Bruising As The First Sign of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Infancy

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Case Report

Bruising as the first sign of

exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in infancy
Csilla Enikő Szabo1,2, Oana Iulia Man2, Radu Sorin Șerban1,2, Eva Kiss1,2,
PEDIATRICS Călin Florin Lazăr1,2

1) Department of Pediatrics I, Iuliu Abstract

Hațieganu University of Medicine and Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is an important cause of chronic malnutrition,
Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
secondary to maldigestion-malabsorption, which can be caused in children especially
2) Pediatric Clinic I, Pediatric by cystic fibrosis, but also by other much rarer diseases. The case of a 6 months and
Emergency Hospital, Cluj-Napoca, 3 weeks old male pediatric patient is reported, who was admitted to the clinic for
Romania head and forearms bruising. Laboratory findings identified vitamin K deficiency as
the cause of the cutaneous hemorrhagic syndrome. Further investigations revealed
association of steatorrhea (which is a marker of fat malabsorption), iron-deficiency
anemia and hypovitaminosis D, which had been produced by nutritional deficiencies
caused by malabsorption syndrome. From the numerous disorders that could be
associated with pancreatic insufficiency in children, the following conditions had
been excluded: cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis), cow`s milk protein intolerance,
gluten-sensitive enteropathy (coeliac disease), Shwachman-Diamond syndrome,
abetalipoproteinemia, etc. Based upon decreased levels of stool pancreatic elastase
in repeated measurements, together with low serum lipase, the final diagnosis of
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency was established. Treatment of this case consisted
mainly in pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, but also oral iron supplementation
and dietary supplements with fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). The outcome was
favorable, characterized by normalization of intestinal passage, ascending growth
curve and normalization of the majority of laboratory tests values that were modified
between the time of patient admission to our clinic and initiation of specific therapy
(serum level of vitamin K, vitamin D and lipase, coagulation profile, hemoglobin
and red blood cell indexes), as well as higher value of fecal pancreatic elastase.
Keywords: bruising, vitamin K deficiency, steatorrhea, malabsorption, exocrine
pancreatic insufficiency

Introduction the most important physiopathological

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency process, which explains why steatorrhea
is one of the maldigestion-malabsorption is the main clinical symptom of exocrine
syndromes, thus being associated with pancreatic insufficiency. Steatorrhea
poor digestion and, subsequently with is defined as the presence of excess fat
diminished intestinal absorption of one in the stool and it can be manifested by
or more dietary nutrients. Exocrine diarrhea, large bulky, oily or greasy stools,
pancreatic insufficiency is determined by increased gas content or stool floating on
various pancreatic enzyme deficiencies the toilet water. The most common cause
causing an alteration at the level of the of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
intestinal lumen which results in chronic in children is represented by cystic
diarrhea and steatorrhea, that are in fibrosis, but there are several much rarer
turn responsible for the development of possible etiologies, such as the following
DOI: 10.15386/mpr-1231
multiple nutrient deficiencies, including syndromes: Shawchman-Diamond,
Manuscript received: 12.11.2018 fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins Johanson-Blizzard, Pearson or various
Received in revised form: 21.01.2019 (especially fat-soluble A, D, E, K) isolated enzyme deficiencies. Therapeutic
Accepted: 11.02.2019
and electrolytes, with specific clinical strategy in this disease consists first in
Address for correspondence: consequences [1-3]. However, fat pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, maldigestion-malabsorption seems to be in association with dietary management,

