Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3: Configuration Manual

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Station Automation COM600

COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual
1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3
Issued: 13.2.2009
Version: A/13.2.2009 Configuration Manual


1. About this manual .................................................................................. 5

1.1. Copyrights ...................................................................................... 5

1.2. Trademarks .................................................................................... 5
1.3. General .......................................................................................... 5
1.4. Document conventions .................................................................. 5
1.5. Use of symbols .............................................................................. 6
1.6. Terminology .................................................................................... 7
1.7. Abbreviations ................................................................................. 8
1.8. Related documents ........................................................................ 9
1.9. Document revisions ..................................................................... 10
2. Introduction ........................................................................................... 11

2.1. Overview of COM600 ................................................................... 11

2.2. Predefined user account .............................................................. 11
3. Configuration ........................................................................................ 12

3.1. About this section ......................................................................... 12

3.2. Operating system access permissions using local browser ........ 12
3.3. Prerequisites ................................................................................ 12
3.4. Creating substation structure and communication structure ........ 13
3.4.1. Creating substation and communication structures with
SCL descriptions or connectivity packages .................. 13
3.4.2. Creating substation structure manually ........................ 13
3.4.3. Adding Gateway object ................................................. 14
3.4.4. Adding Substation ......................................................... 15
3.4.5. Adding voltage level object ........................................... 16
3.4.6. Adding bay object ......................................................... 16
3.4.7. Adding busbar object .................................................... 17
3.5. Single Line Diagram ..................................................................... 17
3.5.1. Using the SLD Editor .................................................... 17
3.6. Data connection ........................................................................... 25
3.6.1. General about Data connection .................................... 25
3.6.2. Settings ......................................................................... 26
3.7. Alarm and event handling ............................................................ 27
3.7.1. General about alarm and event objects ........................ 27
3.7.2. Modifying existing alarm and event objects .................. 27
3.7.3. Creating new alarm and event objects .......................... 27
3.7.4. Connecting alarm or event objects to data objects ....... 28
3.8. Data Historian .............................................................................. 28
3.9. Customizing IED parameter settings ........................................... 29
3.10. Disturbance data upload .............................................................. 32
3.11. Project-specific localization .......................................................... 32
Appendix 1 ................................................................................................... 33

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Single Line Diagram symbols ................................................................. 33

Appendix 2 ................................................................................................... 37

SAB600 Toolbar ...................................................................................... 37

Appendix 3 ................................................................................................... 38

Logical nodes and primary objects ......................................................... 38

Index .............................................................................................................. 43

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

1. About this manual

1.1. Copyrights
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB Oy. ABB Oy assumes no responsibility for any
errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB Oy be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB Oy
be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or
hardware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-
mission from ABB Oy, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party
nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

© Copyright 2006 ABB. All rights reserved.

1.2. Trademarks
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Group. All other brand or product names men-
tioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective

1.3. General
This manual provides thorough information on Station Automation COM600 (later
referred to as COM600) Human Machine Interface (HMI) and the central concepts related
to it. Information in this manual is intended for operators performing configurations
using the HMI.

1.4. Document conventions

The following conventions are used for the presentation of material:
• The words in names of screen elements (for example, the title in the title bar of a
window, the label for a field of a dialog box) are initially capitalized.
• Capital letters are used for the name of a keyboard key if it is labeled on the keyboard.
For example, press the ENTER key.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

• Lowercase letters are used for the name of a keyboard key that is not labeled on the
keyboard. For example, the space bar, comma key, and so on.
• Press CTRL+C indicates that you must hold down the CTRL key while pressing
the C key (to copy a selected object in this case).
• Press ESC E C indicates that you press and release each key in sequence (to copy
a selected object in this case).
• The names of push and toggle buttons are boldfaced. For example, click OK.
• The names of menus and menu items are boldfaced. For example, the File menu.
• The following convention is used for menu operations: MenuName > Menu-
Item > CascadedMenuItem. For example: select File > New > Type.
• The Start menu name always refers to the Start menu on the Windows taskbar.
• System prompts/messages and user responses/input are shown in the Courier font.
For example, if you enter a value out of range, the following message is displayed:

Entered value is not valid. The value must be 0 - 30 .

• You can be asked to enter the string MIF349 in a field. The string is shown as follows
in the procedure:

• Variables are shown using lowercase letters:

sequence name

1.5. Use of symbols

This publication includes warning, caution, and information icons that point out safety-
related conditions or other important information. It also includes tip icons to point out
useful information to the reader. The corresponding icons should be interpreted as follows.

The electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard

which could result in electrical shock.

The warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which

could result in personal injury.

The caution icon indicates important information or warning

related to the concept discussed in the text. It may indicate
the presence of a hazard which could result in corruption of
software or damage to equipment or property.

