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Nsa 2021

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Declaration of Results

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Agriculture Farmer Shapos Services The startup is India’s

Engagement Private Limited �irst silk supply chain
& Education startup with their
product- Reshamandi
that is an AI and IoT led
digital ecosystem for
silk starting from farm
to consumer to help
farmers receive the best
price for their produce.

Agriculture Irrigation Agrirain Agro The startup works

Industries India towards �inding an
Private Limited economical and
effective solution which
works for small farmers.
The startup has
developed “Irrigation as
a Service (IaaS)” model.
Trained operators use
fully integrated and
mobile Hosereel
technology to provide
pay-per-service, and
on-demand irrigation.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Agriculture Post Zentron Labs The startup uses

Harvest Private Limited Hortisort technology to
automate the grading
process of fruits basis
different categories
such as colour, size,
weight, defects

Agriculture Productivity Athreya Global The startup has

Solutions developed eco-friendly
bioactive formulations -
RuBisCO-ACT and
Photon-MAX to improve
crop yield and health by

Animal Productivity Stellapps The startup is working

Husbandry Technologies on digitizing the
Private Limited Agri-dairy supply chain
using IoT Cloud based
technology to help
farmers reduce
wastage and ensure
better milk quality. They
cater to 2 MN farmers
and have 30k+
registered devices.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Drinking Water and Wegot Utility The startup has

Water Water Solutions developed an IoT
Networks Private Limited enabled device for
water management in
buildings to solve the
problem of water
shortage. It tracks
usage and generates
bills accordingly.

Education Access to Thinkerbell Labs The startup has

and Skill Institutional Private Limited developed their �lagship
Education innovation - Annie for
the visually impaired.
Annie is the world's �irst
braille literacy device
that helps visually
impaired people learn to
read, write, and type in
braille on their own in
any medium of

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Education Access to Study At Home The startup allows

and Skill Open Private Limited users to learn without
Development Education the use of internet.
Users can operate video
lectures entirely of�line
by paying low fees. The
platform is accessible
on all devices such as
laptops, desktops,
tablets & mobile. The
startup focusses on
professional courses
such as CA/CMA/CS
and entrance tests like
NEET and competitive
exams like banking,
SSC, Railways etc

Education Teacher Square Panda Through their initiative -

and Skill Training India LLP Aarambh, the startup is
committed to impact
students at grassroot
levels by upskilling
anganwadi workers,
educators and students
using cutting edge
Ed-tech services.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Education Toys as Unnati Educare The startup makes the

and Skill Learning Private Limited learning experience fun
Development Resource for children above 6
years through
interactive games and
DIY kits which can also
be used by educators.

Education Vocational Nexrea Private The startup uses AR/VR

and Skill Training Limited technology apps to aid
professionals learn and
maintain medical
devices and conduct
surgeries with precision.

Energy Clean Energy Zunroof Tech The startup provides

Private Limited three products - on-grid
solar solutions enabled
by machine learning,
off-grid solar solutions
and innovative IoT
Smart energy solutions
to track and save
energy for residential

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Enterprise Business Anaxee Digital They are in the business

Systems Process Runners Private of helping other
Management Limited companies scale across
India. Their platform is
spread all across the
country, covering all
states, districts, talukas
& villages, making it one
of the largest last-mile
networks in India. The
platform helps brands &
companies reach the
remotest places and
distribute their products
& services.

Enterprise Customer Marketxpander They developed a sales

Systems Relationship Services Private execution, and
Management Limited marketing automation
platform used and loved
by 1000+ organizations
across the globe. It has
found tremendous
success with new-age
businesses and
traditional enterprises
aiming at digital

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Enterprise Logistics Llama Logisol They have developed an

Systems Management Private Limited online platform that
empowers shippers and
vendors by digitizing the
entire EXIM and
distribution process,
making it ef�icient,
transparent, and
pro�itable. Their
platform helps
companies in creating,
�loating, comparing,
negotiating &
con�irming freights.

