2017 Judgement 22-Jan-2019
2017 Judgement 22-Jan-2019
2017 Judgement 22-Jan-2019
Leave granted.
Introductory Remarks:
Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by
2) These appeals are filed by New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC)
Date: 2019.04.26
17:37:11 IST
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persons who have their houses/properties in NDMC area. Some
from year to year. On that basis annual rent used to be fixed and
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3) It may be mentioned at this stage itself that the impugned Bye-
was that the UAM of fixing the annual value as prescribed in the
method of fixing annual rent on the basis of the rent which the
the assessees holding that the impugned Bye-laws are ultra vires
the NDMC Act as they are far beyond the scope and ambit of the
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powers vested in NDMC under Section 388(1)(A)(9) of the Act.
4) When the matter was argued before us, initially the parties
have been filed by those assessees who were not parties to the
Factual background:
became the capital, for the first time house tax was made
the capital of India, Delhi was detached from Punjab and Delhi
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Enclave covering an area of 1240 sq. miles was formed and new
Committee which was constituted in the year 1916 but came into
effect in the year 1925 when this Delhi Municipal Committee was
was shown as Part-C State. However, in the year 1956, vide the
first election took place in the year 1958. The jurisdiction of MCD
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covers the entire Union Territory of Delhi including the rural areas,
NDMC made the NDMC House Tax Bye-laws, 1962 (‘the 1962
notification dated 24th April, 1964. There are only around 12,000
NDMC area. 20% of these are residential units and rest are
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types of properties do not pay even the service charges to the
operate till 1992, when a special status was conferred upon Delhi
10) As per Section 60 of the NDMC Act, the power to levy taxes,
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exercise of powers conferred under Section 416(2)(a) of the
the said annual rent method in the Bye-laws. Insofar as the MCD
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Based on its recommendations, an Expert Committee under the
13) On 13th February, 2006, the NDMC in its meeting discussed that
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was suggested to introduce UAM selectively for self-occupied
24th February, 2009, the GNCTD notified the New Delhi Municipal
were enforced from 1st April 2009 and were made applicable in
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Committee recommended a modified form of UAM for NDMC
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(d) Introduce a modified form of Unit Area Method for all
properties by fixing the unit rates solely by category of use
and land values. Thus the lowest unit rate (or multiplicative
factors) would be in respect of a self-occupied residential
property in an area where land values are low; the highest
unit rate (or multiplicative factor) would be in respect of
commercial properties/hotels that are located in areas
where land values are the highest (land values to be
computed as per Land & Development Office rate
schedules amended from time to time)”
15) The NDMC Special Committee rejected options (a), (b) and (c). It
Area System.”
16) It is significant that the NDMC Special Committee did not touch
upon the manner of bringing about the above change i.e. whether
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added: “However, Bye-laws cannot go beyond what is provided in
the Act. As such, depending upon the final decision in the matter,
17) Since the impugned Bye-laws are declared by the High Court as
the annual rent for which the land and building were expected to
now be noted:
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(ii) Other lands and buildings as per provisions of
bye-law 4.
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Constructed upto 1970-79 0.7
Constructed upto 1980-89 0.8
Constructed upto 1990-99 0.9
Constructed upto 2000-09 1.0
Residential 1
Others 6
Self-Occupied or Vacant 1
Others 3
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(i) The premises owned by companies, firm, trust etc.
and used by the directors, employees or partners for
residence or guest house shall not be treated as self-
occupied by the owners.
Age Factor
19) Let us also scan through the relevant provisions of the Act:
a. Property tax;
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b. x x x x x x
2. X X X X X X
3. The taxes specified in sub-section (1) and sub-section
(2) shall be levied, assessed and collected in accordance
with the provisions of this Act and the bye-laws made
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Provided that such society or body is supported wholly or
in part by voluntary contributions, applies its profits, if any,
or other income in promoting its objects and does not pay
any dividend or bonus to its members.
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2. The rateable value of any land which is not built upon
but is capable of being built upon and of any land on which
a building is in process or erection shall be fixed at five per
cent of estimated capital value of such land.
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(1) The property tax shall be primarily leviable as follows:-
(2) If any land has been let for a term exceeding one
year to a tenant and such tenant has built upon the land,
the property tax assessed in respect of that land and
building erected thereon shall be primarily leviable upon
the said tenant, whether the land and building are in the
occupation of such tenant or a sub-tenant of such tenant.
