Desktop Engineering - 2013-04
Desktop Engineering - 2013-04
Desktop Engineering - 2013-04
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Innovative design can make anything lighter.
Collaborate to Innovate
here has been no shortage of pixels and ink devoted a good example. It has become one of the must-attend tech-
to healthcare reform in recent years, much of which nology venues for many companies (including 3D Systems
surrounds the creation of an IT infrastructure that and MakerBot this year), because it provides a place where
would use electronic medical records and health music, independent films, and emerging technologies con-
information exchange to share access to medical informa- verge. That convergence draws thousands of people who are
tion. Billions of dollars in public grants have been awarded seen as trend setters and innovative thinkers.
to create such a system, which is intended to improve the Another conference, TEDMED, which takes place April
quality of care and lower costs by connecting healthcare pro- 16-19 in Washington, D.C., does the same for healthcare
viders, insurers and patients in a collaborative network. But and technology. It brings together people from many disci-
there are other healthcare technology breakthroughs that are plines—engineers, medical professionals, designers, musi-
achieving those goals right now via design, testing, analysis, cians, community activists, regulators, artists and more—to
additive manufacturing and high-performance computing. discuss healthcare’s “Great Challenges,” which it defines
Like the drive to finally digitize and share health informa- as: “complex, persistent problems that have medical and
tion, medical device design can benefit from collaboration. non-medical causes, impact millions of lives, and affect the
When engineers interact with doctors, inventions like the well-being of all of America—beginning with patients, and
VGo Robotic Telepresence System ( are born. extending to families and citizens everywhere,” according
VGo allows caregivers to essentially be in two places at once to “These knotty problems
are not susceptible to simple cures, magic bullets or ‘one-
size-fits-all’ solutions because they stem from broad, inter-
The ideas design engineers locking social, economic and psychological sources as well
as from medical or scientific triggers. What’s more, each
contribute will save and challenge creates multiple, overlapping effects that may cut
improve lives in ways we can across all sectors of society.”
37 The Art of Idealization
There’s an incorrect tendency to think
of a highly detailed CAD model meshed
with a large number of elements as the “real” structure.
It is important to remember that every FEA is an
idealization of the real world.
By Tony Abbey
40 Innovation with
the Multiphysics Touch
COMSOL’s multiphysics
FOCUS ON HEALTHCARE simulation solutions are designed
to help engineering organizations
grapple with increasing complexity.
Medical World
21 From ensuring clean
45 CpU, gpU or Both?
Find the right multi-processing
airflows to pre-planning approach for engineering applications.
heart surgery, CFD software By Peter Varhol
increases understanding of
medical applications. 48 Compact performer
Lenovo ThinkStation E31 SFF
By Pamela J. Waterman
provides modest, but affordable
26 A Body of Work By David Cohn
From sockets to instruments, additive manufacturing
is thriving in the biomedical field. 50 Workstation Evolution
By Kenneth Wong Vendors fine tune workstations
for engineering applications and
32 Simulation grows performance.
in Medical Importance By Frank J. Ohlhorst
Today, the methodology is recognized by the U.S. FDA
as essential to medical device evaluations. 52 Seeing Ray Tracing
By Cheryl Liu in a Different Light
Caustic Visualizer and Series2 Ray
36 Fast App: precision Tracing Acceleration Boards from
Imagination Technologies focus on
is Everything efficiency.
Yes, it is brain surgery ... By Mark Clarkson
so FHC switches to EOS’
plastics laser-sintering system
to manufacture the TEST & MEASUREMENT
patient-specific STarFix
platform. 54 Automated for the people
By Lynn Manning Automated metrology increases throughput
and provides greater consistency for
ON THE COVER: A vena cava filter using discrete element industrial processes, but system designers
modeling (DEM) in pulsatile flow, mimicking embolus can benefit from it as well.
capture, as simulated with CD-adapco STAR-CCM+ CFD By Randy Frank
analysis software. Image courtesy of CD-adapco.
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important characteristics of your designs. The key is the ability to include all
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© Copyright 2013 COMSOL. COMSOL, COMSOL Multiphysics, Capture the Concept, COMSOL Desktop, and LiveLink are either registered trademarks or trademarks of COMSOL AB. MATLAB is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.. Excel is either a registered trademark
or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. SolidWorks is a registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.. SpaceClaim is a registered trademark or SpaceClaim Corporation. AutoCAD and Inventor are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Creo and Pro/ENGINEER are trademarks or registered trademarks of PTC Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and in other countries. Solid Edge is a trademark or registered trademark
of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. CATIA is a registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the US and/or other countries. Other product or brand names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders. Neither COMSOL nor any of the COMSOL products listed herein are affiliated with, endorsed by, sponsored by, or supported by any of these other trademark owners.
April 2013 VOLUME 18/ISSUE 8
Visit DE @
Image of satellite Tango
transmitted by Mango.
©2012 The MathWorks, Inc. © OHB Sweden
Virtual Desktop by Kenneth Wong & Beth Stackpole
he PC market is dominated as users have begun to refresh their
by just a handful of major aging workstations,” he reports. “At
players. It’s literally a single the same time, vendors have intro-
hand, as five brands—Dell, duced workstations offering several
HP, Lenovo, Acer and ASUS—ac- different processors, such as i3, i5
count for 58.9% market share. and i7, thereby increasing the selec-
(Source: “Gartner and IDC: PC ship- tion of machines that can satisfy
ments tumbled…,” Oct. 10, 2012, En- specific workload applications with- The rest is made up of out wasting part of their IT budget
specialty brands. Naturally, in such on unnecessary features.” (Source:
a tight market, a major strategy shift “Worldwide Workstation 2011–2015 PC maker Dell prepares to go
by one of the Big Five is bound to Forecast,” IDC.) private. Founder, chairman and CEO
produce ripple effects. Lauren Mauro, Dell’s commu- Michael Dell, shown here at the Dell
In mid-February, publicly traded nications manager for commercial World 2012 opening party, calls the
Dell began taking steps to go pri- clients and OEM solutions, points transaction “an exciting new chapter
vate—an option the company’s out that the agreement to go private for Dell.” Image courtesy of Dell.
founder, chairman and CEO Mi- “doesn’t change our go-to-market
chael Dell described as “an exciting strategy. By becoming private, we
new chapter for Dell” in a press can more effectively proceed and completely immune from the behav-
release. According to the company, execute our strategy. iors of consumer PC buyers. The
Dell has “signed a definitive merger “End user computing, which in- spillover from consumer PC market
agreement under which Michael cludes consumer PCs, business cli- should not be underestimated.
Dell … in partnership with global ents and workstations, is an impor- In 2011, in what some considered
technology investment firm Silver tant part of our business,” Mauro a misguided move, Dell’s rival HP
Lake, will acquire Dell” in a $24.4 adds. “We’ll continue to invest in its pondered getting out of the PC
billion transaction. growth.” business altogether. At the time,
In the last few years, the PC Away from the constant scru- HP’s then-CEO Leo Apotheker
market faced significant pressure tiny of financial analysts and argued it made more sense for the
from mobile devices and smart- performance-obsessed Wall Street, company to focus on software, ser-
phones, which emerged as better privately owned Dell is expected to vices and specialized hardware for
alternatives for certain operations be more nimble, and more respon- enterprises, like IBM does. Later,
previously possible only on desk- sive to technology buyers’ changing HP reversed course and remained in
tops, laptops and workstations. The computing preferences. the PC business.
lighter, portable form factors are The transaction is financed in Currently, multicore worksta-
part of the appeal. According to data part by Microsoft with a $2 billion tions with graphics accelerators
from analysts Gartner and IDC, the loan. With a vested interest in the remain the only appropriate sys-
PC market dropped 8.3% between shrinking PC market, both Micro- tems for power-hungry professional
Q3 2011 and Q3 2012. soft and Dell know their fates are designers and engineers. The in-
Part of the PC market is the work- tied. Windows is also the primary creased size and complexity of as-
station market, accounting for the operating system in the engineering semblies also push the demand for
primary systems on which engineers and design software market—the parallel processing, only available in
and designers rely for their work. backbone of CAD, CAE and CAM. workstations and high-performance
Although the PC market’s anticipated computing (HPC) servers. However,
growth looks grim statistically, Lloyd Consumer Influence users’ flirtation with cloud comput-
Cohen, IDC’s director of Worldwide Even though the workstation mar- ing, remote desktops, and other
Market Analysis, has a sunnier out- ket is usually treated as a separate innovative computing modes could
look for the workstation sector. division by PC makers, and is rela- someday redefine the role and im-
“The workstation market has tively insulated from the encroach- portance of workstations.
returned to healthier growth rates ment of mobile devices, it’s not —K. Wong
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Virtual Desktop by Kenneth Wong & Beth Stackpole
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Virtual Desktop by Kenneth Wong & Beth Stackpole
ltair is rolling out a major Sampson, director of modeling and multibody dynamics in MotionSolve) to
release of its flagship suite, visualization, Altair. “It’s a major step build a custom simulation loop. To en-
HyperWorks. The compre- forward in model building.” It is, ac- courage more users, the company now
hensive lineup covers every cording to Sampson, one of the major offers Multiphysics Licensing. “We just
phase of design development and test- choke points in the process. treat the whole multiphysics job as one
ing, from computational fluid dynamics HyperView, the application for job,” observed Detlef Schneider, senior
(CFD, with AcuSolve), crash analysis viewing simulation results, now sup- vice president, solvers, Altair. You pur-
(HyperCrash), sheet metal form (Hy- ports stereoscopic display, which chase HyperWorks Units and pay for
perForm), and meshing (HyperMesh), adds realism and simulated depth to jobs using them.
