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College of Technology and Allied Sciences

Main Campus, Tagbilaran City

Ritchel B. Anub
Estefanie Cayacay
Bryan Poringuez

June 2021


A Thesis Proposed to the Faculty of the

College of Technology and Allied Sciences
Main Campus, Tagbilaran City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Major in Food Preparation Services
Management Technology


Ritchel B. Anub
Estefanie Cayacay
Bryan Poringuez

June 2021

The research entitled “Sensory Evaluation of Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut prepared and submitted by Ritchel B. Anub, Estefanie
Cayacay, and Bryan Poringuez, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food Technology,
has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for Oral





Adviser Editor


Statistician Department Chair

Approved by the Examining Panel during the oral defense conducted on

February 8, 2021 with rating of _____________.





Member Member


Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Food Technology.

June 14, 2021 ERNESTO C. RULIDA, Ph. D.

Date of Oral Defense Campus Director


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt and gratitude to our

almighty God for giving guidance, strength and wisdom to the researchers in

making the study.

Genuine thanks are extended to the following persons who willingly

helped shared and contributed their effort or the fulfillment of the study:

To Dr. Ernesto C. Rulida, Campus Director, for the encouragement,

support, and kind approval to conduct this study;

To Prof. Josefina G. Gentallan, Dean of Technology and Allied

Sciences, for her generous approval to conduct the study;

To the Panelist, for giving their professional insights the suggestions for

the success of the study;

To Ms. Joecel U. Vallente,the research Instructor, for her full patience

and good assistance upon the improvement of the study;

To Ms. Charlene Eve L. Saligumba, thesis Adviser, for showing great

support, assistance and insights that shed light to the researcher’s queries;

To Dr. Mary Grace C. Ramada, thesis Editor, for giving her time and

effort and sharing her expertise in editing and improving the manuscript despite

her hectic schedule;

To Dr. Josephine B. Nalzaro, the statistician, for giving her time and

knowledge on how to present, analyze, and interpret the gathered data by the


To the Respondents, for sharing their time and effort for accepting the

questionnaire and answering it clearly and honestly;

To the respective parents of the researchers, for their unending moral and

financial support, patience, and consideration, and

To all people who much help to make things possible in the study. To their

cooperation and contribution of sharing its time, advice, effort, financial, moral,

emotional, and spiritual to conduct the duration d research study.

Thank you very much.

The Researchers

The main purpose of conducting this study was to determine the

researchers’ Degree of Preference of Bitter Gourd Momordica Charantia
Doughnut in terms of the following Sensory Evaluation; aroma, color, taste and
texture among the three treatments. Treatment 1 with 100 grams of fresh Bitter
Gourd, treatment 2 with 130 grams of fresh Bitter Gourd, treatment 3 with 160
grams of fresh of Bitter Gourd and to determine if there was a significant
difference among the three treatments. The study used the experimental-
descriptive design of the survey through the use of a rating sheet questionnaire
through 1 to 4-point hedonic scales. There was a total of 20 chosen respondent.
The data were analyzed with the use of one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA
Single Factor) in getting the average weighted mean and in determining whether
the three treatments had significant difference with each other. The findings
manifested that the three treatments in terms of aroma, color, taste and texture. It
showed that there is no significant difference among the three treatments in
terms of aroma, color, taste and texture. Future researchers could also refer to
this study as a guide to conduct this study and enhance the flavor of the product
using Bitter Gourd.

TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………...i

APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………………………ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………………………iii

ABSTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v

LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . …vi

Chapter Page



Rationale ………………………. 1
Literature background ………………………. 2

Statement of the Problem ………………………. 13

Statement of Null Hypothesis …………………….... 14
Significance of the study ………………………. 14


Design ………………………. 15
Environment and Participants ………………………. 16
Instrument ……………………...... 16
Procedure ………………………… 16

Distribution of Questionnaire ………………………… 17

Statistical Treatment ……………………… 19



Ingredients and Costing ……………………… 24

Tools and Equipment …………………….... 25

Procedure ………………………. 26

Shelf – Life ……………………… 28


Summary ……………………… 33

Findings ……………………… 34

Conclusion ……………………… 38

Recommendations ……………………… 38

Proposed Technology Guide…………………………………………. 40

Reference List……………………………………………………………. 41


A. Request form for undergraduate research ………. 42

B. Letter to the Campus Director ………………………. 43

C. Observation Guide ………………………. 44

D. Letter to the Respondents ……………………….. 45

E. Score Sheet for Preference Test ……………………….. 46

F. Score Sheet for Descriptive Test ……………………….. 47

G. Raw Data for Description Test ……………………….. 48

H. Raw Data for Preference Test ……………………….. 49

I. Sample Computations ………………………... 50

J. Documentations ………………………... 52

RESEARCHERS BIODATA …………………………………………… 53



1 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework ……………….. 5

2 Flow Chart ………………. 21


1 Ingredients and Costing in Bitter

Gourd Doughnut ………………… 24

2 Tools and Equipment ………………... 25

3 Shelf life of Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut ………………... 28

4 Descriptive Test of Bitter Gourd Momordica

Charantia Doughnut ……………….. 30

5 Preference Test of Bitter Gourd Momordica

Charantia Doughnut ……………….. 31

6 Difference on the Preference Test of Bitter

Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut ………………… 32
Chapter 1




Some people nowadays are more conscious about their health and they

want to be healthy, but most people have opposite lifestyle from what they

wanted to have. The researchers came up the idea to make a nutritious and a

healthy doughnut, which is Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut.

According to Hippocrates, let the food be thy medicine, and let the

medicine be thy food. In this study, bitter gourd will be utilized as the main

ingredient in making a doughnuts. This doughnut does not focus on its luscious

taste but also considers the health of the consumers.

One of the best fruit that has a bitter taste is the bitter gourd with its

scientific name of Momordica charantia in which, some people think that bitter

gourd has an awful taste, because of its bitterness but behind of its bitter taste

lies the sweetest benefits it can offer. So, the researchers came up to use the

bitter gourd as our main ingredient in making doughnut.

Knowing that the bitter gourd has a high nutrient, the researcher prompted

to conduct this study. One of the purposes in conducting this study, is to produce

a unique product where it can have many health benefits for consumers. This
study aims to know the sensory evaluation of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia

Doughnut, through determining the respondents preference level among the

three treatments in terms of aroma, color, taste and texture.

Literature Background

Doughnuts are one of the palatable discoveries of mankind that emerged

in the bakery industry. It has been part of the consumer’s food lists that satisfies

cravings and easy to make for children. Thus, garnered its title as one of the

favorite snacks of the Filipinos.

In food industry, doughnut is a well-known product in every establishment.