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(2) If the land or building is sub-let and its rateable value
exceeds the amount of rent payable in respect thereof to
the tenant by his sub-tenant, or the amount of rent payable
in respect thereof to a sub-tenant by the person holding
under the sub-tenant, the tenant shall be entitled to receive
from his sub-tenant or the sub-tenant shall be entitled to
receive from the person holding under him, as the case
may be, the difference between any sum recovered under
this section from such tenant or sub-tenant and the
amount of property tax which would be liable in respect of
the said land or building if the rateable value thereof were
equal to the difference between the amount of rent which
such tenant or sub-tenant receives and the amount of rent
which he pays.
21) Under Section 61 (1) of the NDMC Act, property tax shall be
not less than ten and not more than thirty per cent of the rateable
NDMC Act states that the NDMC may, "when fixing the rate at
which the property tax shall be levied during any year, determine
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business is carried on shall be higher than the rate determined in
fixed.” The second proviso to Section 61 (1) states that “the tax
of municipal taxation.”
22) Under Section 61 (2) of the NDMC Act, the NDMC can exempt
from tax the lands and buildings where “the rateable value does
the NDMC Act to mean “the value of any land or building fixed in
accordance with the provisions of this Act and the Bye-laws made
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for public worship or by a society or body for a charitable
25) Section 63 of the NDMC Act sets out the method of determination
expected to let from year to year less a sum equal to 10% of the
said annual rent which shall be in lieu of all allowances for cost of
land or building the standard rent of which has been fixed under
the Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958 (‘DRC Act’), the rateable value
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thereof "shall not exceed the annual amount of the standard rent
so fixed.".
26) Section 632) of the NDMC Act states that the rateable value of
any land which is not built upon but is capable of being built upon
Section 65(1) of the NDMC Act clarifies that lands and buildings
the property tax when the premises are let or sub-let. Section 68
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clarifies who will be primarily liable for the property tax due in
29) Section 70 of the NDMC Act deals with the ‘Assessment List’.
public notice of a date not less than one month thereafter when
notified into and investigated, and the person making them shall
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be allowed an opportunity of being heard either in person or by
land or building.
31) After taking note of the aforesaid provisions of the Act as well as
Bye-laws, the Delhi High Court, inter alia, observed that insofar
fixed in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the Bye-
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under the Act. Therefore, the rateable value has to be fixed, both
after year less a sum equal to 10% of the said annual rent. Also,
been fixed under the Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958, the rateable
value thereof ‘shall not exceed the annual amount of the standard
rent so fixed.”
32) Further in the opinion of the High Court though under Section 81
to cover the arrears of municipal taxes and the value of such land
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the aforesaid manner, the High Court has held insofar as NDMC
property and then multiplying the UAV by area of the vacant land
provided under the NDMC Act and, therefore, could not have
33) Such a course of action could not be taken without amending the
reproduced below:
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value than what is provided under the NDMC Act. While
the NDMC Act provides for rateable value to be
determined on the basis of the annual rent at which the
land or building might reasonably be expected to let from
year to year, the UAM envisages fixing the UAV with
reference to the characteristics of a property and then
multiplying the UAV by the area of the vacant land or
covered space to find out the ‘annual value'.
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been let, sub-let and properties that are not let out at all.
There is no further classification contemplated in the
NDMC Act on the basis of nature of rights which are
created in respect of such land and buildings.
34) Mr. Sanjay Jain, learned senior counsel appeared on behalf of the
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NDMC Act as well as the impugned Bye-laws, he submitted that
as per Bye-law 5 the valuation committee sits every year and lays
down the standards for fixing the annual rent. The process
rent’. Thus, the tax has to be on the annual rent which is the
of the NDMC Act for fixing such annual rent. Therefore, it was
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out and mentioned in para 22 of the judgment (relating to
35) Mr. Jain also submitted that the observations of the Delhi High
that even in respect of those properties which are let out, still
accordance with the new Bye-laws which have been struck down
and thereby leaving the properties in question without any tax for
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36) Mr. Jain also submitted that UAM introduced by the MCD has
are not ultra vires the NDMC Act. The NDMC has contended that
as ultra vires the NDMC Act, on the premise that the same
38) NDMC has also contended that the entire functioning and
August, 2017 of the Delhi High Court, NDMC will stand to lose a
63(1) for arriving at annual rent and the said gap has been filed
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prescribed by Section 63 (1) is only the broad principle on which
to year.