to structural analysis (OptiStruct), and on-screen images. (You’ll need ste- For optimization, a process to au-
more. The latest upgrade, HyperWorks reoscopic display hardware, graphics tomatically identify the best design
12.0, emphasizes the growing impor- acceleration, and glasses to take advan- to achieve your goals, you can rely on
tance of composite materials, optimiza- tage of this function.) HyperStudy. The new version in 12.0,
tion, and collaboration. The composite modeling and according to Altair, “is an entirely re-
In the preparatory phase of simu- meshing tools give you a lot more designed release [that] accelerates de-
lation, HyperMesh now offers new controls over the orientation, layout, sign robustness and reliability studies.”
algorithms that let you perform shell and character of plies. The new Display Manager enables
and solid meshing, along with a mid- For multiphysics problems, Altair users to run graphics-intensive appli-
plane mesh generator.” The 2D mid- HyperWorks lets you combine a variety cations on their cluster while visual-
plane generator is a major time-saver of solver codes (for example, noise- izing those applications on their desk-
for people who need to extract 2D vibration-hardness solver from OptiS- top, laptop, or other lighter devices.
planes from CAD models,” said Stuart truct, nonlinear crash test in RADIOSS, —K. Wong
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Virtual Desktop by Kenneth Wong & Beth Stackpole
ost designers and engi-
neers today don’t think
twice about running
basic stress analysis
on their CAD models. Main-
stream mechanical design software
programs—Autodesk Inventor,
SolidWorks, Solid Edge and PTC
Creo, to name but a few—offer
integrated stress analysis, often at
no additional cost. What was once
considered the specialists’ domain
is now second nature to general
CAD users.
Simulation software developers
are hoping, with intuitive interfaces
and simplified dialog boxes, they
can make general design engineers
feel more comfortable performing Setting up a simple CFD job to study the pressure inside a valve, as
advanced simulation tasks earlier illustrated in a video podcast with Gilles Eggenspieler, ANSYS’ senior fluid
in the design cycle. The aim is to product line manager.
encourage simulation-driven de-
sign—the use of digital simulation
to identify the best geometry for Video Presents Examples
the product, be it a camera housing In the first episode of the video STAR Global 2013
or a crane. podcast series “Introducing CFD
to Design Engineers,” Eggenspieler he CD-adapco STAR Global
An Ounce of Preparation ... dissects what he believes to be the Conference that took place
ANSYS believes the key is to de- common stumbling blocks in pre- last month in Orlando pro-
mystify the setup process. One way processing: vided another opportunity to learn
to do that is to reduce the complex • identifying the fluid volume, more about simulation.
mechanical, thermal and physical • creating the mesh, and Gene Kranz, the NASA Flight
phenomena into a series of items • setting up the turbulence model, Control Director who led the effort
users can pick and choose from a boundary conditions, and thermal to save Apollo 13, gave this year’s
drop-down menu. conditions. Keynote, which preceded two full
“For structural analysis, CFD He uses a basic CFD problem— days of learning sessions.
simulation requires a model—often analyzing the pressure exerted on a In addition to users shar-
in the form of a CAD file—to valve’s wall by fluid flow—to illus- ing tips and tricks to master
be imported either automatically trate his points. CD-adapco’s products, confer-
or manually into the simulation The aim of such a simulation, he ence goers were also intro-
environment,” Gilles Eggenspieler, says, is to ensure that the structure duced to the latest version of
senior fluid product line manager of the valve can withstand the pres- CD-adapco’s flagship product,
for ANSYS, says of the computa- sure from the fluid. In the second STAR-CCM+ 8. Visit
tional fluid dynamics (CFD) pro- episode, Eggenspieler reviews the virtual_desktop/?p=6806 and
cess. “Then you need to create the results from this simulation.
computational mesh of the fluid To watch the video, visit deskeng. htm for more information on the
region, and set up the physics of com/virtual_desktop/?p=6713. conference and new release.
the problem.” —K. Wong — J. Gooch
Accelerating Knee
Implant Design and
Patient Recovery
/ Intel®
Design Optimization Sponsored Report
A preview of the Abaqus Knee Simulator
from Dassault Systèmes.
ecently, DE talked to Cheryl Liu, Senior Life Sci- Five ‘stepping stones’ for guidance
ences Specialist, SIMULIA, Dassault Systèmes. 1. Contact Mechanics. In the early stage of the design, the
Her Rhode Island-based team has spent the past simulator provides relative positions of the joint to explore a
year developing the remarkable Abaqus Knee Simulator wide range of contact conditions and associated contact pres-
application. The application is part of Dassault Systèmes sures. Good pressure prediction is crucial as this directly relates
3DEXPERIENCE platform which transforms the way to the amount of wear the implant will see. All implant manu-
products are designed, produced, and supported; expand- facturers are striving to improve reliability by minimizing wear.
ing the possibilities for the virtual world to improve the 2. Implant Constraint. Forward and lateral motion and rota-
real world. tion of the joint is now introduced into the simulation. Contact
pressures and wear are further assessed, but now instability of
Simulation Breakthrough the joint can be checked.
One of the key issues facing medical device companies is 3. Tibiofemoral Constraint. Ligaments and bones are added
the many hundreds of thousands of dollars and months into the simulation. Instability and wear are now checked under
of time that testing requires when developing knee joint more realistic and less conservative boundary conditions. Surgi-
implants. The Abaqus Knee Simulator provides a break- cal procedures, such as cutting or tensioning of ligaments, can
through by enabling medical device companies to replace be simulated. It is important to note that simulation leads the
physical testing with a simulation process measured in way here as there is no equivalent test procedure.
hours. The innovative application guides even the non- 4. Wear Simulation. Now the design can be checked, using
specialist through a complex explicit finite element analy- a standard gait scenario. It can also be tuned using available
sis (FEA) simulation of the knee joint using industry-stan- material models.
dard testing procedures and evaluation methods. 5. Total Knee Replacement Loading. Load time histo-
ries of everyday patient motion are now defined, allowing
Logical and Intuitive Interface full kinematics of the joint to be simulated and wear areas
Cheryl described two ways of working with the simulator. balanced. Patella popping can be studied and avoided. The
Designer mode allows intuitive setup of the simulation, simulator, again, provides unique insight as no comparable
ideal for a small company without FEA expertise. Ana- physical testing is available.
lyst mode provides the experienced user with full access
to the underlying Abaqus/CAE functionality after setup Conclusion
in designer mode. The two modes can be switched easily. Abaqus FEA has a long history of validated use in for the
There is clearly an enormous amount of biomechani- analysis of medical devices, including knee implants. Cheryl
cal and FEA knowledge and experience required to setup and her team have now made that technology accessible to
and carry out an accurate simulation of the knee joint. non-specialists.
Without the Abaqus Knee Simulator, the task looks daunt- Any medical device company wanting to introduce simulation
ing. Cheryl took DE through the five “stepping stones,” to accelerate the design process should check out the Abaqus
or workflows, that her team has designed into the simula- Knee Simulator. It won’t take very long to appreciate how the
tor to overcome that uncertainty and make the whole task application provides a friendly and logical progression through
logical and progressive. the key design phases. DE
P arker-Hannifin has debuted its Indego robotic airliners, which caused the entire fleet
exoskeleton, which is designed to help paraplegics gain to be grounded.
mobility by allowing them to walk with the aid of robotic leg Investigators have targeted the
braces and crutches. Indego was licensed from Vanderbilt’s lithium ion batteries in the planes, and
Center for Intelligent Mechatronics. Tesla founder Elon Musk chimed in with
The company is working with an Atlanta his own criticism.
rehabilitation center to test and further According to Musk and some other
develop the device. experts, Boeing’s design is susceptible
Meanwhile, Cyberdyne’s Robot Suit HAL to thermal runaway and a domino
exoskeleton will be tested in 10 hospitals effect in which excessive heat in one
in Japan. The same technology was reconfigured into a cell can cause neighboring cells to
disaster recovery suit that may be used to help clean up the overheat and catch fire. Tesla uses
decommissioned Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which was the same battery chemistry, but with a
damaged in the 2011 tsunami and earthquake. different physical structure.
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HyperWorks 12.0
ue to the limits of hardware horsepower, simulation sis, design studies, engineering and prototyping efforts, and
was traditionally a back-end process. But today, with finally, testing, modifying, and re-testing until the design has
the continued advancement of Moore’s Law, the arrival been perfected. One company that is the personification of
of multi-core architectures and advanced memory topologies, this process is Dyson Ltd., the famous UK-based vacuum ma-
we can now do “in the loop” design and modeling of small parts chine maker that uses simulation to bolster an already innova-
and small assemblies on a standard workstation. That means tive design process.
we can iterate through designs faster and Dyson, according to an Aberdeen
arrive at an optimal design in time to make Simulation should not be Group report on computational fluid dy-
product and profitability decisions right at the last step in the design namics (CFD), uses technology to help
our workstation. process. Early simulations them fully experience their ideas before
Better yet, it also means that we can do spot problems, lets you iter- they are real and their impact is obvious.
complete assembly modeling in a fraction For starters, Dyson performs parametric
ate many designs, speeds
of the time, so rather than using simula- simulations and analysis during its design
tion as a forensic tool, exposing why the
development and ultimately process. For instance, when the company
design failed, we can use it as a design tool creates better, and more built its bladeless fan, the Dyson Air Multi-
to bring the best possible product to mar- truly innovative products. plier, there were no earlier designs to work
ket faster than ever before possible. from. But with the help of efficient simula-
tion, as many as 10 new designs were analyzed every day.
