Global-Scale Hydrological Response To Future Glacier Mass Loss

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Global-scale hydrological response to future

glacier mass loss
Matthias Huss   1,2* and Regine Hock3,4

Worldwide glacier retreat and associated future runoff provides less and less melt water from long-term storage, which
changes raise major concerns over the sustainability of impacts seasonal freshwater availability14,15.
global water resources1–4, but global-scale assessments of Many studies have investigated the effects of climate change on
glacier decline and the resulting hydrological consequences glacier runoff using observations or modelling, with a recent focus
are scarce5,6. Here we compute global glacier runoff changes on High Mountain Asia14,16,17 and the Andes18–20. The degree to
for 56 large-scale glacierized drainage basins to 2100 and which glacier runoff contributes to downglacier river runoff var-
analyse the glacial impact on streamflow. In roughly half of ies greatly from basin to basin21–23 and throughout the year, with
the investigated basins, the modelled annual glacier runoff glacier contributions in individual months that reach >​25%, even
continues to rise until a maximum (‘peak water’) is reached, in catchments with <​1% glacierization24,25. Most studies find that
beyond which runoff steadily declines. In the remaining peak water has already been reached or passed19,20,26 or is expected
basins, this tipping point has already been passed. Peak water to occur in the coming two or three decades14,15,17,27,28. However,
occurs later in basins with larger glaciers and higher ice-cover it remains unclear how representative these results are globally,
fractions. Typically, future glacier runoff increases in early as most glacio-hydrological studies have been local in scale, typi-
summer but decreases in late summer. Although most of the cally focused on highly glacierized headwaters14–16,19,20,26–28 or indi-
56 basins have less than 2% ice coverage, by 2100 one-third vidual regions4,23,24. Notable exceptions are the large-scale studies by
of them might experience runoff decreases greater than 10% Kaser et al3. and Schaner et al.25, but they do not provide any future
due to glacier mass loss in at least one month of the melt sea- projections or analyse peak water. Another study projected runoff
son, with the largest reductions in central Asia and the Andes. from all glaciers on Earth until 2100, but did not consider changes
We conclude that, even in large-scale basins with minimal ice-
cover fraction, the downstream hydrological effects of contin-
ued glacier wastage can be substantial, but the magnitudes
vary greatly among basins and throughout the melt season. a
"Peak water"
Glacierized large-scale drainage basins cover 26% of the global
land surface outside Greenland and Antarctica and are populated An
Basin runoff (km3 yr–1)

by almost one-third of the world’s population7. Melt waters from al
glaciers contribute to and modulate downglacier streamflow, which no
affects freshwater availability, hydropower operations, sediment M
transport and aquatic ecosystems2,3,8. Glacier runoff typically shows ea
a distinct seasonality with a minimum in the snow-accumulation n
season (or dry season in the tropics) and a pronounced maximum ff
in the melt season (or wet season) compared with ice-free basins.
Thus, glacier melt water can compensate for seasons and years of b 0
ΔM = 0 ΔM < 0 ΔM = 0

otherwise low flow or droughts in lowland areas downstream of gla- Glacier net mass loss (or glacier
cierized mountain regions1,6. rature
Air tempe disappeared)
Mountain glaciers around the globe have responded strongly
to recent climate change and are expected to experience continued t0 t1 t2
mass loss and retreat throughout the twenty-first century9–11. As gla- Time (yr)
ciers recede, water is released from long-term glacial storage. Thus,
annual glacier runoff volume typically increases until a maximum Fig. 1 | Schematic illustration of the changes in runoff from a glacierized
is reached, often referred to as ‘peak water’12, beyond which runoff basin in response to continuous atmospheric warming. The glacier is
decreases because the reduced glacier area cannot support rising initially in balance, that is, the annual glacier mass budget Δ​M =​ 0, and
meltwater volumes anymore13. As a glacier retreats and disappears, it is assumed that all the components of the water balance, except for
or reaches a new equilibrium (balanced mass budget), annual run- glacier-storage change, remain unaltered. The changes in melt-season
off from the initially glacierized area may return to its initial value runoff illustrated here are typical of glaciers in climates with a pronounced
prior to glacier retreat (Fig. 1). In contrast, runoff during the melt melt and accumulation season. See Supplementary Material for more
season is expected to fall below the initial value, because the glacier information on the concept of peak water.

Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW), ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 2Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg,

Fribourg, Switzerland. 3Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA. 4Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University,
Uppsala, Sweden. *e-mail:

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Peak water (yr)
kwim Mackenzie
60° N
(0.9) (<0.1)
Copper Fraser
(20) (1.0)
Yukon Nelson 1980 2010 2040 2070 2100
1.4 G = 1.1% (<0.1)
Glacier runoff (–)

0.8 River basin average (yr)
0.2 Past Future
0.0 1980 2010 2040 2070 2100
2000 2050 2100

120° W 100° W 80° W

Daule- Lule
Vinces Gloma (1.0) Aral Sea
(0.1) (0.6) 1.4 G = 1.2%
Thjórsá 60° N
0° N (16) 1.2

Glacier runoff (–)

Santa 0.8
Amazon Rhine (<0.1)
(1.7) (<0.1) Issyk-Kul 0.6
(0.1) (0.9) 0.4
Rhone Kuban Balkhash 0.2
(0.9) Danube Aral Past Future
(0.2) (0.9)
(<0.1) Sea 0.0
Po (1.2)
2000 2050 2100
20° N 40° N
Majes Tarim
(0.3) Titicaca (2.3) Huang He
(0.1) (<0.1)
1.4 G = 0.9%
Rapel Indus
(2.4) Yangtze
Glacier runoff (–)

1.0 (0.1)
Biobio (0.4) 0.8 Ganges
(0.3) (1.1) Salween
Negro (0.9)
(<0.1) Brahma-
Baker 0.2 Past Future
(7.7) Santa Cruz 0.0 putra Mekong
(9.9) 2000 2050 2100 (3.2) (<0.1)
80° W 60° W 0° E 20° E 40° E 60° E 80° E 100° E

Fig. 2 | Peak water in all the glacierized macroscale drainage basins. Colours show the modelled year of peak water computed from 11-year moving
averages of annual glacier runoff from all the glaciers located in the 56 investigated drainage basins, aggregated in 0.5 × 0.5° grid cells. Peak water is
also shown with grey scales for all the macroscale basins, classified in 30-year intervals. The results refer to runoff from the initially glacierized area,
and are based on the multimodel mean of 14 GCMs and the RCP4.5 emission scenario. The numbers in brackets below the basin names refer to basin
glacierization in per cent. The insets show the modelled annual glacier runoff normalized with the average runoff in 1990–2010 for three selected basins.
Triangles depict peak water (± standard deviation), thin lines show results for individual GCMs and G denotes the percentage ice cover.

at the drainage-basin scale5. Hence, a global-scale quantification We use projections from 14 Global Circulation Models (GCM;
of peak water and the contribution of glacier runoff change to the Supplementary Table 2) forced by three emission scenarios
macroscale drainage basin runoff throughout the twenty-first cen- (Representative Concentration Pathways, RCP). Peak emissions
tury based on a consistent methodology is still lacking. are expected to occur at around 2020 (RCP2.6), 2050 (RCP4.5)
Here we examine annual and monthly glacier runoff changes, and after 2100 (RCP8.5); RCP2.6 is the closest scenario to
their contribution to large-scale basin runoff and peak water in all the targets of the Paris climate agreement of 2015. Projected
56 glacierized macroscale (>​5,000  km2) drainage basins on Earth air temperature increases between the periods 1990–2010 and
(outside Antarctica and Greenland) with at least 30 km2 of ice 2080–2100, averaged over all analysed basins (multi-GCM
cover and >​0.01% glacierization (Supplementary Table 1) for the mean ±​1 standard deviation), range from 1.6 ±​ 1.1 °C (RCP2.6) to
period 1980–2100. We used the Global Glacier Evolution Model 5.4 ±​ 2.2 °C (RCP8.5).
(GloGEM)11 to compute glacier mass changes and associated Between 2010 and 2100, the total glacier volume in all the
runoff from each individual glacier in all the basins. The model investigated basins is projected to decrease by 43 ±​  14% (RCP2.6),
accounts for all the relevant glaciological processes, which include 58 ±​ 13% (RCP4.5) and 74 ±​ 11% (RCP8.5). For the mid-range
mass accumulation and loss, and changes in the glacier extent scenario RCP4.5, basin-specific glacier-volume reductions (multi-
and surface elevation. For each basin, we computed glacier run- GCM means) range from 37% to 99%. The associated annual gla-
off defined as the water that leaves the initially glacierized area, cier runoff changes vary greatly among the basins. Although peak
and thus include runoff from ice-free areas once the glaciers have water has already been reached in 45% of the basins (year 2017) and
retreated (Methods). annual runoff is expected to decline, runoff is projected to continue
The glacier model is driven with monthly near-surface air tem- to rise beyond 2050 in 22% of the basins (Fig. 2). Increases in the
perature and precipitation data from the ERA-Interim Reanalysis runoff until peak water relative to 1980–2000 can be substantial,
and results of the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison and exceed 50% in some basins (Supplementary Table 3). Average
Project (CMIP5) for the past and future, respectively (Methods). runoff increase for the 56 basins is 26% for RCP2.6, 28% for RCP4.5

136 Nature Climate Change | VOL 8 | FEBRUARY 2018 | 135–140 |

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NATure ClImATe CHAnge Letters
and 36% for RCP8.5 (multi-GCM mean). The largest increases tend 5% 10% 20% 40% 60%
to occur in regions where peak water is reached late in the century Positive Negative No change (±5%)
(Supplementary Fig. 1). Indus
The timing of peak water shows significant positive correlations Tarim
with the basin’s glacier area, the present fraction of ice cover and Brahmaputra
basin latitude (p <​ 0.01; Supplementary Fig. 2), the latter due to a Aral Sea
higher abundance of large glaciers at high latitudes. For RCP4.5,
basins with large glaciers and high glacierization (for example, Yangtze
Susitna and Jökulsá) tend to reach peak water towards the end of Salween

the twenty-first century (Fig. 2). In contrast, in basins dominated Issyk-Kul
by smaller glaciers (for example, in western Canada, central Europe Ob
and South America), peak water has passed or is expected to occur
within the next decade, consistent with local studies in these regi Huang He
ons19,20,26,27. In most basins fed by High Mountain Asia glaciers (for Indigirka
example, the Aral Sea, Indus, Tarim and Brahmaputra), annual gla- Kuban
cier runoff is projected to rise until roughly the middle of the century, Irrawaddy
followed by steadily declining glacier runoff thereafter. However, we
find a considerable small-scale variability in this region, with peak Jökulsá
water around 2070 in parts of the Indus headwaters and around the Rhone
middle of the century in most headwaters of the Ganges (southern Oelfusá
flanks of the Himalayas), whereas peak water has already passed, or Danube

is close to doing so, in the adjacent headwaters of the Brahmaputra Po
(interior of the Himalayas). Peak water variability in High Mountain Gloma
Asia is attributed to a combination of glacier size and a projected Lule
increase in summer precipitation in monsoon-dominated regions. Kalixaelven
Large intrabasin variability is also found in Alaska. In both cases, Dramselv
spatially coherent subregions with later peak waters coincide with
areas dominated by larger glaciers and vice versa. This indicates that
some headwaters of a basin might experience an earlier decline of Alsek
the annual runoff than does the basin as a whole. Susitna
Peak water is generally reached later under emission sce- Stikine
narios, which implies a stronger warming (∼​15 years for RCP8.5 Fraser
North America

compared with RCP2.6; Supplementary Table 3). The enhanced
atmospheric warming generates sufficiently large melt rates to com- Mackenzie
pensate for a shrinking glacier area, and thus delays runoff decline. Nass
Modelled spatial patterns in peak waters broadly agree with local Kuskokwim
studies in the European Alps27, the Andes19,20 and High Mountain Skeena
Asia14–16,28, which provides confidence in the robustness of our Nelson
global-scale estimates. Nushagak
To quantify changes in future glacier runoff, we computed Colville
monthly changes by the middle (averaged over 2040–2060) and
the end (2080–2100) of the century relative to the reference period


















1990–2010. We focused on the melt season (June to October and June July Aug. Sept. Oct.