A food snack that ignites our taste buds. Doughnuts are one of the most popular

foods of all time that includes variety of flavors as product of Filipino’s creativity

which satisfies cravings. The fact that the industry is booming in the lives of the

Filipino makes the sustainability of the product in different ages.

Majority of doughnuts produced in the United States are made with a solid

fat. If liquid oil is used, the doughnut can be soggy and oil will leak out of the

doughnut, causing unacceptable stains in the packaging. Another common

defect is oil migration into doughnut coatings. Popular coatings include chocolate

and sugar coatings. Frying oil can make migrate into chocolate, making it soft

and tacky and causing it to slide off the doughnut and smear on the plastic

packaging. In addition, the oil can deliver heat-resistant doughnuts in hot

climates. Reduced saturated fat doughnut shortenings based on palm oil

(McNeill, 2014).
The bakery products that are fried include mainly doughnuts and crullers

(also yum, twisted and curled), certain types of pastries e.g, beignets, and pies.

The basic process of frying of doughnuts is very similar to frying many types of

foods. The doughnuts become a golden brown in color as they become cooked

and absorb shortening, a solid fat product that is commonly use in the baking

industry. There is a wide range, of varieties and shapes of doughnut-type

products fried around the world. It interesting to mention that to serve the British

Indian subcontinent community, several Indian sweets commercially produced

are available in UK superstores and Indian restaurants (Kochlar, 2016).

Doughnuts will cost you 250 to 550 calories, but the 15-30 grams of sugar

in each is the real problem. With such a huge amount of sugar in a small

package, your body pumps out loads of insulin to try to accommodate. A huge

blood sugar spike leads to an even bigger sugar crash. The greater the blood

sugar intake can lead to diabetes. (Kate Patton, Med, RD, CSSD, LD, 2020).

Since bitter gourd has an insulin to control the blood sugar, and also the bitter

gourd doughnut is not yet popular, the researchers came up to make a healthy

and nutritious doughnut that a consumer can have a health benefit on it.

The bitter gourd mainly grows in the tropics and subtropics environments.

A popular fruit in the Philippines, bitter gourd fruit is green and oblong shape. The

ends are pointed. When the seeds mature within the fruit, the pointed edges

become wrinkled and eventually burst open. The seeds from the plant are flat.
Bitter gourd (balsam pear/ bitter melon) is a young, tender, edible fruit-

pod in the Momordica genus climbing vines. Although it’s bitter taste might turn

some people away, nonetheless, it truly can sweeten your health through virtue

of its disease preventing and health promoting phytochemical compounds. Bitter

gourd has a bitter taste due to the presence of momordicin, and believe to be

among the most bitter of all vegetables.

Bitter gourd/ Ampalaya Momordica charantia in the Philippines,

traditionally uses include those for cough, colds, asthma, as emetic especially in

the newborn, for colic, stomach ache diabetes, anemia, fever, ringworm, and

wounds. Several clinical trials involving adult patients with non-insulin dependent

diabetes mellitus showed that using Ampalaya tablet there was decreased

fasting plasma glucose from the 3 rd week from the start of therapy. Decrease in

glucose from the 3rd to 12th week was 8.6-40% comparable to glibenclamide.

HbA1c also decreased from 24.4-40% from the 3rd to the 12th week, also

comparable to Glebenclamide. Since human trials have been performed for this

product (unlike food supplements) the correct dose is known as well as onset of

action and safety information. Active components have been identified in

ampalaya including several cucurbitane tripertennoids. Several mechanisms of

action have been proposed such as insulin secretagogue effect, stimulation or

peripheral and skeletal muscle glucose and inhibition of intestinal glucose uptake

utilization. Ampalaya has been marketed as food supplement successfully, thus

an herbal medicine which has proven efficacy

Theories Legal Bases

Classical Theory 1987 Philippine
-Food is the essence and in first Constitution
condition of life Article XIV Section X
(Aristotle and Galen, 2010)
Sensory Evaluation Bitter Gourd Momordica
charantia Doughnut

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

Doughnut with Doughnut with Doughnut with
100 grams of 130 grams of 160 grams of
fresh blended fresh blended fresh blended
bitter gourd bitter gourd bitter gourd

Sensory Evaluation
 Aroma
 Color
 Taste
 Texture

Proposed Technology Guide

Figure 1. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

and safety through human trials would be easy accepted. Ampalaya is an

affordable, herbal medicine to treat diabetes. It was developed by Filipino

researchers from Filipino plants to boost the Philippine Pharmaceutical Industry,

provide new cash crops for farmers and offer Filipinos medical and financial

benefits (UPM TTBDO, 2020).

Bitter gourd has a long history of medical usage and has a long list of

folkloric health benefits for the following conditions. Diabetes bitter gourd is

widely use herbal remedy to lower the blood sugar levels for diabetic patients.

Eye problems Ampalaya juice is also used to treat eye related problems that

include sty and sore eyes. It is through to improve eyesight and prevents the

development of cataract. Ampalaya is also used to promote body metabolism

and burning of fats thus it is valued as a weight loss supplement. Source of

energy, the vitamins and mineral found in Ampalaya is considered as a stamina

builder that combats fatigue.

Bitter melon or bitter gourd has been associated with several impressive

health benefits which rich in Vitamin C, an important micronutrient involved in

disease prevention, bone formation, and wound healing. It’s also high in Vitamin

A, a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes skin health and proper vision. It provides

folate, which essential for growth and development, as well as smaller

potassium, zinc and iron. Bitter melon is a good source of chlorogenic acid, too
powerful antioxidant compounds that can help protect your cells against damage

(Rachael Link, MS,RD 2019).

Bitter melon notably contains phytonutrient, polypeptide-P, a plant insulin

known to lower blood sugar levels. Also, it composes hypoglycemic agent called

charantin. Charantin increases glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis inside the

cells of the liver, muscle, and fatty (adipose) tissue. Together, these compounds

may have been thought to be responsible for blood sugar levels reduction in

treatment of type-2 diabetes (Nutrition and

Bitter gourd Momordica charantia is also commonly referred to as bitter

gourd, karela, or balsam pear. As a fruit, bitter melon is low in calories and carbs

and high in beneficial fiber. Most of calories in bitter melon come from

carbohydrates. Since the total calorie content is so low, bitter melon carbs are so

low. A cup of cooked bitter melon provides just over 5 grams of carbohydrate,

about half of which is fiber (2.5 grams). Bitter melon also contains some naturally

occurring sugar but is overall a low glycemic fruit. There is very little fat in bitter

melon. A cup cooked of bitter melon contain less than ½ gram of fat unless

additional fat is added during cooking. The micronutrients in bitter melon include

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, and

magnesium. Bitter melon also provides several B-vitamins and helpful

antioxidants, like lutein and zeaxanthin. Bitter melon contains a protein called

Momordica anti-human immunovirus protein (MAP 30). MAP30 has been shown to

support a variety of immune system functions. By inhibiting HIV infection of T

lymphocytes, boosting the number of natural killer cells and T helper cells, and
increasing B cell production of immunoglobulins, bitter melon appears to support

robust immunity (Marisa Moore, RDN,MBA 2020).

