Typically, design storms are developed by statistical analysis of rainfall records. The resultant temporal
distributions of these design storms may be quite unlike the rainstorms occurring in nature. Worse, the use
of design storms may not be resulting in runoff peaks and volumes having the same return frequency. As a
result, drainage and flood control facilities designed using design storms may be oversized or undersized.
Unfortunately, design storms are, by and large, not tested against long-term rainfall/runoff record
simulation to determine if they will reasonably simulate runoff for a given return frequency.
A research effort is underway by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District in the Denver,
Colorado area to develop more reliable runoff simulation techniques. As a part of this effort, the design
storm concept is being analyzed. Although the District's research effort is broad in scope and is exhaustive
in nature, this paper discusses only the findings and the work to date relative to the design storm concept.
The findings are based on applying 73 years of rainfall to simulate runoff with computer models. These
computer models were calibrated for each catchment using rainfall/runoff data collected since 1969. In
addition, this paper examines the principles of design storm analysis and offers suggestions on how to
develop and test design storms.
In 1969 the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (District) serving the metropolitan Denver,
Colorado, area, became a cooperative sponsor with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to collect
rainfall/runoff data from urban catchments. In 1977 the District started its own data analysis and research
effort to develop more reliable urban runoff simulation techniques. As a part of this effort, the design
storm concept was analyzed. Although the District's research efforts are broad in scope, this paper
presents only the recent findings related to the design storm concept.
Presented at International Symposium on Urban Storm Runoff
U n i v e r s i t y o f K e n t u c k y , L e x i n g t o n , K Y , J u l y 2 3 -26, 1979
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The use of design storms is very popular among drainage and flood control engineers and has
achieved almost universal acceptance. In practice, it is assumed that a design storm of a given recurrence
frequency will simulate a runoff peak and volume having the same frequency. Several techniques to
develop the design storm from rainfall records have evolved or have been proposed over the past 20 years,
including Chicago1, ISWS2, CUHP3, and Urban Storm Runoff Inlet Hydrograph Study4. All of these
techniques are based on the statistical analysis of rainfall data with very little, if any, verification of results
through the investigation of the resultant runoff. Since only rainfall data are analyzed, independent of the
total rainfall/ runoff process, the validity of the design storm concept has been questioned. McPherson5
has pointed out the fallacy of assigning identical frequencies of occurrence to rainfall and runoff when in
reality both processes can exhibit statistical non-homogeneity. The use of the design storm, according to
McPherson, may be acceptable when only gross differences in level of protection from flooding are
sought, but actual rainfall histories need to be used for the final design of operating facilites.6
Recent investigations have reported differences in predicted recurrence probabilities of peak flows
using design storms when compared to simulated peaks using actual rainfall histories7,8,9. Marsalek
observed that for the conditions he investigated in Ontario, Canada, only half of the linear variation in
runoff peaks could be explained by the linear variation in rainfall intensity . This led him to conclude that
parameters of rainfall distribution are important in the generation of realistic runoff peak flow. Wenzel and
Voorhees concluded that the design storm hyetograph and antecedent soil moisture conditions are very
important parameters9. Both Marsalek and Wenzel expressed concern about the validity of the computer
models used when extrapolating to less frequent large storm events. Both reported their models operated
in a surcharge mode during the larger events and, as a result, they felt the accuracy of the predicted runoff
peaks during very large rainstorms was suspect.
Rainfall Analysis
Local governments in the Denver area have adopted the use of t e Urban Storm Drainage Criteria
Manual (USDCN)3 for planning and design of drainage and flood control facilities. The manual was
published in 1969 by the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) and contains rainfall
isopluvial maps for the Denver metropolitan area for a variety of storm duration and return periods. The
USDCM also contains a step by step procedure for reducing the isopluvial information to design storms.
Subsequent to the adoption of the USDCM by local governments, another set of isopluvial maps was
published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)10. The two sets of maps did
not agree. The local governments continued to use the previously adopted USDCM rainfall information,
while Federal agencies used the NOAA Atlas. Occasionally, disagreements occurred between various
parties that were based solely on the argument that one set of design storms was better than the other.
None of the arguments were backed by runoff data.
