Thin-Walled Structures: Talha Ekmekyapar, Baraa J.M. AL-Eliwi
Thin-Walled Structures: Talha Ekmekyapar, Baraa J.M. AL-Eliwi
Thin-Walled Structures: Talha Ekmekyapar, Baraa J.M. AL-Eliwi
Thin-Walled Structures
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Article history: This paper presents 18 tests conducted on short, medium and long circular Concrete Filled Steel Tube
Received 11 November 2015 (CFST) columns. To explore the impact of column parameters and confinement effect three L/D ratios, two
Received in revised form D/t ratios, two steel qualities and three concrete classes were employed. Some specimens have properties
28 March 2016
within application limits of EC4 and AISC 360-10 whereas others have properties beyond the application
Accepted 4 April 2016
Available online 13 May 2016
limits. Since new, large and efficient structures require adoption of high strength materials, it is com-
pulsory to push the limits of design specifications. It is shown that 56 MPa and 66 MPa concretes provide
Keywords: very smooth and ductile load-shortening curves which imply high deformation capacity of such concrete
Circular CFST columns classes. Brittle nature of 107 MPa concrete is shown by very sharp transitions from pre-peak to post-peak
region and sudden discharge of loading in load-shortening curves. Additionally, 239 experimental data
Confinement effect
were collected from literature to assess EC4 and AISC 360-10 predictions within application limits and
Design specifications
beyond application limits. Instead of focusing on a narrow region of configurations, this paper examines
the performance of prediction methods on short, medium and long CFST columns. EC4 predictions in-
dicate much better agreement with the test results. However AISC 360-10 predictions are conservative
for all combinations of parameters. The application limits of EC4 can be widened to cover solutions of
columns with broader properties. Confinement effect should be handled elaborately in AISC 360-10
formulations. L/D and relative slenderness are key parameters and have direct impact on column be-
haviour. However D/t does not have direct impact on column behaviour.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0263-8231/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Ekmekyapar, B.J.M. AL-Eliwi / Thin-Walled Structures 105 (2016) 220–230 221
Table 1
Properties of column specimens.
Column L/D t (mm) D (mm) fc (MPa) fy (MPa) Conf. Fac. ( ξ ) Steel Cont. ( δ ) Nexp (kN) SI
114.3-2.74-300-56 2.62 2.74 114.3 56.20 235 0.432 0.301 901.81 1.35
114.3-2.74-300-66 66.75 0.364 0.267 981.23 1.30
114.3-2.74-300-107 107.20 0.226 0.185 1295.06 1.21
114.3-5.90-300-56 5.9 56.20 355 1.538 0.606 1753.77 1.58
114.3-5.90-300-66 66.75 1.295 0.564 1818.62 1.54
114.3-5.90-300-107 107.20 0.806 0.446 1989.86 1.36
114.3-2.74-600-56 5.25 2.74 56.20 235 0.432 0.301 947.75 1.41
114.3-2.74-600-66 66.75 0.364 0.267 1031.92 1.37
114.3-2.74-600-107 107.20 0.226 0.185 1296.61 1.21
114.3-5.90-600-56 5.9 56.20 355 1.538 0.606 1723.19 1.56
114.3-5.90-600-66 66.75 1.295 0.564 1810.94 1.53
114.3-5.90-600-107 107.20 0.806 0.446 1968.06 1.34
114.3-2.74-900-56 7.87 2.74 56.20 235 0.432 0.301 877.28 1.31
114.3-2.74-900-66 66.75 0.364 0.267 983.51 1.30
114.3-2.74-900-107 107.20 0.226 0.185 1233.24 1.15
114.3-5.90-900-56 5.9 56.20 355 1.538 0.606 1592.48 1.44
114.3-5.90-900-66 66.75 1.295 0.564 1713.34 1.46
114.3-5.90-900-107 107.20 0.806 0.446 1907.29 1.30
tubes and the infill concrete, inner surfaces of steel tubes were
cleaned from dust. In order to restrict the fresh concrete, thick
mica plates were used at the bottom ends of tubes. Silicon was
used to connect the mica plates to the bottom ends of the steel
tubes. There was no bond between mica material and concrete, so,
flat surfaces of concrete at the bottom ends were obtained easily Fig. 2. Column specimens.
after removing mica plates. Steel tubes with 300 mm, 600 mm and
900 mm lengths were filled with concrete in 3, 5 and 7 layers, 3. Test results and discussions
respectively. A shaking table was activated after each layer to
eliminate entrapped air. Flat surfaces of concrete have to be ob- Discussions of CFST column test results are given in this section,
tained at upper ends of columns as well. To accomplish this goal, in conjunction with end shortening versus compression loading
the top last 10 mm of steel tubes were left empty. After completing curves and failure behaviour of specimens. End shortening versus
the curing process, the top of the columns was levelled using high compression loading curves delineate stiffness, ductility and
strength leveling epoxy. Fig. 2 illustrates 18 CFST column speci- toughness behaviours of columns. Behaviour of concrete core can
mens, which are ready for testing. also be captured by observing load-shortening curves. Strength
Before the test, mica plates were removed from the bottom index (SI) is also used to compare the performance of the columns.