Bitter gourd is commonly known as “Ampalaya” in the Philippines.

Ampalaya has been considered as the nature’s answer to diabetes. Today,

almost 100 studies have demonstrated the blood sugar lowering effect of this

bitter fruit. According to Dr. A. Raman and Dr. C. Lau, who reviewed over 150

pre-clinical and clinical studies on ampalaya’s anti-diabetes properties and

phytochemistry, conclude that, “Oral administration of fruit juice or seed powder

of bitter melon causes a reduction in fasting blood glucose and improves glucose


Perhaps not too many people know that there are natural weapons

against disease that can be grown right in the garden or farm. One such weapon

is the wrinkly green vegetable with a distinctive bitter taste called bitter

gourd/Ampalaya. In terms of nutritional contents, the fruits and leaves of

Amplaya are reportedly rich in minerals and vitamins, notably iron, calcium,

phosphorous and Vitamin B. In the Philippines, it is prepared into various dishes:

it be stir-fried with ground beef and oyster sauce, or with eggs and diced tomato.

A very popular dish in Ilocos region is the “pinakbet”, which consists mainly of

Ampalaya, eggplant, okra, string beans, tomatoes, lima beans, and other various

regional vegetables with stewed with little bagoong stock. Philippine traditional

medicine attributes many medicinal properties to Ampalaya. Books and articles

on the Philippine medicinal plants list several diseases where Ampalaya is

apparently beneficial. Bitter gourd is also used to treat sterility in women and it
can supposedly alleviate liver problems. Likewise, it is claimed that bitter gourd

has some antimicrobial activity and can help infected wounds (Henrylito D. Tacio


Some people think that it tastes very awful and probably think to throw it to

garbage cans if ever they do not like the taste on it. But behind its bitter taste lies

the sweetest benefits it can offer. Bitter gourd contains several antioxidant

compounds that have been proven effective against free radicals. Multiple

studies have found that fruit of bitter melon are beneficial phenolic compounds

with the ability to reduce harmful oxidants (Malia Frey, 2020). It also contains

insulin which is known to lower blood sugar level and cure diabetes. Aside from

mentioned, there are numerous benefits that we can get from it.

Recently, laboratory tests suggest that compounds in Ampalaya might be

effective for treating HIV infection. As most compounds isolated from bitter melon

that impact HIV have either been proteins or glycoproteins lectins, neither of

which are well-absorbed, it is unlikely that oral intake of Ampalaya will slow HIV

in infected people. It is possible oral ingestion of ampalaya that could offset

negative effects of anti-HIV drugs, if a test tube study can be shown to be

applicable to people. In one preliminary clinical trial, an enema form of ampalaya

extract showed some benefits in people infected with HIV (Lito Abelarde, 2010).

Since bitter gourd Momordica charantia is nutritious and healthy food with

a distinctive bitter flavor and it is also widely exploited in folklore medicine.

Because of that the researchers came up to make a bitter gourd Momordica

charantia dougnut, that aims to promote healthy food snack. Since bitter gourd,

also abundant here in the Philippines as an agricultural product.

According to Classical Theory by Aristotle and Galen, the food is the

essence and the first condition of life. Not surprisingly, all the universal natural

science concepts have been including the theory of nutrition as their important

and essential part. The food should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates,

vitamins, and minerals and water. The need for particular amount of food as well

as the particular nutrients may depend on the age for children and for the type

work and living conditions for adults. To better meet this need of the body, it is

necessary to know how much energy is being consumed on a daily basis it is

known for a fact that energy produced by the body eventually being released as

heat (Bayukanskiy,1954).

The theory above explain that in our society food plays important role in

our daily life. Eating food with good source of minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats,

and carbohydrates can give a healthy body and mind. With these, people can

avoid and prevent from diseases and can help adapt a healthy lifestyle. That’s

why the researchers conduct this study as Bitter gourd Momordica charantia

Doughnut since the bitter gourd has a lot of nutrients that beneficial to our health.

Food Choice and Social theory. Choosing healthy foods is hard since

there is nothing inherently unique about choices that impact health. There are

several psychological factors that make the choice of a healthy option difficult.

These choices tend to force tradeoffs between present and future costs and
benefits. In particular, whereas most benefits of unhealthy options and far future.

The reverse is true for healthy options: most costs are certain and immediate, but

many potential benefits are uncertain and far in the future.

The factors influencing food choice are categorized as those related to the

food, to the person, making the choice is made. Some chemical properties of

food will be perceived by the person in terms of sensory attributes, e.g. flavor,

texture, or appearance.

Other components in the foods will have effects upon the person, e.g.

reducing hunger, and the learning of the association between the sensory

attributes of a food and its post-ingestional consequences appears to be a major

mechanism by which preference developed. Marketing and economic variables,

as well as social, cultural, religious or demographic factors are also likely to be

very important (Murcott, 1989; Shephered, 1989). This motion supports the

pursuit of this study which introduces a unique kind of kind of bitter gourd

Momordica charantia doughnut.

Aside from the theory that mentioned above, this study also related to

some legal bases. The 1987 Constitution of Republic of the Philippines, Article

XIV Section X support this study which states that:

Science and technology are essential for national development and

progress. The state shall give priority to research and development,
invention, innovation, And their utilization; and to science and
technology education, training, and services. It shall support
indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant, scientific and technological
capabilities, and their application to the country’s productive
systems and national life.
In addition Article II Section XV which states that, “the state shall protect

and promote the right to health of the people and in still health consciousness

among them”.

This section means health promotion must involve to all people and all

places at all times requiring concerted and collaborative efforts among the

various national and local government agencies as well as the private sector and

in order to prevent people from capturing disease.

According to Republic Act No. 10611 otherwise known as “Food Safety

Act of 2013”. It states that the law primarily adheres to the Philippine

Constitution’s declaration to protect and promote the right of the people to health

and keep its populace from the threat of trade malpractices and substandard and

hazardous product.