Gaining on the Competition Simulation also ensures that Dyson designs are accurate, in
Times they are a changing. Small and medium businesses, once at this case performing simulations based on NX software from
a disadvantage to larger corporations, now have access to simula- Siemens. At Dyson, vacuum cleaner parts are developed by dif-
tion and analysis tools from companies such as Dassault Systèmes ferent groups. Simulation allows for in-depth testing to ensure all
SolidWorks Corp., Space Claim Corp. and Autodesk, Inc.. These these pieces work together and lets lead designers see the entire
companies, along with Altair Engineering, Inc., ANSYS, Inc. and vacuum working virtually through sequences of animation.
Dassault Systèmes Simulia, are breaking through the glass ceiling
by bringing to market tools that enable casual users to be profi- Supporting Simulation
cient at performing simulation. Simulation should not be the last step in the design process. Early
This new breed of simulation tools are not toys—they deliver simulations spot problems, let you iterate many designs, speed
meaningful and easy-to-comprehend results that drive real design development and ultimately let engineers create better, and more
decisions. Couple ease of use with access to powerful worksta- truly innovative products.
tions and clusters based on the Intel Xeon processor—well, you Much simulation can be performed right on the worksta-
have a game changer. Simulation and analysis is now within reach tion. An ideal solution is a dual Xeon-based workstation that,
of small and medium businesses. In fact, these new tools are now by supporting efficient simulation, acts as an innovation en-
necessary to increase the number of ideas SMB’s explore while gine. This modern hardware is fast, affordable and in reach of
concurrently accelerating time to market and reducing devel- the typical customer. DE
opment budgets. The triple crown of design is now available to
small and medium business: design, analysis and simulation. Doug Barney is a computer journalist with
nearly 30 years of experience.
Driving Innovation
Great products are not simply designed, but instead they
evolve over time through countless hours of research, analy- INFO ➜ Intel Corp:
Each week, Tony Lockwood combs through dozens of new products to bring you the ones he thinks will
help you do your job better, smarter and faster. Here are Lockwood’s most recent musings about the
products that have really grabbed his attention.
CFD: Shaping
the Medical World
hen fluids are involved, simulating the function of volved in both R&D and manufacturing of glucose test strips,
many medical implants, surgical techniques, diag- whose reagent film includes a mixture of up to 20 components
nostic systems and test stations can be an extreme that undergo mixing, pumping, coating and drying. The com-
challenge. It takes fine-tuned software to help engineers un- pany employs CFD analysis for much of its material flow (rhe-
derstand even the basic flow of air, blood or a liquid chemical— ological) development work, so Roche scientist Julien Boeuf,
and for medical applications, the margins for design safety are Ph.D., turned to FLOW-3D to help solve a phase separation
extra-tight. What makes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) issue that led to the production of inhomogeneous films.
analysis such a useful tool when working in this field? Boeuf used the Elasto-visco-plasticity function and the Mov-
Although the competitive advantage offered with CFD ing Object function in FLOW-3D to set up a series of mix-
analysis also keeps the fine details quiet for many medical ap- ing simulations, treating the mixture as a Newtonian fluid, a
plications, a number of analysis companies told DE why their shear thinning fluid or as viscoelastic, depending on the actual
software is particularly good at handling these complex cases. chemical composition. By varying the rotation speed of a paddle
centered on a cylinder of the reagent mixture, Boeuf says, “We
Medical Equipment Demands Precision were able to visualize the influence of rotation speed combined
Flow Science FLOW-3D CFD analysis software has found use with fluid properties like yield stress on the flow at the cylinder
in many medical applications, from modeling blood circulation walls, and then correlate this flow structure with the resulting
to aiding in the placement of stents. Its capabilities in handling amount of separation. This could be visualized in FLOW-3D
microfluidics can even predict transient injection forces on the using a Two Fluids Model.”
components of fluids undergoing shear thinning at a needle- The models were confirmed by several experimental results,
syringe interface. But an application that consumers might not and enabled understanding which rheological properties of the
often consider is that of designing and manufacturing the min- chemical components are responsible for the separation.
iaturized chemical laboratory present on a diabetes test strip. CD-adapco has seen so much interest in medical applica-
Roche Diabetes Care, a division of Roche Diagnostics, is in- tions using its STAR-CCM+ CFD software that this field is one
analyses while working directly in their 3D CAD tools, since
D-adapco’s Kristian Debus, Ph.D., says that in SolidWorks Flow Simulation is a licensed, fully embedded add-
the medical field, many professionals are trying on to SolidWorks, designed for concurrent engineering. The
to get simple answers: Doctors want a yes or software can handle internal and external flow of air, water and
no. For example, in current work on aneurisms at Tufts various fluids including blood, and include heat transfer effects.
University, a brain surgeon is studying scan data of blood Delphine Genouvrier, product manager for SolidWorks
vessel walls. He’s examining blood flow patterns and the Simulation products, lists several good reasons for adding CFD
wall thickness at an aneurism, to try to find correlations analysis to the design process. “If you are designing a product
between the visual inspection and the computational fluid that will be used in the body, it is difficult to understand how
dynamics (CFD) results. your fluid will flow,” she points out. “With CFD, product en-
So far, numerical diagnostics have not made it into real- gineers can see the invisible, something that they would not be
world medical decision-making. However, CD-adapco is able to see with testing.”
involved with an ASME subcommittee (, V & V 40) One SolidWorks customer is working on a product for older
for writing verification and validation guidelines for biomedi- people: an oxygen mask that is worn somewhat away from the
cal devices. The goal is to get CFD and finite element analy- face. The patient wants to speak clearly, but also obtain the
ses (FEA) qualified to help speed up the U.S. Food & Drug proper percentage of oxygen in the airflow when it reaches the
Administration (FDA) approval process. When accepted, this mouth. Genouvrier says, “They’ve been able to simulate the
ruling could be groundbreaking for the legal, medical and mixing phenomena between the oxygen from the mask and the
engineering realms. ambient air around the face. That’s the kind of application that’s
One important step toward this goal is the recent FDA very difficult to measure in reality.” For example, SolidWorks
recognition of simulation as “essential to medical device Flow Simulation can help identify a dead zone in the flow pat-
evaluation.” This opinion has just been written up by tern for a given geometry.
Cheryl Liu, a senior product experience technical special- CFD simulations can also boost the performance of sys-
ist at Dassault Systèmes’ SIMULIA life sciences division. tems that are indirectly, yet critically important to medical care.
(See page 32 of this issue for Liu’s article that explores Huntair, an Oregon company that designs and manufactures
this in more depth.) The article explains how the FDA’s specialized heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC)
Center for Device and Radiological Health is reaching systems, uses Autodesk Simulation CFD software to analyze
out to both the medical and software industries, and pro- its CLEANSUITE airflow delivery systems. Taking a cue from
vides a good baseline for discussion of the topic at any the classic cleanroom systems of the semiconductor and phar-
level of management. maceutical industries, Huntair engineers recently delivered
A second major effort is the development of the Virtual CLEANSUITE vertical laminar flow systems for installation
Physiological Patient, a publicly available library of compu- in operating rooms at Parkview Hospital, Pueblo, CO.
tational, verified and validated submodels and data. This The CLEANSUITE systems deliver a controlled stream
cross-industry collection will cover different disease states of low-turbulence, temperature-controlled and high-effi-
in the relevant disciplines, to aid in disease-specific device ciency particulate air (HEPA)-filtered air over an operating
innovation. ( table. The result is less chance of patient contamination.