To examine the validity of the published isopluvial maps, the 73 maximum 30-minute rainfall depths
recorded at the Denver gage from 1898 through 1971 were reduced to a Weibult probability plotting
position. The rainfall data plotted on log normal probability paper are shown on Figure 1. The two lines
shown on Figure 1 show the 30-minute rainfall depths obtained from the DRCOG and NOAA isopluvial
maps. It is interesting that neither of them fit the rainfall data well, yet the isopluvial maps information was
the basis of disagreements between local and Federal officials. If one thoroughly investigated the
procedures used to develop the two sets of isopluvial maps, the reasons for these differences can probably
be discovered. However, that is not the point. What is important to recognize is that published rainfall
Presented at International Symposium on Urban Storm Runoff
U n i v e r s i t y o f K e n t u c k y , L e x i n g t o n , K Y , J u l y 2 3 -26, 1979
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depth-frequency-duration maps are often used as the basis for development of design storms. Besides
being statistically nonhomogeneous with runoff, the design storms in themselves may originate from
information that may not be totally consistent with the rainfall data collected locally.
Also shown on Figure 1 are the 7-day antecedent precipitation data corresponding to each of the
rainstorms used. Examining this data reveals that the antecedent precipitation is random in nature and it is
not possible to draw any conclusions as to how it may affect the statistical distribution of runoff. To
identify the potential effects of antecedent precipitation, it is necessary to examine the runoff peaks
simulated while accounting and not accounting for antecedent moisture conditions. Such dual runoff
simulation was performed and the results are reported later in this paper.
Figure 1. Probability Distribution Of 30-Minute Rainfall Depths at Denver Raingage, 1898 through 1971.
Presented at International Symposium on Urban Storm Runoff
U n i v e r s i t y o f K e n t u c k y , L e x i n g t o n , K Y , J u l y 2 3 -26, 1979
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Runoff Analysis
Gauging Program
Shortly after its inception in 1969, the cooperative District and USGS rainfall-runoff data collection
program set up approximately 30 gauging stations in the Denver metropolitan area. In 1977 the District
started its own data analysis and interpretation effort. After a review of the data collected, approximately
one-half of the gauging sites were abandoned and the data collected at these sites were dropped from the
records because of problems ranging from variable catchment boundaries to flow gage rating curves that
could not be defined. It is difficult to interpret field data obtained even under perfect gauging conditions
and the additional difficulties associated with the interpretation of questionable data was sufficient reason
to limit data acquisition and analysis to sites where problems could be identified and resolved.
Seven of the stations remaining in the data collection program have been analyzed in detail to date. Of
these seven, data from four of the catchments were chosen for use in the investigation of the design storm
concept. The four catchments represent a variety of urban land uses, including a mobile home park
(Northglenn site), single family residential (Denver and Englewood sites), and an airport terminal. Site
maps for each catchment are shown in Figures 2 through 5. Catchment Characteristics for all four are
summarized in Table 1.
The first three catchments were selected for this study because the stormwater runoff is not subject
to detention storage routing of any kind within the catchments. There is a possibility of flow surcharge
storage at the airport site during rainstorms having a recurrence interval in excess of ten years; however,
none of the gauged runoff events indicated a surcharged condition. Although the simulated runoff from the
airport site may not accurately reflect the true Probability for recurrence intervals greater than ten years,
all four sites can be considered to indicate runoff trends from sites that have no on-site detention storage.
Model Calibration
Runoff simulation was performed using the District's computer model calibrated for each site. The
model uses a linear unit hydrograph in combination with Horton's exponential decay infiltration function. 11
This model was selected for its simplicity and low cost of operation. In addition, after it was calibrated, it
reproduce the gauged runoff peaks and volumes consistently. The model was calibrated to match runoff
peaks and volumes using the rainfall and runoff data recorded at each of the four gauged catchments.
Two kinematic wave models were also calibrated for the Denver site, but they produced less consistent
duplication of runoff peaks and were considerably more difficult to use in processing large numbers of
storm events. As a result, neither kinematic wave model was used for this investigation.
Table 2 summarizes the calibrated infiltration and other rainfall losses used in the runoff simulations.
The data for the four sites were analyzed in detail to gain insight into the effects of antecedent
precipitation. Based on what was learned, the initial infiltration and depression storage values were
adjusted for each storm to compensate for the effects of the recorded antecedent precipitation data. A
comparison of the observed and simulated flow peaks at all four gauging sites is shown in Figure 6, which
also demonstrates the validity of the computer model calibration.
Having a calibrated computer model for each of the four gauged catchments, it was possible to
simulate the runoff that would result from a series of large rainstorms recorded at the Denver rain gage.
Digitized rainfall data for a 73-year period (1898-1971) at the Denver rain gage were obtained by USGS
from :he National Weather Service. The 73 rainstorms having the largest recorded one-hour rainfall
accumulation were selected to represent a partial duration series for the 73-year period of record.
Because the digitized rainfall data was reported in 5-minute time intervals, and because the study
catchments were relatively small, a 5-minute unit hydrograph was selected for use in this study.
