Graduation Project Report: National Engineering School of Tunis
Graduation Project Report: National Engineering School of Tunis
Graduation Project Report: National Engineering School of Tunis
Defended on 07 / 12 / 2019 :
Host Organization supervisors: Dr. MakkiDr. El VOUNDY
and Pr. Thierry Thierry ARTIERES
President of the Jury : Mr. Faouzi BAHLOUL
ENIT supervisor: Reporter Pr. Pr. Taoufik
Taoufik AGUILI
Aguili : Mrs. Imène
ENIT Supervisor : Mr.
M. Taoufik AGUILI
Taoufik AGUILI
Natural Solutions Supervisor : Mr. MakkiVOUNDY
LIS Centrale Marseille Supervisor : Mr.Thierry
Natural Solutions
Natural signature
supervisor: Dr.
Solutions El and stamp
signature VOUNDY
and stamp
“First, praises and thanks to god, the Almighty, for his blessings throughout my work.
Second, I wholeheartedly dedicate this graduation project to my dear parents and my little
brother for their endless love, limitless support and continuous believe and
I would like to express our deep gratitude to my supervisors Mr. El Makki VOUNDY and Mr.
Thierry Artieres for their patient guidance, valuable and constructive suggestions,
enthusiastic encouragements and useful critiques through the planning and the
development of the whole project.
My grateful thanks are also extended to Mr. Hachem Kadri, the headmaster of the Qarma
Deep Learning Research Team at Centrale Marseille and Mr. Olivier Revellotti, founder and
CEO of Natural Solutions.
Last but not least, I specially devote the work of this internship to Pr. Taoufik Aguili, my ENIT
supervisor and SysCom Research Unit President and to all the respectable and honorable
teachers and colleagues who tremendously contributed to my academic professional
progression and self-Development.”
Med Aymen Ktari | State-of-the-art deep learning neural networks comparison III
List of figures
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, neural architectures and Deep Learning are ones of the
top trending ICT engineering fields nowadays, making a deep technological intersection with
a variety of disciplines such as mathematics, computer science and Telecommunications
building the ultimate bridge to humanity’s modernity, innovation and comfort.
In fact, the human continuous need for high performances and extremely accurate mission-
critical results provides a set of problems, challenges and struggles making the whole focus
of Data scientists, developers and ICT engineers in order to design, build, develop and
optimize models and algorithms that fit with the technical objectives and assure the desired
accuracy for a better quality of life and a heavy economic and political weight at a very
concurrently ICT international market.
Therefore, Research and Development engineers are the real key to look toward linking the
experimental work from the laboratory with the compromises and expectations from the
firm, the project partners or the clients. R&D is the strongest path for a young freshly
graduated engineer toward a better professional development, greater and clearer
specialization and deeper understanding of the subject of interest.
The internship is divided into two big parts. The first part provides continuity to a previous
work done on the Natural Solutions EcoBalade Application in which we try to design, build
and evaluate an image recognition neural network model based on a huge 55 class Data Set
of vegetal species. Through that model, we compare some state-of-the-art neural
architectures in order to get familiar with their features, technical and mathematical
background in order to finally choose the algorithm that fits the most with our needs in
terms of accuracy, time delay and memory consumption.
The second part is mainly a research and development work in which we study the concept
of explainability and interpretability, one of the most demanded innovations in terms of
friability. The main purpose is obviously to create a secure transparent confidence between
the machine and the human been. Interpretability is a post-graduation-project technical
objective providing the main concern and focus of the internship’s future perspectives.
Med Aymen Ktari| State-of-the-art deep learning neural networks comparison Page 1
I. Context and objectives
The first chapter of this report is mainly introductive. In fact, it provides an overview about
the host organizations Natural Solutions and Centrale Marseille, the project’s main
problematic and context, the provided solutions and a variety of technical objectives and
Moreover, the main responsibility is to deeply consider the specific problems related to
ecology and environment while ensuring the sustainability of customer’s data. Indeed,
thanks to the multi-disciplinary nature of Natural Solutions teams and their expertise in data
collection, management, storage and exploitation providing to the clients precious advising
and consulting for their projects and demands.
Natural Solutions team is made up of talented web and mobile developers sharing an open
workspace with trainees and employers providing a beautiful professional environment for
more creative and efficient work.
The Natural Solutions team profiles combine a variety of skills and experiences (GIS, Web,
Mobile) to provide clients with solutions tailored to their needs in the field of nature,
biodiversity, environment, and space (territory) general management.
The main work methodology is based on Agile ("We are discovering how to better develop
software through practice and by helping others to do so.”)
Achievements [3]:
Our solutions have been awarded several times for their innovative character:
• Winner of the Eco-Industries Call for Projects, 2009
• Best Mobility Project 2010 in the PACA region
• Best Terrain Capture Tool (TDWG 2010)
• Créa13 Award, 2011 and 2012
• Eurasia Wings Trophies 2012
• Winner of the EOL Challenge (Encyclopedia Of Life) Education Innovation 2012
• eTourism Innovation Award (2014)
• Finalist of the company prize and biodiversity (2015)
• Finalist Smart city app hack (2015)
• OpenData Paca Winner (2015)
The LIS conducts fundamental and applied research in the fields of computer science,
automation, signal and image. It is made up of 20 research teams and structured in 4 areas:
the Computing Pole, the Data Sciences Pole, the Systems Analysis and Control Pole and the
Signal and Image Pole.
The conducted research and R&D at LIS usually find a finalization in different application
areas such as transport, health, energy, environment, defense, etc. The LIS thus has a strong
link with the socio-economic world and a significant contractual activity. These numerous
valorization activities allow it to be involved in several competitiveness clusters (the Marine
division, the SCS Secure Communicating Solutions Cluster, the Risk Cluster, the Euro biomed
cluster and the OPTITEC cluster) and to be a member of the Carnot STAR Institute. One of
the notable characteristics of the LIS is the multidisciplinary of the competencies it brings
together. [8]
In fact, this range of complementary skills allows the LIS unit to be involved in several
national and local structuring actions such as the ILCB convergence institutes "Language,
Communication and Brain Institute" and Centuri "Turing Center for Living Systems", as well
as at the 'Archimède' institute of the Midex Initiative of Excellence, bringing together
research activities in Mathematics, Computer Science and Interactions at the Aix-Marseille
and Toulon sites.
The École Centrale de Marseille is a leading graduate engineering school (part of the
“Grandes Ecoles Françaises”, the biggest and most known engineering schools in France)
located in Marseille, the second largest city in France and the capital of the south.
The École Centrale de Marseille was mainly created in 2006 by the merge of a variety of
engineering institutions and has its origins from the “École d'ingénieurs de Marseille”
founded in 1890. It is one of the Centrale Graduate Schools (Paris, Lyon, Lille, Nantes,
Marseille and Beijing) and a member of the TIME (Top Industrial Managers for Europe)
Therefore, Centrale Marseille is a multidisciplinary school, where the great majority of local
and international students have endured two or three years of intensive Mathematics and
Physics training (known as preparatory in France or the Pre-Engineering Curriculum):
Mechanical engineering
Chemical engineering
Physics, optics and electrical engineering
Business Administration and Finance
Mathematics and computer science
The students can also complete their last year in one of the other French Centrale Graduate
Schools or be part of an exchange program (inspired by the diversity of partnerships,
corporations and collaborations with different Universities, schools, laboratories and
engineering firms.
In a parallel way to my work at NS, I had to go several times at Central Marseille not only for
the experimental research work but also for the resources (Access to premium PaaS to run
the heavy neural architectures...), expert teams and work mentoring. My host AI Unit is
called QARMA which provided the precious supervising of Mr. Hachem Kadri and Mr. Thierry
The graduation project provides a solution for the firm’s need to set and deploy an Image
Recognition model based on several neural architectures from the state-of-the-art of deep
learning. In fact, the need for implementing and deploying AI models and solutions is on the
radar of natural solutions in a major part of its provided solutions to customers.
In fact, the idea of letting the machine systematically identify and classify vegetal or animal
species from an input photographed customer’s photo is the main goal to achieve.
Throughout building the model, the project is accordingly a comparative study of the top
trending nowadays neural architectures providing the intersections and the differences of
each and every algorithm.
