Randomized Comparison of Augmented and Nonaugmented Language Interventions For Toddlers With Developmental Delays and Their Parents
Randomized Comparison of Augmented and Nonaugmented Language Interventions For Toddlers With Developmental Delays and Their Parents
Randomized Comparison of Augmented and Nonaugmented Language Interventions For Toddlers With Developmental Delays and Their Parents
MaryAnn Romski
Rose A. Sevcik
Purpose: This study compared the language performance of young children with
Lauren B. Adamson
developmental delays who were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 parent-coached
Melissa Cheslock
language interventions. Differences in performance on augmented and spoken
Ashlyn Smith word size and use, vocabulary size, and communication interaction skills were
R. Michael Barker examined.
Roger Bakeman Method: Sixty-eight toddlers with fewer than 10 spoken words were randomly
Georgia State University, Atlanta assigned to augmented communication input (AC-I), augmented communication
output (AC-O), or spoken communication (SC) interventions; 62 children completed
the intervention. This trial assessed the children’s symbolic language performance
using communication measures from the language transcripts of the 18th and
24th intervention sessions and coding of target vocabulary use.
Results: All children in the AC-O and AC-I intervention groups used augmented and
spoken words for the target vocabulary items, whereas children in the SC intervention
produced a very small number of spoken words. Vocabulary size was substantially
larger for AC-O and AC-I than for SC groups.
Conclusions: This study found that augmented language interventions that include
parent coaching have a positive communication effect on young children with
developmental delays who begin with fewer than 10 spoken words. Clinical
implications suggest that augmented communication does not hinder, and actually
aids, speech production abilities in young children with developmental delays.
KEY WORDS: augmentative/alternative communication, developmental delay,
parents, intervention, language disorders
evere spoken language impairments, early in life, have far-reaching
consequences for a child’s long-term development. When a young
child with developmental delay is unable to speak, his or her ability
to express wants and needs, interact socially, gain information about the
complex world in which we live, and benefit from educational contexts is
significantly compromised (Romski, Sevcik, Hyatt, & Cheslock, 2002).
Early language interventions that remediate communication difficulties
are critical to successful developmental outcomes for the child and may
enhance a family’s ability to support their child’s communication devel-
opment (e.g., American Speech-Language-Hearing Association [ASHA],
2008; Guralnick, 2001).
350 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 350–364 • April 2010 • D American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Augmentative and Alternative Wilcox, 2008; Cress & Marvin, 2003). With the aid of an
augmented language system, the hypothesis is that
Communication Interventions functional symbolic communication skills may emerge
One intervention approach that has been employed earlier than they would through other therapeutic ap-
with children with severe spoken language impairments proaches that focus on prelinguistic skills or speech
and developmental delays is augmentative and alterna- alone. There are only a few research reports in the lit-
tive communication (AAC). AAC systems include manual erature that address the use of AAC in early language
signs and gestures as well as speech-generating devices intervention. Using their research findings with school-age
(SGDs) that produce digitized and/or synthesized speech children (Romski & Sevcik, 1996) as a foundation, Sevcik,
(ASHA, 2002). AAC can play multiple roles in speech and Romski, and Adamson (2004), for example, reported that
language development, including providing an alter- a 4-year-old child with severe developmental disabilities
native output mode and stimulating the development and fewer than 10 spoken words was able to use the
of speech (Hustad & Shapley, 2003; Romski & Sevcik, System for Augmenting Language (SAL) that included
2005). Research has shown that AAC interventions sup- an SGD at home with his parents and sibling as well as
port communication development for school-age chil- during speech-language therapy. The SAL intervention
dren with developmental disabilities (e.g., Beukelman & combined the use of augmented input and output. The
Mirenda, 2005; Nigam, Schlosser, & Lloyd, 2006; Reichle, intervention resulted in increases in the child’s commu-
Light, & Beukelman, 2002; Romski & Sevcik, 1996; nication attempts in both settings and facilitated the
Sigafoos, Drasgow, & Schlosser, 2003). It is important development of a few spoken words.
