#4 Customer Focus
#4 Customer Focus
#4 Customer Focus
o Customer Satisfaction – the result of delivering a product or service that meets customer requirements.
Customer satisfaction drives profitability.
Although satisfaction is important, organizations need to look further.
1. They must avoid creating dissatisfied customers because the product or service failures.
2. They must try to develop loyal customers – those who stay with a company and make
positive referrals.
Customers who are merely satisfied may often purchase from competitors
because of convenience, promotions, or other factors.
Loyal customers place a priority on doing a business with a particular
organization, and will often go out of their way or pay a premium to stay with the
Loyal customers spend more, are willing to pay higher prices, refer new clients,
and are less costly to do business with.
o Identifying Customers
The first step in being customer focused is to understand who your customers are.
Most employees think that customers are those people who ultimately purchase and use a
company’s products.
These end users, or consumers, certainly are an important group.
Consumers are not the only customer group of concern.
The easiest way to identify customers is to think in terms of customer-supplier relationships.
Identifying customer-supplier relationships begins with asking some fundamental
1. What goods or services are produced by my work?
2. Who uses these products and services?
3. Who do I call, write to, or answer questions for?
4. Who supplies the inputs to my process?
Customers generally have different requirements and expectations.
Organizations that segment customers into natural groups and customize the products or
services are better able to respond to customers’ needs.
Segmentation allows a company to prioritize customer groups, for instance by
considering for each group the benefits of satisfying their requirements and the
consequences of failing to satisfy their requirements.
There are different ways to approach customer segmentation.
1. Geography
2. Demographic factors
3. Ways in which products are used
4. Volumes or expected levels of service
Juran suggested classifying customers into two main groups: the vital few and the useful
Another way of segmenting customers with an eye toward business results is by
Many businesses spend a lot of money trying to acquire customers who are not
profitable and probably will never be.
Profit potential can be measured by the net present value of the customer
(NPVC). NPVC is the total profits (revenues associated with a customer minus
expenses needed to serve a customer) discounted over time.
Firms can also use NPVC to eliminate customers with low or negative values that
represent a financial liability.
Segmentation helps an organization to align its internal processes according to the most
important customer expectations or their impact on shareholder value.