2012 & 2013 Audio Paper
2012 & 2013 Audio Paper
2012 & 2013 Audio Paper
MYSORE 570 006
Select the most appropriate answer from among the four alternatives given and
indicate it by marking an 'X' in the box adjacent to the correct answer (in the answer
sheet). For example, if c) is the correct answer for a given question, then indicate your
answer as shown below:
a) b) c) d)
If reference intensity is 10· W/m then 10· W/m corresponds to
12 2 8 2
a) 40 decibels c) 60 decibels
b) 70 decibels d) 90 decibels
9. Two tuning fork tests from which the concept of pure tone audiometry developed
a) Rinne and Schwabach c) Rinne and Weber
b) Schwabach and Bing d) Bing and Weber
I 0. SDT should be consistent with the best pure tone threshold s between
a) 250 Hz to 2 kHz c) 250 Hz to 4000 Hz
b) 500 Hz to 2000 Hz d) 500 to 4000 Hz
12. Precitronic KH 70 is a
a) Head phone c) Loud speaker
b) Bone vibrator d) Insert phone
13. Accordin g to ANSI 1996, AC type 3 audiometer should have a frequency range
a) 125 Hz -8kHz in octaves and mid c) 250 Hz - 8kHz in octaves and
octaves mid octaves excluding 750 Hz
and 1500 Hz
b) 250 Hz - 8kHz in octaves and mid d) 250 Hz - 8kHz in octaves
14. According to ANSI 1996, the head band tension of bone vibrator should be
a) 4.5 ± 0.5 N c) 5.4 ± 0.5 N
b) 5 ± 0.5 N d) 5.5 ± 0.5 N
16. According to Martin et. al. (1974), the mean occlusion effect for normal hearing
subjects at 500 Hz is approximately
a) 30 c) 15
b) 5 d) 25
17. The type of the noise recomm ended for Doerfl er-Stewart test is
a) Pink noise c) Narrow band noise
b) Sawtooth noise d) White noise
18. Presence of shadow curve is an indication of
a) Organic hearing loss c) Psychogenic hea ring loss
b) Functional hearing loss d) Malingering
27. According to ANSI S3. 39 (1987) each immitance instrument should be provided
with calibration cavities of ..........., ........ and ............. cm3
a) 0.5, 2.0 and 5.0 c) 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
b) 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 d) 0.5, 2.0 and 4.0
29. How much of the initial responses of the TEOAE recordings are eliminated to
reduce the stimulus artifacts?
a) 2.5 ms c) 5.5 ms
b) 80 ms d) 20 ms
31. A test in which nystagmu s is elicited by passing the repetiti ve series of visual
stimuli in front of the patient's eye is
a) Gaze c) Positional
b) Optokinetic d) Caloric
34. ASHA (2004) recommend s use of ............ ..... speech recognition test in the
hearing assessment protocol for children from 25 months through 60 months
b) WlPI d) Any of the above
36. In which of the following conditions, the Audiologist may have to minim ize the
physical contact during hearing assessment ?
a) Autism Spectrum Disorder c) Mental Retardation
b) CAPD d) Physical Disabilities
38. If an infant in the well-infant nursery does not pass an automated ABR testing, the
infant should not be re-screened by OAE testing , because
a) OAE gives same information as c) All the infants who donot pass in
ABR automated ABR will not pass in
OAE as well
b) Such infants are presumed to be at- d) All of the above
risk of having a subsequent
diagnosis of auditory
neuropathy /dyssynchrony
39. What modification in the protocol should be made to enhance the wave V latency
in the neonates?