41) Mr. Parag Tripathi, who appeared in the civil appeal arising out of
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NDMC Act, 1994 vests power on the Council to make bye-laws I
law that the term ‘levy’ is a term of wide import and includes
(iii) Mafatlal Industries & Ors. vs. Union of India & Ors. 4
purposes of Section 63(1)” the annual rent for which the lands
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(ii) Bye-law 4 provides that the annual rent of lands and
bona fide annual value of land and bona fide annual value of
law 4 the annual value of any covered space shall be the amount
arrived at by multiplying the total area by the base unit area value
(iii) ‘Annual value” for the purpose of arriving at the annual rent
concept and has been applicable to the NDMC area until the
(b) of the Punjab Municipal Act which provides that annual value
shall mean the gross annual rent which a house or building may
(iv) It is, therefore, clear that the term ‘annual value’, which is
of the rent which a particular property would fetch when let for
use or enjoyment.
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43) Mr. Tripathi further submitted that the impugned judgment also
value shall not exceed the standard rent fixed under the Delhi
the High Court has, with respect, lost sight of the fact that
Rent Control Act, 1958 since the Delhi High Court was pleased to
strike down Sections 4,6 and 9 of the said Act dealing with
44) This aspect was also noted by this Court in State Trading
the matter, there was no occasion for the High Court to strike
45) Mr. Tripathi also submitted that various judgments relied upon by
5 95(2002)DLT 528
6 (2016) 12 SCC 603
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46) One additional submission was made by Mr. Parag Tripathi
47) His submission was that from a conjoint reading of the aforesaid
matters covered under Section 63, i.e., Sections 63(1) and 63 (2).
His further submission was that this Court has, time and again,
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Senior Counsel for the petitioners is that the discretion
given in Section 200(1) of the Act is unguided, uncanalised
and arbitrary. Until an accused is convicted under Section
194, the right to levy penalty thereunder would not arise.
When discretion is given to the court for compounding of
the offence for the amount mentioned under Section 200, it
cannot be stratified by specified amount. It would,
therefore, be clear that the exercise of power to prescribe
maximum rates for compounding the offence is illegal,
arbitrary and violative of Article 14 of the Constitution. We
find no force in the contention. For violation of Sections
113 to 115, Section 194 accords penal sanction and on
conviction for violation thereof, the section sanctions
punishment with fine as has been enumerated
hereinbefore. The section would give guidance to the State
Government as a delegate under the statute to specify the
amount for compounding the offences enumerated under
sub-section (1) of Section 200. It is not mandatory that the
authorised officer would always compound the offence. It
is conditional upon the willingness of the accused to have
the offences compounded. It may also be done before the
institution of the prosecution case. In the event of the
petitioner's willing to have the offence compounded, the
authorised officer gets jurisdiction and authority to
compound the offence and call upon the accused to pay
the same. On compliance thereof, the proceedings, if
already instituted, would be closed or no further
proceedings shall be initiated. It is a matter of volition or
willingness on the part of the accused either to accept
compounding of the offence or to face the prosecution in
the appropriate court. As regards canalisation and
prescription of the amount of fine for the offences
committed, Section 194, the penal and charging section
prescribes the maximum outer limit within which the
compounding fee would be prescribed. The discretion
exercised by the delegated legislation, i.e., the executive is
controlled by the specification in the Act. It is not
necessary that Section 200 itself should contain the details
in that behalf. So long as the compounding fee does not
exceed the fine prescribed by the penal section, the same
cannot be declared to be either exorbitant or irrational or
bereft of guidance.”
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48) On that basis, he argued that the 5% rate stipulated under
land. This is only the ceiling and has to be dealt with accordingly.
49) He also argued that the whole idea behind Section 63(2) is to
only for the period during which the building is fully demolished,
i.e., the land in question becomes fully vacant till such time as the
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create a huge discrimination between those parties who are
percentage of the capital value of the land at 5%, the same would
51) He, thus, argued that a 5% levy is wholly arbitrary and does not
serve any purpose also for the reason that no municipal services
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Corporation vs. Municipal Corporation of Delhi and Anr.;
property tax during the period of vacancy of the land due to the
subject to. Further, any in any case this period during which
senior counsel, M/s. Sanjeev Anand, B.B. Jain and many other
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not be necessary to separately state the arguments advanced by
54) Before concentrating on the main issue of ultra vires, the counsel
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Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) under the Ancient
amendments thereto.
ground coverage.
