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Paper No.


Ultimate Limit STate of Linear Elements

for Bending Section 8 of IRC: 112 Flexural
Analysis of Beams
T. Viswanathan*
This paper explains the section 8 IRC 112 Ultimate Limit States of Linear Elements for Bending Covering the flexural analysis of beams. It covers the basic
principles, different stress blocks and also design of rectangular beams, T.Beams and doubly Reinforced beams. Uses of Horizontal branch and sloping
branch of stress strain diagrams for steel also have been explained. Examples of designing beams as well as checking of beams have been covered in great

1 Introduction are shown below.

The limit state code for concrete bridges was

published during November 2011. As per this
code, the structure has to be designed for ultimate
limit state and checked for serviceability limit
state requirements. As the approach is new to the
bridge engineers, in order to popularize the code,
several measures have been adopted by various
agencies. The Indian Roads Congress is in the Fig. 1 Stress Blocks
process of bringing out an explanatory handbook. The value of can be obtained from
The Indian Concrete Institute, New Delhi Centre table 6.5 of IRC: 112 and the value of λ of and η can be
had organized a 3 days workshop in New Delhi. obtained from clause 2.9 of Annexure A2. Designer can
Similar workshop is also expected to be arranged use any of the stress blocks, but the most common are,
the parabolic stress block and rectangular stress block.
by IABSE shortly.
The design value of concrete compressive strength
In order to make the engineers more familiar with . For accidental
IRC: 112, this article will explain a part of section 8 of
limit state code giving a detailed procedure, along with combination γm=1.2.
worked out examples for the design of beams which
are under flexure. 3 Average Stress Approach
It will be difficult to compute the total compress force
2 Stress Blocks in the parabolic stress block due to the nature of the
diagram. The degree of this parabola is given in column
The code describes three types of stress blocks for No. 11 of Table 6.5. The parabola is of second degree
calculating the ultimate moment of resistance which up to M60 grade, beyond which the degree of parabola

* Director – Aarvee Associates E-mail :

Written comments on this Paper are invited and will be received upto 30th May, 2014.

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34 Viswanathan on

varies from 1.9 to 1.4 for grades M65, to M90. Hence, 1) Evaluation of total force under parabolic
it will become more difficult to compute the total force rectangular stress block diagram.
for grades of concrete from M65 to M90. Therefore,
in order to simplify the calculation, the average stress a) Evaluation of force in the curved portion of
concept will be introduced. diagram which is shaded.

3.1 Principle of Average Stress Concept for

Parabolic Rectangular Stress Block

The parabolic-rectangular stress block will be converted

into equivalent rectangular stress block having uniform
compressive stress spread up to neutral axis giving the
same total compressive force. The CG of the diagram
will be maintained same as that of the parabolic
rectangular stress block. For the designer it will become
very easy to handle the rectangular stress block. When
the parabolic-rectangular stress block is converted
into equivalent rectangular stress block,obviously the
average stress fav will work out to be lesser than fcd. As
a first step we need to work out the equivalent stress
factor for arriving at fav for various grades of concrete
from fcd value.

Total force in the shaded portion =

Fig. 2 Conversion of Parabolic – Rectangular Stress Block to

equivalent rectangular stress block

3.2 Derivation of Formula for Average Stress for

Parabolic – Rectangular Stress Block
b) Evaluation of total force in parabolic
Let us assume the average stress for stress block as fav rectangular stress block.
which is equal to β1 fcd .We need to arrive at the β1 factor If the average stress is taken as fav to give
for various grades of concrete. the same force.

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Ultimate Limit Sate of Linear Elements for Bending Section 8 of IRC: 112 Flexural Analysis of Beams 35

first the CG of the shaded portion will be worked out

from the start of parabola point.

