Describing People
Describing People
Describing People
1 a b
Hi! I’m Helen. I’m
Hi! My name is Monica.
fourteen and I live in
I’m short. I have large blue
London. I’m rather tall
eyes and very curly hair. I
with long blonde hair and
like to wear dresses and
blue eyes. I like to wear
2 ribbons in my curly hear. I
blouses and skirts. It is
like to play different games.
raining today and I have
I also like to listen to my
wellington boots on. I
granny’s tales. They are
have a nice pet. It is a
very interesting.
cat which is very funny.
like to wear
brown eyes. I
play with my
and I like to
is Jessica. I’m
Hi! My name
only five
f g
6 Hi! My name is Alec. I’m Hi! I’m Pamela.
of medium-height and slim. I’m seven years old and
I have large brown eyes and I’m a student. I’m not tall
short brown hair. I like to but I’m slim. I have short
wear T-shirts, jeans and red hair and large brown
trainers. I’m a good eyes. I like to wear T-
sportsman. I go in for shirts, jeans and trainers.
football and rollerblading. I like hiking. My friends
7 They are my favourite and I often go hiking to
sports. I have a very nice different places where we
pet. It is a parrot, Sweaty can see interesting
by name. I feed it every animals, birds, trees,
day. flowers, lakes and rivers.
1. – f
2. – d
3. – e
4. – b
5. – g
6. – c
7. - a