a) Use a high-pass filter of 30 Hz and c) Using alternating polarity
electrode montage of Fz in nape of
b) Increasing the time window to 25 d) All of the above
40. For screening an 8 month old infant, for outer and middle ear disorders, ASHA
( 1997) recommended initial tympanometric screening test criteria for referral as
(Ytm-Peak Admittance; TW-Tympanometric Width)
a) Ytm <0.2 mmho or TW>235 daPa c) Ytm >0.2 mmho or TW<235
b) Ytm <0.3 mmho or TW>200 daPa d) Ytm >0.3 mmho or TW<200
42. A contrived system of manual communication makes use of a sign system that
a) Has the same grammar as that of c) Has a different grammar from
the spoken language that of the spoken language
b) Makes use of signs and spoken d) None of the above
45. Visible phonetic analog of speech in the form of lip movements supplemented by
hand cues with vowel and consonant cues is provided in .................. method
a) Contrived system c) SEE2
b) Cued Speech d) ASL
46. If one or more of the subjects are taught outside the classroom by' a special
educator, then the child is said to be
a) Partially mainstreamed c) Full mainstreaming
b) Socially mainstreamed d) In a Self-contained class room
47. The method in which auditory training is not viewed as an activity to be set apart
from other educational procedures, and children are trained to classify and group
stimuli, to determine similarities and differences, and to generalize information
from one to another is
a) Acoupedic method c) Traditional approach
b) Cognitive Auditory Approach d) Verbotonal approach
48. When the child has most access to academic, social, and emotional support, one
can call it
a) Least Restricted Environment c) Main streaming
b) Integration c) None of the above
49. When using acoustic highlight s for AVT, the following is not used
a) Hand cues c) Use of pause
b) Rephrasing d) Speech reading
51. Using only auditory cues in educational set-ups is not recommended since
a) Children with hearing impairment c) Devices given for children with
do not get benefit from only hearing impairment do not give
auditory cues them adequate auditory cues
b) Children have to make auditory- d) Teachers are not trained to give
visual association during their only auditory based training
52. Asking a person to identify the words that have the sound / m/ through speech
reading is referred to as
a) Synthetic approach c) Analytic approach
b) Analyt ic or synthet ic d) Analytic and synthetic
53. Reducing the level of competing noise during communi cation is a/an
. . . . . . . . . . . strategy
a) Anticipatory c) Available
b) Repair d) Anticipatory and repair
55. What steps should be taken to improve class room acoustics for a child with
a) Leaving the class room door c) The legs of the chairs be
opened furnished with tennis ball at the
b) Having movable chairs in the class d) All of the above
57. A graphical representation of the sensitivity of the microphone for signals arriving
at different directions/angles is called
a) Omnidirectional c) Directivity index
b) Sensitivity d) Polar pattern
58. At low input levels, low coherence function in a hearing aid is indicative of
a) More circuit noise c) More distortion
b) Less circuit noise d) Less distortion
60. In an ear mould with horn effect, the acoustic impedance ........... as the tube
diameter is increased , and this facilitates ............ transmission
a) Increases, low frequency c) Does not change, high frequency
b) Decreases, high frequency d) Decreases, low frequency
61. For electro acoustic measurement of post-auricular hearing aids with earmold,
........... type of coupler is u sed
a) HA I c) HA 3
b) HA 2 d) HA 4
62. The volume control in an output compression hearing aid, has the following effect
a) Affects the MPO and knee-point , c) Affects the gain, but not the MPO
does not affect the gain and knee-point
b) Affects the gain and MPO but not d) Affects gain and knee-point, but
the knee-point not MPO
63. The front-back-ratio of a microphone is the
a) Difference between the frequency c) Ratio of the microphone output
responses of the microphone with for signals from front to sounds
signal from front and from rear originating from all direction s
b) Ratio of the output in response to d) Ratio of the microphone output
signals from rear to signals from for signals from front to sounds
front originating from rear
64. When the hearing aid is worn on the body, sound pressure level at the microphone
is ............ in the HF range and ......... in the LF range.
a) Decreased, increased c) I ncreased, does not change
b) Increase, increase d) Decreased, does not change
65. The objective of ................ tournament in hearing aid selection is to rank order
the available hearing aids/settings on a hearing aid based on a certain criterion.
a) Round-robin c) Simple up-down
b) Single elimination d) Modified simplex
67. In a digital hearing aid, the difference between the original signal and the
digitized signal is called the
a) Aliasing error c) Quantization error
b) Anti-aliasing error d) High frequency error
70. A middle ear implant that works on the property that deformation of the material
occurs when a voltage is applied, is
a) Piezoelectric c) Electromechanical
b) Electromagnetic d) Transcranial
72. If a family of gain curves at different input levels overlap, then the hearing aid is
a) Non-lin ear c) Linear at low levels
b) Linear d) None of the above
73. Which one of the following could be the explanation for the greatest loss in the
3000 to 6000 Hz region in NIHL cases?