December to April for the northern and southern hemispheres, Santa Cruz
respectively). The projected glacier runoff changes for both periods Amazon
show a strong variability, as well as large differences among basins Colorado
(Fig. 3). For example, the basins’ glacier runoff changes range from
South America

+​38% to −​76% (multi-GCM mean, RCP4.5) in August (northern Santa
hemisphere), the month when currently most basins have their Titicaca
seasonal maximum (Supplementary Table 4). This indicates that a
future runoff response will be highly diversified and will strongly Majes
depend on basin characteristics. Daule-Vinces
Glacier runoff is projected to rise in June (December in the Magdalena
southern hemisphere) in almost all the basins over both investigated

periods. In contrast, it is mostly reduced in August and September
(Fig. 3). Basins in South America show relatively consistent runoff



















decreases in all months of the austral summer. For most of the 56 Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
basins and months, the sign of change remains unaltered between
the two investigated periods. Projected glacier runoff reductions by Fig. 3 | Monthly glacier runoff changes over the two periods 2000–2050
2090 are larger than those by the middle of the century, which is con- and 2000–2090. Changes are computed from 20-year averages centred
sistent with peak water being reached mostly before 2050 (Fig. 2). around these years. The results refer to multi-GCM means and emission
By the end of the twenty-first century, the seasonal glacier scenario RCP4.5. The circle area scales linearly with runoff change. Basins
runoff maximum is reduced in 93% of the basins compared with are listed for each continent in the order of decreasing glacier area. For the
the 1990–2010 average, and runoff is less concentrated dur- Santa basin (inner tropics), large glacier-runoff reductions (−​21 to −​59%)
ing the melt season (Supplementary Fig. 3). In addition, seasonal are found between June and October. NZ, New Zealand.

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Susitna Yukon
Copper Glacier runoff change relative to basin runoff
Taku (Aug) (Sep) ΔQgʹ/ Qbasin (%)
Nass (Aug)
Stikine (Aug) Nelson
Skeena (Aug)

Columbia –30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 >5
120° W 100° W 80° W

Thjórsá Oelfulsá Gloma

0° N (Aug) (Aug) (Aug) Indigirka

Rhine Issyk-Kul (Sep)

Rhone Kuban
Santa (Sep)
(Sep) (Aug) Danube Balkhash
Po (Sep)
20° S 40° N (Aug) Tarim
Aral Sea Huang He

Indus Yangtze
Rapel (Oct)
(Mar) Colorado
Biobio (Mar) Ganges
(Mar) Salween

(Mar) Brahma-
Santa Cruz putra Mekong
80° W 60° W 0° E 20° E 40° E 60° E 80° E 100° E

Fig. 4 | Contribution of future glacier runoff changes (between 2000 and 2090) to the macroscale basin runoff in all 56 investigated basins. The ratio of
glacier runoff change to basin runoff, ΔQg′ ∕Qbasin, is evaluated for the period July to October (January to April for the southern hemisphere, and throughout
the year in the tropics). For basins with substantial glacier runoff decreases (ΔQg′ ∕Qbasin < −5%) in at least one month, the ratio refers to the month (given
in brackets below the basin names) with the largest reduction in glacier runoff. Basins with negligible glacier impact ( ΔQg′ ∕Qbasin < 5%) are shown in grey,
and the remaining basins, which show glacier runoff increases that exceed 5% in at least one month, in dark blue. The results refer to multi-GCM means
and RCP4.5. Small dots refer to population density > 100 km−2 on a 0.5 × 0.5° grid as an indicator for potential downstream socio-environmental impacts.