Table 1 The Average Stress Factor for

Parabolic Rectangular Stress Block
[Refer Table 6.5 of IRC: 112]
Grades n εc2 εcu2
Up to 2.0 .002 .0035 0.8095
M 60
M 65 1.9 .0021 .0033 0.7805
M 70 1.7 .0022 .0031 0.7371
M 75 1.6 .0023 .0029 0.6949
M 80 1.5 .0023 .0028 0.671
M 85 1.5 .0024 .0027 0.644
M 90 1.4 .0024 .0026 0.615

3.3 Determination of CG of the Stress Block

Form Top

We need to work out the Centre of gravity of the

Parabolic – Rectangular stress block. For equivalent The distance of the CG of the force of the shaded
rectangular stress block diagram also the CG will be portion is from the point where parabolic part of stress
kept at the same distance as that of parabolic rectangular diagram starts. Whereas we require the CG distance
stress block in order to maintain the same resisting from the bottom of stress diagram. This means the
moment. above distance has to be subtracted from.
To determine the distance of the action point of the
compressive force of parabolic rectangular stress block,

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Hence distance from bottom of the shaded area

CG distance of force from the top of the parabolic

rectangular diagram
Taking moment of all the forces from the bottom of the

β1′ x1 is the CG distance of the compression stress block

from the bottom of stress block.

Where β2 is ratio of the CG of the compression stress

block from top of stress block to the depth of neutral

3.4 Determination of β2 for Various Grades

For grades up to M60 β2 factor will be worked. For

other grades the figures will be shown in the table.

The compressive force acts 0.416 x1 from top, where x1

is the depth of Neutral axis.

Proceeding similarly for other mix grades the values

are shown in the table.

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Ultimate Limit Sate of Linear Elements for Bending Section 8 of IRC: 112 Flexural Analysis of Beams 37

Table 2 Average Stress and the CG Distance

Factor of the Compressive Force from Top

Grades Factor β1 Stress fav Ratio of

of distance of
Concrete centroid to
the depth of
NA axis β2

20 7.2317 0.416

25 9.0396 0.416

30 10.847 0.416

35 12.655 0.416

40 14.463 0.416 Strain diagram Stress diagram

Fig. 3 Stress-Strain diagram for rectangular stress block
45 16.271 0.416
λ and η are defined in equations A2-33, 34, 35, 36 of
50 18.079 0.416
Appendix A2 of IRC 112. As the stress block is spread
55 19.887 0.416 over larger depth, compared to the actual stress block,
in order to have the same force, the outer fiber stress
60 21.6952 0.416
has to be reduced to arrive to fav. When compared with
65 22.62 0.406 η fcd.

3.6 Derivation of Formula for Average Stress for

70 23.05 0.390
Rectangular Stress Block

75 23.28 0.377 For mix grade less than M 60, the depth of stress block
will be restricted to 80% of neutral axis depth. In the
80 23.92 0.370 average stress block concept the depth of the block
will be increased to full depth of neutral axis. Hence,
the stress will be reduced to 80% of the fcd value.
85 24.39 0.365
The average stress upto M 60 grade concrete will

90 24.72 0.357 be For other

grades, at first the reduced stress using h value shall be
worked out and then the average stress will be worked
3.5 Principle of Average Stress Concept for out by using reduction factorl.
Rectangular Stress Block
Taking an example of M 70 grade, the l value works
The rectangular stress block which is comparatively out to 0.78 instead of 0.8 and η value works out to
easier stress block can also be converted into average 0.96 instead of 1. fcd for this grade will work out to
stress block diagram concept. The CG of the equivalent
stress block shall be kept at the same distance of the . The average stress
original stress block in order to have the moment will work out to
capacity unaltered. substituting fck = 70 MPa the average stress fcd will work

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out to 23.40 MPa. The CG of the compressive diagram For mix grade upto M 60 the factor is 0.361587 to
will be at distance from the top of the diagram. get the average stress. For other grades the respective
factor can be taken from the table.
Table 3 Average Stress and the CG Distance
Factor of the Compressive Force from the Top MR=0.3615 fck bx [d - 0.416x] - (1)

Grades η λ fav factor fav stress Ratio of The depth of NA axis for balanced section for concrete
of =λχηχ in MPa distance of grades upto M 60 using fy=500 N/mm2
Con- 0.446666 centroid to
crete For grades the depth
in MPa up to M 60 of NA axis
20 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 7.146 0.40
25 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 8.933 0.40
30 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 10.719 0.40
35 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 12.506 0.40
40 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 14.293 0.40
45 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 16.079 0.40
50 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 17.866 0.40
55 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 19.650 0.40
60 1.0 0.8 0.35733 fck 21.430 0.40
65 0.98 0.79 0.345 fck 22.425 0.395
70 0.96 0.78 0.3344 fck 23.408 0.390
75 0.94 0.77 0.323 fck 24.225 0.385
80 0.92 0.76 0.3122 fck 24.98 0.380
0.90 0.75 0.314 fck 25.623 0.375
This expression is known to all engineers. The term
90 0.88 0.74 0.2908 fck 26.17 0.370 0.3615 is a factor to convert the allowable stress into
average stress. Substituting for M 60 grade 0.1658 x 60
4 Examples x bd^2 = 9.948 bd2.