a) Poor cochlear blood supply to the c) Orientation of the stapes foot
region corresponding below 3000 plate does not aim its primary
Hz and above 6000 Hz force toward the hair cells in 3000
to 6000 Hz region
b) Lesser susceptibil ity for damage of d) None of the above
the supporting structures of hair
cells in 3000 to 6000 Hz region
74. The most appropriate term for the auditory system's ability to modify its
susceptibility to damage from noise, depend ing on previous exposures is
a) Sensitivity of the auditory system c) Auditory conditioning
b) Auditory toughening d) Auditory exposure
75. If most of the energy of noise is contained in the lower end of the spectrum, then
the reading on the display using the 'A' network of the Sound Level Meter, will
be ........................... than wh en using the 'C' network of the Sound Level
a) Much lower c) Equal
b) Much higher d) There will not be any reading on
the SLM
76. In SLM, the weighting network that is the reciprocal of 70 phon curve is
a) A c)B
b) C d)D
77. One noy is the perceived noisiness of random noise centered around ............ Hz
with a sound pressure level of ...........dB.
a) 2000 and 40 c) 1000 and 40
b) 2000 and 70 d) I 000 and 70
78. Speech interference level is the arithmetic average of the sound pressure level of
the noise in the
a) 500 Hz, I 000 Hz and 2000 Hz c) 500 Hz, 1500 Hz and 2000 Hz
octave bands octave bands
b) 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 3000 Hz d) I 00 Hz, 2000 Hz and 3000 Hz
octave bands octave band s
79. The requirement for all the tests of hearing for the industrial workers is that
a) they should be preceded by 14 c) they should be preceded by 4
hours of 'noise free' condition hours of 'noise free' condition
b) It can be done immediately after d) they should be preceded by 6
noise exposure hours of 'noise free' cond ition
80. Attenuation provided by the hearing protective device is expressed in tenn s
a) NRR c) NCC
b) NFC d) CRR
81. Near the apex of the cochlea, the small openings which establi shes
communication between the scala vestibuli and scala tympani is called
a) Scala media c) Helicotrema
b) Spiral lamina d) Hamulus
84. Sound pressures of 0.00002 Pa, in the frequency range from 1000 Hz to 5000 Hz
can produce a displacement of tympanic membrane of the order of
a) One tenth of the diameter of a c) One tenth of the diameter of the
hydrogen atom nucleus of a hydrogen atom
b) One tenth of the diameter of a d) One tenth of the diameter of an
hydrogen molecule electron of a hydrogen atom
85. Ratio of the peak response of a microphone at radius 'r' to the response average
over a sphere of radius 'r' is called
a) Directivity index c) Signal to noise ratio
b) Efficiency d) Directivity Factor
87. Structures that are used as whole sentences to modify nouns are called
a) Relative clauses c) Relative pronouns
b) Prepositional phrases d) Complements
88. Leaming amounting to the formation of bonds, connections or associations
between stimuli and response is viewed as the basi c principle by the
a) Reinforcement Psychologists c) Stimulus-Response
b) Stimulus-Response Psychologists d) Response Reinforcement
93. Which of the following influences brain function by determining the level of
metabolism and the ionic composition of tissue fluids?
a) Meningeal layers c) Cerebro Spinal fluid
b) Blood -Brain barrier d) Potassium pump
94. The most frequent primary neoplasm of the middle ear cleft is
a) Sarcoma c) Squamons cell carcinoma
b) Melanoma d) Osteoma
95. A two dimensional graph in which the values of one variable are represented on
the vertical axis and the values of the other are represented on the horizontal axis
in order to characterize relationships in terms of their direction and strength is
a) Correlation graph c) Regression line
b) Scatter plot d) All the three -a), b) and c)
97. Random or chance errors in a study design is closely associated with the
a) Validity c) Sampling
b) Reliability d) Hypotheses
98. If 'z' scores are used, and the total area under the normal probability curve is set
equal to 1.00, the curve is said to be in the
a) Standard form c) Kurtosis form
b) Skewed form d) Non standard form
99. Equal opportunity, protection of rights and full participation of persons with
disability are the salient features of
a) RCI Act c) PWD Act
b) RTI Act d) National Trust Act
100. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment are the basis for
a) Primary prevention c) Territory prevention
b) Secondary prevention d) a) and c)
MYSORE 570 006
Select the most appropriate answer from among the four alternatives given and
indicate it by marking an 'X' in the box adjacent to the correct answer (in the answer
sheet). For example, if c) is the correct answer for a given question , then indicate your
answer as shown below:
a) b) c) d)
1. In FIG 6 strategy, the overall goal for hearing aid prescription is to
2. 60 dB IL equals to
a) 60 dB SPL c) 66 dB SPL
b) 63 dB SPL d) 60 dB HL
3. To get an error-free digital representation of an analog signal, ... . . . . ... . .... filter is
included at the input to an ADC.
