Comparison Chart: Mobile C-Arms
Comparison Chart: Mobile C-Arms
Comparison Chart: Mobile C-Arms
Mobile C-arms Scranton Gillette Communications assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in this chart.
Editor’s Note: All submitted information also appears on our website at
Company Name GE Healthcare Hologic Inc. Philips Healthcare Siemens Healthcare Whale Imaging Ziehm Imaging
Model OEC 9900 Elite OEC 9800 Plus OEC Brivo Plus OEC Brivo Prime Fluoroscan InSight-FD Fluoroscan InSight Veradius Unity BV Pulsera BV Endura Arcadis Orbic 3D/Orbic Arcadis Avantic Arcadis Varic Siremobil Compact L Cios Alpha G-Arm GXi 1/GXi 2 (100 AU/AE) Ziehm Vision RFD 3D Ziehm Vision RFD Hybrid Edition Ziehm Vision RFD Ziehm Vision R Ziehm Solo Ziehm Vision² Ziehm Vision² FD Vario 3D
FDA-cleared, year Yes, 2005 Yes, 1999 Yes, 2013 Yes, 2013 2012 2005 2014 2001 2001 2004 2004 2004 1996 2014 2013 Not presently cleared in USA 2013 2013 2010 2009 2008 2008
CE-mark, year Yes, 2005 Yes, 2005 Yes, 2013 Yes, 2013 2012 2005 2014 2001 2001 2004 2004 2004 1996 2014 2013 2015 2013 2013 2010 2009 2003 2007
Intended use Ortho, vascular, spine, pain, Ortho, vascular, spine, pain, Ortho, spine, pain, gen surg Ortho, spine, pain, gen surg Mini FD C-arm for extremity Mini C-arm for extremity Interventional procedure Interventional procedure Interventional procedure Surgical fluoroscopic Surgical fluoroscopic Surgical fluoroscopic Surgical fluoroscopic Surgical fluoroscopic Spine, MISS, ortho, neuro, Fluoroscopy; interventional radiology Fluoroscopy; interventional radiology Fluoroscopy; interventional Fluoroscopy Fluoroscopy Fluoroscopy Fluoroscopy
gen surg gen surg imaging imaging visualization visualization visualization imaging imaging imaging imaging imaging trauma, pain radiology
What differentiates this system from IQ, reliability, dose IQ, reliability, dose IQ, reliability, dose management IQ, reliability, dose management Rotational CMOS flat detector Superb image quality and Tablet-like interface; Excellent penetration from 15 Value-priced system; vascular 3-D visualization and Large field of view and Supports broad range of Small footprint with 30 x 30 cm full view flat Unique real time bi-plane 2-D and 3-D imaging with one system; variable 4 axes motorization steered by using 20 kW powerful monoblock 20 kW powerful monoblock Lightweight design with compact Available with I.I. or flat-panel 2-D and 3-D imaging with one
competition management management robust design ClearGuide; position memory; kW monoblock generator and package; monoblock generator; navigation high penetration applications short startup time panel detector imaging isocentric imaging with variable scan paths; 3-D joysticks, isocentric mode; 25 kW generator; SmartVascular; up to generator; SmartVascular; up to footprint; full-size monitor detector; smallest footprint; Smart- system; variable isocentric imaging
position tracking; color- rotating anode; cardiovascular compact footprint; touchscreen reconstruction with ZIR (Ziehm Iterative Recon- powerful monoblock generator; 3 synchronized touchscreen user- 3 synchronized touchscreen user- mounted on C-arm; SmartArchive; Vascular; up to 3 synchronized with elliptical or circular scan; ZIR
coded C-arm; optimized C-arm packages; 12-in stand monitor LCD; USB storage; dose- struction); scan volume of 16 cm edge length with distance control for non-contact interfaces; largest flat-panel in interfaces; advanced active cooling synchronized touchscreen user- touchscreen user interfaces; (Ziehm iterative reconstructions)
geometry; distortion-free Trixell for operator; compact footprint; conscious design a resolution of 320³ voxels; patented SmartScan surface recognition; SmartVascular; industry; advanced active cooling for nearly unlimited X-ray time; interfaces; SmartDose advanced active cooling for for reduction of metal artifacts;