The design engineer will come across two sets of Suppose if an engineer wants to use the average stress
problems. One is to design the section and another straight away from the table, the moment of resistance
is to check the capacity of the section. Some typical will be 21.696 x b x 0.617d x 0.7438d = 9.95 bd2. One
worked out examples will be covering both these sets can estimate the depth for a given moment or depth
of problems will be presented. adequacy can be checked.
4.1 Capacity of Balanced Section B. Equivalent Rectangular Stress Block
The capacity of balanced section will be worked out for The factor for rectangular stress block is
both the stress blocks.
0.3573 fck Moment of resistance =
A. Parabolic Rectangular Stress Block
0.3573 fck b x 0.617 d = 0.1660 fck bd2
Taking moment about steel level

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Ultimate Limit Sate of Linear Elements for Bending Section 8 of IRC: 112 Flexural Analysis of Beams 39

Previously we obtained moment of resistance as 0.1658

fckbd2 practically no difference. The rectangular stress
block will give slightly higher moment of resistance.

4.2 Design of Section In the above example the steel will yield and it is correct
to assume steel stress as fyk.
A. In a design Dituation where the moment is
available and the section has to be designed, B. Next section is available, moment is also
the following steps may be followed. available, steel to be worked out

1. Determine the depth required from the 1. D

 etermine the depth required for moment of
moment of resistance formula resistance using formula. If the depth is adequate
MR = 0.1658 fck bd2 for Fe500 and mix proceed further. If the depth is inadequate the section
grade M 60. has to be designed as doubly reinforced beam or the
2. Estimate the balanced section Neutral axis depth has to be increased.
which equal to 0.617d for Fe500 and mix
2. D
 etermine the depth of neutral axis for the given
grade upto M 60.
moment by following the method given below.
3. Work out the area of steel Ast=
for the above In the previous example, if the depth provided is
grade of steel and concrete. more than the requirement then also the following
method to establish the NA axis can be followed.
4. If depth provided is more or equal to depth
M= fav bx [d-β2 x] where β2 x is the location of CG of
of balanced section the steel will yield. If
compression block from top of section.
the depth provided is less than the required
depth, the neutral axis has to be worked
out, the steel strain is to be established and
the stress in steel has to be arrived. Based
on stress, the area of steel to be arrived.
This will be a uneconomical solution.
Alternatively shall be designed as a doubly
reinforced section.
Example 1 Ultimate moment in a section
150 kNm/m, cover 50 mm concrete M 45
grade, steel Fe 500. Design the section.

Fig. 4 Strain-Stress diagram for equvalant stress block

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Taking the minimum value

If ratio is less than balanced section neutral axis ratio,

then the steel will yield.
M 1.1
3. Estimate the area of steel =

Example 2: Ultimate moment = 150 kN/m, cover

50 mm concrete M 45 grade steel Fe500, depth provided
is 250 mm. Determine the steel required assuming
20 mm bars. Suppose anybody assumes the balanced section lever
arm itself and estimates the reinforcement then Ast=

2443 mm2 18% Variation in steel. The Neutral axis

depth changes from 117.23 m to 55.1 m and the ratio
x/d from 0.617 to 0.290.

Hence, it is better to estimate the neutral axis and

arrive at the steel, in case of depth provided is more
than the requirement.

C. Next case will be, section is given,

reinforcement is given and to work out the
moment capacity of section

1. Equate the tensile force and compressive

force and arrive at the depth of neutral

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Ultimate Limit Sate of Linear Elements for Bending Section 8 of IRC: 112 Flexural Analysis of Beams 41

1. Evaluate the neutral axis for the given steel


2. Check whether steel yields or not. For

over reinforced section the steel will not

3. Assume N.A axis position. Estimate the

compressive force.