runoff maxima are shifted towards earlier in the season in almost tests (Methods). We further assumed that glacier runoff volumes
all the basins with a trend of roughly 0.4 days per percentage gla- remain unaltered on their path through the basin, although the sig-
cier-area loss (Supplementary Fig. 4). Similar to peak water (Fig. 2), nal will be increasingly modified with distance from the headwaters
glacier runoff changes typically show spatially coherent patterns. due to processes such as groundwater exchange or human water use.
Substantial intrabasin variability, which includes large positive and Nevertheless, this approach suffices to provide a first-order approxi-
negative runoff changes within the same basin, is projected for some mation of the magnitude of glacier runoff changes relative to basin
regions and months (for example, Alaska and High Mountain Asia; runoff. By relating glacier runoff to total flow at each basin’s lowest
Supplementary Figs. 5 and 6). point, we also neglect any sub-basin differences. The relative con-
We also investigated how the changes in monthly glacier run- tribution of glacier runoff changes can be expected to increase with
off affect the total runoff downstream for each macroscale basin. proximity to the glacierized headwaters.
To accomplish this, we first shifted each month’s glacier runoff For about half of the basins, the glacier runoff change between
by a basin-specific water transit time, and calculate monthly gla- 2000 and 2090 (RCP4.5) accounts for less than 5% of the basin run-
cier runoff changes, ΔQ g′ , by 2080–2100 relative to the reference off throughout the melt season (Fig. 4, Supplementary Figs. 7 and 8,
period 1990–2010. We then computed the ratio of ΔQ g′ and the and Supplementary Table 5) despite large relative changes in glacier
large-scale basin runoff, Q basin, for July to October (January to runoff in some cases (Fig. 3). This indicates a negligible hydrologi-
April for the southern hemisphere), as a proxy for the importance cal impact of glacier wastage on the monthly basin runoff by the
of an increase or reduction in glacier runoff in comparison with end of the century. However, 19 of the 56 investigated basins, spread
the overall basin runoff, which is based on observations (Methods). across the globe, experience at least one melt-season month with a
We do not account for future changes in basin runoff (for example, glacier runoff reduction that exceeds 10% of the basin runoff (five
due to changes in precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater basins prior to 2050). For 13 of these 19 basins, glacierization is less
recharge and land cover). Hydrological studies indicate both posi- than 2.5%, and less than 10% in all but two (Figs. 4 and 5). This
tive and negative changes up to the end of the century with a large indicates that future glacier changes can have a substantial impact
spatial variability29, but uncertainties are high. We assessed the on monthly runoff at large scales, even in basins with an extremely
effect of our assumptions on future basin runoff using sensitivity low ice coverage.

138 Nature Climate Change | VOL 8 | FEBRUARY 2018 | 135–140 |

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NATure ClImATe CHAnge Letters
Asia Europe North America South America
50 a

ΔQgʹ (%)



20 Jan Feb
Mar Apr
ΔQgʹ / Qbasin (%)



Jul Aug Sep Oct

80 c
Latitude (°)


20 0.1% 1% 3% 20%
Aral Sea



Santa Cruz
Fig. 5 | Projected glacier runoff changes and contribution to basin-scale runoff. The results are based on glacier runoff changes over 2000–2090 (multi-
GCM mean, RCP4.5) for July to October (January to April for the southern hemisphere). For the Santa basin (inner tropics) the results refer to the months
July to October as the largest glacier runoff reductions are found in the austral winter (dry season). a, Relative runoff changes from the initially glacierized
area (adjusted by basin-specific water-transit times to the basin’s mouth), ΔQg′ . b, Glacier runoff changes relative to the macroscale basin runoff,
ΔQg′ ∕Qbasin. Vertical lines connect the minimum and maximum changes. c, Glacierization as a function of geographic latitude. The results are shown for
each continent in the order of decreasing ΔQg′ ∕Qbasin. Only the 28 basins in which ΔQg′ ∕Qbasin exceeds 5% for at least one of the four months are shown.

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16. Sorg, A., Huss, M., Rohrer, M. & Stoffel, M. The days of plenty might 29. Kundzewicz, Z. W. et al. The implications of projected climate change
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17. Duethmann, D., Menz, C., Jiang, T. & Vorogushyn, S. Projections for 30. Carey, M. et al. Impacts of glacier recession and declining meltwater on
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surface water availability but uncertainties are large. Environ. Res. Lett. 11,
054024 (2016). Acknowledgements
18. Juen, I., Kaser, G. & Georges, C. Modelling observed and future runoff from We thank the Randolph Glacier Inventory consortium for providing global glacier
a glacierized tropical catchment (Cordillera Blanca, Perú). Glob. Planet. inventory data, the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts for the
Chang. 59, 37–48 (2007). ERA-interim Reanalysis and the GRDC for discharge data and drainage-basin outlines.
19. Baraer, M. et al. Glacier recession and water resources in Peru’s Cordillera We acknowledge the World Climate Research Programme’s Working Group on Coupled
Blanca. J. Glaciol. 58, 134–150 (2012). Modelling, which is responsible for CMIP, and we thank the climate modelling groups
20. Frans, C. et al. Implications of decadal to century scale glacio-hydrological (listed in Supplementary Table 2) for producing and making available their model
change for water resources of the Hood River basin, OR, USA. Hydrol. output. R.H acknowledges funding from grants from the National Aeronautics and
Process. 30, 4314–4329 (2016). Space Administration (NNX17AB27G and NNX11AO23G). A. Aschwanden,
21. Lambrecht, A. & Mayer, C. Temporal variability of the non-steady D. Farinotti, A. Johnsson, D. Rounce and M. Truffer commented on a previous version
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22. Comeau, L. E. L., Pietroniro, A. & Demuth, M. N. Glacier contribution to the
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freshwater discharge into the Gulf of Alaska. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37, figures. He developed the model and modelling procedure with input from R.H. M.H.
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24. Huss, M. Present and future contribution of glacier storage change to runoff of results, and shared the writing of the paper.
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W07511 (2011). Competing interests
25. Schaner, N., Voisin, N., Nijssen, B. & Lettenmaier, D. P. The contribution of The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.
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26. Stahl, K., Moore, R. D., Shea, J. M., Hutchinson, D. & Cannon, A. J. Coupled
modelling of glacier and streamflow response to future climate scenarios. Additional information
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27. Farinotti, D., Usselmann, S., Huss, M., Bauder, A. & Funk, M. Runoff s41558-017-0049-x.
evolution in the Swiss Alps: projections for selected high-alpine catchments Reprints and permissions information is available at
based on ENSEMBLES scenarios. Hydrol. Process. 26, 1909–1924 (2012).
28. Lutz, A., Immerzeel, W., Shrestha, A. & Bierkens, M. Consistent increase in Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.H.
High Asia’s runoff due to increasing glacier melt and precipitation. Nat. Clim. Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
Chang. 4, 587–592 (2014). published maps and institutional affiliations.