200 MEDICINE AND PHARMACY REPORTS Vol. 92 / No. 2 / 2019: 200 - 204
Case Report

which would ensure a favorable prognosis. On the syndrome, anemic syndrome, rickets signs, grade I/II
other hand, patients with untreated exocrine pancreatic systolic murmur, grade 1 protein-calorie malnutrition.
insufficiency not only suffer from impaired quality of life
due to steatorrhea, weight loss, abdominal discomfort and
other symptomes related to this disease, but are also at
high risk to develop nutritional deficiencies with specific
secondary disorders, such as: hemeralopia, xerophtalmia,
keratosis follicularis (vitamin A deficiency), bone
decalcification with rickets or osteomalacia (vitamin D
deficiency), hematologic disorders – anemia, neurological,
neuromuscular and eye and visual system disorders (vitamin
E deficiency), hemorrhagic syndrome, colitis, diarrhea,
steatorrhea (vitamin K deficiency) etc [1,4-6]. Therefore,
it is essential to diagnose and treat this pancreatic disorder
properly, in order to prevent possible complications that
could occur in time and have an obviously negative impact
on the patient’s life quality.
A case of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is
reported, in which the diagnosis was established after an
initial episode of cutaneous hemorrhagic syndrome caused
by vitamin K deficiency. Subsequently, steatorrhea (both
being consequences of fat malabsorption), iron-deficiency
anemia and hypovitaminosis D, as nutritional deficiencies
produced by malabsorption syndrome, had been identified.

Case report
Figure 1. Physical findings at the first presentation – head and
The patient reported here is a male infant, without forearms bruising
any known allergies, coming from organized, wealthy,
quite young and healthy parents, living in the urban area.
He was admitted to the Pediatric Clinic I from Pediatric Disorders of hemostasis can be classified into
Emergency Hospital Cluj-Napoca at the age of 6 months vascular, platelet and coagulation factors defects. Each one
and 3 weeks for insidious onset bruises located on the head of the previously mentioned anomalies can be hereditary or
and forearms. Early personal history of the patient revealed acquired [1-3,7].
that he was born after a full term and uneventful pregnancy Laboratory findings in this stage revealed:
to a G2P2 mother, via vaginal delivery, with normal weight prothrombin time 75% (normal range 80-120%), serum
and length at birth, he had physiological neonatal jaundice, fibrinogen 128 mg/dl (normal range 180-450 mg/dl),
and there were no postnatal complications. He was thrombin time 23.9 sec (normal range 14-21 sec), serum
breastfed for 6 months and then started eating solid foods. vitamin K – K1 = 0.15 µg/l (normal range 0.2-3 µg/l)
Before admission to the clinic, prophylaxis of rickets had and K2: MK-4 = 0.23 µg/l, MK-7 = 0.1 µg/l. Complete
been made correctly (1000 units of vitamin D per day) and blood count was suggestive for normochrome, normocytic
he had been vaccinated according to national standards. anemia: hemoglobin 9.9 g/dl (normal range 11-14.5 g/dl),
Clinical examination of the patient at the first hematocrit 30.1% (normal range 33-42%), red cell count
presentation revealed a good general condition, but growth 4,170,000/µl (normal range 4,000,000-5,300,000/µl), MCV
delay of -22.02% (weighted index = 0.83; nutritional 72.2 fL (normal range 72-89 fL), MCH 23.7 pg (normal
index = 0.77), reduced subcutaneous adipose tissue, skin range 25-31 pg), MCHC 32.9 g/dl (normal range 32-37 g/
and mucous pallor, a bruise of approximately 5/5 cm in dl). Biochemical laboratory tests showed low blood level
the parietal region of the head and multiple bruises with of ferritin: 10 ng/ml (normal range 12-327 ng/ml), which
diameters between 1 and 4 cm on the forearms, bloating, could represent the cause of iron deficiency anemia. Stool
minor bone deformities of the thorax (rosary, increased sample analysis identified high fat content, which is a
antero-posterior diameter of the chest wall) and head (frontal marker of lipid malabsorption from ingested food.
and parietal skull bossing), grade I/II systolic murmur in left Malabsorption can be primary or secondary to
parasternal area, without any other pathological findings maldigestion and it can be in its turn either global or selective
at the examined organ systems (Figure 1). Based upon – meaning malabsorption of lipids or carbohydrates or
the patient’s history and clinical findings, the following proteins. The possible causes of fat malabsorption can
diagnosis was established: cutaneous hemorrhagic be grouped in hepatobiliary disorders (such as hepatitis,