Moreover, this study will lead to the ultimate choice of the best-fit algorithm to our problem
statement and desired accuracies and metrics.
For instance, interpretability and explainability are the perspectives post-graduation project
offering a complete detailed study of these concepts illustrating increasingly their crucial
importance on the AI market nowadays building the need trust between the machine and
the human being.
The technical background of the project is a set of skills in the multi-disciplinary AI
Engineering field, specifically in terms of deep learning, Convolutional neural networks, deep
neural networks, Data science and augmentation, PaaS implementations (Google Colab,
Amazon Web Services and Kaggle) and python coding language and frameworks.
The need for more complete, modern and sophisticated version of the App and the Website
requires the ultimate need of being open to the beautiful universe of AI, Deep Learning and
Computer Vision. The main idea is to let the machine determine systematically -thanks to an
increasingly efficient State-of-the-art model- the identity of the picture (that the users took
instantly while walking and discovering). Therefore, the user will get the name of the animal
or vegetal specie and a complete description of its history, forms, territories, timelines...
The work is divided into 2 major parts done through two different workspaces. The
laboratory work is closely a set of experiences, manipulations and documentations. On the
other hand, the firm provides an excellent team of designers, developers and extremely
motivated trainees and supervisors, making the perfect environment for building, processing
and developing the State-of-the-art model and its related highly large exclusive Dataset.
The cooperation between LIS and NS illustrates the need for a bigger Research and
Development investment around the engineering world. Regarding the specificities of each
workspace and its considerably important added value on project, the engineering Market
nowadays is increasingly more and more open to R&D offering to engineers, researchers,
PHD students and trainees a tremendous set of opportunities, perspectives and paths for a
better professional development.
2.2. EcoBalade
EcoBalade is a mobile application that offers a discovery of fauna and flora, during walks or
In fact, the application is free downloadable and offline usable. EcoBalade transforms walks
into new outdoor activity, where biodiversity and heritage are within the reach of all.
In addition, it aims to promote and develop the territories, through the discovery of their
biodiversity and their nature.
For families, schoolchildren, EcoBalade is deeply a teaching tool. It makes it possible to
approach the themes of the biodiversity, the protection of the environment, eco-
Available for free download on Play Store (Android) and Apple Store, the EcoBalade
application allows you to select and record one or more rides on your smartphone
anticipating the courses you want to perform. Once downloaded, they are then searchable
in total autonomy, even without an internet connection which explains the need to deploy
an image recognition model with full access on Offline mode. This will be one of the most
important metrics required for the firm to evaluate the model. [2]
The application proposes, for each walk, a list of potentially visible species (birds, plants ...)
in its immediate environment. Each species is illustrated with photos and info graphics to
enrich and deepen his knowledge. A determination key facilitates the recognition of plant
species. Trees or flowers observed, are easily identifiable in a few clicks. The observations
collected during the walks can finally be recorded in a field notebook, for later consultation. is the main entry point for the discovery of the EcoBalade service. On the site,
the visitor can select and prepare a ride by sorting by type of circuit, difficulty, distance to
travel or geographical location. It mainly has access to not only walks but also to all species
sheets (more than 1500). Users can also post comments or photos of their walks in order to
keep both sharing and interacting. [2]
The 3 months graduation project is a set of objectives related to the needs of the firm
Natural Solutions and the laboratory at Centrale Marseille. The main context is a research
and development work in which I try to reach a variety of goals:
Design build and test an Image recognition model for the EcoBalade application at
Natural Solutions. In fact, the idea is that the customer should be able to take an
instant photo of a flower or an animal while walking around somewhere in the
beautiful nature of France and the machine systematically predict the name and a
little detailed description of the desired fauna and flora taken from the Data Base of
the application. In fact, Image recognition is targeted by the firm as one of the future
feature implementations in their apps and provided services to customers.
Scrap and build a giant Data Set holding the all the covered species on the website of
the application. Therefore, depending on the given neural architecture, every class is
pre-processed throw some operations of filtering, re-sizing, re-sampling, rotating,
zooming... In order to get the adequate Data Augmentation.
For Centrale Marseille, the comparative study will also be an opportunity to get
familiar with the state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms so that we can not only
compare the architectures themselves but also compare the experimental work with
the theory and the technical background regarding every proposed model
(SqueezNet, MobileNet, Inception Resnet, Inception v3, VGG...)
The interpretability is a deep concept being a trending research field in AI and Deep
Learning. Reasonably, it’s impossible to get a concrete result for just one and half
month of work on this concept. The explainability is a set of perspectives for my
graduation project. Therefore, my mission is to start designing and building a simple
trustworthy model being able to defend itself and to argue with the user concerning
its choice and prediction.
Central Marseille offers a “Cifre” R&D PhD in a partnership with NS to design and
build a trustworthy model in which predictions are defended throw the features
extracted and to study and compare different interpretability approaches and
Natural Solutions “post-PFE" main perspective consists on building a Chabot to
assure an automatic trustworthy communication between the user and the machine.
This Chabot will provide the right explanations to the machine’s predictions regarding
the questions of the user.
One of the perspectives is obviously to implement the relatively “best” chosen Model
on their Application (NS started the work right after my internship). We also had the
idea to add a quiz little gaming allowing the user to participate in predictions (for
some specific eco-walks) and to let the machine systematically evaluate the user’s
knowledge about fauna and flora. Sounds fun to let people learn while having fun
and getting more familiar with our beautiful mother nature.
We should never forget that the work already started for an analogue version of
those models working on classifying the animal's species. The idea from EcoBalade
and the main spirit of Natural Solutions is to provide the best applications for both
Fauna and Flora.
To crop it all, the whole internship took just 3 months in France. Technically, it was
impossible to get to work on explicability. In fact, building a model from the very beginning
for each and every architecture separately and providing a continuous work of ameliorating,
validating and testing in order to optimize and regulate the architectures takes more than
that. The main idea is to assure the continuity of my work through the 4 perspectives I
mentioned below.
3. Internship’s Progression
3.1. Software Environment, packages and Framework
For Machine/Deep Learning projects, there are more than thirty known and recognized
frameworks for programming neural networks for deep learning. In order to simplify this list,
we are going to make a first sort selecting from "Open Source" frameworks, which obviously
work on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms.
In addition, there are only 14 potential frameworks that use the programming language C ++
(8 frameworks) and python (7 frameworks). I made the choice to use the python
programming language. Later in this chapter, I will justify the Python and Tensor Flow
Torch :
Torch is a scientific computing framework with wide support for machine/deep learning
algorithms and models that puts GPUs first. It is easy to use and efficient, thanks to an easy
and extremely fast scripting language, LuaJIT, and an underlying C/CUDA implementation.
Theano is a Python library that allows users to define, design, optimize, and evaluate
mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. Theano features:
Caffe is a deep learning Python framework made with expression, modularity and speed. It
was developed by Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) and community contributors. Yangqing Jia
created the project during his PhD at UC Berkeley. In fact, Caffe is released under the BSD 2-
Clause license.
Tensor Flow:
Let’s first notice that Google developed a first version of its machine/deep learning system
called DistBelief a few years ago. The latter has continued to be improved in order to
simplify the source code to make it a faster and more robust and efficient library. This is how
Distbelief step by step becomes TensorFlow. Moreover, Tensor Flow becomes open source
in 2015. The new version 1.0 of TensorFlow includes many python APIs like Keras (see 2.3.4).
It also integrates "TensorBoard" which is a very popular visualization tool for network
modeling and performance. Therefore, TensorBoard allows the user to monitor and visualize
a variety of parameters while training a neural network. In fact, this tool allows us to
visualize results via a complete and simple graphical interface.
In parallel way, in Tensor Flow, nodes are called Tensors and we’ve got two types of tensors:
placeholders and variables. Therefore, Tensor Flow runs within sessions and we can
analogously think that placeholders are buckets into which our data is placed once we build
that session. In addition, let’s notice that Tensor Flow uses the Gradient Descent Optimizer.
Keras is a library made for deep learning in neural networks. Written in python, it is easy to
use and wraps both Tensor Flow and Theano. In fact, it has many pre-trained networks and
uses a simple structure adapted to deep learning which provides a very easy and efficient
tool for most Data Scientists and ML/DL engineers. [11]
Python was first released in 1991. As a matter of fact, Python's design philosophy mainly
emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace (which probably is
the biggest innovation contributing step by step to the worldwide shining of Python).
Moreover, its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers
write clear, simple, logical code for small and large-scale projects
Python was used throughout the whole project. The choice of Python is deeply justified with the
huge number of frameworks, libraries, open source environments, increasingly large
community worldwide. For our deep learning project, Python provides a diversity of tools
and importations assuring its quality and simplicity especially in Artificial Intelligence, Data
Science, Machine/deep Learning, Big Data, IoT and Cloud Computing. Python is everywhere!
And that probably proves that nowadays ICT engineers should get more familiar with it and
never miss the opportunity to get cooperate and continuously learn about new updates and
Regarding the increasingly growing popularity of Tensor Flow, probably thanks to its ease of
use and power, we strongly believe it is extremely interesting to use this programming
framework to anticipate future needs. Indeed, Tensor Flow is continuously gaining
popularity. As shown in the graph below, it is today the ultimate most used framework for
deep learning worldwide.
In addition, this framework includes very functional APIs, extremely good documentations
provided with many examples, help features and tutorials. Besides, it supports CPU
(processor) and GPU (graphics processor) calculations and it has very short compilation
times. Finally, TF is multi-platform (MAC OS, Linux, Windows or even Android and IOS).
The term agile was popularized by the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. The
values and principles espoused in this methodology were derived from and underpin Scrum,
Kanban and a large broad range of software development frameworks
While there is much anecdotal evidence that adopting agile practices and values improves
the agility of software professionals, teams and organizations, some empirical, consultant
and experts' studies have disputed that evidence.
Scrum is an agile process framework for handling and managing complex knowledge
projects, with a deep initial emphasis on software development, although it has been used in
other disciplines and fields and is increasingly starting to be used and explored for other
complex work, research, R&D and advanced technologies. It is designed for teams of ten or
fewer members, who handle their work through goals that can be completed within time
boxed repetitive iterations, called sprints, generally no longer than one month and most
commonly two weeks, then track progress and briefly discuss that in 15-minute time-boxed
stand-up meetings, called daily scrums. The re-planning is discussed throw the retro
perspective weekly session.
At Natural solutions, throughout different steps of the graduation project, getting familiar
with Agile and Scrum gave me the ability to understand the concept of planning, estimating
time and resources while being open to repetitive set ups and updates depending on the
workload different continuous needs. Besides, I set up the plan for the next Sprint after
discussion it with my supervisor; we trace the goals for an average of two weeks for every
sprint, giving every step of the project the most optimum amount of time. Therefore, I am
found of working in such a corrective and adaptive environment based on sprints, planning,
daily scrum, reviews all systematically leading to the firm general Retro perspectives and
grooming (called the Backlog refinement which is the ongoing continuous process of
reviewing product backlog items and double checking that they are appropriately prepared
and ordered in a way that makes them clear and executable for teams once they enter
sprints via the general sprint planning activity.)
The next chapter provides a bibliographic overview for the project's keywords and highlights.
It is mainly a preliminary study of the algorithms behind the state-of-the-art neural
In terms of computer science and ICT, artificial intelligence (AI) or machine intelligence (MI)
is the concept of intelligence demonstrated by algorithms through devices and machines, in
contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans. Colloquially, the term "artificial
intelligence" is usually used to illustrate computers that mimic "cognitive" smart functions
that humans systematically associate with the human mind, such as "learning",
“environment auto-understanding" and "problem solving".
Therefore, AI is always defined as the study of "intelligent agents". As a matter of fact, any
device or machine that perceives its surrounded environment and automatically takes
actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals through a set of models
and Algorithms. A more elaborate modern definition characterizes AI as the system’s ability
to correctly interpret external data, to learn from it (through Supervised, non-supervised or
semi-supervised different approaches in terms of learning) and to use those trainings,
validations and tests in order to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation.
On the other hand, Deep learning is a structured hierarchical learning increasingly being part
of a broader family of machine learning algorithms mainly based on artificial neural
Deep learning architectures such as deep neural networks (DNN), deep belief networks
(DBN), recurrent neural networks (RNN) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been
applied to applications reaching higher performances and accuracies than humans:
Over the past few years, AI has exploded since 2015. Much of that has to do with the wide
availability of GPUs that make parallel processing ever faster, cheaper, and more powerful.
In fact, the AI mathematical built models and algorithms didn’t find the required
performances and calculations to run them on a computer. The AI community worldwide
waited for decades in order to increasingly and continuously innovates to create the
hardware and software appropriate climate to adopt and develop AI, machine learning and
Deep learning.
Besides, Machine learning often defined as the practice of using algorithms to parse, create
and augment data, train and learn from it, and then make a determination or prediction
about it. So, it is the ultimate solution that avoids traditional hand-coding software routines
with a specific set of instructions to accomplish a very particular mission.
Machine learning came directly from minds of the early AI community, and the algorithmic
approaches over the years included
The main idea is that neural networks are inspired from our understanding of our brain’s
biology referring deeply to all those interconnections between the neurons. On the other
hand, unlike a biological brain where any neuron can naturally connect to any other neuron
within a certain physical distance, these artificial neural networks have discrete directions of
data propagations through layers and neurons.
To crop it all, engineers and scientists deeply think that thanks to deep learning, AI has a
bigger, better and brighter future. In fact, Deep learning has enabled many practical
applications of machine learning and by continuous extension the overall field of AI. Deep
learning breaks down tasks in ways that makes all kinds of machine assists seem possible
and reasonable. Driverless autonomous cars, better digital marketing content filtering and
better preventive healthcare are among the top trending research, development and
investment worldwide. AI is both the present and the future thanks to the huge
contribution of Deep Learning. “AI may even get to that science fiction state we’ve so long
Image recognition is a combination between camera capture and AI algorithms so that the
machine efficiently recognizes and tracks images (and even videos, considered technically as
images sequences throughout divided time stamps.)
Moreover, evaluating those Image recognition model passes through a variety of steps and
mathematical interpretations. Throughout those steps, the developer needs to get a
feedback from learning curves, validation, cross-validation, confusion matrix... in order to
control the model and to get a deeper clearer idea about how the machine behaves
regarding your specific problem statement and data set. All the concepts and approaches
explained below will be used and explored throughout different phases of models building
and deploying.
Building a model mainly converge to a primordial validation.[11] You can call it test phase,
but never confuse with the final testing, which is providing unseen new photos to the
machine and evaluating how the model predicts. Validation, on the other hand, is a test
through “déja-vu” photos right after training. For instance, we have two main approaches:
Data set segmentation through 3 sub sets called train, validate and test. Generally,
the commonly used segmentation is 80% train, 10% validation and 10% test (which
was the segmentation adopted in my project). This technic is considered traditional
and classic providing simplicity and transparency. Exploiting just 90% of your data set
is the main drawback. For that reason, AI engineers proposed a state-of-the-art
cross-validation approach in order to access to the totality of your Data.
Cross-validation is deeply a segmentation of the Data set to K sub-datasets. The K-1
subsets will be provided for train and validation traditionally. The K remaining
dataset is used for testing. Then, the developer codes a little loop to iterate K times
and passes the whole dataset through all different combinations for different
purposes (train, validate and test). To crop it all, the output metric (accuracy in our
case), will be a calculated average of the result of each and every iteration. It is
mainly more accurate and precise approach but requires more space (exploring the
whole data set) time (every iteration is a traditional validation) and processing.
Confusion Matrix doesn’t depend on the Classification algorithm (decision tree, Support
Vector Machine, Logistic regression, Naïve Bayes, Stochastic Gradient Descent, K-Nearest
neighbors, Random Forest...). All of those models need to provide a diagonal matrix to
indicate to the developer that the training phase went good (features and labels well
extracted and results well predicted at the classification layer). Right after that, you can
move to Fine Tuning or Bottleneck technic before final validations and tests.
In the next chapter, we will notice that all the confusion matrixes were diagonal with no
troubles or problems predicting on the train dataset.
Learning Curves
Therefore, we have different ways of plotting the learning curves where 2 approaches are
very popular and commonly used:
The horizontal axis represents the number of provided input images increasingly. The
vertical axis illustrates the metric required (generally cross-validation accuracy and
test accuracy in the same plot obviously). The curve, in theory, should be increasing
throughout the increase of the number of images. State-of-the-art pre-trained
networks fastly and efficiently reach spectacular accuracies from the very first
provided images. (That is the main point of using the Transfer Learning concept). In
addition, if we notice a bias problem which is kind of a gap of accuracy between the
train curve and the validation (or cross-validation) curve related to the first provided
photos. The variance problem is related to divergence of the same curves generally
noticed with a big number of provided photos.
On the other hand, it is more interesting for state-of-the-art neural architectures to
manipulate and interpret those curves the following way; the horizontal axis provides
the epochs (learning iterations where every iteration illustrates the whole back and
forward propagation of the whole Dataset on the totality of the neural networks
layers.) The vertical axis remains the same. However, the train and validation plots
give as a deep understanding of the model’s increasing experience at every epoch,
To be brief and simple, the hierarchy on features can be explained this way; features
computed by the first layers are mainly general and regarding the transfer learning
approach, they can be re-used in different problem statements and for a variety of use
cases. However, the last layers are more specific; they are deeply related to the problem
statement itself.
For that reason, developers generally remove the old classifier and adapt the model to the
specific task through 3 different process:
The "fully-connectedness" definition criteria of these networks makes them prone and
robust facing over fitting data. Typical ways of regularization include adding some form of
magnitude measurement of weights to the loss function. On the other hand, CNNs provides
a different approach and method regarding regularization: they take main advantage of the
It all started in 1943 when McCulloch and Pitts defined the first mathematical and computer
science model of a biological neuron
It is a binary neuron. In fact, the neuron makes a weighted sum of its inputs and with a
threshold activation function; the output of the neuron is worth 0 or 1 (in function of the
output value relative to the threshold).
In order to understand how it works, let’s focus on the behavior of a single neuron. In fact, a
neuron aims to separate a set of data. The simplest case is to separate a data set by a
straight line characterized by an equation.
The points in the data set that verify this equation will be on this line. The points for which
the equation is negative will be below this line while the points for which the equation is
strictly positive will remain above it.
This is absolutely what an artificial neuron does. It separates a data set into two parts. If we
use a single neuron then it will be able to separate linearly the data set provided. Data can
have several parameters providing the size or dimension of the space and thus the
For single-dimensional data, the neuron will separate the data by a straight line. Accordingly,
if the data has two dimensions, the neuron will use a “plan” often called hyper plan in high
The name “convolutional neural network” indicates reasonably that the network employs a
mathematical operation called convolution which is a specialized kind of linear operation
and matrix multiplications.
A CNN consists of an input and an output layer as well as multiple in-between hidden layers
referred to as hidden layers simply because their inputs and outputs are masked by the
activation function (commonly a ReLU layer subsequently followed by additional
convolutions such as normalization layers, fully connected layers, pooling and final
convolution that usually involves backpropagation).
Input is a tensor with shape (number of images) x (image width) x (image height) x
(image depth).
Convolutional kernels (mainly a set of learnable kernels and filters) whose width and
height are hyper-parameters, and whose depth must be equal to that of the image.
The process consists on the fact that convolutional layers convolve the input and pass
its result to the next layer. This is similar to the response of a biologic natural neuron
in the visual cortex to a specific stimulus which shows the analogy between the
artificial and the natural system.
CNNs may include global or local pooling layers to streamline the underlying computation. In
fact, pooling layers tend to reduce data dimensions by combining and connecting the cluster
neurons outputs at one layer into a single neuron right in the next layer. However, local
pooling combines small clusters, typically 2 x 2 while global pooling acts on the totality of the
convolutional layers' neurons. Besides, pooling may compute a max (at the prior layer, it
calculates the maximum value from each of a cluster) or an average (the average value from
each of a cluster of neurons at the prior layer) depending on the application need.
Inspired from the traditional multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP), fully connected
links all the outputs of the previous layer to one and only neuron, often at the last layer. The
idea is that flattened matrix mainly goes through a fully connected layer to classify the
3D neurons:
CNN layers have neurons arranged in 3 dimensions: width, height and depth. The main
Principe is that the neurons inside a layer are connected to only a very small region of the
previous layer, called a receptive field just like mentioned below.
Local connectivity:
CNNs exploit spatial locality by enforcing a local connectivity pattern between neurons of
adjacent layers just like the concept of receptive fields. However, the architecture ensures
that the learned kernels or filters produce the strongest response to a spatially local input
pattern. In fact, in order to let the network, create representations of small parts of the
input, it assembles representations of larger areas.
Shared weights:
Inspired by the concept of translation invariance, replicating units allow the detection of the
features regardless of their locations in the visual field so that all the neurons in a specific
given convolutional layer respond to the same feature with their specific response field.
The depth of the output volume controls the number of neurons in a layer that connect to
the same region of the input volume. These neurons learn to activate for different features
in the input. For example, if the first convolutional layer takes the raw image as input, then
different neurons along the depth dimension may activate in the presence of various
oriented edges, or blobs of color.
It controls how depth columns around the spatial dimensions (width and height) are
allocated. For example, if we want to move the filter for one pixel at a time, we should set it
Stride = 1. Thus, when the stride is 2 then the filters jump 2 pixels at a time as they slide
The padding is to fulfill the input with zeros on the border of the input volume providing
control of the output volume spatial size.
ReLU Layer:
ReLU is the abbreviation of rectified linear unit, which applies the non-saturating activation
function f (x) = max ( 0 , x ) { f(x)=\max(0,x)} . As a matter of fact, ReLU removes the negative
from an activation map setting them to zeros. It mainly increases the nonlinear properties of
the decision function and of the overall network without impacting the receptive fields of
the convolution layer. Let’s notice that we can use the saturing hyperbolic tangent or the
sigmoid function for the same purpose (increasing nonlinearity). However, ReLU is more
popular for its ability to train several times faster than any other mathematical function.
At the final layer of a CNN, it specifies how training penalizes the deviation between the
predicted (output) and true labels. Various loss functions appropriate for different tasks may
be used:
Softmax loss is used for predicting a single class of K mutually exclusive classes.
Sigmoid cross-entropy loss is used for predicting K independent probability values in [
0, 1]
Euclidean loss is used for regressing to real-valued labels (− ∞, +∞)
Empirical Regularization:
Drop Connect, stochastic pooling, Drop Out are used to fix over fitting. Probably, the most
popular technic is Drop Out which is the fact that we remove (drop out) the individual nodes
with 1 – p probability and keep those with p so that we can reduce the network; incoming
and outgoing edges to a dropped-out node are also removed. Only the reduced network is
trained on the data in that stage. The removed nodes are then reinserted into the network
with their original weights.
Explicit Regularization:
Early stopping (stop the training if over fitting is being noticed), limit number of parameters,
weight decay (adds to the error at the output of each node an additional error, proportional
to the sum of weights (L1 norm) or squared magnitude (L2 norm) of the weight vector) and
max norm constraints are probably the most popular Explicit Regularization.
Fine Tuning:
An extremely popular technique when we have got a small dataset is to train the network on
a larger data set from a related domain. In fact, an additional training step is performed
using the in-domain data to fine-tune the network weights once the network parameters
have converged.
MobileNet is a neural network mainly known for its obvious contribution to the family of
efficient models for mobile applications and embedded vision devices. Inspired by the
concept of depth wise separable convolutions, MobileNet is introduced to the world of deep
In fact, regular convolutions try to convert each and every input item into one and only pixel
while depth wise architecture tend to separate each input channel and performs it
separately through setting a respective set of weights to each one. [6]
Besides, performing from one layer to another requires a set of filters. For MobileNet, the
most performed filters are color filters and edge and features detectors.
Therefore, processing the input passes by a set of operations, Mobile blocs and
convolutions. The Mobile blocs contain 4 kinds of layers: 2 depth wise layers and 2 pointwise
layers all followed by a set of 5 consecutive convolutions before getting processed into
another mobile bloc. The output will cross into an Average pooling layer and a classification
layer (Fully Connected). Another interesting fact about MobileNet architectures is that every
convolutional layer is followed by a Batch Normalization and ReLU6 activation function. [6]
MobileNet had several updates and changes in the “black” boxes mainly throw setting up
different parameters and changing the purpose of the pointwise from keeping the number
of channel identical (or double it) to compressing it. In fact, this reduction of data which
flows further in the network is known as the Bottleneck technic (that I used while designing
the Flower Recognition Model, explained in the next chapter). The projection layer is
accordingly called a Bottleneck layer.
As we can notice in the Figure 15, Accuracy-Density comparisons measure how efficiently
each model uses its parameters. In fact, SqueezNet and MobileNet lead the competition
providing the best performances. Let's notice that the competition was about training and
testing on a sub ImageNet Data set. In the next chapter, we will get the model summary for
the 3 used architectures and we will notice the importance of getting brilliant results and
respectful accuracies using the lowest possible number of parameters.
To crop it all, MobileNet main goal is letting the model be able to auto compress and
decompress the processed data at every stage of learning in the network.
Last but not least, MobileNet version 2 (being actually used in my Flower Recognition Model)
contains 3.5 million parameters outperforms the first version (4.5 million parameters) in
each and every scoring method.
Inception was introduced to the world of deep learning in 2014 by a Google Brain research
unit illustrating the architecture as “strong convictions” deep network inspired by the
concept of Auxiliary Classifiers (the idea of applying Softmax to the output of the 2
consecutive Inception blocks in order to calculate an auxiliary loss over the same labels.)
Auxiliary classifiers provide an elegant solution to the vanishing gradient problems. The
auxiliary loss is accordingly added to the total traditional calculated loss with a weight of 0.3
Auxiliary processing is only used in training for Inception architecture. One of the most
interesting blocks of the whole network is the Global Average Pooling block by the final
layers. GAP is considered as a great innovation in terms of Data Reductions being able to
extract a h*w*d dimensioned tensor to 1*1*d.
Inception final releases were mainly inspired by Google brain’s introducing the concept of
Batch Normalization to the Inception traditional architecture providing an accurate solution
to the phenomena of the Internal Covariate Shift (“the distribution of each layer’s inputs
changes during training, as the parameters of the previous layers change.”) [7] [11]
Batch Normalization offers the ability to resemble distributions at each training step by
normalizing the mean and variance of each of the features. The Factorization of convolutions
with larger filter sizes is obviously another important innovation in the Inception latest
Resnet is the Deep Residual Network (from which came the abbreviation), introduced to the
world of deep learning throw the LSVRC image classification context in 2012. Alex Network is
probably one of the Resnet-like architecture inspired by the same mathematical algorithm
based on a huge number of layers (does a better model mean more layers ? That was the
main approach behind designing and building Resnet, AlexNet and several DNNs.
Training deep models is always linked with the Degradation problem through two main
phases: accuracy’s saturation and accuracy’s degradation. First layers are based on 1*1
convolution (a little optimization making the model gain some extra computational
resources for the heavy convolutions in the deepest blocks of the architecture).
Resnet computational blocks are perfectly similar to the Inception ones:
Input (299*299*3) >> Inception/Resnet blocks >> Reductions >> Average Pooling >> Drop
Out (keep 0.8) >> SoftMax [7] [11]
Thus, the main difference is that Resnet is all about going deeper while inception is all about
going wider. Both architectures use the same technics and mathematical approaches to
perform recognition on images but with different designs and different purposes.
Figure 19: State-of-the-art neural networks Image per second Top-1 accuracies
[7] [11]
Figure 19 provides a variety of reached accuracies from trending deep learning networks. For
instance, ResNet and Inception reaches close accuracies through different versions and
4.4. VGG
VGG stands for the Vision Geometry Group from Oxford proposed at the image net ILSVRC in
2014 competition. In fact, the main difference compared to AlexNet or ResNet is replacing
the large sized-kernel filters (“respectively 11 and 5 in the first and second convolutional
layers”) with multiple successive 3*3 filters offering more area and space for the input image
at the receptive field. [11]
Training and inference throw VGG is remarkably heavy and slow due to the extremely large
features implemented in several layers in the network. The weights themselves are mainly
large (compared to Inception, ResNet and obviously MobileNet) which makes deploying VGG
quite cumbersome.
Figure 20 is obviously a ball chart reporting the Top-1 and Top-5 accuracy per computational
complexity. In fact, Top-1 and top-5 accuracy using only the center crop per floating-point
operations (FLOPs). The size of each ball illustrates the model complexity. For instance, VGG
reaches spectacular results through different versions and releases. In the next chapter, we
will notice the added value of Model’s fine tuning using VGG.
For my project, VGG is used for Fine Tuning. Inspired by the bottleneck concept, VGG is
implemented to re-train the Data and its presence was quite important providing a
remarkable increase in the accuracy of all the validated and tested models. We will get more
details in the next chapter.
1. MobileNet
1.1. Preprocessing: Data Set and Data Augmentation
Before getting to training, validating and testing, Image Recognition models are extremely
related to the quality of the provided data set. It is not about the fastest or the most
Our Data is mainly a set of 55 vegetal species (taken from the EcoBalade application covering
the majority of fauna and flora in several ecosystems in France).
In order to achieve 500 photos per class, our pre-processing illustrates 3 major steps:
Web Scraping
Data Augmentation
In fact, scraping is a popular technique for extracting web content via a script or program in
order to use it in another different context.
An accurate model requires having a giant database of a large variety of images that we
want to recognize systematically. For that reason, employees at this firm went through lots
of walks proposed by the EcoBalade application, in order to take many pictures of the
different species of flowers they wanted to be able to recognize.
Filtering is all about deleting the odd scrapped photos. Wrong species or simply low-quality
useless photos are mainly filtered manually.
Data Augmentation is generally related to 2 objectives:
Enrich the Data S1 et with filtered photos (can probably illustrate a situation in which
the EcoBalade app user can take zoomed or rotated photos. The machine will learn
to recognize through those photos too.
Adapt the data to the corresponding architecture. In fact, each algorithm requires
specific processing on our input.
For MobileNet, the adaptation consists in:
generating image translations and horizontal reflections
horizontal and vertical shifts
Random Rotations (randomized angle in the range [-30,30])
Random Brightness and zoom
Fixed output (Size = (224,224), RBG)
MobileNet is known as an insanely small and fast architecture. Features were extracted o
local with the Natural Solution’s PC CPU and GPU specifications
Intel Core TM i7 1.8 GHz, 4 Cores CPU, 8 Go RAM
Intel UHD Graphics 620, 3.9 Go, 1 GPU Core
Those modest specifications are enough to extract features. (Include_top layers were
disabled which means that we won’t process throw the final dense layers).
The convolutional layers perform the image as they identify a series of patterns (each layer
will identify more elaborate patterns by seeing patterns of patterns in a repetitive iterative
long process).
The dense layers are capable of interpreting the found patterns in order to classify the
In addition, the weights are fixed (‘image net’ weights). They are in fact the size of
kernels*filters (3*3) kernel of 10 filters in our case) and they are totally independent from
the input (224, 224, 3) size.
2 main parameters are systematically involved:
Width multiplier for a thinner network.
Resolution multiplier to reduce the internal representation at every layer
The output from this operation is two precious files: labels and features.
Those features and labels will be provided as an input while building the model. Their total
size for MobileNet case is 5 Go (further in this chapter, we’ll notice the importance of the
features size)
The first one (on the left) is the model’s confusion matrix trained on 55 classes. It
shows the predicted labels per true labels through the input images.
The second one is plotted after 33 class training. It’s a clearer illustration of the
different coefficients of the Confusion Matrix.
Getting a diagonal Matrix proves that the model building is in the right way. The algorithm
shows good predictions (predicted labels = true labels). Diagonal matrix provides a
mathematical interpretation and plot to the true positive items. Getting a diagonal plot
guarantees that the model performs well and accurate on training data. For instance, the
model throw Logistic Regression Classifier is learning efficiently. The next step is the Fine
Tuning inspired from the Transfer Learning AI Approach.
Transfer learning concept is one of the most popular AI technological paradigms. Exploring a
pre-trained neural architecture starts to be a crucial step while building a deep learning
model. In fact, Visual Geometry Group, a powerful CNN designed and deployed by Oxford,
pre-trained on Image Net large open source Data Set containing more than 14 million
images, was the key element of our MobileNet Model fine tuning. Therefore, we loaded the
same pre-trained weights in order to re-train our Flower Recognition Data Set.
Besides, Fine Tuning had its real added value on the model performances. I had a little
comparison throughout a set of validations and tests on 30 class Data Set regarding two
models: the first one was fined tuned by VGG and had a 5% increase on the accuracies
compared to a non-fine-tuned model.
For instance, another interesting fact about MobileNet is that in case of wrong prediction,
the second proposed prediction is often a wright answer. (The first and the second
prediction are simply the highest calculated probabilities in the last fully connected layer
through the logistic regression classifier). We will get further explanations and screenshots in
the next chapter. In fact, this is most likely the case for every Logistic regression model.
Figure 20 illustrates the items composing the last “classification” layer. It is in fact a NumPy
array holding the calculated probabilities for each and every class (vegetal species). This
explains the first and the second given predictions in the following test screenshots (Figure
24) which are accordingly related to the highest and the second highest calculated
probabilities. Several tests were made on completely unknown samples. (Test photos should
not exist in the train Data)
Therefore, working on Data augmentation and amelioration can probably increase the
reached accuracies. In fact, adding more filters related to the different situation in which the
customer can be put while taking his shots can easily bring more efficiency and realism to
the Data which obviously leads to very respectful results.
In a parallel way, the learning curve is another popular mathematical plot to help the
developer and the designer understand the general behavior of the model. Our estimator is
the Logistic Regression, our learning rate is 0.001, the cost function is the cross-entropy and
the score is a wiser statistical formula based on recall and precision.
(Recall is the sum of true-positive per sum of true-positive and false-negative. On the other
hand, average precision is the sum of true positive per all the positives (false and true).
Regarding the fact that Data Set pre-processing is one of the most important keys to succeed
while building an accurate trustworthy model, we accorded two weeks for this phase. In
fact, the pre-processing is almost the same for all the neural architectures. Thus, we can
notice some differences. For Inception, Data preparation consists on coding the input data to
RBG color convention. In addition, we generate some image translations and horizontal
reflections. One of the specificities of train-time inception augmentation is adding
“photometric distortions”.
On the other hand, test-time data augmentation consists on resampling each and every
image at 4 scales where the shorter dimension (height or width) is 256,299,320,352...
Right after that, the algorithm takes the left, center and right square of the resized images in
addition to traditional random rotations, brightness and zooms.
For Inception and Resnet, I worked through two different data sets. The first one is a light
weight data containing just 10 species (classes) with a reduced number of pre-processing
operations. The first one was just helping me getting familiar with those Deep architectures
in order to facilitate the processing and the calculations. However, the second dataset is our
giant 55 class-Data.
The very first initiatives of running Inception and Resnet on local NS pc all fell down. In every
step, we got memory allocation exceptions and memory saturation errors. It was completely
impossible to run on local which is mainly reasonable regarding the huge heavy weight of
those state-of-the-art neural networks.
The first move was mainly to the free PaaS offered by Google called “Colab”. An interesting
notice about Colab is that it offers TPU: Tensor Processing Unit, an alternative to GPU based
on the N-dim matrix calculations to process rapidly and efficiently graphic data. Google
Colab is one of the most popular PaaS for AI engineers and Image Classification Model
designers, developers and project managers. The platform offers a direct and fluid mapping
to your Google Drive where we stored our Data.
Besides, the best options were offered by Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud. Both
PaaS were insanely close and similar in terms of offered calculations and services. However,
the payment for AWS is per used instances or modules. However, for Google, it’s more like a
traditional choice between some premium packs. For instance, we used PaaS as a research
student (not as a company).
Therefore, Kaggle is a free PaaS “specialized” in open source Data Set, Kernels, notebooks
and image recognition competitions. It is completely free and systematically linked and
mapped to your Google cloud.
Kaggle is used for the rest of model building different steps and through the provided
specifications; we were able to run not only Inception but also ResNet (further details in the
next summarizing paragraphs).
4 CPU Cores
5 GB Auto-saved HDD
16 GB Temporary Scratchpad
Kaggle GPU specifications:
2 GPU Cores
Additional dedicated NVIDIA Tesla K80
The features and the corresponding labels extraction were performed on AWS. The output
we downloaded is 9 Go sized (compared to just 5 Go for MobileNet and 12 Go for Resnet). In
fact, the processing on 55 classes took more than 5 hours although AWS has provided 2 GPU
Cores and 17 Gigabytes RAM. We also added a single NVIDIA Tesla K80 to our Kernel.
The confusion Matrix is a perfect Diagonal illustrating that the model building is good. In
fact, the predicted labels accurately illustrate the true labels for the whole pack of input
The Output Features and Labels were then inserted as Input while we moved to Kaggle. The
next step consists in fine tuning the model.
As mentioned before, Transfer Learning is an AI approach used to store and save knowledge
learning while solving a specific problem in order to apply it in a different context but mainly
similar problem statement.
For inception, I noticed some over-fitting (through comparing accuracies in training and
validation/tests. In fact, the model over-performs in training and increasingly under-
performs in validation/tests.
Furthermore, it’s deeply notable that training while just calling the last layer (called the
Custom layer or sometimes the batch normalization layer). For our case, we re-trained
through the whole Oxford’s Visual Geometry Group neural network which had already be
trained on the extremely giant Image Net Dataset containing more than 14 million images.
The idea behind the bottleneck as briefly explained in the preliminary study chapter consists
in training the images on some layers and leaving the other layers frozen (systematically
means that we won’t have to update the weights of this frozen block). The bottleneck is
calling a CNN (inspired from Transfer Learning AI paradigm) in order to be used to circulate
our images (outside) to extract more information. Then those images will be trained on the
dense layers before classification. The output results are stored into NumPy array. From that
table, we train the data for the classification layer (As long as they're stored, you don’t have
The model performed Bottleneck on PaaS, on Cloud: let’s notice that Google provides a free
tesla k80 GPU dedicated specifically for Cloud Fine Tuning or Cloud Bottleneck
implementations. On the other hand, Kaggle offers Fine Tuning built-in functions, same for
AWS or IBM Watson in order to reduce the number of features maps and parameters.
To crop it all, Fine Tuning or Bottleneck approach helps the model combat over-fitting and
systematically leads to better accuracies on validations and tests. The analogous neural
medical approach to Transfer Learning is called the Cognitive Psychology. Data Scientists,
Researchers, developers and AI engineers inspired the artificial work from that Analogy. Fine
Tuning remains now a days a primordial step throughout the model design and deploy.
Inception v3 generally reaches the 90% accuracy in several Image Recognition Competitions
worldwide. Google Brain provided a heavy and deep CNN but with tremendous ability to get
high precisions and scores on different datasets and problem statements.
For our Flower Recognition Model, Inception v3 reaches 92,92% of accuracy in Validation
(7,08% validation error percentage calculated through the cross-entropy statistical function).
For training, the accuracy is equal to 99,78%. On the other hand, several tests on the model
illustrate 87% accuracy.
Similarly as MobileNet, several tests were made on Inception v3 Model. The same test
sample is provided to all the compared neural architectures. Figure 22 illustrates some
screenshots from Inception Tests.
3. Inception Resnet v2
3.1. Pre-processing: Data Set and Data Augmentation
Same as Inception and MobileNet, Resnet requires some particularities in terms of building
the most adequate Dataset and provide the wright Data Augmentation operations. In fact,
classic operation such as cropping (ratio = ¾), Gaussian filters (mean = 0 and deviation = 0.1),
PCA Filtering (altering the intensities of the RBG channels), multi-scale operations, horizontal
flip augmentations, random rotations (angle = [-30,30]), random brightness and zoom.
The input size of Inception Resnet v2 neural network is (299,299). The images were then
cropped and resized accordingly.
To crop it all, Data preparation, Train-Time Augmentation and Test-Time Augmentation are
mainly the same operations and filters for the 3 compared architectures. The little
differences are related to some specific exigency related to each and every architecture (The
input size on MobileNet is (244,244)).
Same as Inception Model, ResNet algorithm runs under the same cloud computing
specifications. In fact, features extractions were performed on Amazon Web Services. AWS
provides the “Sage Maker”; Machine Learning and Deep Learning train/test end point. It
creates an AWS instance with no full control of desired server, security protocols, network
and sub-network set up, data-encryption…
On the other hand, EC2 provides the AMI: Amazon Machine Image giving the developer the
full control of everything. We stick to the first option regarding our needs.
Let’s notice that the Data had 4 copies; first on Local (NS PC Hard Disk), than on Google
Drive, than on S3 AWS cloud Drive and finally on Kaggle. At every cloud computing, it is
easier to get your data set imported on the PaaS in which you will perform features
Accordingly, the environment was set up (packages importations, Tensor flow back end
configuration, versions compatibilities…) in all the PaaS through the same specifications and
Kaggle freely offered to us the GPU that performed ResNet on training, validating and testing
with no processing troubles our memory allocations errors.
4 CPU Cores
5 GB Auto-saved HDD
16 GB Temporary Scratchpad
Kaggle GPU specifications:
2 GPU Cores
Additional dedicated NVIDIA Tesla K80
Features were extracted via AWS and are sized 10 Go (it’s 12 Go in Inception and just 5 Go
for MobileNet). Getting a light-weighted model is one of Natural Solutions priorities. For that
reason, output continuous size comparison is a must.
On the other hand, the confusion matrix is properly diagonal matrix illustrating the fact the
model building and the features extractions went good with no remarkable troubles.
Same as inception, we used the bottleneck technic not only to get better results in terms of
precision but also to extract additional extremely useful information with less parameters
and less features maps.
In fact, we don’t update the frozen convolution layers. We use it to circulate our images
outside in order to extract more features which we instantly train at the dense layers to
prepare the classification. Number of epochs is 10 and the batch size is 256 images. The used
architecture is obviously VGG (the whole network, the whole layers even the densest layers
were used) and same as Inception (check the previous chapter), the extracted additional
information are stored in a NumPy array.
VGG was pre-trained somewhere (ImageNet...) to recognize some classes on some general
extremely large dataset (millions of photos). Inspired from the transfer learning paradigm
and the Fine-Tuning approach, the Bottleneck is, through VGG, in terms of diagram and
architecture, an additional block for training and extracting information situated between
the Convolutions block and the Dense Layers.
Bottleneck and Fine Tuning are both Transfer learning applications. They have lot in common
technically but they are two different Deep Leaning approaches. Generally, both of them
provided a beautiful added value on the model increasing its accuracy and probably helps
combatting over-fitting.
ResNet architectures generally reach very spectacular accuracies and scores in several Image
Recognition Competitions. ResNet CNNs are able to provide trust-worthy solutions for
mission-critical IoT applications or for any AI problem statement requiring very respectful
accuracies and precisions. If you can provide the large computations and memory
requirements, ResNet is one of the top used architectures worldwide in lots of engineering
For our Flower Recognition Model, Inception ResNet v2 reaches 93,75% of accuracy in
Validation (6,25% validation error percentage calculated through the cross-entropy
statistical function).
For training, the accuracy is equal to 99,96%. On the other hand, several samples were
tested on the model illustrating 88% accuracy.
Therefore, figure 28 shows some test predictions (first and second predictions regarding the
highest and the second-highest classifications probabilities.)
Figures 34 and 35 provide the model summary for Inception and ResNet. In fact, ResNet has
54,336,736 total parameters (54,276,192 trainable and 60,544 non-trainable.) Inception has
21,802,784 total parameters (21,768,352 trainable and 34,432 non trainable).
On the other hand, MobileNet is different. The light-weight architecture is mainly designed in order
to get embedded on Mobile Systems and offers a respectful CNN with high accuracies, fast
predictions and so much less parameters to tune and handle. MobileNet and SqueezNet are trending
architectures being used and deployed in several application ICT domains. Figure 36 is the MobileNet
model summary (just 3,228,864 total parameters through 3,206,976 trainable and 21,888 non-
Let’s notice that non-trainable parameters are quite a broad subject. A straightforward example is to
consider the case of any specific NN model and its architecture. Say we have already setup your
network definition in Keras, and your architecture is something like 256->500->500->1. Based on this
definition, we seem to have a Regression Model (one output) with two hidden layers (500 nodes
each) and an input of 256.
One non-trainable parameters of your model is as a matter of fact the number of hidden layers itself.
Other could be the nodes on each hidden layer (500 in this case), or even the nodes on each
individual layer, giving you one parameter per layer plus the number of layers itself.
These parameters are "non-trainable" because you can't optimize its value with your training data.
Training algorithms (like back-propagation) will optimize and update the weights of your network,
which are the actual trainable parameters here (usually several thousands, depending on your
connections). Your training data as it is can't help you determine those non-trainable parameters.
To crop it all, non-trainable parameters of a model are those that you will not be updating and
optimized during training, and that have to be defined a priori, or passed as inputs. In some cases, we
tune the model in order to train the non-trainable parameters of the hidden layers accordingly.
This chapter resumes the technical work with detailed steps for the state-of-the-art neural
network deep learning architectures comparison. Therefore, Natural Solutions choice was to
stick with MobilNet model. In fact, it provides spectacular accuracies on our dataset
regarding our needs with lightweight processing in terms of GPU and CPU specifications. The
firm will start working on deploying the model on an embedded system. On the other hand,
MobileNet provides a beautiful ground to the perspectives of the project solicitating
interpretability and explicability deep learning state-of-the-art concepts.
As a matter of fact, building a deep learning model passes through Data construction and
Augmentation, Software Environment preparations, features extractions, cloud computing if
required, Fine Tuning through the transfer learning concept, validation and finally testing
and deploying.
Designing and deploying image recognition models is one of the top trending computer
vision problems nowadays providing spectacular results in terms of rapidity, reliability and
accuracy. Deep learning neural architectures are the ultimate option to get precise
predictions related to your specific problem statement. For instance, AI transfer learning
concept is a brilliant key towards exploring the knowledge of a generalized model pre-
trained on huge dataset with millions of photos which is rapidly and easily adapted to our
application and needs.
Natural Solutions illustrates the ultimate need for a lightweight architecture, offering the
beautiful ability to be embedded on a mobile system and to provide services to customers
even through offline mode. This project mainly compares the state-of-the-art neural
networks and highlights the focus on the quality of service per CPU and GPU requirements
ratio. Regarding the respectful results we reached, MobileNet seems to be the best choice
Besides, building the model, getting familiar with Tensor Flow backend, designing your
strategies for learning, regularizing and optimizing the CNN is mainly a continuous work
based on a set of validations, tests and mathematical interpretations through matrixes and
curves. Cloud computing for heavy-weight architectures is increasingly required nowadays.
PaaS provides spectacular CPU and GPU specifications offering the developer more
processing and memories for greedy models.
However, the most important step in every AI or Machine Leaning project is he Data analysis
and treatment. In fact, it is not about who got the best algorithm, it is deeply about who got
better Data set. Pre-processing is a major crucial phase which explains the continuous
increasing need for specialists and data scientists in the AI international market.
On the other hand, interpretability and explainability are AI paradigms offering a trustworthy
relationship between the machine and the human been. It is accordingly one of the top
trending fields of investment, research and innovation worldwide. For that reason,
explicability is a beautiful perspective post-project offering more confidence to the
customers and more reliability in the provided EcoBalade Application.
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Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014.
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H. Adam, “MobileNets: Efficient convolutional neural networks for mobile vision
applications,” arXiv:1704.04861, 2017.
[7+ A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, and G. E. Hinton, “ImageNet classification with deep
convolutional neural networks,” in Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems,
[8] Laboratoire d’Informatique et Systèmes,, last accessed 20
Aout 2019
[9+ H. Liu, K. Simonyan, O. Vinyals, C. Fernando, and K. Kavukcuoglu, “Hierarchical
representations for efficient architecture search,” in ICLR, 2018.
[10+ M. Tan, B. Chen, R. Pang, V. Vasudevan, and Q. V. Le, “Mnasnet: Platform-aware neural
architecture search for mobile,” arXiv preprint arXiv: 1807.11626, 2018.
[11] Computer Vision, an overview of Image Classification Architectures, 4 chapters, last accessed 26 September 2019
[12] Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Sameer Singh, Carlos Guestrin, “Why Should I Trust You?”
Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier, KDD 2016.
Med Aymen KTARI | State-of-the-art neural networks interpretability and explainability Page 1
Figure 1: Explaining individual predictions simplified illustration [12]
A model predicts that a patient has the flu, and LIME highlights the symptoms in the patient’s
history that led to the prediction. Sneeze and headache are portrayed as contributing to the “flu”
prediction, while sneeze “no fatigue” is evidence against it. With these, a doctor can make an
informed decision about whether to trust the model’s prediction. *12+
Some models are easy to interpret such as Linear/Logistic Regression or Single Decision Tree.
On the other hand, others are harder such as random forest, boosting.. Because it is hard to
understand the role of each feature and doesn’t really tell the developer if feature affects decision
positively or negatively. Deep Neural Networks are characterized by no straightforward way to
relate output to input layer in addition to the block boxes inside the network.
Local: explain how and why a specific prediction was made (“why did our model predict
that patient X has disease Y”). In fact, in python we code this instruction
“eli5.show_prediction(model, observation)” which will systematically plot the
corresponding Fully Connected layer’s probabilities to each class in case of classification
problem statement.
Global: explain how our model works overall; feature importance is a global interpretation
with amplitude only, no direction (never changers the outcome). For instance, the python
script code “eli5.show_weights(model))” will plot the weights of our model. It is extremely
important not to confuse those weights with those related to the neural architectures.
Interpretability weights are related to the features. In fact, the machine decides to give
more importance to a feature than another one.
In my project for example, the machine can eventually consider that the color feature is more
important than the size feature to predict the corresponding class of the flower and explain it
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For Python developers, we’ve got the ELI5 which is a Python implementation that can be used to
interpret sklearn-like models, white-box models and provides permutation importance for back-
box models through the “perm = PermutationImportance(model))” function.
1- Flat: after Categorical Hot Encoding in which we try to get the features and the names
corresponding to each and every category, we list them through a specific index or “key”
representing the name of the class.
2- Check it pd.Dataframe for a beautiful plot and a clearer data presentation.
3- In order to explain a specific prediction, we enter i=4 as the index of the corresponding
class and we write X_test.iloc(i) to plot the column of features explaining the decision.
4- eli5.show_predictions provides the set of probabilities for each characteristics. In fact, it
can show as if the model is good at predicting based on feature1 more than feature5. (For
every feature, there will be a corresponding contribution score. We can get negative scores!
Which mainly shows that the feature is far from being helpful to predict for that specific
class at a very specific problem statement.)
5- eli5.show_weights plots the corresponding weight to each feature. At a balanced Data Set
case, we logically get the same weight for all the features. This depends on the use case; we
can get an imbalanced Data Set or simply imbalance a balanced one. In fact, we can
manually try to put the focus on some features more then others if we think that they
might get better contributions for more accurate predictions. In addition, for Decision Tree
algorithm, this “ eli5.show_weights” function will systematically plot a detailed graphic
representation to the whole tree; that is mainly a graphic precise explanation to the results.
However, what can we do when it’s about a black boxed model? Eli5 won’t have access to the
features. Here is when LIME Method is extremely useful. Let’s understand every acronym:
- Local: Explains why a single Data point was predicted in that specific way.
- Model-agnostic: mainly refers to black boxed models in which we don’t know how the Algorithm
makes predictions.
Let’s focus on Figure1 illustrating the following steps: Model > data, tune, fit, predict.. > explain >
human decides.
How does it work? The algorithm generates some data through random sampling. As long as we
are in a non-linear case, this sample distribution will be our “linear” Local space of work. The
algorithm fits through Linear Regression at that specific local region.
Two potential problems can take place:
- Data Leakage which is mainly the presence of an obvious correlation between training data and
validation data.
- Data set Shift which is related to the fact that training data is very different from test data.
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For example, a possible interpretable representation for text classification is a binary vector
indicating the presence or absence of a word, even though the classifier may use more complex
(and incomprehensible) features such as word embedding.
Likewise for image classification, an interpretable representation may be a binary vector indicating
the “presence” or “absence” of a contiguous patch of similar pixels (a super-pixel), while the
classifier may represent the image as a tensor with three color channels per pixel. When using
sparse linear explanations for image classifiers, one may wish to just highlight the super-pixels with
positive weight towards a specific class, as they give intuition as to why the model would think that
class may be presented.
For our specific problem statement, the goal is to plot the features (color of plant, dimension, size,
nature of leaves…) that could probably explain the prediction. That is mainly what we can call:
performing interpretability in our EcoBalade Application. In addition, the level of rigour could
depend on the user itself. For a “normal” citizen, with a mediocre ecology background, the basic
features are enough. “Coquelicot” is predicted simply because the color is red and the specific
form of leaves in the plant itself. For an ecologist or an environmentalist, features should be
specialized and more details should be given. Therefore, the level of rigour increases.
That’s how interpretability mainly depends on understanding the stakeholder and regulatory
requirements. The specific need for explainability remains obvious and was explained several times
in the report and the annex. In fact, building a trust-worthy conversation between the EcoBalade
Med Aymen KTARI | State-of-the-art neural networks interpretability and explainability Page 4
App user and the machine is the real long-term challenge. For that reason, the main strategy is
based on the technical background and the Python Development tools mentioned in the previous
As an initiative for the “post-graduation-project” perspectives, the firm proposed the idea of a chat
bot for the EcoBalade Application. A typical python script through high-level built-in functions
provides the chat bot. The long-term idea behind the chat bot design is to link it (data mapping)
with the interpretability provided by the machine systematically explaining its predictions. I just
started the design, and this part of the project remains one of the most challenging perspectives
for the after-graduation work.
This chapter of the Annex A is an overview for the built chat bot, inspired from the
article: “Building a chatbot in python using NLTK”
For instance, there’s a variety of chatbots for different problem statements. However, there are
mainly two approaches that can define their functionalities:
Self-learning bots are the ones that use some Machine Learning-based approaches and are
definitely more efficient than rule-based bots. These bots can be of further two
types: Retrieval Based or Generative.
Med Aymen KTARI | State-of-the-art neural networks interpretability and explainability Page 5
Figure 3: Simplified Diagram illustrating the Anatomy of a Chatbot
Our chatbot is built through the NLTK. The Natural Language Toolkit is a leading platform for
building Python programs to work with human language data. Therefore, it provides easy-to-use
interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources such as WordNet, along with a suite of text
processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic
reasoning, wrappers for industrial-strength NLP libraries. By the way, NLTK has been called “a
wonderful tool for teaching and working in, computational linguistics using Python,” and “an
amazing library to play with natural language.” *11+
Installing the NLTK packages and preparing the software environment (check the
compatibility of versions)
Pre-process the text through NLTK package: convert the whole text to uppercase or
lowercase characters and process the Tokenization (convert the strings into lists of tokens.)
Removing noise and stop words
Import the dictionary often called the “bag of words” before converting the words into
binary vectors.
Perform Cosine Similarity: measure of similarity between two non-zero vectors.
Read an input file called a Corpus.
Pre-process the raw data from the input file by defining a function called LemTokens which
will take as input the tokens and return normalized tokens
Keywords matching
The response we will be generating is mainly based on the Similarity of documents;
defining a response function search the user’s utterance for one or more known keywords
and returns one of several possible responses. If it doesn’t find the input matching any of
the keywords, it returns a response:” I am sorry! I don’t understand you”
Med Aymen KTARI | State-of-the-art neural networks interpretability and explainability Page 6
Last but not least, we should enter the expressions of greeting in order to program the
chatbot on how to begin and end a conversation
Building a chatbot is one of the basics of python programming. Lots of technics, approaches and
high-level programming packages provides very simple ways to build different types of Chatbots.
The most challenging part is the mapping between the chatbot itself and the machine’s
interpretability. The chatbot should provide a good conversation with the user, understand the
keywords and be able not only to answer but also to justify the machine’s prediction. Therefore,
this work could illustrate one of the biggest perspectives of the graduation project.
To crop it all, this report annex provides an overview about my work on the interpretability and
explainability. The first paragraph justifies the need for such a technological concept. Moreover,
the technical background resulting from a bibliographic research study is primordial to get familiar
with the trending innovations around interpretability. The third paragraph is mainly a specialized
explainability related to our problem statement: CNN, Computer Vision and Image Classification.
Finally, building the chatbot remains just one basic step before getting the mapping between the
interpretability and the machine-user trust-worthy conversation which illustrates a continuity to
the whole graduation project work and open a variety of further perspectives such us getting more
animal and vegetal species (BigData) to predict while justifying and debating each and every
classification (Interpretability).
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