7. Bone anchored hearing aids are recommended for individuals with ... .. ...... type
of hearing loss ·
8. The . ....... of CIS speech coding strategy helps m better perception of the
temporal information in speech.
9. If the soft speech is not understood by a digital hearing aid user in quiet places , the
typical solution is to
a) reduce gain for low level sounds c) reduce gain for loud sounds
b) increase gain for low level sounds d) increase gain for loud sounds
10. Hearing aid gain prescription procedures based on threshold and loudness include
13. Hair cells of the horizontal SCC is oriented in such a way that the depolarization
occurs when endolymph moves
a) l 00 Hz c) 50 Hz
b) 10 Hz d) 1 Hz
15. The frequency range of eye movement artifacts during the recording of human
auditory evoked potentials is in the range of
a) + 70 to + 80 mV c) + 30 to +40 mV
b) - 30 to -40 m V d) - 70 to -80 mV
19. In monaural MLD paradigm, the largest MLD value with reference to SmNm is
obtained for condition
a) SmNo c) SmNπ
b) SπNπ d) SπNo
20. Fail to false alarm during the silent periods of pure tone testing is an indication of
22. Formula to calculate spondee-error index (SERI) given by Chaiklin and Ventry
(1965) is
23. Which of the following results would be observed in case of a lesion in the
efferent auditory system?
24. The binaural .beat phenomena best occur for two frequencies that are
a) 2 to 10 Hz apart c) 20 to 40 Hz apart
b) 50 to 100 Hz apart d) 100 to 200 Hz apart
26. In cases with retro-cochlear pathology, Bekesy tracing at high frequencies would
28. A technique where a child with hearing impairment is encouraged to speak and
then the therapist imitates the speech of the child is
29. According to ANSI (2002), the steady background noise in an average sized
classroom should not exceed
a) 35 dB C c) 35 dB A
b) 50 dB SPL d) 50 dB C
30. In individuals with usable hearing only up to 1500 Hz, it is better to use
31. The parameter that is not of major importance when considering a child for
integration is
a) aided performance c) communication abilities
b) degree of hearing loss d) intellectual abilities
32. For individuals with deaf-blindness, the device that can be used is
a) Optacon c) cochlear implants
b) talking glove systems d) all of the above
34. Communication breakdowns are more likely to occur during a conversation with
individuals with hearing impairment if are used
36. Signals in decreasing signal-to-noise ratios can be used to train individuals with
problems in
a) homowords c) homophenes
b) homophones d) homoplanes
40. Children using hearing aids have difficulty hearing the sound If/ because
a) 5 dB c) 15 dB
b) 10 dB d) 20 dB
42. The Committee on Hearing and Bioacoustics recommends the low fence
to be .. ........ . ....... . . ...whereas, AAO recommends the low fence to be ... ....... ...