flat detector; 15 kW generator; dose-conscious design technology for 180 degree image information; 4 up to 3 synchronized touchscreen for nearly unlimited X-ray time; SmartArchive; SmartDose nearly unlimited X-ray time; advanced active cooling for
cardiovascular packages motorized axes; pulsed monoblock generator with user-interfaces; largest flat-panel SmartArchive; SmartDose SmartArchive; SmartDose nearly unlimited X-ray time;
up to 25 kW; distance control for non-contact sur- in industry; advanced active cooling SmartArchive; SmartDose
face recognition; advanced active cooling for nearly for nearly unlimited X-ray time;
unlimited X-ray time; SmartArchive, SmartDose SmartArchive; SmartDose
Navigation aids/roadmapping Vasc roadmapping Vasc roadmapping No No N/A N/A Digital navigation link, subtrac- Digital navigation link, Digital navigation link, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Real time bi-plane dual monitor Roadmapping; interface to image guided Roadmapping; interface to image Roadmapping; interface to image Roadmapping; interface to image Roadmapping; interface to image Roadmapping; interface to image Roadmapping; interface to image
tion, landmarking, pixel shift, landmarking, pixel shift, landmarking, pixel shift, surgery 2-D and 3-D guided surgery 2-D guided surgery 2-D guided surgery 2D guided surgery 2-D guided surgery 2-D guided surgery 2-D and 3-D
roadmapping, SmartMask, roadmapping, SmartMask, roadmapping, SmartMask,
trace mode trace mode trace mode
Image enhancement features GDRM, profiles OEC proprietary processing OEC proprietary processing OEC proprietary processing Edge, sharpen, Auto IQ Edge, sharpen, Auto IQ Auto contrast/brightness, auto Auto contrast/brightness, auto Auto contrast/brightness, auto EASY (Enhanced EASY (Enhanced EASY (Enhanced VPA Retina imaging chain iC-Clear suite Digital flat-panel detector; anatomic profiles; Digital flat-panel detector; anatomical Digital flat-panel detector; anatomical Anatomic profiles; object detected Anatomic profiles; object detected Anatomic profiles; object detected Digital flat-panel detector;
shuttering, recursive temporal shuttering, recursive temporal shuttering, recursive temporal Acquistion System); VPA Acquistion System); VPA Acquistion System); VPA object detected dose control (ODDC); ZAIP programs + modifiers; object de- programs; object detected dose dose control (ODDC) dose control (ODDC) dose control (ODDC); digital flat- anatomic profiles; object detected
noise reduction, electronic zoom noise reduction, electronic zoom noise reduction, electronic zoom (Ziehm Adaptive Image Processing); image post tected dose control (ODDC); ZAIP control (ODDC); ZAIP (Ziehm panel technology; ZAIP (Ziehm dose control (ODDC); ZAIP (Ziehm
processing; ZIR (Ziehm Iterative Reconstruction) (Ziehm Adaptive Image Processing); Adaptive Image Processing); image Adaptive Image Processing) Adaptive Image Processing)
image post processing post processing
Dose reduction features Low dose, pulse, filtration Low dose, pulse, filtration low dose, pulse, removable grid low dose, pulse, removable grid Snap shot mode, overall low Snap shot mode, overall low Removable grid, beam filtration, Beam filtration, independent Beam filtration, independent CARE; short pulse width CARE; short pulse width CARE; short pulse width CARE; short pulse width Intelligent dose efficiency Half dose, AEC Pulsed fluoroscopy, low-dose modes; object Pulsed fluoroscopy, low-dose modes; Pulsed fluoroscopy, low-dose modes; Pulsed fluoroscopy, low-dose modes; Pulsed fluoroscopy, low-dose modes; Pulsed fluoroscopy, low-dose modes; Pulsed fluoroscopy, low-dose modes;
