Archimod HE Tender Threephase 20kW EN

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Tender Technical Specification

For Three phase UPS, on line double conversion (VFI)

20 kVA - 20 kW

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1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.................................................................4

1.1 SUBJECT AND AGREEMENT TYPE................................................................................................................ 4

1.2 CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 4

2 GENERALI SPECIFICATIONS............................................................. 4

2.1 ON LINE DOUBLE CONVERSION VFI........................................................................................................... 4

2.2 MODULARITY............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 REDUNDANCY N+X.................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 SCALABILTY.............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.5 ARCHITETTURE.......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.6 ADAPTABILITY........................................................................................................................................... 5

3 DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM..........................................................6

3.1 POWER MODULE.................................................................................................................................. 6

3.1.1 RECTIFIER/PFC...................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 INVERTER................................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.3 BOOSTER................................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.4 BATTERY CHARGER................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1.5 AUTOMATIC BYPASS............................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 COMMAND BOARD............................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 BATTERIES................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.1 BATTERY TYPE........................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.2 BATTERY MODULE (DRAWER)................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.1 BATTERY MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 DIGITAL DISPLAY E ALARM SIGNAL............................................................................................................ 8

4 OPERATING PRINCIPLE........................................................................ 8

4.1 NORMAL SERVICE CONDITION..................................................................................................................... 8

4.2 INVERTER STOPPING OR OVERLOAD............................................................................................................ 8
4.2.1 INVERTER STOPPING............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2.2 OVERLOAD............................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2.3 BYPASS ACTIVATION SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT.....................................................................................................8
4.2.4 INVERTER STOPPING IN A POWER MODULE...........................................................................................................9
4.3 EMERGENCY CONDITION (MAINS FAILURE).................................................................................................. 9
4.4 AFTER A BLACKOUT................................................................................................................................... 9
4.5 SMART ECO MODE.................................................................................................................................... 9
4.6 COLD START............................................................................................................................................. 9
4.7 START UP ON BYPASS............................................................................................................................... 9
4.8 MAINTENANCE BYPASS........................................................................................................................... 10
4.9 OPERATION WITH A GENSET OR AS A FREQUENCY CONVERTER.................................................................10
4.9.1 GENSET............................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.9.2 FREQUENCY CONVERTER...................................................................................................................................... 10
4.9.3 ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATION............................................................................................................................... 10
4.10 DATA AVAILABILITY WHEN UPS IS OFF.................................................................................................. 10

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5 Control Panel and Display....................................................................10

5.1 CONTROLS.............................................................................................................................................. 11
5.2 MEASUREMENTS...................................................................................................................................... 11
5.3 ADJUSTMENTS......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 SIGNALS AND ALARMS............................................................................................................................. 12
5.5 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT.................................................................................................................. 12
5.5.1 INTERFACES........................................................................................................................................................ 12
5.5.2 E.P.O.(EMERGENCY POWER OFF)....................................................................................................................... 12
5.5.3 RS232 SERIAL PORT.......................................................................................................................................... 12

6 Technical specifications.................................................................. 13

6.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS...................................................................................................................... 13

6.2 INPUT...................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.3 OUTPUT WITH MAINS (AC-AC)................................................................................................................. 13
6.4 OUTPUT IN BATTERY RUN (DC-AC)......................................................................................................... 13
6.5 BATTERY................................................................................................................................................ 14
6.6 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECS.......................................................................................................................... 14
6.7 MECHANICAL AN MICHELLANEOUS........................................................................................................... 14

1 REFERENCE STANDARDS.....................................................................14

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1.1 Subject and agreement type

Whit this tender it is asking the best offer to supply Nr. XX three phase UPS with following technical

 Nominal Power: 20.000 VA – 20.000 W– Power Factor (cos): 1;

 Topology: On Line Double Conversion VFI;
 Technology: Hi frequency PWM;
 Passing trough Neutral;
 Modular Architecture based on 6700VA Power Modules;
 Possibility to configure the system in N+X internal redundancy in the inverter cabinet;
 Equipped with batteries type: lead acid, sealed, free maintenance, VRLA, installed into the system
or in a dedicated external battery cabinets. Batteries must guarantee a minimum back up time of
xx minutes at 80% of the applied load with specific characteristics described in Chapter 6.

1.2 Conditions
The offer must comply with requirements presented in this tender, specifying eventual deviations.
Deviations must be indicated in the offer documentation; on contrary the requirements will be considered
full covered by offered equipment.


