TY BCA & Voc
TY BCA & Voc
TY BCA & Voc
BCA (Semester – V)
Course Prerequisites :
Objectives :
The major objective of this paper is to understand the quality management concepts during
software development
1. Human Computer Interaction: User categories, what is user friendliness? Principles of
interaction design, guidelines, different interaction styles. The role of Models in Human
2. Coding styles, standards, peer reviews, checklist, Refactoring
3. SOFTWARE TESTING PRINCIPLES: Need for testing, Psychology of testing, Testing
economics, SDLC and Testing, Verification & Validation, QA and QC
4. TESTING STRATEGIES AND TYPES: White box testing techniques: Statement
coverage – Branch Coverage – Condition coverage – Decision/Condition coverage –
Multiple condition coverage – Dataflow coverage –Automated code coverage analysis –
Inspections, Walkthroughs and Code Review. Black box testing techniques: Boundary
value analysis – Robustness testing – Equivalence partitioning – Syntax testing – Finite
state testing – Levels of testing – Unit, Integration and System Testing – Compatibility
Testing – Domain Testing – Adhoc Testing -- Use of Requirements Traceability Matrix.
Integration Testing: Top-down – Bottom up – Big bang – Sandwich . System and
Performance Testing: Types of system testing – Functional and non-functional testing –
Acceptance Testing – Setting entry and exit criteria for phases and typical product release
scenarios – Basic factors governing performance testing – methodology for performance
testing – tools for performance testing. Regression Testing: Purpose – Timing – Choice
of tests – Smoke tests – best practices. Internationalization and Localization testing:
preliminary concepts, Adhoc testing – pair testing, extreme testing, agile testing,
exploratory testing, defect seeding. Usability Testing: Factors in usability testing –
aesthetics testing – accessibility testing – tools for usability testing
5. TESTING OBJECT ORIENTED SOFTWARE: Definitions and Challenge differences
from testing non-OO Software, Class testing strategies Class Modality, State-based
Testing, Message Sequence Specification.
and myths in testing, Providing career paths in testing, Organizational structures for
testing teams, Geographically distributed testing teams and success factors
7. TEST MANAGEMENT AND AUTOMATION: Test Planning, Test Management, Test
Process, Test Reporting, Test Automation, Factors to consider in automation, Challenges
in test automation. Test Metrics -Product Metrics, Process Metrics, Progress Metrics. Use
of metrics in ascertaining product release
8. Importance of documentation -- Need for Software Documentation - – different types of
documentation -- Understanding task orientation - Analyzing users - Writing user
scenarios - User informational needs - Document goals - User work motivations - User
analysis checklist - Constructing a task list - Categorization -Writing steps as actions -
Task analysis
9. Maintenance: The Context of Maintenance – Definitions -- Economics of Maintenance –
Evolution of Software Products -- Maintaining Systems Effectively -- Categorizing
Software products Deployment Models – Types of maintenance
10. Software configuration management: baseline, identification, accounting, control, audit,
source and version control, change control procedure. Tools used in SCM
1. Srinivasan Desikan and Gopalaswamy Ramesh, Software Testing – Principles and
Practices, Pearson Education, 2006
2. Integrated Approach to Software Engineering3rd Ed, Pankaj Jalote, Narosa Edition,
Reference Books
1. Glenford J.Myers, “ The Art of Software Testing “, John Wiley & Sons, 1979.
2. Boris Beizer, Black-Box Testing: “ Techniques for Functional Testing of Software and
Systems “,John Wiley & Sons, 1995.
3. P.C.Jorgensen, “ Software Testing – A Craftman’s Approach “, CRC Press, 1995.
4. William E.Perry, “ Effective Methods for Software Testing (2nd Edition) “,
John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
5. Robert V.Binder, “ Testing Object-Oriented Systems: Models Patterns and Tools”,
Addison Wesley, 2000.
6. Boris Beizer, “ Software Testing Techniques (2nd Edition) “, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
7. Thomas T. Barker , "Writing s/w documentation - a task oriented approach", Allyn &
Bacon Series of Technical Communication , 1998.
8. Edmond H.Weiss, How To Write Usable User Documentation : Second Edition , Oryx
Press; 2nd edition 1991.
9. Huckin, et al, " Technical Writing and Professional Communication ", McGraw Hill,
10. IEEE Standards on Documentation
11. Designing the User Interfaces, Ben Shneidermann, Addison Wesley, 1998
BCA (Semester – V)
Course Prerequisites :
Objectives :
The major objective of this paper is to understand various technologies that are required
to develop and host web applications.
HTML: Markup languages, common tags, header, test styling, linking images
Formatting text, Unordered lists, nested and ordered list, Tabs and formatting, Basic
forms, Complex forms linking, Meta Tags.
Dynamic HTML: Cascading style sheets in line styles, style element External Style
sheet, text flow and Box model, user style sheets.