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Steel Industries (P) Ltd.8 is taken in this behalf wherein the
of the NDMC Act. Therein, that High Court has held that property
this Court.
treated at par in that the same base UAV Rs. 1,000/- per sq. mtr.
for two buildings/houses (of say 1,000 sq. mtr. each built between
B.K. Dutt Colony and the other on Golf Links, where both are
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used as a residence by the individuals who own them, would be
= Rs. 16,20,000/-
58) It is submitted that fixing the same base unit area value for all the
by the MCD, which has divided the area under its jurisdiction into
six different zones and has provided a separate location factor for
are as under:
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(i) The impugned Bye-laws seek to impose onerous terms
property not on the basis of its user but on the basis of the legal
status of the owner, which goes against the principle that property
tax is a tax on a property and not a tax on the owner. This is also
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same through a firm, company, trust, etc. for reasons such as
on the basis of nature of ownership and that too for a historic and
health, streets, roads, drainage, parks etc. does not change and
arbitrarily clubs all uses “other than residential” into one category
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contrast to the MCD Act, which, in Section 116A classifies vacant
land and buildings into colonies and groups and specifies base
is done, nut just into ‘residential’ and ‘other than residential’, but
its trustees and partly for running a charity, the tax obligation
Article 14.
(v) Properties which are designated for residential use [as per
the city master plan] and are put to ‘residential cum office use’ by
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permitted under applicable law (whether as owner or tenant)
area of Rs. 1,200/- per sq. mtr. Instead of Rs. 600/- per sq. mtr.)
little as one room in the barsati floor or outhouse is rented and the
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whichever is higher. Grievance is that in this way, the NDMC is
after the NDMC has taken the stand that the impugned-Bye-Laws
(viii) Given that Delhi is one state, there is no reason for different
systems between the NDMC and MCD areas. For this purpose,
India Ltd. case wherein a Single Judge of the High court of Delhi
observed as under:
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taxation, but so far, the NDMC has not finalised any
proposal in the same terms.”
of the land is owned by the Government itself and the rest 10% is
burden to pay tax is on the persons, who occupy only 10% land of
60) Adverting to the issue of ultra vires which has appealed to the
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respondents supported the reasons given by the High Court in
this behalf. Emphasizing the fact that as per Section 63(1) of the
the word ‘rent’ and not ‘value’ and, therefore, the only way for
High Court has dealt with the issue. The respondents, in this
11 (1962) 3 SCR 49
12 (1970) 2 SCC 8703
13 (1980) 1 SCC 685
14 (2002) 3 SCC 388
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61) It is thus argued that the High Court has rightly held that the UAM
factor for residential use is 1 but all other use is 6. Similarly, for
taxed. Properties fetch the same rent whether they are owned by
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guest house. This Bye-law is thus directly contrary to the
computing rent.
64) The impugned Bye-laws provide for the calculation of tax to begin
Rs. 1,000/- per sq. mtr. (revised to Rs. 1200/- per sq. mtr. w.e.f.
B.K. Dutt would fetch with one in Golf Links or Prithviraj Road.
66) It is, thus, argued that the Impugned Bye-laws are not a means of
(a) Firstly, Section 63(2) of the NDMC Act provides for taxation
only on land capable of being built upon. Given that parts of the
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‘prohibited’ or ’regulated area’ declared by the Archaeological
not capable of being built upon. Bye-law 4(2), which provides for
(b) Secondly, the categories created under the Bye-law 4(6) are
have been sub-let and those that are not let out at all. The
of categorization.
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67) In the first place, we take up the fundamental issue, namely,
61. This Section, inter alia, provides that the property tax shall be
not less than 10% and not more than 30% of the rateable value of
and buildings for which rates can be prescribed and these rates
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68) Various premises, viz: lands and buildings, in respect of which
case. For these reasons and for the sake of continuity and clarity,
2. The rateable value of any land which is not built upon but is
capable of being built upon and of any land on which a building
is in process or erection shall be fixed at five per cent of
estimated capital value of such land.”