Environment Waste to Lohum They power next-gen

Value Cleantech li-ion battery mobility &
Private Limited energy solutions, give
batteries multiple lives
through reuse
technology, and makes
battery materials last
forever through
lithium-ion battery
recycling. They have
saved over INR 4,200
crores by using
recycyled materials.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Environment Industrial Revy They have developed

Biotechnology Environmental designer Bio-culture
Solutions using IP protected
Private Limited combinations of
Bacteria other
microrganisms in the
form of 'Anaeorobic
Granulated Sludge',
'Aerobic Biomass' and
Biomass Growth
Formulations that
treats hard ef�luents
like petroleum,
chemicals, dye, etc
converting waste into
reusable products such
as Bio-Methane &
Bio-Energy. Their
technology has lead to
management of water
along with ensuring
overall environmental

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Environment Sanitation and Dot Box There concept is an

Septic Tank Conception intelligent IoT based
Management Private Limited restroom café always
providing clean unisex
restroom services on a
commercial basis. It
works on a unique
revenue process, "Make
it a free concept" - Pay,
Use and Redeem, where
the user can pay for
restroom usage and
redeem the restroom
coupon at Lootel café
on food and beverages
bill within seven days.
The startup has
projected the creation
of over 9,000 jobs by
the year 2023.

Environment Sustainable Innocule They offer specialty

Mining Materials And chemicals and additives
Additives for the Indian mineral
Private Limited industry. Their product
offerings maximize
output and minimize
cost at several
operational points
during production.
Backed by extensive
R&D efforts, their

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Environment Sustainable Innocule innovative

Mining Materials And formulations are
Additives customized according
Private Limited to the client's raw
material sources and
market requirements.

Food Packaging and Uipl Innovations Their innovation,

Processing Retailing Private Limited UNIWRAPS, is a 100%
certi�ied food wrapping
paper with distinct
properties to handle
Indian food items. Their
unique innovation has
88% lower carbon
footprint than
aluminum fool, which is
generally used to wrap
Bio-Energy. Their
technology has lead to
management of water
along with ensuring
overall environmental

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Food Food Arboreal They are a vertically

Processing Processing Bioinnovations integrated
Private Limited industrial-scale
producer of high-quality
Stevia extracts for food
and beverage
companies. They also
own Magicleaf, India's
zero/low-calorie food
products brand, being a
bestseling sugar
substitie product on
online platforms.

Fintech Financial Naffa Their innovation

Inclusion Innovations harnesses the power of
Private Limited sound to enable seamless
device-to-device and
Currently, it is the largest
technology platform on
the planet that enables
payments & proximity
customer engagement
services on any device.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Fintech Insurance Umbo Idtech They have built a

Private Limited full-stack InsurTech
platform that enables
omnichannel insurance
distribution for their
partners. It helps them
to build and scale their
insurance distributions
business across
channels, products, and
other use-cases.

Health and Access to Health Arx BeatO which stands for

Wellness Healthcare Technologies beating the ring (O) of
Private Limited Diabetes is a complete
online ecosystem that
brings everything a
person needs for
managing Diabetes, and
other chronic conditions
like blood pressure and
obesity, in one place.
Currently, there are over
1,50,000 BeatO users
across India, with about
15,000 users being added
every month.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Health and Diagnostics Sascan Their innovation

Wellness Meditech OralScan is the �irst
Private Limited multimodal image
capturing device that
uses multispectral
imaging technology at
its core for non-invasive
and real-time screening
of oral cancer and
biopsy guidance. Their
proprietary software
Sascan developed to
operate OralScan is
intuitive and easy to

Health and Medical Bionic Hope Designed, engineered, and

Wellness Devices Private Limited proudly made in India,
Grippy is a lightweight
and affordable
prosthesis available in the
Indian market for people
below elbow amputation
age 15 years and above.
The team sees a future
where Bionics is made as
simple as switching on a
light bulb.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Health and Life Sciences Leucine Rich Bio They are South Asia's
Wellness Private Limited �irst microbiome
company to develop and
commercialize South
Asia's �irst gut
microbiome test called
Bugspeaks. BugSpeaks
platform has been able
to analyze gut microbial
sequencing data
comprehensively to
provide actionable and
personalized dietary
and supplementation