Object model and collections: Object referencing, collections all, children frames,
navigator object.
Event model: ONCLICK, ONLOAD, Error Handling, ON ERRORS
Dynamic HTML: Filters and transitions, Data binding with Tabular data control binding
to IMG, TABLE, Structured graphics
Introduction to scripting: Java Script, Data types, Arithmetic Equality, relational,
assignment increment, decrement operators, Java Script Control Structures- if, if-else,
while, For, Switch, Do/while, break.
Programming modules, recursion, recursion vs iteration global functions, arrays, using
arrays, Reference and reference parameters, passing arrays to functions, multiple-
subscripted arrays, objects-math, string Boolean and number.
Web Servers : Personal Web server, internet information server, Apache Web server,
Installation of a Web server, Active Server Pages, Client side Scripting vs Server side
Scripting, Server side Active X component, file system objects, Session tracking, CGI
and PERL5, String Processing and Regular Expressions, Serve side includes, Cookies
and PERL XML Document Type Definitions, XML Parsers, Using SML with HTML.
• Deitel, Deitel & NIETO, Internet & World Wide Web – How to Program, Pearson
Education Asia, 2001.
• Steven Hoizner, HTML black Book – Comprehensive Problem Solver, Dream
Tech Press,2000.
BCA (Semester – V)
Course Prerequisites :
Objectives :
The major objective of this paper is to familiarize students with various tools and
techniques applied to a managing a project during initiating, planning, executing,
monitoring and controlling, and closing a project.
Closing Projects and Best Practices : Closing Tasks for Project Integration
Management , Project Procurement Management, Best Practices.
Course Prerequisites :
Objectives :
The major objective of this paper is to understand various technologies that are required to
develop and host web applications.
Assignments on the use of following tools preferably using Eclipse.
1. Unit testing with Junit
2. Ant Build Tool
3. Refactoring
4. Source control and version control tools such as CVS/ clearcase/Sourcesafe
5. Project management software
6. Generating documentation using Javadoc
Assignments on designing with the help of design patterns
Development using MVC based frameworks such as Jakarta Struts
Assignments on VB .NET, C#, Windows Forms, web services in .NET
Assignments on implementing EJB
BCA (Semester – V)
Course Prerequisites :
Objectives :
The major objective of this paper is to understand various technologies that are required to
develop and host web applications.
List of assignments:
1. Creating HTML pages to test different Tags.
a). Headers
b). Linking Images.
c). Images as anchor.
d). Text Formatting.
2. a). HTML Table Formatting.
b). Ordered and Unordered lists.
3. Creating Frames.
4. Average class marks in Java Script.
5. Examination result in Java Script.
6. Programmer depressed functions to generate multiplication tables.
7. Creation of Quiz program.
8. Usage Data and the methods of Date and Time objects.
9. Floating alerts, aligning text and setting box dimension using CSS.
10. Using HTML Events.
11. Installing Web Server (PWS or IIS , Apache).
Course Prerequisites :
Objectives :
The objective of the course is to develop understanding of Web-based Commerce and equip
them to assess e-commerce requirements of a business and develop e-business plans and e-
commerce applications.
Introduction to Electronic Commerce : Meaning, nature and scope; Business application of e-
commerce; Global trading environment and adoption of e-commerce. Evolution of World Wide
Web. Future of Web.
Web-site Design : Web sites as market place; Role of web site in B2C e-commerce; Web site
strategies; Web site design principles; push and pull approaches; Alternative methods of
customer communication such as e-mail, BBA; E-mail etiquette and e-mail security.
Business Models of E-commerce: B2B, B2C, B2G and other models of e-commerce;
applications of e-commerce to supply chain management; Product and service digitisation;
Remote servicing, procurement, and online marketing and advertising; Applications to
Customer Relationship Management
Business to Consumer E-Commerce Applications : Cataloging; Order planning and order
generation; Cost estimation ad pricing; Order receipt and accounting; Order selection and
prioritisation; Order scheduling, fulfilling and delivery, Order billing , Post sales services.
Business to Business E-Commerce : Need and alternative models of B2B e-commerce; Using
public and private computer networks for B2B trading; EDI and paperless trading;
Characteristic features of EDI service arrangement; Internet based EDI; EDI architecture and
standards; Vans; Costs of EDI infrastructure; Reasons for slow acceptability of EDI for trading;
-E-marketing- Traditional web promotion; Web counters; Web advertisements. XML, XML-
EDI and its application.
Electronic Payment System : Types of payment systems - e- cash and currency servers, e-
cheques, credit cads, smart cards, electronic purses and debit cards; Operational, credit and legal
risk of e-payment, Risk management options for e-payment systems. Set standards.