to note that research has shown that AAC interventions For young children to develop functional communi-
have not hindered speech development for these chil- cation skills, they must be able to comprehend and pro-
dren (e.g., Millar, Light, & Schlosser, 2006). duce language so that they can take on the roles of both
listener and speaker. When AAC interventions are be-
Early Language Interventions gun early in life, the relationship between comprehen-
sion and production is unknown. A number of reviews
The early intervention literature reports that chil- (Blockberger & Sutton, 2003; Reichle et al., 1998; Sevcik
dren are likely to make the greatest gains when inter- & Romski, 2002) have discussed the importance of this
vention is begun during the early stages of development relationship but suggest that we still know very little
(e.g., ASHA, 2008; Guralnick, 2001). For very young chil- about how the two interface to facilitate language de-
dren with developmental delays and concomitant spo- velopment through augmented means.
ken communication impairments, developing functional
When an SGD is available, the focus of early aug-
communication skills is an immediate goal. One ap-
mented language intervention is often on physical access
proach to facilitating language development is to focus
to the device and production of spoken communication
on teaching prelinguistic skills (e.g., Fey et al., 2006;
messages using the SGD (Beukelman & Mirenda, 2005).
Warren et al., 2008; Yoder & Warren, 2002) in order to es-
These interventions have typically focused on having the
tablish a strong intentional communicative foundation,
child produce communications using the SGD with a
including vocalizations and gestures on which to build
range of prompts (Romski et al., 2002). Although SGD
spoken language skills. Another approach is to empha-
production permits beginning language learners to use
size the acquisition of spoken words (Wilcox & Shannon,
language to influence their world (Bates, 1993), it does
1998). Unfortunately, even when these intentional com-
not incorporate the language input a child would receive
munication skills are in place or when a few words are
during development when a caregiver provides spoken
acquired, many children do not smoothly make the tran-
language models. Brady (2000) reported two case stud-
sition from intentional communication to expressive
ies demonstrating that an intervention focused on teach-
language skills (Wilcox & Shannon, 1998). Without a
ing the use of an SGD in joint activity routines to request
symbolic means to communicate while the child is slowly
items also improved comprehension skills for children
(and sometimes unsuccessfully) learning to speak, the
less than 6 years of age with severe intellectual dis-
child, as well as his or her family, becomes frustrated,
abilities. Both participants learned to request six dif-
and behavioral difficulties may emerge (Reichle, Halle,
ferent objects and evidenced increased comprehension
& Drasgow, 1998; Reichle et al., 2002).
skills for the names of the objects requested.
Another approach used to provide experience with
Early Augmented Language Interventions symbols that does not require production is augmented
Early language intervention that includes AAC ap- input (Romski & Sevcik, 2003; Sevcik, Romski, Watkins,
proaches has only recently begun to be considered (e.g., & Deffebach, 1995). It is characterized as the incoming
Beukelman & Mirenda, 2005; Campbell, Milbourne, & communication/language from a child’s communicative
352 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 350–364 • April 2010
percent of the 62 children scored below the 1st percentile
Method on the MSEL.
Participant Recruitment and Identification Each child and his or her parent were randomly as-
Participants were recruited for the study from ap- signed to one of the three language interventions. Ran-
proximately 45 sources (e.g., early intervention services, dom assignment was stratified for etiology and MSEL
private speech-language pathologists [SLPs], clinical composite score. Table 1 provides a description of the
psychologists, developmental pediatricians, and pediat- participants by group assignment at the beginning of the
ric neurologists) in the metropolitan Atlanta area who interventions on chronological age; the MSEL standard
regularly see children who could meet the participant score on visual reception, fine motor skills, and receptive
selection criteria. Participant selection criteria included and expressive language; the MSEL composite t score;
an age range of between 24 and 36 months; a significant the Sequenced Inventory of Communication Develop-
risk for speech and language impairment, which was ment (SICD; Hendrick, Prather, & Tobin, 1984) receptive
operationally defined as not having begun to talk (as in- and expressive language age in months; the MacArthur
dicated by a vocabulary of at most 10 intelligible spoken Communicative Development Inventories (Fenson et al.,
words and a score of less than 12 months on the Ex- 1993) receptive and expressive vocabulary size; and the
pressive Language Scale of the Mullen Scales of Early Clinical Assessment of Language Comprehension (Paul
Learning [MSEL; Mullen, 1995]); at least primitive in- & Miller, 1995) raw score out of 9 on the Emerging Lan-
tentional communication abilities; upper extremity gross guage Scale. These intervention experiences were sup-
motor skills that permitted the child to touch the symbols plemental to other clinical services the children received.