4. Determine the strain in steel and

subsequently force in steel.
2.  is less than balanced section neutral
axis ratio,then the steel will yield otherwise 5. Total compressive force should be equal to
not. total tensile force.
3. If steel yields the moment of resistance will 6. If it does not match repeat the procedure till
be it matches.

7. Once force equilibrium is achieved;

multiply the force by lever arm and obtain
the moment.
4. In case if the steel does not yield the This will be shown by the following worked out
moment of resistance shall be worked examples.
by strain compatibility method.
Example 4: Determine the moment of resistance of a
Example 3: Determine the moment
of resistance for a slab per meter slab per meter width.
Thickness of slab 250 mm, cover 50
mm, concrete M 45 grade, steel Fe500,
Ast Provided is 2100 mm 2 /m

Thickness of slab = 250 mm, Cover 50 mm, Concrete

M 45 grade, Fe 500

Step: 2 Steel Does not yield. Hence, over reinforced


D. Strain compatibility method Step: 3 Assume N. A axis as 150 mm for 1st trial.

In case the steel does not yield the strain Step 4: Proceed as shown in the table and repeat the
compatibility method shall be used. operations.

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Table 4 Compatibility Analysis Table

Trial NA axis Reinforcement Steel strain Steel force in kN (Tensile) Concrete force in kN
from top of depth form NA axis compression
slab in mm

1 150 40

2 130 60

3 120 70

4 127 63 = 2066

5 121.5 68.5 = 1973 = 1977

E. Use of sloping upper branch of stress diagram

of steel

The stress diagram of steel always plays an important

role in arriving at the resistance capacity of section. In
para 4.1, the resistance capacity has been arrived using
Horizontal branch of the stress-strain diagram of steel.
If any engineer wishes to use the sloping branch, he Example 5 use of sloping branch of stress-Strain
can also provided,the calculation done properly. The diagram
IS:1786 gives at ultimate tensile stress, the elongation Same example 2 will be taken from explanation.
as 5%. This shall be taken as εuk. Taking 0.9 of this N.A axis depth: 0.290 x 190 = 55.1 mm
value as εud= .045. Referring to table 18-1 of the code
Strain in steel 8.56 x 10-3=.00856
for Fe500. Tensile strength = 500 x 1.08 = 540 MPa.
At yield the steel strain is .00217.
If one desires to use the sloping branch of stress – Strain
diagram the neutral axis has to be again found by trial
and error.
For steel strain of .00856, the steel stress can be worked
out as follows.

Fig. 5 Stress-Strain Diagram showing upper branch

Tensile force = 2100 x 434.78 = 913.0 kN as per

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Ultimate Limit Sate of Linear Elements for Bending Section 8 of IRC: 112 Flexural Analysis of Beams 43

Horizontal branch of stress strain diagram. F. Design of Doubly Reinforced Beams

Tensile force as per actual steel strain = 2100 x 439.428
When the depth of the member cannot be increased
= 923 kN
and the moment applied is more than its capacity,
Based on sloping branch of stress strain diagram the designer needs to design the beam as a doubly
In order to accommodate this increase in steel force, reinforced beam.
NA axis has to be lowered.
Steps to be followed are given below.
The strain in steel has to be compatible with the
force and the force equilibrium has to be obtained. Step 1: As a singly reinforced beam calculate the
Previously the NA axis was 55.1 mm. Now let us take moment of resistance.
N.A axis as 56.5 mm in order to accommodate the extra
compressive force. Step 2: Taking it as a balanced section arrive at the
1. Strain in steel = tensile steel requirement.
8.269 x 10-3
Step 3: The difference between the applied moment
and the capacity shall be worked out.
2. Stress in steel =
Step 4: Divide the moment obtained in step 3 by the
distance between the reinforcements and obtain the

Step 5: The additional tensile steel shall be worked by

There is no change in stress in steel.
dividing the above force by the yield stress of steel as
3. Force in steel = 439.21 x 2100 = 922 kN the tensile steel will yield. Add this steel to the steel
arrived in step. 2.
4. Force in concrete =
Step 6: To arrive at the compression steel, from the
= 920 kN strain diagram estimate the strain in compression steel
and thus the stresses. Divide the force by the stress and
Value can be accepted : Moment =
arrive at the required of compressive steel.