and filter and filter dose system dose system independent shutters, integrated shutters, integrated lasers, low shutters, integrated lasers, low algorithm constantly detected dose control (ODDC), PreMag, removable object detected dose control (ODDC), object detected dose control (ODDC), object detected dose control (ODDC), object detected dose control (ODDC), object detected dose control (ODDC), object detected dose control (ODDC),
lasers, low dose modes dose modes dose modes optimizes the dose grid, laser PreMag, removable grid, laser PreMag, removable grid, laser PreMag, removable grid, laser PreMag, removable grid, laser PreMag, laser, removable grid PreMag, laser, removable grid
Interfaces with constrast media injector Yes Yes No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Maximum output N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S 2 x 110 kV N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S N/S
@120 VAC 75 mA at 120 kVP 75 mA at 120 kVp 10 mA at 110 kVp 10 mA at 110 kVp 0.1 mA @ 75 kVp 0.1 mA @ 75 kVp 125 mA @ 120 kV 125 mA @ 120 kV 7.2 mA 23 mA at120 VAC 250 mA at 120 VAC 23 mA at120 VAC 12.2 mA at 120 VAC 250 mA at 120 VAC N/S 25 kW 25 kW 25 kW 7.5/20 kW 2 kW 2 kW 2 kW
@220 VAC 75 mA at 120 kVP 75 mA at 120 kVp 20 mA at 110 kVp 20 mA at 110 kVp 0.1 mA @ 75 kVp 0.1 mA @ 75 kVp 125 mA @ 120 kV 125 mA @ 120 kV 7.2 mA 23 mA at 220 VAC 250 mA at 220 VAC 23 mA at 220 VAC 12.2 mA at 220 VAC 250 mA at 120 VAC N/S 25 kW 25 kW 25 kW 7.5/20 kW 2 kW 2 kW 2 kW
Heat capacity 1,600,000 1,600,000 900,000 900,000 N/S N/S 300,000 anode; 1,900,000 300,000 anode; 1,900,000 50,100 anode 1,215,000 HU 2,565,000 HU 1,215,000 HU 50,000 HU 2,565,000 HU 40 kHU Anode: 350,000 HU; system: 10,000,000 HU Anode: 350,000 HU; system: Anode: 350,000 HU; system: Anode: 350,000 HU; system: Anode: 48,000 HU; system Anode: 48,000 HU; system: Anode: 48,000 HU; system:
housing housing 10,000,000 HU 10,000,000 HU 10,000,000 HU 1,140,000 HU 5,000,000 HU 5,000,000 HU
Cooling, HU/min. 85,000 85,000 12,500 12,500 6,480 6,480 74,000 70,000 30,600 13,770 50,000 13,770 N/S 50,000 1.89 CHU/min (60W) Anode: 78,000 HU/min (= 1,000 W); system: Anode: 78,000 HU/min (= 1,000 W); Anode: 78,000 HU/min (= 1,000 Anode: 78,000 HU/min (= 1,000 Anode: 48,650 HU/min (600 W); Anode: 48,650 HU/min (600 W); Anode: 48,650 HU/min (600 W);
100,800 HU/min (= 1,200 W) system: 100,800 HU/min W); system: 100,800 HU/min W); system: 100,800 HU/min system: 16,000 HU/min (200 W) system: 32,000 HU/min (400 W) system: 32,000 HU/min (400 W)
(= 1,200 W) (= 1,200 W) (= 1,200 W)
Cooling system/features Heat sinks, active cooling Heat sinks, active cooling Natural cooling Natural cooling N/A N/A Active oil circulation; monoblock Active oil circulation; monoblock Self-contained oil Self-contained oil Self-contained oil Self-contained oil Active self-contained oil N/S Liquid cooling system: advanced active cooling Liquid cooling system: advanced Liquid cooling system: advanced Liquid cooling system: advanced Integrated advanced heat manage- Liquid cooling system: advanced Liquid cooling system: advanced
opt. opt. cooling cooling cooling cooling cooling with automatic heat management active cooling with automatic heat active cooling with automatic heat active cooling with automatic heat ment system active cooling with automatic heat active cooling with automatic heat
management management management management management
Focal spot size, mm N/S N/S N/S N/S 0.045 0.045 0.3 - 0.6 mm 0.3 - 0.6 mm 0.6 - 1.4 mm 0.6 0.3/0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3/0.5 0.6 mm, 1.5 mm IEC336 Dual focus: 0.3 / 0.6 Dual Focus: 0.3/0.6 Dual focus: 0.3/0.6 Dual focus: 0.3/0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Radiographic mode 0.3-0.6 0.3-0.6 1.4 1.4 N/A N/A 0.6 mm 0.6 mm 0.6 0.3/0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3/0.5 1.5 mm 30 mA at 110 kV 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Fluoroscopic mode 0.3 0.3 0.6 x 1.4 0.6 x 1.4 0.045 0.045 0.3 mm 0.3 mm 0.6 0.3/0.5 0.6 0.6 0.3/0.5 0.6 mm 2 mA at 110 kV 0.3/0.6 0.3/0.6 0.3/0.6 0.3/0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Tube power rating, kW @ 100 kVp 15 15 2.2 2.2 0.0075 0.0075 15 kW at 110 kVp 15 kW at 110 kVp 3.15 kW at 110 kVp 2.3 25 2.3 1.4 25 2 x 110 kV 25 kW 25 kW 25 kW 20 kW 2 kW 2 kW 2 kW