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

The information icon alerts the reader to relevant facts and


The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design
your project or how to use a certain function.

1.6. Terminology
The following is a list of terms associated with COM600 that you should be familiar
with. The list contains terms that are unique to ABB or have a usage or definition that
is different from standard industry usage.

Term Description

Alarm An abnormal state of a condition.

Alarms and Events; AE An OPC service for providing information about alarms and
events to OPC clients.
Data Access; DA An OPC service for providing information about process data to
OPC clients.
Data Object; DO Part of a logical node object representing specific information,
for example, status, or measurement. From an object-oriented
point of view, a data object is an instance of a class data object.
DOs are normally used as transaction objects; that is, they are
data structures.
Data Set The data set is the content basis for reporting and logging. The
data set contains references to the data and data attribute val-
Device A physical device that behaves as its own communication node
in the network, for example, protection relay.
Event Change of process data or an OPC internal value. Normally, an
event consists of value, quality, and timestamp.
Intelligent Electronic Device A physical IEC 61850 device that behaves as its own commu-
nication node in the IEC 61850 protocol.
Logical Device; LD Representation of a group of functions. Each function is defined
as a logical node. A physical device consists of one or several
Logical Node; LN The smallest part of a function that exchanges data. An LN is
an object defined by its data and methods.
LON A communication protocol developed by Echelon.
LON Application Guideline for A proprietary method of ABB on top of the standard LON pro-
substation automation; LAG tocol.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Term Description

OPC Series of standards specifications aiming at open connectivity

in industrial automation and the enterprise systems that support
OPC item Representation of a connection to the data source within the
OPC server. An OPC item is identified by a string <object
path>:<property name>. Associated with each OPC item are
Value, Quality, and Time Stamp.
Property Named data item.
Report Control Block The report control block controls the reporting processes for
event data as they occur. The reporting process continues as
long as the communication is available.
SPA ABB proprietary communication protocol used in substation
SPA device Protection and/or Control Product supporting the SPA protocol
version 2.5 or earlier.
Substation Configuration Lan- XML-based description language for configurations of electrical
guage; SCL substation IEDs. Defined in IEC 61850 standard.

1.7. Abbreviations
The following is a list of abbreviations associated with COM600 that you should be
familiar with. See also 1.6, Terminology.

Abbreviation Description

AE Alarms and Events

ASDU Application Service Data Unit
BRCB Buffered Report Control Block
DA Data Access
DMCD Data Message Code Definition
DO Data Object
GW Gateway, component connecting two communication networks together
HMI Human Machine Interface
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IED Intelligent Electronic Device
LAG LON Application Guideline for substation automation
LAN Local Area Network
LD Logical Device

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Abbreviation Description

LMK LonMark interoperable device communicating in LonWorks network. In

this document, the term is used for devices that do not support the ABB
LON/LAG communication.
LN Logical Node
NCC Network Control Center
NV Network Variable
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OPC OLE for Process Control
P&C Protection & Control
RTS Request To Send
SA Substation Automation
SAB600 Station Automation Builder 600
SCL Substation Configuration Language
SLD Single Line Diagram
SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
RCB Report Control Block
URCB Unbuffered Report Control Block
XML eXtended Markup Language

1.8. Related documents

Name of the manual MRS number

COM600 User’s Manual 1MRS756125

COM600 Operator's Manual 1MRS756705
COM600 Data Historian Operator's Manual 1MRS756739
DNP LAN/WAN Master (OPC) 1MRS756566
DNP Serial Master (OPC) 1MRS756567
DNP LAN/WAN Slave (OPC) 1MRS755496
DNP Serial Slave (OPC) 1MRS755495
IEC 60870-5-101 Slave (OPC) 1MRS755382
IEC 60870-5-101 Master (OPC) 1MRS756703
IEC 60870-5-103 Master (OPC) 1MRS752278

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Name of the manual MRS number

IEC 60870-5-104 Slave (OPC) 1MRS755384

IEC 60870-5-104 Master (OPC) 1MRS756704
IEC 61850 Master (OPC) 1MRS755321
Logic Processor User's Manual 1MRS756738
LON-LAG Master (OPC) 1MRS755284
MNS iS Connectivity (OPC) 1MRS756569
Modbus Serial Master (OPC) 1MRS756126
Modbus TCP Master (OPC) 1MRS756445
SPA Master (OPC) 1MRS752275
SPA Router (OPC) 1MRS755497

1.9. Document revisions

Document version/date Product revision History

A/13.2.2009 3.3 Document created

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

2. Introduction

2.1. Overview of COM600

COM600 provides gateway functions for mapping signals between protection and control
IEDs in industrial or utility substations and higher-level systems. It further includes an
optional HMI that provides data and information from the substation to the users.

