Personal Development: Grade 11 Worksheet No.1 Quarter 2 Week 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Personal Development
Grade 11 Worksheet No.1
Quarter 2 Week 1:

Name: ________________________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

School: _______________________________________________ Teacher: __________________________

1. discuss an understanding of teen-age relationships, including the acceptable and
unacceptable expressions of attractions. EsP-PD11/12PR-IIa-9.1
2. express his/her ways of showing attraction, love, and commitment. EsP-PD11/12PR-IIa-9.2

3. identify ways to become responsible in a relationship, Code: EsP-PD11/12PR-IIb-9.3

Module 9: Personal Relationships

Activity 1. A. Statements on Relationship

Direction: State whether these statements are True or False

_____1. It is important to work on communicating our feelings in relationships.

_____2. To love someone, we must love our self, first.
_____3. Trying to understand where other people are coming from rather than judging
them helps us build and maintain relationships.
_____4. Having a good relationship does not contribute anything to us having good health.
_____5. When people listen deeply and let us know that they recognize the feeling behind
our words, more likely than not, our relationship is doing good.
_____6. In our relationships, it is vital that we practice forgiveness when a loved one has
hurt us.
_____7. Our loved ones cannot help us when we deal with stress.
_____8. Using positive methods to resolve conflict will more likely help us maintain good
_____9. Expressing gratitude to our friends and family help us maintain good
_____10. Significant differences in core values and beliefs never create a problem in
_____11. We are happy in our relationships when our loved ones stay connected by
spending time with us and letting us know that they love us.
_____12. Excessive reliance on social media can be a cause of tension in relationships.
_____13. Relationships are static; they are unchangeable.
_____14. Being compassionate, forgiving and grateful contribute to healthy relationships.
_____15. To fully enjoy and benefit from relationships we need skills, information,
inspiration, practice, and social support.

Activity 1. B. Follow-up Question: What do we mean by personal relationships?


Activity 2. Read “Letter From Mom”

Direction: Read Letter from Mom and make a response letter (Put yourself in the shoes
of Shane and write a letter in response to Mom.)

Dear Shane,

P1. Right now you are upstairs in your room thinking that life is completely and totally

P2. The whole world is against you because there is not a single person in it that
understands you. You would say that you love your friends, but the truth is that you love
them more on Facebook, Tweeter and Instagram than you do in real life. In real life, you can
only handle spending so much time with them before they start to annoy you because, as I
mentioned before, no one really understands who you are.

P3. Your room is a mess. The clothes that you beg for me to buy you are crumpled in a heap
in the corner. When asked to clean – when asked to do anything, really – you roll your eyes
(not to my face, because you are smart enough at this point to know that will set me off)
because you have a thousand more important things to do like watch Pangako Sa ‘Yo or
check your phone.

P4. You are both obsessed with and terrified by boys.

P5. Some days you think you are pretty. Some days you are certain you are the ugliest
person on earth. You are sure you are being left out of something. Some party, some
conversation, some sleepover is happening and you were deliberately excluded because no
one cares how you feel. You have every right in the world to be moody because life is hard.
Grade 11 is pointless. There isn’t a person alive who hasn’t been able to get into the college
they wanted to because they got poor grades in Grade 10. Mostly though, life is just hard and
complicated and difficult and confusing. Despite this, you are never given the credit you
deserve for always knowing what’s what. You know what is best for you and there is nothing
more irritating than someone else (like me) presuming that they know.

P6. I realize that when I raise these topics with you, you will not hear me. Despite all
appearances, you are not a small adult. You cannot reason like an adult and so it is
impossible for you to understand that I am trying to help you and guide you and not, ruin
your life. This privilege I exert does not necessarily come from biology, it comes from the fact
that I have been exactly where you are and I have been navigating this life for a lot longer
than you. It is true that everyone has a story, and everyone’s story is unique, but loss, pain,
anger, confusion and sadness are universal. These feelings don’t separate you from the
world, but rather they bind you closer to it. Someone out there is feeling the exact same way
you do right now, including me, my dearest girl, and I am only a few feet away. There will
never be and can never be another you, but you are part of a magnificent community of
humans. Humanity at times can be brutal and petty and mean-spirited, but that’s never an
excuse for you to be that way. You are so much more and so much better than a bad day.

P7. I am not your friend. I don’t care what you think about me. I am not aiming for
popularity in our house. Most importantly, we are not equals. Think about it: how can we be
equals if you depend on me for everything? If you’re going to ask for extra money for whatever
you want to buy, then you have to take my rules. Some people call it parenting. Greedy me, I
call it authority. When you don’t need me for things, only advice and counsel, then we can
explore a friendship.