“Autodesk CFD Simulation software helped us under-
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Focus on Healthcare /// Computational Fluid Dynamics
stand what is actually going on with airflow in the operat- Analyzing FSI
ing room vs. what should be happening theoretically,” says You may not immediately think of MSC Software as a source of
Kevin Schreiber, global director of healthcare for Huntair. medical CFD solutions, but Derek Barkey, the company’s senior
The simulation allowed the team to optimize the design for manager, consulting services, points out several capabilities that
minimized turbulence and better control of airflow direction, support this field.
compared to the rooms’ previous horizontal-flow air systems. “About four years ago we took the built-in explicit code of
the Dytran Eulerian fluid solver and added it to MSC Nastran,”
Thicker Than Water he says. “Plus, Nastran has acquired a lot of the advanced ma-
As computer processing power has increased, the time terial model capabilities from LS-Dyna, under license.” These
necessary to simulate actual human, or in situ, systems has additions, Barkey adds, allow MSC Nastran users to tackle com-
become more manageable. Modeling blood-flow through plex fluid simulations.
vascular systems and airflow in pulmonary systems, both Nastran also has an interface called OpenFSI, a standardized
including moving boundary conditions, is now possible. interface for CFD programs to talk to Nastran and vice versa,
Stephen Cosgrove, CFD director at Altair Engineering, allowing the dynamic exchange of fluid forces and structural
has watched the industry evolve. “What’s really opened up displacements. This function provides an interface to other
the in situ market has been the ability to go automatically CFD codes either directly or through the multiphysics co-
from the data—a CAT scan or some sort of digital data— coupling interface (MPCCI) developed by the Fraunhofer In-
and turn it into something for simulation. The tools have stitute—the same people who brought you the MP3 interface.
become pretty automatic at giving you, say, an STL file Coupling an Eulerian fluid mesh with a Lagrangian structural
of the vascular system of the aorta or a vein. We’ve then mesh is Nastran’s key to handling FSI.
developed automated tools to go from that geometry to a Barkey points out that the MPCCI is also supported by the
mesh that’s good for your code for simulation.” It’s a task company’s Marc solver for handling very non-linear problems.
not handled equally by all simulation packages, he adds, but From his experience consulting for biomedical applications, he
a specialty of Altair AcuSolve software. observes, “There’s almost nothing in the medical field that is
“Generally speaking, the quality of the data you’re going linear. Tissues don’t behave in a linear way; just about every-
to get to make a mesh is pretty poor, so you end up gen- thing has large deformations, and the Euler solver can handle
erating a mesh that has poor element quality,” Cosgrove extreme changes.”
explains. “Our AcuSolve code is finite element-based, but Extreme is a good word to describe the challenge of moving
it uses a different formulation than other [finite element from simple pipe models of, say, vascular systems to working
analysis, or FEA] codes like Fidap and Flotran—a Galerkin with actual patient-scan data, just one of the application areas
Least Squares vs. a standard Galerkin. What that means for where ANSYS CFD analysis capabilities are helping real-world
the end-user is a high level of accuracy where the accuracy physicians. Thierry Marchal, ANSYS industry director for
is not a function of the element topology.” healthcare, says at first computational time was the primary
He adds that blood is a non-Newtonian fluid and, gener- issue. Now, with projects running on hundreds or thousands of
ally speaking, FE formulations and their handling of gra- parallel processors, analysts using ANSYS Fluent are able to add
dients are more robust than finite-volume/finite difference even patient-specific material parameters.
approaches. AcuSolve has some very good non-Newtonian “The customer can say, ‘I want to run a blood flow simula-
capabilities, he says, and supports full bi-directional cou- tion for a male patient, age 45,’” says Marchal, “then you can
pling to SIMULIA Abaqus for FSI analyses without third- add this kind of specific artery-wall blood material property.
party translations. First, you get more accurate results and second, you can be
practically close it. The more you squeeze, the more demanding
it becomes on the solver because the fluid mesh must be moving
correctly, not crashing. You start getting backflows, and when-
ever you start having flows in different directions, it becomes
more difficult to converge. But COMSOL Multiphysics was
really good at that.”
COMSOL Multiphysics seamlessly integrates fluids and
structures, with the same interface and capabilities, says
Elabbasi, so it’s not like putting two packages together. “The
post-processing shows the pressure of the solid and the ve-
locity of the fluid as if it’s one unified physics, and the mov-
ing mesh is also taken care of seamlessly. It’s a huge time-
saver.” He says his company is also working to relate the flow
parameters and stresses on the tube with predictions for wear
and lifespan.
A Body of Work
From sockets to instruments, AM
is thriving in the biomedical field.
dditive manufacturing (AM) technology has branched
out of its engineering and manufacturing origins into
the biomedical field. Today, 3D printers are printing
out surgical instruments and prosthetics; in the future, if
technological and regulatory hurdles can be overcome, they
could even be churning out human tissues and organs. What
follow are two very different examples of the state of this art.
Arch Day Design, a medical device manufacturer, uses The use of an in-house Objet Desktop 3D printer allows
software-based stress analysis to study the strength of Arch Day Design to create physical prototypes in a matter
a new screw, but the digital model is not sufficient for of hours. If the design team has an idea in the morning, the
lab tests. team can be holding the physical mockup by late afternoon.
hip cups, Snow says, “comes from an FDA-approved supply
issue printing seems to be a bit over-hyped at chain.” For medical use with titanium material, EOS rec-
present. Machines that claim to be tissue print- ommends the M 280 model, the direct metal laser sintering
ers are rather low-grade machines in terms of (DMLS) system. For use with plastic materials, EOS recom-
technology and resolution. There are a couple of groups mends the P 395 midrange model.
making some real progress. A key figure is Dr. Dietmar “Hundreds of patients in North America are now liv-
Hutmacher, Queensland University of Technology, ing with hip cups embedded in their hips that were ‘grown’
Brisbane, Australia. We are still at a very early stage in via EOS’ DMLS,” Snow adds. “This is not just prototyping
the technology. Most likely, the initial applications will technology anymore. It’s now in production use.” DE
be applications in joint prosthetics and maxillofacial (fix-
ing problems around the mouth, jaw and neck). References:
No one is actually printing tissue yet. The main 1 A Dirty War in West Africa, Lansana Gberie, Hurst 2005.
issues are the materials that are needed to hydrogel 2 “Disabled in Sierra Leone Make Gains,” Dec. 7, 2011, Global
polymers and the fact that they need to be maintained Post,
and saturated with water. If you are trying to print tis-
sue, all processes must be at temperatures no greater Kenneth Wong is Desktop Engineering’s resident blogger
than body temperature (98.6° Fahrenheit) and totally and senior editor. Email him at or
compatible with the well being of cells. That means no share your thoughts on this article at
toxic chemicals—including many photoinitiators. Also,
all materials must be medical grade, which tends to be
more expensive and more difficult to process. INFO ➜ Arch Day Design:
The biggest challenge for AM system developers to ➜ Dassault Systèmes:
overcome in bio-printing is, everything must be compat- ➜ EOS:
ible with good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulation,
which is a very rigorous quality control, much more
➜ Geomagic:
severe than ISO 9000. Plus, the software needs to ➜ MathWorks:
cope with multi-materials and internal architecture. The ➜ MIT Media Lab:
design of the object must be compatible with a bioreac-
➜ Purple Platypus:
tor to incubate construct before implanting.
—Dr. Brian Derby, Professor of Materials Science, ➜ Stratasys:
Director of Research and Deputy Head of School, ➜ Wohlers Associates:
School of Materials, University of Manchester, UK For more information on this topic, visit
xford Performance Materials (OPM) has received FDA approval for its
OsteoFab biomedical process. “OsteoFab” is OPM’s brand for additively
manufactured medical and implant parts produced from PEKK polymer.
OsteoFab uses an EOS P800 and PEKK material to build cranial implants. The
implants can be used to repair damage and trauma to the skull, replacing miss-
ing bone and integrating with surrounding bone.
OPM’s process has already been in use overseas, but this marks the first
time the FDA has given approval for AM-created implants to be used in humans
in the US. OsteoFab can now be used to treat a variety of patients, including
veterans who have suffered severe head trauma. Approval also opens the door
for other uses of AM implants.
“If you can replace a bony void in someone’s head next to the brain,
you have a pretty good platform for filling bony voids elsewhere,” said Scott
DeFelice, president of OPM. “We have sought our first approval within cranial
implants because the need was most compelling; however, this is just the beginning.”
OPM had traditionally sold PEKK as a raw material or in a semi-finished form, but began developing additive manufac-
turing technologies in 2006. In 2011, OPM established a biomedical compliant manufacturing facility in South Windsor,
CT, to support its growing AM business. As an implantable polymer, OPM says PEKK is unique in that is biocompatible,
mechanically similar to bone, and radiolucent so as not to interfere with X-Ray equipment. Furthermore, OPM has recently
completed testing which it says confirms that the OsteoFab implant surface is, in fact, osteoconductive, so it can be used
as a scaffold for new bone growth from the native bone.
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Simulation Grows in
Medical Importance
Today, the methodology is recognized by the U.S. FDA as essential
to medical device evaluations.
By CHeryl liu
ne of the toughest design engineering challenges A
is making a medical device that works flawlessly
with the human body. The unique anatomy and
physiology of every patient create physical complexities—
and ever-shifting functional parameters, that must be
thoroughly accounted for when producing a therapeutic
product that may need to last a lifetime.
Domestic inpatient procedures involving medical de-
vices—stents, heart valves, dental implants, spine and joint
implants, surgical tools, blood pump, endovascular grafts,
drug-eluting devices and more—totaled 46 million in the B
U.S. alone in 2006, according to the U.S. Centers for Dis-
ease Control (CDC). It’s a global market that is growing
along with aging populations everywhere.
Medical device companies and their designers are in-
creasingly viewing computer simulation, already widely
accepted in many industries, as an important tool. It helps
them visualize what they cannot see, explore the design
space more fully, refine their ideas faster and more ac-
curately—and reduce expensive prototyping and testing.
Solid mechanics simulations can help determine proper
implant size, evaluate manufacturing tolerances, compare
design geometries or consider next-generation devices.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be employed to
identify high-shear stresses on blood vessels, regions of
low flow, and potential for blood damage. And simulation-
based product development processes can be linked in au-
tomated workflows—optimizing huge quantities of design
data to provide fine-tuned results that are of particular
value for creating patient-specific medical devices.
