The Effectiveness of Leech Therapy in

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Original Article

The Effectiveness of Leech Therapy in

Chronic Low Back Pain
A Randomized Controlled Trial

Christoph-Daniel Hohmann, Rainer Stange, Nico Steckhan, Sibylle Robens,

Thomas Ostermann, Arion Paetow, Andreas Michalsen

Charité – University
Medicine Berlin, cor-
porate member of the Summary
Free University Ber-
lin, Humboldt Background: Leech therapy has been found to be effective in the treatment of a number of chronic musculoskeletal pain
University of Berlin, syndromes. Leeches are also often used empirically to treat chronic low back pain, but data from clinical trials have been lacking
and Berlin Institute
of Health, Institute of to date. We therefore conducted the first randomized trial of leech therapy for chronic low back pain.
Social Medicine,
Epidemiology and Methods: Patients with chronic low back pain were randomized to receive either a single session of local treatment with 4–7
Health Economics,
Foundation Chair of leeches or four weekly sessions of exercise therapy (1 hour each) led by a physical therapist. The primary endpoint was a
Clinical Naturopathy: change in average back pain intensity, as measured using a 100-mm visual analog scale (VAS), after 28 days. Secondary end-
Christoph-Daniel points included functional impairment (Roland–Morris Disability Questionnaire, Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire),
Hohmann, Dr. Rainer
Stange, Dr. Nico quality of life (Short-Form Health Questionnaire [SF 36]), pain perception (pain perception scale = Schmerzempfindungsskala
Steckhan, Prof. [SES]), depressivity (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale [CES-D]), and analgesic consumption (questionnaire/
Andreas Michalsen
diary). Trial visits took place before treatment and on days 28 ± 3 and 56 ± 5 after the start of treatment; the overall duration of
Department of Inter- the trial was 56 ± 5 days.
nal Medicine, Division
of Naturopathy, Results: The mean low back pain score improved from 61.2 ± 15.6 before treatment to 33.1 ± 22.4 on day 28 in the leech ther-
Immanuel Hospital
Berlin: Christoph- apy group (n = 25) and from 61.6 ± 14.8 to 59.8 ± 16.7 in the exercise therapy group (n = 19) (group difference −25.2; 95% con-
Daniel Hohmann, fidence interval [−41.0; −9.45]; p = 0.0018). Significant benefits of leech therapy were also found at both time points with respect
Dr. Rainer Stange,
Dr. Nico Steckhan, to physical impairment and function as well as physical quality of life. The patients’ expectations from treatment were higher in
Prof. Andreas the leech therapy group but did not significantly affect the findings.
Conclusion: A single session of leech therapy is more effective over the short term in lowering the intensity of pain over the short
Department of Psy-
chology, Faculty of
term and in improving physical function and quality of life over the intermediate term (4 weeks and 8 weeks, respectively). The
Health, Witten/Her- limitations of this trial are the lack of blinding and the small number of patients. Leech therapy appears to be an effective treat-
decke University: ment for chronic low back pain.
Dipl.-Stat. Sibylle
Robens, Prof. Oster-
mann Cite this as:
Hohmann CD, Stange R, Steckhan N, Robens S, Ostermann T, Paetow A, Michalsen A: The effectiveness of leech therapy in
KPW Garbsen, chronic low back pain—a randomized controlled trial. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2018.0785
Center for Physio-
therapy: Dr. Paetow

hronic low back pain is a complex health problem much to be desired, with increasing chronification and
of considerable epidemiological and therapeutic escalating therapy.
importance. It is one of the seven most commonly Leech therapy is a traditional medical procedure
occurring diseases worldwide (1). In most cases the pain that is frequently employed for the treatment of
is caused by the interaction of several factors. Lack of chronic pain syndromes in European, Arabian, and
exercise, overweight, overexertion, and a number of Asian naturopathy. Historically, there is a long tradi-
psychosomatic factors can all play a part and often tion of using leeches for clinical purposes, all the way
reinforce each other in a vicious circle leading to chronifi- from ancient Egypt and medieval Europe (7) to the re-
cation among the very large numbers of patients with cent renaissance in leech therapy (8). The leeches
acute low back pain (2–5). Despite advances in used in modern medical practice are mostly imported
treatment—achieved largely by means of multimodal ac- from Turkey and Bulgaria. Germany currently has
tivation programs as recommended by current guidelines one single leech breeding facility operating according to
(6)—the success of treatment in individual cases leaves the standards of good manufacturing practice (GMP).

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92 785

FIGURE 1 A number of randomized controlled trials have

demonstrated the efficacy of leech therapy in alleviating
pain and improving function for patients with osteo-
Telephone screening (n = 103) Not eligible (n = 34) arthritis of the knee, osteoarthritis of the carpometacarpal
– Declined participation joint of the thumb, and epicondylitis (9, 10). A meta-
(n = 10)
– Inclusion/exclusion crite- analysis has supported the effectiveness of leech therapy
Preinclusion examination by ria not fulfilled (n = 24) in osteoarthritis of the knee (11). Although back pain is
physician (n = 69) by no means fully comparable with other musculo-
Inclusion/exclusion criteria skeletal pain syndromes, on the basis of these findings it
not fulfilled (n = 17) seems reasonable to investigate the efficacy of leech
Randomization (n = 52) therapy for this indication.
The mechanism of action of leech therapy has not
Allocated to leech therapy Allocated to back school been fully elucidated. During the approximately 60 min
(n = 27) (n = 25) of application the leeches release their saliva, containing
more than 100 biologically active substances (12), into
Early drop-out/participants Early drop-out/participants the wound. Recent biochemical studies have identified
replaced * (n = 2) replaced* (n = 6) substances in the saliva that possess not only
– Acute aggravation – No interest (n = 5)
of comorbities (n = 1) – Measurement error in lab detected coagulation-inhibiting but also analgesic and anti-
– No interest (n = 1) after inclusion (1) inflammatory properties (13). Furthermore, the leeches’
saliva contains hyaluronidase, which increases the
Received leech therapy Attended back school penetration depth of the other active substances. It is
(n = 25) (n = 19) thought that the overall clinical effect is complemented
by an antinociceptive action of the leech bite and by non-
Discontinuation (n = 1) Discontinuation (n = 2)
– No time (n = 1) – Increased pain (n = 2) specific effects arising from the unusual nature of the
Visit 1 (n = 24) Visit 2 (n = 15) The aim of this clinical trial was to investigate the
clinical effectiveness of leech therapy for chronic low
Discontinuation (n = 1) Discontinuation (n = 2) back pain.
– No reason given – Loss of interest
(n = 1) (n = 2)
Visit 2 (n = 23) Visit 2 (n = 13) Study design
This proof-of-concept study was planned, approved,
ITT evaluated (n = 25) ITT evaluated (n = 19) and conducted as a two-center, open, nonblinded, ran-
domized controlled clinical trial. Formally a pharma-
ceutical trial, it was carried out according to the
Flow chart (CONSORT) of study requirements of the German Medicines Act and the
* Participants replaced as early drop-outs were excluded before the first measurement of Ordinance on the Implementation of Good Clinical
outcome parameters and were therefore not included in the ITT analysis.
CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; ITT, intention to treat Practice in the Conduct of Clinical Trials on Medicinal
Products for Use in Humans (GCP-V).
Eligible for inclusion were male and female pa-
tients between 18 and 70 years of age with confirmed,
previously diagnosed chronic low back pain (chronic
nonspecific lumbar spine syndrome). Patients were
excluded on grounds of medicinal anticoagulation
treatment, anemia, and for other reasons (see
eMethods for details).
For the purposes of this trial four to seven leeches
could be applied on one single occasion in an area 3 to
15 cm from the spinal column at the level of vertebrae
L1 to S3. The control treatment comprised one 60-min
session of exercise therapy each week for 4 weeks.
The outcome measures were determined at base-
line, after 28 ± 3 days (visit 1; ± 3 corresponds to the
tolerance set a priori for the time of measurement),
and after 56 ± 5 days (visit 2). The primary outcome
measure was the absolute change in average back
pain intensity during the previous week (as measured
using a 100-mm visual analog scale [VAS]) at the
28-day follow-up. The secondary outcome measures
were, among others:

