Background of The Study

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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Over the decade, security is one of the various things that everyone concerned for their

valuable things like documents, papers, important belongings, tools and equipment especially to

the students and faculties of schools and offices. Ensuring the safety of the students and faculty’s

valuable things is very important to prevent losing of those things that may affect them

emotionally, financially and the academic performance of the owner. For this reason, the

researchers are focusing on an advance security locker system in order to avoid further problems.

In present time, many universities have narrow storage compartment also known as a

locker, though some of these are still on traditional way of securing the belongings on the locker.

Common lockers do not guarantee the full safety and security of properties since it still used an

ordinary padlock that can be easily opened by force or by losingthe keys. In this case, old version

of securing properties is quite not used because of the advancement of technology and much

reliable than the other security.

The Technological University of the Philippines is lack and out of safety storage

compartment since the university is still on a place that they do not owned the property land. As

a result, the students find a place to store out belongings like tools, books, electronic

equipment’sand files. However, due to lack of safety storage locker in school, some of the

properties are lost or sometimes got stolen. In these circumstances, ensuring security of school

lockers should be taken into consideration. Therefore, in this propose paper the researchers

propose a smart and much advance locker that can solve those mentioned problem,
Moreover, lockers are designed for the security of valuable things that are often brings at

schools and offices. In United States, the National Education Association (NEE) is performing

locker searched every weekend to ensure the safeness of all students and school staffs. In order

to make sure everything in the locker is not harmful or not against the rules and regulations of

NEE and school itself. However, in the Philippines, they are not totally considered of having a

safety locker for the policies and regulation about these things. The advantages of having locker

in school, students do not need to carry all of the important properties or heavy bags especially to

young children which weighs about more than 15% of their individual body weight.

As a result of not having a respective locker in the university, every year level and

courses does not have a permanent room because the university are lack of rooms. Hence,

different courses are in one room with respective time schedule on every year and courses.

Another cause of not having locker, the university is not on their owned property land. Thereby,

they cannot produce those things in the university, but with the help of main campus and Local

Government Unit of Lopez, the university are relocated on the permanent location to build

establishments and the researchers are looking forward to apply this propose paper for the

advancements and improvement of the university. Thereby, the result of this problem takes a lot

of factors that may affect the community or the students and faculties. The possible outcomes of

these problems affect the students by misplacing their things, as a result, it can affect the

academic performance of one student.

These days, advanced automatic door or locker security systems and electronically

operated locks are widely introduced commercially in the market. Therefore, in this paper the

researchers propose a smart locker, which is mainly a microcontroller-based locker. The

researchers specifically introduce a Quick Response (QR) code smart locker with keypad for
double authentication key pass code. Therefore, the researchers are looking forward for the

implementation of the propose study.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the propose project is to have advance security locker to prevent

an unauthorized person to unlock the door and make innovation of traditional lockers that

provides a high level of privacy with different ways of accessibility.

Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. Design an MCU – based locker system with the following features:

a. Quick Response (QR) code scanner for the detection of the specific code for

verification of the user.

b. Keypad is use for second authentication using distinct 4-digit passcode.

c. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is use for displaying if authorize or unauthorized


d. Organize section for electronics hand tools and files with light bulb inside.

e. Actuators for locking and unlocking the system and;

f. Built-in battery in case of power interruption.

2. Fabricate the Quick Response (QR) code verification locker using all available

components and materials.

3. Test and improve the function and reliability of the prototype project.

4. Evaluate the acceptability of the prototype project using the evaluation sheet for

prototype development.

Scope and Limitation

The modern locker was the great responsibility in today’s modernity for various ways to

make convenient, secured and more reliable for the safety of valuable things of the user.

Nowadays, locker serves as an important role in our community especially in school property.
The focal point of this study is to have modern smart locker that provides advance security and

for the development of the past studies.

The propose topic which mainly focuses on improvements and innovation of technology

that schools and offices does not have. As a result, numerous difficulties in securing those

valuable things are face.

The researchers provide the development locker system which comprise the use of

advance Quick Response (QR) code for accessing the user respective locker, as well as the

second verification that the user must need to input a 4-digit passcode for double security

authentication for high level security.

The aforementioned beneficiaries of this study are the students and faculty and staff of

school. The researchers proposed Quick Response (QR) code locker system for Technological

University of the Philippines to make improvements to the university. Moreover, the university

are lack of safety compartment and storage location, for that reason the propose project are able

to provide a solution for those mentioned problems. The specific scopes of the study are:

 Provide an electronic safety locker that can be improved using emerging technologies.

 The respective user has different Quick Response (QR) code and 4-digit passcode.

 The administrator is the only authorized person that can access the system.

 This locker is mainly used in IEEE Department.