As life sciences engineers embrace simulation, they are
achieving increasingly accurate levels of precision when Figure 1: This example of modeling and simulation of a
evaluating device function, including the ability to evalu- medical device shows an aortic valve geometry (A), a model
ate aspects of device performance not possible with bench of the effect of blood flow on the valve in a blood vessel (B),
tests alone. As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- and an Abaqus FEA of the stress on the valve leaflets during
tion’s (FDA’s) Center for Device and Radiological Health the diastolic phase (C). This work was performed by Dassault
(CDRH) is seeing a growing number of submissions for Systèmes SiMuLiA in conjunction with the FDA’s Center for
medical devices that include a simulation-data component. Devices and radiological Health.
both the integrity of the proposed de-
vice and the required realistic device
failure analysis. As the ultimate safety-
and-effectiveness regulatory body be-
tween medical device manufacturers
and patients, the FDA recognizes the
value of such advancing technolo-
gies—and its own need to stay abreast
of them. The agency has now begun Performance
actively encouraging the use of simu- Fastest
lation in device evaluation. Design Methodology
However, the FDA has also put
the industry on notice that verifica-
tion and validation must go hand-
in-hand with the use of simula- Flexibility
tion in applications. The CDRH is Unrestricted
looking to quantify when a compu- Design
tational model is credible enough, Modification
and that its intended purpose is ap-
propriate for a regulatory submis-
sion. Unclear reporting standards,
insufficient data about geometries
and boundary conditions, lack of Effectively Share Designs
validation metrics, incomplete un-
derstanding of physiological loads
in the body, and variations in pa-
tient populations—any and all of
these uncertainties can impact the
relevance of simulation outputs.
SIMULIA Contributes to
Knowledge Advancement
Noticing that a significant propor- %Increased%Productivity%Over%Traditional
tion of the applications the agency
has seen in recent years have included
simulations with Abaqus finite ele-
ment analysis (FEA) from Dassault TLooking for an innovative, think-outside-the-box, efficiency-orientated,
Systèmes SIMULIA, the CDRH and CAD-neutral CAD package then IronCAD is a
reached out to SIMULIA in 2010 serious heavyweight contender.T - Ryan Reid, Tenlinks
for support in developing its own
internal framework, and in-house ex-
pertise, for validating and regulating IronCAD
industry-submitted simulations.
oncurrent with the development of the Virtual for modeling and simulating of a range of valves. All
Physiological Patient concept, the U.S. Food & results would be shared.
Drug Administration (FDA) is reaching outward End-stage renal disease is another area recently identi-
to device manufacturers, software providers and medi- fied by the FDA as a priority. Industry forums on this topic
cal professionals to form a Regulatory Science Public- are already under way.
Private Partnership. Launched in December 2012, the The medical device industry can only benefit from such
partnership is called the Medical Device Innovation endeavors. Individual device design copyrights certainly
Consortium (MDIC). Specific details are available at need to be protected, but the tradition of publishing evi- dence-based research results to move the entire body of
The idea is to create an opportunity for information medical knowledge forward has resonated in the life sci-
gathering in a pre-competitive state—that is, not device- ences throughout the history of medicine. A deep under-
specific, but disease-specific. For example, if the heart standing of the function of the living body is critical to
valve community were interested in a comprehensive eval- every medical-device developer, and sharing the data that
uation of the structure and function of heart valves, costs lie at the core of that understanding can be accomplished
could be minimized through non-profit group funding and without infringing on any one company’s patents.
participation in the development of tools and resources — C. Liu
ests of the medical device industry, the regulatory agency
and software companies to collaborate to ensure that the n addition to approving the use of simulation in
power of simulation is increasingly utilized to solve the medical device evaluations, the U.S. Food & Drug
wide range of challenges in medical device development. Administration (FDA) also recently cleared Surgical
The ultimate goal is the safety and effectiveness of medi- Theater, LLC’s Selman Surgery Rehearsal Platform
cal devices for every physician who uses them, and every (SRP), making it the only patented and FDA cleared
patient who needs them. DE platform for cerebral and spine pre-surgery rehearsal,
according to the company.
Author’s Note: Special thanks to Drs. Tina Morrison, Nan- Using standard scanned images from any patient,
dini Duraiswamy and Donna Lochner of the FDA for their the SRP generates 3D patient-specific models show-
assistance in preparing this article. ing the interaction between life-like tissue and surgi-
cal instruments. The tissue responds “realistically”
Cheryl Liu is life sciences senior product experience techni- to actions taken by the surgeon, enabling accurate
cal specialist for Dassault Systèmes’ SIMULIA. Send e-mail pre-surgery planning and rehearsal. The software
about this article to uses flight simulator technology to permit the
remote connection of multiple SRPs so participants
anywhere in the world can simultaneously work
INFO ➜ U.S. Food & Drug Administration: together and practice the same case with real-time
➜ Read more about how the FDA is promoting innovation in feedback and collaborate on the planning of a spe-
“High Stakes Balancing Act” in Dassault Systèmes’ COMPASS cific surgery case.
magazine: For more information, visit
For more information on this topic, visit —DE staff
CAD Geometry
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Precision is Everything
Yes, it is brain surgery ... so FHC switches to EOS’ plastics laser-sintering
system to manufacture the patient-specific STarFix platform.
The patient lies wide awake in the operat- a lifestyle-saver for people suffering from
ing room (OR), the top of his draped head Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor,
bared to the neurosurgeon. A second doc- dystonia and other neurological afflic-
tor stands at the patient’s side, lifts the tions that don’t respond sufficiently
man’s arm, and flexes it gently. The hand to medication alone. Recent studies
and wrist are stiff, with a visible tremor. even point to DBS’ potential in treating
The surgeon makes a slight adjustment dementia, epilepsy and depression.
to brain-penetrating electrodes mounted What makes the story above such a hours of awake imaging, target identifi-
through a starburst-shaped plastic fixture standout is not so much the symptom- cation and electrode implantation—all
fastened to the man’s skull. relieving surgery—but that the patient with the patient’s head completely
“How about now?” the surgeon asks. was able to move his head during it. immobilized. But now the frameless
The arm is moved again—this time That simple movement is the result of stereotactic platform is being used in
naturally, smoothly, without shaking. some truly “outside-the-frame” thinking a growing number of DBS procedures
“That’s it,” says the patient, nodding his in the concept of brain surgery. DBS, around the globe, thanks in part to a
head with relief. while performed effectively approxi- Formiga P 100 plastics laser-sintering
The procedure is called deep brain mately 9,000 times a year worldwide, system from EOS.
stimulation (DBS), and it is has become has traditionally involved many grueling MORE ➜
Editor’s Note: Tony Abbey teaches the NAFEMS FEA Intro class
in the United Kingdom and United States throughout the year.
Contact for details.
dealization in finite element analysis (FEA) is the
art of taking a real structure and reducing it down to
an assembly of finite elements. At its simplest level,
the operation would consist of a single geometric model
produced from CAD and fully meshed in one operation.
This gives us a consistent mesh throughout the structure
that we hope will adequately represent the response of
the real structure.
Figure 1: Top and bottom fiber stresses under bending.
The FEA method relies on a set of discrete finite ele-
ments to represent the structure. Each element has its
own basic “understanding” of what constitutes a struc-
tural response. This may be a very primitive representa- an adjacent structure or to ground. Understanding of the
tion, such as a 1D rod with a constant axial force, or a load path can be quite tricky.
sophisticated 3D element. The discrete representation The definition of the load application and grounding
suffers from two fundamental weaknesses: By definition, regions are also an idealization judgment. The internal
it can’t be a continuous representation, and it is also reli- load path will be affected by our choice of element type
ant on the accuracy of the element. Most elements are and numbers. If we make poor choices, we may find that
now mature, stable entities—but their performance and the FE model doesn’t behave in the same way that the
limitations should still be understood. actual structure will.
to know about the response of the shaft. Having a solid through a bolt.
component of 1 million DOF really doesn’t help us. Spider elements are useful in many scenarios, such as
We can look for hotspot stresses and hopefully these representing a stiff part of a structure with a rigid spider,
will be meaningful, but if we have many load cases and or representing a load transfer path with a flexible spider.
want to justify why and where these hotspots are occur- A future article will look in more detail at this type of
ring, then we are in for a lot of work. We essentially element, as its uses are widespread and the terminology
have to backtrack to the shear force, bending moment varies greatly.
and torque diagram in each case to demonstrate how the
stresses occur and confirm their values. We have made a Facing a Complex Future
very straightforward task complex. I personally believe that if we’re not careful, the future
direction of FE modeling will bring huge models of
Connection Elements the order of 1E9 to 1E12 DOF, where all structure is
Another common problem with a predominantly thin modeled with solid elements from CAD. We will have
shell structure is how to represent the joints or connec- to sift through the post-processed data and try and find
tions. The CAD model will probably not attempt to rep- local stress hotspots. Once we’ve found the local hotspot
resent welds as continuous geometry. It is quite adequate stresses, our next job as engineers is to explain why and
to define the connecting plates and to indicate the weld how the stresses get there—and then advise how to im-
symbolically. prove the design. That is going to be the challenge. A
We don’t need to have a 3D geometric CAD represen- good idealization can help us picture why and how these
tation of, say, a partial penetration fillet weld. However, load paths exist. DE
when we want to create an FE model, we have to put in a
structural idealization of the load transfer path through Tony Abbey is a consultant analyst with his own company,
the weld. It may be that the best way to calculate stresses FETraining. He also works as training manager for NAFEMS,
locally in the weld is to do this outside of the FEA, using responsible for developing and implementing training classes,
local stresses or forces in an external program. including a wide range of e-learning classes. Send e-mail about
Similarly, we don’t want to model all of the bolts, this article to
rivets, etc., as solid elements. Fast and efficient ways of
idealizing bolt stiffness and strength are available using INFO ➜ FETraining:
beam elements and the very versatile “spider” connec-
tion and load distribution elements. Fig. 4 shows a spider ➜ NAFEMS:
element and beam elements being used to transmit load For more information on this topic, visit
ome people bet on horses; for oth-
ers, it’s the stock market. Nearly
three decades ago, a group of doc-
toral students saw their opportunity in
a green field called multiphysics (MP)
Taking a calculated risk that hardware
performance would advance significantly
over time, the team set sail with its vision
to bring MP to the desktop—despite the
skepticism of many in academia who
called the marriage improbable, and dis-
missed the science as far too complex for
mainstream use.