2.1 On Line Double Conversion VFI

The Topology of the UPS must be VFI (Voltage and Frequency Independent accordingly with
classification mentioned in the EN- IEC62040-3 Standard), in order to guarantee filtered and stable
output voltage to the load, independently from the input voltage. This means that the output is obtained
by two converters in cascade. The first converter rectifies the AC input voltage, the second converter
(Inverter) transforms the DC voltage, coming from the rectifier, in AC voltage to supply the load.
This double conversion allows to completely clean eventual disturbs from the mains.
In case of anomalies in the input voltage, the DC voltage, which supply the Inverter, can be obtained ,
thought a booster circuit, from batteries. In this way the output is always guaranteed with continuity.
In case of overloads or faults, the automatic static by-pass guarantees the load supply.

2.2 Modularity
The UPS must have modular architectures based on identical power modules which can be interchanged
and connected in parallel, inside the UPS cabinet.
Similarly also batteries must be contained in battery modules (Battery drawers) identical and
interchangeable, to be installed in the system in series and parallel in order to obtain the correct battery
voltage and required back up time.
It will be not accepted a system where one or more modules are kept in stand by just as spare to be
used only in case of another module failure.
Power modules will be equipped with control and self diagnostic circuits, in order to easily individuate the
faulty module and the specific failure inside it.
Each Battery drawer will contain 7 batteries with nominal 12Vdc, connected in order to have two strings,
one with 48Vdc (four batteries) and the other one with 36Vdc (three batteries).
In this when battery drawer is removed from the cabinet there are no dangerous voltage for the user
(dangerous DC voltage are bigger than 50V as indicated in the EN60950 standard).
Either Power Modules and Battery drawers must be lighter than 18kg in order to be managed, in service
and maintenance, by only one person.

2.3 Redundancy N+X

The UPS must be configurable as N+X power redundant system, with modules of 6700VA contained in
same cabinet either for single phase than for three phase run.
This kind of redundancy must guarantee continuous supply and protection whenever one module fails.
Redundancy must be obtained through the load sharing technology as explained in paragraph 2.5.

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2.4 Scalabilty

The modularity of the UPS must allow to increase the back-up time on site, simply adding battery
drawers. The upgrade will not require factory modifications and will not need dedicated special tools.

2.5 Architetture

The architecture of the UPS must be parallel distributed, to be more precise, the load will be shared
between all power modules in each phase. In this way, during normal run, no power module is inactive or
in standby. In a redundant configuration, if one moduel fails all the others ones will take the relevant load
without any interruptions or transfer time at the output of the UPS. In case one module failure the power
is guaranteed by the others modules and the supplied power will been s follows:

(n−x )
Pout =Pnom
n in single phase configuration


(n−3 x )
Pout =Pnom
n in three phase configuration


Pnom is the nominal power of the UPS;

Pout is the power supplied by the UPS with one module out of order;
 n is the number of installed power modules inside the UPS;
 x is the number of power modules out of order;

2.6 Adaptability
The UPS should be equipped with a distribution system, for cable connections, which allows the desired
In/Out phase configuration by simple jumper connections, without any components replacement or
factory settings.
Thanks to this system, it will be possible to set, independently, In/Out phase configurations as
three/three, three/single, single/single and single/three. Furthermore it will be possible to set the output
as three independent single-phase lines, and due to adequate dimensioning, to realize individual
redundancy for each single line.
The In/Out phase configuration will be always possible on site accordingly with the application in terms of
utility and loads.

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Each Power Module will be composed by following functional blocs:

 Inverter
 Booster
 Battery Charger
 Rectifier/PFC
 Automatic Bypass

3.1.1 Rectifier/PFC

The rectifier must include a control and regulating circuit (PFC), which in addition to normal rectifying
functions will allow the:
 Automatic correction of the power factor to the at value 0,99 (since from the 50% of the
nominal load);
 Reduce the Harmonic distortion of the input current obtaining THDI in = 3% with nominal load

3.1.2 Inverter

The inverter must be based on a switching IGBT circuit with High Frequency PWM, and must be able to
transform the DC supply, coming from rectifier/PFC or buster, in case of battery run, in AC voltage.
Furthermore must be present also control circuits which guarantee:
 Arrest and protection of the inverter in case of strong and long overloads;
 Keep the harmonic distortion of the output voltage les than 1% (THDu out < 1%) either in normal
run than in battery run;
 Arrest and protect the inverter in case of over temperature of power converters elements;
 Manage the speed of the Fans accordingly with internal temperature and applied load;

3.1.3 Booster

The “booster” must transform the battery DC voltage from the nominal value of 252 Vdc, to the dual,
positive and negative buses, with middle point referred to the passing trought neutral. From the positive
bus the inverter will obtain the positive half period of the output voltage sine wave, from the negative
bus the inverter will obtain the negative half period of the output voltage sine wave.
Protection circuits must be present on the booster to protect the booster circuit in case of stron overload.