COM600 gathers data from protection and control IEDs and from process devices using
different communication protocols. The supported protocols can be combined freely in
one station computer, limited only by the number of hardware interfaces and the license.
COM600 uses web technology to display data to different users in a professional and
user-friendly manner. The web technology is further used to transfer information to a
network control centre (NCC) or distributed control system (DCS).

COM600 benefits from the potential of the IEC 61850 standard by using the IEC 61850-
6 substation configuration language (SCL) and IEC 61850 -7 communications modeling
regardless of protocol used. As the IEC 61850 data modeling is used for all communic-
ation protocols the gateway cross-reference is done in the same way regardless of the
protocol, for example IEC 61850-8-1 or DNP3.

COM600 can by using the optional web HMI (requires Microsoft Internet Explorer with
Adobe SVG viewer 3.03) be used for efficient substation visualization, monitoring and
control. Measured values from process devices are displayed on the HMI. Single-line
diagrams can be used to view any available measured values from the process devices.

2.2. Predefined user account

HMI has a predefined user account with administrator rights.

• User name: admin

• Password: adminadmin

When you log in for the first time as an administrator, change the password before you
proceed using HMI. If you forget the new password, restore the factory settings with the
Management tool in SAB600. After the factory settings have been restored, you can only
log in with the predefined administrator password mentioned above.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

3. Configuration

3.1. About this section

This section describes the configuration tasks for HMI.

3.2. Operating system access permissions using local

When using COM600 browser locally in the COM600 computer, it can be specified
whether the browser locks down the access to the operating system functions for non-
administrator users.

The C:\Program Files\COM610 GW SW\WebBrowser folder in the COM600 computer

contains a config.ini file, which has an option called useLockedMode. By default
it is set to value 0, which means that no locking is done. When set to 1, the access to
operating system functions is disabled from non-administrator users.

3.3. Prerequisites
Before you start configuring the HMI, pay attention to the following:
1. Prepare the communication structure as instructed in COM600 User's Manual.
2. Make sure that you have the necessary connectivity packages or SCL description
files that can help you in the configuration process.
3. Outline the Single Line Diagram structure you want to create for your system.

Use the Management function to update the COM600 communication configuration at

least once before you start the substation configuration. If you do not update the config-
uration, the statuses of objects in HMI Single Line Diagram can be bad or uncertain.

To fix the statuses of objects in Single Line Diagram:

1. Save the substation configuration.
2. Update the COM600 configuration with the Management function by changing any
property in SLD Editor and by clicking Apply.
3. Update the COM600 configuration again using with the Management function.

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

3.4. Creating substation structure and communication


3.4.1. Creating substation and communication structures with SCL

descriptions or connectivity packages

To create the substation and communication structures with SCL descriptions or con-
nectivity packages:
1. Create Substation and Voltage level objects to the substation structure.
2. Create the OPC Server and communication channel objects to the communication
3. Create the IED object below the communication channel and use either the connectiv-
ity package or IED SCL description file to populate automatically the structure
below the IED. The substation structure is automatically populated with primary
apparatus objects described in the connectivity package or SCL descriptions. You
may be prompted to give some information to guide the process, for example choose
a voltage level or give a bay name.
4. Repeat step 3 for each IED.
5. Fine-tune the SLD layout (assign colors, specify incoming/outgoing feeders, and
so on) by modifying or adding objects. Additionally you might need to create busbar
connections, see 3.4.2,  Creating substation structure manually .
6. Download the configuration to the COM600 computer.

3.4.2. Creating substation structure manually

The following is an overview of creating a substation structure manually. For a more

detailed description, see 3.4.3, Adding Gateway object, 3.4.4, Adding Substation,
3.4.5, Adding voltage level object, 3.4.6, Adding bay object and 3.4.7, Adding busbar

Before you can create a substation structure, you have to create

a communication structure with OPC Server and communica-
tion channel objects, IEDs, Logical Devices, Logical Nodes
and Data objects.

To create the substation structure manually:

1. Create Gateway, Substation and Voltage level objects to the substation structure.
2. Add bays and busbars, and design their layout using the SLD Editor. Connect your
substation structure objects to communication structure (logical nodes) using the
data connection function, see 3.6.1, General about Data connection .

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

If the configurations of the bays are similar, you can copy the
bay object and the data it contains. This way you do not have
to add each bay separately to the substation structure.

3. Design your voltage level layout by connecting busbars and bays and relocating
them with the SLD Editor. Open the SLD Editor by right-clicking the voltage level
4. Design your substation layout by connecting possible transformer windings between
voltage levels. Relocate voltage levels with the SLD Editor. Open the SLD Editor
by right-clicking the substation.
5. Fine-tune SLD settings, for example fonts and colors, see 3.6.2, Settings .