on the SGD; a primary etiology other than delayed speech At the onset of the study, 74% of the children were en-
and language impairment, deafness/hearing impairment, rolled in state-funded early intervention services, and
or autism; and English as the primary language spoken 87% of the children received individual speech-therapy
at home. Parents received information about the study services. None of the children participated in a parent-
from a recruitment source and, if interested in partici- coached language intervention.
pating in the project, individually contacted project re- Six children (9%; 2 AC-I, 2 AC-O, and 2 SC) with-
searchers to discuss the child’s profile and schedule an drew from the intervention (reasons included time demand,
initial appointment with the principal investigator and
the project’s coordinating SLP. Table 1. Variable means at baseline by intervention group.
Intervention group
Across the 5-year period of the study, 93 parents Chronological age (months) 29 30 29 .01 .73
contacted project researchers about participating in the MSEL visual reception (SS) 29 32 32 .008 .78
study. Of these 93 families, 13 children did not meet the MSEL fine motor (SS) 26 24 28 .03 .36
participant selection criteria (usually the child had more MSEL receptive (SS) 28 29 27 .005 .87
than a 10 spoken word vocabulary), and an additional MSEL expressive (SS) 22 22 21 .02 .57
12 children who met the criteria did not complete the MSEL composite 60 59 59 .002 .94
SICD receptive (months) 18 20 19 .01 .67
preintervention assessment. Sixty-eight children were
SICD expressive (months) 12 13 13 .01 .70
randomly assigned to an intervention by a co-investigator
CDI receptive (vocabulary size) 114 144 155 .03 .43
who did not participate in the day-to-day interaction CDI expressive (vocabulary size)a 11 14 8 .03 .44
with the children. CALC (score out of 9) 8.0 8.6 7.7 .01 .72
Sixty-two children (91% of those children who began
the intervention; 43 boys, 19 girls; mean chronological Note. N = 62: 21 in AC-I, 20 in AC-O, and 21 in SC. The effect
size statistic (h2G) is the proportion of error variance accounted for by
age = 29.60 months, range from 21 to 40 months) com-
group per a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). AC-I = augmented
pleted the intervention. All but one of these children
communication input; AC-O = augmented communication output;
completed all 24 intervention sessions. One child in SC SC = spoken communication; MSEL = Mullen Scales of Early Learning;
completed 23 sessions; we used the child’s 23rd session SS = standard score; SICD = Sequenced Inventory of Communication
as the final session in our data analyses. The sample in- Development; CDI = MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories;
cluded 18, 7, and 37 children from African American, CALC = Clinical Assessment of Language Comprehension.
Asian, and Caucasian backgrounds, respectively. Medical a
CDI expressive vocabulary included an animal sounds category.
etiology included genetic syndromes (e.g., Down syn- Words in this category were not included in the calculation of fewer than
drome), seizure disorders, cerebral palsy, or unknown 10 words. Clinical observation and the MSEL expressive score were
conditions. All children had hearing and vision within utilized to ensure that the children were producing fewer than 10 words.
normal limits as described in intake reports. Eighty-eight
354 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 350–364 • April 2010
Table 2. Components of the three interventions.
Target vocabulary Individualized target vocabulary of Individualized target vocabulary of Individualized target vocabulary of
visual-graphic symbols + spoken visual-graphic symbols + spoken spoken words with use of ALL
words with use of ALL target words with use of ALL target target vocabulary during each
vocabulary during each session. vocabulary during each session. session. I/P had a card with all
I/P had a card with all target I/P had a card with all target target vocabulary listed.
vocabulary listed. vocabulary listed.