MEDICINE AND PHARMACY REPORTS Vol. 92 / No. 2 / 2019: 200 - 204 201
Case Report

cirrhosis, cholestatic syndromes etc.), pancreatic and described above, the final diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic
intestinal diseases, respectively [1-3]. insufficiency was established. It caused vitamin K and
At the next admission of the patient to the clinic, D deficiency, as well as iron deficiency anemia (iron
additional paraclinical investigations were performed, absorption disorder was most probably secondary to the
in order to establish the etiology of the malabsorption pancreatic insufficiency).
syndrome and also to follow up the patient’s condition. Treatment of this patient mainly consisted in
Paraclinical assessment revealed normal coagulation profile pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (with Pancreatinum
after the oral administration of vitamin K. Furthermore, 10,000 units using an initial dose of 2500 units/meal and
anemia was corrected after oral iron supplementation for then 3000 units/meal, because steatorrhea reappeared
3 months. Peripheral blood smear was then examined and growth curve for weight and length was abnormal),
and as a result, the following possible etiologies of the in association with dietary supplements containing fat-
malabsorption syndrome could be excluded: Shwachman- soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and oral iron supplements
Diamond syndrome (which is characterized by neutropenia) for the treatment of iron-deficiency anemia, in a dose of 5
and abetalipoproteinemia (which is associated with mg/kg/day for 3 months. On this treatment, the patient had
acantocytosis) [1]. Liver enzymes (alanine and aspartate a favorable outcome, sustained at the presentation in the
aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase, gamma- clinic after 1 year and 2 months from the first admission
glutamyltransferase), as well as direct and total bilirubin (at the age of 1 year and 8 months), by the clinical
were within normal limits, so a possible hepatobiliary results (ascending growth curve for weight and length,
disorder could be excluded as a cause of fat malabsorption normalization of intestinal passage, disappearance of
syndrome. Serum lipid profile did not reveal any disorders of bruising), as well as by the paraclinical tests (normalization
blood lipids; on the other hand, dosing of serum pancreatic of coagulation, complete blood count and biochemistry
enzymes showed lipase deficiency: 67 U/l (normal range profile values). However, at that moment, a slightly
73-393 U/l), but normal serum amylase level: 89 U/l growth delay of -12.89% persisted, with 10 kg weight and
(normal range 30-100 U/l). Immunological investigations 82 cm height (-0.42 SD), the weighted index = 0.89, the
excluded cow’s milk protein intolerance (specific IgE to nutritional index = 0.87 and the Z score = -1.15. The patient
beta-lactoglobulin f77 level was less than 0.100 kU/l) and had normally colored skin, without pallor or bruises, atopic
gluten-sensitive enteropathy (both tissue transglutaminase dermatitis, persistent vitamin D dependent rickets signs
and endomysial IgA antibodies were negative) from the list consisting in head and thorax bone deformities. Paraclinical
of intestinal disorders possibly involved in malabsorption assessment showed: normalization of hemoglobin and red
syndrome. Laboratory tests also revealed hypovitaminosis blood cell indexes, normal level of vitamin D, selective
D: 12.5 ng/ml (normal range 30-100 ng/ml) and selective deficit of IgG (IgA and IgM values were normal), normal
immunoglubulin G and M deficiency. Stool sample analysis serum lipase level (89 U/l), low concentration of pancreatic
was negative for Giardia infection. Fecal pancreatic elastase elastase in feces but higher than the value at the admission
level was less than 15 µg/g (normal values >200 µg/g) in to the clinic (60 ug/g). Stool sample analysis revealed
repeated examinations, that confirmed exocrine pancreatic neither fat, nor markers of infection or bleeding. The sweat
insufficiency. Abdominal ultrasonography showed normal chloride test was also repeated and it showed normal value
structural aspect of the pancreas, as well as of the liver and of sodium chloride (21 mmol/l) and a higher amount (7
intestine. Given that cystic fibrosis is the most common g/m2/min) of sweat, that meant inconclusive test result.
cause of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in children and Abdominal ultrasound did not describe any pathological
there were some anamnestic and clinical criteria to take aspects. In consequence, at the patient’s discharge, it was
this disease into consideration as a possible diagnosis recommended to continue pancreatic enzymes replacement
in this case, a chloride sweat test was performed using therapy and fat-soluble dietary supplements.
quantitative pilocarpine iontophoresis (through Wescore
method, by Nanoduct device). It showed a concentration Discussion
of 20 mmol/l sodium chloride and 8 g/m2/min amount of Normal digestion requires: a. adequate stimulation
sweat, that meant negative test or unlikely Mucoviscidosis of pancreatic secretion; b. sufficient production of digestive
diagnosis. According to the Therapeutic Protocol for Cystic enzymes by pancreatic acinar cells and physiological
Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis), whenever clinical presentation action of amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin and lipase,
is suggestive for cystic fibrosis, but the result of sweat that are released into the duodenum as a response to the
chloride test is negative or inconclusive, molecular genetic presence in the intestinal lumen of fatty acids, peptides
analysis of the 34 most frequent CFTR gene mutations is and aminoacids; bicarbonate neutralizes acidity of gastric
mandatory [8]. Genetic analysis only revealed a benign juice and creates optimum pH for appropriate functioning
polymorphism without phenotypic expression of the of pancreatic enzymes; c. a pancreatic duct system without
disease, thus, cystic fibrosis could be excluded. significant outflow obstruction and d. adequate mixing
Based upon the clinical and paraclinical data of the pancreatic juice with ingested food. Disorders in