3.4.3. Adding Gateway object

To link the Gateway object to the substation structure:

1. Select the Gateway object in the Communication structure.
2. Copy the Gateway object by selecting Edit > Copy or by right-clicking the object
and selecting Copy.
3. Open the Substation structure.
4. Select the project name and right-click it.
5. Select Paste Link, see Figure 3.4.3-1.
6. Modify the Gateway properties if necessary.


Figure 3.4.3-1 Linking a Gateway object

The object properties for the Gateway are presented in Table 3.4.3-1.

Table 3.4.3-1 Object properties for Gateway
Property/Para- Vale or Value range/Default Description


1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Property/Para- Vale or Value range/Default Description


COM600 Audio True Defines if local audio alarm is enabled in

Alarm COM600 hardware.

Default: True
COM600 Version Default: 3.3 Version of COM600.
Event File Path Default: none Defines the path where event list log is
Event List Capacity 0...65535 Defines the capacity of Event List in
Default: 1000
Station/remote IP Defines which Web HMI client IP
Address addresses are reserved for local use inside
station. This information is used for the
station/remote switch handling. E.g.
Watch Dog Enabled True Defines if Watch Dog is enabled.


Default: True
Web Client Audio True Defines if audio alarm is enabled for the
Alarm Web HMI clients.

Default: True
External Watchdog
Command OPC The full path of the command OPC item.
Item Path E.g.
Command Write 0...65535 The interval in seconds that determines
Interval how often the command is executed.
Default: 5
Command Write 0...65535 The value that is written to the command
Value OPC item.
Default: 1
IP Address IP address of COM600 computer.

3.4.4. Adding Substation

After the Gateway object has been successfully added, you can continue building the
object tree by adding substation objects.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

To add a substation object:

1. Select the Gateway object and right-click it.
2. Add a substation object by selecting New > Functional > Substation.
3. Rename the new object. The names of the substation objects have to be unique.
4. Modify substation properties if necessary.

You can define only one substation per project.

3.4.5. Adding voltage level object

After the substation object has been successfully added, you can continue building the
object tree by adding voltage level objects.

To add a voltage level object:

1. Select the substation object and right-click it.
2. Add a voltage level object by selecting New > Functional > Voltage Level.
3. Rename the new object. The names of the voltage level objects have to be unique.
4. Modify voltage level properties if necessary.

The object properties for voltage level are presented in Table 3.4.5-1.

Table 3.4.5-1 Object properties for voltage level
Property/Para- Vale or Value range/Default Description

Multiplier Default: kilo Multiplier
Voltage 20 Nominal voltage.

3.4.6. Adding bay object

After the voltage level object has been successfully added, you can continue building
the object tree by adding bay objects.

To add a bay object:

1. Select the voltage level object and right-click it.
2. Add a bay object by selecting New > Functional > Bay.
3. Rename the new object. The names of the busbar objects have to be unique.
4. Modify bay properties if necessary.
5. Design the bay layout using SLD editor, see 3.5.1, Using the SLD Editor.
6. Use the data connection function, see 3.6.1, General about Data connection.

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

3.4.7. Adding busbar object

After the voltage level object has been successfully added, you can continue building
the object tree by adding busbar objects.

To add a busbar object:

1. Select the voltage level object and right-click it.
2. Add a busbar object by selecting New > Functional > BusBar.
3. Rename the new object. The names of the busbar objects have to be unique.
4. Modify busbar properties if necessary.
5. Design the busbar layout using SLD editor, see 3.5.1, Using the SLD Editor.

3.5. Single Line Diagram

3.5.1. Using the SLD Editor

To open the SLD Editor, select substation, voltage level, bus, or bay object and right-
click them. Then select SLD Editor from the menu. The higher level contains the layout
of the lower levels.

With the SLD Editor you can add objects to the Single Line Diagram, modify existing
objects, and specify electrical connections. You can also fine-tune the layout of the dia-
gram and add and modify descriptive texts. You can drag and drop symbols needed in
the SLD from the symbol library.

To open the SLD Editor Tool:

1. Click the Substation structure tab.
2. Select the Bay or the Busbar object.
3. Right-click on the Bay or the Busbar object and select SLD Editor.
From the main toolbar, select Tools > SLD Editor.

Creating a diagram with the SLD Editor

To create a diagram with the SLD Editor:

1. In the Symbols view, click the tabs to view the different sets of symbols, see Fig-
ure 3.5.1-1.
2. Click a symbol you want to use and drag it with the mouse to the Single Line Diagram
3. Place Connectivity Nodes between switches and transformers that will be connected.
4. Select the Direct Link tool from the SLD toolbar. Link the symbols together by
clicking first the start and then the end point of a connection.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Symbols can be graphically grouped by drawing a rectangle border around them by

selecting the Rectangle button. This feature is only a visual aid and does not affect the
functionality of the SLD.