Mode I/P uses SGD to provide Child uses SGD to communicate. I/P and child use speech to
communication input to child. communicate.
Strategies I/P provides vocabulary models to I/P provides verbal and/or I/P provides verbal prompts so
child using the device; symbols are hand-over-hand prompts that the child produces spoken
positioned in the environment to so that the child produces words.
mark referents; I/P reinforces the communication using the SGD.
child’s productive communications.
Parent coaching I provides coaching for P. I provides coaching for P. I provides coaching for P.
Sample interaction Adult (A) and child (C: Emily) Adult (A) and child (C: Johnny) are Adult (A) and child (C: Lem)
are having snack. playing with blocks. are playing.
A: Mmm. A: Look Johnny. A: Let’s play with the truck.
A: Now what do you want? A: Here are the blocks. A: Look (A points to mouth).
A: COOKIE or CRACKER. A: Tell mama build. A: Look.
C vocalizes unintelligible and holds C: PLAY. A: /t/ /t/
out hand. A : Yep, we’re playin’. C: XX (vocalizes unintelligibly).
A: Cookie or cracker? A: Tell mama build (A taps on SGD). A: Truck.
C: CRACKER. A: Tell me build. C: XX.
A: Good. You want a cracker. C: BUILD (A provides A: Right?
A: OK. (A gives the cracker to Emily.) hand-over-hand assistance.) A: Look at my face.
A: That tastes good. A: Alright.
Note. Words in caps indicate speech-generating device (SGD) use. I = interventionist; P = parent; XX = unintelligible vocalization. The interventionist
treatment implementation manual is available from the authors upon request (Romski & Cheslock, 2000).
that the interventionist implemented with the child and lightweight, modestly priced SGDs that employed
answered the parent’s questions about the interactions. direct selection to access the device, had a digitized
Beginning in the 9th session, the parent joined the ses- voice, and were adequate for the needed target vocab-
sion for the last 10 min (snack), implemented the interven- ulary size represented via visual graphic symbols.
tion routines, and received coaching by the interventionist. The SGD inventory included CheapTalk, Communi-
General coaching included, for example, instructing par- cation Builder, GoTalk, TechSpeak, and TechTalk. If a
ents to shorten their utterance length, to give the child a child gestured or signed during the intervention, it
choice between two toys or books or snacks, and to pause was accepted as part of the child’s general communi-
and slow the interaction down so that the child had a cation, but there were no signed target vocabulary
chance to communicate. Specific coaching focused on items.
how to implement each intervention (e.g., model SGD Intervention strategies. All three interventions were
use in AC-I, use hand-over-hand prompts in AC-O, focus presented in a naturalistic fashion individualized for
on producing speech sounds in SC). Beginning in the each child rather than a specific number of trials or
16th session, the parent led the remaining sessions, in- opportunities. They shared some general intervention
cluding the last 6 sessions at home. The interventionist strategies, such as age-appropriate naturalistic rou-
continued to provide coaching as needed. Intervention tines, environmental arrangement, provision of choices,
sessions were videotaped through the one-way mirror or and pausing to “encourage” communication. It is the
from a discrete location at home. mode in which the strategies were implemented and
Mode. For mode, SC intervention used speech in- whether a response was required that differentiated the
put and output. The AC-I and AC-O interventions used interventions.
356 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 350–364 • April 2010
Falling/rising intonation and the presence of a pause agreement in the number of target words identified
helped determine the completion of a thought. To in- across the two versions of the transcripts, and the num-
clude SGD symbol use as utterances, our transcription ber of target words identified correlated very highly
manual added, “If a person takes a communicative turn between each version of the transcript (r = .99, p < .001).
that consists only of a nonverbal communicative act, Kappas for the agreement between the two coders were
this act should be recorded as an utterance” (Romski & .98, .97, and 1.00 for AC-I, AC-O, and SC, respectively.