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Average intake of analgesic medications in % of maximal monthly dose (mean ± standard deviation)
(maximal daily dose from product information multiplied by 28)

Metamizole Diclofenac Paracetamol Ibuprofen Acetylsali- Naproxen Average monthly analgesic

(novaminsulfon) cylic acid consumption (as summed %
of maximal monthly dose)
Leech therapy group
Weeks 0.36 ± 1.79 0.62 ± 2.20 0.00 ± 0 3.63 ± 6.20 0.00 ± 0 1.75 ± 8.57 6.40%
–4 to 0 before study
Weeks 0.71 ± 2.02 0.33 ± 1.44 0.00 ± 0 1.27 ± 5.43 0.05 ± 0.24 0.00 ± 0 2.35%
1–4 during study*
Weeks 0.43 ± 1.38 0.38 ± 1.90 0.00 ± 0 1.13 ± 3.11 0.00 ± 0 0.00 ± 0 1.94%
5–8 during study*
Exercise group
Weeks 0.20 ± 0.84 9.79 ± 28.08 0.12 ± 0.43 1.77 ± 5.65 0.00 ± 0 0.00 ± 0 11.88%
–4 to 0 before study
Weeks 0.19 ± 0.79 7.84 ± 24.95 0.00 ± 0 0.81 ± 2.15 0.00 ± 0 0.00 ± 0 8.83%
1–4 during study*
Weeks 0.00 ± 0 10.25 ± 29.95 0.00 ± 0 0.34 ± 0.772 0.04 ± 0.18 0.00 ± 0 10.63%
5–8 during study*

*According to patients’ medication diaries

The monthly maximum dose was calculated from the daily maximal dose: metamizole 4000 mg x 28 = 112 000 mg; diclofenac 150 mg x 28 = 4200 mg; paracetamol 4000 mg x 28 = 112 000 mg;
ibuprofen 2400 mg x 28 = 67 200 mg; acetylsalicylic acid 3000 mg x 28 = 84 000 mg; naproxen 1250 mg x 28 = 35 000 mg

● The intensity/frequency of analgesic medication, acetylsalicylic acid 84 000 mg/month (3000 mg/day), na-
as recorded by the patient in a diary proxen 35 000 mg/month (1250 mg/day).
● Limitations on daily functioning imposed by back A detailed description of the methods employed
pain (measured using the Roland–Morris Disabil- can be found in the eMethods.
ity Questionnaire [RMDQ] and the Hannover
Functional Ability Questionnaire for measuring Results
back pain–related disability [Funktionsfragebogen A total of 103 participants were contacted. Thirty-four
Hannover für Rückenschmerzen, FFbH-R]) (14, 15) of them either did not meet the inclusion criteria or
● General quality of life (measured using the Short- exhibited insufficient interest in the trial. The remain-
Form Health Survey 36 [SF-36]) (16) ing 69 participants were examined by the study
● Mood (using the Center for Epidemiological physician and 17 could not be included. Eight partici-
Studies Depression Scale [CES-D]) (17) pants who left the trial after randomization but before
● Perception of pain (using the Pain Perception the first data acquisition point were replaced (Figure
Scale [Schmerzempfindungsskala, SES]) (18). 1). Before the commencement of treatment, expec-
tations were higher among the members of the leech
Consumption of analgesics as medication on demand therapy group than in the control group. However,
To avoid any bias arising from changes of medication, no ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) of the primary
specific medication was stipulated for use in emergen- outcome measure revealed that the participants’ ex-
cies. To achieve approximate comparability for an pectations had no significant influence on the result
important parameter in the treatment of chronic pain, the (mean difference 3.11; 95% confidence interval
daily maximum dose as stated in the product information [−12.1; 5.9]; p = 0.4969). This was also the case for
was multiplied by 28 to yield a monthly maximum dose. all of the secondary outcome measures.
In the trial, the intakes of individual analgesics were The mean pain intensity was 61.2 ± 15.6 on the
summarized for the 4-week period immediately 100-mm VAS for the leech therapy group and
preceding baseline and the probands kept diaries to 61.6 ± 14.7 for the exercise group. The average intake
record consumption in the first (V1) and second (V2) of analgesic medications, expressed as percentage of
4-week periods after baseline. These intakes are monthly maximum dose, was 6.40% versus 11.88% re-
presented here as percentages of the monthly maximum spectively (Table 1). Before the beginning of the study,
dose. The calculated monthly maximum doses for the in addition to pain medication (100%), the participants’
drugs used were: metamizole (Novaminsulfon) 112 000 low back pain led to at least one session of physiotherapy
mg/month (4000 mg/day), diclofenac 4200 mg/month in 100/91% of cases (intervention/control), massages in
(150 mg/day), paracetamol 112 000 mg/month (4000 82/73%, acupuncture in 53/91%, and rehabilitation
mg/day), ibuprofen 67 200 mg/month (2400 mg/day), measures in 53/45% (Table 2).