Figure 3.5.1-1 SLD symbols


To create a bay SLD:

1. Add primary objects (Switchgear objects, measurement transformers, and power
2. Rename the primary object using the name property in the property grid. This name
is used in HMI for the object.
3. Add primary Connection objects (for example, feeders, earth symbols).
4. Add Connectivity Nodes.
• Switchgears are connected to each other with a connectivity node.
• Feeder objects are connected to switchgear objects with a connectivity node.
• Transformer objects are connected to switchgear objects with a connectivity

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Do not add connectivity nodes to the connection between

the busbar and the bay switchgears.

Do not add connectivity nodes between the earth symbol

and the switchgear object (disconnector).

To connect a power transformer to another bay, create a

connectivity node in the target bay (not in the bay where
the power transformer is located).

5. Add Via points, if you want the line to follow a certain route.
6. Connect objects
• Activate the Direct Link tool from the tool bar.
• Link two objects together by selecting their link points.
Additionally you can add for example a Bay Switch indicator, annotations, and
measurement text boxes.


Figure 3.5.1-2 The Bay SLD view

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Measurement text box configuration

To configure the Measurement text box, use the Data Connect

function to connect the measurement logical nodes from the
communication structure to the bay.

To configure the Measurement text box:

1. Right-click the object and select Configure Measurement function from the menu.
2. Using the configuration dialog, select the measurements to be shown in HMI.

If the IED does not provide a unit for the measurement, it is

possible to specify the unit here.


Figure 3.5.1-3 The Measurement Configuration dialog

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Bay Switch Indicator configuration

To configure the Bay Switch Indicator, use the Data Connect

function to connect the logical node containing the Loc
information (LLN0) from the communication structure to the

To configure the Bay Switch Indicator:

1. Right-click the object and select Configure Bay Switch Indicator from the menu.
2. Using the configuration dialog, select the source for the local remote switch indication
(for example LLN0.Loc.stVal) to be used in HMI.


Figure 3.5.1-4 The Bay Switch Indicator configuration dialog

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Busbar SLD

To create a busbar SLD:

1. Add Busbar start and end objects (only one start and end point is allowed).
2. Add a Connectivity Node (one connectivity node is enough to connect all bays to
this busbar).
3. Connect the objects.
• Activate the Direct Link tool from the tool bar.
• Two objects linked together by selecting their link points.

You can adjust the size of busbar in the bay and voltage level views as well as the busbar
view. You can also add annotations.


Figure 3.5.1-5 The Busbar SLD view

Busbar Coloring

Busbar Coloring is automatically configured when the SLD is drawn. Connecting

switchgear objects together specifies their electrical connections, which is used during
runtime to calculate the proper coloring. Settings tool in the substation gateway object
has tab page for the Busbar coloring, where, for example, the used colors can be modified.
The value of the voltage property on the voltage level object is used for the voltage level
based busbar coloring mode.

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Voltage level SLD

To create a voltage level SLD:

1. Drag the bays to correct locations in the SLD (name of the selected bay can be seen
in the property grid).
2. Connect bays to busbars. Select a bay, right-click it and select Connect to a Busbar
from the menu.
3. In the configuration dialog, select the corresponding switchgear and the busbar
object to connect them.

The SLD Editor shows the lines between the bays and
the busbar connected to the same point in the busbar.
However, the lines are drawn to separate locations in

4. If you want to fine-tune the SLD Editor layout for the connection lines, you can add
a StopAt object from menu of the line. Move the StopAt point to the correct location
in the busbar.

You can also add annotations.


Figure 3.5.1-6 The voltage level SLD view

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Substation SLD

To create a substation SLD:

1. If you have more than one voltage level object, drag the objects to correct locations
in the SLD.
2. Voltage levels are connected to each other via a power transformer. Select a voltage
level containing the transformer, right-click it and select Connect Winding to a bay
function from the menu.
3. Using the configuration dialog, you can select winding and the target bay/connectivity
4. Add Station switch indicator (local/remote) Configuration.

To configure the Station Switch Indicator, use the Data Con-

nect function to connect the logical node containing the
information (SPS CDC) from the communication structure to
the substation.


Figure 3.5.1-7 Substation SLD view

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

3.6. Data connection

3.6.1. General about Data connection

The Data Connection function is used to connect the substation structure objects to the
communication structure. Process data values based on the communication structure
objects are used to update the symbol states in HMI. It is also used to get object
descriptions based on the substation structure names to the alarm and event lists.

Any data object that has event class defined in the communic-
ation structure, must be linked to the substation structure to
get the proper description to the alarm and event.