In general, the boundaries of the propose paper are the use of provided QR

Code and 4-digit pass code, any image or other QR code are not applicable unless the code is

saved to the program of the system. The study involved hardware where the system was created
and software for the development of program using available programming language for

microcontroller unit. The following components use in this topic are listed: QR code scanner use

for first verification, keypad for another pass code authentication, 8051 microcontroller Arduino

board for processing and utilizing interface for input and output action, Liquid Crystal Display

(LCD) for the output display of locker operations, and actuators for locking and unlocking the

specific compartment. Furthermore, the system always needs external power source for the

functionality of the system.

The prototype operates as an MCU – based locker for electronics laboratory using

passcode and QR code system which can give full safety and security of documents, papers,

important belongings, tools and equipment particularly used in laboratory works. With the help

of this, students, faculty and staff can guarantee the safety of their valuables. It is also designed

with double authentication process before it can be access by the user.

Chapter 2
This chapter comprises ideas and information collected from the internet, books, and

studies as proofs and justification to solidity the framework, as well as the conceptual model of

the study and operational definition of terms. It also include the information needed for the

selection of the materials and components that will be used in the Development of MCU-based

locker for Electronic hand tools using Passcode and QR code system.
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Lockers and security systems plays an important role in preventing unauthorized users

from accessing important valuables and belongings, this could be a confidential information ,

documents and files, records, equipment, tools and anything else that the users treasures.


Based on the study of Cortez C., Badwal J., Hipolito J., Astillero D., Dela Cruz M. and

Inalao J. (2016), To guarantee the safety, privacy and security of important belongings and

confidential files of a person, most universities and offices used lockers as security storages. In

this study entitled “Microcontroller-based biometric locker system with short message service

(SMS)” the user – also serves as the authorized person or owner- need to enroll their fingerprint

to the system and to access the locker, the user must scan his/her fingerprint to the scanner or

entered the guaranteed passcode sent through SMS by the GSM module. Microcontroller

ATmega644 arduino is used to link and connect the hardware (scanner) and software (module)

devices of the system. This one was done to alleviate the concerns about key – related issues and

to ensure protection. The study conducted by Akther U., Kabir T., Debnath N., and Hasan F.

(2019), also uses microcontroller ( Arduino mega) to control the sensor and the modules. “Sixtier

multipurpose security locker system based on arduino”, demonstrate a security mechanism for

transporting or storing valuable and preventing unauthorized access. Along with microcontroller,

it also uses memory module, PIR sensor, Fingerprint security, encoder – decoder, RF module,

GPS and GSM module. The system will only unlock at pre- determined location and time. The

user must enter the correct password upon arrival at the correct location. Following the

acceptance of the password, the authorized persons fingerprint must be provided and they will be

able to open the locker. This was created to avert others in accessing the valuables while its
being transported. This two previous studies are also supported by the study of Shawki F., El-

Shahat M., Elbasiouny A. , Almazroui A., Albeladi F., (2015), where in, microcontroller uses a

set of codes to carry out all commands and to operate all household appliances, to turn on / off

fan and light bulbs, open/close main door, garage door and irrigation in garden. Microcontroller

is also the center of the entire system because it is the one who is responsible for the interface of

the input to the output devices. Along with microcontroller, the system also uses GSM module,

temperature sensor, smoke sensor, motion sensor and magnetic locks to complete the operation

of the entire system. This system is done to control home appliances through mobile phones and

also to give alerts when there is an intruder or movement detected around restricted place.

Based on the study of Orji E. Z., Nduanya U.I. and Oleka C.V. (2019), a microcontroller-

based digital door lock security system using a keypad will provide a complete security solution

for people's lives and properties, school and offices that contains a 4X4 keypad for encoding a

PIN, LCD to displayed all action, a servo motor that used as a switch to lock and unlock the door

and programmed microcontroller that processes all input information and take appropriate action,

a buzzer that will make a noise if the input PIN is incorrect by conducted tests the results of this

system are successfully and effectively guarantee the safety of people's lives as long as the PIN is

not shared by an unauthorized person and also this system is cheap, affordable, small and

relatively easy to install in just a few steps.

According to the study of Muhibul Bhuyan, Md. T. Hasan, Hasan Iskander (2020), by

implementing an easy and portable ECG machine to detect many features of the human body and

behavior by using an Arduino microcontroller that is very cheap and to minimize the cost. To

process all the input of an ECG that will take action to the system and also this system uses a
smartphone or P.C./laptop to get all the data. Implementing a low-cost ECG machine based on a

microcontroller that has features connected to a smartphone is very easy and portable to use.

Maksudur Rahman, Dr. Mohammed Sowket Ali & Md. Shoaib Akther. (2018).