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TABLE 2 FFbH-R and for physical quality of life. The

difference between the two groups was no longer
Baseline characteristics of the two groups (per-protocol analysis) statistically significant for VAS-assessed pain
Leech therapy (n = 25) Exercise (n = 19) (p = 0.056). The mean absolute pain reduction was
still significantly improved in the leech group, but the
Age (years ± SD) 59.29 ± 6.99 56.53 ± 7.8
values were scattered more widely.
Height (cm) 169.86 ± 9.92 168.53 ± 8.4 The mood-related mental health scales of SF-36
Weight (kg) 79.94 ± 15.9 72.52 ± 15.7 and the SES showed improvement in both groups
BMI 27.69 ± 5 25.53 ± 5.2
(study effect). The difference between the groups was
not significant.
Proportion of women (%) 88 (n = 22/25) 95 (n = 18/19)
Duration of pain (years) 13.29 ± 14.01 11.18 ± 9.4 Safety and tolerability
Expectations * 1
4.00 ± 0.71 3.57 ± 1.06 Altogether, 20 adverse events were documented in 20
MPSS stage I (n/%) 7/28 4/21
participants, none of them serious. Five of these events
were classified as definitely connected with the leech
MPSS stage II (n/%) 13/52 11/57 therapy (prolonged continuation of bleeding up to 24 h
MPSS stage III (n/%) 4/16 1/5 [without anemia], n = 3; more intense itching on more
Physiotherapy (%) * 2
100 91 than 3 days, n = 2). Six events (increased back pain)
were classed as probably related to the treatment, five
Massage (%) 82 73
of them in the exercise group and one in the leech
Acupuncture (%) 53 91 group. In this latter case there was a temporal associ-
Rehabilitation (%) 53 45 ation with heavy physical exertion on the day before
the visit. Five events were rated as unlikely to be
BMI, body mass index; MPSS, Mainz Pain Staging System according to Gerbershagen, stages I–III as index connected with the treatment, three in the leech group
for progress of pain; SD, standard deviation
*1 Related to the effect of the allocated treatment on a 5-point Likert scale (influenza-like illness, cystitis, suspected biliary colic)
*2 Measures tried by the participants at least once during their history of pain before the commencement of and two in the back school group (migraine, influenza-
the trial; percentages always for the given group
like illness). Two members of the physiotherapy group
dropped out because of worsening back pain.

Consumption of analgesics as medication on demand

All members of the leech therapy group took part The intake of analgesics decreased significantly in the
in the intervention. A median of seven leeches (min. leech therapy group, from 6.40% of the monthly maxi-
five, max. seven) were used per treatment. The mum dose at baseline to 2.35% at V1 and 1.94% at V2.
members of the back school group attended a median Analgesic consumption in the control group followed a
of four (min. three, max. four) of the four exercise U curve, from 11.88% at baseline to 8.83% at V1 and
sessions. 10.63% at V2. The groups were heterogeneous, in that
After inclusion of 44 participants the first inter- two members of the control group were taking very
mediate evaluation was performed as foreseen by the large amounts of analgesic medications at baseline.
sequential study design, and the trial was ended with a
significant p value of 0.0018 for the primary outcome Discussion
measure, a positive result (Table 3). This randomized clinical trial was the first to evaluate
the effectiveness of leech therapy in the management
Primary result of nonspecific low back pain and compare it with a
The leech therapy group showed a significantly greater guideline-based standard treatment, i.e., kinesitherapy
reduction in VAS-rated pain at day 28 than the control and back exercises. The reduction in pain at 28 days
group (Figure 2, Table 3). At this time point, the VAS- was significantly greater in the leech therapy group,
assessed pain in the leech group had decreased by 25.2 and both functional improvement and enhancement of
mm more than that in the exercise group ([−41.0; −9.5]; physical quality of life were more pronounced in the
p = 0.0018). Precise figures for all parameters, both in leech group at 28 days and 56 days. The outcome of
the per-protocol analysis without imputation of missing exercise treatment was less positive than expected,
values and in the intention-to-treat evaluation with possibly due to the fact that in many cases it was com-
imputation can be found in eTables 1 and 2. menced at an early stage.
Both the almost 50% improvement in absolute pain
Secondary results and the absolute group difference of >20 mm on the
The VAS (for global impairment), the function inven- VAS point to a clinically meaningful effect of leech
tories (RMDQ, FFbH-R), the SES, and the SF-36 all therapy. The pain reduction achieved with leeches is
showed significant superiority of leech therapy on day quantitatively equivalent to the effects of conven-
28 (Table 1, Figure 3). tional pharmacological treatments, e.g., nonsteroidal
On day 56, leech therapy remained significantly antirheumatic drugs. Hedges g, a measure of effect
superior for the function inventories RMDQ and size, was −1.30 at V1 and −1.06 at V2. In other words,

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Means ± standard deviations for the outcome measures and mean group differences with 95% confidence intervals over the course of the study;
p values of the ANCOVA model adjusted for baseline value and expectations (ITT analysis after imputation)

Leech therapy (n = 25) Exercise (n = 19) Mean difference Mean difference

[95% CI] p [95% CI] p
Day 0 Day 28 ± 3 Day 56 ± 5 Day 0 Day 28 ± 3 Day 56 ± 5 Day 28 ± 3 Day 56 ± 5
VAS: pain 61.2 ± 15.6 33.1 ± 22.4 33.2 ± 21.8 61.5 ± 14.7 59.7 ± 16.7 56.9 ± 21.9 −26.6 [–38.5; –14.7] 0.0018 −23.6 [−37.1; –10.2] 0.0568
VAS: global impairment 59.6 ± 18.0 31.7 ± 23.8 31.0 ± 27.8 54.4 ± 24.5 51.0 ± 17.6 58.4 ± 28.6 −19.3 [–31.9; –6.7] 0.0286 −27.4 [−44.9; –10.0] 0.0592
Roland-Morris Disability 12.6 ± 4.3 6.7 ± 4.7 5.6 ± 4.1 12.2 ± 5.4 11.6 ± 5.4 15.3 ± 8.1 −4.8 [– 8.0; –1.7] 0.0045 −9.7 [−13.9; –5.6] 0.0011
FFbH-R 58.8 ± 16.8 74.7 ± 15.8 75.7 ± 13.9 56.1 ± 16.9 56.9 ± 19.0 51.9 ± 18.6 17.8 [6.9; 28.7] 0.0084 23.8 [13.5; 34.2] 0.0119
SF-36: physical health 33.1 ± 9.7 42.6 ± 8.7 43.3 ± 8.4 33.8 ± 7.1 36.1 ± 9.2 30.5 ± 11.7 6.5 [0.9; 12.0] 0.03 12.9 [6.4; 19.4] 0.0132
summary scale
SF-36: mental health 46.5 ± 9.8 48.1 ± 10.0 50.3 ± 11.3 46.3 ± 12.3 47.9 ± 14.1 45.4 ± 18.6 0.2 [−7.6; 7.9] 0.7804 5.0 [−4.9; 14.9] 0.1373
summary scale
CES-D 17.1 ± 8.8 13.1 ± 8.6 11.9 ± 10.7 17.6 ± 10.3 17.5 ± 10.9 19.4 ± 16.9 −4.4 [−10.6; 1.7] 0.0429 −7.5 [−16.6; 1.5] 0.1078
SES: affective pain 30.5 ± 9.6 22.0 ± 6.7 19.9 ± 5.3 28.6 ± 7.8 24.2 ± 4.9 23.7 ± 6.9 −2.3 [−5.8; 1.2] 0.1419 −3.9 [−7.7; 0.0] 0.1775
SES: sensory pain 17.1 ± 5.5 13.7 ± 4.2 12.9 ± 3.1 17.5 ± 4.5 17.1 ± 3.9 17.5 ± 5.9 −3.3 [−5.7; –0.8] 0.0135 −4.6 [−7.7; –1.5] 0.0865

CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; CI, confidence interval; FFbH-R, Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire for measuring back pain–related disability (Funktions-
fragebogen Hannover für Rückenschmerzen); ITT, intention to treat; SES, Pain Perception Scale (Schmerzempfindungsskala); SF-36, Short-Form Health Survey 36; VAS, visual analog scale

the effect size was strong (>0.8) at both follow-up care (22). Leech therapy is characterized by a certain
visits. The corresponding figures for RMDQ func- degree of invasiveness (leech bite, prolonged
tional improvement were −0.95 at V1 and −1.56 at bleeding) and by a striking treatment setting (com-
V2. (See eTable 3 for a detailed presentation of these plex, unusual intervention involving living creatures).
results.) A strong nonspecific effect is thus likely due to the
Other, nonmedicinal procedures recommended in resulting neurocognitive processes.
current international guidelines (19), such as physio- The lack of a parameter based on objective assess-
therapy, acupuncture, the Alexander technique, or ment, e.g., the Physician’s Global Assessment Scale,
yoga, are less effective than documented for leech is another limiting factor. The fact that 91% of the
therapy in our trial (20). Leech therapy should there- members of the back school group had previously re-
fore be considered a useful option for the nonmedici- ceived comparable measures can also be viewed as a
nal/noninvasive management of back pain. limitation. However, repeated use of physiotherapy is
recommended in the guidelines.
Limitations A further limitation is the low number of cases in
One major limitation of this trial is the lack of blinding the trial. However, this was based on correct
to treatment. The characteristic leech therapy process, calculation and early attainment of the discontinu-
with application of living creatures to the skin, the in- ation criterion in the sequential design and was corre-
itial bite, and the subsequent prolonged bleeding, spondingly determined by the high effect size of the
makes effective blinding practically impossible. leech therapy. The high drop-out rate in the control
Indeed, the attempt at blinding in one of the knee group, resulting in an imbalance of 25:19 evaluable
osteoarthritis studies was unsuccessful, with most participants on intention-to-treat criteria, must also be
patients correctly identifying their treatment (21). The considered a limiting factor. However, a model calcu-
absence of blinding means that the size of the nonspecific lation of the effect sizes for a hypothetical balanced
(placebo) effect cannot be measured accurately. However, distribution of 22:22 showed no meaningful alteration
statistical allowance for the probands’ expectations—an of the results, so we do not believe that the difference
important factor for nonspecific treatment effects—also in group size essentially weakens the conclusions.
showed no essential influence on the results. The groups differed with regard to analgesic intake
Nevertheless, it has to be assumed that the overall at baseline. This may be viewed as showing a differ-
effect includes a considerable nonspecific component. ence in perception of pain, particularly in view of the
Experimental clinical studies of nonpharmacological fact that analgesic consumption declined sharply in
procedures in the treatment of pain show that the size the treatment group. One last limitation is the possible
of the treatment effect increases both with the inva- selection bias, given that the participants were
siveness of the intervention and with the intensity of recruited in a tertiary study center.

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mm %

100 100

75 75

50 25

25 0

0 Day
Day 0 Day 28 ± 3 Day 56 ± 5 0 Day 28 ± 3 Day 56 ± 5

Leech therapy Back school Leech therapy Back school

Course of primary outcome measure, pain intensity (100-mm VAS). Course of secondary primary outcome measure daily functioning
(primary outcome measure day 28 ± 3; p = 0.0018; (Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire for measuring back
expressed as mean ± standard deviation) pain–related disability, FFbH-R; expressed as % of functional
VAS, visual analog scale capacity ± standard deviation)

Possible mechanisms of action informed about the high rate of occurrence of localized
Several different mechanisms of action may have itching and the persistence of localized reddening of the
contributed to the clinical amelioration of back pain by skin for a period of up to several weeks, as observed in
the leech therapy. In osteoarthritis, the effect has been this study.
attributed particularly to the analgesic/anti-
inflammatory substances present in leech saliva. How- Duration of effect
ever, an anti-inflammatory action seems less likely to Our data permit no conclusions as to the duration of ef-
be relevant for chronic nonspecific back pain than for fect of leech therapy in patients with nonspecific low
symptomatic osteoarthritis. A positive effect of leech back pain. For osteoarthritis, mean durations of effect
therapy has also been described in other clinical con- of 4 to 8 months have been reported (25). In principle,
texts, even including an individual case of cancer pain leech therapy can be repeated when the effect wears
relief (23). The leech bite, in analogy with other off; in our experience, second and subsequent treat-
invasive procedures such as injections and acupunc- ments are just as effective as the first. In individual
ture, can be expected to have an antinociceptive action. cases, however, there is the risk of the patient becoming
Regional blood and lymph loss with resulting allergic to components of leech saliva, precluding
decongestion and improvement of the microcirculation long-term treatment.
may have a relaxing effect on the musculature. Finally,
the above-mentioned nonspecific (placebo-like) actions Summary
may contribute to the overall effect. This first randomized controlled trial demonstrates the
effectiveness of leech therapy for chronic nonspecific
Safety low back pain. Larger randomized and observational
In this trial, as in earlier studies of the use of leech studies are needed to investigate the reproducibility of
therapy for pain relief, there were no clinically the effects, the adverse effects, and acceptance among
meaningful adverse events. Cases of infection with the less selected cohorts of patients. Furthermore, the com-
symbiont Aeromonas hydrophila, found in leech saliva, parative effectiveness and the long-term effects should
have been repeatedly reported from plastic and recon- be evaluated in further clinical, preferably multicenter,
structive surgery (24), but this has not yet been trials. In the event that the results are positive, coverage
observed in pain therapy. However, patients should be of the costs of leech therapy not only by private