Security Issues in E-Commerce : Risks of e-commerce – Types and sources of threats;
Protecting electronic commerce assets and intellectual property; Firewalls; Client server
network security; Data and message security; Security tools; Digital identity and electronic
signature; Encryption and concept of public and private key infrastructure; Risk management
approach to e-commerce security.
• Agarwala, Kales N., Amity All Deeksha Agarwala, Business on the Net: An
Introduction to the Whats and Hows of E-Commerce, Macmillan India Ltd, 2000
• Diwan, Prag and Sunil Sharma, Electronic Commerce- A Manager's Guide to E-
Business, V anity B ooks International, Delhi.
• Fitzerald, Business Data Communication Network, McGraw Hill, 1998.
• Kalakota , Ravi and Andrew B. Whinson Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison
Wesley, 1999.
• Tanenbaum, Computer Network, 41hed., Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
• Young, Margaret Levine, The Computer Reference to Internet, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 1999.
• Ferris David and Whippl, Building an intelligent E-Business, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.
• Kienan Brenda, Managing your E-Commerce Business, 2nd Ed., Prentice hall, N.J, New
• Kueglar Thomas Jr., Web Advertising and Marketing, Prentice Hall N.J.
• Trepper Charles, E-Commerce Strategies, Prentice Hall N.J.
• Honeycutt, Jerry, Knowledge Management Strategies, Prentice Hall N.J.
• Obroi S.E., Security and you, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000.
• Turbon E. et.al., Electronic Commerce, Person Education, 2001.
Course Prerequisites :
Objectives :
The objective of the course is to provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to
pursue successful careers in accounting. Reflects how information technology (IT) is altering
the very nature of accounting, discussing how EDI, databases, and AI are fundamentally
transforming the way organizations conduct their business activities.
Overview of Information system Auditing: Need for control and audit of computers. Effect of
computers on internal control, Effects of computers on Auditing conducting on Information
systems Audit.
Management Control Frame Work: Planning, organizing, leading and control functions.
Normative models of the systems development process, Major phases in the system
development process
Programming management controls: Program development life cycle organizing the program
team. Managing the system programming group.
Data Resource Management control: Functions of DA and DBA. Some organization Issues.
Data repository systems.
Security Management Controls: Conducting a security program, Major threats and remedial
Operations Management control: Computer operations, Networks operation, and production
control. Quality Assurance management control. QA functions
Application Control Framework: Cryptographic control, Access controls. Personal
Identification Hansen digital signatures, Plastic cards Audit trail control.
Input Controls: Data code controls, validation of data input, instruction input, Audit trail
controls, communication controls.
Audit Software: Generalized Audit software, utility software specialized Audit Software.
Concurrent Auditing Techniques need for concurrent quality techniques. Types of Concurrent
Auditing Techniques. Implementing concurrent auditing techniques. Information system audit
management planning. Managing, Staffing, leading and controlling function
• Ron Weber, Information Systems Control and Audit, Prentice Hall, 1999
• Ron Weber, EDP Auditing Conceptual Foundation and Practice, 2nd Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 1988.
Course Prerequisites:
Text Books:
1. R. G. Dromey, How to solve it by computer, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Behrouz Forouzan, Richard Gilberg, Computer Science: A Structure Programming
Approach using C, Thomson Learning.
Reference books:
1. Byron Gottfried, Programming with C, Tata McGraw Hill
2. B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, PHI
T.Y. BSc/Bcom
1. Aution methods, proxy server technology, digital certificate, client side scripting and server
side scripting
2. Electronic data Interchange: Introduction, definition and benefits, technology standards,
Communication, implementation, agreements, ED I and business, Inter organizational e-
3. Electronic commerce and World Wide Web: Architectural framework for e-commerce,
WWW as architecture, Web background, Technology behind the web, security and the web.
5. e-business: cases of Internet bookshops, Grocery supplies, software supplies and support,
electronic newspapers, Internet banking, Virtual auctions, online, share dealing.
Reference Books:
• David Whitely, e-commerce strategy, technologies and applications, Tata McGraw Hill
Edition. I
• Kalakota and Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic commerce, Pearson Education Asia.
Paper I : E-Learning
5. Assessment Design: Computer Assisted Assessment, Rubrics for Assessment, Security and
Web References:
1. www.moodle.org
2. www.wikipedia.org
3. http://education2.edte.utwente.nl/194514/glossary/www.html
4. http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~mry
5. 5.http://www.ncst.ernet.in/vidyakash/portal/Resources_Instruction_&_Content_d
esign.ht ml
6. 6.http://tip.psychology.org/
7. http://www.gsu.edu/~mstswh/courses/it7000/papers/robert.htm
8. http://www.id2.usu.edu/Papers/5LearningStyles.PDF
9. http://www.caacentre.ac.uk/resources/bluepapers/index.shtml
10. http://www.ulst.ac.uk/cticomp/CAA.html