Thrombolysis For Acute Myocardial Infarction: Clinical Cardiology: New Frontiers
Thrombolysis For Acute Myocardial Infarction: Clinical Cardiology: New Frontiers
Thrombolysis For Acute Myocardial Infarction: Clinical Cardiology: New Frontiers
Abstract—Thrombolytic therapy has been a major advance in the management of acute myocardial infarction.
Unfortunately, it continues to be underused or is administered later than is optimal. Thrombolytic therapy works by
lysing infarct artery thrombi and achieving reperfusion, thereby reducing infarct size, preserving left ventricular
function, and improving survival. The most effective thrombolytic regimens achieve angiographic epicardial infarct-
artery patency in only «=50% of patients within 90 minutes. Bleeding requiring transfusion occurs in ^5% of patients
and stroke in «=<1.8% with these regimens, which include adjunctive aspirin and intravenous heparin. There are several
ways in which reperfusion rates and thus patient outcomes might be improved, such as different dosing regimens of
established agents; combinations of different agents; improved adjunctive therapy such as direct antithrombin agents,
low-molecular-weight heparin, or glycoprotein Ilb/IIIa receptor antagonists; or the development of novel thrombolytic
agents with enhanced fibrin specificity, resistance to native inhibitors, or prolonged half-lives allowing bolus
administration. All of these strategies are being tested in clinical trials. The best approach currently is to administer
thrombolytic therapy as soon as possible to all patients without contraindications who present within 12 hours of
symptom onset and have ST-segment elevation on the ECG or new-onset left bundle-branch block, unless an alternative
reperfusion strategy is planned. (Circulation. 1998;97:1632-1646.)
Key Words: myocardial infarction • plasminogen activators • streptokinase • thrombolysis
A short distance from its origin the left coronary artery acute myocardial infarction. Unfortunately, many of these
was completely obliterated by a red thrombus that had patients do not receive thrombolytic therapy, and countless
formed at a point of great narrowing. . . lives are lost despite the best scientific evidence of its
safety and efficacy. Underusage and delay in administering
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From the Coronary Care and Cardiovascular Research Units, Green Lane Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand, and the Department of Cardiology,
University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium.
Correspondence to Professor Harvey White, Cardiology Department, Green Lane Hospital, Private Bag 92 189, Auckland 1030, New Zealand (e-mail or Professor Frans Van de Werf, Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven,
Belgium (e-mail
© 1998 American Heart Association, Inc.
White and Van de Werf April 28, 1998 1633
was no marked discontinuity at 0 to 1 hours and only a with unstable angina (32%), and ISIS-3 included patients
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gradual diminution of benefit with delay (30% reduction at 0 without or with only minor ST-segment elevation. The
to 1 hours [SD, 9%]; 25% reduction at 2 to 3 hours [SD, 5%]; proportional mortality reduction was 48% in patients treated
and 18% reduction at 4 to 6 hours [SD, 5%]). For each hour within 1 hour (95% CI, 31% to 61%), and patients treated
of delay in administering thrombolytic therapy, 1.6 additional within 2 hours had a significantly greater mortality reduction
lives were lost for every 1000 patients treated. (44%; CI, 32% to 53%) than those treated later (20%; CI,
Boersma and colleagues39 recently analyzed 22 trials that 15% to 25%). These benefits exceed the FTT linearfindingof
had compared fibrinolytic therapy with placebo or control 1.6 lives saved per 1000 patients for each hour of earlier
treatment in at least 100 patients (n=50 246), They came to treatment. The implied benefit from treatment 1 hour earlier
in GUSTO-I, five lives saved per 1000 patients treated, was
a different conclusion, namely, that the relation between
treatment delay and mortality reduction was expressed sig- also greater than the FTT finding.