790 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92

Key messages
● One treatment with four to seven leeches applied to the lower back achieved significant relief of chronic low back pain,
as measured using a 100-mm visual analog scale 4 weeks after treatment, compared with the control treatment of 4 hours’
● Leech therapy significantly ameliorated pain-related limitations, functionality, and physical quality of life during the 8-week study
● In the absence of blinding, the participants’ expectations had no significant effect on the results.
● In both groups, only minor adverse effects were noted.
● Leech therapy has the potential to be used as a complementary measure in the management of chronic low back pain.

medical insurance, as at present in Germany, but also 7. Whitaker IS, Rao J, Izadi D, Butler PE: Historical article: Hirudo
medicinalis: ancient origins of, and trends in the use of medicinal
by statutory insurance should be discussed. leeches throughout history. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004; 42: 133–7.
Following previous studies, this trial provides 8. Koeppen D, Aurich M, Rampp T: Medicinal leech therapy in pain
further clear evidence that leech therapy probably syndromes: a narrative review. Wien Med Wochenschr 2013; 164:
represents an effective means of ameliorating chronic 95–102.
regional pain syndromes in the musculoskeletal 9. Bäcker M, Lüdtke R, Afra D, et al.: Effectiveness of leech therapy in
chronic lateral epicondylitis: a randomized controlled trial. Clin J Pain
apparatus as a whole. It may be worthwhile to try com- 2011; 27: 442–7.
bining the pronounced relief of symptoms achieved 10. Michalsen A, Lüdtke R, Cesur O, et al.: Effectiveness of leech therapy
by leech therapy with activating treatments. in women with symptomatic arthrosis of the first carpometacarpal joint:
a randomized controlled trial. Pain 2008; 137: 452–59.
Acknowledgments 11. Lauche R, Cramer H, Langhorst J, Dobos G: A systematic review and
The authors are grateful to the Karl and Veronika Carstens Foundation meta-analysis of medical leech therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee.
and the Biebertal Leech Farm for partial financial support and to Evelyn Clin J Pain 2014; 30: 63–72.
Hoff for coordination and supervision of the trial at the Study Center, KPW 12. Baskova IP, Zavalova LL, Basanova AV, Moshkovskii SA, Zgoda VG:
Garbsen. Protein profiling of the medicinal leech salivary gland secretion by
proteomic analytical methods. Biochemistry (Mosc) 2004; 69: 770–5.
Conflict of interest statement
Mr. Hohmann receives fees for regular lectures at leech therapy training 13. Hildebrandt JP, Lemke S: Small bite, large impact-saliva and salivary
courses in cooperation with Biebertal Leech Farm GmbH. He has received molecules in the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis. Naturwissen-
reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs in connection with the schaften 2011; 98: 995–1008.
training of therapists in leech treatment techniques. 14. Exner V, Keel P: Measuring disability of patients with low-back
pain—validation of a German version of the Roland & Morris disability
Prof. Michalsen has received study support (third-party funding) from the questionnaire. Schmerz 2000; 14: 392–400.
Biebertal Leech Farm. Biebertal Leech Farm GmbH supported the trial
materially (provision of leeches) and by paying the official study fees, the 15. Klasen BW, Hallner D, Schaub C, Willburger R, Hasenbring M: Vali-
costs of insuring the probands, and, in part, the personnel costs for a dation and reliability of the German version of the Chronic Pain Grade
2-month period (study physician). questionnaire in primary care back pain patients. Psychosoc Med
2004; 1: Doc07.
The remaining authors declare that no conflict of interests exists.
16. Bullinger M: German translation and psychometric testing of the SF-36
Health Survey: Preliminary results from the IQOLA project. Soc Sci
Data sharing
Med 1995; 41: 1359–66.
The authors are willing to share the data arising from this study with
others, for scientific purposes. 17. Gerbershagen HU, Kohlmann T: Die deutsche Fassung der „Center
for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)“. Übersetzung
Manuscript submitted on 3 January 2018, revised version accepted on und psychometrische Validierung. Lübeck/Mainz 2000.
20 July 2018 18. Geissner E: Die Schmerz-Empfindungs-Skala (SES). Göttingen:
Hogrefe 1996.
Translated from the original German by David Roseveare 19. Qaseem A, Wilt TJ, McLean RM, Forciea MA, Clinical Guidelines
Committee of the American College of Physicians: Noninvasive treat-
References ments for acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain: a clinical prac-
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patients with low back pain. Orthopedics 2016; 39: e413–6. BM: Yoga treatment for chronic non-specific low back pain. Cochrane
3. Bundesärztekammer, Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung, Arbeitsge- Database Syst Rev. 2017 Jan 12; 1: CD010671.
meinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften: 21. Andereya S, Stanzel S, Maus U, et al.: Assessment of leech therapy
Nationale VersorgungsLeitlinie Nicht-spezifischer Kreuzschmerz – for knee osteoarthritis: a randomized study. Acta Orthop 2008; 79:
Langfassung, 2. Auflage. Version 1, 2017. 235–43.
4. Clauw DJ: Diagnosing and treating chronic musculoskeletal pain
based on the underlying mechanism(s). Best Pract Res Clin Rheu- 22. Jensen KB, Kaptchuk TJ, Kirsch I, et al.: Nonconscious activation of
matol 2015; 29: 6–19. placebo and nocebo pain responses. Proc Natl Acad Sci US A 2012;
109: 15959–64.
5. Casser HR, Seddigh S, Rauschmann M: Acute lumbar back pain—
investigation, differential diagnosis and treatment. Dtsch Arztebl Int 23. Kalender ME, Comez G, Sevinc A, Dirier A, Camci C: Leech therapy
2016; 113: 223–34. for symptomatic relief of cancer pain. Pain Med 2010; 11: 443–5.
6. Chenot JF, Greitemann B, Kladny B, Petzke F, Pfingsten M, Schorr 24. Whitaker IS, Oboumarzouk O, Rozen WM, et al.: The efficacy of
SG: Clinical practice guideline: non-specific low back pain. Dtsch medicinal leeches in plastic and reconstructive surgery: a systematic
Arztebl Int 2017; 114: 883–90. review of 277 reported clinical cases. Microsurgery 2012; 32: 240–50.