Type N/S N/S N/S N/S High-frequency High-frequency High-frequency, monoblock High-frequency, monoblock DC converter, monoblock SirePhos single tank PowerPhos rotating SirePhos single tank SirePhos single tank Single tank with dual- IMD E-40HF IMD/XR04 Monoblock Monoblock Monoblock Monoblock Monoblock Monoblock Monoblock
high-frequency anode high-frequency high-frequency focus rotating-anode tube monoblock
Power rating, kW @ 100 kVp 15 15 2.2 2.2 0.0075 0.0075 15 kW at 110 kVp 15 kW at 110 kVp 3.15 kW at 110 kVp 2.3 25 2.3 1.4 25 2 x 3.5 kW 25 kW (nominal) 25 kW (nominal) 25 kW (nominal) 7.5/20 kW (nominal) 2 kW (nominal) 2 kW (nominal) 2 kW (nominal)
kV range 50-120 50-120 40-110 40-110 N/A N/A 40 - 120 kV 40 - 110 kV 40 - 105 kV 40 to 110 40 to 125 40 to 110 40 to 110 40 to 125 N/S N/A N/A N/A 40-120 kV 40-110 kV 40-110 kV 40-110 kV
mA range Up to 75 Up to 75 20 at 200/220/230/240 V, 10 at 20 at 200/220/230/240 V, 10 at N/A N/A 2 - 125 mA 1.5 - 75 mA 20 mA fixed Up to 23 Up to 250 Up to 23 Up to 12.2 Up to 250 0.1 - 4 mA N/A N/A N/A 72 mA Up to 20 mA Up to 20 mA Up to 20 mA
100/110/120 V 100/110/120 V
mAs range Up to 300 Up to 300 80 at 200/220/230/240 V, 40 at 80 at 200/220/230/240 V, 40 at N/A N/A N/A 0.2 - 120 mAs 2 - 80 mAs Up to 150 N/S Up to 150 Up to 150 N/S N/S N/A N/A N/A 250 mAs 100 mAs 100 mAs N/A
100/110/120 V 100/110/120 V
AEC No No N/S N/S N/A N/A N/A No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Exposure time, sec. 0.1-4, automatic computer 0.1-4, automatic computer 0.05-4, automatic computer 0.05-4, automatic computer N/A N/A N/A 2 sec 4 sec 7-24 ms 7-24 ms 7-24 ms min 50 ms 5 ms to 100 ms N/S N/A N/A N/A Automatically adjusted Automatically adjusted Automatically adjusted Automatically adjusted
control control control control
kV range 40-120 40-120 40-110 40-110 40 - 75 40 - 75 40-120 kV 40-120 kV 40 - 110 kV 40 to 110 40 to 125 40 to 110 40 to 110 40 to 125 N/S 40-120 kV 40-120 kV 40-120 kV 40-120 kV 40-110 kV 40-110 kV 40-110 kV
mA range 0.2 - 20 std. fluoro; 0.2-40 0.2 - 20 std. fluoro; 0.2-40 0.1-4 0.1-4 0.02 - 0.100 0.02 - 0.100 1 - 60 mA 0.1 - 20 mA 0.1 - 7.2mA Up to 15.2 Up to 15.2 Up to 15.2 Up to 8.9 Up to 15.2 4 - 15 mA 1.5-250 mA 1.5-250 mA 1.5-250 mA 7.5 kW: 1.5 - 75 mA; 20 kW: 0.2 - 16 mA 0.2-20 mA 0.2 - 20 mA
pulsed HLF pulsed HLF 1.5 - 200 mA
Pulsed fluoroscopy Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A N/S N/S N/S Up to 23 mA Up to 67 mA Up to 23 mA Up to 12.2 mA 3 mA to 119 mA N/S Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pulses per sec. 1, 2, 4, or 8; 15 or 30 up to 1, 2, 4, or 8; 15 or 30 up to 1, 2, 4 or 8 1, 2, 4 or 8 N/A N/A 30 pps max 12.5 pps max 12.5 pps max Up to 15 Up to 15 (30 p/s DCM) Up to 15 Up to 6 0.5 to 30 Up to 2 x 25 1-25 1-25 1-25 50 Hz: 1-25; 60 Hz: 1-30 50 Hz: 1-25; 60 Hz: 1-30 50 Hz: 1-25; 60 Hz: 1-30 1-25 FPS
150 mA (cardiac mode) 150 mA (cardiac mode)
ABS control kVp, mA, camera gain kVp, mA, camera gain kVp, mA, camera gain kVp, mA, camera gain Full range Full range BodySmart BodySmart BodySmart kV, mA, camera gain kV, mA, camera gain kV, mA, camera gain kV, mA, camera gain kV, mA, camera gain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Snapshot mode 30 PPS, 150 mA 30 PPS, 150 mA Yes Yes Snapshot, continuous, movie Snapshot, continuous, movie Standard Standard No Up to 23 mA Up to 250 mA Up to 23 mA Up to 12.2 mA Up to 250 mA Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(all std.) (all std.)