Step 7: Check the equilibrium of forces and the moment


Above steps will be explained by taking an example.

It can be seen that the change in the moment Example 6: Design of Doubly Reinforced Beam.
carrying capacity is only 2% and maximum it can
Design a beam to carry a moment of 5000 kNm.
go upto 7%. Hence, it may not be worthwhile to
do this exercise. In case if someone is interested to B = 500 mm, D = 1000 mm, Cover 40 mm,
use the upper branch assume N.A axis for the trail Grade M 45, Fe = 500, dia of bars 20 mm.
taking the steel force as constant and the NA axis
position shall be verified. The steel force will not Step 1:
change much but the NA axis will be dictated by
the compressive force. The balanced section moment carrying capacity

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Check total force

Concrete compressive force = fav bx =

Force in compressive steel = 1816 kN.

Force in tensile steel = 6583 kN
Total 4767 + 1816 - 6583 = 0
Taking moment about top of beam.
Step 3: Difference between Applied moment and 1816 x 50 + 4767 x 0.416 x 586
capacity -6583 x 950
= -5000 kN
= 5000 – 3366 = 1634 kNm
Net force on the section is zero and moment of resistance
Step 4: Additional force = 1816 kN and applied moment is matching. Hence, the solution is
in order.
Additional tensile steel = 4177 mm2
G. Design of T beam
Step 5: Total tensile steel = 10965 + 4177 =
15142 mm2 Design procedure is same as explained before. However
clause no. 8.2.1 (3) of the code has to be taken care. As
Step 6: Strain in compressive steel. per this clause if an element is fully under compressive
stress, the mean strain should be limited to εc2 only. This
means the outer fiber cannot be subjected to a strain of εcu3
or εcu2. This case will occur when neutral axis lies outside
the flange and the flange is under compressive stress only.
In case where the neutral axis lies with in flange the clause
will not be applicable, as the extreme fibers of the flanges
will have tensile and compressive stresses.
Example 7: Design of a tee beam having following
Fig. 6 Strain Diagram dimensions:
Design the beam using the parabolic – rectangular
Strain in compressive steel = stress block.
M = 7000 knm, Cover 50 mm, Concrete M 45 grade,
Compression steel yields Fe = 500
Area of Compression steel =

Fig: 7 Cross Section of Beam Fig. 8 Cross Section of Tee Beam

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Ultimate Limit Sate of Linear Elements for Bending Section 8 of IRC: 112 Flexural Analysis of Beams 45

Step 1: Assume 3 layers of reinforcement: Step 7: Slightly increase the depth of Neutral axis
and use parabolic rectangular stress block. Neutral
Effective d = 1400 - 50 - 28 - 28 =1280 mm
2 axis:Assume 289 mm.
Step 2: Assume NA axis to lie in the flange to calculate
the lever arm for the first trial.

Step 3: The above steel works out to 21.92 bars of

28 φ. Fig. 9 Cross Section, Strain and Stress Diagram

Provide slightly extra steel to compensate the reduction Distance of Start of parabola =
in lever arm as NA axis will come down and the NA
axis will lie in the web.
Provide 8 x 3: 24 bars of 28 φ Area = 6.157 x 24 = Rectangular portion of stress block in flange = 289-165
14778 mm2 = 124 mm.
Step 4: Strain in steel = 176) = 0.1792 > Parabolic stress block in flange = 200-124 = 76 mm.
.00217 in 1st layer of steel.
Steel will yield and the force in the steel = 14778 x Stress at bottom of flange =
434.78 = 6425 kN
Step 5: Use rectangular compression stress block to
fix the position of neutral axis. Let x be the depth of
neutral axis from top. Average stress in parabolic portion =

1. Force in flange due to rectangular stress

block 1500 x 124 x 20.097 x 10-3 = 3738 kN
2. Force in flange due to parabolic portion
of stress block 18.67 x 1500 x 76 x 10-3 =
2128 kN
3. Force in the web =

The NA axis will be around 285.14 mm for first trial

Step 6: Steel strain in the first layer of steel
(1115 - 176) = .0115 > .00217
Steel will yield: but force in steel will be same.
Force in tensile steel = 6425 kN.