All 73 storms were used to simulate peak stormwater runoff from the four sites. Before the long-term
simulation was started, the antecedent precipitation for each of the 73 storms was quantified and initial
rainfall abstractions were adjusted using the trends observed from the rainfall/runoff data at the gauged
catchments. A total of 73-runoff peak flows were then simulated and analyzed using the Log Pearson
Type III statistical analysis recommended by the U.S. Water Resources Council. 12 An identical statistical
analysis was performed using peak flows simulated while ignoring the effects of antecedent precipitation.
The resultant Log Pearson Type III distributions of the simulated peak flows vs. their recurrence period
are presented in Figures 7 through 10.
Antecedent precipitation appears to have a relatively small effect in the four test catchments. It is
possible that the algorithm used in correcting for antecedent precipitation underestimated its effects;
however, there are other possible explanations. Denver is located in a semi-arid region of the United
States and has an average annual precipitation of only 15 inches, with approximately one-half of that being
Presented at International Symposium on Urban Storm Runoff
U n i v e r s i t y o f K e n t u c k y , L e x i n g t o n , K Y , J u l y 2 3 -26, 1979
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rainfall. Referring to Figure 1, one can see that only ten of the 73 rainstorms shown had a 7-day
antecedent rainfall that exceeded 0.8 inches. The lack of precipitation in this semi-arid region also results
in the lack of antecedent precipitation and can explain why it has only a minor effect on the statistical
distribution of runoff peaks.
The District's studies also indicate that the runoff from impervious surfaces in the Denver area tends
to overshadow the runoff from the pervious areas. Runoff from impervious surfaces is very quick to occur
and concentrate and is primarily responsible for the peak flow on small urban catchments. At the same
time, runoff from pervious areas occurs later in the storm and contributes little to the peak flow during the
storms that are common to the semi-arid climate. High antecedent moisture may result in increased
volumes, but it appears to have very little impact on peak flows from urbanized catchments in the Denver
area and possibly in other communities located in the semi-arid regions of the country.
To illustrate the relative accuracy of the two types of design storms being used in the Denver area, the
peak flows estimated using the design storms are also shown in Figures 7 through 10. These design storms
were developed in accordance with the USDCM procedures and the DRCOG and NOAA published
isopluvials discussed earlier. It appears that using design storms developed solely from rainfall data can
result in significant variances in the peak flows when compared to the statistical distribution of simulated
The predominant trend is for the tested design storm to overestimate the peak flow. This is not
surprising since the statistical analysis commonly used in the development of design storms tends to
maximize rainfall depths for all time increments. However, the author believes that the temporal
distribution of the design storm can also affect runoff peak calculations. When a leading or advanced type
of design storm distribution is used, the largest rainfall intensities occur at the time when rainfall losses are
large and the runoff is reduced. If, however, a lagging storm pattern is used, the reverse is true and runoff
is increased.
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U n i v e r s i t y o f K e n t u c k y , L e x i n g t o n , K Y , J u l y 2 3 -26, 1979
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Because of the random nature of the temporal distribution of rainfall during rainstorms, it is naive to
believe that a design storm can be developed to represent a real storm of a known recurrence interval.
Design storms do not represent typical rainstorms and are a conglomeration of many storms that have
occurred in the past. However, the concept of a design storm should not be abandoned just because a
design storm does not represent a typically occurring rainstorm. A properly conceived design storm can
still be a very valuable planning tool for use in estimating rainstorm runoff, provided its shortcomings are
understood and it is used only when appropriate.
When the planning effort has substantial potential economic impact, is regional in nature, and a high
level of expertise and adequate budget can be committed, then long term simulation is justified and needs
to be considered. For instance, regional non-point source water quality planning is an area where the
design storm approach has very little merit. The non-homogeneous statistical characteristics of rainfall,
antecedent precipitation, pollutant buildup rates, best management practices, and other phenomena, some
of which are not well understood at this time, demand that a rainfall record of temporal and spatial
distribution be used. Similar arguments can be made for regional flood control planning. However, when
the problem shifts to smaller drainage sub-catchments and individual storm sewer or detention pond design,
there is a need for simplified approaches to the problem. In such instances the design storm is
state-of-the-art to many of the professionals.
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Figure 11. Peak Flow Distribution Using New Design Storms for Northglenn Site
Figure 12. Peak Flow Distribution Using New Design Storms for Denver Site
Presented at International Symposium on Urban Storm Runoff
U n i v e r s i t y o f K e n t u c k y , L e x i n g t o n , K Y , J u l y 2 3 -26, 1979
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Figure 13. Peak Flow Distribution Using New Design Storms for Englewood Site
Figure 14. Peak Flow Distribution Using New Design Storms for Airport Site
The results to date look encouraging; however the District is not yet prepared to revise the USDCM.