These analyses are from nonrandomized comparisons of
nificantly better by a nonlinear than a linear regression
patients treated earlier versus those treated later and need to
equation (F=.03) (Fig 1). Their analysis excluded 4250
be interpreted cautiously. Patients who present earlier may
patients from the USIM26 and ISIS-327 trials, both of which have larger infarcts, and those presenting later are more often
were included in the FTT analysis. USIM included patients elderly, female, diabetic, or hypertensive or have had previ-
ous infarctions or bypass surgery.40
The greatest delay between symptom onset and
thrombolytic therapy is due to late presentation by patients,
and this accounted for 55% of the total treatment delay in
GUSTO-I.40 Unfortunately, public education programs aim-
ing to reduce these delays have had variable results.41
In GUSTO-I, the delay between hospital admission and
treatment—the "door-to-needle" time—was 64 minutes. Pa-
tients in the United States faced slightly longer delays
o (median, 66 minutes) than those outside the United States
Time to 0-1
treatment (h) (median, 60 minutes).40 It is disappointing to note that in the
Average 0.75
delay (h) GUSTO-III trial, which commenced randomization 5 years
Figure 1. Mortality among fibrinolytic-treated and control after GUSTO-I, the median delay was 54 minutes. Whichever
patients according to treatment delay. Reproduced with permis- thrombolytic regimen is used, it is important that treatment
sion from Reference 39. delays be reduced for the benefit of all eligible patients.
White and Van de Werf April 28, 1998 1635
regimen, such as accelerated alteplase, would cause more intra- Figure 2. Incidence of mortality, stroke, and nonfatal disabling
cerebral hemorrhage in elderly patients and that the net clinical stroke with increasing age.
1636 Thrombolysis for Acute MI
also at high risk. All of these patient groups are at high TABLE 3. Major Contraindications Against the Use of
absolute risk and are likely to benefit substantially from Thrombolytic Therapy
thrombolysis, which reduces mortality and preserves left Any previous history of hemorrhagic stroke
ventricular function.24 A patent infarct-related artery has the History of stroke, dementia, or central nervous system damage
potential to provide collaterals to another infarct zone in the within 1 year
event of subsequent coronary occlusion and can decrease Head trauma or brain surgery within 6 months
arrhythmogenesis and remodeling of the left ventricle.56
Known intracranial neoplasm
Treatment of elderly patients with inferior infarcts has been
Suspected aortic dissection
shown to be particularly cost-effective compared with other
widely used treatments (Table 2).52 Internal bleeding within 6 weeks
Patients with lateral or circumflex artery infarcts not Active bleeding or known bleeding disorder
involving the inferior surface of the heart have usually been Major surgery, trauma, or bleeding within 6 weeks
excluded from randomized trials because of the requirement Traumatic cardiopulmonary resuscitation within 3 weeks
for 2 mm of ST-segment elevation in leads V4 to V6 (Table 1),
even though these leads are not usually affected by repolar-
weighed against the risk of bleeding to determine the likeli-
ization abnormalities. It would seem logical that patients with
hood of benefit or harm. If percutaneous revascularization
occlusive thrombus in a circumflex artery would benefit from
procedures are available, the threshold for administering
thrombolytic therapy, and these patients could be identified
thrombolytic therapy in the presence of contraindications
by 1 mm of ST-segment elevation in the lateral precordium or
should be higher. However, if thrombolytic therapy is the
lead aVL or by an echocardiogram showing a lateral wall
only option available, then contraindications in very sick
motion abnormality. True posterior infarcts should also be
treated. The FTT overview showed that patients with bundle- patients may outweigh the possibility of benefit.
branch block patterns also benefit from thrombolytic therapy.