Cheslock, 2004). Utterances were transcribed as unintel- The overall weighted kappa was .97 and characterized
ligible (XX is the SALT convention) when the transcriber as excellent by Fleiss (1981).
was unable to understand the speaker’s vocalization after The SALT program was used to automatically cal-
listening to the utterance three times. An utterance with culate 6 child and 3 adult communication interaction mea-
any unintelligible parts was considered unintelligible. sures from the reliable transcripts. The child measures
To ensure that the transcripts were reliable, three included the number of augmented and/or spoken words
independent reviews were conducted. A second trained employed during the session, the mean length of utterance
transcriber independently reviewed every transcript in morphemes ( MLUm; calculated by dividing the total
while watching the videotaped interaction and made number of morphemes the child or parent used in a
corrections and changes as appropriate according to transcript by the total number of speaker utterances),
SALT conventions and the transcription manual. A third type/token ratio (calculated by dividing the total number
trained transcriber then independently error checked the of different words spoken by the child [i.e., types] by the
augmented and spoken word codes assigned to the target total number of words spoken by the child [i.e., tokens]),
words in each transcript to ensure that the appropriate total turns (SALT defined a speaker turn as one or more
codes were assigned to the appropriate target words as consecutive utterances by a single speaker; these were
defined by the transcription manual. Finally, a fourth summed to determine total turns), mean length of turn
trained transcriber independently reviewed each tran- in utterances (calculated by dividing the number of ut-
script while watching the videotaped interaction and made terances used by the speaker by the number of turns
appropriate changes to ensure maximum accuracy. taken by the speaker), and proportion of intelligible ut-
terances (calculated by dividing the number of speaker
Child and Parent Language intelligible utterances by the total number of speaker
utterances). The parent measures calculated were MLUm,
and Communication Measures mean length of turn in utterances, and total turns.
As the SALT transcripts were created, the tran-
scriber also coded each transcript for target augmented
and spoken word use by the child and the parent or in-
terventionist. The transcriber was given a list of the Results
target vocabulary for the specific child. Target augment- Preintervention Group Comparisons
ed word use was defined as touching a visual-graphic
symbol representing a target vocabulary item on an SGD Comparisons of the three groups were conducted to
that produced a digitized equivalent of the English word. assess possible group differences on a set of variables
Target spoken word use was defined as the production of (see Table 1). One-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs)
a combination of sounds that was consistently used by revealed weak and insignificant differences on all the
the child and interpreted by the listener as a target variables. This finding indicates that the three groups
word. Only spontaneous (nonimitative or nonprompted) were well matched in terms of the variables that were
augmented and spoken word use was included in the measured before intervention.
analyses. In the infrequent event that a child used two
different symbols or a symbol and a spoken word, sepa-
rate codes (one for each target vocabulary item) were Length of Intervention Implementation
employed. A code was placed at the utterance level to The median number of actual weeks required for a
denote a combination of symbols or symbols and words, parent–child pair to complete the intervention was 16,
but this code is not analyzed in this study. 16, and 15 for AC-I, AC-O, and SC, respectively (ranges
To determine reliability for the coded augmented and were 10–23, 12–23, and 10–28, respectively, except for
spoken target vocabulary words, 20% of the 124 tran- one AC-I outlier at 51 weeks). Delays were due primarily
scripts (n = 24) were randomly selected, balanced across to child illness, family vacation periods, or family sched-
intervention and Sessions 18 and 24, to compare the uling conflicts. There were no significant correlations
number of available target words identified by the between the length of intervention in weeks and the chil-
independent transcribers in the third and final version dren’s target vocabulary, defined as the combined use of
of the transcripts. The transcribers demonstrated 86% augmented and spoken words for a target vocabulary item,
Table 4. Augmented word use by children in the AC-I and AC-O interventions.
Session 18 Session 24
No. of augmented words used 9.3 (6.4) 14.4 (9.5) 9.4 (7.0) 14.9 (10.0) .11 .04
% of target augmented words 50 (23) 68 (19) 50 (25) 66 (26) .14 .02
Note. Scores are means (with standard deviations in parentheses); n = 21 and 20 for AC-I and AC-O groups, respectively;
h2G is the AC-I versus AC-O effect size per a Group × Session ANOVA. Scores at the start of intervention were zero.
