UCSP Q2 Module 4 Final Edit 2
UCSP Q2 Module 4 Final Edit 2
UCSP Q2 Module 4 Final Edit 2
Development Team
Writers: Clarisse C. Raval, Mac Alwin Z. Tacang
Editors/Reviewers: Rhonel S. Bandiola, Roxy G. Gaoiran
Richard A. Hapa
Lay-out Artist: Bryll B. Atienza
Management Team: Vilma D. Eda Arnel S. Bandiola
Lourdes B. Arucan Juanito V. Labao
Imelda Fatima G. Hernaez
This module is a SELF-PACED learning material for you to continue your studies
in the comfort and safety of your home.
This module presents knowledge about the social inequalities in the society. It contains
interesting discussion that will guide you in understanding these concepts. Activities are found
in every lesson to test your understanding and to help you retain better what you have learned.
NSCEIRTHMEOTN 9. ____________ it is the belief that our own nation, race, or group
is the best.
GNERDE 10. ___________ is born out of the deepening division in the roles
UINYILQEAT assigned to men and women.
What’s New
What is It
Social Inequality
Source: https://psmag.com/news/makes-people-ambivalent-social-inequality-
What’s In
Directions. Enumerate five (5) possible ways to eliminate, if not, minimize social
inequality in the society. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________
What is It
Gender Inequality
serving on juries. And many states controlled the kinds of jobs that women could hold.
Activity 2: Picto-Message
Directions. Look at the picture. What do you think is the message it wants to portray?
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
(Source: https://sinistralscribbles.wordpress.com/2016/10/23/gender-equality-poster/)
What’s New
Closely linked to discrimination is
prejudice. Prejudice is defined as a
negative attitude toward members of a
particular group. It is a preconceived
idea or "prejudgment" of others that
allows us to brand/label them in various
pessimistic ways.
This is a situation when people
encounter problems that they do not know
how to solve it. Often, they feel frustrated
and eventually it leads to aggression.
When it happens, people usually look
someone or something else to be blamed
for their own troubles or problems.
scapegoating-at-work.html It is the belief that one’s own race
is superior and has the right to control or
direct others. It helps maintain the myth
that other people are inferior because of
certain differences. Racism remains the
as one of the foremost ways that the
dominant members of a society sustain
the power over the minorities
What is It
When people dwell in a society that does not share their cultural heritage, they
are labeled an ethnic minorities. They then, are people whose cultural background
differs from that of the dominant members of a society.
1. Extermination
2. Expulsion
Expulsion is less severe form of rejection, compared to extermination. It is the
elimination of the minority group from the dominant society. Sometimes minorities are
expelled to an unused tract of land.
3. Segregation
In addition to being expelled from the society, the minority may be segregated
or isolated in specific neighborhoods. Segregation is the spatial separation of the
minority to the dominant members of the society.
4. Cultural Pluralism
The acceptance and recognition of cultural differences in subgroups among the
residents, with no single subgroup dominating the others.
5. Assimilation
The usual pattern of blending or assimilating is that minorities try to be similar
to the dominant members of the society. Assimilation has occurred when previously
distinct social categories blend into one unified social category.
6. Amalgamation
The blending through accepted intermarriage. Through this process, the
differences between dominant and minority members of society disappears.
Point Description
What I Can Do
(Activity 4.2)
Answers may vary
Baleṅa, Ederlina et. al. 2016. Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics. Quezon City:
Educational Resources Corporation.