“The idea of multiphysics was border-
line impossible then, but we made a bet
COMSOL Multiphysics drove the
that multiphysics would be possible in
design of Cochlear Ltd.’s new
the not-too-distant future,” recalls Bjorn
Codacs direct acoustic cochlear
Sjodin, Ph.D., vice president of product
implant system. Image courtesy
management of COMSOL Group, the
of Cochlear Ltd.
company founded in 1986 by that group
of students. “We were laughed at, but the
laughter went away as computers became
more powerful.”
The core COMSOL team pushed forward, introduc- nized as a way for engineering organizations to zero in
ing its flagship product in 1998. on the optimal design at a point when it is far easier to
Fast-forward 15 years, and MP—and in particular, MP make changes, rather than the standard way of leveraging
simulation capabilities on the desktop—is the direction simulation at the end of the cycle as a means to prove out
in which many simulation vendors have set their sights. the viability of particular designs, experts say.
As the boundaries of engineering blur, organizations are “If you think about what’s going on with upfront
in need of MP simulation tools to explore the interde- simulation, it’s a multiphysics and systems engineering
pendencies among electrical, mechanical and even soft- issue,” notes Keith Meintjes, Ph.D., practice manager for
ware-dependent systems, and to do so in a cost-effective CIMdata. “You’re making decisions about product archi-
and efficient fashion. tecture, and you’re doing tradeoffs among variables like
The ongoing push for moving analysis further up in weight, price, etc. The upfront use of simulation drives
the design process is another factor driving demand for you immediately to need multiphysics because you’re
MP simulation. Upfront analysis is now widely recog- doing cross-discipline tradeoffs.”
time it wants to bring new technologies on board. The
eing able to pick and choose among phys- software simulates coupled physics effects by solving the
ics and not have to learn a new simulation underlying mathematical representations based on par-
package each time has been a huge benefit tial differential equations (PDEs).
for Patrik Kennes, Ph.D. Kennes is a CAE engi- With this approach, various physics solvers can be
neer at the Cochlear Technology Centre Europe
(CTCE), a Mechelen, Belgium-based research arm
of Cochlear Ltd., which manufactures hearing
implants, among other hearing aid products. He Precision CNC Machining
and his team deployed COMSOL Multiphysics from At more than 1100lbs this mill goes far beyond any
the ground up on the design of Codacs, a new desktop modeling mill, bringing serious capability
to research and engineering workshops. A rigid
type of implant now in clinical trials, which pro-
frame and 1100 watt spindle allows prototypes
vides mechanical (acoustic) simulations directly
to the cochlea.
to be cut from the materials you use: plastic,
aluminum, steel, even titanium - whatever $10,485
(plus shipping)
Kennes says COMSOL was instrumental to opti- you need to get the job done. includes 3 axis mill, deluxe stand,
machine arm, and more
mizing the design of the actuator, an electromag-
PCNC 1100
netic transducer based on the balanced armature Series 3 features:
principle. Through the use of structural mechanical
analysis for various thickness values, his team was ■ Vector technology drive,
computer controlled,
able to evaluate the tradeoffs between robustness 5100 RPM spindle
and stiffness, and COMSOL’s AC/DC Module was
■ Precision ground P4
employed to calculate the magnetic flux density
grade ballscrews
within the parts.
■ 34” x 9.5” table
“Without COMSOL, we would have been able
to develop the product, but we would have had ■ Provides both
manual & automatic
to do more design iterations—and we probably
wouldn’t have come as close to the optimum solu-
tion as you can when you have software to support ■ Integrated options
for digitizing, 4th
the design,” Kennes reports. “When you have a axis, CNC lathe,
good correlation between the measurements on and more
the prototypes and what the [multiphysics] model Shown here with optional
stand, tool tray, machine arms,
predicts, you can feel confident that the model is and accessories.
“Instead of spending six months to implement an equa-
t the Toyota Research Institute of North tion, we were able to do the same thing in a fraction of
America, where multiphysics (MP) simula- the time—and that’s savings that’s passed on to the client.”
tion is a driver for research being conducted
in areas like hybrid vehicle power electronics, UI Enhancements Fuel Accessibility
COMSOL’s intuitive user interface and tightly cou- Beyond the MP engine platform, COMSOL has poured
pled approach has transformed what has tradition- a lot of R&D energy into refining its user interface over
ally been a highly complex and iterative process into the last few releases to make the software more accessible
something far more accessible and streamlined. to both specialists and generalist engineering users.
That’s according to Eric Dede, principal scientist for Prior to a major facelift with the introduction of Ver-
the group. More complex design problems, including sion 4.0 in 2010, COMSOL Multiphysics had a pretty
more physical interactions happening in a smaller rudimentary user interface. Going back to the drawing
space, means it’s not always possible to zero in board, the goal was to design the software with MP in
on the right insights simply by building and testing mind, serving up a smorgasbord of possible physics simu-
physical prototypes, Dede says. lations via the COMSOL Desktop, which organizes the
“A modeling tool is critical to understanding what tools in a structured way and allows users to drag and
is going on, on a micro scale,” he explains. drop and arrange the modules in any combination they
COMSOL Multiphysics’ tightly coupled approach desire.
also has benefits when you’re examining tradeoffs “Multiphysics is an enormous field, and means differ-
among two, three or even four physics—a scenario ent things for different users,” Sjodin says. “Our platform
that isn’t uncommon for Toyota’s work in hybrid elec- lets users use the software in the same way no matter
tronic components, including a recent design project
for an advanced heat sink that thermally regulates
the components.
Instead of pouring time and resources into trial-
and-error physical prototyping, Dede and his team
leveraged numerical simulation and MP topology
optimization techniques to design, build and test
possible prototypes of a heat sink for a future gen-
eration of hybrid vehicles. COMSOL’s computational
fluid dynamics (CFD) and heat transfer modules
were essential to the numerical simulation piece
of the project, Dede reports, while its LiveLink for
MATLAB let the team leverage a high-level scripting
language to optimize the cold plate’s topology.
Prior to a tool like COMSOL, Dede’s team would
solve one physics problem, take the results and
manually enter the input to frame out the second
physics problem, and so on.
“It would be sequentially solved, and it required
a lot of manual manipulation of data,” which could
be subject to mistakes, he says. With COMSOL, the
type of coupling is pre-chosen based on the physics
selected when you start the analysis, he explains.
“As long as you understand the physics problem
and how to make it mathematically relevant, then
the COMSOL software takes care of the rest of it. It
makes life as a designer or analyst easier.”
— B. Stackpole
7887 SME ©2013 Photos courtesy of Morris Tech (left, right) C.ideas (middle left), and EOS (middle right)
he question of whether you should load up on CPU work well for most engineering computations, but aren’t opti-
cores or get a system with many graphics processing mized for all kinds of computation.
unit (GPU) cores is becoming more complicated, thanks So, engineers seeking the highest level of performance need
to the ability of more software to use the GPUs. Analysis and to look at not only at the computations they perform, but also
simulation software vendors are increasingly porting their prod- their mix of computations. It is possible to make this analysis
ucts to run on GPUs—and in many cases, the performance im- very detailed and specific in nature, but most engineering teams
provement can seem to justify the investment. would be fine just looking at the type of work they do and their
In general, it’s apparent that GPUs have more of the floating- mix of computations.
point computational horsepower needed for many engineering
computations, but it’s rarely that clear-cut. Many computations Weighing the Benefits
aren’t strictly floating point, and even if they are, many can’t be Most GPUs lack certain features that programmers need in
broken down to execute in parallel. That requires computations many types of software. For example, GPUs don’t have stack
that execute the same series of instructions on different data, a pointers and therefore don’t support recursion, the act of a func-
process known as single instruction, multiple data (SIMD). tion calling itself. That type of computation tends to be slow
But for those SIMD computations that can execute in paral- and not called for in graphics operations.
lel, and use the floating point data, GPUs offer an enticing and Lacking features such as these lets GPUs execute code more
high-performance alternative to the use of industry-standard quickly, but the code itself has to be changed or simplified to
CPUs. In parallel, they can perform simulation-specific com- do so. Porting code requires engineering effort; how much de-
putations significantly faster than CPUs. While many perfor- pends highly on the type of code and structure of the applica-
mance comparisons exist, most seem to cluster around a per- tion. For an entire application, it is likely to be a significant ef-
formance improvement in single-processor operations of GPUs fort. For only parts that can be effectively parallelized, the effort
over CPUs of about 2.5x. won’t be nearly as great.