358 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 350–364 • April 2010
Table 5. Spoken word use by children in the AC-I, AC-O, and SC interventions.
Session 18 Session 24
Note. No. of different spoken words used and % target spoken words are means for children who used at least one word (with
standard deviations in parentheses); n = 10, 12, and 5 for Session 18, and 6, 12, and 7 for Session 24 for the AC-I, AC-O, and SC
groups, respectively. h2Gs are group effect sizes per one-way ANOVAs for Sessions 18 and 24 separately, p > .50 for all.
the AC-I group and 4.50 and 6.50 for the AC-O group, Child and Parent
respectively. Per repeated measures ANOVAs for each
group, effect sizes were moderate but, due to the small n,
Communication Interaction
statistically insignificant, ph2 = .20 and .17, p = .46 and Child and parent MLUm, mean length of turn ( ML
.27, for the AC-I and AC-O groups, respectively. turn), and number of total turns and child type/token
The odds that children in the AC-I and AC-O inter- ratio, utterance intelligibility, and utterance rate were
ventions would use spoken words at Session 18 was 2.9 assessed for the three intervention groups. Total child
and 4.8 greater than the odds that children in the SC and parent turns and child utterance rate intercorre-
intervention would, although only the latter was statis- lated at .95 or better for all sessions; nonetheless, even
tically significant (95% confidence intervals [CIs] = 0.78– though these three variables can be viewed as essen-
10.9 and 1.25–18.4, p = .11 and .02, respectively). tially the same variable, means for all three are given
Corresponding odds ratios for children in the AC-I or here for descriptive purposes. Additionally, these three
AC-O interventions at Session 24 were 0.8 and 3.0 variables all correlated at .50 or better with parent ML
(95% CIs = 0.21–3.0 and 0.84–10.7, p = .74 and .09), turn. Intervention Group × Session ANOVAs with ses-
respectively. sion as a repeated measure ( baseline, Session 18, Ses-
sion 24) showed significant session effects for all of these
variables except parent MLUm (see Table 6). Tukey ad hoc
Vocabulary Size analyses revealed that Sessions 18 and 24 differed from
Because augmented words were the functional baseline ( p < .05) for the remaining eight variables.
equivalents of spoken words for the children in the AC-I With the exception of child type/token ratio and child ut-
and AC-O interventions, we tallied the combined use terance intelligibility (discussed in the next paragraph),
of augmented and spoken words for a target vocabulary
item to gain a common measure of “vocabulary size” across
Figure 1. Vocabulary size means for augmented communication
all three interventions. For children in the AC-I and AC-O
input (AC-I), augmented communication output (AC-O), and spoken
interventions, a child was given credit for only one vo-
communication (SC) intervention groups at Sessions 18 and 24. Black
cabulary item if a vocabulary item was represented by indicates that only an augmented word was used, white that only a
an augmented and a spoken word. Considering both aug- spoken word was used, and gray that both an augmented and
mented and spoken words increased the scores shown spoken word were used.
in Table 5 by about one item or a couple of percentage
points and showed the same pattern of AC-I versus AC-O
difference but little difference due to session. An ANOVA
that included scores for all children (including zeros)
indicated group effects for both Sessions 18 and 24,
F(2, 59) = 25.6 and 20.5, h2 = .47 and .41, respectively;
p < .001 for both. A Tukey ad hoc test revealed that all
three groups differed significantly on vocabulary size at
Session 18; the mean for SC was significantly lower than
both AC-I and AC-O, and AC-I was also significantly
lower than AC-O. Another Tukey ad hoc test revealed
that the SC group mean was significantly lower than
both the AC-O and AC-I group means at Session 24 (see
Figure 1).