The trials that included such patients did not specify that the Oral Anticoagulants and Known
bundle-branch block must be new. ST-segment elevation is Bleeding Disorders
Some authorities and most recent trials have considered oral
easily recognized in the presence of right bundle-branch
anticoagulants to be an absolute contraindication against the
block, and new infarction can also be detected in the presence
use of thrombolytic therapy. In a multivariate logistic regres-
of left bundle-branch block.57 If the diagnosis is uncertain and
sion analysis of 2469 patients with acute myocardial infarc-
an old ECG is not readily available, echocardiography may
tion, those on oral anticoagulants before admission had a
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the clotting factors. It should be acknowledged, however, that threshold for this effect.62 The rate of intracranial hemorrhage
these approaches have not been formally evaluated. was doubled if the systolic pressure was >175 mmHg at
Little information is available about the safety of study entry. The effect of elevated diastolic blood pressure at
thrombolytic therapy in patients with common abnormalities entry on clinical outcomes is less striking. In GUSTO-I, there
such as von Willebrand's disease, which affects 0.1% of the was a slight increase in the rates of intracranial hemorrhage
population. The clinical manifestations of this disorder are with increasing diastolic blood pressure, but no significant
variable. If patients have had only mild bleeding associated increase in mortality was observed in patients with high
with trauma, it may be reasonable to administer thrombolysis, diastolic blood pressures on admission (^100 mm Hg). It is
whereas if transfusion has been required, thrombolysis would unknown whether acute treatment of high blood pressure on
be contraindicated. admission reduces the risk of intracranial hemorrhage after
thrombolysis. However, in patients for whom coronary an-
Other Contraindications gioplasty is inappropriate or unavailable, it would seem
Hemorrhagic pancreatitis could be aggravated by reasonable to lower the blood pressure immediately and then
thrombolytic therapy and is therefore considered a relative administer thrombolytic therapy.46 In some patients with a
contraindication against the use of thrombolytic therapy. very high blood pressure on admission and a low risk of dying
There are no data on fetal safety when thrombolytic of cardiac causes,62 the risk of hemorrhagic stroke may
therapy is administered during pregnancy, and there is also a outweigh the potential reduction in mortality and morbidity.
risk of maternal bleeding in the first week postpartum. Sufficient anti-streptokinase antibodies develop to neutral-
Recent bleeding from peptic ulceration in the previous 6 ize a standard dose of streptokinase within 3 to 4 days after
weeks is considered a contraindication against the use of initial administration. At 4 years, 50%63 of patients still have
thrombolytic therapy, but "vague" indigestion should not elevated levels of antibodies. Because of concerns mainly
prevent patients from receiving thrombolytic therapy. about efficacy but also about allergy,64'65 streptokinase should
In a case-control study from GUSTO-I,60 the risk of not be readministered except in the first 24 to 48 hours.
intracerebral hemorrhage in patients who had previously
suffered transient ischemic attacks was 2.8 times that of Factors That Should Not Be
control cases.60 Patients with a history of dementia had 3.4 Considered Contraindications
times the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. This may relate to Menstruation
the known increased bleeding risk associated with cerebral Active bleeding at the time of presentation with acute
amyloid angiopathy. myocardial infarction is usually considered a contraindication
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Mycotic aneurysms associated with infective endocarditis against the use of thrombolytic therapy. However, menstrual
may bleed, and because of this possibility, endocarditis is bleeding is not due to hematological abnormalities but rather
considered a contraindication against the use of thrombolytic to high local concentrations of native plasminogen activator
therapy. and decreased procoagulants in the endometrial fluid, to-
Catastrophic hemoptysis may occur with cavitating pulmo- gether with active sloughing of the endometrium induced by
nary tuberculosis, and thrombolytic therapy is therefore prostaglandin-mediated arteriolar spasm. Although menstrual
contraindicated. bleeding could theoretically be increased during the first 12 to
Because the liver produces coagulant factors and there is a 18 hours of menstruation, this has not been observed in the
possibility of portal hypertension and esophageal varices with few women who have received thrombolytic therapy on day
the propensity for uncontrollable hematemesis, thrombolytic 1 of their menstrual cycle. There have been reports of 24
therapy is contraindicated in cases of advanced liver disease. women who have safely received thrombolytic therapy dur-
Percutaneous revascularization is preferable to ing menstruation, although moderate bleeding may be in-
thrombolytic therapy if there is a strong possibility of creased, requiring transfusion.66 Thus, the risk of bleeding is
systemic embolism from a fresh left atrial thrombus or a not a sufficient reason to deny women the benefits of
protuberant left ventricular thrombus. thrombolytic therapy.