Before you can use the Data connection function, create the communication structure,
see 3.4.1, Creating substation and communication structures with SCL descriptions or
connectivity packages.

To connect the substation structure objects to the communication structure:

1. In the Substation structure select a Substation, Bay, or Voltage level object and
right-click it. Select Data Connection to open the Data connection function.
The objects in the substation structure are shown on the left side of the Data connec-
tion window. The logical nodes that can be attached to the objects are shown on the
right side of the Data connection window.
2. Click a substation structure object on the left side of the Data connection window.
The logical nodes that can be attached to the objects are listed in the structure on
the right side of the window.
3. Double-click the logical node to attach/detach it to the correct substation structure
4. Click OK to save the changes.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual


Figure 3.6.1-1 The Data connection window

3.6.2. Settings

You can define SLD settings in the Settings dialog. To open the Settings dialog, right-
click the Gateway object and select Settings.

The Settings dialog contains the following tabs:

• Generic: You can define general settings, for example the symbol set (ANSI or
IEC) and element size.
• Alarm Settings: You can define color settings and appearance for the alarms.
• Measurement Status: You can define color settings for different alarm levels.
• Default Colors: You can modify the default colors of devices.
• Fonts: You can modify the font definitions.
• Measurement Precisions: You can adjust the precision settings of the measurements.
• Bus Bar Coloring: You can define busbar colors and busbar settings.
• Name Display: You can define name display settings. These settings define how
and if name is displayed next to the symbol.
• Resource Text Sets: You can modify measurement, quality, or local/remote resource
texts. Measurement texts affect the Measurements page of HMI. Quality texts affect
Alarm and Event Lists in HMI. Local/Remote texts are displayed with the Bay and
Station Indicator.

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

3.7. Alarm and event handling

3.7.1. General about alarm and event objects

Alarm and event objects define the types of events and alarms that are generated and the
alarm and event messages displayed in HMI. It is possible to modify existing alarm and
event objects (see 3.7.2, Modifying existing alarm and event objects) and to create new
objects (see 3.7.3, Creating new alarm and event objects).

The communication structure contains the following event groups:

• Process Event Definitions
• Communication Diagnostic Event Definitions
• Common Event Settings


Figure 3.7.1-1 Event groups

3.7.2. Modifying existing alarm and event objects

To modify existing alarm and event objects:

1. Select the event class in the communication tree structure.
2. Select the desired event object from the list.
3. Right-click the event object and select Properties.
4. Make the necessary modifications to the event object in the Object Properties

3.7.3. Creating new alarm and event objects

To create new alarm and event objects:

1. Select the event class group in the communication structure and right-click it.
2. Select New > Event Classes.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

3. Select the desired event class type from the list. The new object is added to the
communication structure. Rename the object.
4. Right-click the event object and select Properties.
5. Make the necessary modifications to the event object in the Object Properties

3.7.4. Connecting alarm or event objects to data objects

Data objects are connected to event classes by selecting the used event class from the
properties of the data object. Depending on the data class, the object can have an event
class property both for indication and control events or only one of them. These properties
define the event classes that are used with the data object.

3.8. Data Historian

The COM600 data historian is a real-time database designed and optimized for process
information management and extensive history recording. The data historian is based
on ABB’s cpmPlus Knowledge Manager software. It combines the benefits of an easy-
to-use real-time database with industrial reliability, performance, and real-time function-
ality to provide an excellent platform for process information management.

The data historian can be used for accurate process performance monitoring by following
process and equipment performance calculations with real-time and history values.
Better understanding of the process behaviour by joining time-based process measure-
ments with production and maintenance events helps the user to understand the process
dynamics. It further provides required information for learning how to keep the process
running. High performance and reliability, together with maintenance-free operation,
provide a solid platform for trending.

The optional data historian functionality offers means of storing, analyzing and
presenting process data.

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual


Figure 3.8-1 Data Historian menu item shown in Web HMI

For more information about configuring the data historian, see section Configuring Data
historian in COM600 User's Manual. For information about the actual usage of data
historian information, see COM600 Data Historian Operator's Manual.

3.9. Customizing IED parameter settings

To have the parameters of an IED added automatically to the selections list, the connectiv-
ity package for the IED that supports the parameter information must be installed.

With the Parameter Selection tool of SAB600, you can select the parameters that are
shown in the Parameter Setting view in HMI. This option helps you to create a user-
friendly view for HMI.