Demonstrate the process of designing a microcontroller-based locker system using a 4x4

keyboard, which is used to transmit commands and passwords to the microcontroller. The

hardware implementation includes connecting a PIC (peripheral interface controller) 18F4552

microcontroller to a 4x4 keypad matrix, a servo motor for operating the lock, and a 16x2 LCD

screen. And also the power supply. And the software used is MicroC PRO. It is a powerful

multifunctional micro tool. It aims to provide the simplest solution for developing embedded

system applications.

A.V.Thejas. (2019), It provides an Android-based security lock system to reset the

password via Bluetooth and microcontroller settings. One of the advantages is higher security at

multiple levels and PAN (Personal Area Network) devices such as Bluetooth and

microcontrollers to reconfigure password settings. The lock included in this protection provides a

graphical user interface (GUI) for customers with greater flexibility and immediate costs.

Security lock provides lower, safer, and smoother installation and anti-theft protection.

Based on the proposed study of Bahaa, H.T., Muhanad, M.K., Mohammed, A.F. (2018),

The traditional method of storing packages in lockers is based on shared keys that can be stolen

or lost. To solve this problem, researchers are creating an Arduino-based dynamic automated

digital security system for apply from multi cabinet's Locker. To build this project, researchers

Use Arduino mega board, which contains data, LCD, and servo motors. The smart locker series

system is a safe solution that provides more control over the application. According to this
research, an automatic locker system was used to run it. The LCD screen and keyboard for user

interaction ensure a good overview and simple programming.

According to Agboola M.K., Hassan K.A., Oladapo, J.O., Aderinkola B.F. (2019). The

safety of all citizens has always been the primary concern of the government and the majority of

the country's population. Weak security levels have led to many thefts and robberies around the

world. To solve this problem, the researchers designed and built a microcontroller. The password

door lock system is developed based on the safety door lock, which is password protected by the

PIC 16F877A microcontroller, which works by sending control signals to the device. Open and

close the door. This allows the user to enter a secret access code using a 4x4 keyboard and 16x2

LCD screen and requires the user to register a unique password. The password information is

stored in EEPROM, and the password can be saved for future access. According to the results,

the main goal was successfully achieved; design and build a high-quality password door lock

system operated by a 12 V power supply.

Prince C.J., Julius A.I. (2021), He proposed a study of the SMS-based unlocking system,

which allows users to lock or unlock a specific door without using the traditional method. Using

Atmega328 microcontroller designed in modules such as the system power supply, the

microcontroller unit, the PIR, and GSM movement sensor, the various modules of the SIM900

module have been put together in a specific pattern to form the circuit design. The mobile phone

SMS of the authorized user allows the Arduino controller to automatically unlock the security

door if necessary. Basically, it reads the SMS and acts according to the command in the message

so that the authorized owner can remotely control the door from anywhere with a mobile phone

and prevent unauthorized access to the door.

According to Ketki Prasade, Supriya Nalavade, and Devaki Pathak (2018), security

provides a significant role in our life; it describes the protection of our property. The

diversification in terms of the security sector brought better systems that are smarter and more

secure. The traditional type of door locks is still using keys, locks, and chains. However, this

type of door locking systems takes many factors or problems that affect everyone, including lost

or duplicating of keys and easily broken. Therefore, to overcome these problems, the face

recognition-based door locking system was introduced. The system provides an image

processing system for high security. The system also uses a PIR sensor that senses the body

temperature of a person that wants to open the door; the PIR sensor allows the system to be

activated by detecting the motion of a person then the camera will start to function and captured

the face of the person, which serves an input to the microcontroller, the microcontroller used in

the system is PIC18f4520 microcontroller, it is a programmable device that carries out the

specific tasks assigned to it. The microcontroller compared or checks whether the given input

(image) is saved within the database. If it matches, the door will open, and if the image does not

correspond with the database, the door remains closed, and the alarm starts beeping by using a

buzzer. The system includes a GSM system that sends an SMS notification to the respected

owner if an unauthorized person tries to open the door. This system can be used in several places

that need high security with their properties. This project helps to reduce the problem of thefts

and any other issues in terms of a door lock.

Due to the increase of crime rates, especially robbing a house and the user has no idea if

an intruder is accessing the lock of the establishment using a traditional lock. An intruder can

easily access and break it, Musa Baba Lawan, Ya'u Alhaji Samaila, and Ibrahim Tijjani (2018),

developed a Microcontroller Based Electronic Digital Lock with Security Notification used to
secure the safety of lives and property of the user. The system can access by entering a four-digit

password and can detect an intrusion by activating the buzzer when the four-digit pass key

combination that has been entered is wrong. It is also possible to set and reset the user's new

password if someone is aware of the user's current password. The main components used in this

study are the 16x2 LM016L LCD, 4x4 Keypad Module, and ATmega328P Microcontroller used

to read the inputs and turn them into output and connect the components directly and indirectly.

The Password Protected Electronic Lock System for Smart Home Security is a study proposed

by Maksudur Rahman, Mohammed Sowket Ali, and Shoaib Akther (2018), which provide

security for homes and any establishments; it also uses a 4x4 Matrix Keypad for inputs, 16x2

LCD for user interface and display and PIC18F452 Microcontroller who plays the role of the

processing unit, the lock system can access when the password entered is correct, the user can be

modified and change the current password, and an authorized person can only do it.

According to Kalyan A.S. et al. (2021), the security in the home need to be secured and

must-have of a modern type of security nowadays. The project provides the solution to design

simple home security by using raspberry pi and by the power of the internet of things—the

system installed by using raspberry pi 3, webcam and PIR motion sensor. The PIR sensor used to

detect the motion of any visitor, and the camera starts capturing image with the help of a

webcam. The captured image is being compared with the cloud database used for the

authentication process to allow access to the door. The security level is being increased due to

the usage of raspberry pi, which built capabilities and easily connectable to external devices.

According to the study of Bamisaye AJ and Adeoye OS (2016), the mobile phone and

matrix keypad can use as a control to open and close the door even the user is far from the

system via Short Message Service (SMS) received and transmitted data, the door can unlock if
the information shared is correct. The door remains lock and denies access if the information

received is incorrect. If an intruder attempts to access the system and sends a three consecutive

wrong code, the password must be reset because of that intrusion. The Microcontroller used in

this study is the PIC18F4550 Microcontroller which can work with various internal and external

clock sources.

According to the study of Bamisaye AJ and Adeoye OS (2016), the mobile phone and

matrix keypad can use as a control to open and close the door even the user is far from the

system via Short Message Service (SMS) received and transmitted data, the door can unlock if

the information shared is correct. The door remains lock and denies access if the information

received is incorrect. If an intruder attempts to access the system and sends a three consecutive

wrong code, the password must be reset because of that intrusion. The Microcontroller used in

this study is the PIC18F4550 Microcontroller which can work with various internal and external

clock sources.

According to the study of Alan Novi Tompunu, Yulian Mirzai, Azwardii (2019), the

manual mechanical locks of room door security must be replace a new security system that can

increase the level of security to the important things inside the room. The researcher proposed

the Room Door Security System Using Microcontroller-based on E-KTP which uses an Arduino

Uno Microcontroller board based on ATMega328 as a processor, Electronic Identity Card (E-

KTP), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and SMS Gateway. The ID number on E-KTP will

read by the RFID reader, if it is authorized ID number the room door will unlock but if the ID

number on E-KTP is not authenticated three times by the RFID consecutively the information

will be sent to the user that there is unknown person opening the system via SMS.
To sum up, Microcontroller is used to interface or link hardware to software development

and devices, and also the heart and the center of the system.

QR Code

According to Tiwari S. (2016), Quick Response codes offers excellent data storage

capacity, fast scanning, can be read in any direction and it has error-correction where in, the

damaged code can also be read. QR code are used in various application like in marketing,

academics and security. QR codes are design to decode contents as quickly as possible as its

name stands for.

Quick response codes give accurate information about the item or object to which it is

attached. It employs formats to efficiently store information about the item or object to which it

is attached. Codes are readable and understood by mobile devices. Muthukumar B., Mayan, A.

Nambiar G. Nair D. ( 2019). The study of Zailani F. (2020) about “QR code attendance system”

and Masalha F. and Harzallah N. (2014) about “A Students attendance system using QR code”

are the same in purpose it both uses smartphones as scanner of the QR code that also serves as

the students and staffs attendance in entering in the class or at school. During or at the beginning

of the class, the generated QR code is displayed from the instructor, and then the students need to

scan the code using their smart phones to confirm attendance. And for the staffs, their I.D. card

has unique QR code and before they could scan their I.D. they need to press the In Time and Out

Time buttons on the smart phone application to determined if they are going in or going out of

work. The purpose of using smartphones and QR codes is to reduce the time taken in manual

checking of the attendance.

According to the study of Md Salahuddin Ahmed and Hossen Asiful Mustafa, Ph. D.

(2019), personal confidential information must be securely shared and hidden with the intended

recipient should identify the message by checking its authenticity. In this system, they used

secure QR code (SQRC) technology to remain important information perfectly protected at all

cost by using the RSA algorithm that will generate using encrypted and decrypted personal data

method to be applied when reading or verifying the QR code. They showed that encrypted QR

code is successfully implemented, valuable and efficient for sharing personal confidential

information with the help of RSA cryptographic algorithm.

According to study of Ridha M.N., Rohmat T, Nandy Hadiansyah P.N., Rizka T.Z.