Child MLUm 0.91 (0.17) 0.98 (0.08) 0.99 (0.09) .15 <.001
Child ML turn 1.10 (0.09) 1.19 (0.16) 1.18 (0.18) .14 <.001
Child type/token ratio .07 (.07) .12 (.08) .14 (.08) .26 <.001
Child utterance intelligibility .09 (.14) .35 (.28) .41 (.29) .59 <.001
Child utterance rate 3.40 (2.48) 5.57 (3.06) 5.22 (3.22) .26 <.001
Child total turns 91 (65) 134 (76) 131 (78) .26 <.001
Parent MLUm 3.37 (0.62) 3.42 (0.57) 3.46 (0.56) .02 .38
Parent ML turn 12.05 (13.35) 6.82 (5.41) 7.05 (6.67) .17 <.001
Parent total turns 91 (60) 128 (67) 133 (71) .27 <.001
Note. Scores are means (with standard deviations in parentheses); n = 62 for each session. ph2S is the session effect size from
a Group × Session ANOVA. MLUm = mean length of utterance in morphemes; ML turn = mean length of turn.
group effects for the other variables were weak and not on the communication of very young children with de-
statistically significant (h2G ranged from .02 to .06, velopmental delays and fewer than 10 spoken words at
p > .10), and except for child type/token ratio and the onset of intervention. Using a random assignment to
utterance intelligibility, no Group × Session interac- intervention group, we found that all children in both
tions were significant. AC-O (the production intervention) and AC-I (the com-
Child type/token ratio and child utterance intelligi- prehension intervention) used augmented words for
bility correlations were .25, .67, and .61 at baseline, Ses- communication, and more children in both augmented
sion 18, and Session 24, respectively. The group effect was interventions produced target spoken words than did
significant for both (h2G = .30 and .49; p < .001 for both), and the children in the spoken language intervention. Con-
as just noted, the session and group main effects were trary to our initial hypothesis, children who were ran-
qualified with a Group × Session interaction (h2G × S = domly assigned to AC-O gained more than did children
.087 and .31, p = .04 and < .001, for child type/token ratio assigned to AC-I. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that
and utterance intelligibility, respectively), although this in both augmented interventions, children made signifi-
was marginal for type/token ratio. For type/token ratio, cant gains in target augmented word use after just 18 ses-
baseline differed from Sessions 18 and 24 for all groups, sions of parent-coached intervention and maintained their
but the difference was considerably greater for the AC-I target augmented word use at 24 sessions after the inter-
and AC-O groups than for the SC group—thus the signif- vention was transferred to the children’s homes. These
icant Group × Session interaction. Specifically, baseline, results lend support to previous findings that parents
Session 18, and Session 24 type/token ratio means were are able to implement augmented language interventions
.09, .16, and .16 for the AC-I intervention and .07, .14, (e.g., Binger et al., 2008; Romski et al., 2007). Parent coach-
and .17 for the AC-O intervention but .05, .06, and .08 for ing is also a viable approach by which to integrate parents
the SC intervention. Finally, for utterance intelligibility, into an augmented intervention.
group means averaged over sessions differed significantly With respect to the development of target spoken
from each other (.31, .44, and .10 for AC-I, AC-O, and SC, word vocabulary, the effects were modest for children in
respectively). Moreover, baseline differed from Session 18 all three interventions. A small number of children pro-
only for AC-I and AC-O, whereas Session 24 differed for duced a small percentage of their target word vocabulary
all groups—hence the significant Group × Session inter- in spoken words. The children who received AC-O, how-
action. Specifically, baseline, Session 18, and Session 24 ever, were more likely to produce spoken words at 18 ses-
utterance intelligibility means were .07, .42, and .48 for sions and maintain them at 24 sessions than children in
the AC-I intervention and .15, .53, and .63 for the AC-O either the AC-I or SC interventions. This result supports
intervention but .06, .10, and .13 for the SC intervention. the extant research with older children with developmen-
tal delays (Millar et al., 2006) and the clinical literature
showing that AAC intervention does not hinder the
Discussion development of speech for young children (Cress & Marvin,
2003). It is also consistent with the results of Yoder and
The results of this study suggest that parent-coached Stone’s (2006) randomized comparison of Responsive
augmented language interventions have a positive effect Education and Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching ( RPMT;
360 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 350–364 • April 2010
Yoder & Warren, 2002) and the Picture Exchange Com- outcome when either augmented input or output is the
munication System ( PECS; Bondy & Frost, 1994) with intervention focus. Like the process observed in typi-
young children with autism. They reported that PECS, cal children developing first words, an integrated use
which employed symbols but no SGD, had a more rapid of comprehension and production may permit children
effect on spoken word production than did RPMT. Sim- with developmental delays who are not speaking to ob-