202 MEDICINE AND PHARMACY REPORTS Vol. 92 / No. 2 / 2019: 200 - 204
Case Report

any of these sequences may result in pancreatic exocrine controlled, coeliac disease, malnutrition).
insufficiency, that is an important cause of maldigestion- Is is important to mention that the pancreatic
malabsorption (mainly of lipids) and leads to steatorrhea, function can be measured by direct (stimulatory) and
weight-loss and malnutrition-related complications indirect (nonstimulatory) methods, which are other possible
[1,5]. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin involved in the investigations for diagnosing disorders of the exocrine
hemostasis process, more precisely in the coagulation phase. pancreas: pancreatic stimulation test using Dreiling triple-
This vitamin is necessary for the synthesis of coagulation lumen tube or endoscopic techniques after stimulation with
factors II, VII, IX and X, as well as of coagulation secretin and/or cholecystokinin; fat (microscopic evaluation
antagonists represented by C, S and Z proteins, that provide of fecal samples, 72 hour stool collection for quantitative
a hemostatic balance, in this way avoiding bleeding or, analysis of fat content, coefficient of fat absorption in relation
on the other hand, thrombus formation. Beside S protein to fat intake using the modified van de Kamer method of
(which can be also synthetized in several other tissues), fat extraction), fecal elastase-1 and chymotrypsin in stool,
the other proteins are synthetized and activated in the nutritional markers (fat-soluble vitamins, apolipoproteins,
liver, as a result of glutamic acid carboxylation, vitamin K total cholesterol, magnesium, retinol-binding protein,
playing a cofactor role in this process. Therefore, decreased calcium, zinc, selenium and carotene), immunoreactive
serum level of vitamin K may produce probably the most trypsinogen, lipase and amylase in serum, 13C-mixed
common acquired bleeding disorder of childhood that can triglyceride breath test, pancreolauryl test [1-6].
result in any degree of bleeding from minor bleeding to Regarding the treatment of pancreatic insufficiency,
severe, clinically significant, life-threatening hemorrhage. the most important concept is pancreatic enzyme
It can cause prolonged prothrombin time, revealed by replacement therapy, that has 3 main goals: to eliminate
paraclinical investigations [1,7,8]. In this clinical case, maldigestion-malabsorption, to alleviate pancreatic
steatorrhea might have been present since the onset of the exocrine insufficiency-related symptoms and to prevent
disease, but the cutaneous hemorrhagic syndrome was the malnutrition-related morbidity and mortality and disease
revealing sign that suggested the final diagnosis. progression. Currently, there are several Food and Drug
There are numerous conditions that may be involved Administration approved pancreatic enzyme preparations
in the etiology of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and that is and replacement therapies (Creon, Zenpep, Pancreaze,
the reason why the differential diagnosis of this disease should Ultresa, Viokase, Pertzye), that should be administered
be made with the following disorders, presented in decreasing at the beginning of a meal and then one should consider
range of frequency: a. Cystic Fibrosis (the most common adding extra enzymes during or towards the end of the
lethal genetic disease, caused by autosomal-recessive CFTR- meal depending on the amount of fat in the diet, in order
7q31 gene mutation and typically characterised by the clinical to mimic the action of endogenous pancreatic enzymes,
triad of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, chronic pulmonary which are secreted throughout a meal. In addition, the
disease and elevated concentration of chloride and sodium dosage depends on age and weight of the patient: 2000-
in the sweat); b. Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (secondary 4000 units lipase/120 mL breast milk or formula (infant –
to an autosomal-recessive mutation in the SBDS gene up to 12 months), 1000 units lipase/kg/meal initially, then
located on chromosome 7, that produces exocrine pancreatic titrate per response (12 months – 4 years) and, respectively,
insufficiency, neutropenia, metaphyseal dysostosis, short 500 units lipase/kg/meal initially, up to maximum of 2500
stature, weight loss); c. Pearson syndrome (produced by a units lipase/kg/meal or 10,000 units lipase/kg/day or 4000
mutation in the mitochondrial DNA, that leads to exocrine units lipase/g fat ingested per day (children older than 4
pancreatic insufficiency associated with poor growth and years and adults), plus one half the standard meal dose to
severe bone marrow failure causing severe macrocytic be given with snacks. A positive response to pancreatic
anemia and variable degree trombocytopenia); d. Johanson- enzyme replacement would be both a significant diagnostic
Blizzard syndrome (caused by a mutation in the UBR1 gene criteria for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and an
located on chromosome 15, which is clinically characterized efficient therapeutic tool. On the contrary, if there is poor or
by various signs and symptoms such as: exocrine pancreatic even lacking response to pancreatic enzyme replacement
insufficiency, hypoplasia or aplasia of the alae nasi, therapy, one of the following treatment strategies should be
congenital deafness, hypothyroidism, developmental delay, taken into account: increase dosing, check compliance with
short stature, ectodermal scalp defects, absence of permanent the patient, add acid inhibitor, consider adding enzymes
teeth, urogenital malformations and imperforate anus); e. during and towards end of meal, consider microspheres,
isolated enzyme deficiencies (trypsinogen, enterokinase, possibly adding a rapid release enzyme preparation, look
lipase, colipase, amylase) and f. other syndromes associated for evidence of concurrent gastrointestinal comorbidities
with pancreatic insufficiency (pancreatic agenesis, congenital such as: lactose intolerance, enteric bacterial infection,
pancreatic hypoplasia, congenital rubella, duodenal atresia parasites (especially Giardia), small intestinal bacterial
and stenosis, familial or nonfamilial hyperinsulinemic overgrowth, biliary disease (cholestasis), colitis, coeliac
hypoglicemia that often requires pancreatectomy to be disease, short bowel syndrome and Chron`s disease. In