(2019), Locker is a place that people usually use to keep things. Commonly, lockers are found in

campus halls, tourist sites, or other public places. Lockers that we face in a daily activity usually

still using a conventional key that we can't guarantee security it. This study presents the Locker

that can access via android smartphone and myLocker application by scanning QRcode by the

users. Researchers used NodeMCU that manages all the logic of the MyLockersystem. Magnetic

door switch which gives notification to android that Locker is opened or closed—relay for

cutting and connecting flow to a solenoid door lock. And solenoid door lock used as the lock of


According to Sumit Tiwari. (2016), Two-dimensional codes, also known as quick

response codes, store much data compared with one-dimensional barcodes and must be decoded

at high speed using any portable device such as a mobile phone. It provides ample storage

capacity, fast scanning and all-around scanning for readability, and many other benefits,

including bug fixes. Each two-dimensional code symbol is composed of square modules

arranged in a regular square matrix and is composed of a function template and a coding area.
Two-dimensional codes were developed and used to track stocks, but now they have applications

in many new regions, such as marketing, advertising, secure payment systems, and education.

The study of Sangeeta Singh (2016), discussed the QR Code Analysis. Quick Response

(QR) Code is a black and white square developed to offer ample storage capacity, fast

readability, Encodable in Numeric data, alphanumeric data, and Kanji characters, can read in any

direction, error correction and used as a replacement to one-dimensional barcodes, it also

contains information in both horizontal and vertical movement. It can scan with the use of smart


The study of Sangeeta Singh (2016), discussed the QR Code Analysis. Quick Response

(QR) Code is a black and white square developed to offer ample storage capacity, fast

readability, Encodable in Numeric data, alphanumeric data, and Kanji characters, can read in any

direction, error correction and used as a replacement to one-dimensional barcodes, it also

contains information in both horizontal and vertical movement. It can scan with the use of smart


Based on the study of N. Ayasha Farina, Jossy P. George, Joseph Varghese Kureethara

(2018), the QR code is used as an image sharing technique with the help of web application, the

captured image by the camera which is saved as JPEG image file will be converted into binary

image in the server and encoding the binary image by converting it into QR code and then it will

save to the cloud, the Image can browse by decoding the QR code into actual image.

According to Akash Singh Chaudhary, D. K. Chaturvedi (2020), the QR code can be used

as an storage of a solar panel data which recorded in video format to easily show the variation of

graphs and values of data logger such as solar panel voltage, current and temperature. The use of
QR code allows turning the video format into image format to reduce the size of data without

any loss of data. The solar panel data that stored in QR code is easily to access by scanning the

generated QR code using a Mobile phone.

M. Mary Shanthi Rani, K, Rosemary Eupharsia (2016), demonstrate securing data using

QR code and steganography, the QR code scanner like mobile phones can be easily read the data

encrypted to the QR code but the system or message data cannot easily access or break by the

intruders because the QR code is not visible to the naked eye since it is concealed with the help

of Steganography and color image embedded to it.

Abbas M. Al-Ghaili, Hairoladenan Kasim, Marini Othman, Wahidah Hashim (2020),

discussed the Quick response code-based authentication method (QRAM) used to increase the

security for the contents of IoT applications with the help of three types of security layer of

authentication verification procedure, the user frequently image (UI), user activity-derived

number (UAN) and user ID (UID) authentications, authenticating the QR code using QRAM

reduces the computation time since it is faster than other techniques and offer high security and

robustness from threats.

Based on the proposed study of P. Naveen, M. Surya Teja, K Pavan Kalyan, S. Mohin

Basha (2021), the QR code is used as authentication for bank security locker system to secure

valuables things like documents and money, the researcher use an ESP32 CAM which is a full-

featured microcontroller and used to scan the QR code, L293D driver IC, CP2102 chip, LCD`s

and Buzzer. To unlock the system the QR code need to be scan and compare the information to

the database information that the user give to the bank official, if the information matched the

user can enable using personal key to unlock the system, and if the information did not match the
buzzer and red LED will activate and turn on which serves as indicator to be able for the bank

official to be aware if there are unauthorized person accessing the lock system.


According to Naik R., Agarwala S., Raisinghani S., Satam S., and Sawant S. (2016),

physical keys are used in the traditional locker system. In traditional banking system, it needed

two keys for transaction- one as banks key and one as owners key. Those two keys are both

needed to access the locker. The development of image capturing based locking system attempts

to solve further problem involving malpractices and human negligence like losing keys. Image

encryption is use in the locker security to provide solution. If the user wants to open and have an

access to the locker, the system will detect the face and check it to the existing data, if it matched

the lock will open and if it does not, the system will capture image and the system will send this

image to the authorized user to know who is accessing the locker. The system is highly secured

reliable smart locker system and it will detect and control unauthorized access effectively.

Based on the study of Sivasangari M., Dhivakar E., and Gowthaam K. (2021), Locking

and unlocking of a door through a sequence of knocking will reduce the manual work for the

user. Piezoelectric sensor Lockers and security systems play an essential role in preventing

unauthorized users from accessing critical valuables and belongings. It could be a piece of

confidential information, documents and files, records, equipment, tools, and anything else that

the users treasure.