Patients with acute myocardial infarction and a history of
hypertension or elevated blood pressure on admission have a Nontraumatic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
greater risk of intracranial hemorrhage after thrombolysis.46 Small series of patients have reported no significant compli-
In general, patients with a previous history of hypertension cations from resuscitation lasting <10 minutes.67'69 No sig-
represent a higher-risk group (older age, more women, higher nificant bleeding has been reported even when resuscitation
incidence of diabetes, and Killip class >I). They therefore was continued for 2 hours or when patients with rib fractures
have a worse clinical outcome, including both a higher were given thrombolytic therapy.70 Nontraumatic cardiopul-
cardiac death rate and higher total and hemorrhage stroke monary resuscitation should therefore not be considered a
rates.61 In GUSTO-I, the risk of death in patients with a high contraindication against the use of thrombolytic therapy.
systolic blood pressure at entry was similar to that in
normotensive patients (excluding patients with a systolic Diabetes
pressure of <120 mmHg, in whom the risk of death was Diabetic patients have been less frequently treated with
higher).62 The risk of intracranial hemorrhage, however, thrombolytic agents because of concerns about the increased
increased with systolic blood pressure, especially at systolic risk of bleeding complications. The 1990 American College
pressures of >170 mmHg, although there was no clear of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines for the
1638 Thrombolysis for Acute MI
management of acute myocardial infarction classified dia- segment depression in the anterior leads may actually be
betic hemorrhagic retinopathy as an absolute contraindication developing a true transmural posterior infarction. Others may
against the use of thrombolytic therapy.71 In the FIT analysis, develop non-Q-wave infarction or may have unstable angina
however, the incidence of stroke and major bleeding compli- without myocardial necrosis. In general, the deeper the
cations after thrombolytic therapy was only slightly higher in ST-segment depression and the greater the number of leads
diabetic patients (stroke, 1.9% versus 1.0%; major bleeding, involved, the greater the likelihood of myocardial necrosis
1.3% versus 1.0%),38 and in the GISSI-2/International Study and thus non-Q-wave infarction.77 In the LATE study,78
Group trial, the incidence of these complications was similar mortality rates in 528 patients with confirmed non-Q-wave
among diabetic and nondiabetic patients.72 Intraocular hem- infarction and ST-segment depression of ^2 mm were
orrhage and, more specifically, retinal bleeding are extremely significantly lower in those who received alteplase (8.6%
uncommon complications of thrombolytic therapy. In the versus 16.6% at 35 days [P<.006] and 20.1% versus 31.9%
GUSTO-I study, 300 of the 6011 diabetic patients were at 1 year [P<.006]). This post hoc analysis of patients treated
estimated to have proliferative retinopathy, but none had late suggests that thrombolytic therapy may be beneficial in
intraocular hemorrhages, and the calculated upper 95% con- selected patients with typical symptoms and deep ST-seg-
fidence limit of the possible occurrence of intraocular hem- ment depression (>2 mm), because these patients are most
orrhage was only 0.05%.73 It is unlikely that thrombolytic likely developing a true posterior wall infarction or non-Q-
therapy would increase vitreous hemorrhage, which is due to wave infarction. The overall outcomes in patients with
vitreous detachment, in patients with diabetic retinopathy. ST-segment depression observed in the FTT study may
Also, the few nondiabetic patients reported have shown no represent a net benefit in patients with posterior wall infarc-
limitation of visual acuity at follow-up.74'75 Thus, the concerns tion or non-Q-wave infarction and harm in those patients
many clinicians have about bleeding complications after with unstable angina. New prospective trials in patients with
thrombolysis in diabetic patients are not supported by the ischemic chest pain and deep ST-segment depression are
results of large-scale clinical trials. needed.
