Case Study Newland Medical Technologies
Case Study Newland Medical Technologies
Case Study Newland Medical Technologies
Webster University
Question #1
Describe the process that Sarah used to bring her medical device to market.
Sarah Foster, fellow benefactor and President of Newland Medical Technologies, created
the Stone Removal Stent (SRS) alongside Dr. Grainer. The idea of the SRS was to expel stones
from a patients' ureter directly. When the patent was created, Sarah contemplated her objective
clients would be urologists and therapeutic focuses and started the way toward advertising her
gadget. After completing the marketable strategy, Sarah invested most of her energy looking for
funding to bring the SRS gadget to market. A Rhode Island improvement establishment
consented to set up $65,000, up to 20 percent was spent legitimately in Rhode Island. The
establishment additionally consented to make the gadget under one rooftop, which to Sarah
understood that there were configuration defects in the stent. When the stent functioned true to
form in 15 recurrent clinical preliminaries in succession Sarah accepted the structure was
impeccable and pushed ahead with her field-tested strategy, looking for endorsement and
speculators. Sarah herself concedes, if she had addressed more urologists during the preliminary
stage the plan could have been endorsed and taken a shot at before pushing ahead.
During her investor search. She takes the first or what she finds without regarding the
foundation reference. She considers cash instead of understanding, contacts & information. The
financial specialists who can bring the most knowledge, know-how, and contacts to the
endeavor, and along these lines include the best esteem, will uncover themselves also. The most
profitable speculators will see shortcomings, even defects, in how the market is seen, the
innovation or administration, the systems, the proposed size and structure of the financing, and
the group and will propose techniques and individuals to address these. Sarah miss this point and
At long last, she didn't manufacture an arrangement to draw in clients, she was
considering her extraordinary thoughts as opposed to her need to get client and make business.
Business visionaries don't need to overlook than a thought itself don't make benefit, it's the
Question #2
After you examine this company's strategy what is your recommendation? Explain.
Newland strategy was to sell her item: the SRS. The objective client was the urologist
and the restorative focuses. The fundamental contenders were the individuals who had a main
share in bushel recovery and ureteral stent gadgets, however she builds up the suspicion
that each stent challenger can be a merchant for her item. The central matter was to offer a
proficient item which cost less than its counterpart device. So she needs to enter the market with
a troublesome development which granted to each clinic a therapeutic answer for evacuate
kidney stone.
On the off chance that we think about the hypothesis of Moore about intersecting the gap,
we can contend that Sarah encourage get one early adopter since Boston-based Taylor Medical
Supply consented to test SRS in few of their real showcase in USA. In any case, Moore contend
that to cross the abyss and go to the standard market you need to discover smaller scale specialty
So my suggestion for pushing organization ahead will be: Find specialty market on the standard
one: market division; In every specialty market find huge influencer that can advertise your item,
and impact the other potential client; Build a procedure to progress toward becoming pioneer in
Question #3
Her own goal is to fabricate a family and take care of her future child. Her expert target is
picking between her mom life or her specialist life, realizing that it will be hard to make the two
The least difficult method for overseeing both is allocation. She needs to fabricate a
group of specialists in each domain she is dealing in. The best business visionary, for example,
Mark Zuckerberg accumulate specialist in area that he can deal with or in space in which isn't
master himself. It very well may be expensive toward the start however if you see her estimating
fiscal summary, this issue can be undercover by the future procuring. For this situation she
should settle on the critical choices since she doesn’t need to free authority over her business, yet
she will be guided by specialist and can allocate pieces of her work. Moreover, specialist will be