Cine 0-150 mA 0-150 mA No No Yes, std. Yes, std. Standard Standard Standard No Up to 30 p/s; 250 mA No No Up to 30 p/s; 250 mA Yes 1-25 FPS 1-25 FPS 1-25 FPS 50 Hz: 1-25 FPS; 60 Hz: 1-30 FPS 50 Hz: 1-25 FPS; 60 Hz: 1-30 FPS 50 Hz: 1-25 FPS; 60 Hz: 1-30 FPS 1-25 FPS
Diameter, cm (in.) 23/15/11 (9/6/4.5) or 23/15/11 (9/6/4.5) or 23/15/11 (9/6/4.5) 23/15/11 (9/6/4.5) 14.5 x 11.4 (5.7 x 4.5) FD 15 (6)/10 (4) Flat detector 26 (10) 23/17/13cm (9 in.), 23/17/14cm (9 in.), 23cm (9 in) 33 cm (13 in) 23 cm (9 in) 23 cm (9 in) 30 cm (12 in) 22cm (2 x 9 in.) Flat-panel detector 30 (12) Flat-panel detector 30 (12) / flat- Flat-panel detector 30 (12)/flat- 31/23 (12/9) 23 (9) I.I. 31/23 (12/9); flat-panel detec- Flat-panel detector; 20 (8)
31/23/15 (12/9/6) 31/23/15 (12/9/6) 31/23/17cm (12 in.) 31/22/17cm (12 in.) panel detector 20 (8) panel detector 20 (8) tor 20 (8)
Size, cm (in.) 49 (19), dual flat panel 49 (19), dual flat panel 49 (19), dual flat panel monitors 49 (19), dual flat panel monitors 53.4 (20.1) diagonal, high 53.4 (20.1) diagonal, high 19 in. high brightness color LCD 19 in. high brightness color LCD 19 in. TFT std or high brightness 48 cm (19 in) 48 cm (19 in) 48 cm (19 in) 46 cm (18 in) 48 cm (19 in) 19 in. hi-res 1,280 x 1,024 2x: 48 (19) 2x: 48 (19) 2x: 48 (19) Dual 48 (19) 61 (24) Dual 48 (19) 48 (19)
monitors monitors resolution, extendable flat- resolution, extendable flat- color LCD @ 60hz
panel with touch sensitivity and panel with touch sensitivity and
60 degree swivel 60 degree swivel
Touchscreen Yes Yes Yes No Yes, std. Yes, std. Standard Standard Optional N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes; control monitor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Video storage type Digital memory, CD/DVD Hard and floppy disks Hard disk, CD/DVD burner Hard disk, CD/DVD burner DVI-I and VGA DVI-I and VGA Digital memory Digital memory Digital memory Digital memory, DVD/ Digital memory, DVD/ Digital memory, DVD/ Digital memory, DVD/ Digital memory, DVD/ HDD 500 GB Internal HDD drive, USB and CD/DVD-RW drive Internal HDD drive, USB and CD/ Internal HDD drive, USB and CD/ Internal HDD drive, USB and CD/ Internal HDD drive, USB and CD/ Internal HDD drive, USB and CD/ Internal HDD drive, USB and CD/
burner CD, USB CD, USB CD, USB CD, USB CD, USB DVD-RW drive DVD-RW drive DVD-RW drive DVD-RW drive DVD-RW drive DVD-RW drive
Capacity, number of images 1,000 static; 18,000 dynamic 400 static; 18,000 dynamic 100,000 static 100,000 static 8,000 HD 8,000 HD 20,000 max 20,000 max 20,000 max 60,000 60,000 60,000 Up to 5,000 60,000 100,000+ 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Up to 55,000; option to 100,000 100,000 100,000
at 30 fps real time at 30 fps real time
Image matrix size 1,000 x 1,000 x 16 1,000 x 1,000 x 16 1,000 x 1,000 x 12 1,000 x 1,000 x 12 1,000 x 1,000 1,000 x 1,000 1,280 x 1,024 1,280 x 1,024 1,280 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 CCD, 1,024 x 1,024 pixels, 12 bit 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024 1,024 x 1,024
Last-image hold Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Frame integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, automatic and adjustable Yes, automatic and adjustable Yes, automatic and adjustable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/S Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DICOM conformance Yes Yes Yes Yes Store, send, print, modality Store, send, print, modality Store, print, worklist, MPPS, Store, print, worklist, MPPS, Store, print, worklist, MPPS, Print, store, worklist, Print, store, worklist, Print, store, worklist, Print, store, worklist, Print, store, worklist, DICOM 3.0 Storage class incl. multiframe capability and Storage class incl. multiframe Storage class incl. multiframe Storage class incl. multiframe Storage class incl. multiframe Storage class incl. multiframe Storage class incl. multiframe