With regard to efficacy, the GUSTO-I angiography sub-
study showed that thrombolytic therapy is equally efficacious Cardiogenic Shock
in restoring early coronary artery patency in patients with and Thrombolytic therapy may be less effective in patients with
without diabetes.61 In the FTT analysis, diabetics had a 21% cardiogenic shock. In the GISSI-1 trial,18 hospital mortality
reduction in 35-day mortality with thrombolytic therapy rates in Killip class IV patients were high, with no difference
compared with control therapy, which corresponds to 37 lives between control patients and those treated with streptokinase
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saved per 1000 patients treated versus 15 lives in nondiabetic (69.9% versus 70.1%, respectively). Also, in the FTT over-
patients. Thus, diabetic patients with acute myocardial infarc- view,38 patients with both a systolic blood pressure of
tion are just as eligible for thrombolytic therapy as nondia-
<100 mmHg and a heart rate of >100 bpm had high
betics, but their early mortality rates remain high even after
mortality rates at 35 days, with a statistically nonsignificant
adjustment for both clinical and angiographic variables.61 A
difference in favor of thrombolysis (53.8% versus 61.1%). In
higher reocclusion rate and reduced compensatory hyperki-
view of these observations, cardiogenic shock is considered
nesis of the noninfarct zones have been proposed as expla-
an indication for primary angioplasty, although there are also
nations for this excess in early mortality.61
no randomized data showing benefit. If primary angioplasty
is unavailable, thrombolytic therapy, preferably using a non-
Although thrombolysis has become the mainstay of acute fibrin-specific agent such as streptokinase, should be given.
treatment in the majority of patients with suspected acute Lower mortality rates were observed in Killip class IV
myocardial infarction, uncertainties still remain with regard patients given streptokinase than in those given alteplase in
to the clinical benefit of this therapy in certain subgroups of both the GISSI-2/International Study Group trial (64.9% with
patients. streptokinase versus 78.1% with alteplase; P<.05)33'79 and the
GUSTO-I trial (55.6% with streptokinase versus 62% with
ST-Segment Depression alteplase; P=.06).29 A possible explanation for these obser-
Patients without ST-segment elevation are currently not given vations is that a sufficiently high coronary perfusion pressure
thrombolytic therapy. In the FTT analysis,38 mortality at 35 is needed for local fibrin-specific clot lysis,80 whereas the
days in such patients was nonsignificantly higher after induction of a general lytic state with subsequent local clot
thrombolysis (15.2%) than after control treatment (13.8%). A lysis can occur at low arterial blood pressures with a
possible explanation for this negative outcome is the proco- non-fibrin-specific agent. Although hypotension may occur
agulant effect of fibrinolytic agents, which may cause pro- during administration of streptokinase, this is unrelated to the
gression of a nonobstructive mural thrombus to complete initial blood pressure and is usually rapidly reversible with
occlusion. Theoretically, thrombolytic therapy could worsen administration of fluids and cessation of the streptokinase
a coronary artery stenosis by causing intraplaque hemorrhage, infusion. It is important that a full dose of a thrombolytic
and lysis of a subocclusive thrombus could also cause distal agent is given when the patient is hemodynamically stable,
embolism and infarction.76 either by recommencement of streptokinase at a lower infu-
Patients with ischemic chest pain and ST-segment depres- sion rate or by administration of alteplase or reteplase;
sion are a heterogeneous group. Some patients with ST- otherwise, angioplasty should be considered.