Based on the study of Dr. Rohit Kumar and Ms. Anita Baghel. (2019), We increasingly

use digital technology in our daily lives, from retail to government. They help us communicate

with each other and share information about the problems and challenges facing Indians. Digital
technology is the platform on which we can work in many areas, one of which is digital lockers.

According to this research, Digi Locker is a system that prevents the loss of essential data. This

is supporting by the study of Atrayee Deb, SaloniDalal, and ManikLal Das. (2018). According to

her Locker system ensures the security and safety of digital documents.

Based on the study of D. Stoyanova, N. Vakrilov, S. Stoyanova-Petrova, N. Kafadarova,

N. Mileva.(2020), Laboratory work plays a significant role in education. It develops students'

technical thinking, ability to transfer knowledge learned in lectures to solve practical problems in

the field of works.

Based on the study of Saleh A. M, Mohammed, N.N. (2020), Providing a security system

for all electrical equipment has become a significant concern using the latest technology to

accomplish this purpose. University rooms generally have an attached automatic door lock with a

sensor to allow access to the classroom. Autonomous, more integrated, and intelligent

functionality to improve the usability of the smart classroom.

Trio Adiono, Syitfaul Fausada, Sinantya Feranti Anindya, Irfan Gani Purwanda, and

Maulana Yusuf Fathany (2019), designed a door lock system to secure homes that don't need the

manual input of the user and can access wirelessly; it uses a mobile application to identify and

track the location of the user using the GPS coordinates via IoT to lock and unlock the system

based on the designated distance of the user from the door lock system. When an unauthorized

person is accessing the system, a warning will be sent to the user. The STM32L100

microcontroller as its core, TIP102 transistor that controls 12 VDC and Xbee to communicate

with the Smart Home Host and get the status regarding the GPS position of the user are primary

used to this system.

According to A. Devi, M. Julie Therese, and G. Premalatha (2020), to overcome the fear

of the bank customers for their assets such as cash and pieces of jewellery, they proposed a

system based on cloud computing that provides and guarantee high security for the bank. A safe

place for jewellery stores, homes and all businesses that a locker are most important. This system

consists of a wireless switch, Raspberry pi 3, GSM and fingerprint scanner to allow only

authenticated customer to open the locker, and by using a GSM technology message will

automatically be sent to the customer or owner of the locker if an authorized person is trying to

open the system. The alarm was issued to make the bank staff notices. This system allows three

levels of security that provides to allow only authenticated person or customers to open a locker

by turning ON wireless switch and also this locker is not only provided high security for locking

and unlocking but also reduces the waiting time for customers and reducing those of bankers real

actual time workload. This implemented system is easy to install and use.

Based on the study of S.H. Yoon et al. (2020), in modern time safety and security are one

of the most challenging issues need to be solved in order to prevent people from illegal handling

of property. In recent days, a network-based electronic access control system was developed for

security gate control and door access control in smart buildings with different types of

authorization like Radiofrequency Identification (RFID), fingerprint recognizer and face

recognizer in order to reduce physical access of the people in the building or assets. In the rapid

development of technology devices and visible light communication (VLC), technologies were

introduced in this system for automatic door lock system. Moreover, the advent used of smart

devices and megapixel features supports the optical camera communication(OCC) that provides

personal wireless data security and access control mechanisms for secured user access control.

Therefore, the system provides the different type of steps for user authentication for an automatic
door lock system, the system operates using camera-based visible light communication

technology and IoT open source light controller for lighting artificial infrastructure

intelligence(AI) technology. The IoT open-source controller-based lighting control used to

transmit the colour grid code for VLC and optical camera communication for secure automatic

door lock control with the user device and infrastructure door lock. The grid colour coded pattern

using IOT controller connected in the building facility. These LED transmitted colour coded

pattern to recognize through a camera and recognize the user stored code in the database, and it

will send a signal to operate the door lock control operation. This system is machine learning-

based that provides high computational and object recognition performance. Through

experimental analysis, this project proves that VLC based door lock system provides high

security and timely response for door lock control access in the building facility.

According to the study of A. Devi, M. Julie Therese, and G. Premalatha (2021), many

people are still using the manual operation of a locker and will result in concern about the rising

threat of crimes in their communities. The major disadvantages of a manual locking system are

lack of safety that may result in the loss of things, especially in the bank that requires a high level

of security in order to protect those personal assets. Therefore, to provide high security, the

system is designed to solve this problem with the help of biometric authentication with emerging

technology known as the cloud. The biometric system or otherwise called a pattern-recognition

system, is one of the most important parts of an authentication system, i.e. fingerprint. Biometric

authentication is used in the system because of unique to every individual. The raspberry pi is

used in the system for cloud database and the processing unit of the system. The system used

three-level of authentication, such as wireless switch ON coming from the authorization of bank

manager, second is fingerprint authentication, and third is password authentication. If an

unauthorized person tries to open the SMS notification sends to the bank manager in order to

reduce the waiting time of the customer and mainly reduce the banker workload and real-time.