P8. When I ask you to do something right now, I am trying to teach you something about
success. Procrastination is a dream killer. No one ever became a grand success by doing it
later. You’re right, your room is yours. I am less concerned with the state of it than I am of
your mind. Ever see a happy person on Hoarders? It sounds ridiculous to you, but a clean
space makes it easier to be creative and productive. When you let your room slide, you are
likely to let everything else slide too, like homework.

P9. I am not a Tiger Mom. I am not interested in you getting straight A’s (though, of course,
that would be great), I am interested in you doing your absolute best. Sometimes you do your
best and you fail, and you need to learn to be okay with that, too. You must learn to be good
AT school, so it will be easier for you to be good AT college and AT work. Yes, of course, it’s
pandering to a system, but everyone, regardless of status has to work within a system,
unless you’re becoming a hermit which let’s face it, is never going to happen. When you
become overly concerned with pleasing your friends and making them happy it takes away
from your focus, your job, which right now is school. The balance you learn to strike right
now will carry you through your entire life where friendships can be vital. But, you cannot
rely on a great friendship to buy you a house.

P10. I don’t tell you often enough how beautiful you are. Even though you are stunning, I do
guess I do this on purpose. Being beautiful should never be the most interesting thing about
you. A girl who relies on her looks is setting herself up to be a woman lost at sea as she gets
older. We live in a world where beauty can and will open many doors, but how you choose to
open them and what you do inside becomes about character. Character, moral aptitude,
empathy, grace- these are the traits that will carry on your beauty far after your looks are
gone. You aren’t anywhere near understanding this right now, even though I am trying to
lead this change by example. When you look at me all you see is old, and mom.

P11. Unbelievably though, I was young (and not so long ago, I might add) once, and nothing
you can say will shock me. In point of fact, if I was to over share and talk about some of the
things I’ve done, or still do actually, on a pretty regular basis with your step dad, it is you
that would be shocked. Don’t worry, I would never, because like I said, we are not friends. I
promise you this, though: as long as you tell me the truth, you will never get into trouble,
though I can’t promise I won’t be disappointed.

P12. Until you have children of your own, you won’t realize the depth in which I love you. I
would do anything for you and it is the great irony of life that the person I love most, I get
treated the worst by. I am your greatest cheerleader and your biggest fan. Sometimes you
scream “Why do you hate me!” when I am doing my job as a mother. You don’t understand
that if I indeed hated you, or felt a far more heinous thing, indifference, I simply wouldn’t
bother. I would let you get on with it and shrug my shoulders and not say a word. When I
stand my ground and open myself up to your vitriol and disregard and general railroading,
that, my dear, is love.

P13. The most important thing for you to understand is though you may be convinced
otherwise, whatever happens in this crazy, upside down life, you will never, ever be alone. So
maybe, just once in a while, will you keep this in mind and be a little kinder to me.

Your ever loving,


Activity 3. Direction: After reading the letter, be ready to answer the following questions in your output’s sheet.
1. What kind of relationship does the letter describe?
2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.
3. What roles does each character play in the relationship?
4. Are you satisfied with this type of relationship? Explain your answer.
5. Do you agree that this type of relationship can be improved? Explain your answer.
6. In what ways can the characters show they are responsible to maintain a good


Good relationships are fun and make you feel good about yourself. The relationships that you make
in your youth years will be a special part of your life and with each you some of the most important
lessons about who you are. Truly good relationships take time and energy to develop. All
relationships should be based on respect and honesty, and this is especially important when you
decide to date someone.

In a healthy relationship, both partners: Are treated with kindness and respect Are honest with
each other Like to spend time together Take an interest in things that are important to each
other Respect one another’s emotional, physical and sexual limits Can speak honestly about
their feelings

Love should never hurt Dating relationships can be wonderful! But while it’s important that dating
partners care for each other, it’s just as important that you take care of yourself! About 10% of high
school students say they have suffered violence from someone they date. This includes physical
abuse where someone causes physical pain or injury to another person. This can involve hitting,
slapping, or kicking. Sexual abuse is also a type of violence, and involves any kind of unwanted
sexual advance. It can include everything from unwelcome sexual comments to kissing to
intercourse. But abuse doesn’t always mean that someone hits or hurts your body. Emotional
abuse is anything that harms your self-esteem or causes shame. This includes saying things that
hurt your feelings, make you feel that you aren’t worthwhile, or trying to control who you see or
where you go. Remember, you deserve healthy, happy relationships. Abuse of any type is never

ABUSE AND ASSAULT Love should never hurt. But sometimes it does: 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33
men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime 1.5 million women are sexually assaulted or
otherwise physically abused by their partners each year. Over 800,000 males are sexually or
physically abused by partners. Abuse can occur in any type of relationship--gay and straight,
casual and long-term, young and old. About 10% of high school students say that have suffered
violence from someone they date.