With these as pronouncements, the country shall support and advocate for

a farm to fork food safety regulatory system which guarantee high level of food

safety, promotes fair trade and fosters the competitiveness of the country’s food

and products. The law primarily aims to strengthen the food safety regulatory

system in the country. Specifically to protect the public from food-borne and

water-borne illnesses and unsanitary, unwholesome, misbranded or adulterated


Bitter gourd doughnut talked about the importance and its uses to the

society and how it helps to improve our daily lifestyle. Since, some people didn’t

manage to eat a healthy product like bitter gourd. The researchers will study this
kind of product to let the entire world see the importance of bitter gourd in human

life, and also to a diabetic person. This study will lead to innovations in the food

technology industry making new generations become aware of what they intake

which have a great help too their health of the said provision.


Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study is to innovate and assess the sensory

evaluation of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut in three treatments

among the respondents in Bohol Island State University - Main Campus,

Tagbilaran, City during the Academic Year 2021-2022.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut in terms


1.1 ingredients used and cost;

1.2 tools and equipment needed; and

1.3 procedures?

2. What is the shelf life of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut among

the three treatments?

3. What is the sensory description of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia

Doughnut in terms of aroma, color, taste and texture among the three

4. What is the respondents’ preference level of Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut in terms of aroma, color, taste and texture among the

three treatments?

5. Is there a significant difference in the respondents’ preference level of Bitter

Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut and its sensory evaluation among the

three treatments in terms of, aroma, color, taste and texture?

6. What technology guide could be proposed based on the results of the study?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference in the respondents’ preferences level of

Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut and its sensory evaluation in terms

of aroma, color, taste, and texture among the three treatments.

Significance of the study

The researchers believe that the study of Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut would be beneficial to the following:

Administrators. This study shall serve as a contribution to the school

administrators to help it create more programs/projects on production of healthy

foods for the good of all people, specially to the students. It will also help them to

encourage students to appreciate healthy foods in the canteen.

Food Technology Student. This will help them to get more learning

about the food that they cooked and the nutritive value on it.
Parents. This study will help them on their relation with their children to

encourage them to eat vegetables/heathy foods and keep their whole family


Entrepreneurs. This will help them to encourage them to make a healthy

products for the consumers.

Consumers. This study would help them to encourage their self to eat

healthy snacks.

Farmers. This would help them to increase the demand of Bitter Gourd in

the market and also help them to gain their income

Future Researchers. This study will help the future researchers to seek

for more information in our research.


Research Design
This study used an experimental and descriptive research using single-

group design in which it involves a single treatment with two or more levels. The

experimental design was used to determine the different formulations in order to

come up with a quality result of the study as to the sensory evaluation of bitter

gourd doughnut.

While the descriptive design was used to determine the sensory

evaluation of bitter gourd doughnut in terms or aroma, color, taste and texture.
As well as the shelf life of the three treatments which vary in the measurement of

blended bitter gourd.

Environment and Participants

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this study was conducted at home of

each researchers. The participants was the family members of the researchers,

who determine the sensory evaluation and the preference level of the Bitter

Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut in each treatment.


The researchers formulated and used questionnaires to obtain the data in

terms of aroma, color, taste and texture. The questionnaire was utilized as

research instrument because it is more reliable and accessible, easy to distribute

and handy than interview. The attributes of the questionnaire will base on the 4

senses used when tasting the food. The respondents answered the

questionnaire by checking the column that were corresponds to their choices (1)

Not Preferred (2) Slightly Preferred, (3) Moderately Preferred, (4) Very Much

Preferred. Each treatment was taste by the respondents one at a time and they

were rate the product afterwards.


1. Permission to conduct the study

The researchers asked permission from the Campus Director and from the

Dean of the College of Technology and Allied Sciences of Bohol Island State

University to conduct the study. After getting the permission, the researchers

started conducting the study.

2. Preparation of the Ingredients, Tools, and Equipments

In the preparation of making the Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia

Doughnut in different treatments, the researchers prepared all the ingredients,

tools, and equipment to be used and so with the procedure. The researchers

measured the bitter gourd in three treatments, which is in the first treatment it

had 100 grams of bitter gourd, the second treatment had 130 grams and the third

treatment had 160 grams.

3. Making of the Product

In making the products, trials were the essential factor that the

researchers did in order to acquire the right characteristics and ingredients being

used in making Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia doughnut in three different


4. Tasting of the Formulated Products

After the preparation and the making of the treatments of Bitter Gourd

Momordica charantia Doughnut, the researchers distributed the finish product to

the respondent for tasting. The respondents was given the three treatments. A

glass of water was given after tasting one treatment in order to replenish the

flavors in preparation to the next treatment.

5. Distribution of Questionnaire

Before the participants were given sample products, the test questionnaire

were also distributed to determine the acceptability of Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut in different three treatments. The respondents were given

instructions for them to answers the questions sincerely and enough time were

given to them. They are also compelled to give comments and suggestion for the

improvement of the study.

6. Gathering of Data

After the respondents answered the questionnaires, the researchers

collected and gathered all the questionnaires.

7. Analysis of Data

After gathering of data, analysis of the data was done by means of

computing all the raw data collected with the help of statistician.

8. Interpretation of Data

After all the raw data were collected and analyzed the observation were

tallied, computed, and interpreted as basis for summary and findings.

9. Summary and Findings

Summary and findings must follow after the interpretation. It is important to

give provide it brief, concise, and clear findings that corresponds to the problem.

10. Conclusion and Recommendations

Conclusion and generalizations about the study were given based on the

findings of the study. Recommendations were given to help in the development

of the product for the future process and would base on findings being shown.

11. Technology Guide

After giving the conclusion and recommendations about the study, technology

guide was applied.

Statistical Treatment

To determine the sensory description of Bitter gourd Momordica charantia

Doughnut and respondent’s preference level of the product in different

treatments in terms of aroma, color taste and texture, the researchers used the

weighted mean. After getting the weighted mean, the researchers interpreted the

results on sensory description using the following scale.

Range Aroma Color Taste Texture

3.25 - 4.00 Very Golden Extremely Extremely Soft

Pleasant Brown Bitter

2.50 – 3.24 Pleasant Brown Moderately Moderately

Bitter Soft

1.75 – 2.49 Slightly Dull Brown Slightly Bitter Slightly Soft

1.00 – 1.74 Unpleasant Dark Brown Bland Stifle

Further, the responses on the preference level was interpreted using the

following scale:

Range Descriptive Rating

3.25 – 4.00 Very Much Preferred

2.50 – 3.24 Moderately Preferred

1.75 – 2.49 Slightly Preferred

1.00 – 1.74 Not Preferred

To identify if there is significant difference in the respondent’s preference

level among the three treatments of Bitter Gourd Doughnut in terms of aroma,

color, taste and texture in the three treatments, the One-way analysis of variance

ANOVA was used with the formula;



F = F- value

MS T = mean sum of squares due to treatment

MS E = mean sum of squares due to error

The computed F – value was compared to the tabular F – value at

5% level of significance with the specific degree of freedom.