worklist worklist query query query query/retrieve, MPPS query/retrieve, MPPS query/retrieve, MPPS query/retrieve, MPPS query/retrieve, MPPS storage commitment, print-, media-, worklist capability and storage commitment, capability and storage commitment, capability and storage commitment, capability and storage commitment, capability and storage commitment, capability and storage commitment,
class incl.; modality performed procedure step print-, media-, worklist class incl. print-, media-, worklist-, query-, print-, media-, worklist-, query-, print-, media-, worklist-, query-, print-, media-, worklist-, query-, print-, media-, worklist-, query-,
(MPPS) query-, retrieve-, verification class Modality performed procedure step retrieve-, verification class retrieve-, verification class retrieve-, verification class retrieve-, verification class retrieve-, verification class
(MPPS) query-, retrieve-, verification
PACS interfaces Wired, wireless (opt) Wired Wired, wireless Wired Ethernet or wireless Ethernet or wireless Ethernet or optional wireless Ethernet Ethernet WLAN/Ethernet WLAN/Ethernet WLAN/Ethernet WLAN/Ethernet WLAN/Ethernet Print, store, query/retrieve, Ethernet or WLAN Ethernet or WLAN Ethernet or WLAN Ethernet or WLAN Ethernet or WLAN Ethernet or WLAN Ethernet or WLAN
Hard-copy devices Integrated film/paper Integrated film/paper Thermal printers Thermal printers 4 x 5 thermal paper printer 4 x 5 thermal paper printer DVD-R, thermal paper/film DVD-R, thermal paper/film DVD-R, thermal paper/film Local/network Local/network Local/network Local/network Local/network integrated Sony A5 video graphic printer Video printer: paper and/or film; DICOM print Video printer: paper and/or film; Video printer: paper and/or film; Video printer: paper and/or film; Video printer: paper and/or film; Video printer: paper and/or film; Video printer: paper and/or film;
onboard printer, thermal onboard printer, thermal or 8 x 5 thermal paper/film or 8x5 thermal paper/film printer, USB printer, USB printer, USB integrated printer integrated printer integrated printer integrated printer printer DICOM print DICOM print DICOM print DICOM print DICOM print DICOM print
printers printers (optional) (optional)
Free space, cm (in.) 79 (31.0) 79 (31.0) 78 (30.7) 78 (30.7) 36 (14) 36 (14) 77 (30) 78 (31) 78 (31) 78 cm (30.7 in) 78 cm (30.7 in) 78 cm (30.7 in) 78 cm (30.7 in) 85 cm (33.5 in) 950-1,250 mm (37.4-49.2 in.), 83.5 (33) 83.5 (33) 83.5 (33) 76 (30) 76 (30) 76 (30) I.I./89.5 (35) FD 89.5 (35)
motor, remote
Depth, cm (in.) 71 (28) std C (12 in. I.I.); 84 71 (28) Std C (12 in. I.I.); 84 66 (26) 66 (26) 53.6 (20) 40.6 (16) 73 (29) 61 (24) 61 (24) 73 cm (28.7 in) 73 cm (28.7 in) 73 cm (28.7 in) 73 cm (28.7 in) 73 cm (28.7 in) N/S 68 (28) 68 (28) 68 (28) 68 (27) 68 (27) 68 (27) 68 (27)
(33) Super C (33) Super C
Orbital rotation, degree 115 (90/25) 12 in. I.I.; 145 115 (90/25) 12 in. I.I.; 145 120 (90 underscan/30 over 120 (90 underscan/30 over 120 120 140 (+90/-50 angulation) 135 (+90/-45 angulation) 135 (+90/-45 angulation) 190 degrees (± 95) 132 degrees (- 42 to 130 degrees (– 40 to 130 degrees (– 40 to 148 degrees (– 51.5 to 34 degree arc (± 17 degrees), 165 165 165 9-in. I.I.: 135; 12-in. I.I.: 115 9-in. I.I.: 135 9-in. I.I.: 135; 12-in. I.I.: 115; 135
(90/55) Super C (90/55) Super C scan) scan) + 90) + 90) + 90) + 96.5) motor driven, remote FD: 135
Horizontal travel, cm (in.) 20.3 (8) 20.3 (8) 20 (8) 20 (8) 119 (46.9) 119 (46.9) 20 (8) 20 (8) 20 (8) 20 cm (7.9 in) 20 cm (7.9 in) 20 cm (7.9 in) 20 cm (7.9 in) 20 cm (7.9 in) 1,937 to 2,540 mm (76.3 to 28 (11) 28 (11) 22 (9) 22 (9) 22 (9) 22 (9) 22 (9)
100 in.)
