Holding Down Bolts To Eurocode 2
Holding Down Bolts To Eurocode 2
Holding Down Bolts To Eurocode 2
Concrete Society
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This document provides guidance on the design of holding down bolts for attaching steel
or precast concrete stanchions to reinforced or un-reinforced concrete foundations, using
(1) (2)
Eurocode 2 . Concrete Advice 5 covers the design of holding down bolts to BS 8110-
1 . Design approaches are given for resisting the uplift on the bolts and for the allowable
bearing pressure underneath the stanchion base plate. This document only covers bolts in
tension or compression and does not cover bolts in shear. A method for the design of
dowels is included in Concrete Society Technical Report No 34 Proprietary fixings are
not included in this document. The manufacture’s technical literature should be consulted
for the load capacity of proprietary fixings.
There are two possible ways of checking Note: Section 4 includes a method for
bolts in uplift. The first is applicable to calculating the surface area of non-
single bolts and pairs of bolts, which are intersecting cones and tabulated values
effectively fully bonded over their full for the combined areas of pairs of
embedded length and have small or no intersecting cones for different depths
anchor plates. The second method is and spacings of pairs of bolts.
applicable if the bolts are not effectively
bonded over the embedded length but rely The actual shear stress on the area of the
on an i ndividual anchor plate for cones should be compared to the
embedment, or when a group of bolts is allowable shear stress obtained from
fastened to a r elatively large stiff anchor Eurocode 2 Equation 6.47. In
plate embedded in the concrete. unreinforced or nominally reinforced
sections the ρ1 term is zero so the
METHOD 1 allowable shear stress becomes
Effectively fully bonded bolts (vmin + k1σcp).
Eurocode 2 are appropriate. plate. The anchor plate must be stiff enough so that
the uplift forces in the bolt(s) produce an even
If the embedded length of the bolt is a n on-ribbed distribution of compressive stress on the top face of
plain bar then the calculations in Eurocode 2 are the plate. The majority of stanchion holding down
theoretically not applicable. Engineering judgement bolts will fall into this category, because in practice
will be needed if the embedded bolts are of plain the grouting up of the bolt cones around the bolts
round bars. There are two possible alternatives. cannot be as sumed to be fully effective in
The method in Eurocode 2 could be used, but transferring shear from the bolt into the surrounding
with the bond strengths reduced to 55%. (This 55% concrete.
relationship is based upon Table 3.26 in BS 8110-
1 ). Alternatively the bond calculations for plain Design procedure
bars in BS 8110-1 could be used. Check the shear stress around the perimeter of the
anchor plate. If the shear stress exceeds the
If the actual bond stress exceeds the allowable allowable value it will be necessary to increase the
bond stress the bolts will need to be deeper and/or size of the anchor plate. The plate may require
more bolts provided. stiffening if increased in size.
Check bond stress: Post-grouted bolts Then check the shear stress on the first critical
In the cases where bolts are grouted into drilled perimeter. If the shear stress exceeds the allowable
holes it may be prudent to check two anchorage value there are a number of options available:
• Lengthen the bolts, thus setting the anchor
On the grout/bolt interface: The calculation will be plate deeper into the concrete.
as for cast-in bolts, except that a value of allowable • Increase the size of the anchor plate. The plate
bond stress will need to be determined for the grout may require stiffening if increased in size.
material, based upon the grout characteristic • Increase the amount of top reinforcement to
strength or the manufacturers’ technical increase the allowable shear stress.
information. • Provide punching shear reinforcement. This
would be regarded as a last resort due to the
On the grout/drilled hole interface: The calculation practical difficulties and cost of installing shear
will be similar to that for cast-in bolts except that the links in foundations. In this instance the shear
effective diameter will be the hole diameter and the would have to be checked on the next punching
allowable bond stress will be the lesser of that for shear perimeter, and if necessary subsequent
the foundation concrete or the grout. shear perimeters.
Base plate area = Maximum design Proprietary grouts: In practice proprietary grouts are
compressive load ÷ Allowable ultimate bearing likely to be used. The compressive strength given in
stress the manufacturer’s literature should be used for
design. If no cylinder strength is quoted in the
Two cases should be considered and the maximum literature the appropriate cylinder strength can be
Licensed copy: leedsm, LEEDS BECKETT UNIVERSITY, 19/01/2022, Uncontrolled Copy, © Concrete Society
Base plate to grout/infill material interface • Grout: Mixture of cement (usually Portland
Use the design method in Section 6.7 of Eurocode cement) to water in proportion of about 2:1 by
2(1), taking the ratio Ac1/Ac0 in Equation 6.63 as 1.0. weight.
The fcd value in Equation 6.63 will be that for the • Sanded grout: Mixture of cement, sand and
grout/infill material. Table 1 l ists typical values for water in approximately equal proportions by
the characteristic strength of grout/infill materials. weight.
• Mortar: Mixture of cement, sand and water in
Table 1: Typical values for grout/infill material proportions of about 1:3:0.4 by weight.
characteristic cube strengths
Fine Use characteristic Use characteristic Note: This equation cannot be used if bolts are
concrete cube strength (28 cylinder strength closer together than 2D or closer to the edge of a
day) (28 day) foundation than 1.5D.
Proprietary Refer to manufactures literature
grouts Pairs of bolts
D = embedded depth of the bolts
Notes X = horizontal distance between the bolt
The design bearing stresses can be us ed as the centres
maximum values for the design of base plates that AD = combined surface area of the two 90°
are subject to an o verturning movement or non- cones around the bolts.
uniform stress distribution.
If X is greater than 2D, AD = 8.886 D
The procedures given above assume a uniform
distribution of stress below the base plate, i.e. that If X is less than 2D the cones overlap.
the base plate is stiff. If the stress is not uniform,
i.e. a flexible base plate, different procedures will be The values for AD are listed in Table 2, which is
needed to size the base plate. based on information in Reference 5).
Page 4 of 4 CONCRETE ADVICE NO. 42
Dimension X (mm)
Licensed copy: leedsm, LEEDS BECKETT UNIVERSITY, 19/01/2022, Uncontrolled Copy, © Concrete Society
1. BSI. BS EN 1992-1-1: 2004 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1: General rules and
rules for buildings
2. THE CONCRETE SOCIEITY. Holding down bolts, suggested design procedures using BS 8110-1,
Concrete Advice Sheet 5, The Concrete Society 2009
3. BSI. BS 8110-1: 1997 Structural use of concrete, Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction,
4. THE CONCRETE SOCIEITY. Concrete industrial ground floors – A guide to design and c onstruction,
Technical Report 34, 4th Edition, The Concrete Society, Camberley, 2013 (revised 2016)
5. Holding down systems for steel stanchions, Concrete Society, Cement and C oncrete Association and
Further reading
STEEL CONSTRUCTION INSTITUTE. P358 Joints in steel construction: simple joints to Eurocode 3,
SCI, Ascot, 2014
STEEL CONSTRUCTION INSTITUTE. P398 Joints in steel construction: moment-resisting joints to
Eurocode 3, SCI, Ascot, 2015
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