Taking plans to action

Preparation of Materials needed

Making of the product

Tasting of the Formulated Products

Gathering of Data

Analysis Data

Interpretation of Data

Summary and Findings

Conclusion and Recommendations

Proposed Technology Guide

Figure 2. Flow Chart


The following are the terms that describes about Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut and how it was being process:

Aroma. Refers to the distinctive odor of the Bitter Gourd Momordica

chrantia doughnut presented in this study.

Bitter Gourd. A young, tender, edible fruit-pod in the Momordica genus

climbing vines.

Doughnut. A small tasty fried dough, typically in the shape of a ball or ring

and the main product of the study.

Color. The outer side of the doughnut is golden brown and a pale green

in inner part.

Descriptive Test. The test used in assessing the sensory evaluation as to

aroma, color, taste and texture.

Preference Test. Refers to the degree of likeness based on the 4- point

Hedonic scale. It refers to how the respondents accept the Bitter Gourd

Momordica charantia Muffin in terms of aroma, color, taste and texture after

Respondents. Used to evaluate the bitter gourd doughnut.

Sensory Evaluation. Used to determine the sensory evaluation of bitter

gourd doughnut.

Shelf life. The length of time or period that food like Bitter Gourd

Momordica charantia Muffin may be stored and still be good to eat.

Taste. Refers to the distinctive flavor of the Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia doughnut.

Texture. The way that food feels by your hand. Use to describe the

properties of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut as it will be perceived

in the hand by touching the product.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of

data. The researchers will present the profile of the Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut in terms of ingredients used and cost, tools and equipment,

procedures, shelf life, sensory description, the preference level, and the

difference on the level of preference of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia


Table 1
Ingredients and Costing of Bitter Gourd Doughnut

Actual Unit Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

Materials Unit
Cost Cost
Quantity Cost Quantity Cost Quantity Cost
Bitter Gourd P 90.00/ 1000g 0.09 g 100 P 9.00 130 P 11.7 160 P 14.4
P 18.50/ 0.037
1st Class Flour g 300 P 11.1 300 P 11.1 300 P 11.1
P 36.00/ 0.072
Oil g 166.6 P12.00 166.6 P 12.00 166.6 P12.00
Egg P 7.00 7.00 pc 1 P7.00 1 P 7.00 1 P7.00
P 54.95/ 0.22
Butter g 10 P 2.20 10 P 2.20 10 P 2.20
P 14.00/ 0.117
Vanilla mL 4 P 0.47 4 P 0.47 4 P 0.47
Yeast P 29.5/ 50g 0.59 g 4 P 2.36 4 P 2.36 5 P 2.36
Evaporated P 21.00/ 0.168
g 60 P 10.00 60 P 10.00 60 P 10.00
Milk 125mL
P 42.5/ 0.085
Sugar g 80 P 6.8 80 P 6.8 80 P 6.8
TOTAL COST P 60.93 P 63.63 P 66.33
10% Operating Expenses P 6.09 P 6.36 P 6.63
10% Direct Labor P 6.09 P 6.36 P 6.63
30% Mark Up P 18.23 P 15.50 P 19.9
YIELD 23 pcs (40g each) 25pcs (40g each) 27pcs (40g each)
Running Total Cost P 91.34 P 91.50 P 99.49
Selling Price per Piece P 9.13 P 9.15 P 10.00

Table 2
Tools and Equipment


2 Pcs Mixing Bowl

1 Set Tablespoon
1 Set Teaspoon
1 Pc Sharp Knife
1 Pc Blender
1 Pc Strainer
1 Pc Frying Pan
3 Pcs Plate
1 Pc Weighing Scale
1 Pc Ladle
1 Pc Wire Whisk
2 Pcs. Spoon

The table 2 shows the different tools and equipment used in the

preparation of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut among the three

different treatments.

A. Procedures

Before performing all the treatments, prepare first all the tools, and equipment

to be needed.
1. Wash the Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia and cut into small pieces then


2. Measure all the ingredients exactly also the blended bitter gourd.

3. In a mixing bowl, put the vanilla, egg, butter, blended bitter gourd, and

sugar mix it well.

4. Put the warm milk in the cup then add the yeast and sugar then set aside

for 5 minutes.
5. When the yeast risen their volumes add it on the butter mixture, add also

the flour, then knead until smooth and elastic. It will stand for 20-30


6. After the dough become smooth and elastic rest it for at least 30-40


7. Weigh the dough into 40g each. And mold it.

8. Heat the oil in a pan for deep frying on a moderate flame. Once the oil is

hot drop the raw doughnuts carefully one by one into it. Deep fry until

golden brown.
Table 3

Shelf life of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut

of Room Temperature Refrigerated

Treatment Treatment

1 2 3 1 2 3
No changes No changes No changes No changes No changes No changes of
of aroma, of aroma, of aroma, of aroma, of aroma, aroma, color,
color, taste color, taste color, taste color, taste color, taste taste and
and texture. and texture. and texture. and texture. and texture. texture.
No changes No changes No changes
of aroma, of aroma, of aroma,
No changes No changes No changes of
color, and color, and color, and
of aroma, of aroma, aroma, color,
taste, but the taste, but the taste, but the
2 color, and color, and and taste, but
texture texture texture
taste, but the taste, but the the texture
slightly soft slightly soft slightly soft
texture firm. texture firm. firm..
and beome and beome and beome
oily. oily. oily.
No changes
of color, but
No changes of
the texture
No changes No changes aroma, color
become firm, No changes No changes
of aroma, of aroma, and the texture
the aroma of aroma, of aroma,
color, and color, and become firm,
3 become color, and color, and
taste, but the taste, but the the taste was
slightly taste, but the taste, but the
texture texture nasty to eat no
unpleasant texture firm. texture firm.
become firm. become firm. longer safe for
and no longer
safe for
No changes No changes No changes
No changes
of color, but of color, but of aroma,
of aroma, No changes of
the texture the texture color and the
color and the aroma, color
become firm, become firm, Molds started texture
texture and the texture
the aroma the aroma to grow, and become firm,
become firm, become firm,
4 become become no longer the taste was
the taste was the taste was
slightly slightly safe for nasty to eat
nasty to eat nasty to eat no
unpleasant unpleasant consumption. no longer
no longer longer safe for
and no longer and no longer safe for
safe for consumption.
safe for safe for consumption
consumption. consumption. .