Trio Adiono, Syitfaul Fausada, Sinantya Feranti Anindya, Irfan Gani Purwanda, and

Maulana Yusuf Fathany (2019), designed a door lock system to secure homes that don't need the

manual input of the user and can access wirelessly; it uses a mobile application to identify and

track the location of the user using the GPS coordinates via IoT to lock and unlock the system

based on the designated distance of the user from the door lock system. When an unauthorized

person is accessing the system, a warning will be sent to the user. The STM32L100

microcontroller as its core, TIP102 transistor that controls 12 VDC and Xbee to communicate

with the Smart Home Host and get the status regarding the GPS position of the user are primary

used to this system.

Musa Baba Lawan, Ya'u Alhaji Samaila, and Ibrahim Tijjani (2018), Due to the increase

of crime rates, especially robbing a house and the user has no idea if an intruder is accessing the

lock of the establishments using the traditional lock, An intruder can easily access and break it,

the researcher developed Microcontroller Based Electronic Digital Lock with Security

Notification used to secure the safety of lives and property of the user. The system can access by

entering a four-digit password and can detect an intrusion by activating the buzzer when the

four-digit pass key combination that has been entered is wrong. It is also possible to set and reset

the user's new password if someone is aware of the user's current password. The main

components used in this study are the 16x2 LM016L LCD, 4x4 Keypad Module, and

ATmega328P Microcontroller used to read the inputs and turn them into output and connect the

components directly and indirectly. The Password Protected Electronic Lock System for Smart
Home Security is a study proposed by Maksudur Rahman, Mohammed Sowket Ali, and Shoaib

Akther (2018), which provide security for homes and any establishments; it also uses a 4x4

Matrix Keypad for inputs, 16x2 LCD for user interface and display and PIC18F452

Microcontroller who plays the role of the processing unit, the lock system can access when the

password entered is correct, the user can be modified and change the current password, and an

authorized person can only do it.

S.V. Tejesvi, P. Sravani, M.L. Mythili, K. Jayanthi, P. Nagesh Kumar, K. Balavini

(2016), proposed the Intellectual Bank Locker Security System which provide two level security

authentication, the biometrics using fingerprint for first verification and GSM that provide one

time password that change for every access to offer high level of security and also can save the

time of both banker and customer. The researcher used Microcontroller which all of the

components are connected to it. The user`s fingerprint will verify and authenticate by comparing

it to the database information, if it is matched the onetime password will be sent to the user`s

mobile number through GSM that the user will use to enter into the keypad to open the locker

system, if an intruder try to open the lock system and apply external pressure to it the vibration

sensor sends an alarming sound, the PIR and IR sensors are also used to alert the security by an

alarm sound since it can identify if there is someone entering the bank during night times.

Arpit Sharma, Abhishek Jain, Abhishek Bagora, Kavita Namdeo, Anurag Punde (2020),

locker system is essential for offices, libraries, banks and other establishments to secure the

important information, documents and money. The researcher proposed a Smart Locker System

to secured important things in different establishments using Biometrics which is the fingerprint

that need to be scan in fingerprint sensor for verification to automatically open the door if the

fingerprint is authorized, otherwise the buzzer will activate as a warning.

Based on the study of Viehlani R., et al, (2016), theft is one of the biggest problem faced

in our city, in automobile key locks can be easily copied which can be used to unlock the car.

There are many devices available in order to protect your automobile


According to the study of Maro Choi, Shincheol Lee, Minjae Jo, and Jo Sun-Shin (2020),

entitled keystroke dynamics based authentication using the unique keypad. This system uses a

pin authentication for backup authentication if the biometric authentication is exceeded and hit

the complete set of trying to enter their biometric authentication such as fingerprint, face

recognition, or iris information. A proposed keypad is formed by randomly generated numbers

that depend on the Mersenne Twister calculation. The test conducted by the researcher using a

unique keypad confirms uniqueness and consistency to the user.

Based on O. A. Simon, U.I. Nature, KI. Jahun, N.M. Tahir (2020), implemented and

developed the electronic door system using a keypad in gsm that examine the factor of a positive

impact on securing homes and prone to the higher speed of inconvenience communication and

monitoring. The proposed study consists of an Atmega microcontroller for processing all the data

input, a keypad for encoding the passcode, a GSM module that will send a message if the entered

passcode is incorrect, and an LCD to display all action. This study was successfully implemented

by conducting a test the system may improve the works by adding some security features like

adding an identity of the owner.