a) 35 dB, 25 dB c) 20 dB, 15 dB
b) 25 dB, 25 dB d) 25 dB, 35 dB
43. A worker is exposed to noise for 2 hours at 85 dBA, 2 hours at 87 dBA, 2 hours at
89 dBA and 2 hours at 92 dBA. The noise dose for this worker will be
a) 80.3% c) 85.3%
b) 85% d) 83.5%
44. The 'A' frequency weighting network of SLM approximate the ear's responses
characteristics below
a) 30 dB c) 45 dB
b) 10 dB d) 53 dB
48. The high risk factor that has been dropped from the HRR in the JCIH position
statement of 2007 is
a) ectoderm c) endoderm
b) mesoderm d) all the above
50. An individualized education program does not deal with
51. dB IL is equal to
52. The serum bilirubin levels needed for exchange transfusion is a function of
a) infant's birth weight c) both a and b
b) infant's gestational age d) neither a nor b
53. As per the ASHA guidelines for Audiologic Screening (1997), the screening
intensity level for conditioned play audiometry is
54. For severe high frequency sensori-neural hearing loss, NAL-NL l prescribes
a) more gain than other fitting c) similar gain to the other fitting
methods methods
b) less gain than other fitting methods d) none of the above
a) 3 c) 6
b) 5 d) 7
59. Out of the A, B and C weighting networks used in sound level meters, the one
which has an almost flat frequency response is
60. One of the training program that is not for management of children with (C)APD
61. A direct vertical plane localization can be performed by children in the age range
64. The maximum octave band levels (in dB) allowed when testing hearing in the
250-8000 Hz range is
69. The two tuning fork tests that have audiometric versions are
71. Acoustic radiation from the bone vibrator mainly affects hearing thresholds at
73. Standing-wave artifact in pure tone audiometry commonly affects the hearing
thresholds at
a) 250 Hz c) 8000 Hz
b) 1000 Hz d) Both a & b
74. Mastoid placement of the bone vibrators is preferred over forehead placement
75. Audiometers are designed to have a pulse duration of 225 ms because tone
a) less than this yields poorer c) more than this yields better
thresholds thresholds
b) less than this cannot be generated d) more than this can lead to
tolerance problem
77. The procedure given by Jerger and Tiilman (1960) to measure the sensorineural
hearing sensitivity is
a) MLD c) SAL
b) FIT d) PTCs
78. According to ANSI S 3.6 (2004), the tolerance limits for frequency accuracy are
79. In directional microphone (using dual microphones), near field and far field refers
to sound coming from a distance of within
80. For severe to profound hearing loss, the three compression features that are most
suitable include
a) 8.5 mm c) 9 mm
b) 8.8 mm d) 7 mm
84. The phoneme groups /p, b, m,/ and /t, d, n, 1/ are examples of
85. For a flat hearing loss of 60 dB, NAL-NLl prescribes approximately less
output than DSL for frequency below l kHz and above 4 kHz
a) 5 dB c) 15 dB
b) 10 dB d) 20 dB
89. A client hailing from Sub-Himalayan region , is brought with the complaint of
congenital hearing impairment along with deformed and protruding bony joints.
The condition might be caused by
90. The inheritance pattern that has been found to be associated with Muscular
dystrophy is
91. The term 'small for gestational age' is a standard clinical diagnosis when the birth
weight for a full term baby is
a) <2500 g c) <1000 g
b) <1 500 g d) All the above
93. A 19- year old patient complains of the recent onset of tremors , which occurs
when he lifts a cup to drink or tries to retrieve food with fork. When his index
fingers are approximated, the tremor worsens. A sister of his has history of liver
disease. This description is suggestive of
94. Tensor veli palatini tenses the velum and also dialates the
95. A model of psychopathology that suggest that psychological disorders result from
acquiring dysfunctional ways of thinking and acting is
1 a 21 b 41 b 61 b 81 a
2 a 22 a 42 a 62 c 82 b
3 d 23 d 43 d 63 c 83 c
4 a 24 a 44 d 64 d 84 a
5 b 25 a 45 b 65 d 85 b
6 b 26 a 46 b 66 d 86 c
7 a 27 c 47 d 67 b 87 a
8 d 28 a 48 b 68 a 88 d
9 b 29 c 49 a 69 a 89 a
10 a 30 a 50 d 70 c 90 d
11 b 31 b 51 b 71 b 91 a
12 a 32 d 52 a 72 d 92 d
13 a 33 c 53 a 73 c 93 a
14 d 34 d 54 b 74 c 94 b
15 d 35 a 55 a 75 a 95 b
16 c 36 a 56 d 76 a 96 a
17 d 37 b 57 c 77 c 97 a
18 a 38 c 58 a 78 a 98 a
19 a 39 d 59 b 79 a 99 b
20 b 40 d 60 d 80 d 100 c