3.1.4 Battery Charger

The Battery Charger must be equipped with control and regulation circuit both for charging voltage and
current to batteries, in order to have a controller battery charge and optimize the battery life.
The UPS must charge batteries with and early boost charge followed by a constant charge and, at the
end, with a floating charge. During normal run the UPS will execute periodically a battery equalizeing in
order to recover natural charge leakages and keep al batteries at the same capacity. This battery
charging cycle will

To protect the batteries from damage due to deep discharges 1 the minimum tolerated battery voltage
limit2 is automatically changed to suit the applied load (default setting), while allowing the user to select
a type of management with fixed voltage limits.

The “average battery life is 4-6 years.

1.1.1 Asynchronous operation
As a consequence of characteristics 1.5.1 and 1.5.3, with the appropriate settings, the UPS can run in
asynchronous conditions generating to the output a constant frequency, within a maximum 1% range
whenever the input frequency is variable.

prolonged discharges with a low load
voltage that causes the inverter to switch off owing to end of runtime

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This operating mode allows the UPS to work supply with extremely variable frequencies, guaranteeing a
constant output frequency at both 50 Hz and 60 Hz.

3.2 Data availability when UPS is Off

The UPS will allow the possibility to make settings, data readings and diagnostic checks also when it is
turned off, activating the display in a temporary service mode.

3.3 Digital Display e Alarm signal

UPS will be equipped with a backlighted alphanumerical liquid crystal display (LCD), with 20 characters
on 4 lines. This display is built into the fron of the UPS where there is also an ultra-bright operating
status indicator which shows the operating status and any alarm conditions by means of a traffic light

Four simple buttons situated near the display allow the user to:
3.3.1 display the operating data (r Asynchronous operation
As a consequence of characteristics 1.5.1 and 1.5.3, with the appropriate settings, the UPS can run in
asynchronous conditions generating to the output a constant frequency, within a maximum 1% range
whenever the input frequency is variable.
This operating mode allows the UPS to work with imput Mains supply with extremely variable frequencies,
guaranteeing a constant output frequency at both 50 Hz and 60 Hz.

3.4 Data availability when UPS is Off

The UPS will allow the possibility to make settings, data readings and diagnostic checks also when it is
turned off, activating the display in a temporary service mode.

 ef. sect 5.2 Measurements)

 enter the operating parameters (ref. sect. 5.3 Adjustments);
 select the language in which the messages are given.


The purpose of this section is to define the various different operating conditions of the UPS.

4.1 Normal service condition

In normal conditions, UPS runs in the double conversion on-line mode, thus the users are powered in an
uninterrupted way by the inverter, which is powered by the electricity main through the AC/DC converter
(rectifier/PFC) that automatically corrects the power factor on the UPS input as well.
The inverter is constantly synchronized with the electricity main so as to allow the bypass to function
correctly during mains/inverter and
The battery charger in each power module provides the power required to keep the battery charge at an
optimum level.

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4.2 Inverter stopping or overload
4.2.1 Inverter stopping
4.2.2 Asynchronous operation
As a consequence of characteristics 1.5.1 and 1.5.3, with the appropriate settings, the UPS can run in
asynchronous conditions generating to the output a constant frequency, within a maximum 1% range
whenever the input frequency is variable.
This operating mode allows Hz and 60 Hz.

4.3 Data availability when UPS is Off

The UPS will allow the possibility to make settings, data readings and diagnostic checks also when it is
turned off, activating the display in a temporary service mode.

If the inverter stops, the user is automatically transferred without interruptions to the primary
main by means of the automatic bypass.

4.3.1 Overload

When a temporary overload occurs on the load side of the UPS, current monitoring allows the UPS to
withstand the situation within certain limits, without the automatic bypass having to be used: if the
overload lasts a long time or exceeds the limits preset by the current monitoring device, the user is
transferred without interruptions to the primary main by means of the automatic bypass and then returns
to the inverter once the overload has terminated.

4.3.2 Bypass activation sensitivity adjustment

4.3.3 load in the case of a redundant co Asynchronous operation

As a consequence of characteristics 1.5.1 and 1.5.3, with the appropriate settings, the UPS can run in
asynchronous conditions generating to the output a constant frequency, within a maximum 1% range
whenever the input frequency is variable.
This operating mode allows the UPS to work with imput Mains supply with extremely variable frequencies,
guaranteeing a constant output frequency at both 50 Hz and 60 Hz.

4.4 Data availability when UPS is Off

The UPS will allow the possibility to make settings, data readings and diagnostic checks also when it is
turned off, activating the display in a temporary service mode.

nfiguration. The inverter stopped condition is detected by the monitoring logic, is transmitted to the
microprocessor and is then signaled to the user on the frontal display or via software. Each power module
also has a LED that immediately signals its operating status. This allows the damaged module to be
immediately identified and facilitates the replacement operations.

4.5 Emergency condition (Mains failure)

In a blackout, or if the electricity main values are off range, the users are powered by the batteries via
the booster-inverter pathway. The batteries function in discharged conditions in this operating mode.
The UPS informs the user about this operating status with clear visual and acoustic signals.

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