White and Van de Werf April 28, 1998 1639
EMIP (nf87) 5649 Anistreplase (30u, IV bolus) 55 9.7% 11.1% 15 ±8
MITI (rtfSS) 360 Alteptase (lOOmg over 3 hours) 33 57% 8.1% 31 ± 35
Crude Subtotal 6607 9.1% 10.7% 17 ±8 <?>
Figure 3. Results of trials comparing prehospital with in-hospital administration of thrombolytic therapy. Relative risk of early death (in hospi-
tal or within 30 days, except for the Barbash trial,85 which used a 60-day end point) and 95% CIs are shown. Redn indicates reduction.
Prior Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery that thrombolytic therapy reduced mortality by 14% (SD, 5%)
In GUSTO-I, prior bypass surgery was an independent in patients randomized between 7 and 12 hours after symp-
predictor of a higher 30-day mortality rate.47 tom onset (/J=.005),38 and there was a nonsignificant 5%
The poor outcome in these patients may be explained by a reduction in mortality among the 9000 patients who presented
higher prevalence of multivessel disease and impaired left after 12 hours. Because patients from the LATE and ASSET
ventricular function and a lower 90-minute coronary artery studies were not subdivided by ECG criteria in this analysis,
patency rate after thrombolysis,47'81 most likely because of the the benefit in patients presenting between 13 and 18 hours
presence of large thrombi when a vein graft is the infarct- with ST-segment elevation or bundle-branch block could be
related vessel. This probably also explains the greater benefit of the order of 10 lives saved per 1000 patients treated.38
observed in these patients when they are given a more potent Patients who present late may have stuttering infarcts, or
lytic agent such as alteplase.82 Indeed, although the difference the infarct-related artery may have been patent at some stage
was not significant, this group had one of the largest treat- after the initial occlusion,34 enabling salvage of myocardium
ment differences in GUSTO-I: the 30-day mortality rate was beyond 6 hours. The major benefit of late treatment, however,
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11% in patients who received streptokinase and 8.3% in those is probably not due to myocardial salvage but rather to other
randomized to receive alteplase. mechanisms (Table 5).56
with subcutaneous heparin or control therapy beginning 4 hours other are less affected by the time of recanalization (eg,
after initiation of thrombolytic therapy. Mortality was similar attenuation of infarct expansion, left ventricular remodeling,
with all three thrombolytic regimens: 10.5% with streptokinase, enhanced electrical stability, and provision of collateral
10.3% with duteplase, and 10.6% with anistreplase.27 flow).'456-99-100 One would expect that these favorable effects
The GUSTO-I trial randomized 41 021 patients to receive would result in survival benefits not only during the hospital
one of four thrombolytic regimens.29 The lowest mortality stay but also afterward. Surprisingly, no extra survival benefit
rate at 30 days (6.3%) was achieved with accelerated alte- after hospital discharge has been observed in patients given
plase infused over a period of 90 minutes with immediate intravenous thrombolytic therapy. A meta-analysis performed
administration of intravenous heparin, compared with 7.2% by the FTT Collaborative Group of more than 40 000 patients
for streptokinase plus subcutaneous heparin (as administered participating in placebo-controlled trials of intravenous
in ISIS-4,31 although 36% of patients in GUSTO-I also thrombolysis indicated that the risk of death after 1 month
received intravenous heparin), 7.4% for streptokinase plus was equal in survivors of acute myocardial infarction whether
immediate intravenous heparin, and 7.0% for combination or not intravenous thrombolytic therapy was given on admis-
therapy with streptokinase plus alteplase plus intravenous sion and irrespective of the time this treatment was started.101
heparin. At 30 days, the reduction in mortality was 14% in the There are many explanations for the absence of any extra
accelerated alteplase group compared with the combined long-term benefit. Only a minority of patients are treated
streptokinase groups, equating to an extra 10 lives saved per within a time window that allows substantial salvage of
1000 patients treated. For the combined end point of death ischemic myocardial tissue. The incidence of optimal reper-
plus nonfatal disabling stroke, there were 11 fewer events per fusion with the present fibrinolytic agents is only ~50%,9and
1000 patients treated. The benefit was consistent across most even in patients who receive treatment early and have TM