Intel industry standard processors provide a high rate of That’s the primary reason why CPUs and GPUs are more
throughput, especially for integer operations. They tend to complementary than competitive in the nature of their work-
Compact Performer
Lenovo ThinkStation E31 SFF provides modest, but affordable performance.
By DaviD Cohn
he Lenovo ThinkStation E31 SFF (small form factor) small-profile case limits the height of the cards the system can
is aimed squarely at entry-level CAD users. Designed accommodate. In addition to the integrated Intel graphics avail-
around the latest-generation Intel Xeon E3-1200 V2 se- able with some of the CPU choices, Lenovo also offers NVIDIA
ries “Ivy Bridge” processors and equipped with error-correcting NVS or Quadro discrete graphics cards. Our system came
memory, the E31 SFF offers professional-level performance and equipped with an NVIDIA Quadro 600. This board provides
reliability in a package that should fit just about anywhere. both a DisplayPort and dual-link DVI connection.
The E31 SFF comes housed in a matte black case measur- The hard drive cage can house a single 3.5-in. hard drive or
ing just 13.12x3.75x15.0 in. (WHD), and weighing only 16.5 a pair of 2.5-in. drives. Our evaluation unit came equipped with
lbs. Rubber feet support the case in a horizontal position, while a 1TB SATA 3.5-in., 7,200rpm drive manufactured by Western
a small plastic stand enables the system to stand like a miniature Digital, and a 16X DVD+/-RW optical drive. Lenovo also offers
tower—although in that position, the tray-loading optical drive a 2-terabyte, 7,200rpm 3.5-in. drive, as well as several 10,000rpm
ends up in a somewhat awkward vertical orientation. 2.5-in. drives and solid state drives (SSDs).
In addition to the DVD drive, the front panel provides two
USB 2.0 ports, a 29-in-1 media card reader, headphone and mi- Modest Performance
crophone jacks, and a power button. Because the E31 SFF is meant to be an entry-level system, we
The rear panel provides four UBS 3.0 ports, two additional did not expect this ThinkStation to set any records. And like
USB 2.0 ports, a nine-pin serial port, a 15-pin VGA port, a Dis- the entry-level Lenovo ThinkStation E30 we reviewed last year
playPort connection, and an RJ-45 LAN port for the integrated (see DE, July 2012), the small form factor workstation lived up
Intel 82579 Gigabit Ethernet—as well as microphone, audio line- to those expectations. The ThinkStation E31 SFF’s results were
in and audio line-out jacks. There are also four expansion slots. measurably slower than those of other systems we’ve reviewed
recently. But its numbers were definitely not disappointing, with
Organized Interior benchmark results approximately twice as fast as those of work-
Sliding a small plastic lever on the rear panel releases the top of stations from just three years ago—and nearly equal to those of
the case, which hinges at the rear to reveal a compact interior. modern systems costing much more.
The Lenovo-designed motherboard takes up about two-thirds On the SPECviewperf benchmark, the NVIDIA Quadro 600
of the interior, and is partially hidden below the hard drive and just couldn’t match the performance of other systems we’ve re-
optical bays. The hard drive mounts in a novel removable plastic viewed recently, which came equipped with much more powerful
housing. Once removed, the optical drive cage can be pivoted graphics cards costing several times as much.
forward, providing full access to the four memory sockets. The
ThinkStation E31 SFF can accommodate up to 32GB of RAM.
Our evaluation unit came with 8GB of memory, installed as two inFo ➜ Lenovo:
4GB 1600MHz ECC dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs). ThinkStation E31 SFF
The CPU is concealed beneath a heat sink and 3-in. cool- • Price: $1,093 as tested ($549 base price)
ing fan. To one side of this is a diminutive, 240-watt, 85% ef- • Size: 13.12x3.75x15.0-in. (WxHxD) tower
ficient power supply; to the other, the expansion slots and one • Weight: 16.5 lbs.
more USB 2.0 port. Lenovo offers no fewer than 18 processors to • CPU: 3.3GHz Intel Xeon (Quad Core) E3-1230V2
choose from, including Intel Celeron, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, • Memory: 8GB DDR3 ECC at 1600MHz
Pentium and Xeon, including the top-of-the line 3.6GHz quad- • Graphics: NVIDIA Quadro 400
core E3-1280V2. Our evaluation unit came with a slightly more • hard Disk: 1-terabyte Western Digital 7,200rpm
modest 3.3GHz Intel Xeon E3-1230V2. This 22nm CPU has a • optical: 16X DVD+/-RW
maximum turbo speed of 3.7GHz, 8MB of cache, and a maxi- • network: integrated Gigabit Ethernet (Intel 82579), one RJ45 port
mum thermal design power rating of 69 watts. • other: One nine-pin serial, four USB 2.0, four USB 3.0, one
While the E31 SFF provides four expansion slots—a PCIe internal USB 2.0, 29-in-1 media card reader, DisplayPort, VGA
x16 graphics card slot, a PCIe x1 slot, and two PCI slots—the • Warranty: three years, parts and labor
Intel E3-1230 quad-core CPU Xeon E5-1620 quad-core CPU Xeon E3-1280 quad-core CPU
[3.7GHz turbo], NVIDIA Quadro [3.8GHz turbo], NVIDIA Quadro [3.9GHz turbo], NVIDIA Quadro
400, 8GB RAM) 4000, 8GB RAM) 4000M, 16GB RAM)
Workstation Evolution
Vendors fine tune workstations for engineering applications and performance.
By Frank J. OhlhOrst
orkstations are the bread and butter tools of the en- Microway Computer: Microway is a U.S. General Services
gineering sect. Today, no other tool is as important Administration (GSA) Schedule approved vendor that manu-
as compute cycles to the modern engineer, especially factures a va-
when one considers that time is money and design or simulation riety of PCs
can quickly chew through the hours in a day. and worksta-
Luckily, workstations continuously evolve, getting faster tions. Micro-
better and cheaper than previous generations. Workstation way has been
vendors have not blinded themselves to the fact that today’s building high
products may not fare well against the innovations of tomor- performance
row and are seeking ways to future proof workstation tech- systems since
nology with innovative designs, expansion options, and ease 1982. When
of service. it comes to modern workstations, Microway (like many other
A quick look at the current crop of workstations reveals the vendors) leverages the Intel Xeon platform, as well as AMD
evolutionary process at work. First let’s take a look at the cus- Opteron processors. NVIDIA GPUs play a major role in the
tom players on the market, who have to balance price against graphics subsystem, as well as part of the computational capa-
features to find an edge to compete against the major players: bilities of the workstations. Microway offers the WhisperSta-
BOXX Technologies: BOXX is a manufacturer of high per- tion series of workstations and, as the name implies, low noise
formance mobile and desktop workstations that are geared to- is a primary focus. What’s more, the workstations are designed
ward offering the highest performance possible for visual effects to be easily linked together to build multi-node clusters. The
(VFX) design professionals and visualization applications. As of company prides itself in its advanced research.
late, the company has been promoting its multi GPU design as Rave Computer: As one of the smallest players in the work-
the wave of the future—with some systems featuring as many as station market, Rave Computer focuses on building highly
four GPUs. The company also leverages liquid cooling and over customized engineering workstations that stress reliability and
clocking. Products are protected by a three year warranty, which maximum performance for the CAD/CAM/CAE markets. The
should assuage any worries about overclocking. The company of- Rave Ignition series of Workstations can be fully customized, al-
fers all-in-one workstations via their mobile workstation product lowing an almost unlimited selection of chassis type, processors,
line, which are powered by Intel Core series processors and fea- GPUs and so on. The company also offers solutions built on the
ture full HD 17.1-in. displays. As far as the future is concerned, Intel Xeon Phi platform that brings high-performance parallel
BOXX leverages the latest in CPUs, GPUs, memory and other processing to the forefront of workstation design.
hardware, and engineers as much performance as possible out of Eurocom: As far as workstations are concerned, Eurocom
those components. focuses on the mobility
Xi Computer: Xi Computer has segment, where its desktop
been in the workstation business for replacement systems have
more than 25 years and offers a variety of been engineered to offer
workstations based upon both AMD and workstation-level perfor-
Intel Technologies. The company’s most mance with 3D capabili-
recent innovations include notebook- ties. The company refers
based workstations powered by Intel to their products as “3D
Core i7 processors as well as multi Xeon supercomputing laptops”
processor-based workstations. Xi Com- and “ultimate mobile workstations,” which feature large screens
puter also offers a high level of custom- (17.3-in.), high-performance processors (Core i7 or Xeon) and
ization for its customers using a build-to- 3D graphics processors.
order methodology, at a low price point. Seneca: Seneca is primarily a systems builder that works with
magination Technologies’ new Caustic Visualizer view-
port renderer is a software plug-in—currently available
for Maya and soon to be available for 3ds Max—that
provides interactive ray tracing in a working viewport. The
Visualizer viewport renderer becomes another viewport
option, available in any Maya or Max viewport, providing
globally accurate lighting, reflections and shadows.
