Growing Fruits: Growing Pears in The Home Orchard
Growing Fruits: Growing Pears in The Home Orchard
Growing Fruits: Growing Pears in The Home Orchard
Pears will grow well in all but the coldest areas of New Hampshire.
Popular varieties such as Bartlett and Bosc are reasonably winter
hardy where temperatures seldom fall below -25oF. However, pears
bloom several days earlier than apples. As a result, late spring frost
may damage developing buds, flowers, or fruit on frost-prone sites.
Pollination requirements
All pear varieties require cross-pollination to set good crops of fruit,
although some varieties, such as Seckel, may set adequate crops when
planted alone. With good bee activity, most combinations of varieties
are satisfactory for cross-pollination. One combination that doesn’t
work is Seckel and Bartlett. Pear flowers are not as attractive to bees as
many other flowers, so we recommend planting three or more varieties.
Some varieties, such as Magness and Luscious, do not produce good
pollen, and therefore won’t work well as a pollinizer for other varieties.
If the planting site isn’t ready when the trees arrive from the nursery,
unwrap the trees and “heel-in” the roots in moist soil in a shady spot.
Plant the trees before growth begins in the early spring; early to mid-
May is ideal.
Pruning at planting
Cut back one-year-old whips (unbranched trees) to 33 to 36 inches
above the ground. Trees less than 36 inches tall don’t need heading
back. If the trees you received from the nursery are well branched,
leave as many well-positioned branches in the tree as possible
to aid growth. Remove branches that are very upright (e.g. with
crotch angles narrower than 60°) and those lower than 18 inches
from the ground.
Figure 4. Pear tree before pruning.
Photo: W. Lord
Training the young pear tree
Young pear trees should be trained to the central-leader system
(Figs. 3 and 4) used in training apple trees. Because of their upright
growth habit, young pear trees may appear too dense; however,
once they begin to fruit, the branches will spread naturally. Limit
pruning of young trees to those cuts necessary to maintain the
dominance of the central leader. To promote fruiting at an earlier
age, position lateral branches to achieve a branch angle or 60 o to
75o from the trunk or leader. Properly positioned branches will
grow and fruit well without competing with the trunk of the tree
for dominance. Position branches by bending the branch to proper
position and securing it with heavy twine tied to a stake driven
into the ground or to an anchor. A gallon milk jug filled with wa-
ter makes a good anchor. Insure that the twine does not girdle the