Selecting parameters

To select parameters:
1. Click the Communication tab on the left.
2. Right-click the IED object and select Parameter Filtering Tool. A Parameter Fil-
tering view opens. All the logical nodes the device contains are displayed on the
left side of the Parameter Filtering view.
3. Click a logical node to view all the possible parameters.
4. Select the check box of the parameters you want to be displayed in the Parameter
Setting view of HMI, see Figure 3.9-1. To select all parameters, click Select All.
To unselect all parameters, click Deselect All.
5. Click Apply to save the selected parameters.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual


Figure 3.9-1 Parameter Filtering Tool

Importing parameters

With the Import function it is possible to import an existing Parameter Filtering Tool
configuration for example from another computer. An XML file created with the Para-
meter Filtering Tool can be imported into another device or project using this tool.

Adding new parameters

You can add a new parameter to the Parameter Filtering view. If no connectivity package
is available or the connectivity package does not contain a specific parameter for your
needs, you can add new parameters using the Add Parameter Form.

To add a new parameter:

1. Click Add Parameter in the Parameter Filtering view. The Add Parameter Form
window opens, see Figure 3.9-2.
In the Add Parameter Form window you can fill in the information on the parameter
you want to add or select a suitable option from a drop-down list.
2. After you have added all necessary information, click Apply to add the parameter
to the Parameter Filtering view.

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual


Figure 3.9-2 The Add Parameter Form window

If a parameter row has been selected in the Parameter Filtering

view, the Add Parameter button opens the selected parameter.
The changes are made to the selected parameter.

Exporting parameters into Excel

You can export the information of the selected parameters to an Excel file. This is a one-
way operation, so you cannot import the parameters back into the tool from this Excel

To export the parameter selection:

1. Select the parameters you want to export.
2. Click Excel Export. The Excel Export File window opens.
3. Select the folder where you want to export the file and click Save.

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

3.10. Disturbance data upload

The basic support for the disturbance data upload (data upload and conversion to
COMTRADE format) is implemented to each OPC Server. Protocol and device-specific
differences are hidden from the OPC client. The files are stored temporarily to the
COM600 computer, where they can be transferred further using for example ftp. COM600
has a possibility to activate the disturbance data upload from the IED and to receive the
file into the computer where HMI is run.

If the IED and the OPC server used for communication support disturbance data upload,
the properties for configuring the function can be found from the corresponding OPC
server user's manual, see 1.8, Related documents.

3.11. Project-specific localization

With SAB600 you can modify the project-specific texts that are displayed in HMI. Static
HMI texts, for example menus and headers, can be translated by the local ABB. For
more information on localization, contact your local ABB representative.

To localize objects in the substation structure or communication tree:

1. Select the object you want to modify.
2. Right-click the object and select Rename.
3. Modify the name of the object.

To localize object properties:

1. Select the object you want to modify in the Substation or Communication structure.
2. Right-click the object and select Properties. The Object properties window opens.
3. Modify the text properties of the object.

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Appendix 1

Single Line Diagram symbols

Table A1-1 Single Line Diagram symbols

Description ANSI rep- IEC rep- ANSI2 Remarks
resenta- resenta- represent-
tion tion ation


Alarm Indicator Alarm indicator in a branch of the

substation. Use at any level in the
structure to indicate alarms gener-
ally, or a specific alarm. The
indicator is not visible in the web
view when there are no active
Two State Switch Binary indicator (on/off, auto-
matic/manual, X/not-X, and so
on). It can also be used to send a
Launch Web Page Hyperlink to external information
source, such as a web page or a
local file on COM600.

Files should be stored under

C:\Program Files\COM600 GW
SW\WebHMI\UserDocs\. The total
size of the files should not exceed
100 MB. Link syntax for local files
is: http://<COM600 IP
Push Button Use to send a single command to
one target.

Application Launch Use to launch an application

external to COM600

Measurement Text Box


Connectivity Node

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Description ANSI rep- IEC rep- ANSI2 Remarks

resenta- resenta- represent-
tion tion ation

Circuit breaker – Inter-

mediate position

Circuit breaker – Open


Circuit breaker – Closed


Circuit breaker – Bad

(faulty) position

Disconnector – Interme-
diate position

Disconnector – Open

Disconnector – Closed

Disconnector – Bad
(faulty) position

Truck – Intermediate

Truck – Open position

Truck – Closed position

Truck – Bad (faulty)


Three State Switch

(Left, earthed)

Three State Switch

(Right, earthed)

Load breaker – Interme-

diate position

Load breaker – Open


Load breaker – Closed


Load breaker – Bad

(faulty) position

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Description ANSI rep- IEC rep- ANSI2 Remarks

resenta- resenta- represent-
tion tion ation

Contactor – Intermedi-
ate position

Contactor – Open posi-


Contactor – Closed

Contactor – Bad (faulty)