subgroups, including patients with anterior or inferior infarcts grade 3 flow, adequate tissue reperfusion is often not
and those presenting earlier or later. The greatest benefit was achieved ("no reflow" or "impaired reflow").102'10 Further-
seen in patients with higher-risk baseline characteristics.94 A more, reocclusion and reinfarction are frequently observed
nomogram has been developed that incorporates age, Killip after hospital discharge,12-13'104-'07 and late mortality rates are
class, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, history of infarction, high in patients with very poor residual left ventricular
and infarct location into a model for nonquantitative guidance function who survive the hospital phase because of successful
in selecting alteplase over streptokinase.94 thrombolysis.108-109 Thrombolytic therapy may have other
Why did ISIS-3 and GISSI-2 fail to demonstrate any mortality important benefits besides mortality reduction, such as pres-
differences between streptokinase and tissue plasminogen acti- ervation of left ventricular function, which can improve
exercise tolerance and quality of life. There have been
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growth factor domains reduces hepatic receptor binding, which, lence. On the other hand, for the secondary end point of death or
along with the lack of carbohydrate groups, prolongs plasma disabling stroke, the 95% CIs were <1%, suggesting that the
clearance. Reteplase has a half-life approximately twice that of two treatments were interchangeable. Stroke occurred in 1.64%
alteplase (Table 6) but less fibrin specificity because of the of patients treated with reteplase and 1.79% of those treated with
deletion of the finger domain. In two angiographic trials, alteplase (P=.5). These results clearly indicate the importance of
reteplase (given as two 10-IU boluses 30 minutes apart) yielded defining boundaries for equivalence in any future clinical eval-
more TEVII grade 3 flow at 90 minutes than a 3-hour (62.7% uation of new plasminogen activators.
versus 49.0%; P<.05)113 or 90-minute (59.9% versus 45.2%; Why did the enhanced patency rates with reteplase at 60 and
f=.01) infusion of alteplase.114 However, the same dose of 90 minutes not translate into lower mortality? This might have
kringle-1 kringle-2
growth factor
TNK-tPA reteplase
1642 Thrombolysis for Acute MI
been due to chance, because the observed patency difference at patency rates, and slightly less fibrinogen breakdown.120 In
90 minutes would have been expected to produce a mortality the SESAM study, similar TIMI grade 2 and 3 flows were
difference of <15%.7 Alternatively, it may be that patency rates observed with saruplase and a 3-hour infusion of alteplase.121
with each agent fluctuate at different time points. In a small In the COMPASS equivalence trial (n=3089 patients), 30-
group (96 patients) in the RAPED-2 angiographic study, alte- day mortality rates were lower with saruplase (80 mg/h) than
plase produced higher patency rates at 30 minutes than reteplase with streptokinase (5.7% versus 6.7%), but there was also an
(39.0% versus 27.3%; />=NS), and this very early advantage increased rate of intracranial hemorrhage (0.7% versus
might have offset the later patency advantage of reteplase. 0.3%).122 Single-bolus administration (80 mg) of saruplase is
Another possible explanation is that reocclusion rates might being explored as well. This agent is expected to be approved
have been higher with reteplase. for use in Europe this year.
TNK-tPA Staphylokinase
TNK-tPA is a genetically engineered triple-combination mutant Staphylokinase, a 136-amino-acid protein produced by cer-
of native tissue plasminogen activator with amino acid substitu- tain strains of Staphylococcus aureus, has a unique mecha-
tions at the following sites: a threonine (T) is replaced by an nism of fibrin selectivity.123 In two angiographic studies,
asparagine, which adds a glycosylation site to position 103; an recombinant Staphylokinase (in doses between 20 and 30 mg)
asparagine (N) is replaced by a glutamine, thereby removing a was at least as potent as alteplase and significantly more
glycosylation site from site 117; and four amino acids, lysine fibrin-specific.124'125
(K), histidene (H), and arginine (R), are replaced by four As a bacterial protein, Staphylokinase induces antibody
alanines (A) at sites 296-299. (Fig 4). These substitutions result formation and resistance to repeated administration. How-
in reduced plasma clearance, increased fibrin specificity, and ever, preliminary studies suggest that the immunogenicity of
resistance to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1.116 In the TIMI- Staphylokinase can be reduced by site-directed mutagenesis.