140 Nature Climate Change | VOL 8 | FEBRUARY 2018 | 135–140 |

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NATure ClImATe CHAnge Letters
Methods by melt and rain. We keep the basin’s area constant because this is the spatial
Glacier data. Glacier outlines of all ∼​113,000 glaciers in the investigated basins scale relevant for water resources, which describes how water availability changes
are taken from the globally complete Randolph Glacier Inventory v4.0 (ref. 31). The with time over a fixed domain. Our definition of glacier runoff differs from that
glaciers cover a total area of 169,000 km2, which corresponds to 34% of total glacier in another global study5, which only considered water from each year’s ice-
area on Earth outside Greenland and Antarctica. The remaining 66% are mostly covered area, that is, global runoff projections referred to an annually changing
located in close proximity to the ocean, and hence glacierized drainage basins basin extent.
are <​5,000  km2. The vast majority of these glaciers is located in the High Arctic
and have limited importance for freshwater availability. The glacier outlines refer Runoff transit time. To assess seasonal variations in the importance of the
roughly to the year 2000 ±​ 10 and were intersected with global digital-elevation projected glacier runoff changes to the overall basin runoff, the travel time of
models from various sources32,33. Each glacier’s topography was aggregated into 10 m glacial runoff from the headwaters to the basin’s mouth needs to be accounted
elevation bands, the resolution at which GloGEM operates. The initial ice-thickness for. Here we chose a simple empirical approach47 to approximate basin-specific
distribution for each glacier was calculated by inverting the bedrock elevation from water transit times. This approach refers to the response of water pressure waves
the surface topography based on the principles of ice-flow dynamics34. that travel faster than individual water molecules, but neglects the residence time
of glacial melt water in lakes or in groundwater systems. Transit time, tw (days), is
Basins. For all 56 investigated drainage basins, we used river-basin boundaries
main-stream slope, β (m km−1), by:
calculated as a function of basin area, Abasin (km2), mean discharge, Q (m3 s−1) and
at the erosion-base level provided by the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC)35.
The data set was intersected with the glacier inventory to extract the catchment
glacierization. The total glacier area in the investigated basins ranges from 32 km2
t w = 0.055Abasin Q ̄
−0.10 −0.35
β . (1)
to 27,000 km2, whereas ice cover varies between 0.01% and 20% (2.9% on average;
Supplementary Table 1). Glacierization is smaller than 2% for three-quarters β is extracted from global digital elevation models32,33. Transit-time estimates vary
of the basins. between a few days and more than 2 months (Supplementary Table 1). This simple
approach has shown reasonable agreement with observations from dye tracer
Runoff data. To assess the effect of the projected glacier runoff changes on the experiments24.
basin runoff we used monthly runoff data from two sources (Supplementary
Table 6): (1) for 87% of the investigated basins, long-term runoff measurements Contribution of glacier runoff change to the macroscale basin runoff. To
are available from the GRDC36, and (2) for the remaining basins with no or less quantify the contribution of glacier runoff changes to the macroscale basin runoff
than ten years of observations (typically smaller or endorheic basins), we used we compute the ratio:
the global runoff data set provided by the University of New Hampshire and the
GRDC37,38. The data set includes monthly runoff on a 0.5 ×​ 0.5° global grid for R = ΔQg′ ∕Q basin (2)
the period 1986 to 1995 derived from hydrological modelling assimilated to the
GRDC runoff station data. For each basin and month we averaged runoff amounts where ΔQg′ is the glacier runoff change over the period 1990–2010 to 2080–2100
over the (varying) periods of available data (spanning 20 to more than 100 years and Q basin is the macroscale basin runoff averaged over the period of available
between 1900 and 2013) and assumed these averages to represent the current observations. Monthly glacier runoff changes are computed after accounting for
runoff volumes. For the endorheic basins Balkhash and Issyk-Kul, the runoff a basin-specific transit time, tw (equation (1)). Q basin is derived from long-term
measurements only covered subcatchments, which we upscaled based on monthly stream gauges36 or, where these are not available, from macroscopic hydrological
runoff from the entire basin derived from macroscopic hydrological modelling37,38. modelling37 (see above and Supplementary Table 6).
To evaluate how much the varying period lengths affect the period averages, we Future basin runoff will be affected by variations in components of the
performed a trend analysis of all the runoff time series (Supplementary Fig. 9). For water balance other than glacier mass change, such as changes in precipitation,
86% of the series no significant temporal trend was detected, and annual runoff evapotranspiration and groundwater/lake storage caused by variations in climate,
variations mostly remain within ±​10% of their period average. This indicates that land cover and human influences. Projected twenty-first century changes in basin
the heterogeneity in the period of reference is unlikely to affect our results beyond runoff mostly range from negligible to ±​30% (ref. 48). Studies report a tendency
calculation uncertainties (see below). towards a runoff decrease in arid regions29,48,49, which hence exacerbates the impact
of glacier runoff decline (Fig. 4). Due to large uncertainties in these projections,
Climate. Monthly near-surface air temperature and precipitation data from we do not account for any changes in basin runoff in our analysis, but investigate
the ERA-Interim Reanalysis39 for the period 1980–2012 and from results of the effect of this simplification with sensitivity tests. To assess the potential effect
the CMIP540 for 2013–2100 were utilized and were downscaled to all glaciers of future precipitation changes (typically the main driver of runoff changes)
individually11. Projections from 14 GCMs forced by three emission scenarios on basin runoff and the resulting R (equation (2)), we modified the observed
(Representative Concentration Pathways41) were used (Supplementary Table 2). basin runoff (Supplementary Table 6) using the percentage changes in monthly
Projections were available for RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 for all the GCMs except precipitation between 1990–2010 and 2080–2100 as projected by the 14 GCMs
for GFDL-CM3 and INMCM4 (only RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). For GCMs with several for each basin (Supplementary Fig. 3). Averaged over all GCMs and basins, the
available ensemble members we used member ‘rlilp1’. monthly precipitation changes range from +​5  ±​ 5% (standard deviation of the 56
basins) in August to +​9  ±​ 8% in December. Annual precipitation is projected to
Glacier modelling. GloGEM11 computes glacier mass balance and associated increase by 6 ±​ 4%. The resulting values of R varied by less than 1% for 42 (75%)
geometry changes for each glacier individually. The climatic mass balance −​ the of the investigated basins, with a maximum change in R of 3%. The number of
balance of snow accumulation, snow- and ice melt, and refreezing42 −​is calculated basins with R > 5% is almost the same for all summer months compared with our
at a monthly resolution based on near-surface air temperature and precipitation calculations, given no future basin runoff changes.
time series. Annual mass losses at marine- or lake-terminating glacier fronts In addition, our trend analysis of the observed runoff series indicated that the
are approximated by a simple scheme that accounts for calving front height and vast majority of basins did not show any significant trends, and that (smoothed)
width43. Total mass changes are then used to adjust each glacier’s surface elevation variations in annual runoff rarely exceeded ±​10% (Supplementary Fig. 9).
and extent on a yearly basis using an empirical parameterization44. The model was Although future runoff variations may differ, the past variations provide an
calibrated using estimates of regional glacier mass changes45. Rather than glacier indication of the magnitude of possible future changes, as considerable change
runoff observations, which are rarely available at glacier termini, we validated the in climate, land cover and human influences have occurred during the period of
model against observations of both glacier mass balances (in situ and geodetic available runoff observations. Both analyses provide confidence that our results of
measurements)46 and glacier area changes. This approach is justified by the R are robust despite our simplistic assumption of an unaltered future basin runoff.
dominant role of glacier melt in glacier runoff. Previous work11 gives further details Below, we quantify the uncertainties in basin runoff associated with assumptions in
of the model, its calibration and downscaling procedures. our uncertainty analysis.

