Final Test EPP
Final Test EPP
Final Test EPP
1. Explain the difference between phonemes and allophones. Give the example of each. (10 points)
2. Make a minimal set by changing the initial consonant in these words: Weak, Slip, Pan (6 points)
3. Make a minimal set by changing the final consonant in these words: Pick, Bag, Top (6 points)
4. Make a minimal set by changing the medial vowel: Pin, Sand, Ton (6 Points)
5. Explain the difference between syllable and syllabification. Give the example of each. (15 points)
6. Make a syllabification from the words: Maid, Protection, Pump (7 points)
7. What is suprasegmental feature? (10 points)
8. What is meant by Assimilation, Linking and Elision/Omission? Give one example of each. (15
9. What is meant by Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation? Give the example. (10 points)
10. Give the concise explanation of Dissimilation Rules, Insertions Rules and Metathesis Rules.
Mention the example of each rules. (15 points)
Acuan Pembuatan Soal: Ditinjau dan diverifikasi Soal Ujian dibuat oleh:
1. SAP/Silabus/Pustaka
2. Standar prosedur ISO
3. Materi dan bahan ajar
Syifa Fadhilah Hamid, S.Pd.,M.Pd.