SVKM'S Nmims Ririt P. Mehta School 0F La
SVKM'S Nmims Ririt P. Mehta School 0F La
SVKM'S Nmims Ririt P. Mehta School 0F La
Section A
Section 8
Question 2
(15 marks)
"Custom within contemporary legal systems, particularly in the developed world, is relatively cumbersome
a) What are the various sources of lntemational Law? What is state practice? What are the elements of
international custom? (5 yTunrfksJ
b) What is opiniojuris? (5 marks)
c) What is instant customary law? Who is a persistent objector? Explain giving examples (5 marks)
Section C
Question 3
"Precisely because States cannot in principle control the activities of other States on the high seas, so that
users of the seas remain at liberty to do as they please apart from a few restrictive rules, and also because
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new ocean technology is constantly developing, the freedoms of the high seas cannot be exh,austively
listed." Comment. What are the freedoms of the high seas? Explain.
Question 4
What is the principle of proportionality as it applies to the law of extradition? State A requests the
extradition of a fugitive from State 8. The fugitive is accused of having committed political crimes in State
A. Will it succeed? Give reasons.
Question 5
State C enters into a treaty with State D to perseoute and enslave an ethnic group of people found in both
States. Examine the validity of such a treaty under international law. Give reasons.
Section D
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