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Natural axis assumed position is ok. The strain in outer fiber has to be limited as the flange
will have compressive strain only. At h from
1. CG of force in flange, from top for top of the flange the strain has to be .002. The distance
rectangular stress block = 62 mm will work out to 0.4285 x 200 = 85.7 mm.

2. CG of force in flange from top of parabola

3. For the remaining portion

From top 124 + 121.69 = 245.69 mm

Moment = [3738 x 62 + 2128 x 152.5 + 554 x 245.69 -
6425 x 1224] x 103 = - 7172 kNm> 7000 kNm
Hence, it is in order.
Fig. 11 Adjusted Stress Diagram
Now, we need to check as per clause 8.1(3). As the
flange is having only compressive strain, the top fiber
of flange can not be subjected to strain of .0035. [εcu2]. The outer fiber strain .00274 < .0035
The strain at the extreme fiber will be limited to such a the bottom of flange will have strain = .002/239.3
value so that at 3/7 h the strain will be .002. The effect x 116 = .001. The strain at the highly compressed
of this limitation is explained as follows. face will be .0035 – 0.75 times the strain in the least
compressive face. Checking this strain it will work
out .0035 – 0.75 x .001 = .00275, which agrees with
the above value.

Stress at Top = 20.097 N / mm2

Stress at bottom of flange 20.097-

Fig. 10 Limited Strain Diagram Average stress = 2/3 (20.097 – 15.15) + 15.15 = 18.45
It can be seen from the figure that when the strain in N / mm2
limited, the NA axis has to go down to compensate the
loss of stress block area. Force due to rectangular block stress diagram in
The position of NA axis can be got only by trial and
error. = 20.097 x 1500 x 85.7 x 10-3=

Earlier in the parabolic stress block, the depth of neutral 42.85 mm from top.
axis has been worked out as 289 mm. Increase the depth
Force in the flange due to parabolic stress diagram
of neutral axis to 316 mm for 1st trial.

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Ultimate Limit Sate of Linear Elements for Bending Section 8 of IRC: 112 Flexural Analysis of Beams 47

Parabolic stress block gives = 7172 kNm

Hence, the designer should follow rectangular stress
block to avoid complications. In a half page the
calculation for a tee beam can be completed.

5 Conclusion

The Engineers may find it difficult to work as per IRC:

112 initially. The above article will drive away the fear
and it can be seen the code is easily adoptable. The
above article gives the fundamentals, average stress
concept, design and checking of rectangular, beams,
use of upper branch of stress-strain diagram of steel,
doubly reinforced beams and T beams. Using the
This can be taken as Matching.
equivalent average stress concept instead of parabolic
Taking moment about top: rectangular stress block makes the designer’s life easier.
[2583 x 42.85 + 3163 x 128.5 + 683.6 x 266 - 6425 x It can be seen that the using the sloping branch of stress
1224] 10-3 strain diagram of steel does give only slight increase
in moment. Hence, this method need not be carried
= -7165 kNm
out. Similarly, compressive strain restriction in Tee
Compares well with earlier parabolic rectangular stress beam need not be done and simple use of rectangular
block results. Without strain reduction the moment stress block is adequate and recommended. One of the
resistance capacity was -7172 kNm. methods of popularizing the code is presenting papers
As the variation is very small this procedure can be by the committee members and organizing workshops
safely dropped and without strain reduction the analysis by organization such as IRC, IABSE and ICI etc. It is
expected that the Engineers will go through this article
can be carried out.
and follow the principles and the worked out examples
Alternate solution using rectangular stress block instead in their design office.
of parabolic-rectangular stress block.
6 References
The NA axis arrived at step 5 is = 285 mm
1. Code of practice for concrete bridge IRC
The depth of stress blocks is 0.8 x 285 = 228 mm. 112-2011.
Steel is yielding
2. Designers Guide to EN-1992-2 by C.R. Hendy
Force in steel = 6425 kN, and D.A. Smith.
Compressive force in flange and web 3. Designers Guide to EN-1992-1-1 and
EN-1992-1-2 by R.S. Narayanan and A. Beeby.

The views expressed in the paper are personal views of the Authors. For any query, the author may be contacted at: E-mail :

Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, January-March 2014

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