Definition of glacier runoff. We define glacier runoff as all the water that Uncertainties. We quantified uncertainties in peak water, Pw, and the monthly
originates from the initially glacierized area as given by the Randolph Glacier glacier runoff changes, ΔQg, between the periods 1990–2010 and 2080–2100, and
Inventory version 4.0 (ref. 31), even when a glacier has melted completely. Initially, ΔQg′ ∕Q basin. We consider uncertainties in (1) the climate projections, (2) the initial
it consists of the sum of glacier melt (sum of snow, firn and ice melt) and rain, ice thickness data, (3) the melt-model parameterization, (4) the estimated water
minus refreezing over the glacierized area. As the glacier recedes, we also include transit time to the basin’s mouth and (5) the macroscale basin discharge data due
rain and snow melt minus refreezing from any areas that are no longer glacierized to observational errors, varying measurement periods and the assumption of an
within the initial boundaries of each glacier. We do not consider other processes unaltered basin runoff. For Pw and ΔQg, components (1)–(3) are relevant, whereas
in the gradually growing deglacierized proglacial area, such as evapotranspiration for ΔQg′ ∕Q basin all the factors affect the results.
or changes in groundwater recharge and land cover, as the data to parameterize We addressed each of the five uncertainties above individually with targeted
them in a global model are unavailable. However, we assume that these processes model experiments by varying input data, model parameterizations and parameters
only have minor effects on the projected changes in glacier runoff because runoff within prescribed ranges. Uncertainties are computed as standard deviations of the
amounts and regime in highly glacierized basins are typically strongly dominated experiment’s results or, where appropriate, from error propagation. (1) The model

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Letters NATure ClImATe CHAnge
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