Health and Ayurveda, Atreya Their Nadi Tarangini

Wellness Yoga & Innovations report combines Indian
Naturopathy, Private Limited holistic science, western
medical science and AI to
Unani, Siddha
provide personalized and
and predictive health and
Homoeopathy wellness insights. The
(AYUSH) Startup is currently
functioning in 12 countries
with over 480 doctors
and has tested over 1 lakh

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Industry 4.0 3D Printing Tvasta Their product, Nirmaan,

Manufacturing is a producton, off-site
Solutions printer capable of
Private Limited moving on rails over
different pallets,
featuring a fully
automated process to
minimize human
intervention. Their
product leads to 40%
cost reduction and
counteracts regular
shortage of skilled
labour by 80%.

Industry 4.0 Augmented Blinkin Their product Scotty is an

Reality Technologies expert-driven visual
Products / Private Limited communication tool,
leveraging AR and AI to
convert audio tech
Homoeopathy support to a more
(AYUSH) intuitive visual support.
This product helps
customer support to
visually inspect
equipment through
customer's cameras and
provides visual
instructions accordingly.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Industry 4.0 Computer Nayan India They use AI and

Vision Science And computer vision to
Technologies locate events of interest
Private Limited or defects in
infrastructure, assets
and roadways. Their
product has been used
for capturing over 17
lakh traf�ic violations,
supporting local
authorities by analyzing
crowdsourced data
from mobile phones,
CCTV cameras and
other video cameras to
capture traf�ic

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Industry 4.0 Robotics Sagar Defence They build autonomous

Engineering navigation systems,
Private Limited unmanned marine and
aerial vehicles. Their
products include an
Unmanned Marine
Surface Vehicle (UMSV)
for surveillance,
hydropgraphic survey,
disaster management
and Unmanner Garbade
Collection Marine
Surface Vehicle
(UGCMSV) to collect
�loating trash and
collect data from water
bodies. They have
collected 600 kg of
garbade through their

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Industry 4.0 Internet of Repos Iot India Their products focus on

Things Private Limited revolutionizing the
supply chain of energy
distribution, focussing
on a mobile petrol pump
and a portable service
station. Their aim is to
establish a one-stop
destination to stimulate
the creation and growth
of the energy on wheels
business model.

Security Security & Pivotchain They have developed a

Safety Solution product, Raven, which is
Systems Technologies a customizable deep
Private Limited learning software
platform integrated
into vision-based
networks typically
deployed for industrial
surveillance, asset
security, or process
monitoring applications.

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Security Cyber-Security Sequretek IT They offer cybersecurity

Solutions solutions for enterprises
Private Limited and focuses on device
security, user behavior,
and enterprise security

Space Agnikul Cosmos They are building a

Technology Private Limited launch-on-demand
Solutions orbital-class rocket that
can carry 100kgs to
Low Earth Orbit. Their
rocket - Agnibaan - is a
2 stage launch vehicle
powered by
semi-cryogenic engines
driven by electric
motors. They aim to
make a rocket that is
entirely con�igurable
according to the
customer's needs

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Transport Freight & Rubanbridge They have developed a

Logistics Private Limited tech-based commerce
Services network that delivers
aspirational products &
digital services to the
doorsteps of rural
consumers, catering to
great unpenetrated
rural demand. The
network is built in more
than 6000 villages
spread across 67
districts and 6 states.

Transport Traff�ic Steradian They have developed

Management Semiconductors the world's most
Private Limited compact 28 nm
milimeter-wave imaging
radar chip to maximise
the pixel per square
milimetere. Their
product alows for
recreation of
surrounding to very high
degree of accuracy and
resolution, being
applicable in
autonomous vehicles,
traf�ic monitoring,
virtual docking guidance
system and other such

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Transport Transport Treasure Vase Their product SmartE is

Services and Ventures Private India's �irst and largest
Infrastructure Limited shared electric mobility
service, focusing on last
mile connectvitiy. They
have served over 6 crore
passenges with a daily
average ridership of
over 1 lakh passengers
in their �leet of over
1500 vehicles.