Vertical travel, cm (in.) 46 (18) 46 (18) 44.5 (17.5) 44.5 (17.5) 58 (22.8) 58 (22.8) 49 (19) 50 (20) 50 (20) 40 cm (15.7 in) 38 cm (15 in) motorized 45 cm (17.7 in), 45 cm (17.7 in), 45 cm (17.7 in), 1,937 to 2,540 mm (76.3 to 41.5 (16.3) 41.5 (16.3) 42 (17) 42 (17) 42 (17) 42 (17) 42 (17)
motorized motorized motorized motorized 100 in.)
Panning motion, degree ±10 ±10 ±12.5 wigwag ±12.5 wigwag 320 320 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10 ± 12.5 ± 12.5 ± 12 N/A 20 (± 10) 20 (± 10) 20 (± 10) 20 (±10) 20 (± 10) 20 (± 10) 20 (± 10)
Pivot rotation, degree 360; 180/180; 180/90 flip- 360; 180/180; 180/90 flip- ± 205 lateral ± 205 lateral 380 380 ± 220 (lateral) ± 180 (lateral) ± 180 (lateral) ± 190 degree ± 190 degree ± 190 degree ± 190 degree ± 225 degrees N/A 450/± 225 450/± 225 450/± 225 450 (± 225) 450/± 225 450/± 225 450/± 225
flop rotation flop rotation angulation angulation angulation angulation
Reverse position Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Power requirements 120/240 VAC, 16/10 A, 50/60 120/240 VAC, 16/10 A, 50/60 100/110/120, 20 A, 200 V, 12A, 100/110/120, 20A, 200 V, 12 A, 100, 120, 220, 240 VAC selectable; 100, 120, 220, 240 VAC selectable; 110-240 V, 50/60 Hz 110-240 V, 50/60 Hz 110-240 V, 50/60 Hz 120 V, 20 amp 120 V, 20 amp 120 V, 20 amp 120 V, 20 amp 120 V, 20 amp 15 amp max at 110/120 VAC 110-240 VAC, 16-20 A; (± 10%) 50/60 Hz 110-240 VAC, 16-20 A (± 10%) 110-240 VAC, 16-20 A; (± 10%) 110-240 VAC, 16-20 A (± 10%) 110-240 VAC, 16-20 A (± 10%) 110-240 VAC, 16-20 A (± 10%) 110-240 VAC, 16-20 A (± 10%)
Hz; motorized 120 VAC, 16 A Hz; motorized 120 VAC, 16 A 220/230/240, 10 A 220/230/240, 10 A 50/60 Hz input; 750 VA 50/60 Hz input; 750 VA 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
H x W x D of C-arm frame, cm (in.) 177 x 84 x 193 (69.7 x 33 x 177 x 84 x 193 (69.7 x 33 x 167 x 90 x 64 (65.7 x 35.4 x 25) 167 x 90 x 64 (65.7 x 35.4 x 25) 165 x 89 x 89 (65 x 35 x 35) 165 x 89 x 89 (65 x 35 x 35) 169 x 84 x 196 (66 x 32 x 77) 9 in.: 173 x 81 x 196 (68 x 32 x 9 in.: 168 x 81 x 188 (66 x 32 x 215 x 80 x 180 cm (84 x 197 x 85 x 182 cm (77 x 172 x 81 x 173 cm (67 x 171 x 80 x 175 cm (67 x 197 x 83 x 165 cm (77.6 x H: 1,937-2,540mm (76.3-100 30 (12) FD: 159 x 80 x 188; (62.6 x 31.5 x 74) 30 (12) FD: 159 x 80 x 188; (62.6 x 30 (12) FD: 15x 80 x 188; (62.6 x 9 I.I.: 179 x 80 x 188 (70.5 x 31.5 x 177 x 80 x 173 (65 x 31.5 x 68.1) 9 I.I.: 173 x 80 x 160 (68.1 x 31.5 x 157.5 x 80 x 160 (62 x 31.5 x 63)
76) 9 in. I.I. std C; 184 x 84 76) 9 in. I.I. std C; 184 x 84 77), 12 in.: 182 x 81 x 196 (72 74), 12 in.: 177 x 81 x188 (70 31 x 71 in) 33 x 71 in) 31 x 68 in) 31 x 68 in) 32.7 x 65 in) in.); W: 810 mm (31.9 in.); D: 31.5 x 74); 20 (8 ) FD: 160.3 x 80 x 31.5 x 74); 20 (8) FD: 160.3 x 80 x 74); 12 I.I.: 179 x 80 x 189 (70.5 x 63); 12 I.I.: 178.5 x 80 x 163 (70.3
x 200 (72.4 x 33.1 x 78.7) x 200 (72.4 x 33.1 x 78.7) x 32 x 77) x 32 x 74) 2,004 mm (78.90 in.) 189.4 (63.1 x 31.5 x 74.6) 189.4 (63.1 x 31.5 x 74.6) 31.5 x 74.4) x 31.5 x 64.2) FD: 158 x 80 x 164
12 in. I.I. 12 in. I.I. (62.2 x 31.5 x 64.6)
Weight, kg (lb.) 539 (1,190) C-arm and 458 (1,010) C-arm and 170 (375) C-arm and 170 (375) C-arm and 216 (~475) 220 (~490) 346 (757) 9 in.: 310 (683), 12 in.: 9 in.: 310 (683), 12 in.: 337 (745) 347 (765) 236 (520) 254 (560) 352 (775) G-Arc: 716 (325) 404 (891) C-arm, 172 (379) monitor cart 404 (891) C-arm, 167 (368) monitor 400 (882) C-arm, 160 (353) 380 (838) 9-in. I.I. C-arm, 398 310 (683) C-arm, 125 (276) Ziehm 230 (507) 9-in. I.I. C-arm; 260 255 (562) C-arm; 160 (353)
workstation workstation workstation workstation 305 (672) 305 (672) cart monitor cart (877) ; 12-in. I.I. C-arm, 160 (353) viewing station without printer (573) 12-in. I.I. C-arm; 280 (617) monitor cart without printer and
monitor cart without printer and FD C-arm; 160 (353) monitor cart other options