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Case Report

addition, associated to the medical treatment discussed pancreatic lipase deficiency in this patient is most likely
above, lifestyle management is also important, by using congenital, so pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy
hypercaloric diet with high meal frequency, but not should be maintained throughout his entire lifetime, but
increased meal size and at the same time by adding food with the possibility to titrate the dosage based upon clinical
supplements with fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. However, manifestations (disappearance or persistence of steatorrhea,
it is not obvious whether reducing fat intake is beneficial the aspect of the growth curve for weight and height).
in this disease or not, because results of different research
studies are currently contradictory [1,4-6]. Conclusion
The particularity of the reported case is represented The present case report provides evidence that
by the absence of any clinical specific signs or symptoms pancreatic exocrine insufficiency can be determined by
of the cutaneous hemorrhagic syndrome caused by vitamin lipase deficiency (either isolated or associated with other
K deficiency before the age of 6 months, that caused later enzyme deficiencies) and it may have an atypical onset,
established diagnosis. Vitamin K comprises a group of directly with bruising as a sign of fat-soluble vitamin K
10 structurally similar, fat-soluble compounds, including deficiency, caused by reduced absorption in the intestine.
3 main synthetic forms: a. vitamin K1 (phylloquinone, This case emphasizes the importance of differential
phytomenadione), produced by plants and found in diagnosis of cutaneous hemorrhagic syndrome, as well as
high amounts in green leafy vegetables; b. vitamin K2 of malabsorption syndrome. It also highlights the need for
(menaquinone) which is synthetised by bacteria in the gut early and accurate diagnosis of any exocrine pancreatic
flora, but is also found in animal products; c. vitamin K3 disorder and, subsequently, for early and proper treatment,
(menadione), which is represented by several water-soluble in order to prevent potential complications that could occur
analogues, which are used for therapeutical purposes. There in time due to chronic malnutrition.
are 2 etiological forms of vitamin K deficiency caused
bleeding: idiopathic and secondary to various additional References
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