Table 3 shows the shelf life of the Bitter Gourd Doughnut when stored and

observed in a room temperature and cold temperature. Treatment 1 had 100

grams of Bitter gourd, treatment 2 had 130 grams of Bitter gourd, treatment 3

had 160 of bitter gourd. In the table it shows how long the doughnut is still safe

for consumption. The table also shows when the doughnut was totally damage.

It was found out that the Bitter Gourd Doughnut in terms of room

temperature the treatment 1 and 2 was still safe for consumption until three days,

on day 4 the aroma of treatment 1 and 2 become unpleasant, and no longer safe

for consumption. Treatment 3 is safe for consumption in 2 days, and on day 3 the

aroma of the doughnut become unpleasant and on day 4 molds started to grow

and no longer safe for consumption.

In cold temperature, treatment 1 and 2 was still safe for consumption until

3 days, on day 4 the taste of the doughnut become nasty to eat and no longer

safe for consumption. Treatment 3 was still safe for consumption until two days,

and on day 3 the taste of the doughnut become nasty to eat and no longer safe

for consumption on day 4.

Table 4
Description Test of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut
N= 20

Sensory Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

Evaluation AWM Description AWM Description AWM Description
Very Very Very
Aroma 3.65 3.45 3.55
Pleasant Peasant Pleasant
Color 3.15 Brown 3 Brown 2.85 Brown
Slightly Moderately
Taste 1.7 Bland 2.3 3.05
Bitter Bitter
Texture 3.15 Soft 3.15 Soft 3.2 Soft
Table 4 displays the result of description test of Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut in different treatment of its aroma, color, taste, and texture.

In terms aroma, the three treatment got the highest rating and described

as very pleasant. The respondents liked the aroma in three treatments even if

they have different measurement of Bitter Gourd.

In terms of color, the three treatment got the highest rating and describe

as brown. The respondents meet that the three treatment have the same color

when the doughnut is cook even if they have different measurement of Bitter


In terms of taste, treatment 3 got the highest rating of 3.05 and describe

as moderately bitter. On the other hand, treatment 1 got the lowest rating of 1.7

and describe as bland. Thus, the more amount of blended bitter gourd presents

in its bitter taste of the doughnut.

In terms of texture, the treatment 1 and 2 got the highest rating of 3.15

and describe as soft. On the other hand, the treatment 3 got 3.2 and describe as

soft. The respondents like the texture of the three treatment, because the

researcher followed the procedure on making the doughnut with the same rising

Table 5

Preference Test of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut

N= 20

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

Sensory (100g of blended (130g of blended (160g of blended

Evaluation Bitter Gourd) Bitter Gourd) Bitter Gourd)
AWM Description AWM Description AWM Description
Moderately Very Much Moderately
Aroma 3.5 3.35 3.4
Preferred Preferred Preferred
Very Much Very Much Moderately
Color 3.25 3.25 3.15
Preferred Preferred Preferred
Moderately Moderately Moderately
Taste 3.1 2.85 2.7
Preferred Preferred Preferred
Moderately Very much Moderately
Texture 2.5 3.3 3.2
Preferred Preferred Preferred
Moderately Very much Moderately
Average 3.08 3.43 3.11
Preferred Preferred Preferred
Rank 2nd 1st 3rd

Table 5 displays the result of Preference Test of Bitter Goud Doughnut in

terms of aroma, color, taste, and texture.

It is shown in the table that Treatment 2 with 130g of blended Bitter Gourd

got the highest average weighted mean of 3.43 described as “Very Much

Preferred”. It was then followed by Treatment 1 with 100g of blended Bitter

Gourd with 3.08 average weighted mean described as “Moderately Preferred”

and Treatment 3 with 160g of blended Bitter Gourd got average of weighted

mean with 3.11 describe as “Moderately Preferred. Based on the data gathered,
in overall ranking Treatment 2 ranked 1 st in the preference test since this

treatment is most preferred meets the respondents’ standard in terms of aroma,

color, taste, and texture.

Table 6

ANOVA Test in the Differences of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia


N= 20

Tabular F-
Computed F-
Value Description Conclusion
Difference Value

At 5% level of significance
3.16 Accept Null
Aroma 0.22 Insignificant
3.16 Accept Null
Color 0.11 Insignificant
3.16 Accept Null
Taste 1.27 Insignificant
3.16 Accept Null
Texture 0.07 Insignificant

The table above shows the difference on the Preference Test of Bitter

Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut in terms aroma, color, taste, and texture.

The result reveals that there was no significant difference in terms of

aroma, color, taste, and, texture in Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut

since the Computed F- Value of the three treatments is lower than the Tabular F-

Value. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusion, and

recommendation of the study based on the analysis and interpretation of the

data. This chapter contains propose technology guide for the utilization of Bitter

Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut.


The main objective of this study was to determine the sensory evaluation

of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut in terms of aroma, color, taste,

and texture among the three treatments. Moreover, it also aimed to formulate a

propose technology guide.

This study was conducted at the researchers’ home. The respondents

were composed of 20 family members of the researchers. The respondents were

chosen to identify the aroma, color, taste, and texture of Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut.

The sensory evaluation of the different treatment of Bitter Gourd

Momordica charantia Doughnut was verified as aroma, color, taste, and texture.

The shelf-life of the doughnut was also determined in order to identify that the
Bitter Gourd Doughnut could consume for a long period of time and could use for

future production.

Questionnaire was provided and the respondents were given instructions

for them to answers the questions sincerely and enough time were given to them.

There were also complied to give comments and suggestion for the improvement

if the study.

After the respondents answered the questionnaires, the researchers

collected and gathered all the questionnaires. The data were tallied and

computed and the researcher used the 4 – Point Hedonic Scale to identify the

description test and the weighted mean will be computed. The 4 – Point Hedonic

Scale also used to identify the respondents preference level in the three

treatments in terms of aroma, color, taste, and texture. To determine if there is a

significant difference in the respondents’ preference level of Bitter Gourd

Momordica charantia Doughnut and its sensory evaluation among the three

treatments, aroma, color, taste and texture, the one - way analysis of variance

(ANOVA) was used.


After the data were analyzed and interpreted accordingly, the researchers

of the study which entitled Sensory Evaluation of Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut come up with the following:

1. The description of Bitter Gourd Momordica chrantia Doughnut

1.1 Cost and Ingredients

The researchers used the same amount of ingredients for the three

treatments except for the measurement of the blended Bitter Gourd which

is the treatment 1 consist of 100g, treatment 2 consist of 130g, and the

treatment 3 consist of 160g of blended bitter gourd. The costing of the

different treatments implies that the product could be sold for affordable


1.2 Tools and Equipment

In making the Bitter Gourd Doughnut, the researchers used the

basic tools and equipment in the kitchen. We used measurement

apparatus like mixing bowl, to do the mixing to our batter mixture. We also

used weighing- scale for the exact amount of the Bitter Gourd in the three

different treatments.