ends of the columns and silicone residues were cleaned. Speci- SI is a very useful measure for composite action and confinement
mens were carefully centered in the testing machine to eliminate assessments in CFST columns and has been used in literature
the possibility of eccentric loading. A displacement controlled [5,27,33,34]. SI is defined as follows:
loading with a rate of 0.4 mm/min was applied to all column
specimens up to end of the tests, as shown Fig. 3. Compression SI =
As f y +0. 85A c fc (2)
loading versus end shortening data of specimens were recorded to
be able to discuss the behaviour of columns in pre-collapse and where Nu is the compression capacity of a composite column
post-collapse regions. section, determined by experiment or design specifications. The
T. Ekmekyapar, B.J.M. AL-Eliwi / Thin-Walled Structures 105 (2016) 220–230 223
thinner tubes.
As explained in previous sections, the fine aggregate in the
107 MPa concrete causes the low initial stiffness in specimens
114.3-2.74-900-107 and 114.3-5.90-900-107 compared to speci-
mens with 56 MPa and 66 MPa concrete.
4. Design specifications
EC4 and AISC 360-10 standards are used in this paper. EC4
adopts the limit state design to provide for serviceability and
safety, by employing some partial safety factors to load and ma-
Fig. 8. Compression load - shortening curves of 600 mm columns. terial properties. On the other hand, the AISC 360-10 procedure,
which is based on structural steel design, allows the use of either
steel thickness and concrete strength. Thus, the effect of L/D ratio the limit state or the allowable stress design. In addition to 18
on confinement can be noticed here again. Although the fall in the novel test results presented in this paper, 239 CFST column test
load of the specimen 114.3-5.90-900-107 is more gradual com- data on circular sections were collected from literature. In total,
pared to the fall in the load of 300 mm and 600 mm columns, the 215 test data (repetitive tests reduce the number of unique col-
brittle behaviour of the 107 MPa concrete was observed up to end umns) which cover a relatively wide range of CFST column para-
of the test for this specimen, (Fig. 11). This behaviour is most likely meters, were employed in the design specification calculations.
due to the global failure mode of the column. With global failure Table 2 presents the number of CFST columns tested in each lit-
mode, tension and compression crack regions spread out from erature study and the ranges of the physical properties of the
column mid-height to lower and upper ends. This behaviour columns. In all design specification assessments material partial
causes gradual concrete failures at different shortening levels. A safety factors were set to unity.
similar behaviour also was observed for specimen 114.3-2.74-900-
107, (Fig. 11). 4.1. Eurocode-4
For the 900 mm column with thinner tube the 107 MPa con-
crete core increased the compression load capacity of the column Plastic resistance of the concrete filled composite section is
by 40.56%, compared to compression load capacity of the same calculated by adding the resistance of the constituent steel and
tube with 56 MPa concrete. On the other hand, the contribution of concrete materials as follows:
the 107 MPa concrete to the compression load capacity of the Npl,Rd = As f y +A c fc (3)
thicker tube is 19.76%. As with previous tests, 107 MPa concrete
again contributed much more to compression load capacity of Square and rectangular tubes offer little confinement because
226 T. Ekmekyapar, B.J.M. AL-Eliwi / Thin-Walled Structures 105 (2016) 220–230
π 2 (EI )e
Ncr =
L2 (8)
4.2. AISC-360-10
Table 2
CFST column experiments collected from literature.
yield strength when the concrete core strength is about 0. 95fc . For compared to EC4. In this region, predictions of AISC 360-10 are
square and rectangular composite columns the parameter C2 is also closer to experimental results. Since Euler elastic column
equal to 0. 85. AISC 360-10 considers the confinement effect of behaviour governs the response, for longer columns, these two
circular steel sections by just incorporating C2 coefficient of 0.95, codes give very close results beyond relative slenderness of 2.0.
instead of 0.85, which implies an 11% constant performance in- However, both codes are very conservative in this region, Fig. 12.
crement for circular tubes. It is also crucial to specify the importance of parameters (L/D, D/
For non-compact sections, the nominal compressive capacity is t and ξ ) to be able to understand the mechanics of CFST columns.
calculated as follows: Fig. 13 presents the relationship between L/D ratios and SI values of
columns listed in Table 2. It can be observed in Fig. 13 that L/D ratio
Pp − Py
Pno = Pp− ( λ − λp )2 has a direct impact on column capacity. The relationship is ap-
( λr − λp )2 (17) proximately linear and as the L/D ratio increases capacity of the
column decreases. This means that L/D should be a major para-
where, Py is the yield strength of the composite section, and is
meter in CFST member design. It is also shown in Fig. 13 that SI
given by:
greater than unity can be provided up to a L/D ratio of 20. Con-
Py = As f y +0. 7A c fc (18) sidering the columns which have SI value greater than unity and L/
D ratio greater than 7.0 it was noticed that these columns have
For slender sections, the nominal compressive capacity is for- diverse concrete and steel strengths but maximum D/t ratio of
mulated as follows: 55.3. This conclusion is similar to the conclusion drawn by Gia-
Pno = As fcr +0. 7A c fc (19) koumelis and Lam [1].