According to Xiangyu Wang (2019), the user Enter the random password on the

keyboard. After that, the system will recognize the password you pressed and compared it. After
the comparison and if it is correct, the Locker will open. The researcher uses MCU for storing

data from the user.


According to Rajiwade B., Thakar S., Pokharkar P. and Malbhare S. 8.2% of crimes are

due to home thefts and the development of a smart door locks system can help in providing

security to residential and commercials areas from crimes related to thefts. The system has

hardware architecture and software design implementation – Bluetooth HC 05 to control and

manipulate Bluetooth connections from various smartphones, Microcontroller ATmega 32 to

give signals to processors and controls hardware through the device drivers, software

implementation consists of three modules – pc application for scanning Bluetooth controller ID

and connections from hardware, server and database management system is consists of the

registered Bluetooth ID and owner’s connectivity, and android application for user interface for

authentication of the owner. The developed system provides higher security and an efficient door

lock system that will protect the owner's house from crimes, particularly from thefts.

Based on the study of Phani P., Reddy O., and Reddy R. (2015), most people install locks

and alarm systems to overcome security threats especially when it comes to money. The

implementation of the system using GSM technology will guarantee the safety of the money in

the bank locker, house, and offices. The system uses a microcontroller ATmega8 for an interface,

a GSM modem for sending SMS messages, a Keypad for entering digits, symbols, and

alphabetical letters, A 2 by 16 liquid crystal display (LCD) interface. The system is also designed

and tested to Proteus Design Suite and Proteus Virtual System Modelling (VSM) before

constructing the physical prototype of a keypad-based bank locker security system using GSM

According to Hindumathi V., Sushmitha M., Yoshita M., Harika R., and Vaishnavi A.,

(2019), the traditional way of keeping important valuables of a person on banks requires two

keys – one for the customer and one for the bank person and before opening bank lockers, two

keys are required to be inserted and one of the drawbacks of having this method is when one of

the keys is lost, it is a very difficult and long process to open the bank lockers. The development

of bank locker security systems using fingerprint and image capture is great easy in securing the

safety of the important valuables in banks. The system uses Raspberry pi as its microcontroller,

16 x 2 LCD to display general messages to open the bank locker, and OpenCV-python for

interfacing the web camera use in image capture and fingerprint features. When an unauthorized

person tries to open the locker using its fingerprint, the locker will not open and the web camera

captures the image of the person and sent it to email or via SMS using the GSM module to the

authorized bank locker owner.

As stated in the study of Pandurang B., Dhanesh J., Pede S., Akshay G., and Rahul G.

(2016), the rise of smart technology is growing rapidly as it makes the life of a person easy and

convenient. The development of the locking system uses the trends of smart phones particularly

the Android OS as a security authentication. The system uses the Bluetooth of an android mobile

phone as a wireless protocol, it allows the user to lock and unlock the door in a short range, and

microcontroller is also used to control a linear actuator that also serves as the locking mechanism

of the door. The locking system also captures and detects the motion of the user, if detected only

he will be given a key to lock and unlock the door.

Electronics Laboratory

Gurjinder Singh, Archana Mantri, Ojaswa Sharma, Rashpinder Kaur (2020), discussed

that using Virtual Reality (VR) in Electronics Engineering Laboratory was very effective to
enhance the skills, knowledge, learning motivation and cognition of the students and improved

their understanding to the laboratory hardware. It is to prepare the students when they are doing

the actual scenario in actual laboratory.

Liquid Crystal Display

Figure 1. lcd-16x2-interfacing-with-arduino-uno.html

According to A.Said(2020). LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of flat panel device

used to display information that is made up of segments filled with liquid crystals to block light

rather than emitting light commonly found in calculators, watches, smartphones, television,

computer monitor and instrument panels . When the current being applied to LCD it create

millions of pixels that generate images.

Figure 2.
According to B. Schumn(2021). battery in electricity is a device that convert chemical

energy directly into electrical energy that provides energy sources of Direct Current(DC)

electrical power. Battery is assembly of two or galvanic cells that capable of energy conversion.

The battery has two end plates; the cathode or positive plate and an anode, or negative plate.

Chequered Plate

Figure 3.

Chequered plate is commonly a steel, stainless steel or aluminum plate materials which

in one side is a smooth surface while the opposite side has a different pattern projection pattern,

it's either tear drop mild steel chequered plates, diamond shape mild steel chequered plates, and

embossed mild steel plates, it is a non-skid plate that commonly used in Engineering and

construction sector also for automobiles and agricultural sectors for sataircases and walkways

and as an interior footplates for anti-slip.


Figure 4.
A Buzzer also known as beeper is a voice device signal that converting the audio model

into a sound signal commonly a mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric that produce

music sound, flute sound, buzzer, alarm sound and electric bell typically use for siren, alarm

devices, timers and confirmation widely use in different products and systems in many


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