1.3 Procedure

The researchers followed the procedure by step by step on making

the Bitter Gourd Doughnut in three process. The procedures were also

provided with picture in order to have a better view and knowledge of the


2. The shelf life of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut among the

three treatments.

The shelf life of the Bitter Gourd Doughnut observed in a room

temperature and cold temperature. In a room it has been found out that it can
only last up to 1-3 days for the treatment 1 and 2, the treatment 3 can only

last up to 1-2 days. It was found out that the more bitter gourd contained on

the doughnut it takes only few days for consumption. In cold temperature the

days of the consumption was similar to the room temperature.

3. The sensory description of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut

in terms of:

The aroma of the Bitter Gourd Doughnut in the three treatment was

describe as Very Pleasant. On the other hand, the color of the Bitter Gourd

Doughnut in all treatment was described as Brown. Furthermore, the taste of

the treatment 1 was describe as Bland, treatment 2 was describe as Slightly

Bitter and the treatment 3 was describe as Moderately Bitter. Additionally, the

texture of the Bitter Gourd Doughnut in all treatment describe as Moderately


4. The Respondents Preference Test of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia

Doughnut in terms of:

4.1 Aroma

The treatment 3 got the weighted mean of 3.4 description of

“Moderately Preferred” treatment 1 got the lower weighted mean than

treatment 2 which is 3.5 and was describe as “Moderately Preferred” and

treatment 2 got the highest weighted mean of 3.35 which was describe as

“Very Much Preferred”.

4.2 Color

Treatment 3 got the weighted mean of 3.15 description of

“Moderately Preferred”. Treatment 2 and treatment 1 got the highest

weighted mean of 3.25 describe as “Very Much Preferred”.

4.3 Taste

Treatment 3 got the lowest weighted mean which is 2.7 and was

describe as “Moderately Preferred”, treatment 2 got the weighted mean of

2.85 which was describe as “Moderately Preferred” and treatment 1 got

the highest weighted mean of 3.1 among the other treatment and describe

as “Moderately Preferred”.

4.4 Texture

Treatment 1 got the weighted mean of 2.5 which was describe as

“Moderately Preferred”, treatment 3 got the weighted mean of 3.2 which

was describe as “Moderately Preferred” and the treatment 2 got the

highest weighted mean of 3.3 which was describe as “Very Much


5. Difference in the degree of Preference of the Bitter Gourd Momordica

charantia Doughnut among the three treatment in terms of aroma, color,

taste, and texture.

Among the three treatments, it was found out that there is no

significant difference in the preference test in terms of aroma, color, taste,

and texture since the Computed F- Value of the three treatments is lower than

the Tabular F- Value.


Based on the data that the researchers gathered about the Bitter

Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut, all treatments were acceptable to the

respondents in terms of aroma, color, taste and texture. The sensory

description shows insignificant which the null hypothesis was accepted.


Based on the findings and conclusion drawn from the study, the

researchers came up the following recommendations;

1. BISU Administration; Faculty and Staff may assist, encourage and

support for the further development and product of Bitter Gourd


2. Food Technology teachers may promote the use of Bitter Gourd


3. Students may apply flavorings to improve the product.

4. Entrepreneurs may use the product to engage in a business as a

new source of income.

5. Future researchers may conduct related studies of the product its

high acceptability and also recommendation to make other kind of

product that has Bitter Gourd.

6. In order to have an accurate measurement of the ingredients the

researcher recommend you to use an electric weighing scale.

7. Consumers may enhance this study and improve this study to

enhance the taste of the product.


BITTER GOURD Momordica charantia DOUGHNUT


Benefits of Bitter Gourd Retrieve From;


Food choice and social theory І Indiana Food Review, (2017)
Retrieve 18 September 2017, From

(Gerald P. McNeill, (2014). Doughnuts From

Henrylito D. Tacio (2010). Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd Retrieve; February 25,
From https://www- food-

Kate Patton, Med, RD, CSSD, LD, (2020). Effect of eating Doughnuts
From http://health-clevelandclinic-

Philippine Constitution of 1987. Retrieve; 31 July 2018. From

Rachel Link, MS, RD. (2019) Healthline Retrieved; 20 February 2019 From;

Rebublic Act No. 10611. Retrieve; 20 February 2015. From


Republic of the Philippines

Main Campus
Tagbilaran City


Adviser, Editor, Statistician

Thesis Title

Sensory Evaluation of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut

Group Leader: Ritchel B. Anub

Group Members: Estefanie Cayacay
Bryan Poringuez

The group will request for: Ms. Charlene Eve Saligumba as their
Dr. Mary Grace Ramada as their Editor; and
Dr. Josephine Nalzaro as their
to help the researchers to complete their research endeavour as one of the
requirements in the subjects Technology Research 1 and 2 for SY 2020-

Noted by:
Request approved by:
_________________________ _________________________
(Signature of Research Adviser) (Signature of Editor)

(Signature of Statistician)


Republic of the Philippines

Main Campus
Tagbilaran, City
April 12, 2021


Campus Director
Bohol Island State University Main Campus
Dean, College of Technology and Allied Sciences

Greetings of peace and goodwill!

As part of the academic requirements, the undersigned BSIT Food Technology III – 1
student is currently conducting a research study with the title “Sensory Evaluation of
Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut”. In this connection, the undersigned
humbly asks for your approval to conduct the study within the College of Technology and
Allied Sciences and to utilize their permanent faculty members as the study’s
With the ongoing pandemic, rest assured that the undersigned and her group members
will observe the proper health protocol to keep everyone safe during the entire conduct
of the study.
We are hoping for your consideration and approval to this request.

Thank you and God Bless!

Respectfully yours,

Research Group Leader



Research Adviser

Recommending Approval:
Dean, College of Technology and Allied Sciences



Campus Director


Observation Guide

Room Temperature Refrigerated
Treatment Treatment
1 2 3 1 2 3

Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus
Tagbilaran, City


Dear Respondents,
As part of the academic requirements, the researchers are conducting the
study with the title “Sensory Evaluation of Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia
Doughnut” in partial fulfilment for the subject Technology Research. In
connection with this, the researchers humbly ask for your cooperation in rating
our product using the questionnaire that will be distributed.
Your kind participation will greatly help the researchers in accomplishing
their research endeavor.
Thank you!