It can be also shown that the relative slenderness ratio defined
In Eq. (19) fcr is the critical local buckling stress of the filled in EC4 formulations has the potential to be a good measure for
circular section, and is calculated as follows: column capacity predictions (Fig. 14).
0. 72f y From the relationship between D/t and SI, and confinement
fcr = factor ( ξ ) and SI it can be observed in Figs. 15 and 16, respectively
f y 0.2
(( ) )
t Es (20)
that these parameters have no direct impact on column com-
pression behaviour. However, an important conclusion can be
Through these AISC 360-10 equations slender sections are drawn by observing Fig. 15. For columns with D/t ratios greater
limited to developing critical local buckling stress fcr of steel tube than 55.3 and SI values greater than unity, the maximum L/D ratio
and 0.7fc of concrete core. is 5.16.
A comparison of the specification prediction performances is Five limitations from the two design specifications (EC4 and
given in this section. Fig. 12 shows the relative slenderness ( λ̄ ) AISC 360-10) are noted and these are presented in Table 3.
versus the ratio of design specification prediction to experimental In this table, r refers radius of gyration of the composite section
result for CFST columns listed in Table 2. It can be seen from this and parameter δ is called as steel contribution ratio, and is cal-
figure that for lower relative slenderness values there is a sig- culated as follows:
nificant difference between predictions. In this region EC4 gen- As f y
erally overpredicts column capacity, whereas AISC 360-10 under- δ =
Npl,Rd (21)
predicts the capacity. Beyond the relative slenderness value of
approximately 0.4, EC4 also gives conservative results. In this re- Npl,Rd is the plastic resistance of composite section which is
gion AISC 360-10 still gives lower predictions compared to EC4. It calculated using Eq. (3). If δ is less than 0.2, EC4 refers the design
is also shown in Fig. 12 that as the relative slenderness increases, procedure of the CFST to Eurocode-2. On the other hand, if δ is
predictions of two codes get closer to each other. Beyond the re- greater than 0.9, EC4 refers the design procedure of the CFST to
lative slenderness of 1.0, AISC 360-10 has greater predictions Eurocode-3.
228 T. Ekmekyapar, B.J.M. AL-Eliwi / Thin-Walled Structures 105 (2016) 220–230
Fig. 12. Relative slenderness versus ratios of EC4 and AISC 360-10 predictions to Fig. 14. Relative slenderness versus strength index of columns.
test results.
EC4 limits the ratios of EC4 prediction to experimental result range cover higher strength concrete classes. Among the 215 experi-
from 0.81 to 1.23 with an average value of 1.01. Therefore, it can be mental data 54 columns have concrete strength beyond AISC 360-
deduced that EC4 has also successful predictions for CFST columns 10 limits. The ratios of AISC 360-10 prediction to experimental
which have steel yield strength out of EC4 lower and upper limits. result for these columns range from 0.63 to 1.01 with an average
On the other hand, AISC 360-10 prediction to experimental result value of 0.87. Nevertheless, lower ratios of prediction to experi-
ratios for 7 columns which have steel yield strength beyond the mental results for AISC 360-10 has nothing to do with L/D ratios of
limit of AISC 360-10 range from 0.80 to 0.84. AISC 360-10 pre- columns. Very conservative predictions of AISC 360-10 in this
dictions are still conservative for these columns. group are also belong to short stub columns.
Core concrete strengths of 63 CFST columns are out of the limits Just 2 columns have slenderness values greater than slender-
of EC4. For those columns ratios of EC4 prediction to experimental ness limits of EC4 and AISC 360-10. Ratios of EC4 and AISC 360-10
result range from 0.67 to 1.18 with an average value of 0.97. Lower predictions to experimental results for these columns are very
prediction to experimental result ratios are belong to columns close since Euler elastic buckling governs the behaviour. For both
which have L/D ratios greater than 30. Without very long columns, specifications those ratios are between 0.63 and 0.65. It can be
minimum prediction to experimental result ratio is 0.75 and the clearly concluded that both specifications have very conservative
predictions for these columns.
average value of predictions is 0.99. It can be inferred that espe-
cially upper limit of concrete strength in EC4 can be altered to
Table 3 7. Conclusions
Differences in applicability limits of design specifications.
The results of tests convey important information about the
EC4 AISC-360-10
physical behaviour of CFST columns and present the opportunity
Thickness of tube 235 Es to assess the contribution of steel and concrete properties to col-
t ≥ 90 t ≥ 0.31
fy fy umn axial capacity. In addition to 18 novel tests presented in this
Steel amount 0.2 ≤ δ ≤ 0.9 ≥1% of gross area paper, 239 CFST column test data were also collected from litera-
Steel yield strength (MPa) 235 ≤ fy ≤ 460 ≤525
ture to assess EC4 and AISC 360-10 predictions. The following
Concrete strength (MPa) 20 ≤ fc ≤ 60 21 ≤ fc ≤ 70 conclusions can be drawn:
Column slenderness λ̄ ≤ 2.0 KL/r ≤ 200
Table 4
Number of columns beyond application limits of design specifications.
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