But Visualizer is more than just a render preview; it’s a
fully functional viewport. You can select and manipulate
geometry and lighting—do anything, in fact, that you
would do in any viewport, but with the added benefit of
Rendered directly in the viewport with Caustic Visualizer
interactive ray tracing.
for Autodesk Maya 2013. Triangles: 538,696; LIghts 10
Similarly, Neon for Rhino is a fully ray-traced viewport plug-
+ IBL. Artist: Ryan Montrucchio, Model courtesy of Pacific
in for McNeel’s Rhino 5, developed by McNeel in collaboration
Digital Image Visual Studios.
with Imagination Technologies/Caustic. Like the Caustic Visu-
alizer, the Neon viewport supports all native rendering features incoming light. That incoming light is affected by scene lights,
while still allowing you to edit your models. cast shadows, reflective materials and indirect lighting (light
This tightly integrated, interactive ray tracing is cool, but to bouncing off of other objects in the scene), and more.
make it go really fast, you’ll need hardware help in the form of It’s simple in principle. You can create a ray-tracing algorithm
one of Caustic’s ray tracing acceleration cards. with astonishingly little code. Here’s a ray tracer that fits on a
business card:
Fundamental Differences In practice, most rays don’t intersect most surfaces—and your
Caustic’s Series2 Ray Tracing Acceleration Boards are not your algorithm spends most of its time running down dead ends. To
average graphics processing unit (GPU)-powered cards. Caustic speed things up, you must first create an “acceleration structure”
cards are focused on ray tracing, and Caustic has developed a fun- that rationally divides your scene geometry into smaller regions
damentally different approach to solving the ray-tracing problem. to minimize the amount of time spent pursuing dead ends.
“GPU companies look at ray tracing as a computing problem: The nature of ray tracing, however, remains inherently random.
If I just keep adding more cores, I can solve this problem,” notes “When a ray hits a surface in the scene,” says Kelley, “it goes
Imagination Technologies’ director of business development, off in a random direction, hits another object, goes off in an-
Alex Kelley. “But that means I’m also adding more power. That’s other random direction, hits another object. The challenge is
why you see these GPUs consuming 120W apiece.” maintaining all the scene information in cache in order to be
But Kelley says ray tracing turns out to actually be as much able to compute the final shading for [a given] pixel.”
a database problem as a computing problem. GPU cards typically solve this challenge by requiring you to
Generally speaking, he explains, ray tracing works by cast- fit all scene geometry and textures in cache onboard the card.
ing rays from an imaginary camera, through the pixel plane of High-resolution textures quickly eat into the amount of amount
the final image and into the scene. When they intersect a sur- of geometry you can place on a card, but once you have to reach
face, the program computes the color of the resulting pixel by across the system bus for data from main memory, the speed
combining the surface’s orientation and material properties with advantage of your GPU card disappears.
Shifting the Focus “We break the problem into two,” he continues. “The
Caustic took a different approach to speeding things up. “The database problem is solved by the card, and the shading is
ray/surface intersection part of the problem, which is a com- done—in this current generation—by the CPU. That’s our
puting matter, was solved years ago through Moore’s law,” says secret sauce.”
Kelley. “So we said, ‘Let’s focus on the database problem.’” Caustic holds 21 patents on its approach, which it says yields
How do you manage the random nature of ray bounces? efficiency gains up to 30 times over other ray-tracing algorithms.
Caustic’s solution is an algorithm that holds rays in mid-flight Because the CPU does the actual shading, all the textures are
until it collects enough of them going in the same direction. kept in system RAM, freeing up space on the Caustic cards for
“You shoot an object from the camera and it hits an object,” more geometry. On the R2500 card, that amounts to about 120
says Kelley. “We will hold that ray; we won’t progress any further million triangles. The end result is a fast, efficient card capable
until we have a sufficient number of rays vectored in the same of supporting large geometries with comparatively low power.
direction. That way, when a ray hits the final object in the scene, Caustic’s R2100 card, with a single ray-tracing unit (RTU),
it’s likely that the shading information will be there—not only for draws a maximum of 30W. The R2500, with dual RTUs for
that ray but, since we’ve been holding all these other rays in flight, dual-CPU workstations, consumes a maximum of 65W.
for a lot of rays that will need that same shading information.”
This is a much more efficient approach to solving the da- The Bottom Line
tabase problem, minimizing the number of times a part of the Caustic cards provide between two-and-a-half and five times
scene is read from the memory. the ray-tracing performance of a CPU alone, according to the
“We developed a PCI Express card that does just that: It holds company. Rhino, with its lower overhead, tends to gain more
the acceleration structure and the geometry, and it does all the ray performance than Maya and 3ds Max. Starting at $795, they’re
flow,” Kelley explains. “Then it tells the CPU ‘OK, we now know comparatively cheap and consume less power than comparably
what pixel shading information is required, go shade it.’ performing GPU-based cards.
Of course, GPUs are useful for other things as well—com-
putational fluid dynamics (CFD), say, or high-end image pro-
Imagination + Caustic
cessing. But if you’re a designer who’d like better ray-tracing
magination Technologies, which acquired Caustic in performance, a Caustic card might just be your solution.
2010, isn’t a familiar name in the desktop 3D arena; The Caustic Visualize plug-in doesn’t require hardware ac-
it’s much better known in embedded systems. celeration. You can download a free 30-day trial of the software
Developers of the PowerVR chip set, Imagination pro- at Rhino 5 users can download the
vides GPU cores for many smartphones and tablets. Neon plug-in free at DE
The reason for the firm’s success, says Imagination’s
Alex Kelley, is that it’s been able to provide a fast, low- Contributing Editor Mark Clarkson is DE’s expert in visualization,
power solution—thanks to its development of technology computer animation, and graphics. His newest book is Photoshop Ele-
around deferred rendering. Caustic is using a deferred ments by Example. Visit him on the web at or send
rendering algorithm for ray tracing, as well, he notes. e-mail about this article to
Eventually, Kelley adds, Imagination would like to
take its ray-tracing application programming interface
into its PowerVR chipset. INFO ➜ Autodesk:
“They want to provide that ray-tracing capability to ➜ Imagination Technologies:
their customers in the future and, at the same time,
grow up into the professional 3D marketplace with the
Caustic add-in cards,” he concludes. “That’s where this ➜ Robert McNeel & Associates:
is going. That’s the end game.” For more information on this topic, visit
implifying the inspection of multiple pieces, increas- how is done by the metrology specialists who know how cer-
ing the size of automated measurement and inspec- tain projects should be measured. “What we have done in
tion, and automatic centering and leveling for fast work Play Inspection development is automated the third step, the
piece alignment and measurements are among the more recent when,” says Soucy.
improvements in automated metrology. These 3D tools ad- “When designers incorrectly create their dimensions in
dress vastly different industrial requirements, but yield higher ways that cannot be easily measured, they put an additional
throughput, greater consistency and other benefits for their burden onto the metrology specialist,” he explains. Inade-
targeted applications. quate communication between the design and manufactur-
In addition to the usually obvious advantages in the ing teams adds to the problem. CAD models need to specify
manufacturing environment, designers can (and need) to do dimensions that can be readily understood and implemented
things differently because of automated metrology. If done by the metrology specialist.
properly, benefits can occur in the upfront design process “A company that wants to streamline its process should build
based on implementing automated metrology in manufactur- a discussion focus group between the design and manufacturing
ing. The benefits for designers include minimizing design people, and agree on certain rules,” recommends Soucy.
process steps and/or time—resulting in further cost savings The geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T)
to the enterprise. quality control method for 3D solid models plays a role in
One example is provided by InnovMetric Software’s new the process as well, he says.
Play Inspection tool. This tool, now fully integrated into “When the CAD people put GD&T in their CAD model,
Phase II of DirectReplay, released in version 12.1 of Poly- usually that translates very, very well,” says Soucy. Done prop-
Works, automatically builds a guided step-by-step sequence erly, he notes, the addition significantly accelerates the inspec-
to capture 3D datasets of a work piece. tion process. The geometry, controls and tolerances are auto-
“The purpose of the Play Inspection tools is to allow matically transferred to the inspection application (see Fig. 2).
users to easily perform repetitive inspection tasks,” says Marc
Soucy, president of InnovMetric Software. Inspection Requirements in the CAD Model
Properly inspecting a part is greatly improved if the de- Hexagon Metrology’s 4.5.4 SF shop floor coordinate mea-
signer’s role is taken into account in the workflow. Designers suring machine (CMM) adds analog scanning to its capabili-
define the geometry, controls and tolerances; measurement ties. With an optional LSP-X1c probe head, the unit’s design
planners define the measurement methods, and measurement supports standard probing—including single-point prob-
operators capture 3D data of the physical parts (see Fig. 1). ing—self-centering and continuous high-speed scanning.
Designers need to care about the what, the first step. The Shaun Wissner, a PC-DMIS Software marketing special-
Figure 1: Three separate entities perform the what, how and when
of part inspection. Image courtesy of InnovMetric Software.
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