The Researchers
I, the undersigned confirm that (please tick the box appropriately)
1 I have understood the purpose of the thesis study and what it is all
2 I have been given the opportunity to ask question about the
research project and my participation to it.
3 I agree to voluntarily participate in the research project.
4 The procedure regarding confidentiality have been clearly
explained to me (that my name will not be indicated, and there will
be anonymity of data)
5 I very well understand that I can withdraw from the research project
any time without the need to justify and penalizing my action.
6 I accept the offer to be part of the research project and thus give
my full consent.
7 I, along the researcher, agree to sign this informed consent.

________________ ________________ ________________
Name of Participant Signature Date

Score Sheet for PreferenceTest

Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Instructions: Please evaluate these coded samples based on the given

descriptions. Check the appropriate description of each attributes.

121 122 123

Aroma _______ _______ ______

Color _______ _______ _______

Taste _______ _______ _______

Texture _______ _______ _______

4 - Point Hedonic Scale

(4) Very Much Preferred

(3) Moderately Preferred

(2) Slightly Preferred

(1) Not Preferred


______________________________________________. Thank you.


Score Sheet for Sensory DescriptionTest

Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia Doughnut

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Instructions: Please evaluate these coded samples based on the given
descriptions. Check the appropriate description of each attributes.
121 122 123
(4) Very Pleasant _____ _____ _____
(3) Pleasant _____ _____ _____
(2) Slightly Pleasant _____ _____ _____
(1) Unpleasant _____ _____ _____


(4) Golden Brown _____ _____ _____

(3) Brown _____ _____ _____
(2) Dull Brown _____ _____ _____
(1) Dark Brown _____ _____ _____


(4) Extremely Bitter _____ _____ _____

(3) Very Bitter _____ _____ _____
(2) Slightly Bitter _____ _____ _____
(1) Bland _____ _____ _____


(4) Extremely Soft _____ _____ _____

(3) Moderately Soft _____ _____ _____
(2) Slightly Soft _____ _____ _____
(1) Stifle _____ _____ _____
______________________________________________________. Thank you



BITTER GOURD Momordica Charantia Doughnut

Respondent Colo Tast
s Aroma r e Texture
No. T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3

1 4 4 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 3 3 3
2 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 3
3 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 3 3
4 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3
5 2 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 3 3 3 3
6 2 3 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 2 3 3
7 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 3 4 4 4
8 4 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 3 3 4 4
9 4 4 4 3 2 4 1 2 3 4 4 4
10 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 4 4
11 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 4 4
12 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 2 3 4 4 4
13 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3
14 3 2 2 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 2
15 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
16 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2
17 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 4
18 3 3 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 4
19 4 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 2
20 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 4 2 2 2
Total: 73 69 71 63 60 57 34 46 61 63 63 64
3. 3.5 3.1
Mean: 7 3.45 5 5 3 2.85 1.7 2.3 3.1 3.15 3.15 3.2


BITTER GOURD Momordica charantia Doughnut

Arom Colo
Respondents Taste Texture
a r
No. T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3
1 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 2 1 4 4 3
2 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3
4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3
5 3 4 2 4 4 2 2 3 3 2 3 2
6 3 4 2 4 4 2 2 4 3 2 3 2
7 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 1 3 4 4 4
8 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4
9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4
10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4
11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 4
12 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4
13 2 3 4 3 3 3 1 2 2 4 4 4
14 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
15 3 3 4 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3
16 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2
17 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 4
18 3 3 3 4 2 4 2 2 3 3 2 4
19 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 3
20 3 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 2
TOTAL: 70 67 68 65 65 63 62 57 54 65 66 64
MEAN: 3.5 3.35 3.4 3.25 3.25 3.15 2.85 2.7 3.25 3.3 3.2
Momordica charantia DOUGHNUT


Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average e
Column 1 20 70 3.5 4
Column 2 20 67 3.35 3
Column 3 20 68 3.4 1

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
0.23333 0.11666 0.80390 3.15884
Between Groups 3 2 7 0.21911 6 3
Within Groups 30.35 57 6

Total 3 59        


Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 20 65 3.25 0.513158
Column 2 20 65 3.25 0.723684
Column 3 20 63 3.15 0.660526

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.133333 2 0.066667 0.105409 0.900131 3.158843
Within Groups 36.05 57 0.632456
Total 36.18333 59        


Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 20 62 3.1 0.936842
Column 2 20 57 2.85 0.555263
Column 3 20 54 2.7 0.431579

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 1.633333 2 0.816667 1.273598 0.287664 3.158843
Within Groups 36.55 57 0.641228

Total 38.18333 59        


Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Column 1 20 65 3.25 0.828947368
Column 2 20 66 3.3 0.642105263
Column 3 20 64 3.2 0.694736842
Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 0.93316 3.15884
Groups 0.1 2 0.05 0.069258809 4 3
Within Groups 41.15 57 8

Total 41.25 59        



Name : Ritchel B. Anub

Nickname : Chel
Date of Birth : February 07, 2000
Place of Birth : Cambigsi, Bilar, Bohol
Age : 21
Address : Cambigsi, Bilar, Bohol
Civil Status : Single
Gender : Female
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Father’s name : Rito B. Anub
Mother’s Name : Sofia B. Anub

Elementary : Cambigsi Elementary School
Cambigsi, Bilar, Bohol
Secondary : Bilar National High School
Yanaya Bilar, Bohol
Tertiary : Bohol Island State University – Main Campus
C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Course : Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Major in Food Technology
Motto :” If you believe you can achieve”.


Name : Bryan E. Poringuez

Nickname : Bry
Date of Birth : September 22, 1999
Place of Birth : Suba, Talibon, Bohol
Age : 21
Address : Suba, Talibon, Bohol
Civil Status : Single
Gender : male
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Father’s name : Normelito Poringuez
Mother’s Name : Raquel Elarina

Elementary : Jao Elementary School
Secondary : Mayor Catalino Y. Casoyla Memorial High School
Tertiary : Bohol Island State University – Main Campus
C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Course : Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Major in Food Technology
Motto: “If your absent during my struggle, Don’t expect to be
Present during my success”.


Name : Estefanie Cayacay

Nickname : Panie
Date of Birth : August 26, 2000
Place of Birth : Sta. Cruz Batuan, Bohol
Age : 20
Address : Inaghuban, Pilar, Bohol
Civil Status : Single
Gender : Female
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Father’s name : Eduardo Jahil
Mother’s Name : Evelyn R. Cayacay


Elementary : Inaghuban Elementary School

Inaghuban, Pilar, Bohol
Secondary : Pilar-Technical-Vocational High School
Poblacion, Pilar, Bohol
Tertiary : Bohol Island State University – Main Campus
C.P.G. North Avenue, Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Course : Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Major in Food Technology
Motto : ”Education is the best weapon to survive”.

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