Power Transformer with Primary winding: on top. Second-

two Windings and no ary winding: below. All composing
Tap Changer elements exist as individual sym-
Power Transformer with Primary winding: on top. Second-
two Windings and Tap ary winding: below. All composing
Changer elements exist as individual sym-
Power Transformer with Primary winding: on top. Second-
three Windings and no ary winding: below left. Tertiary
Tap Changer winding: below right. All compos-
ing elements exist as individual
Power Transformer with Primary winding: on top. Second-
three Windings and Tap ary winding: below left. Tertiary
Changer winding: below right. All compos-
ing elements exist as individual
Voltage Transformer

Current Transformer






COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Description ANSI rep- IEC rep- ANSI2 Remarks

resenta- resenta- represent-
tion tion ation


Earth symbol

Bay Switch Indicator

Station Switch Indicator

Display Voltage

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Appendix 2

SAB600 Toolbar

Symbol Description

Displays the Substation and Communication Structure in the Project Explorer window.

Displays the Object Properties window.

Displays the messages in the Output window.

Displays a list of the object types.

Selects an object in the SLD Editor window.

Enables navigation of the SLD Editor window using a mouse.

Displays a grid view in the SLD Editor window.

Zooms in/out the SLD Editor window.

Opens the direct link tool.

Rotates the selected objects left in the SLD Editor window.

Rotates the selected objects right in the SLD Editor window.

Used to draw rectangles around grouped objects

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Appendix 3

Logical nodes and primary objects

Logical nodes can be connected to primary objects according to the following table. If
no specific function is written in the Comment column, the connection is used for dis-
playing the substation structure based on identification for the events and alarms.
Table A3-1 Logical node classes and primary objects
Primary object LN Class Mandatory Comment

LLN0 Loc data used for sta-
tion/remote switch
Voltage Level
LLN0 Loc data used for bay
local/remote switch

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Primary object LN Class Mandatory Comment

Circuit Breaker (CBR)
CSWI Mandatory Pos data used for
switch device position
and control.
RSYN Rel data used for syn-
chronism-check status
in control dialogs.
CILO EnaOpn and EnaCls
data used for interlock-
ing status in control
Disconnector (DIS)
CSWI Mandatory Pos data used for
switch device position
and control.
RSYN Rel data used for syn-
chronism-check status
in control dialogs.
CILO EnaOpn and EnaCls
data used for interlock-
ing status in control
Voltage Transformer

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

Primary object LN Class Mandatory Comment

Current Transformer


Power Overhead Line
Rotating Reactive
Component (RRC)
Surge Arrestor (SAR)
Thyristor controlled
frequency converter
Thyristor controlled
reactive component

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual

Primary object LN Class Mandatory Comment

Power Transformer
Winding (PTW)
Incoming Feeder Line

1MRS756740 Station Automation COM600 COM600 HMI 3.3

Configuration Manual


access permissions ............................................................................................ 12
bay ................................................................................................................ 16
busbar ........................................................................................................... 17
Gateway ........................................................................................................ 14
substation ...................................................................................................... 15
voltage level ................................................................................................... 16
alarm and event objects
general .......................................................................................................... 27
modifying ....................................................................................................... 27
alarm objects ...................................................................................................... 28
creating .......................................................................................................... 27

adding ........................................................................................................... 16
bay SLD ............................................................................................................. 18
bay switch indicator
configuration .................................................................................................. 21
adding ........................................................................................................... 17
busbar SLD ........................................................................................................ 22

configuration prerequisites .................................................................................. 12
connectivity packages ......................................................................................... 13
substation structure ........................................................................................ 13

Data connection ................................................................................................. 25
Data Historian .................................................................................................... 28
disturbance data upload ...................................................................................... 32

event objects
creating .......................................................................................................... 27
links ............................................................................................................... 28

COM600 HMI 3.3 Station Automation COM600 1MRS756740

Configuration Manual

adding ........................................................................................................... 14
object properties ............................................................................................. 14

substation structure ........................................................................................ 32

Measurement text box
configuration .................................................................................................. 20

object properties
Gateway ........................................................................................................ 14
voltage level ................................................................................................... 16

Parameter Filtering Tool ...................................................................................... 29
parameter settings
customizing .................................................................................................... 29

SCL descriptions ................................................................................................ 13
Single Line Diagram
symbols ......................................................................................................... 33
SLD Editor
using .............................................................................................................. 17
adding ........................................................................................................... 15
substation SLD ................................................................................................... 24
substation structure
creating .......................................................................................................... 13

voltage level
adding ........................................................................................................... 16
object properties ............................................................................................. 16
voltage level SLD ................................................................................................ 23

1MRS756740 A/13.2.2009


Distribution Automation 655 Century Point
P.O. Box 699 Lake Mary, Florida 32746
FINLAND Tel: +1 407 732 2000
Tel. +358 10 22 11 Fax: +1 407 732 2335
Fax. +358 10 224 1094

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