2.5 The Writing of Binary Item Test (BIT) : Checklist For Writing True or False Items
2.5 The Writing of Binary Item Test (BIT) : Checklist For Writing True or False Items
2.5 The Writing of Binary Item Test (BIT) : Checklist For Writing True or False Items
This type of test requires the examinee to recognize and mark an item as true or false. Other
possibilities options: agree or disagree, yes or no, valid or invalid, fact or opinion, and cause or
effect. Reganit et al. (2010), provided the checklist for writing True or False Test.
1. Was each item expressed in clear, simple language? ✔
5. Have double-barreled items (part true and part false) been avoided? ✔
1. Item Sampling
Since true or false tests/items and answers tend to be short, teachers can examine
students on more materials that they can with any other type of test.
2. Ease of Construction
Teachers can construct items of this type by lifting statements from the book and
rewording some of them to make false items.
3. Ease of Scoring
Scoring is relatively mechanical as the students have to only agree or disagree with the item.
Modern educational practices tend to lessen the emphasis on role memorization except in
gaining pre-requisite knowledge for more complex skills.
The T-F test presumes a dichotomous world, where things are either falsity or truth, and the
possibility of intermediate values is not readily admitted.
3. Likelihood of Guessing
Write TRUE if the statement is valid and FALSE if otherwise. If the statement is FALSE, underline
the word(s) that makes it wrong.
Write TRUE if the statement is valid and FALSE if otherwise. If the statement is false, rewrite or
change the statement to make it right.
6. Fact or Opinion
Example: Circle the word(s) in any part of the paragraphs that make(s) the statement(s) wrong.
To a large extent, the grade a student gets may not truly reflect the authentic learning outcome
due to the flaws in the test construction administration. There are certain qualities a good test
must possess.
Reliability implies validity but not reverse. The latter refers to the efficiency with which the test
intends to measure. One of the factors that influence the validity of is directions, which inform
the teachers on how to score students' responses to the items. The arrangement of the items
must begin from difficult to easy. Necessarily, a test is administered with complexity, clarity, and
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