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25. Michalsen A, Roth M, Dobos G: Medicinal leech therapy. Stuttgart,

New York: Thieme 2007.
26. O’Brien PC, Fleming TR: A multiple testing procedure for clinical trials.
Biometrics 1979; 35: 549–56.
27. Wassmer G: Planning and analyzing adaptive group sequential sur-
vival trials. Biometrical J 2006; 48: 714–29.
28. Michalsen A, Klotz S, Lüdtke R, Moebus S, Spahn G, Dobos GJ:
Effectiveness of leech therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee: a rando-
mized, controlles trial. Ann Intern Med 2003; 139: 724–30.

Corresponding author
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Michalsen
Klinik für Innere Medizin, Abteilung für Naturheilkunde
Immanuel Krankenhaus
Königstr. 63,
14109 Berlin, Germany

►Supplementary material
eMethods, eTables:

Diagnosis: Splenosis
In a 43-year-old man, rectal
cancer (T3c on MRI criteria) with
lymph-node metastases (Figure
a) was confirmed by examination
of endoscopically obtained biopsy
samples. Further investigation
(thoracic and abdominal com-
puted tomography and magnetic
resonance imaging of the pelvis
minor) revealed numerous
nodular foci throughout the
abdomen. The patient reported
abdominal trauma with rupture
and resection of the spleen 27 a b
years earlier. Splenic scintigraphy
with 99mTc-marked heat- a) MRI of the pelvis minor in the sagittal plane: X, rectal cancer; arrow, lymph-node metastasis
b) Maximum-intensity projection of splenic scintigraphy in the frontal plane: numerous abdominal “hotspots” with physio-
damaged red blood cells was
logical appearance of the liver (*); in a fusion of the SPECT and MRI slices (not shown) the abdominal splenic foci
performed to determine whether
showed up as hotspots.
these nodules represented perito-
neal carcinosis or splenosis (Figure b). In the course of degeneration, heat-damaged red blood cells accumulate in splenic and hepatic tissue.
The scintigraphy confirmed the suspicion of secondary splenosis. The rate of intra-abdominal autotransplantation of splenic tissue following
rupture and post-traumatic resection of the spleen is reported in the literature as 65 to 80%. After neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy and restaging,
surgical treatment of the patient’s rectal cancer was planned.
Dr. med. Christoph Erxleben, Klinik und Hochschulambulanz für Radiologie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin-Franklin,

Dr. med. Roland Scherer, Zentrum für Darm- und Beckenbodenchirurgie, Krankenhaus Waldfriede, Berlin

PD Dr. med. Thomas Elgeti, Klinik und Hochschulambulanz für Radiologie, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin-Franklin, Klinik für Nuklearmedizin,
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that no conflict of interest exists.
Translated from the original German by David Roseveare
Cite this as: Erxleben C, Scherer R, Elgeti T: Diagnosis: splenosis. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 792. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2018.0792

792 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92

Supplementary material to:

The Effectiveness of Leech Therapy in Chronic Low Back Pain

A Randomized Controlled Trial
by Christoph-Daniel Hohmann, Rainer Stange, Nico Steckhan, Sibylle Robens,
Thomas Ostermann, Arion Paetow, and Andreas Michalsen
Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92. DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2018.0785


Study design
This proof-of-concept study was planned and conducted as a two-center, open, nonblinded, randomized controlled
clinical trial. Formally a pharmaceutical trial, it was carried out according to the requirements of the German
Medicines Act (AMG) and the Ordinance on the Implementation of Good Clinical Practice in the Conduct of
Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Use in Humans (GCP-V). Approval was obtained at federal level (Fed-
eral Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, BfArM) and from the local ethics committee (State Office for Health
and Social Affairs, Berlin [Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales Berlin]). The study was registered under the
EudraCT number 2011–004393–28 (EudraCT, European Union Drug Regulatory Authorities Clinical Trials) and
under number DRKS00004871 at the German Clinical Trials Registry.

Study participants
Participants for the study were recruited by placing advertisements and distributing information materials and flyers.
Applicants were screened in telephone conversations with study center staff, and those who passed preselection
(questioning about the inclusion and exclusion criteria using a predetermined protocol) were invited to attend the
study center for examination by the study physician. Probands found to fulfill the criteria for inclusion were given
written and oral information about the trial. All study participants signed a form to indicate their informed consent.
By consenting to participate in the study, the participants declared their willingness to continue all ongoing
treatments and physical activities unchanged and not to start any new treatment interventions unless urgently
required and after consultation with the study center.

Inclusion criteria
● Men and women in the age range 18 to 70 years
● Pre-existing diagnosis of chronic nonspecific lumbar spine syndrome (chronic low back pain), confirmed by a
specialist physician (orthopedics, neurology, pain therapy), over a period >3 months
● Mean initial pain intensity ≥ 40 mm on a visual analog scale (VAS) of 0 to 100 mm and pain on at least 4 days of
each week for the previous 3 months

Exclusion criteria
● Pre-existing anticoagulant medication
● Hemophilia
● Anemia or known erythropoietic disorder
● Erosive gastritis, gastrointestinal bleeding, or gastric ulcer in the previous 3 months
● Immune-suppressing medication, pronounced allergic diathesis
● Regular intake of opioid analgesics
● History of wound healing disorders or keloid formation
● Invasive spinal treatment within the previous 6 weeks or planned within the next 8 weeks
● Prolapsed disk within the previous 3 months
● Severe comorbidity
● Pregnancy, breastfeeding
● Known diagnosis of a somatoform pain disorder
● Rheumatoid arthritis, spondylarthropathy, or other inflammatory joint disease
● Previous leech therapy for back problems
● Ongoing application for early retirement owing to back problems

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92 | Supplementary material I

The included participants were block-randomized (block size 11) in a ratio of 1:1 to a leech therapy group and an
exercise group. The randomization list was produced by an independent biometrician with the aid of the random
number generator “ranuni” (SAS®). Using this list, an assistant not involved in the study prepared sealed opaque
envelopes that contained the allocation and featured the serial proband number. At the conclusion of the initial
examinations, the envelopes were opened and the participants were assigned to their group.

Leech therapy: The leech therapy comprised a single local application of four to seven leeches in an area 3 to 15
cm from the spinal column at the level of vertebrae L1 to S3. Following careful examination of each participant’s
back by the study physician, the leeches were preferentially applied at points of maximal pressure sensitivity and
at zones of hardened and/or swollen connective tissue. No two leeches were placed closer than 5 cm to each other
in any direction, and there were a maximum of four leeches per square decimeter. The number of leeches used
depended on the area of the participant’s lower back and on the extent of the zones classed as requiring treatment.
As stipulated by BfArM, all of the leeches used for this study were bred in Germany. The breeder adheres to
GMP standards and the leeches are kept in species-appropriate conditions. After being used for treatment the
leeches can be returned to the breeding facility, where they are again kept appropriately in a separate area
(“pensioner’s pond”).