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such annual rent has to be determined ‘at which such land or
year….’ .
70) The ‘rateable value’, as per Section 2(42) of the NDMC Act is to
be fixed in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Bye-
are the provisions made in this behalf in the Act. For this Section
10% thereof. The Impugned Bye-laws lay down the procedure for
at annual rent and, therefore, this gap has been filled up by the
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71) Section 63(1) is not silent on how to determine the annual rent of
a property. This annual rent has to be the one which the land or
year’. It is, thus, based on the letting yearly value of the property.
Others15 has analyzed the words ‘gross annual rent at which the
15 (1962) 3 SCR 49
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73) In the case of The Guntur Municipal Council case, this Court
74) In Dewan Daulat Rai Kapoor case, this Court held as under:
75) Similarly, in Indian Automobiles Ltd. case, it was held that the
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realizable by the landlord and not the value of holdings, and that
77) The aforesaid judgments give a clear message that annual rent is
to be the one which the landlord might realize if the house was
let. The criteria, thus, is the rent realizable by the landlord and not
the value of the holding. The test essentially is what rent the
the Guntur Municipal Council case, this Court made it clear that
having regard to the provision in the Act, the municipality was not
free to assess any arbitrary annual value and has to look to and
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particular premises under the Rent Act in force during the
for fixation of rateable value is the annual rent at which the land
clearly conveys that the rateable value is the annual rent which
namely, the word ‘rent’ in the phrase ‘annual rent’ and the word
the property is already let out, actual rate at which the property is
where the property is let out actually at a rent which is lesser than
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respect of premises not controlled by Delhi Rent Control Act.
This Court held that the annual rent received by the landlord is
Others vs. Union of India and Others16, this Court noticed the
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81) In case there is a proof and/or material to find out that the
let out, the actual rent receipt can be discarded by adopting the
or is vacant and not let out, it can be gathered from the rent at
Dewan Daulat Rai Kapoor and other cases, the reasonable rent
criteria of fixation of standard rent has lost its relevance after the
Saran (HUF) vide which Sections 4,6 and 19 of the Delhi Rent
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82) Be as it may, in the context of the issue at hand, we emphasize
which can be the annual rent and not the value of the property in
only then one can say that the impugned Bye-laws are in tune
with the provisions of Section 63(1) of the NDMC Act. After going
through the Bye-laws and the manner in which the rateable value
brief, Bye-law 4 stipulates that the bona fide annual value of land
and bona fide annual value of the covered space of the building.
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Forty Three Thousand only) per square meter. Likewise, Bye-law
84) Thus, we agree with the High Court that the Impugned Bye-laws
rental which the property is likely to fetch and are, there, foreign
Such Bye-laws are, thus, ultra vires the provisions of NDMC Act.
move to amend the Act in order to bring UAM for the purpose of
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86) No doubt, in many ways, UAM is a better method in comparison
with the earlier method based on annual rent. For this reason,
this method has now been followed for the purpose of levying
property tax not only in the areas in Delhi itself covered under the
Since, we are agreeing with the High Court which has quashed
advanced before us. However, we may only add that once the
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order to obviate any future challenge the NDMC is expected to
87) We may record here that when the matter was heard at a stage
when the counsel for NDMC had argued the matter and even
statement on 16th January, 2018 that the new Bye-laws had been
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which are stated by the respondents herein in respect to
their properties which according to them are in the
impugned bye-laws can be looked into by the Valuation
Committee. He further submits that Valuation Committee
may be having its sitting within two weeks and may give its
report in this behalf within five weeks. He, therefore,
makes a request to adjourn the matters for five weeks. The
matters stand adjourned to 06.03.2018.
88) When the matter came up on 6 th March, 2018, Mr. Sanjay Jain
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assessees are still not satisfied with the decision taken on various
89) One last but very significant aspect is still required to be dealt
year 2009. They were struck down by the High Court vide
impugned judgment dated 10th August, 2017. They held the field
95% of the assessees are agreeable to pay the tax as per Bye-
laws 2009. They have even paid the taxes on that basis. In
assessees who have paid the tax as per Bye-Laws, 2009, their
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assessments shall not be reopened. Another reason for taking
this course of action is that these assessees are satisfied with the
JANUARY 22, 2019.
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