Travel Travel Planning Villotale They have developed a

and Discovery Technologies tech platfotm that
Private Limited focuses on experiential
tourism in rural space
engaging the local
community. They use
technology that
partners with rural
homestays and rural
service providers like
homeowners, trekkers,
farmers, artisans,
guides, village cooks,

Sector Sub Company Product/Service
Sector Name Description

Travel Travel Planning Upcurve They have built a

and Discovery Business platform UdChalo that
Services Private aims to simplify life by
Limited building unique,
convenient, and
cost-effective platforms
for soldiers to access
consumer products and
services. udChalo
Services , including
�lights, hotels, and tax
�iling, are available to
everyone at affordable
costs coupled with
reliable customer

Travel Hospitality Simplotel They have designed a

Technologies product focused on
Private Limited helping hotels increase
their direct bookings.
Simplotel is a 'Shopify
for hotels and provides
hotels with
e-commerce, online
marketing solutions
including Hotel Website
Builder, Hotel Booking
Engine, Hotel
Reservation Desk,and
Hotel Email Marketing.

Special Category
Content Delivery In Indic Language

Sector Sub Company Product/Service

Sector Name Description

Enterprise Logistics Cargo Exchange They have built a

Systems Management India Private real-time cloud-based
Limited Enterprise Logistics
Suite designed to
automate the
activities in the supply
chain . They provide a
simple, faster,
transparent, and
scalable technology to
help freight transport
and logistics operators
to collaborate with their
brokers, commission
agents, or carriers
effectively. The platform
supports 22+ languages
with on the �ly language
selection and
translation which
enhances logistics
operations productivity.

Rural impact

Sector Sub Company Product/Service

Sector Name Description

Agriculture Post Harvest Vesatogo They have developed a

Innovations market linkage and
Private Limited aggregated logistics
platform through which
farmers get information
of the current market
trends (rates, demand,
etc.) and can make
intelligent and informed
decisions ensuring
higher pro�itability

Innovation For COVID-19

Sector Sub Company Product/Service

Sector Name Description

Industry 4.0 Internet of Tagbox They are helping

Things Solutions organizations in
Private Limited controlling supply chain
outcomes by solving
problems like Product
Quality and
Compliance, End to End
Traceability, and
Operational Ef�iciency.
TagBox's BoxLens
platform combines
IoT-based Real-time
sensing, ML-driven
Predictive Insights, and
AI-driven actions to
resolve supply chain
problems . They have
created solutions on
Vaccine tracking and
Social Distancing during

Women Led Startup

Sector Sub Company Product/Service

Sector Name Description

Transport Freight & Frontier Markets They developed

Logistics Consulting commerce platform
Services Private Limited that connects rural
consumers to a
diversi�ied portfolio of
curated rural-friendly
products and services.
They provide the rural
customer with a
phygital dukaan
experience through their
women salesforce,
called Saral Jeevan
Sahelis that connects
and assist rural
customers in purchasing
high-value solutions


Sector Sub Company Product/Service

Sector Name Description

Incubator Access They are helping

Livelihoods organizations in
Foundation controlling supply chain
outcomes by solving
problems like Product
Quality and
Compliance, End to End
Traceability, and
Operational Ef�iciency.
TagBox's BoxLens
platform combines
IoT-based Real-time
sensing, ML-driven
Predictive Insights, and
AI-driven actions to
resolve supply chain
problems . They have
created solutions on
Vaccine tracking and
Social Distancing during


Sector Sub Company Product/Service

Sector Name Description

Accelerator India They are the leading

Accelerator seed-stage Accelerator
in Asia.
They select promising
early-stage startups
and work closely with
them to convert into
successful ventures.
They work with the
relevant stakeholders in
building the complete
Value-stream right from
campuses till Series-A


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