10B study, a large, phase n efficacy trial in 886 patients, a single Large comparative trials are needed to determine the safety
40-mg bolus of TNK-tPA produced TIMI grade 3 flow rates at and full clinical potential of this agent.
90 minutes that were identical to those seen with accelerated
alteplase (63% in both groups).117 Furthermore, TIMI frame The Future
counting in TIMI-1 OB suggested faster and more complete A number of new therapeutic strategies may achieve greater
reperfusion with 40 mg of TNK-tPA than with accelerated early and, consequently, greater long-term benefits in patients
alteplase. The best angiographic results were obtained with a with an acute myocardial infarction. Greater reductions of infarct
size are possible by earlier administration of more effective
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investigators will increasingly seek to demonstrate equiva- TABLE 7. Characteristics of an "Ideal" Thrombolytic Agent
lence of treatments.126 Equivalence of new thrombolytic
Rapid reperfusion (15-30 min)
regimens should be established first in terms of mortality, the
Close to 100% efficacy for reperfusion
primary efficacy outcome.
Secondary aspects of innovative treatments, such as side Can be given as a rapid intravenous bolus
effects, ease of use, and cost, also need to be evaluated. It is Low rate of intracranial hemorrhage
generally accepted that in the field of thrombolysis, a 1% Low rate of systemic bleeding
absolute difference in mortality, if still demonstrable at Specific for recent thrombi
long-term follow-up, is clinically important. As shown in the Low rate of early reocclusion
GUSTO-I trial,29 this 1% difference (or a relative 14% Sustained patency long-term
difference) may prevent 1 of every 7 deaths. For a disease
No effect on blood pressure
with a high prevalence and mortality rate, this reduction is
No antigenicity
relevant at the population level. If a 1% absolute difference is
chosen as the limit of a range of equivalence, it is important No negative interactions with adjunctive treatment
that the population of randomized patients includes those at No other significant side effects
high risk, for example, elderly patients, as in the GUSTO-I Acceptable cost
trial. Otherwise, if a low-risk population with, say, a baseline
mortality of 5% is studied or if patients less likely to benefit,
such as those treated late, are included, the chance of showing therapies with glycoprotein nb/ffla receptor antagonists, direct
"equivalence" is much higher. An alternative approach would thrombin inhibitors, and low-molecular-weight heparins also
be to use an odds reduction as the prespecified limit of the need to be tested. Data on cost-effectiveness compared with
range of equivalence,127 because the mortality rates in the current therapies will also be required.
standard treatment arm may vary depending on the selection
criteria. Either a 1% absolute difference or a 14% relative References
1. Herrick JB. Clinical features of sudden obstruction of the coronary
difference (whichever is the smallest), as shown between arteries. JAMA. 1912;59:2015-2020.
streptokinase and alteplase in the GUSTO-I trial,29 could be 2. DeWood MA, Spores J, Notske R, Mouser LT, Burroughs R, Golden
regarded as appropriate boundaries for equivalence. This MS, Lang HT. Prevalence of total coronary occlusion during the early
flexible definition of equivalence has the advantage of keep- hours of transmural myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med. 1980;303:
ing the boundaries for equivalence narrow, as illustrated in 3. Fletcher AP, Alkjaersig N, Smyrniotis FE, Sherry S. The treatment of
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the following example. If 30-day mortality in the standard patients suffering from early myocardial infarction with massive and
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