Example Gymnastics Risk Assessment
Example Gymnastics Risk Assessment
Example Gymnastics Risk Assessment
Review Date:
Condition and Slips, Trips, Participants, • Inspection of the floor surface to ensure it is safe Request letting body Low Low
access of play area Falls and parents, for the session to take place or management
(grass, astroturf, obstruction of volunteers • Access to Qualified First Aider, First Aid Kit and organisation to
tarmac, indoor access and leaders Telephone clean if required.
areas), i.e. • Publicity states what access is available, e.g. If area cannot be
Slippery, wet, Wheelchair access made safe cone off
uneven, dirty, dog the area
faeces, litter, glass,
large bricks and
Any obstructions Slips, Trips & Participants • Removal of any items an safe distance from Request letting body Low Low
i.e. Benches, Falls & Leader around the sides of the delivery area to remove large
Chairs, Equipment, • Access to Qualified First Aider, First Aid Kit and items
Bags Telephone
surrounding the
play area
Child protection Participants Participants • Ensure that participants leave the play area with a Brief all participants Low Low
vulnerable buddy (to the toilets/drink/break etc) before each session
members of • Leaders awareness of spectators at open access Leaders make
the public sessions and general public areas appropriate enquiry
to member of the
• Photography requires written consent Written consent
collected from
parent / guardian
This generic risk assessment identifies the common hazards and control measures associated with this type of activity.
Before undertaking the activity, the ACTIVITY LEADER must also complete an “EVENT/ VENUE/ GROUP -SPECIFIC” Risk Assessment
Review Date:
Strains and Injuries Injury Participants • Recognised Coaching methods used Planned and Low Low
during and after & Leader • Adequate Warm Up and Cool Down structured coaching
play • Participants Wearing Suitable Clothing and session
• Access to Qualified First Aider, First Aid Kit and
• Ensure adequate matting is in place and secured
where necessary
Fire Evacuation Injury by heat Participants, • Fire evacuation procedures in place on site Staff to familiarise Low High
procedures / smoke or Leader, themselves with
panic volunteers evacuation
and procedures and
spectators exits, and brief
group if necessary
Weather conditions Dehydration, Participants, • Regular Breaks and Access to Drinking Water Assess the Low Medium
heatstroke, Leader, • Appropriate clothing, footwear and protection conditions and plan
sunburn volunteers against prevailing conditions accordingly. Hats is
Hypothermia, and sunny, extra
pneumonia spectators appropriate clothing
if cold and/or wet
This generic risk assessment identifies the common hazards and control measures associated with this type of activity.
Before undertaking the activity, the ACTIVITY LEADER must also complete an “EVENT/ VENUE/ GROUP -SPECIFIC” Risk Assessment
Review Date: