Development: CHAPTEK Green Governance: Sustainable Human
Development: CHAPTEK Green Governance: Sustainable Human
Development: CHAPTEK Green Governance: Sustainable Human
Sustainable Human
7 Development
Jeetendra Kumar Pandey and Sonali Chitalkar
Cases of environmental degradation and cultural marginalization of
traditional societies are universal in the face of deforestation, and
severe pollution of rivers, lakes and oceans. Urban, industrial and
mining centres in developing countries have become sites of extreme
pollution and a threat to human habitation. Such wide-ranging envi
ronmental and social breakdown casts a doubt on the capacity of
human society to sustain itself. To attain environmental sustainabil-
the 1970s.
Sustainable Development, Human Development, Green Governance,
Environmental Degradation
The concerns and priorities of development policy have been shifting in the
latter half of the twentieth century. Till the 1960s, the stress of development
we appeal
zens' groups, to non-governmental organizations, to edu-
utions, and to the scientific community. They have all played
tional i n s t i t u t i
hey will play a crucial part in putting the world onto sustain
in the
development paths, in laying the groundwork for Our Common Future'
World Commission
on Environment and Development, 1987). The Brundt
Commission oked
land Commission look at the environment beyond mere physicality and
environment as well. Development was seen as
fncluded the socio-politicai
Biological diversity
Plant genetic resources
.Chemicals - Hazardous chemical
Chemicals at work
Chemical pollution at regional orsub-regional level
.Climate change
Desertification or drought
Environmental impact assessment
Fauna and flora
Fisheries - Sea or Living marine resources
International lakes and rivers
Health and the environment
Heritage natural and cultural
Industrial accidents
Information (access to)
Justice (access to)
Liability and compensation
Marine environment (for cross reference only)
Marine mammals
Military activities and the environment
Nature and natural material)
Nuclearmaterial (radioactive
Oceans and seas Law of the-
Oil pollution
Outer space
Ozone layer
Pest Locust control
Plants and plant protection
Public participation
Regional cooperation (general)
lakes (international/transboundan
Rivers, river basins,
than oil pollution)
Ships marine pollution (other
Wastes -
Hazardous wastes - global
Hazardous wastes -regional
Dumping at sea
.Workirng environment
c o m p l e
-t of environmental degradation. While the key issues remain the
theurgency to address them is more pressing than ever
What is evi is that the before.
system of governance comprises
actors whose actions need to be mutually reinforcing and better
ping and navigation in national highways; major ports; airways, aircraft and
air navigation; regulation of mines and mineral development; and develoop-
ment of oil fields.
The state legislatures have exclusive power to legislate with respect to
66 subjects originally enumerated in List- or the State-list. The environ-
mental subjects over which state legislatures can legislate include public
health and sanitation; agriculture; communication; preservation, protection,
and improvement of stock; prevention of animal diseases; water; land, etc.
Under List-III or the Concurrent List, the Parliament and state legisla-
ures have overlapping, concurrent and shared jurisdiction over 52 subjects
and enact laws on any entries contained in it, provided it is necessary for
the purpose of implementing the treaty obligations on India. In fact, two
major and vital Indian environmental laws, namely, the Air (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Act of 1981 and The Environmental (Protection)
Act of 1986, have been enacted under these constitutional provisions.
In fact, there was no need of constitutional amendments because envi
ronmental and ecology bring residuary subjects fall within the Parlia-
ment's jurisdiction. Of course, cooperative federal consensus and action
is always pragmatically advisable. The preambles to both these laws state
that the statutes are enacted to implement the decisions reached at
United Nations Conference on Human Environment held at Stockholm
in 1972.
Local Government
Centre-State relations. Till
The Indian Constitution focuses mainly on
in Article 40 in Part
1992, it hardly talked about local government, except
the Constitution. Article 40 directs that
IV and the Seventh Schedule of
and endow them
the state shall take steps to organize village panchayats
be necessary to enable them to
with such powers and authority as may
function as units of self-government. Local government and village admin
which have to
istration is a in the State-list. Hence, it is the states
In 1992, the seventy-third and seventy-fourth
set up local governments.
Eleventh and Twelfth Schedules to
Constitutional amendments added the
Schedule distributes powers between
the Constitution. While the Eleventh
the Twelfth Schedule distributes
the state legislature and the Panchayat,
Both schedules
between the state legislature and the municipality.
contain environmental subjects.
The Panchayat can handle the issues of
Land improvement and soil
watershed development
Minor water management, and
Animal husbandry
Social forestry
Rural housing
Drinking water
Fuel andfodder
Electricity and
non-conventional energy
nd 'damage
level)andd to environment due to specific activity' (such as pollu-
However, no specific method is defined by law to determine 'substan-
Trbunal related to an award are equivalent to that of the Civil Court. The
Act $Decified that an application for dispute related to environment can be
alledwithin six months from the time when the dispute first arose. The Tri-
hunal is competent to hear cases for several legislations such as the Forest
Conservation) Act, Biological Diversity Act, Environment (Protection) Act,
and Water and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Acts. The NGT
does not have powers to initiate suo motu action. The decision taken by
majority members shal be binding, and every order of the Tribunal shall be
deemed final. Any person aggrieved by an award, decision or order of the
Tribunal may appeal to the Supreme Court within 90 days of commence-
ment of the award.
The Constitution of India provides some articles related to the environ-
ment. These are listed in Table 7.1.
Article Provisions
48(A) Directive to the state to protect the environment
clean water, food, forest products, flood control, and natural resources)
the options they use to restore, enhance the sustainable use
conserve or
of ecosystems (UNEP, 2005). After the Rio Summit of 1992, we have seen
an exponentially increasing involvement of NGOs in international policy
making. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Developme
(UNCED) Secretariat began the trend by relaxing the accreditation rules To
Different reports of the UNEP's Global Environment Outlook Report Series cat
viewed at < For more information about
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, its activities, and publications, see UNE
the-reader/MEA%20synthesis%202005.pdf/view> on 12 February 2017.
Green Governance: Sustainable Human Development 153
manufacturing enterprises an ds
ernmental and non-governmental organizations. The remaining standar
contain guidance and supporting documentation.
Green Governance: Sustainable Human 157
Vigilance can
be ensured through
community involvement, with respect to its substantially
own actions
and outputs (e.g., wastes
generated), and
that affect it (e.g., pollution from a local
to external processes and outputs
ment is healthy and that the views of the
factory). Ensuring that the environ-
community are included in the
management processes is critical to facilitate environmental
Involving the monitoring.
community in local
environmental management has been
prescribed as a
panacea for a whole lot of environmental ills in some
Sustainable Economic
Developing New Concepts of
Growth and Prosperity
the present concepts of economic
Consideration should also be given to would
new concepts of wealth and prosperity that
rOwth and the need for
allow higher standards of living through changed lifestyles, being
resources and more in harmony with
its carry-
dependent on earth's finite
ing capacity.
Reducing the of energy and materials used per unit in the pro
Generation of Wastes
Minimizing the
ways of dealing with
At the time, society needs to develop
of mounting levels of waste products and mate-
the problem of disposing the public,
with industry, households and
rials. Governments, together
the generation of wastes and
should make concerted effort to reduce
health and environmental impact.of
Making consumers aware of the consumer legislation and environ
products, through such means
mental labelling.
programmes, such as recycling
Encouraging specific consumer-oriented
and deposit/refund systems.
Exercising leadership through government purchase, particularly in
countries where the public sector plays a large role in the economy
on both corporate decisions
and can have a considerable influence
and public perceptions. They should, therefore, review the purchasing
The global environmental concerns have resulted in remarkable growth o
international environmental law in the post-Stockholm Conference perio
Being a signatory to the most important international convention on envr
ronment, the influence of international law in general and internationa"
Green Governance: Sustainable Human Development* 163
Wide-ranging environmental degradation and social breakdown cast a dohs
on the capacity of human society to sustain itself.
An unsustainable situation occurs when natural capital is used faster than it ear
be replenished.
Accelerated consumption, industrialization, liberalization and globalization
have increased the magnitude and complexity of environmental degradation,
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was born in 1972 in Stockholm
The concept of sustainable development has been deeply influenced by the
Brundtland Report (1987).
Earth Summit held in Rio in 1992 was a major nmilestone focusing on biological
diversity, climate change and desertification.
Global institutional framework on environmental issues is still in operation.
Environmental governance in India is guided by the country's Constitution, laws
enacted by the central and state legislatures, and judgements of the Supreme
Court and other tribunals.
National Green Tribunal Act, 2010, has created a special tribunal to handle
expeditious disposal of cases pertaining to environmental issues.
Environmental governance can be enhanced through the participation of civil
society, their role in advocacy, informing public opinion and excellent technical
and analytical expertise.
Private corporate sector, which has been the main source of environmental
degradation, may also be roped in as partners in environmental governance
through their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and their capacity
to lead innovations in clean technology.
Community participation provides the vital last mile connectivity in environ-
mental governance without which nothing can be achieved on the ground
At a more fundamental level, the culture of unfettered consumerism needs to be
re-examined. New economic models are needed which depend less on earth's
finite resources.
1. Define sustainable development. What are its goals in India?
2. Analyse the role of civil society in sustainable development.
3. Define green governance. How does it help in sustainable development?
in India.
4. Write an essay on the structure of green governance
as it developed interna
5. Write an essay on the sustainable development regime
answer with suitable examples.
tionally and its effects in India. Support your