If you are – or have been – in a relationship where you were mistreated, it’s very easy to blame
yourself. The problem is with the abuser, though, not you. It’s not your fault! Anyone can be abused
– boys and girls, men and women, gay or straight, young and old – and anyone can become an
Break the Silence: Stop the Violence It may shock you to know that one out of every eleven teens
reports being hit or physically hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend in the past twelve months. But why
is that, and how can we change it? In "Break The Silence: Stop the Violence," parents talk with
teens about developing healthy, respectful relationships before they start dating.
HOW TO COMMUNICATE Talking openly makes relationships more fun and satisfying; especially
when you both talk about each other’s needs for physical, emotional, mental and sexual health. You
can’t expect a partner to know what you want and need unless you tell them. The simple fact is that
none of us are a mind reader--so it's important to be open about your needs and expectations.

In a romantic relationship, it is important to communicate openly on issues of sex and sexual

health. The decision to enter into a sexual relationship is entirely up to you, and you always have
the right to say "no" at any time to anything that you don't feel comfortable with. Remember, there
are many ways to express love without sex. If you do decide to become sexually active, there are
things about which you do need to communicate.
Though talking about sex can feel a little scary, many people find that when they get up the nerve
to talk about sex, their partner really appreciates it. Most likely they've been trying to work up the
nerve, too! Many respect a partner even more once they've brought up the topic of sex. It is ok to be
nervous--that lets you know that what you are doing is both important to you and also exciting.

Remember though: it is a good idea to talk about any sexual subject before you get all hot and
bothered, but this is especially important for topics which require logical thinking skills, like safer
sex expectations. Most of us don't act rationally in the heat of the moment. Think about your
boundaries ahead of time, and discuss them with a partner when you are not currently in a sexual
mood. If you are turned on, you are less likely to make the decision to use a condom or another
barrier if your partner has a different agenda. Having the conversation before you are in a sexual
situation makes it more likely you will be able to act according to your own boundaries and
So what's to talk about? Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): This is actually an issue that all
teenagers and adults must be aware of. Anybody who engages in sexual activity is prone to have
this one. Possibility of Pregnancy: Females who engage in sex have a high percentage of putting
themselves in this kind of situation. Right time for sex: You can consider your current status as
a student if it is really high time to be involved in this kind of activity. Will this make or break your
future? Boundaries: Making the decision to set your limits in a relationship shows your maturity
to assert your priorities and respecting yourself.


The decision of whether or not to have sex is up to you, and you alone. Therefore don’t be afraid to
say "no" if that’s how you feel. Having sex for the first time can be a huge emotional event. There
are many questions and feelings that you may want to sort out before you actually get "in the heat
of the moment." Ask yourself: Am I really ready to have sex? How am I going to feel after I have
sex? Am I doing this for the right reasons? How do I plan to protect myself/my partner from
sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy? How am I going to feel about my partner

The best way to prepare for the decision to have sex is to become comfortable with communicating
about your needs. If you don’t feel right about something, say so! Anyone who challenges your
choices about whether or not to have sex is not giving you the respect that you deserve. Pay
attention to your feelings, and don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for making decisions that are
right for you.

There are countless nonsexual ways to show someone you love them. You can show a person you
care for them by spending time with them. Go to the movies. Or just hang out and talk. If you are
with someone you really like, then anything can be fun.

There are also ways to feel physically close without having sex. These include everything from
kissing and hugging to touching each other. Just remember that if you're not careful these activities
can lead to sex. Plan beforehand just how far you want to go, and stick to your limits. It can be
difficult to say "No" and mean it when things get hot and heavy.


You probably think that talking to your parents about sex is impossible. You're not alone; 83
percent of kids your age are afraid to ask their parents about sex. Yet 51 percent of teens actually
do. So... kids are not only talking to their parents about sex, they're also benefiting from
conversations they were afraid to have in the first place! Lucky them, right? The truth is that most
parents want to help their kids make smart decisions about sex. They know it's vital for teens to
have accurate information and sound advice to aid the decision-making process.

If you think your parents are really nervous about raising the issue, you're probably right. Many
parents think that if they acknowledge their child as a sexual being, their son or daughter will think
it's okay to go ahead and have sex. They might also be afraid that if they don't have all the answers,
they'll look foolish. Some parents have said they're afraid kids will ask personal questions about
their sex life, questions they won't want to answer.

Think about all the adults in your life. Is there someone else's parent . . .a teacher or guidance
counselor, coach, aunt, uncle, neighbor or another adult you instinctively trust? That's the person
who will give you straight answers.