Back school/ exercise treatment: The control intervention was a 4-week course of exercise treatment with one
60-min session each week. The exercise consisted of aerobic training in the form of Nordic walking plus various
back exercises in small groups under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Both groups also received a brochure containing advice on how to behave in the presence of chronic low back
pain (“back school”), produced by the health insurance provider Techniker Krankenkasse.

Outcome measures
The outcome measures were documented at the beginning of the study (baseline), after 28 ± 3 days (visit 1, V1)
and after 56 ± 5 days (visit 2, V2). The primary outcome measure was the absolute change in average intensity of
back pain during the previous week (100-mm VAS) at 28 days after the intervention.
The secondary outcome measures at both visits were defined as follows:
● Average global impairment by back pain during the previous week (100-mm VAS)
● Intensity and frequency of regular and rescue analgesic medication (diary)
● Roland–Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) (14)
● Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire for measuring back pain–related disability (Funktionsfragebogen
Hannover Rückenschmerz, FFbH-R) (15)
● Short-Form Health Survey 36 (SF-36) to document general quality of life (16)
● Mood, depression (by means of Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, CES-D) (17)
● Affective and sensory pain perception, using the Pain Perception Scale (Schmerzempfindungsskala, SES) (18)
● Average back pain during the previous week (100-mm VAS) at V2.

The participants’ expectations regarding the planned intervention were recorded on a 5-point Likert scale immedi-
ately after the beginning of the study. To assess tolerability and safety, the probands were asked to report any
adverse events at each study visit. The RMDQ and the FFbH-R are considered the best patient survey inventories
for objective recording of the restrictions in daily activities caused by back pain. The German National Disease
Management Guidelines (Nationale VersorgungsLeitlinien, NVL) emphasize the importance of depressive
cofactors. We therefore also documented these factors in order to determine whether there was any study/placebo
effect on mood and therefore indirectly on pain intensity. The Mainz Pain Staging System (MPSS) according to
Gerbershagen, stages I to III, was used to assess the degree of chronification. Tolerability and safety were
documented on the basis of the adverse events reported at the study visits.

Sample calculation and statistical analysis

The group sequential study design according to O’Brien and Fleming (26, 27) was used with the software Addplan
to determine the sample size with a planned interim analysis. The overall sample size needed to demonstrate an
effect size ≥ 0.75 at a one-sided level of α = 2.5% and power of 84% was 66 probands (33 in each group). An effect
size of at leat 0.75 corresponded to the assumption that with a standard deviation (SD) of 18 mm, the VAS pain
score would decrease by 24 mm in the leech therapy group and 10 mm in the control group. In the knee
osteoarthritis study by Michalsen et al. (28), pain reduction of 10 mm (SD = 18) was seen in the control group,
while in the leech therapy group the decrease was 34 mm (SD = 19). The assumption of pain reduction of 24 mm is
thus rather conservative.

II Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92 | Supplementary material

For the interim analysis after inclusion of 44 patients, the study process was defined as follows with the aid
of the one-sided sequential procedure:
● If p<0.0071: termination of the study with a positive result.
● If p ≥ 0.5: termination of the study with a negative result. It can be assumed that a successful result would also
not be achieved with a larger study group.
● If 0.0071 ≤ p<0.5: continuation of the study with 66 participants and termination with a positive result, if
This test observes the multiple one-sided level of ≤ 2.5% and the two-sided level of ≤ 5%.
Analysis of the documented outcome measures ensued in the framework of the intention-to-treat method.
Missing values were imputed with correlation models according to the Markov chain Monte Carlo method. No
restrictions were imposed on the range of the imputed results. Via the procedure PROC Mi, 50 different com-
plete data sets were created (29).
For the primary outcome measure of VAS pain reduction, a univariate covariance analysis model
(ANCOVA) was used in the framework of the general linear model (SAS procedure PROC GLM) in which the
outcome measure was modeled as a function of group membership (classified, fixed factor on two levels), the
baseline value (linear, fixed covariate), and the participant’s expectations (ordinal, fixed factor on five levels).
Evaluation of the secondary outcome measures was analogous to that of the primary outcome measure in the
general linear model, taking the baseline value and the probands’ expectations into account. Regression coeffi-
cients were calculated with their 95% confidence intervals and p values.
Official approval to conduct the study was granted on 12 July 2012. The first patient was recruited in May
2013, and the last follow-up visit took place in February 2016.

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92 | Supplementary material III


Descriptive parameters without imputation: number of probands without missing data (n),
mean (M), and standard deviation (SD) at baseline (B), visit 1 (V1) and visit 2 (V2)

Leech therapy Physiotherapy

Variable Visit
n M SD n M SD
Expectations B 25 4.00 0.71 17 3.53 1.01
100-mm VAS: pain B 25 61.23 15.60 19 61.55 14.76
V1 24 33.74 22.71 17 60.44 17.52
V2 23 31.62 21.52 15 53.47 23.19
100-mm-VAS: impairment B 25 59.66 17.98 19 54.41 24.46
V1 24 32.67 23.90 17 50.77 18.42
V2 23 26.41 22.67 15 50.21 25.55
Roland–Morris Disability Score B 25 12.60 4.28 19 12.16 4.39
V1 24 6.83 4.74 17 11.59 4.80
V2 23 5.09 3.76 15 12.60 5.12
FFbH-R: Functional capacity in % B 25 58.83 16.77 19 56.14 16.92
V1 24 74.20 15.90 17 56.37 19.04
V2 23 76.05 14.46 15 53.33 18.31
SF-36: physical functioning B 25 52.60 23.98 19 53.68 22.52
V1 24 72.50 18.00 17 56.47 21.34
V2 23 76.67 17.39 14 52.38 21.57
SF-36: physical role functioning B 25 28.00 39.74 19 30.26 32.89
V1 24 63.54 38.99 17 51.47 43.72
V2 23 78.26 33.12 13 57.69 41.31
SF-36: emotional role functioning B 22 54.55 45.48 19 59.65 42.42
V1 24 70.83 37.19 17 72.55 39.50
V2 23 81.16 37.37 14 78.57 38.36
SF-36: social role functioning B 25 71.00 22.74 19 64.47 25.77
V1 24 75.52 21.64 17 72.06 24.82
V2 23 84.78 18.06 15 75.83 25.21
SF-36: mental health B 25 60.64 17.46 19 63.16 18.45
V1 24 72.83 14.78 17 67.76 21.28
V2 23 75.30 14.65 15 69.87 20.78
SF-36: bodily pain B 25 30.24 15.03 19 35.11 12.74
V1 24 56.21 19.48 17 39.76 15.13
V2 23 58.65 20.40 15 35.73 17.99
SF-36: vitality B 25 41.80 18.65 19 41.58 16.50
V1 24 52.50 21.32 17 44.71 17.81
V2 23 57.39 15.58 15 49.67 17.97
SF-36: general health perceptions B 25 52.40 20.71 19 54.37 20.63
V1 24 59.00 18.99 17 54.88 21.21
V2 23 59.51 14.91 15 54.72 23.27
SF-36: change in health B 25 3.24 0.78 19 3.32 0.89
(only for this SF-36 variable are lower values
better) V1 24 2.79 0.93 17 3.00 0.61
V2 22 2.50 0.91 14 3.14 0.77