other options without printer and other options
Warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 12 months 12 months 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 13 months; 1 year 2 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
Other specifications Touchscreen operation and Touchscreen operation and Touchscreen operation, central Color monitor Mini C-arm with rotational Superb IQ, touchscreen monitor, Position tracking and position Asymmetric shutter control, Body Smart, asymmetric shutter Isocentric 3-D for Syngo user interface for NaviLink 2-D interface, Upgrade ability for DSA; Remote tableside Variable SID, motor driven, 4 axes motorization steered by using joysticks, 4 axes motorization steered by using Progammable foot switch, remote Progammable foot switch, remote Available with different monitor Progammable foot switch, remote Progammable foot switch,
integrated footswitch for integrated footswitch for lock wheel; annotation and flat detector (FD), touchscreen full time on laser light; robust memory; outlining; metal cor- auto shutter placement, control, last image hold, laser intra-op acquistions for multimodality image Syngo interface with easy to use; network operation w/full control, remote isocentric mode; 25 kW power; programmable joysticks, isocentric mode; 25 kW control (bed side), CO2 package, control (bed side), CO2 package, sizes; optional available with control (bed side), CO2 package, CO2 package, ODDC (Object
user interface and operation; user interface and operation; measurement software, MPPS monitor, full time on laser light; built, national service rection; tank laser aiming device; laser compatible, automatic compatible, Kodak, Agfa, DICOM CT-like data set display multi modality image integration capability vascular workflow w/ wireless foot switch, wireless video, remote power; programmable foot switch, interface for angiography injector, interface for angiography injector, Ziehm viewing station; ODDC interface for angiography injector, Detected Dose Control); digital
optional motorized C-arm optional motorized C-arm as options superb image quality; robustly medical DVD recorder; video programmed fluoroscopy, full 3.0 XA automatic programmed display graphical overlay and control (bed side), CO2 package, interface for an- remote control (bed side), CO2 ODDC (Object Detected Dose ODDC (Object Detected Dose (Object Detected Dose Control); ODDC (Object Detected Dose pre-magnification; graphical user-
built, national service paper printer; multimodality cardiac and vascular solution, fluoroscopy, full vascular stenosis measurement, giography injector, ODDC (Object Detected Dose package, interface for angiography Control); digital pre-magnification; Control); digital pre-magnification; intuitive touchscreen user Control); digital pre-magnification; interface; option brachytherapy,
workstation (ViewForum); multiple dose options like solution electromagnetic brakes Control); digital pre-magnification; graphical injector, ODDC (Object Detected Dose graphical user interface graphical user interface interface; available as a portable graphical user interface 3-D resolution of 256³ voxel or 512³
wireless data transfer quarter dose, pulsed exposure user interface; 3-D resolution of 320³ voxel Control); digital pre-magnification; version for military purposes or voxel (option)
graphical user interface aid organizations
© Scranton Gillette Communications • 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane • Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025 • 847.391.1000 • Fax 847.390.0408 March 2015 Comparison Chart Compiled by Scranton Gillette Communications Scranton Gillette Communications obtained the model specifications from the manufacturers.
Scranton Gillette Communications assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in this chart.