Your friends really don't know any more than you do, no matter what they say about their sexual
experience. The Internet, and other media, can't give you everything you need. Only people who
know you can do that. Peer pressure is always tough to deal with, especially when it comes to sex.
Some teenagers decide to have sexual relationships because their friends think sex is cool. Others
feel pressured by the person they are dating. Still others find it easier to give in and have sex than
to try to explain why not. Some teenagers get caught up in the romantic feelings and believe having
sex is the best way they can prove their love.

But remember: Not every person your age is having sex. Even if sometimes it feels like everyone is
"doing it," it is important to realize that this is not true. People often talk about sex in a casual
manner, but this doesn't mean they are actually having sex.

Knowing how you feel about yourself is the first big step in handling peer pressure. It's OK to want
to enjoy your teen years and all the fun times that can be had. It's OK to respect yourself enough to
say, "No, I'm not ready to have sex."

How to avoid peer or date pressure If you're worried about being pressured or you are currently
experiencing it, know that you are not alone and there is something you can do about it. Hang
out with friends who also believe that it's OK to not be ready for sex yet. Go out with a group of
friends rather than only your date. Introduce your friends to your parents. Invite your friends to

your home. Stick up for your friends if they are being pressured to have sex. Think of what you
would say in advance in case someone tries to pressure you. Always carry money for a telephone
call or cab in case you feel uncomfortable. Be ready to call your mom, dad or a friend to pick you
up if you need to leave a date. Never feel obligated to "pay someone back" with sex in return for a
date or gift. Say "no" and mean "no" if that's how you feel.


In a survey of young people ages 15-24 by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 9 out of 10 people
surveyed reported that their peers use alcohol or illegal drugs before sex at least some of the time.
Seven out of 10 also reported that condoms are not always used when alcohol and drugs are
involved. Twenty-nine percent of those teens and young adults surveyed said that they've "done
more" sexually while under the influence of drugs or alcohol than they normally would have when
The effects of drugs and alcohol can make it hard to think clearly, let alone make the best possible
decisions about sex. While you're under the influence of drugs or alcohol it is easy to make a
decision you'll regret later--decisions that can lead to a sexually transmitted infection or an
unwanted pregnancy. Even worse, there are some people who will use the effects of alcohol and
other drugs to force you into having sex with them. Source:


• The right to emotional support • The right to be heard by the other and to respond • The right to
have your own point of view, even if this differs from your partner's • The right to have your feelings
and experiences acknowledged as real • The right to live free from accusation and blame • The right
to live free from criticism and judgment • The right to live free from emotional and physical threat •
The right to live free from angry outbursts and rage • The right to be respectfully asked, rather than
ordered In addition to these basic relationships rights, consider how you can develop patience,
honesty, kindness, and respect.
Patience: Patience is essential to a healthy relationship. There are times when others will respond to
us in a way that is disappointing. When this occurs, it important to communicate our
disappointment, but also to give the other person space. Be willing to give the person some time to
reflect, indicating that you are ready to talk when they are ready. If the person is never ready to
discuss the situation, you may need professional help to resolve the issue, or ask yourself whether
or not you want to continue the relationship.
Honesty: Honesty is another essential quality in healthy relationships. To build honesty in a
relationship, you should communicate your feelings openly, and expect the other person to do the
same. Over time, this builds trust.
Kindness: Kindness is extremely important to maintaining healthy relationships. You need to be
considerate of others' feelings and other people need to be considerate of yours. Be kind when you
communicate. Kindness will nurture your relationships. Note that being kind does not necessarily
mean being nice.

Respect: Respect is a cornerstone of all healthy relationships. If you don't have respect for another
person, it will have a negative impact on all of your interactions. Think of a time when you
encountered someone who didn't respect you. How did it feel? What are some ways that you show
respect to others?

Activity 5. Poster making.

Direction: Make a Poster which shows one’s basic rights in a relationship.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Personal Development
Grade 11 Worksheet No.1 Output’s Sheet
Quarter 2 Week 1:

Name: ________________________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

School: _______________________________________________ Teacher: __________________________

Activity 1. ( True or False )

1. ____________ 2. _______________ 3. ____________

4. ____________ 5. _______________ 6. ____________
7. ____________ 8. _______________ 9. ____________
10. ___________ 11. ______________ 12. ___________
13. ___________ 14. ______________ 15. ___________

Activity 2. Activity 1. B. Follow-up Question: What do we mean by personal relationships?


Activity 3. Direction: After reading the letter, be ready to answer the following
questions in your output’s sheet.

1. What kind of relationship does the letter describe?

2. Who are involved in the relationship? Describe each character.

3. What roles does each character play in the relationship?

4. Are you satisfied with this type of relationship? Explain your answer.

5. Do you agree that this type of relationship can be improved? Explain your answer.

6. In what ways can the characters show they are responsible to maintain a good

Activity 5. Poster making.

Direction: Make a Poster which shows one’s basic rights in a relationship.

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