IV Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92 | Supplementary material

SF-36: physical summary scale B 22 33.80 9.70 19 33.83 7.08

V1 24 42.47 8.81 17 35.94 9.68
V2 23 44.29 8.06 13 33.97 8.59
SF-36: mental summary scale B 22 45.97 10.29 19 46.27 12.26
(larger = better)
V1 24 48.90 9.21 17 49.23 13.04
V2 23 51.53 9.16 13 51.41 12.77
CES-D: depression summary score B 25 17.08 8.81 19 17.58 10.26
(smaller = better)
V1 24 12.29 7.78 17 16.59 10.14
V2 23 10.83 8.38 15 12.87 7.63
SES: affective pain perception B 25 30.50 9.58 19 28.58 7.78
(larger = worse)
V1 23 21.98 6.93 17 24.02 4.88
V2 23 19.50 5.17 15 24.19 6.86
SES: sensory pain perception B 24 17.09 5.56 18 17.56 4.6
(larger = worse)
V1 23 13.48 4.24 17 16.53 3.59
V2 23 12.45 2.76 15 16.05 5.43

CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; FFbH-R, Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire for measuring back pain–related disability
(Funktionsfragebogen Hannover Rückenschmerz); SES, Pain Perception Scale (Schmerzempfindungsskala); SF-36, Short Form Health Survey 36;
VAS, visual analog scale

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92 | Supplementary material V


Descriptive parameters after imputation: mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) at baseline visit (B),
visit 1 (V1), and visit 2 (V2)
Variable Leech therapy (n = 25) Physiotherapy (n = 19)
Expectations B 4.00 0.71 3.57 1.06
100-mm VAS: pain B 61.23 15.60 61.55 14.76
V1 33.14 22.43 59.75 16.66
V2 33.21 21.79 56.85 21.85
100-mm-VAS: impairment B 59.66 17.98 54.41 24.46
V1 31.75 23.84 51.04 17.63
V2 30.98 27.81 58.42 28.62
Roland–Morris Disability Score B 12.60 4.28 12.16 4.39
V1 6.72 4.68 11.56 5.44
V2 5.58 4.09 15.30 8.05
FFbH-R: Functional capacity B 58.83 16.77 56.14 16.92
V1 74.72 15.79 56.92 18.96
V2 75.71 13.94 51.88 18.58
SF-36: physical functioning B 52.60 23.98 53.68 22.52
V1 72.32 17.64 56.15 20.31
V2 75.03 17.60 44.21 25.58
SF-36: physical role functioning B 28.00 39.74 30.26 32.89
V1 62.18 38.78 48.86 46.72
V2 71.52 41.36 4.70 112.34
SF-36: emotional role functioning B 56.84 45.69 59.65 42.42
V1 68.60 38.07 68.69 43.19
V2 75.63 43.79 39.29 84.92
SF-36: social role functioning B 71.00 22.74 64.47 25.77
V1 74.62 21.66 69.81 28.65
V2 83.46 19.31 72.99 31.15
SF-36: mental health B 60.64 17.46 63.16 18.45
V1 71.25 16.50 65.52 22.57
V2 73.29 18.00 61.91 30.42
SF-36: bodily pain B 30.24 15.03 35.11 12.74
V1 56.31 19.07 39.68 15.07
V2 56.76 20.92 29.91 28.85
SF-36: vitality B 41.80 18.65 41.58 16.50
V1 51.74 21.21 43.99 17.23
V2 55.40 16.57 43.94 22.80
SF-36: general health perceptions B 52.40 20.71 54.37 20.63
V1 58.95 18.60 55.41 20.09
V2 57.12 16.56 55.41 28.37
SF-36: change in health B 3.24 0.78 3.32 0.89
(only for this SF-36 variable are lower values V1 2.80 0.91 3.03 0.62
V2 2.60 0.92 3.72 1.41
SF-36: physical summary scale B 33.04 9.65 33.83 7.08
V1 42.62 8.66 36.17 9.25
V2 43.34 8.42 30.46 11.71
SF-36: mental summary scale B 46.50 9.84 46.27 12.26
(larger = better) V1 48.05 9.97 47.89 14.06
V2 50.36 11.29 45.36 18.61
CES-D: depression summary score B 17.08 8.81 17.58 10.26

CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; FFbH-R, Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire for measuring back pain–related disability
(Funktionsfragebogen Hannover Rückenschmerz); SF-36, Short Form Health Survey 36; VAS, visual analog scale

VI Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92 | Supplementary material


Effect sizes (Hedges g)

Visit 1 (day 28 ± 3) Visit 2 (day 56 ± 5)

Mean difference Effect size Mean difference Effect size
leech therapy vs exercise n1 = 25 leech therapy vs exercise n1 = 25
n2 = 19 n2 = 19
100-mm VAS: pain –26.61 –1.30 –23.65 –1.06
100-mm-VAS: global impairment –19.29 –0.89 –27.44 –0.96
Roland–Morris Disability Questionnaire –4.83 –0.95 –9.73 –1.56
FFbH-R 17.80 1.02 23.83 1.45
SF-36: physical summary scale 6.45 0.71 12.89 1.27
SF-36: mental summary scale 0.16 0.01 4.99 0.33
CES-D –4.44 –0.45 –7.52 –0.54
SES: affective pain perception –2.26 –0.37 –3.87 –0.63
SES: sensory pain perception –3.29 –0.80 –4.62 –1.00

CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; FFbH-R, Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire for measuring back pain–related disability
(Funktionsfragebogen Hannover Rückenschmerz); SES, Pain Perception Scale (Schmerzempfindungsskala); SF-36, Short Form Health Survey 36;
VAS, visual analog scale

Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2018; 115: 785–92 | Supplementary material VII

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