ilar to our findings, however, the increases in spoken serve and to actively engage in the communicative pro-
word production were also very modest. In fact, these cess while also taking on the role of speaker. Again, like
findings suggest that AAC intervention actually facil- very young typical children, children with developmen-
itates speech better than spoken language alone, albeit tal delays who use limited to no speech should have the
very slowly. It is not known how the development of speech opportunity to be exposed to a mode for language pro-
would continue if the duration of the three interventions duction as they are also beginning to use it. Given typical
were increased. development and our own research findings about achieve-
When augmented and spoken target words were ment patterns with school-age children (Romski & Sevcik,
combined to create vocabularies, it became even more 1996), it may be important to alter the focus of augmented
evident that the children who received AC-O and AC-I language interventions with very young children to com-
interventions had acquired more expressive language bine input and output with mode. As Reichle et al. (1998)
than the children who received the contrast SC inter- and Romski and Sevcik (1996) have speculated, children
vention. This result highlights the important role AAC may be using spoken input to attach to symbol output.
interventions can play at a very early age for children Parents of the children in the spoken and augmented
who are having difficulty with speech and language de- output interventions provided more spoken input to
velopment. Target vocabulary size also increased for the their children than did parents in augmented input inter-
children in the AC-O and AC-I interventions because vention. The children in the augmented output interven-
they were learning an expressive vocabulary (via an- tion, however, were able to take on the role of speaker,
other mode) and their target vocabulary needed to be which may then essentially change the dynamic between
expanded to meet their developing communication the parent and the child.
Although on average the intervention took a month
longer to complete than we originally estimated, this ex-
Limitations of This Study
tended time frame did not (positively or negatively) There are a number of study limitations that must
affect the children’s performance. It is striking that in a be considered. First, in this study, we employed a con-
relatively short period of time the children in the AC-I trast group design with random assignment to group
and AC-O interventions made the communication where we compared the two augmented interventions
progress they did. Both augmented language interven- with a standard spoken language intervention. We did
tions provided a way for the children to communicate not employ a nontreated control group, so we cannot rule
with their parents via augmented and spoken words out the role of maturation in these findings. We are
after only 18 sessions of intervention and to maintain currently conducting a study that compares AC-O with a
them at home at 24 sessions. Having a way to com- hybrid intervention ACIO (a combination of AC-O and
municate increased child utterance intelligibility and AC-I) and uses a wait-list control design to determine the
type/token ratio and facilitated parent–child interac- effects of time on communication outcomes. On a related
tion. Although parent MLUm remained stable across the point, 6 children we originally intended to treat withdrew
intervention, turns changed. Parents in all three inter- from the study before outcome measures were collected on
ventions took shorter but more turns. them, and they were not included in the analyses. These
Children who were given augmented input in the children were equally distributed across the three inter-
form of augmented and spoken words did develop aug- ventions, and their preintervention profiles were com-
mented and spoken word skills, but children who were parable to the children who completed the study. It is
asked to produce augmented words spoke more. This com- thus unlikely that they would have altered the results
parison suggests that the relationship between compre- substantially.
hension and production of augmented and spoken words is Second, this sample was a self-selected group of
more complex than we initially hypothesized. Blockberger parents and children from the broad area of metropol-
and Sutton (2003) discussed the importance of this rela- itan Atlanta. Although parents who chose to participate
tionship but suggested that very little is known about in this study were from diverse backgrounds, they were
how the two interface to facilitate language development generally highly educated and on average in their 30s.
through augmented means. Our present work begins to They were able and willing to commit approximately
suggest the complexity of the relationship in terms of 2 hr of time every week for at least 12 weeks to participate
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364 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 53 • 350–364 • April 2010
Randomized Comparison of Augmented and Nonaugmented Language
Interventions for Toddlers With Developmental Delays and Their Parents
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