Before permanent policy revisions are made to the design procedures used in the Denver area, the new
design storms will undergo further testing using other gauged catchments. The volumetric integrity of the
hydrographs simulated using the new design storms also needs to be verified. Flood routing of the
hydrographs obtained using the long term rainfall record will be performed using a variety of detention
pond designs The routed peaks will then be statistically analyzed and compared against routed peaks
obtained using the new design storms. It is hoped that the new design storms will have realistic flood
routing characteristics. If they don't, it may even be necessary to develop another series of design storms
for use in the design of detention storage facilities. The ultimate goal of the District is to develop design
storms that will consistently result in a reasonable prediction of the peak flows and volumes for storm
runoff in the Denver area. These design storms will then be available to the engineering profession for use
in the design of local drainage and flood control facilities. These new design storms are not intended to be
used in regional non-point water quality studies, nor professed to be the only ones to be used in regional
flood control projects.
Presented at International Symposium on Urban Storm Runoff
U n i v e r s i t y o f K e n t u c k y , L e x i n g t o n , K Y , J u l y 2 3 -26, 1979
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The Urban Drainage and Flood Control District staff is involved in a research program to develop
more reliable urban stormwater runoff simulation tools. As part of this effort, the District is investigating
the design storm concepts being used in the Denver area. As a result of this investigation the following
observations and conclusions have been made:
1. Design storms are developed using information contained in published isopluvial maps that
may not be totally consistent with the long-term rainfall data collected locally.
2. Design storms developed using published isopluvial maps result in runoff peaks that can vary
significantly from the peak flows obtained through statistical analysis of long-term simulation
of runoff using recorded rainfall.
3. Antecedent precipitation in the semi-arid Denver area appears to have very little effect on the
probability distribution of runoff from small urban basins.
4. It is possible to develop. design storms that reasonably duplicate the peak flows from small
urban basins at various recurrence intervals. However, this requires substantial rainfall/runoff
data to permit calibration of computer models, long term simulation of runoff using recorded
rainstorms and statistical analysis of simulated flow peaks and volumes.
5. Design storms developed using long term runoff simulation as a point of reference are useful
in the planning of storm sewers, detention ponds and other flood control facilities. Recorded
rainfall records that include temporal and spatial rainfall distributions need to be developed and
cannot, at this time, be short cut through the use of a design storm whenever water quality
studies are performed and/or stormwater management operational systems are designed. The
use of design storms for these purposes fails to recognize the non-homogeneous statistical
distribution of a large number of variables affecting the results.
1. Keifer, Clint J. and Henry Hsien Chu, "Synthetic Storm Pattern For Drainage Design,"
Journal, Hydraulics Division, ASCE, Vol. 83, No, HY4, pp. 1-25, August 1957.
2. Terstriep, M.L., and J.B. Stall, The Illinois Urban Drainage Area Simulator, ILLUDAS,
Bulletin 58, Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, 90 pp., 1974.
3. Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Volume 1, Rainfall Section Urban Drainage and
Flood Control District, Denver, Colorado, 26 pp., 1969.
4. Urban Storm Runoff Inlet Hydrograph Study, Vol. 4, “Synthetic Storms for Design of Urban
Highway Drainage Facilities,” Report No. FHWA-RD76-119, Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C., 160 pp., March 1976.
6. McPherson, M.B., "Urban Hydrology: New Concepts in Hydrology for Urban Areas," Notes
for Presentation at Northwest Bridge Engineering Seminar, Olympia , Washington, 12 pp.,
October 1976.
7. Sieker, F., "Investigation Of the Accuracy of the Postulate 'Total Rainfall Frequency Equals
Flood Peak Frequency'," Proceedings International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage,
Univ., of South Hampton, April 1978.
8. Marsalek, J., "Research on the Design Storm Concept", ASCE Urban Water Resources
Research Program, TIM No. 33, September 1978.
9. Wenzel, Jr. H.G. and Voorhees, M.L., "Evaluation of the Design Storm Concept",
Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December, 1978.
10. Precipitation-Frequency Atlas of the Western United States, Volume III -Colorado, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Springs, 'Id. 1973.
11. Storm Water Model Management Model User's Manual, Version 11, p. 43, Section 5,
Environmental Protection Technology Series, EPA-650/2-75-017, March 1975.
12. Guidelines for Determining Flood Flow Frequency, Bulletin 17 of the Hydrology Committee,
United States Water Resources Council, March 1976.